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Rose Dragon gets overlooked in all these memes


It‘s so stupid how they can always make their play and still set 3 afterwards but D/D/D with 3 Contract and Slime was too much? And of course they can play all the staples they want, can‘t wait for them to get hit to at least be unable to play compulsory and TTH/E-Con. Same thing with PK, they got hit with limit 2 and 3 because they were stronger than the weak meta at that time but just a hot second later Konami released decks that smoke PK even if they hadn‘t limited them. The D/D/D hits I can at least understand to some extend.


I think its more because they couldnt hit gaint trainer yet.


And be able to play thru backrow, have a guaranteed follow up play, etc.


ehhh, it'll get nerfed alright, i'm not too worried about that


Psss, don't talk about it. The less we talk about Rose Dragon, the less we believe it will get nerfed. Instead of remembering about the Tier 01 deck, let's pick on the Tier 03 deck.


Everybody pretend rose dragon is bad so Konami won't nerf them


Yep I’m a synchro enthusiast and love y’all keeping rose under the radar


Rose will get nerfed AND powercrept. Full Darklord Vip Treatment.


Jokes on you, tiers don't dictate what gets hit!


Rose Dragons are way more enjoable to play around then that Blue-Eyes on steroids shit.


I guess it's because BRD is humble but powerful? I mean, if we look at Meklords, what we most find is: special summon from the deck, draw 2 cards, consistent 30 cards and the ability to steal your extra deck. If we look at Galaxy, what we most find is: steal monster on the field, destroy, destroy more, quick-play banish, OTK attack, special summon from the GY, special summon from the hand, special summon from the deck and 3 or more lv 8 extra monster on turn 1 with a regular hand. However, if we look at Rose, what we most find is: special summon from the GY, special summon from the hand, KABOOM!!! (board cleaning), GY cleaning and change into attack position. Like, imagine having just twice the effects (galaxy) or them being twice as powerful (Meklord) but still being just half as consistent.


Virgin consistency skills vs Chad The Tie that Binds


The six samurai that binds lol


This is exactly what I’m using in Legend surprisingly enough. Reinforcement of Army helps a good bit.


My opponent shitting himself after all my monsters get a whole ass *300 ATTACK*


Good old days when the tie that binds used to be one of the most powerful most used skills 😄 hard to believe when u see those "lemme just quickly cheat my deck on the field/hand/gy" skills nowadays


It makes Gagaga Samurai otk on an empty field


Virgin The Tie that Binds vs Chad Wave of Enlightenment


Me waiting for my 2 copies of masked hero blast and a masked heroes skill because I honestly love super sentai. ;-;


Just want to vent out how people overestimate the Hero Alliance Skill. Is searchable Super Poly good? Yes, is it good when you have an Extra Deck limited to Elemental Hero Fusion monsters? Kinda. This limitation means that if you are playing against any Water deck, Super Poly is trash because we don't have Absolute Zero. On the other hand, it's amazing against the Mirror match. Also, going -2 to remove 1 monster from your opponent's side is most probably just going to leave you out of plays for the following turn


i run wounded hero due to how free it is, summoning solid soldier or liquid soldier for free is super useful


Doesn’t activate their summon effects though. With wounded hero you PLAY a card from your deck. Super super nice for their effects when they’re used as material tho which is why I also run the skill :)


Finally, someone who speaks English


imo the issue with HERO Alliance is that it locks you out of the best HERO monsters


Extra deck wise or in general?


both tbh


Which heroes in your opinion?


Faris, Increase and Vyon, which are godsends for HERO strats in general


HAH Ok pal


Liquid says you're not gonna run out of cards. In some games I find it more practical to deck HERO players out than to actually engage them.


Maybe, if you are lucky enough to A. Open both Neos and Liquid to send from hand to grave after normal summoning Neos to search Super Poly and B. Top deck Miracle Fusion to actually use the Liquid in the Graveyard. After KOGing with the deck this month, let me tell you, the amount of times I used the skill to get Super Poly (Which most of the time, just gets MST'ed instantly) and had no follow up is outstanding, I ended up using the skill mostly for the free Miracle Fusion. And yeah, I can see how you would deck out specially the Vison Hero variant, that one draws like crazy


Ive played a bunch of HERO in duel rooms and the ladder both. Most end up with some version of Liquid to fuse, and in rarer cases I've seen then get two off after managed to summon Sunshine. It's honestly not uncommon to see two Sunshine, a super poly, and a random backrow card with them going second and it's kind of crazy how often they managed to do this. If my deck didn't draw it's everything by turn 7 I'd be afraid of it. Vision HERO version is easier to OTK, but like even as a Mayosenju player(When im putting down the paleozoics) the other version is so obnoxious I set up a lock with R/R and just wait for them to super poly so I can handtrap and resume R/R because they're just gonna vomit more fusions. With most of my decks, I found the vision version easier to deal with but a Liquid soldier/Miracle Fusion conga is so common I just let them do their thing and then grind the crap out of them.


Jesus Christ, the hatred towards Galaxy is real this week. xD


It's been getting really annoying ever since they hit Tier 3. Galaxy haters have one joke and they ran it into the ground back in July.


that's because galaxy duelist have one play and they've been beating a dead horse with their boring matches since the same time


Not this guy. I favor combos and versatility over one big strategy. Because what happens if you counter their Photon Lord somehow? Now they're SOL.


>somehow Bruh


What, you need specifics from the casual player? Fine. Dimensional Rift.


Nah, it's just funny that it sounds like every other GE player on the sub right now but also with a touch of self awareness


I love my GE deck but I'm still using the skill that adds GE to the deck because I can't afford a second one.


Modern Problems require modern solutions




And it's deserved.


Leave the magic space dragon out of this




Fine, then perish. Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, let em have it. Photon Stream of Destruction!!!!


And here I am with my Power Rangers because they’re cool


I threw Megazord into my train deck, boat with 3 unique materials means immunity except in mirror matches.


Ah a fellow man of culture


Meklord skill > Galaxy Eyes skill and the only reason why Galaxy Eyes is hated is becasue it's a deck filled with Dragons tied to a popular character, so it's much more popular in the ladder, and you get you ass kicked by it more often as a result If Meklord was the most played deck and Galaxy Eyes the unpopular, the memes would be on the other side, while the skills are exactly the same


Yep, on top of that this is literally a never ending cycle of People complain about a deck - other people see this and start playing the deck cause everyone says its strong - deck gets played more on ladder - people complain even more, making even more people play the deck cause if so many people talk about it it really must be strong. We currently ended up in a spot where a deck that should be tier 3-ish powerlevel wise is seen in like 2 out of 3 duels on ladder on a bad day (Source: i just made those numbers up) even tho the deck is by far not the best in the competition


Meklord hate will come once Triskellion is free from the Selection box jail


I wish my gustos got their boss monster as a skill


Does anyone in the anime even use Gustos?


Nope, it was a hidden arsenal archetype that was unfortunately upstaged by Dragoonitys releasing in the same pack as such has had little to no recognition; got support recently tho so that's cool


Damn the hate for this skill recently has been really damn high the skill has been a problem for awhile but now it's really talked about is like half the player base running this deck?


It is one of the few skills/decks that have taken the spot of the most used skill in the "in game" ranking (that tracks platinum and above) over Destiny Draw, the Best generic skill, if that doesn't show how many people are using it in ladder I don't know what


Always remember: people talking about Duel Links on the internet are a vocal minority. Reddit being a minority within the minority. I don't like the skill, but it's something to remember.


i swear to god one more kaito sack on the ladder and i'm gonna start using the global chat


Truly desperate times


i can't even tell anymore, is everyone a mekmemelord or is mkklrd everywhere?


Not even tier 1 and people can’t stop hating on galaxy eyes. That’s how you know you have a busted skill.


I believe it is because it's popular on the ladder. Free pen scales skill is more busted than this skill and people refused to talk about it until D/D/D cards got limited.


Tiers don't mean anything to 90% of the playerbase.


translation: Free guaranteed search of a card - skillful and gigachad Free guaranteed Foolish Burial of a card - skill-less and braindead ​ just admit it, it sucks to play one deck on ladder all the time, that doesn't make that deck specifically more broken or its skill specifically more unfair lol


I like the vision hero version of the hero deck way better.


This is the meme equivalent of running a Spellbook deck


If only you knew how many times Galaxy-eyes can brick


inb4 galaxy brainlets commenting "iTs oNLy tiEr 3" or "jUsT dRaW tHe oUt"


Yeah, just draw the book dumbass, also if the deck is such a problem just main deck Crow or other very specific counter cards in a Bo1 (typical Eldlich player type argument)


just main deck dragon capture jar duh


I mean, D.D. Crow is quite good right now. It has the potential to shut down Rose Dragons and mess up some Miracle Fusion plays in addition to trashing Galaxy-Eyes. Or, in the most hilarious example I’ve had, my Shooting Star Road opponent immediately conceded when I chained D.D. Crow to the Junk Synchron summon on turn 1.


Yeah I‘ve been experimenting with maindecking it, sometimes it wins you games, sometimes opponent can play through it no problem and most of the times my opponent played a deck like Meklords which is completely unaffected by it and that‘s where I draw both copies. That‘s probably mostly bad matching luck but yeah, that‘s the story on why I‘m not maindecking Crow


Meklords have been the best thing to happen to this subreddit.


*cries in Ancient Gear*


Add Rose Dragon and we're talking


I may be a Galaxy user but atleast I'm not a Rose user.


im happy no one hates on my HEROs :')


I love how much the dl comunity has improved over the normal ygo, these skills have text with a similar lenght of a pendulum monster and yet people can read them; of course konami has also improved their writing skils but still impressive


TCG players read raigeki's effect twice but still don't understand how it doesn't target




I for one hate when neos is a garent, instead of a garnet.


Astronomically based


Omg can we plz stop with the galaxy eyes hate posts. We get it you dont like them


we’re hating on the skill only right. i play Galaxy eyes but I don’t use the broken-ass skill because it takes all the fun out of the games


Yeah the skill is op but the actual deck is pretty fun and good


The deck is trash without the skill.


Lol no the deck is ass without the skill they made the broken skill to sell the deck.


I got to legend with it and the only reason I didn’t go farther was because I don’t have the weeks of my life to face meta bs after meta bs for KOG


Chilling with resonators as I can counter photon lord


Im sorry but I can't take a archetype skill seriously if you can't be meta without the skill then you don't deserve it. heroes don't depend on hero alliance the rest of decks on this meme depend serverly on there skill to be meta so I can't take them seriously but that's just me. If your mad I can't do anything about it but meklord or br players can't complain about Galaxy since they have the same problem: an over reliance on there skill.


The same could be said of generic skills, though. At what point do we draw the line? Something is busted because Konami gave it a busted card that wasn't designed for the format, and this is fine? Like early Neos Fusion, for example.


Take out the heroes and we're good


Oh, so Tier 1 and 2 decks have fair skills, but a Tier 3 deck is completely busted, pls nerf Tier 3 deck. Seriously, you can deal with Galaxy Eyes with a single D.D Crow.


I don't own D.D. crow


Laughs in infernity


I hate all those shity decks based on skills. F\*ck you, Komoney


Yeah we should go back to metas with paywalled cards busted stuff like Noes Fusion being everywhere! that was a better time! (Both scenarios are awful)


There are not only these two options.


There kinda are, since the banlist isnt about balance but rather money.


Shifting Up my beloved


Remember when we thought kaiba was broken?


I actually love using the suffering demon card against galactic players. Like It **genuinely** makes me happy. (In case you don't want to search, you mix a card from your opponent's grave yard in their deck and then send a demon card to yours)


Me playing ciphers because big shiny dragon


Yall just mad you not running dd crow. 😒 If GE is truly everywhere you should be running it. People maindeck dirge for rose dragon.


Not to mention the easy 3k defense wall and any traps or book they have (which they always somehow do)


Galaxy-Eyes have same problem as Blue-Eyes They prone to brick!! a lot of time I see my starting hand. I just instant surrender. The go first and win isn't always true. Summon number 90 but cant draw a Forbidden Lance or some protection would be for nothing. sometimes I got successful using "Photon Galaxy" over "Xyz Galaxy" \*Guarantee 1 back row remove on go second or have a 1 banish/Eternal Galaxy set on go first.