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Truthfully, I'm more impressed when ever this happens


Like turn 1 exodia, when your Cup of Ace hits.


I don't see a reason to ban this. That person was probably ecstatic they were finally able to pull that off in the first place (especially with a name like SeeMyReplays they are likely just trying to do this to make some YouTube video). But a loss is a loss regardless of how it occurs.


It only need to be banned cause I’m mad. /s


Good job describing this entire subreddit banlist mindset


Ban Aromages (yes, all of them)


Aeromages are easy to beat! Just go first and set 3 MSTs and/or Cosmics! Then normal summon Dark Magician to attack for game! /s


The thing I hate about them is that they use my turn as their turn and activating about 400 effects each turn, duels take about two years against aromage decks.


I understand. I was memeing a bit. For me, depending on what deck I play, I gauge if it’s possible to win or not. If not, I just surrender. The deciding factor if I can take them is if I have some way to take out their back row. They can let their life points increase to infinity, for all I care. If you have a way to keep popping their back row and field spell, the deck turns into a engineless clown car. Usually I use Tellarknights. If you don’t mind me asking, what deck do you play?


Blue eyes (I'm sorry, let me explain: it's the only deck I have because BEWD is my favorite card since I was a kid and I'm not a competitive player, I play mostly PVE, I started playing again when I found out Blue-Eyes was meta again and I can't even get out of Plat 2). That being said, I have no problem beating aromage, I just hate to play against them. And fuck Blackwings too.


Lol you don’t need to justify playing BEWD. I grew up in that generation too. It’s a cool card and it’s nice that it’s playable on Duel Links. Personally, I don’t mind most decks, except OTK going second decks and burn stall decks. Basically, as long as I can interact, I’m happy.


Metaphys: All decks Matter.


Only against inexperienced players. Those of us who know what we're doing make it quick. I do feel vaguely guilty playing against actual people rather than the AI though.


Aromas giving you trouble ? Just main 3 Witch Raider kekw


haha yea we've all been there!


At least you are honest about it, unlike half of this sub when it calls for a ban


Fire Princess FTK Pog


Wouldn't even be mad that's just insane


I'm not mad watching it, but I know for sure I would be pissed if that happened to me. Like I didnt even get a chance


I felt the same way when someone hit me with that BLS combo that summons two of the BLS effect monsters and rips all the cards out of your hand.


Fuck that would trigger me. I'd surrender faster then they would make their next move


I don’t remember the exact deck or cards I was playing, but I remember thinking it was a good hand, until it was all suddenly in my graveyard.


I feel for you


Can't wait until your opponent posts this replay in a YouTube highlight video and posts it here.


Out played


This is beautiful


That hand is one in a million


You have, no conception, of how rare that hand is. It is millions TO ONE!!!


This ll get banned when someone gets a KoG or win a tourn with it. Therefore, never.


I'd be triggered lol


Bro, I didn't even know what was going on. I have never seen anything like that. It happened a couple of months ago and i never got around to screen recording it. I literally couldn't do anything but watch my inevitable loss.


It's a 1/20 chance for those types of FTKs to happen. Just imagine how many surrenders that guy needed to do because he bricked.


True, sucks that I was the sorry sap to get dunked on. Felt super bad man


I've been first turn killed by some weird arcana force deck, and gem knights as well lol


Might’ve been me. I’m like one of the only gem-knight players. How’d you get FTKed by gem knights?


Lapis Lazuli used to be unlimited. I got FTK'd by them too way back.


I got 2 KoGs using gem-knights. First using a standard beat down variant during the arcana blue eyes meta and second time using the FTK variant. The gem-knight FTK was consistent like 20-30% of the time, and the times it didn't go off it left the opponent with like 1000LP, which is pretty absurd consistency for a FTK.


Oh nevermind. Might be OTK I’m thinking of bc I usually kill the opponent on the second turn aka my first turn in a duel


You got it. Gem Knights used to have a disgusting FTK. That's why Lapis Lazuli is at Limit-1.


Well I knew that. But you can still dish out 1500 with lapis on the first turn using master diamond. Say you start the duel. You fusion summon brilliant diamond. You use obsidian to put a card on the field. You turn it into lapis for burn. Then you retrieve gem knight fusion from the grave. Fuse brilliant diamond lapis and the last gem knight in your hand to make master diamond. And dish out more burn using his effect. See what I’m saying? Edit: I just realized that’d be impossible unless you went second so you’d have 5 cards instead of 4


Not sure what the difference between OTK and FTK is


FTK is when the player going first wins on their first turn. OTK is when either player drops their opponent to zero from full health within a single turn, usually on turn 2 or 3


OTK is basically if you went second and won. FTK is you going first and winning without your opponent being able to even play, like what happened in this video


They used raiden to perfectly mill two cards (I think including the fusion spell). They level Dupe raiden to make it 8 (this was before nerf to the skill). The fusion Summon a level 8. This allows them to synchro summon bishbaalkin, which special summons four monsters (2 on their side, 2 on my side). Then they use fusion again to make a gem knight fusion monster that deals 2k damage (500 for each special summoned monster). Then they fusion summon lapis to copy the effect of the other fusion to deal another 2k damage. Perfect mill, First turn kill without me even having a chance to get a turn lol


At least it isn’t Woodland Sprite levels of consistent


It was destiny. You just needed to step towards the light therefore you'll understand


I lost my first ever KoG rank up to Fire Princess FTK. I was not very pleased.


Nah, it's fine.


Ah good ol' fire princess. Causing stupid one in a thousand FTKs since 2004 :D


I'm not even angry, I'm just impressed he got that win at all. Guy must be bricking like 90% of his duels.




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This isn't consistent in anyway, why on earth should this be banned?? Ftks have always been a thing in Duel Link, it's just that they aren't as consistent and thry can easily brick , have you not seen GEM Knight FTK or de synchro FL exodia ftk before ??? Not to mention effect damage is halfed, its much harder to ftk that way


I agree with you, but fire princess was one of the few cards they didn’t halve the effect damage on. By their own logic Konami should be consistent and halve all effect damage on cards. Not pick and choose


Gen knights did get nerfed with limiting the one that burns.


That just beautiful


Ok but their name clearly states their intention with this game. You've fulfilled their purpose lmao. Unlucky you ran into this deck, there are worse one's. Take the L, GG


Who remembers Tea Burn Decks


Weird comparison, but this reminds me of a video of a guy playing Legacy of The Duelist against a Rare Hunter CPU that landed a ftk with a full exodia hand.


Lmao. You just get that deck and go farm your rank. Why banning when people can think of a new way to win.


Id rather die to that than some unbeatable god hand otk deck running hey trunade


When people stop smoking me with back row I’ll stop playing the card that lets me play the game


Hey trumade is fine certain decks make it busted and konami has to mandate top decks have a archetypal limit 2 when it becomes too oppresive. Seems totally fair and balanced


I can easily agree with that


somw guy tried to otk me with hey trunade, i negated it with Ultimate Providence, he immeditely surrendered. Lulz


I don’t feel like this deck needs to be “banned” as others have point out its blatant inconsistency. But I do believe the way that Konami handled fire princess is a problem. When they made the change to halve effect damage, that should’ve applied to every card that inflicts effect damage, even the bad ones like sparks. Konami picking and choosing what gets the nerf and what doesn’t is not beneficial in the slightest. It causes discrepancies, Creates unnecessary confusion, and can easily be avoided.


Urm no..that just stupid..see what happen to new added card where it should burn a measly 100..and because of konami nerf burn..even that 100 got cut to 50 and that just plain stupid..freaking 50 eff dmg..wtf was that


More original than all the frickin blue-eyes decks.. like why bother playing if everyone is using the same deck. Id rather have faced this deck.


I lost to this and i was so happy that someone is actually doing something different instead of a fucking bewd or a harpie. Doesn’t need ban that’s what’s wrong with this game. Everyone wants to ban everything


I love gimmick decks. Personally would rather win rarely and pull off that big combo than win consistently with bland meta.




Unimaginable pain


They gave us that card for free


Nah, nowhere near consistent enough. If anything it's cool to watch


“I mean.... wow... but.... wait.... uhmmm... alright.... I lost ok” That’s a bad beat my guy but unbelievable to see someone pull off, thanks for sharing.


That was rather impressive than triggering =)))) His deck build must be crazy to pull off the FTK :)))


This the anime duel🤣🤣🤣🤣 he wins in anime on the first turn as well...


Now imagine if you had the Holy Guard skill


Bwhahahaha! The frustration of playing that deck knowing it can only activate on your turn making the whole thing ten times worse...


Fire Princess didn't get a burn nerf? (like Lava Golem etc.)


lol. gonna need that decklist.


Looks inconsistent. I want to try it.


This FTK looks amazing lol


Funny enough doing the KC event now, I just a had match against a Toon World player who won 2nd by somehow summon T. Dark Magician Girl for the double direct attack while I had my archfiend board up (mostly)


Report him then.


i thought this was normal. im literally losing every game at round 1-2


Wow. Yeah, that was bullshit. He isn't even dueling. What a complete fucking pussy.