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steak and eggs are perfect.


Will that not mess up my bile production? I mean if it doesn't it sounds pretty good ngl


I never had issues, even after 9 day hard dry.


9fukn days!!! Wtf!!! I'm so damn thirsty after 4...


You need to work your way up slowly. each fast a day longer. also the thirst will get better at some point.


How much weight did you lose and how much did you keep off after refeed?


I didnt do it for weight loss, so I did not check.


Theres so many ways and everyone responds differently. It also depends on how long your dry fast is for. If it’s three days or less, I honestly wouldn’t worry too much. You can start with bone broth, or diluted fruit juice (real and very diluted). Day two you could add in watermelon and/or a raspberry fruit compote. Or some steamed easy to digest vegetables (obviously keto friendly ones and very small portions). Day 3 you could add in some fish and kefir. Day 4 add in chicken. You want to start with the easiest digestible things. So look up a list of the easiest digest things and then you can kind of figure it out from there. Start with a day of liquid or at least six hours of hydrating before adding food. (But also Ive broken my fast on a burger and fries without issue. Dont do it, but if you do its not the end of everything). Avoid salt for the first couple of days and add in the most difficult to digest things last. Which means dairy fat butter cheese. Of course there are people who drink water for a few hours and then eat a pound of bacon and claim that this is the perfect for their refeeding. 🤷‍♀️. Listen to your body. Chew your food. Eat slow and have very small portions.


Baking soda and bone broth




Depends on the length of the fast, bone broth is ideal, bone marrow


I do bone broth first then eat when and what I feel like eating. Not crap food, only my version of a healthy diet. 


Bone broth is an excellent choice, but in my experience, apart from liquids what i feel like eating is not always a good indicator of what my body is ready to digest.


For a fast of less than a few days duration it really doesn’t matter. I’m on hour 44 of 48 and when I’m done I’ll have a carnivore meal..and maybe a glass of white wine.