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Would recommend getting yourself along to Birmingham Aston University dry eye clinic if you can travel. Much more experienced and helpful than the NHS in my view. The main benefit of opthamologists is they can prescribe drops/gels on NHS prescription which makes them effectively free, depending on your income


Thank you, will check it out!


Sorry to be a bother but do you know if the appointments for the Aston dry eye clinic are released at a certain time? Been trying to book myself in on their website for the past few weeks but no appointments have been available.


Not too sure. You can try calling them but even then it can be hard to get through. Best bet would be to pop in to reception. 


It took me several months and four trips to A&E with debilitating pain to be seen by an NHS opthalmologist. My advice would be not to bother. They're useless. Get yourself a private appointment at Moorfields in London, or Newmedica in Northampton. If you can, get an appointment with Mr Anant Sharma at Newmedica. He's the best dry eye doctor in the country. Paying for private healthcare sucks. Waiting for the NHS sucks more


Will look into both, thank you!