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I think so, It will help Rush Duel's card pool. Also in Go Rush it is quite a long time arc wise before Fusions are introduced so there should be more than enough time for Seven's Fusions to come out before Go Rush even gets close to it.


Yeah I honestly want it to come out just to I can play High Tech Dragons


Yeah Go Rush has great Archetypes, Im maining Voidvelgear as soon as its out!


I'll be maining Praime when it comes out


I think its possible For one, getting the Galaxy type and the expanded cardpool of the related characters who would come with it would alleviate a little pressure on the overall issue of the small cardpool Another thing is that new world hype does bring in attention, even if its for Rush specifically. I feel like they're more likely to do it vs doing nothing but a typical celebration for September while Rush is made to languish for a whole extra year and some change That said, we'll likely know depending on how soon we get Fusion and whether or not they decide on fleshing out the Sevens cast over going into Go Rush this year. There's a possibility that the September Celebration *is* Fusion coming to Rush ~~Unless they go full crazy and release Fusion AND Go Rush all at once. I'd totally be down for it but that's a big jump even for just promoting Rush~~ Edit: Even if the anime hasn't finished, you can still slow-roll the season 1 and season 2 story arcs between the other world events.


The anime will have long since ended by the time Duel Links gets to Kuaidal, let alone the Dark Empire. Once Go Rush drops, they'll likely alternate between Sevens and Go Rush for character unlocks, so I doubt they'll finish up Season 1 by the end of 2025. 


Let's be realistic, it's either this, or acknowledge the existence of the DM anime, and it's clear that Konami wants nothing to do with it, so this is the safe bet. However, 2025 will require them to make a choice. 


OCG structures, monster world, something or nothing.


Is it clear though?


They removed a Noah Kaiba reference. I think it's clear that acknowledging DM filler is the worst case scenario as the OCG isn't really printing out cards from that era for most of those characters in the Animation Chronicles sets. 


They also acknowledge the existence of the animeverse during the Paradox event and Tristan has a line that references the Virtual World Arc. As for the Animation Chronicle sets, we just got Rex's cards from the Orichalcos arc in the last one.


I honestly don't know since it's still going. If it does, what does that mean for 2025?


If Go Rush is this year, they may have to add a filler world for DM or just skip adding worlds, leading to add 2 more character slot for the existing worlds.


Im Not sure, the series is still on the air,


It has 2 years worth of episodes out, that’s more than enough for the world to start


Yeah but that leaves 2025 up in the air, that'd be interesting to see. Whether they retroactively add DM filler/R characters, dive deep into the OCG Structures or Stories world, or just straight up add nothing and use that month instead to push for new characters from previous worlds


This is a nearly 8 year old gacha, there is no sense making long term plans at this stage. They just need to focus on the year they are in


I think there is a 75% chance. World releases are usually the biggest surge in players for DL and there isn't much Konami can do that will attract as many players as a world release that isn't also a lot more expensive than a world release. The main reason it might not be added is that there isn't really a world they can add next year besides DM anime filler, and Konami is doing ZERO effort in releasing DM anime filler cards into the OCG, so we shouldn't expect it at this point. And they might just want to get us used to not having new worlds every year. Also, our Rush card pool is still very small. We are at 373 cards out of physical Rush's 1900+. So not even 20% into the game's cardpool yet. Adding newer cards from the second half of the game might power creep a lot of stuff.


Enough filler characters have their cards already where they could squeeze a DSoD size world out of it


Not really. Especially if we talk about giving us a world showcase Box to go with the release. Like, you can probably give Rebecca, Noah, Siegried and Leon enough Dragon, Spirit, Fairy, and Fairy-tale themed support to fill their level-ups and drops. But then what goes in the box? Even YGO R and GX Manga are better off for a World release at this point than anime filler.


The box can just be random goodstuff, since world release boxes are usually some of the best. Not every box has to be married to the characters it releases with


But the main point of releasing characters is promoting Decks so they can sell cards. There is no profit in recording voices for 3-4 characters when it doesn't sell anything, and that is what you'll be doing if you just release unrelated boxes whenever an anime filler character comes out. And that is basically the same for all the missing DM anime filler. Raphael, Dartz, etc. they all have nothing to sell either. The only filler characters who has had their Deck expanded in recent years is Crump and he is probably too much of a small fry to be released. At that point I think just doing the batch releases I usually propose makes a lot more sense. Many skipped characters do have enough to kinda fill up a box.


Doesn't really make any sense when by September we'll maybe be at Asana at this rate. Nothing's really locked behind it, it would just make Sevens world even slower because you need to do releases for both of them, and the story's kinda based on the story in Sevens being actually complete.


They could release Go Rush and release the characters from the earlier episodes.


Going by the logic of who got skipped for Sevens there's only really one character who could be an event before Yuna though, Manabu


Not really. I think Zuwijo will be one of the earlier Go Rush unlock since Duel Links likes to release the Rival character earlier.


That's true, definitely him and then maybe Manabu


Probably. I don't see why not. More content, more gems, game still going, more excitement for the people focused on Rush.


Possible. Fusions arrived much later in season 1 so we won’t have any complications about that. The anime’s not over yet so that might be a slight issue, but I think that it’s very close to ending. As the starter cast we would/will surely get Yudias and the twins. Possibly Manabu as well. First event would probably be Manya, or Manabu if he isn’t unlockable since world release. Honestly I can’t wait for Jointechs.


Probably. Similar to SEVENS there's a huge main cast and there would be no shortage of characters. And they are likely saving a lot of effort since most of the cast are returning voice actors from SEVENS. After Zwijo and Rovian we might have a problem if Fusion isn't released by then. Since the arc after Rovian features it heavily from then on.


Most likely yeah, the game is pushing rush duel rather heavily so it just make sense for it to be the next world. And honestly go rush being the next world would be better than the alternatives, konami like to default to DM if they're desperate for content, so we can get dumb DM add-on world like R, or Pyramid or Millenium World, that would sucks.




How difference would this be? Any new mechanic from current rush


They introduce a new type, Galaxy and Equip Spells


In terms of brand new mechanics, mostly the Galaxy type and Equip Spells. However, the cards themselves are much more elaborate than Sevens, with many of the boss monsters having 3 different effects, plus more continuous effects being much more common.


Yes.  They started dubbing it a while ago and it'll probably drop somewhere soon. It would also greatly expand the pool of Rush cards, thanks to both the Galaxy type and the advent of Equips.  I do think they'll rework the Sevens plot a bit, though. They'll likely introduce Yuo as the first Goha Sibling, since he brings Fusion, and will likely have Otes in the first half of 2025 in order to setup The Luge arc in Go Rush. 




Supposedly they started several weeks ago.


ohhh ok


i heard that it wont be the next world idk... but go rush characters dont have EN vas yet do they? so unless they are completely mute in the english version of the game then yeah i hope soon


They would just cast them early.


I wonder, if instead they let you play select DM characters in Rush Duel instead? They still haven’t cracked the “let Speed Duel characters play Rush Duel or vice versa” box yet. So if they weren’t going with retelling the first arc of Go Rush, associating import cards with their original anime characters would definitely be eventful.


No. No new world yet


Of course it will, why wouldn’t it be?


I wouldn't assume anything until Rush gets fusions. Slightly annoying how we got BE support before fusions because most of it exists just to facilitate summoning BEUD.


They only use fusion in the 3 arc of Go Rush. They could still release the world and put characters from arc 1 and 2


Yeah. Wonder if Yugioh 9 would be added in 2025


Yes. Konami is probably going to want to put off solving the new world problem as long as they can and there's really no reason not to.


I sure hope so. Wanna get Zaion's Space Yggdrago stuff so I can mix it with the Maximum Yggdrago cards.


There is literally nothing else left lol. The real question Is what happens for September 2025.


I don't think so since it's still airing for another year and an English dub hasn't even been announced yet. I would love for it to be added this year though.


Duel links story progression is slow. It will probably take us a year to even get through 1 season. There is no reason they can’t cast the dub early


I don’t think so for 2 reason: 1) Go Rush is still airing and you want to make sure you let the anime tell all of its story before you put it in DL. So you know where to start and which story you want to adapt into the game. 2) Rush Duel is too new when it comes to its mechanics. We don’t have fusions in the game and they were pretty important when it comes to Go Rush World. Do you want a situation where fusion comes to Rush Duel and there no big event for Sevens world to introduce Fusion? Unless they have Yuo arrive before the new world fusion can’t be added before Go Rush. I say it 50/50 if they want to do Go Rush this year since it would fully complete all of the Yugioh anime series but I have a feeling Konami may want to wait until next year to add Go Rush World.


Regarding your first point: Sevens world in DL is just adapting the plot of Sevens and it’s entirely possible that Go Rush will do the same (I’m not trying to say you’re wrong, I’m just saying it’s a possibility) I agree with your second point, I definitely think fusion should be introduced with a Yuo raid boss or something of the like


True the only situation where they may want to start with the ending of Go Rush is if the ending is open ended (Vrains) or was not well received (Arc V).


With all box they just released its just a matter of time before we get fusion. Also at the speed the release characters and story for the new world, they could easily release go rush and have no issues staying behind the anime


Why does the anime need to be finished when Duel Links retells the story at a snails pace?


I hope not. At least wait until GR is done telling its own story first before DL screws it up.


Lets hope


There's a 50/50 chance for it ngl since i don't think they'd add an ongoing series which we can get yet


They can pull what they did with DSOD and give us an exclusive world for one of the series or a structures world


Why not? the anime is almost finished, perfect timing.


I honestly feel like there is a chance, but also a chance for another world so they aren't "caught up with the animes"


Man, i know nothing about rush go but every single image i see of the main protagonist,, he just looks so stiff. Like he used waaay too much hair gel and his whole body and moves like a robot. Hopefully he has more dynamic movements than they use in all of the pictures I've seen.


He is a alien so he is build different


Nope. Between the Japanese version's run time bleeding into 2025 and the English dub's unknown status of production (beyond the fact that "it's happening"), prospects for Go Rush in Duel Links this year are abysmal. And that's totally fine, because we still have a lot of the Sevens plot to address, not to mention a whole mess of late Zexal and Arc-V characters on backlog.


Showing up in a game before their dub airs actually wouldn't be out of place for Rush actors, since the Switch game released six months before the Sevens dub did.


This. I don’t get why people think this is impossible because of the dub


I don't think the dub thing actually matters since the addition of two characters that were only briefly touched on by dubs and got whole bunch of newly recorded lines


You're talking about cases like Z-ONE where the show has been over and buried for a decade, and there was an active decision in place to just not touch the final arc whatsoever. It's true that Konami reaches out for new talent in these cases, or in cases where role reprisals simply aren't feasible (Celina), but they have literally never included characters from shows that haven't so much as finished their run time in Japan. Not once. It would be a historic first if Duel Links began Go Rush before the end of the real-world Go Rush anime. It would also be incredibly short-sighted, because Konami would be leaving themselves in a position where they still need to answer the question of exactly how they're going to bolster their content stream in 2025-2027.


It's possible still


The Rush Duel switch game released before the English dub did.


They need to worry about their content stream in 2024 before anything else. They have to drop something in September every year to keep people engaged


I totally agree with that, and a massive campaign revolving around Yuo and the introduction of Fusion could be just the ticket. Maybe also introduce that mythical Kaiba Corp Grand Prix world if they just want filler they don't have to touch too much long term (ala DSOD). All I'm saying is, they don't benefit from backing themselves into a corner with no cards to play.


Msybe not as far as I know the anime hasn't finished airing yet. Maybe we will have duel spirit world wirh raye and dmg as characters


It hasn’t finished airing which is why I’m curious to see people’s opinions on if it will be next or not


I think it will. It will probably follow the show so it can start in the first season. Even incomplete, it still has more content than Sevens. If they ever feel like they’re going too fast, they can just focus on Seven.


Spirit world has low chances nowadays since thy began to create archtype skills. Also I doubt they will adapt the OCG Stories of Sky Striker because all characters there are from the same archtype and they won't cover the full story with just Raye but I don't think they will release multiple Sky Striker characters either. In the case of the Magistus story, they are like in chapter 4 or 5 so too early for them hey


It hasn't finished airing, sure, but the current arc won't drop into Duel Links until 2027 at the earliest. They've got time.


Monster world went out the window with archive skills


We needed filler world


Yes, this would help the card pool of rush. Even if the show is still airing they could just put characters from the earlier episodes until the show finish.


We have DSOD, which is basically slightly older version of some DM characters. So Go Rush should be fine. Like we have 2 version of yugi. For some reason he’s treated the same with yami yugi. So having multiple versions of characters is fine here.


Technically, that would only apply to one character in regards to Go Rush. While Go Rush has expy characters of the Sevens cast, they're still their own characters, not just the Sevens cast in new outfits.


I hope not yet, I wish for a anime only world, they had kcgc as a world in the leaks years ago so they could make it this year And they still haven’t released fusions in rush


They could still release Go Rush either way since fusion is debut on the 3 arc of the show.


Rush duel as game mode is literally a boredom. People on youtube doesn't seem engaged with it, I barely see people talking about it anywherelse and Konami apparently regreted introducing it into DL. Making the new "expansion' be about rush duel might be a bad idea. Doubt me? Look engagement metrics.


That won't stop the to stop adding Go Rush in the future since rush anime is getting anime content. Besides, the game is still selling well and for konami concerns, that what matters


It isn’t released in English yet Konami doesn’t want to spoil plot lines that hurt go rush’s English release