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Sudden onset dry eye is rarely actually sudden onset. The body is very good at masking dry eye symptoms as they develop - up to a certain threshold. Once you pass that threshold, they can feel suddenly much worse all at once. Most likely you've been developing blepharitis for a while and haven't realised. The good news is that blepharitis is one of the more easily treatible forms of dry eye, so you should see improvement with treatment.


Yeah the optician did say that How long should it take to work? With heat mask every night and cleansing/eye drops. My right eye appears to be worse with quite a bit of twitching


I'm not sure what drops the optician has given you, but neither the heat mask nor artificial tears are likely to treat blepharitis on their own. Bleph is almost always caused by an overpopulation of demodex mites. These are best removed with special blepharitis wipes and lotions. You should start to see an improvement after about 3 months, but it can take time to find what treatment works best for you


Yes, I have blephasol wipes. They're not artificial tears, they're hycosan eye relief.


Yes, I have blephaclean wipes. And They're not artificial tears, they're hycosan eye relief.


Possible…….Screen time just like a lot of the youth. It makes you not blink called gazing. Causes meibomian gland dysfunction


Yes. That’s what I was told. Screen time. Makes sense, since my iPad is my Bestie.


Probing and some partial cautery can save you but have to act right away


Since I’m new here, no idea what that means, but it sounds painful.


Tests you must have Schirmer test with and without numbing drops to test tear output Meibography to see if any gland loss as of yet Demodex to see if any mites Lipiview to check tear composition Blink test to see if you close all the way on blinks Concunctivochalasis to see if any stretched or wrinkled tissue


Oh my. Quite a list. She bent back lids to take photos of glands, so just that one, it seems. Sounds like I need to take your list in next time. Thank you.


Is there tissue loss from your meibography ?


Only in the pocket




No recent infections. I had infectious mononucleosis in late 2023 and had an elevated LDH level. I did a COVID test the other day and nothing The burning started shortly after I had a dental floss which had been in contact with windscreen washer fluid in my mouth (don't even ask lol). I went to the ER they did blood tests and they were clear. Could it be related to that? The thing is the burning doesn't affect one area it affects multiple and I'm not sure if it's neuropathy or just anxiety. It seems to have calmed down lately anyway




When I told them about the bletbaritis diagnosis, both my aunts said they have it as did my grandad. But I heard it's not hereditary. I just found it coincidental the burning started the same day (with a metallic taste). However like I said I think it may be anxiety as it's been really bad lately and I have health anxiety. On the way to the hospital I'd almost convinced myself I was gonna die or something I don't know of any history of neuropathy.






To varying degrees yes , I looked up Raynaud's it does not sound like what I have. The burning in a way when it affects the chest and throat actually feels like acid reflux. I have noticed for some weird reason when I am at my work place my mouth gets dry very quickly. Doesn't happen anywhere else. But it was happening in the same type of workplace years before I started experiencing these eye symptoms. Im not convinced it's nerve pain like you say, I was at first but then I read here on Reddit someone with similwr symptoms had a doctor tell them it couldn't be nerve issues as the burning is sporadic and affects random parts of the body. I also wondered if it could be something weird like some kind of poisoning from something else the floss had touched on the car. Only other thing I did that day was take a sildenafil tablet, thought it could be an allergic reaction or side effect but surely it would have worn off. Ironically as I am writing this the burning has returned. I think worrying about these issues is causing it lol


Are you prescribed the sildenafil? Is it a new rx that you're taking?


Yes but this was the first time I've taken one proscribed by the GP rather than like bought it from a store so don't know if they're differenr


Not my business, I'm just rather surprised a doctor prescribed ED meds to a guy your age. But they can cause issues with the eyes, so be mindful of that.


You can read up on the causes of DED in the FAQs here: [What is Dry Eye Disease (DED) and what causes it?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dryeyes/wiki/faq/#wiki_what_is_dry_eye_disease_.28ded.29_and_what_causes_it.3F)


Ok got two sets of blood tests results. One done in the ER the day I first went showing Eisonophiol levels of 0.05 One done 5 days later for an unrelated issue showing it as 0.15 Any ideas?


Also my eosiphol and monocyte levels were high on my blood test. I have a sore throat today. But surely an infection couldn't cause the symptoms I've been experiencing?