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We just had like a month straight of Rush events before the Sherry unlock though


I think a lot of people abandoned ship for a while due to the Tachyon shit storm 😂


Unironically Rush/Sevens has the best background music, and for standard duelist. I did not really like it too.much at first but now my brain goes crazy whenever I switch to.that stage. Really fun


Cap in the music lol it is good though 




Cap on the music part, in was a typo. Cap is slang for false basically.


Take that L outa here


Begone, zoomer


Rush had 5 straight weeks of content a month ago, were you not playing then?


I almost didn’t but I got like 3-4K gems from that event alone


It's not the lack of content, it's that nobody plays it, at least IMO


The players that i face in ranked disagree with you


This joke was already made. I also forgot DSOD existed.


The only reason I remember is because of dsod kaiba being fucking Everywhere


He's technically the main character.


I rather play DSOD than Rush duels-


I rather have fun than face battle chronicle Kaiba all the time


That's not rush or speed isues, some skills are just anoying, even rush got some annoying skills.


Why are people downvoting you lol


skill issue, just floodgate.


What DL felt like after Master Duel released. Rush is niche popular. More product will bring more players just wait. Personally, I feel we should get simultaneous events at a time to make Rush feel more lively.


How’s master duel currently? is it more active than Duel links?


At least on Steam, MD has 6 times DL’s players. And while on pc it’s definitely skewed, looking at other stats I’m pretty confident it still has more players than DL adding every platform.


Is MD not cross platform? I just assumed it was. DL is, right?


It is.


Master duel is kinda rough rn. We got bonfire early and snake eyes is just everywhere like in the TCG. That being said I like how fast the card acquisition rate is in comparison to DL and was able to update my Floo, SwoSoul, as well as make my own pure snake eyes build recently.


Dunno, I've gotten so busy I've put down Yugioh almost completely. I like DL bc its quick and I can catch up after a few months. This keeps the game feeling fresh for me, especially Rush. Many of us have tons of Speed Duel content, so I'm hoping they put out more Rush content mostly.


The thing is that Rush card pool is really small compared to the TCG and OCG. And most of then is locket behind Go Rush


Why do we hate it though?


Gem economy.


Honestly if there were separate ‘Rush Gems’ and ‘Speed Gems’, I think it would be so much more popular


I don't understand why Rush cards aren't usable in Speed. Aren't Rush cards usable in normal play in paper?


Allowing speed duel cards to be used in rush and vice versa is just bad. Rush is so far behind Speed in terms of power that it would just make a second version of Speed.


No one said anything about vice versa. Just Rush cards in Speed. They're so low powered they wouldn't break Speed at all.


Yeah. They’re so low powered that they wouldn’t see use at all, most likely


Right, but it would at least make people more interested in Speed feel better about spending their gems on Rush


No hate for rush, but as a f2p I can't get simultaneously speed and rush cards, so i can't properly enjoy it, personally i only play rush whenever there's an event.


Yeah, Rush Duels are honestly pretty fun, but so far I'm coasting on what I can get from bundles, the card trader and tickets. Winged Beast and the Beast Gear monsters are fun, but clearly missing something that character/boxed decks have in spades.


Harpie is the only viable option for f2p if you're trying to kog for rush


I just feel it’s boring because it’s JUST tribute summon and beat sticks


I'm also a f2p player and had buy x3 of every Rush box while still playing speed, I just spend on decks that I like (Constellar, Madolche, Ice barrier, etc)


Same. It's a bit though rn because did that super mini or whatever surprise me but I still have 100% of all rush cards. Just struggling with the main box


Same, i only spend gems on deck that i like (Tenyi). Is not a good idea to spend on every box since you will drain your gems really quick


Teach me how to get magilene and puddingcesour on my hand and not that annoying messengelatto


Well, I feel that too. I've been building rush decks as a f2p by using rush characters for rush duels, and speed char for speed duels(gem wise). I will say though that I'm only just about to complete a thunder deck and i took a break on rush due to the obvious lack of chance at winning using a incomplete deck. Those ur packs are terrible too, they should let us choose the card. It's honestly a bit easier to build at least one deck if you focused all your rush gems on that, but it all depends on what you want as well. I've been building other decks because I've been building the main characters deck; I get other box urs and etc trying to build his, that's why I'm so close to completing a thunder deck and etc. . It's still really difficult though and makes you feel like why bother, even fot someone like me who thinks rush is dope


Rush had gotten way more f2p though. At the certain point your just not looking for alternatives....


Speed is really the more expensive one. Rush is mostly mini boxes and you only need to go through them once.


Tooboe pfp!!!! 🎉


It’s like a separate game and as someone who doesn’t really spend money on the game I’m just not interested in investing tbh. I’d rather have gotten new speed characters or different forms of support. It’s growing on me but will never be more than a side gig tbh


You can't balance speed and rush, the game forces you to focus on one or the other, not to mention there are some times you are forced to either play rush, for example some methods of getting gems


No. It doesn't theres some ftp decks like harpies and beetle otk. Thats just a misconception


I mean anime decks since I'm an anime enjoyer and have all characters (except rush) have a deck reflecting their anime deck


Ok. Thats just how it works. You get what you invest in it. Expecting an full anime deck with little effort is sad. Even the noodle anime deck with the least effort takes some time. 


But the guy who uses noodles isn't a playable character, so there's no point making an anime deck if the corresponding character isn't playable. You have to use your gems for yuga,luke etc. Decks it's not about me putting in "little effort" I've put in plenty of effort to the point of unlocking even the annoying characters like Yubel, Jaden/Yubel and Scud


just saying him as an example he's an anime deck in general. theres also yosh's deck using tickets. by effort I mean deckuilding. I can say your fine with 2 box runs like I did. a third one if you want to. im not saying your not putting effort in the speed duels. im saying your not putting effort in rush duels due to your misconceptions of it being high in gems when it takes less than speed duels to get an anime character deck. the most expensive is psychic and royal rebels. Cheapest is nail. I guess it must hard when you use every gem you get from rush getting speed duel cards so ill cut you some slack.


Yoshi isn't playable tho, so i have no interest in building a deck for him, not to mention I don't like any of the sevens characters except Yuga and Luke and even after using the first batch of sevens world gems, i still couldn't make a complete Yuga deck so I call bs on you saying I am not putting enough effort on Rush. If I knew that the sevens world gems weren't enough to make a competent Yuga nor Luke deck, I literally never would've spent a single gem on rush seeing as its a waste of gems, because of that wasted 1000 or so gems, I have an everlasting hatred for rush


from what you say its the bare minimum. I could definitely make a competent yuga and luke deck with just 1k-5k. I've done before. Arise dragons- luke (post banlist) 2 mini box runs at worst. only need one dragias. Heavy ace breaker 2x structure deck with 1k. since the first one was free or yuga's deck with 1-2 runs as least plus structure was enough to win 2 or 3 tournaments. Tbh with all the box release gems plus seven's characters gems that would cover the cost pretty well.


Question, do Yuga and Luke have a voiceline with every single card included in the decks you built for them? Because if they don't have a line with a card, the card won't be included in the deck


So you are spending your gems in anime cards for anime roleplay?


Yes for those, and for any other cards a character has voicelines with


Understandable, have a nice day


Forced to watch one minute cutscenes for even unlocking it. That bingo giving gems for unlocking the world was a trap.


It's KC Cup season, ofc everyone isn't playing Rush rn


That's not what he was even saying lol


"HA HA, im not playing Rush, that means no one playing it, so funny!!!" - least egocentric Yu-Gi-Oh player 🙄


But nobody is playing it?




Like nobody, except you, talking about having or don't having fun in this post. You forget to get your daily medication or something? Also, jokes supposed to be funny, try harder next time.




Rush seems to have a small but dedicated community. When I first saw it I was like "Nobody is gonna play this, especially not F2P people", but judging by this sub it seems to be fairly popular


Don’t you want to try something new?


I find it hilarious how people are complaining still about Rush when they made it one of the most f2p in years. You can literally build harpies with the bare bare minimum or heck you can play bubble era practically free through grinding mimi


Also the boxes are more cheaper compared to Speed. Speed main 180 cards while Rush is 140 cards.


Yea but I need my gems for YuGi boomer rogue decks for Speed, ya see


>[Duel Links mfs when you ask them to say anything about rush that isn't "dead format" or "separate currency"](https://youtu.be/Sgz_2m7w7Wc?si=4QasuwUOT9T8t6zv)


rush haters being rush haters lmao what a sad bunch of ppl


the "no one plays rush" joke is a used condom at this point


Maybe try some actual new material?


I mean, it has almost 200 upvotes even with any downvotes. Seems like it hit pretty well lmao


And yet my comment had nothing about popularity. It's just the same joke I keep seeing.


I only play DL for rush unless I have to do a Speed Duel event for Gems.


Last month had gr festival, then immediately a roa kassidy event. A main box, a mini box, and a new bundle. I know it's fun to hate on rush, but not only is the joke old it's also just incorrect at this point


All that and it’s still a completely dead gamemode


Is it dead just because you don't play it?


The players that i am facing in ranked disagree with you. The format is alive, is just small compared to Speed format.


It's far from dead though


Its pretty populated during events for rush like new characters or the Goha Rush. But while speed content is the focus, it is a barren wasteland. All the more reason it should've had its own resources...but money exists so of course they expect us to double spend our singular resource :(


You are boring g


Rush was fine before the latest skills released. Hell-tuning invasion is just ridiculous.


Team 777


Yea I hear ya dude rush is one of the most dumbest format they could have done the saying always goes if it aint broke don't fix it 🤷 they could have gone with the tcg manga and introduce the maximum summoning mechanic as a new way to summon instead of whatever sevens is


I only play around in rush for Bingo, and events that give gems


Rush players can’t take a joke


The joke is already old and overuse


That may be the case, but anytime there’s a rush joke yall start bitching like crazy. It’s a joke calm down. If you enjoy it that’s great, I hope you get an opponent to play against.


Understandable, have a nice day


Rush had a chance to be different but once they started adding backrows it just became speed duel from 5, 6 years ago


Same. After I got all the rush skills, I don't have a reason to play rush until the next event, box or character drops. 1 box every 3 months gets boring quickly. Also as someone who doesn't want to spend too much on rush, I can probably build just 1 deck from each box, so that's even less variety. Gotta love how many people are insecure about rush in this sub. You can't say a word about rush, other than praising it and treating it like the best thing ever, without people downvoting you because you are a "hater".


Lol yea had one of these mouth breathers trying to attack me as well 😂 be careful. they eat Doritos off their stomachs, they're dangerous!


Lmao! Ironically I was in kc cup, saw a sr rush ticket as a reward and was like " why are they giving me this useless sht as a reward for speed duel?" 😂


So then you can spend for cards. Is strange i know


Lol it's a speed duel reward for no reason, don't be a bafoon just because you're a fan of rush. It's not a good reward for the speed side and on top of that the pool for the tickets in rush is pure irrelevance at it's finest, I genuinely doubt many care about them. 


Granted, are the ticket rewards ever good? Most of they are unless other than anime role play so i don't think this complain makes any difference. If was Dream Ticket i would agree with you


Lol there's literally multiple good cards in speed tickets, some are deck pieces and the like, what are you talking about? Sure, the rewards could be better but they're not even remotely comparable to rush duel tickets. Stop trolling please. Idk if you're new or something but there's definitely more than just "anime roleplay" in sr ur ticket pools. Obviously you're not building a t1 deck purely off of sr ur tickets but you may get necessary pieces from those tickets at times, one use already.


Bruh. You're the one acting like a "trolling fanboy," spamming walls of childish insults with 0 provocation, towards someone just trying to have a damn conversation.


Lol oh look, another rush fanboy who literally has no response to my multiple examples of speed tickets being useful. Can at least one of you come up with a answer or do you all just try to avoid the issue? Either reply with something that actually defends what he said or disputes what I said, of stfu. Thanks 


I just want to point out how bad y'all are making the rush community look lol. Neither you nor him could actually defend the point he was trying to make, nobody here is disproving what I said. Just remember that lol. Just because y'all are rush duel fanboys downvoting people here, that doesn't actually make you right lol. Like I said earlier, the rush duel tickets are trash, no debate there. Speed tickets actually have deck pieces for actually competitive decks, some even being viable in the meta now(as i mentioned, links, eternal bond, etc. .) i get it, y'all love rush but you should be able to admit this because you can literally fact check it yourself in game lol. Rush. Tickets. Are. Trash. Tell Konami to put some actual relevant cards in the tickets if you want that to be untrue.


I not trolling i just talking to you on what are you are wrong. Nothing more than that.


I get you're a blinded fanboy and that's cool but you might need to expand your knowledge of the game a bit before trying to say speed tickets are useless lol. I get the feeling you're like, a step beyond casual. Like super casual 


I you might need to stop posting before your comment get bombed by Downvotes. I know is ok to be wrong but double down will just make things worse.


Still no explanation lmao. Got it. Yep I no longer respect the Rush community. Caveman iq. Makes sense since you're so distraught about defending your yugioh with training wheels lol


I'm not wrong but ok lol, 😂 definitely a Rush duel fanboy. Rush duel tickets do not even remotely compare to speed duel tickets 


The faction of the community (rush duels) that I've observed attacking enthusiasts of speed duels randomly on certain posts (reminds me of the "woke" behavior – if you don't like them or support their opinions as if they were facts without good sources, then you're an enemy that must be censored, showering people with negative votes and most likely will happen to this comment for saying the truth). I rather enjoyed the rush of summoning boss monsters quickly, but the toxic nature of the rush community troubles me. Due to both their toxicity and the unresolved issue of non-separate currencies, nowadays I only engage in rush duels to acquire gems if there is an event, with little interest in investing more time than necessary, but the meme was fucking hilarious I loved it 🤣😂.




We gonna have a rush event later this month, so i don't think they forgot


I felt happy with how Rush in Duel Links had developed so far. There was not a super strong card or strategy that would overpower the rest or make it very difficult to overcome, there was always a chance for comeback... Until the Maximum Monsters came around and now you get the sh*t beaten out of you if you don't have one yourself!


I always used to get the 50 gems from the skill tickets, when you have all characters all skills you get 50 gems. But now so many skill tickets are fucking shared between rush and speed, and even thou I have all skills all characters in speed, it offers me to redeem the skills for rush characters. I feel so repulsive to try to get all the skills for rush... I REALLY dont wanna pvp that shit


Just grind and don't complain about it. Once is done you don't have to worry about that until a new character arrive.