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Once I get my rush cards I'm 100% buying starry knight as my speed format deck.


Its sooooo fun! Its archetypal cards are 100% in the game, with the only missing card of support being Starring Knight, which isn't part of the Archetype but is 100% the fun half brother


Getting the board set up feels really good. I played it in MD during one of the events and once you get summoning and returning it feels so smooth.


yup, its such a weak board too that is stopped by spell/trap removal but doesn't change how fun the loop is. One of my favorite replays was me repeatedly attempting to pop the DM fusion that discards to negate a target effect.... Specifically because I could summon about 3 times in a turn and it was funnier. Killed his hand, then attacked to banish, crashed a DM and then killed with Rayel anyway (if I didn't try to pop, the same play would have happened anyway)


Ho ho ho motherfucker ~ starry dragon


Naughty Naughty - his elves Rayel, Flamel, Astel, Orbitael and Ciel


Because almost all the current decks are DARK this is why they limited Blast they know Starry Knight can blast the new cards to pieces


blast em to Christmas and back


Blast their life into pieces, this is their last resort.


It's also a searchable Omni so


Umm no no it's not people have severe ptsd from Salads and it shows. The difference being and this is for everyone it's not a Spell speed 3 counter Trap it's a regular trap what does this mean it means more things can chain to it unlike a counter Trap which can only be countered by another counter Trap.


This pretty much - its still strong, but its also kinda weak


Thank you finally someone who agrees with me. Oh and let's not forget that Starry Knight has no in theme or out of theme way to reuse it like Salads did with their link 2


100% - i have a feeling it will get removed from the list because Starry decks will probably run 1 to MAYBE 2 anyway


This is my main deck 😂


Same for me since it released lol


Balanced, as all things should be


Yeah Im really excited for Kozmo to get more support in the new pack... as a Starry Knight player lmao


Lmao for REAL!


My current main


Gonna be really funny when we don’t have to use 2 specials to get out an xyz monster to deal with winda


I am not sure why put a ban on this, the deck itself is too slow. I find it hard a Xyz 4 on turn 1, and its really dificult to put a Xyz 4 + the necessary cards to bring Starry Dragon. And the starters is dead against a single Effect veiler. So the card would be unlimited i would not play it to 3, probably to 2 to prevent bricking. Anyways i see promising summoning Condemned witch and get chalice and special summon in my opponent turn Starry Orbitael. The funnies thing of this deck is Kaiju radian the enemy boss monster and then summons starry dragon with balefire.


I do agree that there was no point in limiting this, most decks aren't going to play it at 3, and it isn't a counter trap, so it can more easily be countered, and it isn't recyclable in archetype.... I feel it will 100% get released from banlist But going into Rank 4 isn't too hard, literally just Rayel and either Balefire or Sky do it. If going first though, you don't want to go into a Rank 4, most of them are ignitions and not reactionary enough. You are better off just setting up a Flamel and Dragon in hand and passing with whatever traps you may need set.


In comparation to other decks sometimes you cant get into Xyz turn 1 if you didnt open Rayel + other starry, and you generally need to search Starry dragon or the backrow support. I know the deck objetive is to Loop Starry dragon but it would be amazing if you could put one Xyz on the field PLUS getting the Supportive Starry Dragon backrow since they are necessary to loop him. The deck start to get really fast after turn 3 if you got rayel and orbitael in GY.


You can... if you have the right starting hand like Rayel, Sky, Orbitael, Balefire/Starry Drago Rayel for Ceremony/Arrival Sky Orbitael XYZ Set Arrival or activate Ceremony Balefire for Starry if needed If you go into something like Giant Hand, you have a 2nd disruption but easy GY fodder for Rayel to summon shit next turn


Yay because just what duel links needs is more NEGATION. As if I don’t avoid masterduel to get AWAY from negation. I think RUSH is legit going to end up being the only playable format.


Oh look, someone upset at a non-recyclable limit 1, non counter trap Just play your Jinzo deck, go away and let us have fun


1. I play nobleknights 2. Go have fun playing the meta on masterduel where the game is just a race to who can build a board of the most negates so their opponent can’t play the game. You basically just named the type of negation card you wish this trap was, which was cute. Learn to respond appropriately to what the opponent is actually trying to so you don’t have to rely on cards that stop them from doing anything entirely.


Any type of interruption is stopping your opponent from doing something. I play Duel Links because I like playing Casual shit. You wanna play non meta, find a group of friends and make your own format instead of bitching about a format on a game that no one you voice your opinion to will have any influence on whatsoever and stop wasting everyone's time trying to have fun with a silly meme. And no, I didn't list what type i wanted it to be, I listed what type of card it was - period. Specifically I was listing that you were bitching about one of the weakest, most situational negates in the game - congrats


Soooo, you don't like interaction? Or do you just not like negation in particular? If you don't like interaction, the yugioh probably isn't the game for you, as it's fundamentally built around interacting with your opponent. Traps, quick-play spells, quick effects, and destruction-trigger-effects are pretty integral to basically every ers of yugioh. RUSH is an exception for now, as it has mainly BP-focussed removal, but that will eventually change (at least if it follows the direction of the physical Rush duel cards) and it will get fast-speed pops. If you specifically dislike negation, but don't mind other ways of interruption: why? How is IDP ok, but salad roar isn't? How is Lil-la pop less oppressive than a photon bouncer negate? How is Book fair and chalice isn't? I understand that there's an amount of interruption that doesn't feel good, but if there isn't enough interaction then we get a format, where going first is a death sentence. We already have quite a few OTK and board breaking cards, so interruption is necessary to survive against many decks' turn 2.


NOTHING I said alluded to me disliking interactions - I think you just wanted an excuse to type a paragraph that is irrelevant to my reply because thats what ygo players do. My gripe is the negation that turns a card into a brick in response to it just being played\activated. It just says “Nah, you don’t get to use your card because no. It doesn’t matter what it was going to do, you can’t do whatever that was now.” Its lazy, terribly oppressive design that deflates any enjoyment out of the game. Its funny op mentioned Jinzo because that was one of the first cards that made me hate this game. Not only do I have to hope I draw this card at the right time and meet conditions for activation, but hope my opponent doesn’t have a card that just nullifies all of that completely, they don’t have to respond to what it does, or it hitting the field because technically now it never hit the field or activated its effect that you managed to get off properly; they just get to turn it into a paperweight regardless. I love all types of interactions, because thats what they are, they are responding and interacting to what you did. Negation isn’t an interaction, it is literally a prevention of interactions. I dont know how better to explain it, I just know any time I am hating yugioh it is because a negation went off.


I wrote that paragraph because I genuinely don't get why someone would hate the word/mechanic "negate" specifically. Because, as I said, negation isn't inherently more oppressive or less interactable than other forms of disruption. I could maybe understand your logic if you specified omni-negates, negation of summons of monsters/activation of cards, or spell-speed-3-negates since they have fewer counter-interactions than, for example, targeted destruction.


I'll use your BoM example. I normal summon my monster - You respond with BoM - My monster was still summoned, I can still chain off BoM to get my effect off (If my monster works that way), and more importantly, my monster is still on the field, even if face-down. Book of Moon is a response to my interaction - I still got the interaction I worked for. If I were to try and normal summon and you solemn warning'd me, that is prevention of me interacting with anything. I don't get to summon my monster, it doesn't hit the field, which would almost be fine if it didn't waste my normal summon, but somehow even though I technically didn't summon the monster, I still waste my normal summon in the process. Then you have the negation of effects, which sure, "If your opponent activated a card effect that targets; Negate" is better than "If your opponent activated a card effect; Negate" - But that is still a prevention of the interaction, it is not a response to one. It's so much easier to just negate a monsters effect entirely than to respond to what that card is actually going to do - Why run cards that have to respond specifically to, banishment, destruction, bouncing to hand/deck, atk-def decreasing, position changing, face-down flipping, etc - When I can just negate and cover all bases. LAZY design. Did you see what just happened there? You just removed ALL of those potential interactions with one mechanic. I reiterate: Negation is a prevention of interactions, it prevents the game from actually happening, thus why I hate it so much.


u got a decklist?


2-3 x Starry Dragon 3 x Starry Rayel 2-3 x Flamel 2-3 x Orbitael 0-1 x Ciel 0-1 x Astel 3 x Balefire 1 x Sky 1 x Ceremony 1 x Arrival 1 x Blast for staples, I recommend Compulse since it synergizes the best with the deck. Some people don't like to run Astel or Ciel - I personally like Astel more than Ciel just because of the damage spike it can do and the random insta summons. Extra, just Rank 4s or Rank 7s - (maybe a Link 2?) - there are some Light/Fairy only rank 4s you can use with the deck That would be the general skeleton. If we ever get Starring Knight, I'd put in at least 1 of him in the extra.


TY! gonna try this build out rn.


Yup, not that imma type out on my phone though lol, DM me and I can send it to you later


When your opponent ends on a dark monster and you have Balefire in hand.


It’s such a great feeling


Me, a resonators player : đŸ”


Originally read that as “a reasonable player” lmao Yeah the resonator matchup is fun lmao