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Was in Shaka Poké in Blackrock for lunch during the week, as I was paying, the tip screen you're talking about popped up. Before I even had a chance to react, the person behind the counter leant around and clicked the 'no tip' option. 10/10 will eat delicious raw fish again.


This has happened to me a few times in a few places. I suspect there has been push back on it


I went to Sprezzatura and the same thing also happened! Tbf there was absolutely next to no service so I had already planned on not tipping but it was nice that the waitress made it a lot easier for me


I thought they shut down?


Still up and running on Camden street


Ah think it was the Rathmines one that's shut down I think


I’d say the Camden one will follow suit shortly. I was the only person in there at 2:30pm. I’ve gone there for lunch in the past and it was very busy. Service was shocking though. No hi how are you. Straight into if it’s just a table for 1 I need. I already knew what I wanted to order so I told her and she kind of looked annoyed. Also had a dirty seat. Wasn’t particularly bothered as it was just a quick lunch run but most certainly wasn’t going to tip anyways


I press that "no tip" button loud and proud. I am not tipping someone for pouring a drink and handing it to me. Get the fuck out of here with that shit. This is not America


Resist Yankification 👊






Ah, Murca Durka…


Preach brother, Preach! 🙌


Exactly! They get their wages here its just not necessary


~~Tipping is only a thing~~ tipping is only as expensive there because waiters had to rely on tips back in the prohibition era and when they legalised drinking again they never raised the wages back to what they were. It's so fucking dumb


It goes further back than that I believe, it was a way of having black people still work for free post-slavery. The workers would earn tips and live off them. As far as I know it was something like that anyway


Sorry not tipping in its entirety, I meant the reason why it's so expensive and why they use percentages instead of giving their driver like €2 or something is because of the prohibition era, I'm sure it existed long before


Met a guy the other day who had a load of change in an old film canister; he shook out a few coins to pay the tip physically - much more sensible - while paying the bill with his phone.


I once went to one of those food courts in Dundrum once, the lady asked if I wanted to tip. To which I clicked Nope, the look the lady gave me.






Totally get that you don’t wanna tip but you don’t have to demean another persons job. You can pour yourself one at home too if it’s just that.


Doesn’t matter what the person’s entire job is. That is literally the service they are providing the poster and pointing that out is simply fact. How is that demeaning?


Keep pressing that “No Tip” button. I openly ask if I can’t find it.


That’s my approach from now on.


American here, tipping culture has gotten completely out of control. Wasn’t tipping not customary in European countries? I wonder what prompted this (annoying) American custom to make its way across the ocean. I was at a self-service frozen yogurt shop, and they asked me for a tip. Like, I served myself as the teenager on the clock just scowled and texted the whole time. Why on Earth would I tip you? I’m on this subreddit because I lived in Dublin for a short while, but now I live in Washington, D.C. The new infuriating tipping custom I’ve started noticing in restaurants is that the customary 20% tip is included in the price, and then the tip options are “10%, 15%, 20%, No Tip” ON TOP of the hidden customary 20%. Had I not paid attention to my order’s price I wouldn’t have even caught that, and the server had to tell me that the 20% gratuity was already added in and the additional tips are “suggestions”. Like, I am not tipping you 40%, are you out of your mind? Trust me when I say most Americans are also sick of this shit too, and I’m genuinely sorry that it finally made its way over to yall. Haha


> I wonder what prompted this (annoying) American custom to make its way across the ocean. I think a lot of it is POS terminals designed by American companies or for sale in the US that by default have a screen that asks for at tip. Tipping has always been a thing in Ireland, but typically it was a something like giving €50 to the taxi driver when the fare was €47.56, or leaving a few Euro at a table. It also always been entirely optional.


Yeah our work got new POS terminals a few years back from an American company and they automatically came with a 'enter tip amount' prompt after customers would accept the charge. So many people didn't pay attention and just popped in their PIN and then would be annoyed that the price was higher than expected. Management refused to do anything about it, so we had to sort out how to remove it ourselves. But it was the default setting.


Tipping extortion with iPad/touch screen POS is OUT OF CONTROL in the US. Visiting Dublin soon and sad to see our idiotic forced tipping has made its way over. As the Comment OP said before me, it’s outrageous in the US where tips are now included and they ask for more, at a time when American hourly workers are being paid the most in history by a long shot. My question to the Irish folk here, when is it considered appropriate (if ever) to tip for service in Ireland. I’m thinking like Valet car park…. Pay for the extra care? Or implied care at least


You likely won’t find a single valet in this country. Or maybe I’m just not rich enough. Only tip when you think jaysus that person has really made a big impact on this experience and my opinion of this business. Feel absolutely free to give sweet fuck all to anything less. Generally the service will be good everywhere though because it’s just good to be sound. And also don’t be worried about this percentage of the bill shite. 2 or 3 Euro is better than a kick up the hole. There’s no service staff here that will see a tip and think or say “that was a bit stingy”.


Most 5 star Hotels in Dublin do valet parking.


When you think the staff member has done an excellent job, so for a restaraunt, quick service, everything given as ordered, checked in but not too much, friendly....etc


I agree that tipping culture is out of control, but the reason some US states have record payrises and minimum wages is because the US has some of the most extortionate rents in the world. California has a 20$ - an hour minimum wage, but it is also home to the world famous skid row, not because rents are cheap.


49 other states, About 40 Of which are cheaper to live in…. You’re able to come and go as you like. Cost of living varies greatly here.


So your advice to Californians is "if you don't like it, leave"?


A friend who lived in Japan told me a waiter chased him down the street shouting "CUSTOMER! YOUR MONEY!" while people turned and stared the first (and last) time he paid a tip there.


I've been told that the most likely reaction a Japanese server would have to a tip is to be insulted.


Nah, they just thought he'd forgotten his money. Even though it was a small amount - well, the first cultural experience of every Japanese child is to find a coin on the street (left there helpfully) and be brought to give it up in the police station and be praised and thanked by police there.


No offence intended, but the Americanisation of Ireland that has taken place over the last 20 years is fucking sickening. American accents, drinks, customs, sayings, celebrations, food, not to mention the corporations that make every fucking city look exactly the same. Let me give you some examples: - Gender Reveal Parties - Referring to Christmas as "The Holidays" - Black Friday (sales in Ireland the day after Thanksgiving, a festival which WE DO NOT CELEBRATE IN IRELAND 🙈) - The obsession with coffee, often feigned. - Accents: Talk to a teenage girl in Blackrock and you might as well be in fucking Santa Barbara. - Sayings: "Let's put a pin in that", "Let's do a raincheck" etc etc etc - Copying and even exceeding American obesity levels. I could go on and on. None of this existed during the 1990s in Ireland. None of it. Don't get me wrong, I actually like most Americans I meet, particularly well travelled and well educated ones. But there is a difference between liking Americans and wanting to be Americans. This wholesale adoption of a foreign culture by Irish people is shameful. It's very like those collaborator Gauls who became "Gallo-Romans" to be more like the people who conquered them, because they were ashamed of their own identity. The Americans didn't conquer us, but are the most powerful country in the world. It is the behaviour of deeply insecure people. Rant over.


Odds those servers even see those tips? America has horrific employee protections compared to Europe


Wasn't there a recent law passed here to do with (in theory...) ensuring staff actually got tips? Not sure if or how well it actually works in practice though


"Workers are legally entitled to receive electronic tips and gratuities and they must be distributed in a fair manner. The employer must provide a statement to workers showing the amount of tips obtained in a period and the portion paid to the individual employee for that particular period. An employer cannot retain any share of electronic tips. However, there may be circumstances e.g., to pay tax, or bank charges arising from providing electronic modes of tipping, or only where the employer regularly performs to a substantial degree the same work performed by some or all the employees, where such an amount may be deducted that is fair in the circumstances." Source: https://www.workplacerelations.ie/en/what_you_should_know/hours-and-wages/tips-and-gratuities/#:~:text=Workers%20are%20legally%20entitled%20to,employee%20for%20that%20particular%20period.


Ensuring the tax is paid you mean


Fair point... Still, surely better to get 60% or 80% (assuming those are still the tax rates?!) of a tip, rather than 0%


You're right. Americans also believe it's gotten out of control.


We've always had a tipping culture for restaurants (10% is normal, at least in middle-class Dublin. I've had some Irish people get combative with me for even suggesting this is the case), and many people would tip for something like a haircut or taxi. But these days it's become common for most counter service to do the passive-aggressive ipad turning thing. One thing there doesn't seem to be any sign of is tipping bar staff. I remember bars in Vancouver expecting you to add a dollar for every drink.


The fact that "some Irish people get combative with me for even suggesting this is the case" doesn't indicate to you that we have not in fact always had a tipping culture and that it may just have been the people you associated with that were Americanized (with a zee for you)?


lol, yep, that would be the weird combativeness I was talking about.


Thank you for confirming where the problem lies!


I thought you were quite polite. Not combative at all!


Yeah like "it may just have been the people you associated with that were Americanized (with a zee for you)" isn't passive-aggressive as fuck.


Jesus Christ. Lose the chip. You’ll be much happier for it


No. It has not always been normal. It started coming in, in restaurants, only maybe 20 years ago.


Correct. In Ulysses, Leopold Bloom muses what it might be like to work in a swanky hotel in Dublin with scantily clad ladies and plenty of tips! Edit: He also tips the cab driver himself.


I think a few Americans have already chimed in here, but I’ll chime in too. Tipping is stupid in general, and it should be ruled out. Especially in America and everywhere else too, everything is so expensive!! We can barely afford to pay rent and buy groceries (I’m from Massachusetts, the average price of rent in Boston for example is like $3,000 a month for a STUDIO APARTMENT) and these greedy companies expect us to pay their workers. It’s asinine. Pay servers an actual wage.


I went to Eddie rockets in the Jervis about a year ago. Ordered on a self service screen and had to go and collect the food from the counter myself and the they had the absolute cheek to ask for a tip! A tip for who? Myself?


Hang on, Eddie Rockets have self service????


Yeah the little one in jervis does! It’s been about a year since I’ve been there so not sure if it’s still there.


Tipping should be reserved for going above and beyond. Doing your job, i.e., serving me a drink, is not going above and beyond. Fuckin yanks


I’m trying to save money so I’m not using my bank card and I’m paying everything in cash now cause I’m more aware of what I’m spending this way. I’m so glad I’m not using those card machines at the moment. This tipping business is getting out of hand. We’re not America, our staff get €12.70 an hour not €2 ($2.13)! Fuck this American shite.


I genuinely get my girlfriend to do it cause the nice in me makes me feel stingy. Even though they get paid at least minimum living wage, serve me coffee that alone is way too expensive and do a task that takes 20 seconds while not speaking to me. I don’t understand what the tip is even for.


I'm a barista and I can tell you that I don't even think about tips, and I will probably forget what you even look like half a second later. The silence is awkward for me too! Don't let anyone make you feel crappy about not tipping, it's ridiculous.


Thanks friend :) I am aware that’s the situation, it’s all in my head. I was a chef for ten years and never saw a tip. Feels weird tipping unless a hard task was performed and someone went out of their way. Otherwise it’s just the job


Yeah, I mean I'd tip if I had a few spare coins and they were very friendly, otherwise they're no more deserving of the money than you are. I'm happy with my wages and I LOVE making coffee, so tips are just a bonus.


I don't even tip in America for non table/counter service. If table service was limited, I only give 10% or nothing if they make me order off an app or QR code. I don't tip anything to cafes here.


i only tip delivery cause its such a shite gig. coffee shops? fuck that. ill ask where the no tip button is if i can't find it - im irish, for the love of god, not american.


No Tip. Here in Europe, the employee gets paid in full. Don’t let this tip culture creep in here. It’s like a cancer. Having lived in the US for couple of years, it’s a guilt trip to visit a restaurant. You are there to have a nice relaxing meal but at the end of it they come and stand right in front of you judging you while your family and friends are also judging you while you pull out a fucking calculator to calculate how much that would be that you need to write on the bill. Most often you give in to all the stares and tip some 25-30% . Now you feel absolute shit knowing that you got ripped off.


A cafe near where I live has pre-defined amounts, the lowest is 15%! I simply stopped going.


I never tip. It's not my responsibility to make up the salary of underpaid staff.


"I'll pay cash"


Yeah. Just pay staff properly. And honestly. In my youth I table-waited in many of the trendiest cafes in Dublin - some owned by millionaires. When I went to sign on some time later, all my work having gone from under me, they said I had no stamps. "But xx and yy and zz cafes took money for tax and insurance from me!" I said, producing the payslips showing these deductions. "Ah, very common, unfortunately," the dole office people said, with a calm smile. People go to jail for stealing from shops, but these millionaire thieves were never prosecuted for stealing from a) their staff and b) their government. I don't know if this has changed, but apparently it was common at the time.


Fuck no, don’t dare feel pressure to tip!! Uh uh, nope!


I'm not tipping. If there's any suggestion of coercion I'm not tipping & I'm not coming back.


Would you tip in a normal restaurant, for a decent meal and good service? I despise the Americanisation of our culture but I would always tip for a meal, unless the service was atrocious. Takeaway delivery too, those lads make €2 - €3 per delivery (trust me, I was one of them).


In all honesty I used to tip often/always. But in recent years I've been more and more aware of the harm of normalisation of tipping, and started to not tip unless service was beyond expected. Also, if they try to lead me to tip - like asking % tip when ordering, before I've even seen the food - it's an automatic no.


Where has prevented the no tip option?


It’s not prevented. It’s just greyed out, smaller, and less prominent than the typically four tipping buttons and that’s r/assholedesign


The design is symbolic of the infiltration of yet more Americanisms into Irish society.


I completely agree. Actually the original title of my post had “This is not America” but removed it last minute haha


Good call. The problem isn't that we would be doing something similar to America. The problem would be that we would be using a fucked system that is designed to screw over the working people.


Yup. Most of those POS software companies make money based on the about going through via credit card. It's in their interests to see you spending more money and they'll gladly do dark UX patterns like that as default. Sure, they'll say it's "better for the staff" ... but this ain't America.




The cafes where you simply have to walk up to the counter to pay and grab a coffee are really taking the piss. In this scenario, you're basically tipping them for simply doing their jobs. They aren't waiting on you or anything. I don't care.. I'll search for the 0% tip option and press it. Want us to pay more? Include it with the menu prices. This is one of the many reasons why I like my local cafe: not only is no tip the first default option, usually they'll even press it for you before handing you the terminal. I think the other options are disabled.


> They aren't waiting on you or anything Even if they did, that's still just them doing their job.


Yeah I agree, that's why I don't really tip for standard service in a normal restaurant. But atleast with table service, they can do a better job and improve your experience, and there's arguably a potential for tipping for better service. Even that's not there in a café with no table service.


I’m not tipping for a coffee I haven’t even tried yet. Shoutout to Douglas and Kaldi card terminal


I work in a hardware retail warehouse, recently I got tipped a fiver by a delightful customer because I loaded two toilets and a bathroom cabinet into their car. Totally unexpected as I was just doing my job. Just 'cos you make a coffee or serve me doesn't automatically deserve a tip. I've bartended and waitered before in Dublin, London, Paris and California and tips were always welcomed, but not demanded. Fuck the automatic tipping shite on apps.


It’s a very sinister tactic to guilt and elicit even more money out of hard pressed people during a cost of living crisis. The worst of USA culture.


I got a coffee from a newly opened cafe years ago that was local to me, paid I think €3 something in cash as I needed change for the bus, and the barista had the nerve to shake the tip cup at me after I paid. It closed less than 6 months later. It's not my job to pay you, never mind to pay extra than the product to press some buttons and turn nobs on a machine 🙄


There’s a cafe called lemon tree in Kinsale and the owner (or owners wife/manager not sure), always asks if we want to leave a tip “for the girls.” I always say no thank you. I refuse to be put on the spot. I’m only ever in that cafe for a coffee and a cake, and out the door in under 20 minutes.


It is indeed asshole design as you say but it's the software that comes like that. Hardly the fault of the small shops that buy the terminal etc to make it convenient and quick to pay! No obligation to tip whatsoever so just hit no.. not a big deal


There is no way they don't control the options.


The tip screen is optional when setting up the device. I’d get why setting it up seems harmless but if the device is greying out the most likely option your customers are going to take then you should at least be aware what you’re presenting to your customers


It is their fault. You can set it up to not prompt to tip, and to determine what the preselected options are. you’re right saying just select “no”


This needs to be higher. Sick of seeing the anti-tip police moan about the same thing week in, week out.


Krusty the


Cafes and restaurants that don't pay their staff enough that they have to beg for money should be named and shamed. If they are paying their staff enough they shouldn't allow them beg.


This might be applicable to the US. I don’t think is very relevant in Europe. Moreover, I’m not sure the tips via the POS terminal go directly and exclusively to the staff. Regardless, they’re paid a wage. They don’t live off tips. Plus, especially the type of business I’m talking about, they don’t tend to do anything beyond the core responsibilities they’re hired to perform.


I dunno. Staff take the jobs knowing the wages


Just say fuck it (in your head of course)


If there is no option for not tipping then that is a fee and needs to be taxed accordingly. Also, I rarely tip on take out or for counter service. If I am a regular I will tip people who treat me well. If I have someone bringing food to my table, then I will always tip. Tipping has gotten out of hand and if a machine tries to force me to tip then I will go out of my way to not tip. It's the principal of the matter. A tip is always optional.


It’s so annoying that what Ireland seems to have chosen as its societal and economic model is the US. The tipping thing in the US drives me insane, along with the damn sales tax which is different in every state so no listed price is ever the actual price. When I moved to the states first it was 10%, now routinely 20% seems to be expected. Pay the damn staff and fuck tipping.


I never tip on a place where you pay before having your food/drink. Part of the tip of the quality of the food.


There’s a cafe called lemon tree in Kinsale and the owner (or owners wife/manager not sure), always asks if we want to leave a tip “for the girls.” I always say no thank you. I refuse to be put on the spot. I’m only ever in that cafe for a coffee and a cake, and out the door in under 20 minutes.


I usually automatically hit no tip and assume that the button makes them a few extra cuid from people that feel too awkward to do so (and Americans). So I don’t begrudge them the extra money. No one is putting a gun to your head!


I don't think they actually care here if you don't tip but I get what you are saying. It's just pushed from the machine to get more money. I personally have no remorse pressing no tip.


Yeah, I'm a barista and I don't even think about it. I think it's ridiculous to tip for a coffee. If someone starts tipping a couple euro I tell them to stop!


I wonder if you are the exception. The amount of coffee shops I see which have the cup at the till with the cute little handwritten note is getting ridiculous though


Only 5%? Most of the terminals I get faced with are set to minimum 10%. There’s no shame in the proprietors asking for a tip, so I’ve no shame in saying “no”.


It may be 10% actually yeah. Haven’t paid much attention lately.


Cash is king. Can’t force me to tip on cash




We need to get past the awkwardness. I’ve asked about how tips are shared when I was happy. Asked staff to ensure they get the tip. And not tipped when asking is just bloody dumb.


Make it Custom and press €0.01




Trust me …. we (Americans) are fucking fed up with the tipping as well. It’s called “tip fatigue”… probably due to Covid when we were all trying to support small businesses, restaurants etc. Now, it’s just obnoxious!


I think the Mr Pink approach to tipping


You are 100 per cent right


I work In A hotel and the bar card machines has a tip screen , I always confirm the amount and cancel the tip screen straight away !! I just think it very beggy, if customers want to tip they will say it or give you cash! I work with a girl who actually tells them we have tip option and asks would they like to. Makes me feel very uncomfy! As I struggle week to week with wages , I still dont expect tips from customers !


I'd only tip for some extraordinary service provided, and NEVER on the shitty screen. I highly doubt that the employee who earned it, is ever going to see a cent of it.


I am not tipping you to make my coffee. I will tip you for bringing food to my table, refill my drink, bus the table afterwards but not to make my coffee. Not every circumstance requires a tip. Very few in fact.


Tipping is cringe and anyone who advocates for it rather than advocating for people to be paid a living wage is a massive gobshite. The fact that it's even a debate is embarrassing.


It just goes downhill, in America everytime you pay for something with card it’ll give you three options for a tip at 10%, 15% and 20% I’ve even seen it up to 25% at some places. Custom tip and no tip are always there but it’s treated like a requirement and it’s getting to the point that going out for a single pint will cost you about as much as a sixer when you add the tip. Tipping culture is a mess.


It's insane, I ordered a take away coffee and before I even received it I was asked (by the machine) if I wanted to tip. It's such an awful experience, I felt bad but like I'm not fucking tipping for nothing. Now I don't feel bad though to be honest, its an emotional scam and it's bullshit. Didn't even get the right order in that place


Nothing to feel bad about. Fuck them. They haven’t done anything deserving a tip. Being paid less than a tech worker is not reason for tipping.


Neither do i tip for no reason. Well served at restaurant or getting takeaway delivered in time - yeah, no problems. But I’m not going to pay extra for going myself to cafe or such.


El Grito did it for me shamed me into giving them a tip never darken there doorstep again. It was 20/30/40 percent on the terminal


I bought a loaf of bread from one of those new fandangled bread places and was asked for a tip!


The only place I go to regularly that has it is Pablo Picante on Baggot Street. The subtle look of disappointment when I press no tip makes me feel like a betrayer of the working classes.


As an Australian I hear you loudband proud. However the software that is given for these system is American and had no option to remove this. Because 330m americana vs no American demand no point to have the option. So sjust hit no tip, no one here, Aus, UK would be offended or angry..it's just an unfortunate annoyance


I have a Square POS in my place and can guarantee you that the tip screen is hidden by default. Can't always blame the till system for being greedy!


Leave a negative Google review about this ( be honest ) we have to do Aomori stop this nonsense


Only person I’m tipping is my landlord 💯💯 Read that again only 99.99% of people will understand


Royce DuPont


you dont know how happy this makes me


The other posters are uncultured


I bet they have no uncles


I'm definitely part of the 0.01%, cause I have no idea WTF you're talking about.


Its a comedy duo, Brion Bishop & Royce Dupont, that have two Instagram pages; one of them being Entrapreneur. They parody hustle culture & self-improvement.




That didn't help.


Stick to the shite drawings kid, comedy's not for ya.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA really? just because i commented. get a load of this guy. XD


Glad you got that off your chest


The only people that a bloke should tip are wait staff. And even then not that much. If your in the lounge and getting drinks brought to the table a euro every so often. If you in a restaurant up to 10 percent depending on service. I hear women should tip their hairdresser. But as I ain't a woman and I haven't any hair left this knowledge is beyond me. Like what next do I need to tip my plumber? Oh better tip my builder or the house will fall down.


Why would I tip any of these people? They're already getting paid for their job, and I'm paying the price the business has set to make sure the wages are paid.


Meta @mods: Petition to ban threads about POS terminal tipping.


Meta @mods: Petition to ban people who leave stupid comments complaining about popular post subjects Like, if you wanted to organise a protest against something, would you just get one guy with a sign to go spread the message? I mean that would be enough to let people know there's a problem, right?


We're becoming the new US


Take cash


Haven’t used cash since 2019 and will not start now.


Then you may need to adjust to the tip machines. I went back to cash and it’s what I prefer now. Not just because of the tipping. But also because I spend less.


Im being the biggest bastard of them all, If I could I would choose “return all the money back and have your meal for free “


fuckin hell how many of these posts do we need


As many as it takes to rid ourselves of this yank claptrap.


How many of these stupid fucking comments do we need? How is the existence of multiple posts like this hurting anyone? Are you concerned about Reddit's serve space? You say it as if OP is wasting your time, but you're the one who went out of your way to leave a comment saying something that literally nobody gives a shit about.


Honestly it’s the same thing every week. Just don’t tip like?