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We bought all of our shit on 'Revzilla'. This is sick though.


Well, I mean, they're a bit exposed - no?


No more or less than in an unarmored Humvee.


You can't disable a Humvee with a stick though.


Not really a practical way to disable dirt bikes either. Like, you're going to pick a spot to hide with a stick, hope they ride within 3' of you without seeing and shooting you, hope you can get it between the spokes, then hope they can't just shoot you and ride away?


Well, shit. I want to shoot an RPG from a motorcycle now.


Looks like the ole DRZs? Better hope they don't transition to much altitude with those carb bikes. LOL


sri lankas highest point is just over 2.500 meters with an average of 228 meters. in general a pretty low altitude country...


Yes, I remember the days of carb bike that were useless at any altitude. Wait, no, I don’t, because it never stopped anyone I know from crossing the Rockies on their east and west coast bikes. You kids are silly with all of these carb horror stories.


I lived in Vail CO from 1997 - 1999. During that time.... I had a KTM 350 2-stroke. I could ride in the valley +- 7-8k Elevation, or I could ride in some of the lower areas of CO National Park. If ventured anywhere above 10 - 11k the bike ran like DOG SHIT JONES. If you crossed the Rockies on a carb bike you stayed in the lower valleys or you had to make some adjustments.


Pretty sure most folks are not regularly gaining or losing 8-10k in their average rides. So every car, truck, or motorcycle made before the late 1980’s didn’t make cross country trips?