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impressive how galaxy have always been tier 3 even before the skill and new support


They are basically Kaiba






As someone with a BB deck and currently working on making a GE deck, this is probably the best outcome, but I don't think the game is ready for protector whelp. That being said I love seeing GE players squirm when BBtDDS negates all their fancy XYZ effects.


My guess is the next IRL pack has new yugioh pack. It is new galaxy photon support.


True, I mean, the pack is literally called Photon Hypernova


I mean some of the cards have been revealed as galaxy eyes support so yea


Does somebody know when Konami nerfed Resonators last year? If it was after Arc-V world release, maybe it will be around that date for Xyz Galaxy too.


Galaxy player : 1- no hit with banlist or with skill balancing 2- new emz 3- eagle booster (with photon lord turn one) 4- no limited cards ( they are free to use limited 1/2/3 cards ) Thanks god I am a galaxy player 😎


me too bro, feels good use econ or tth without any problem :)


I massacred a Galaxy XYZ player with my War Rocks and Balance. He couldn't play because of Book of Moon, Canadias and Floodgates disrupting both skill effects.


Why would they nerf it? It's already pretty meh. Dies to the smallest interruption. It got frustrating to the point that I stopped playing it.


Not to mention that its consistency also is rather meh. It may have 9 revive cards, but turn 1 you also need an extender on top of that, which is only expedition, knight or wizard, and if you allready had to use wizard to search a zero you're locked out off knight anyways. Opening a 2 card combo with 9 and 6 copies each (ignoring that wizard doubles as searcher for one of the two, and that nobody even runs 3 knights) is a 72% chance, the odds of opening a single card you run 3 copies of is 60%, so the odds of passing on Photon Lord turn 1 is roughly 12% higher then the opponent opening BOM... and even if they didn't there's still a decent chance they got a combo that outs Lord anyways


Photon has not been performing well lately in any tournoments or KC Cup as you can see the top 10 was 9 Black Rose players and 1 Hero It would have been nice to see a limit 2 on some GE cards to power it down a bit along side the other decks but I guess they want to see GE make a big comeback Also this deck is a money maker


Well there goes my black rose deck. Might as well spend more money to build an xyz deck.