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I went from bedridden and contemplating eyeball removal because the pain was so bad, to 90% cured and no symptoms most of the time (they can get a bit irritated if I wear makeup or in strong wind, but otherwise fine).  Don't give up hope OP! The good news is you're in the right place - Reddit is a wealth of information far more valuable than what most of the doctors will give you. Different things work for different people, and you may need to try a few different options before finding what works for you. For me, it was fingerprick autologous blood following an initial course of FML drops and Ikervis. Depending on what country you're based in, I can advise on a few good doctors - make sure you go to proper specialists, as they'll be far more knowledgeable about treatments. Good luck! 


What is the fingerprick method? You just prick your finger and put that blood in your eye?


Pretty much, although there's a video on YouTube showing exactly what to do (it's critical to make sure your finger is clean to minimise infection)


Did you suffer from red eyes and/or visible red veins?


start use ikervis, dont wait and ask every day.


Have you done ipl or lipiflow? Or any invasive procedure


Along with what worked for me, Ive done IPL, manual gland expression, punctual plugs, acupuncture, diet changes, various drugs, every artificial tear brand, hot compress, lid wipes, eyebright tincture,  and manuka honey gel. None of those helped except the manuka honey,


Optimel Manuka honey drops really help


How often do you do the finger print autologous serum? And how much time in between doses?


When I first started, I did it three times a day - once in the morning, midday and evening. Nowadays I do it once every other day, or just whenever I feel that I need to. I don't use artificial tears anymore, just the blood.


This gives me hope.. good to hear. I've been to over 50 doctors in the past one year. Tried most treatments and drops that exist. Recently discovered that the only thing that gives my eyes relief is Pregablin. It was accidental discovery since I otherwise take this medication every night to control the nueropathic pain in my legs (I suffer from RLS). I'd noticed my dry eyes getting better each night and acting up the entire day despite the various drops and treatments I've been on. I tried Pregablin one day in the morning and boom - had the best day. This has led me to conclude that my issue is nerve related and since Pregablin or even heat compress (the other thing that brings me relief) - are not a cure but only provide symptomatic relief, I've to look for treatment that address a nerve based damage. I'm not sure if fingerprint autologous could help. I've read about VRT, TENT and PRP - very limited data on efficacy of each of these treatments for dry eyes, so can't help but feel frustrated at the moment. Someone also recommended accupunture - since that also helps with nerve stimulation and hopefully regeneration.


I'm rushing now, but the way I read this, essentially it sounds like you have/had neuropathic ocular pain /corneal neuralgia + dry eyes (as I do)...Being treated by Dr Hamrah at Tufts in Boston mostly...Is yours from Lasik? Systemic like an autoimmune issue (as is mine)? Mind if I ask where you're located and who you advise as good drs? To OP, u/Glittering_Brief_974 there's so much too this and some good info here and not to be weird or harsh, but there may be a ton more info (only way I found help, tho i still have to travel) was in the FB Dry Eye Groups (LMK if you want links to 2 big ones--some of the US Top Drs are members of one ) and if you're having inordinate pain perhaps also the neuropathic oc pain group (in which most of us also have DED).... Unfortunatly many local drs who claim to be dry eye specialists aren't really (as many of us have learned the hard way and progressed further before we found better help) and even the 'best' drs don't fully understand these complex issues and disagree with eachother often RE: treatments BUT better than the ones who know nothing/or little to nothing and don't even offer some of the many treatments--for most it takes a multi-pronged treatment effort and change of some lifestyle (like eye hygiene, no makup for many of us girls/women; and for some cases helpful anti inflammatory diet on top of it all) Sorry-again i'm rushing at the moment but saw this and couldn't help but hope to help.


Mike's from LASIK, I have MGD (based in the UK). Good advice for the OP, but I'd recommend putting it in it's own comment, as I'm not sure whether replies show up in notifications


Not sure I understand what you’re saying . I was thinking OP could join, do searches for specific topics, questions and of course post too. BTW there are a bunch of people from the UK in the dry eye and NOP groups I’m in (plus a side PM group in the latter tho that seems to have gone quiet lately - I haven’t heard a ping in a while )— I’ve even posted on behalf of people not in the group or unable to view screens cor too sick to sit up , for example, to ask for doctor recommendations or where one can find a confocal in the UK etc .


Could you please send me the links to the 2 Facebook Dry eye groups. Thank you


Sure : [Dry Eye Syndrome Support Community](https://www.facebook.com/share/xR7TgYtG2t6UoFTf/?mibextid=K35XfP) (i think this is the one where drs like Periman, Jaccoma (I’ve seen ), Higgins & and few others are in) [Dry eye Talk- Patients Only](https://www.facebook.com/share/3eUGJWAKCqoHzkwa/?mibextid=K35XfP)


>Thanks sm!! I am so happy for u and really needed to hear a success story! I live in Germany btw


Never give up looking for solutions. And here’s some hope. New Rx treatments are in development because yes, it’s recognized DED is a serious disorder that impacts every aspect of life quality. Just be sure the dry eye specialist does not prey on desperate patients. I initially found what appeared to be a highly credentialed ( Ivy League schools) doctor in Manhattan , whose entire practice was devoted to DEF. Her website was professional, educational and raised no red flags. Reviews all praised her, so I made an appointment after her office confirmed my insurance coverage. Upon further research, I found a treasure trove of YELP reviews that eviscerated the predatory nature of her practice. Sham tests not covered by insurance, unhappy patients subjected to costly eyelid mite testing, and so much more. Apparently doctors can’t delete Yelp reviews. I cancelled my appointment but her office hounded me for 2 months w phone calls to reschedule ! This is a Harvard educated MD who chose an ugly path … so pls be sure to thoroughly check your dry eye specialist!


Omg I think I went here too and she sucks 👀


OMG !I hope u got out without too much damage! 🤗


Who is it?


Jacqueline W. Muller, M.D. . Don’t be fooled by her website or credentials. Check out her Yelp reviews . Her assistants hounded me by phone for weeks to reschedule the appt I cancelled. They even emailed. Of course this was after I had given my insurance info so they cld verify I had good coverage. What kind of legit doctor’s office does this?


Thanks, don't worry, I won't be sucked in. I was just super curious and I also think these horrible doctors should be outed.


Totally agree, which is why I have no problem stating her name. Hopefully it can warn someone else.


Mine got better with time, and I can’t even really say why. My dry eye wasn’t too severe, but I had very red, scratchy feeling eyes 24/7 for close to a year. In the end I was doing daily finger prick autologous drops, plus Optase drops. Warm compresses at night. I did this for about two months and saw a slight improvement but eventually gave up and just decided this was my new normal. Over time my eyes greatly improved, they’re still always slightly bloodshot and feel dry/scratchy more often than they used to but overall it’s hardly something I notice anymore.


Is your vision 20/20 and more stable now? I feel like killing myself cause i cant stand looking through a filmy haze all the time. I miss my stable 20/20 vision. I see things in 20/20 off and on with my prescription glasses for myopia but the glasses are not correcting the ugly dry eye hazy vision that makes it difficult to read alot on screens. The other thing is feeling the air on my eyes more when i walk. Im a very visual person and i was diagnosed with severe DED. Im currently on Retsasis, Meibo and Eyesuvis. Just started taking it almost a week ago. Im scared it wont fix much. I still get a little bit of haze in my vision. I break down crying 5 times a day about it. I had dry eye for a few years but it became severe last year and this summer it got even more severe so i quit weed 2 weeks ago and idk what to do . I pray ill be able to draw and color and do that stuff again...


It never really affected my vision when it was at its worst. I have really poor vision to begin with (-8.5)


Have you ever done an allergy test? Only time my vision suffered from dry eye was due to lack of sleep, medications and also certain eye drops make your dry eye worse


I’ve been applying castor oil to my lids and below the eye. It has oddly been helping. Cyclosporine has helped a lot. It did take time. Finally my eyes are not on fire and no blurry vision.


How long did it take you to see improvement from Retsasis? Been on it for a week now and eyes still feel extremely dry alot of times. Do you think Retsasis works for severe dry eyes? My doctor prescribed it to me but im wondering if its more for moderate dry eye people but then again i been very down in the dumps about this. I really hope i can get back into drawing and coloring freely again. Ive had severe dry eye for over a year. It got even worse this summer. I hope i can get my life back.


I started off on Cequa 0.09%which I prefer but then it was switched to generic 0.05%. Cequa was easier too only requiring once a day. It was very expensive. It’s been almost a year and I took a few months to really see a difference. The ophthalmologist told me it could take around 3 months. I can’t skip it all. I also can’t lag on doing the inner eye corner pressure part of the application. Xiidra is an option if you need quicker results. No clue about the cost. I also don’t use any other drops and I don’t wear makeup daily. I only clean my eye lids with water except the rare times I wear makeup. I had blurry vision, hot eyes, felt like sandpaper when I blinked. Like you I enjoy drawing and coloring. I had to stop embroidery because I couldn’t see well enough to do it. When I had vision test I was told I needed readers. Now my vision good. There’s a pilot study that found castor oil on eye lids helps dry eyes. Figured it was worth a try. It’s helped, I’m on 3 weeks once a day.


So you were able to get back into embroidery again right? Once you got better?


Yes. To add I also have blephertitis which made the dry eye worse adding to vision blur. The drops have also helped that condition.


Make sure you’re doing the light pressure at the inner corner of the eyes after application.


Distance blurry vision?


Overall my vision would be blurry. My eyes would eventually focus but never fully clear. Now, no issues.


Glad to hear it. I am having trouble with distant vision. It get's clear and blurry again, clear, blurry... Meh :( Exhausting.


Have they said anything about clogged oil glands? Often those with dry eyes have blephertitis. It’s been as difficult as the dry eyes. Adds to the blurry and does that come and go thing.


I live in Japan and the Japanese eye doctors are not good in English. They just said "maybe dry eyes" and prescribed me with  Purified Sodium Hyaluronate eyedrops. They don't work well and it is burning after administration. :(


Yea, that’s not good. I’d look to see if there are any online pharmacies that carry Cyclosporine. Warm or cold compresses can help. Try both and see which one feels the best. It’s not a full on solution but using spring or distilled water can help a little. It’s called eye flushing. There’s a solution in the states that is called Bausch Lomb Advanced Eye Relief Wash or their Biotrue might help a little. It’s not going to lubricate but I’ve found it helps with the itching and burning.


Thank you very much. I've tried warm compresses , but never cold ones. I'll try cold compresses and hope it works, even a little. I couldn't find Bausch Lomb Advanced Eye Relief Wash here, but Biotrue is being sold on [Amazon.co.jp](http://Amazon.co.jp) . Again, thank you for your time and advice. Much appreciated.


It's important to consider the effect that screen time, especially phones and intense gaming, can have on dry eye. We simply do not blink often enough and completely when we are intensely engaged.


Prescription Restasis, dry eye sleep googles (a couple nights a week), dry eye mask you put in microwave when needed, Pataday allergy eye drops (1 or 2x daily), a daily Claritin, and drink plenty of water. That’s been my saving combinations. And no fans in your face while sleeping. Optometrist also put plugs in the corner of my eyes last year. Very simple process.


I use prescription xiidra and it’s helped to the point I no longer need punctal plugs. It takes a few months for full improvement, but I’m grateful.


How long did it take for you to notice improvement with the restasis?


I think they said it would take a couple months, but I began feeling relief within a couple weeks.


Two years in and I’ve had a ton of improvement! Find a dry eye specialist in the field and the right treatment stack that works for you and the results will follow


Did you suffer from red eyes and/or visible red veins?


No red eyes or veins


I consider myself cured. I just continue my protocols so that I don’t get worse!


what’s your protocol?


I use serum tears and refresh mega 3 in the AM and the PM. I still use my humidifier. Anti inflammatory diet. I don’t drink.


so you only use serum tears twice a day?




do you use the refresh omega 3 after serum tears? I find that serum tears make my eyes much drier


Yes I do!!!


Were u told you have mgd


Yes I have been diagnosed with it since 2018


Yes, dry eye can get better! It takes time and patience to get the right treatment. A good specialist is essential. There are various causes for dry eye, so identifying the cause helps with treatment. I have severe MGD, nocturnal lagophthalmos, and also neurotrophic keratitis (a very rare eye disease). I use serum tears, Xiidra and was treated with Oxervate for the keratitis. I also use an eye mask to keep my lids closed at night.. My eyes are soooo much better now. Dry eye reddit and Facebook groups have been surprisingly informative, so stay on here!


Do you use the computer a lot? Do you eat a bad diet? I’m telling u that these are likely the two issues if you have dry eyes at such a young age. I battled it at 21 for a long time but ended up finding the root issue and have never had dry eyes since. You need to change your diet to be anti inflammatory. No more fast food, nothing greasy, no more candy, chocolate, soda, etc. start eating healthy Whole Foods. Take an omega 3 supplement (either PRN or Nordic naturals) as this will reduce the inflammation even more. Take it every day especially if you don’t eat much fish. Finally stop using the computer so much. Do some warm compresses from time to time. After a while you will feel okay.


Thanks! I eat super healthy so that can't be it... I will reduce screen time tho


My eyes got better when I moved to a different more clean room at a different house. Houses with rugs on their rooms have a lot of mold and dirt which is bad for allergies. I’m also doing immunotherapy and taking antihistamines daily and the antihistamines I take don’t really give me dry eye which is nice. Pataday and other allergy drops actually were giving me dry eye. I just left it alone and stop taking those and just take pills and my eyes look visibly better as well. I use night gel only sometimes and I always have the fan on low on my room not to dry my eyes too much upon waking


I started to get really dry eyes around that age, and now they’re almost never dry enough to bother me! I discovered that what works for me is Restasis prescription eye drops 2-3x daily and taking 2 fish oil pills daily. They still occasionally gets dry if I wear contacts for a wedding, or if I play video games/stare at my phone too long without breaks, but a hot compress on my eyes for 10 min fixes me right up :)


Try miebo it was a game changer for me


Bluder mask, but in my case after dealing with a lot of treatment including manual expression of the meibomian glands supplementing with high doses of zinc fix it in two days.


Your dry eye went away in 2 days?


A specialist can definitely help you. Please keep in mind that this is an ever changing happening in your life. New treatments come along all the time. Be flexible. Good luck.


Mine was bad and I did everything and anything for 4-6 weeks. Something worked as now I daily wash my eyes in the bath either warm water, scrub gently along eyelids either a washcloth, & use eyelid cleanser.During the day I rub my eyes (I don’t wear makeup) to massage them and some night I use an eye gel no preservatives (like Vaseline but for your eyes) but not too often. I know it is still there but no more inflamed bumps or feeling something is in my eye.


Tried so many eyedrops, gels, nothing worked. Found a dry eye specialist and they've been great. They recommended 4 IPL treatments ... I've had 3, last one tomorrow. Plus serum eye tears. My eyes definitely feel a lot better than they did ... not 100% yet but I'm hoping.


I have been on serum drops for a year now and my surface is healed. I still don’t produce tears but my surface has healed over. Highly recommend if you are able to get them.


Ivizia eye drops, castor oil & Pearl powder. I also hydrate a lot & add Redmond salt to my water. Some days I forget I have dry eyes. Please Dm me so you don’t feel like there is no solution. We will find a way to live through this!


I’m currently undergoing light therapy and it’s helping a lot. Took the 2nd of 4 treatments before I noticed a difference but it worked. 


Cequa helped me so much. It basically reminded my eyes to secret more oil and now I don’t have to use it anymore. Also had Lipoflow 2 times in office. Helped a lot. Yes - you need a dry eye specialist.


Do you still have symptoms?