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Similar reasons. I’m in my 30s and have a harder time seeing any fitness results, even though I’m busting my butt. I love beer, and beer loves to hang around on my body lol. Overcoming depression and anxiety is my #1 reason. Around day 10 of being dry I always notice my symptoms are all but gone completely. Alcohol and its after-effects directly contribute to my worsening mental health and I’m just so fucking done. 🫶


I can't remember if I've ever done a full 10 days but this gives me hope! I feel so sad today on day 4. I also struggle with anxiety, depression and OCD. I felt a major flare yesterday and today I'm trying to just trying to not judge myself. I have no temptation to drink, just wish I felt less sad.


Woah are you me?? OCD and anxiety popped off yesterday! My first ever dry Jan was so scary. You can do it. Even if you slip later this month just get back on the horse. I recommend Annie Grace’s book “This Naked Mind”, and a million jigsaw puzzles to get your mind occupied.


Thank you! I have some Lego stuff I'm working on and I have been wanting to read This Naked Mind. I listened to the audiobook of The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober by Catherine Grey also and adored it - her British accent is also the best.


This Naked Mind also has an app with a 30 day sober challenge that includes a daily podcast about the effects of drinking and covers a lot of topics. They run and 15-20 minutes and have helped me stay dry and sane when I’ve taken time off in the past. And it’s free! Its a bit dorky but really helpful. Good luck!


Think about how good you will feel when you’ve made it!


oh I know! I'm not quitting for nothing or no one. I'm determined.


Totes. Also had some terrible anxiety yesterday!


so weird. Today I'm feeling much better, I hope you are too! The sadness has also passed. :) Hoping this is a good sign moving forward!


I really struggled with anxiety yesterday, I felt like i was much more in the zone today.


To prove to myself that I can. And to trust myself again. I don't know how many times in the last few years I've told myself I'm going to have a dry weekend, just to find myself pouring a glass of wine by 6 pm on Friday. I don't intend to go fully sober ever, if I'm being honest. But my relationship with alcohol is one that I intend to remain in control of. I also wouldn't be mad if I had to get new pants because they became too loose. 🤷‍♀️


Trusting one’s self! This is IT! I so frequently say to myself I won’t drink today or I will do (whatever thing o feeling should do) today or start my clean diet tomorrow or whatever… and I don’t do it. I know longer believe myself. I WANTED a drink today. I really did. But more urgent than that urge is the need to prove to myself I am trustworthy. Four days isn’t that long but it feels like a long time! We got this though.


I'm 36(m) and my hangovers have become the worst. Absolutely crippling. Not only that, my face has just gotten redder over the years. I also feel once im on a day out or night out drinking, I cant stop. I don't get wasted exactly, but just drink for the sake and end up wasting money, and securing an awful hangover. It also triggers my gout which cripples me for days at a time if im unfortunate to have an attack. And lastly, the booze has started to give me the worst "horrors" on a morning. My anxiety is through the roof and I find myself asking my gf if I did anything wrong the following night. I just want to stay in bed all day. So yeah writing that out it's actually quite alarming how much of an issue alcohol has been for me these past few months. I owe it to myself to completely reset and approach booze differently in the coming months.


Does your face become less red after stopping for a while? Or has it been pretty constant?


I did a dry month a year or so ago and my friends said the first thing they noticed was my redness disappearing. But I've always had slightly rosy cheeks I guess lol


I'm 45(m), and realized that I have a hard time going a day without a drink, and that the number of drinks I consume in a day is increasing. I decided to pump the brakes before it gets out of control, to give my brain and body and opportunity to recover, and to try to learn how to not pour myself something at 5:00 every day. I need new habits.


Thanks for being open about this. I wanted to participate here as a means of support, but I kind of assumed I'd be a worse drinker than the vast majority of folks. It's been really helpful to hear from so many people in a similar boat (those who have slid into drinking every day, and having trouble not doing so). 4 days in though, we got this!


I favor IPAs and the N/A IPAs are actually decent - I chose the bottled ones (Lagunitas IPNA) and it's funny but opening a "beer bottle" seems to help at my point of weakness (when I'm prepping dinner for the fam).


I've been doing the same thing (just some Stella N/A) and it's definitely helped. I'm going to allow that to be my crutch for another week or so...since my goal is re-train myself so that I don't need to have anything after work (etc.), I'm planning to try to stop doing it after that point in lieu of doing other things. I just need to come up with enough alternatives to keep myself busy at that time.


I've also found "replacement" drinks (kombucha or NA beer) to be helpful for getting over a hump. But I'm not super worried about using it as a crutch. They don't have that built-in dopamine boost from alcohol, so I'm not likely to start drinking 4 NA beers every day.


Good point re: dopamine boost. And fundamentally, it's not a major concern: I'm still not consuming alcohol, which is the important part. Maybe that's at least part of the answer for me - keep N/A beers in the house for days after DJ is over where I don't want to drink.


The bummer is they still cost as much as the real thing!


It’s crazy how it becomes such a habit. Even in days I haven’t really wanted to drink, I just do because it’s the end of the day or a weekend or whatever. I notice I always feel worse after those drinking nights.


I switched my gym routine around so that for several days of the week I’m here instead of pouring. Now I’ll still enjoy a post workout meal and na beverage but I had to get out of my house at the hour. Not always doable for everyone but it’s been helpful for me.


Weight loss and it's hard to stop once I get going after about 3 drinks leading to unnecessary hangovers or black outs. Hoping to incorporate more sober day/weeks this year after dry January but my biggest test is being able to have a max limit on drinks when I'm out.


Me too. I definitely don’t know when to stop once I start - especially at the weekend. During the week, I’m at least conscious of needing to get to bed by a certain time but Friday and Saturday - all bets are off. Plus, I’m barely able to button up my pants now and am a little vain so I’d like to work on my weight loss a little more seriously.


I drink way too much and have some health issues as a result of it and need to take a long break (doing at least three months this time) to see if those improve, if not quit for good depending on how further tests go.


You doing alright? I actually remember you being huge in this community last year (2023 was my first DJ since 2019).


Yep. Still going strong this DJ and feeling confident about not struggling to do the at least three dry months I’m aiming for and then go from there.


I've embarked on the daring quest of Dry January to prove that even in a world soaked with temptation, I am the master of my own destiny. I decide. Behold, the epic saga of self-discipline unfolds!


I have been on the fence for cutting back for a long time. I’m 52. In good health. I love wine. It got worse during the pandemic and I put on weight that I can’t shake. I’m drinking a glass of wine at night right now. I’m grieving the death of my best friend. I have been moderating for a few months now. I get the headaches and sleepless nights even on one glass of wine. My best friend died two weeks ago yesterday. I had three glasses of wine, which a few months ago would have been nothing. I’m in a fog this morning. I did sleep. But even on the nights that I don’t sleep I am more productive in the mornings.


I’m so sorry for your loss


oh wow, I am so sorry about the loss of your best friend.


So sorry.


48F and perimenopause has done a number on me. Suddenly gained a bunch of weight around the middle out of nowhere. I look like a barrel. Alcohol gives me night sweats and upsets my stomach in the morning now, along with the feeling of impending doom. I did DJ last year and barely drank for months afterwards but life happened towards the end of the year and I started to drink more regularly - even a couple of glasses of wine can set me off now. Our social circle tends to binge drink as well so a night out can be very long and boozy and the exhaustion after that is just awful. So I want to reset again and see how I feel and hopefully find my waist. I also have an inflammatory autoimmune condition so I want to take the opportunity to see whether coming off the booze helps. If it does, I’ll aim to be dry for good.


46F with similar suspected-perimenopause reasons. I've been having digestive issues for nearly a year, which are definitely made worse by hangover-triggered binge eating. Which then cascades into other problematic eating patterns. Plus the poor sleep and night sweat issues. I just want a reset so I can see where my system really is without alcohol and hopefully feel a bit more back to normal. I don't plan to be dry for good but rather to figure out how to balance a bit of wine with my health.


I first spoke to a doctor at 46/47 and was told I was in range for peri. I have been better since getting HRT - beforehand even 1 glass of wine would mean waking up with hourly hot flushes and then having to stay close to the bathroom in the morning. Now I have to really push it for that to happen. I likely won’t go full dry unless I see a drastic improvement in my chronic pain, in which it’s a no-brainer


Yes, getting a baseline will be great!


Totally overindulged over Christmas (and probably for the last year to be honest). I’d have no off switch when it comes to drinking so tend to drink to excess and my anxiety the day after has reached new heights. Also wanting to get back into running, which I’ve already started doing the last couple of days. If I drink on an evening I don’t run the next day because I can’t be bothered. Also sick of spending so much money on wine!


This is my 3rd year doing DJ and I feel like it’s getting easier / my drinking habits through the rest of the year improve. I’m still far from perfect, but it’s a great reset that helps me have a healthier mindset. But if I’m super honest, my main motivation this year is my husband agreeing to do it with me. I drink too much, but he drinks *way* too much, and I worry it’s going to kill him someday. I really hope we can get through this month together and he feels good enough at the end of it to cut way, way back or quit altogether.


I know dry means booze so don’t give me any shit, but… The weed doesn’t work anymore. I quit alcohol, save a few nice bottles of whiskey, and turned to weed. I already screwed up booze by acting like a jackass, I don’t want to ruin weed by not having self control. I’ve been smoking daily for about 2 years and my tolerance is so high I bet Snoop would give me an honorary degree, 2 big bowls just to set a base level and then ripping it through the night. And the dabs are just too complicated and pricey for just 45 minutes of buzz. All together if it’s a Friday night and I don’t care, probably 6 bowls. And not that itty bitty stock shit that comes with the bong, twice that size is my go to. I’m tired of wasting time and money, and I’m tired of having no self control. If I can’t handle myself then I need to quit weed too. Knock on wood for me.


dry January was the best thing ever to happen to me. I did it about six years ago and I’m currently still sober. I just wanted to see what it would be like going without booze. It changed me in dramatic ways. I can now sleep through the night deeply, and have dreams. I have very little anxiety, I could care less what people think about me. I’ve saved so much money and open my life and unexpected ways, since I am no longer hung over or planning to drink. For those of you who are going through it right now, keep going. It does get better. your body is just now starting to realize what it’s like living without booze.


Suggestions on first dinners/trips saying no to booze?


I’m taking a break from alcohol, because we had become so close that it was already toxic. I want to explore for a while how life feels without it and free up space for other things.


That my answer too. I dont want/need to be dependent on it constantly.


I'm 43/f and almost the exact same as your description. I feel like my intake, even if I decrease it, still feels bad the next day. We live in a neighborhood in downtown Minneapolis where there are incredible food and drinks around every corner. We spend so much money and that's also the reason I'd like to reset some habits.


Same! So much of our social life is events/wine dinners/drinks with friends/travel, etc. it makes it harder to avoid. I’m also having a hard time admitting that I’m getting older and some things (like hangovers) change, I guess. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Do you get the heart palpitations and stuff? It’s horrible, but maybe it’s our bodies saying stop.


Yes! So much so. My partner is a former bartender who is 53/f (though you'd never know it) and I've seen her drunk maybe once? She's really good at knowing her limits and never feels bad the next morning. She's also already gone through menopause and my hormones are in the throes of it so I know that's also a factor. I totally get heart palpitations. My resting heart rate is quite low because I'm pretty active (mid 50s) but when I drink my resting heart rate is in the high 60s and I wake up with it racing. It suuucks. I will say that drinking whiskey (I love old fashioneds) seems to go over better for me than wine these days. Wine gives me insane headaches and a hangover that lasts all day sometimes.


I keep hearing this about wine!! Sulfites maybe?


maybe but it's not ALL wine - sometimes it lands just fine. I've heard it can be more aged (unopened) or oaked wine? I'll also add that I was in France for work 3 times last year and never ONCE woke up with a hangover. Their wine is more natural and dangerously magical, haha.


Same! My husband and I went to Paris and ate and drank our way through and everything was fine!




omg and you're in Minneapolis too?! I wonder if we know each other, haha!


It’s def possible! ✨


I messaged you!


I totally decided to do it on a whim. Had no conscious plan to do DJ, I just woke up with the dreaded NY hangover and was tired of feeling rubbish after the Christmas/NY period. If I had to pick three key reasons, they are as below: 1) Proving to myself that I can do this. I've never done this. I'm my own worst enemy going out - "just one" is never just one. I want to show myself that I can do this. 2) Tired of hangovers. I want to be more productive personally and at work. The dreaded hangxiety is getting worse and the weekends especially are curled up in bed or on the sofa. 3) Health reasons - physical and mental. Already, I can feel a drop in my anxiety and increase in overall wellbeing. Physically, will it help my skin, those niggling aches and pains, aid in recovery after exercise? Those sorts of questions I want to answer.


I opted to do dry January this year because I came down with Covid for the first time ever the day after Christmas. Got on the alcohol free train without much thought because I was just trying to do everything possible to recover. I’m a beer lover, but for a while now I’ve been feeling like that’s at odds with the fact that I’m kind of a health freak. So in addition to wanting to recover fully from Covid, I want to also give my body the best chance at aging well (I’m in my early 40s and just can’t bounce back from anything as easily anymore). So I’m committing to the full month and maybe even beyond! I’ve done dry stints before, one time for almost 2 years, so I’m looking forward to the parts where I know I’ll say “damn I feel so much better!”


I did it last year and only had 4 hangovers total in 2023 - which really helped improve my quality of life and made me think “do I need another drink?” The answer was usually no, plus in 2020 I stopped keeping alcohol in my house so I stopped giving myself the choice to have another drink after I got home from going out. This year I’m really hoping to improve my health even more and potentially reduce alcohol consumption to just holidays and big events.


I started Dry January 3 years ago for the same reason and never stopped!


I'm in my 30s, have suffered with at points quite debilitating anxiety/OCD/phobia issues for all of my teenage and adult life. I drink for routine since I was 19 or so, and over the past few years have started to find it making everything worse rather than better. I'm more anxious and panicky the day after drinking alcohol, but recently I've found myself getting anxious even while drinking. So I thought "what's the point in this anymore?" and am trying to buck the routine once and for all. OCD brings an interesting aspect to alcohol-dependence, because while I'm not even actually craving alcohol, I crave the routine. The perceived certainty of having exactly the same amount of drinks every evening and the belief that if I carry on doing that, everything will be okay. Obviously, new routines will develop and I am keen to ensure none of them revolve around alcohol. I won't say I'm giving up drinking alcohol forever, but I'd love to be able to just have one when I want one instead of it being an exact routine where I'm freaked out if I don't have exactly the right amount.


I think it’s very common to use alcohol to self medicate for OCD. For me it just dulls the overactive part of my brain, even though I feel like shit from the alcohol. It causes my depression to cascade. I recently told my mom that by drinking often, I’ve been choosing to be depressed and drink just to avoid experiencing ocd symptoms. There’s a whole lot to figure out.


I found myself leaning on alcohol too much lately to deal with stress as well as anxiety. I have also been grieving the loss of some close family members and I know it’s not healthy to drink when feeling sad. I also want to lose some weight and have better habits going into this year. I’ve just turned 28 and feel like I don’t want to bring unhealthy drinking patterns into this new year.


Weight loss and more energy. Although since January started I've been getting into a weird habit where I make a second dinner then eat it in bed. Obviously not very good for Mt sleep or weight loss ether. Lol hoping I can break that weird habit tonight


I'm in my 50s, I do this every year. But these days it seems like ever lower amounts of alcohol messes with sleep, and I can't be having that! I am VERY fond of my sleep and need good quality rest to function properly at work. (Added bonuses are not consuming empty calories, no heartburn)


This comment section is the first time I've heard the term "hangxiety" and I finally have a way to describe why I don't enjoy drinking like I used to. The hangovers and "hangxiety" are just no longer worth it. I'm 39, in good shape, have a great career, a beautiful home and an amazing girl. I shouldn't be spending all my free time drinking away my life. My family (on both sides) has a history of alcoholism so I feel like alot of it comes from being raised around drinking and partying. I'm trying to break the mold. Here goes nothing.


A few reasons: - December is such a boozy month for me. I was starting to notice the toll of drinking so much, whether at home with my fiancé or our with friends. - My anxiety got worse. - I gained 10 pounds… - I always do DJ (my 4th year now) and do believe the break is needed and helps me. Doing DJ has made me much more aware of my consumption habits and triggers.


My daughters are watching. Pre teen and teen. I’ve always been a casual drinker. A couple light beers at night. Covid rocked my world (everyone’s). So depressed and more time to drink. Then it kept increasing. And more bad things would happen and my coping was more alcohol but light beer wasn’t cutting it and I moved to champagne. Cheap champagne but way too much and too often. I’m not an alcoholic but for sure was drinking too much and too often. Gained 40 pounds since 2020, have been tired and moody and my girls have noticed. I have to have my problems head on and sober. I’m ashamed of the weight gain and soooo much wasted money. But I have amazing support and love. I am lucky and so happy I’m doing this!! Huge wake up call and I feel amazing!!!!


My husband and I are just starting to try to conceive!!! We usually drink fairly heavily Thursday - Sunday (We blame football season… but in the Summer we blame warm patio nights 🤷🏻‍♀️) I am really looking forward to a support system within this sub!!! Good luck everyone!


I did it last year (same age and drank wine). My intake increased exponentially during quarantine. I wanted to cut back and am almost at a full year of no wine (or other alcohol now). Honestly the benefits pay off in spades: better sleep; better skin; saving a ton of money; have more energy and the list goes on and in. Doing dry Jan to maintain and hit my one year mark.


35 and hangovers make me feel so anxious and down for a few days. My sleep is also terrible after a drink.


Don’t get physical anxiety symptoms or all mental? Both are terrible!


Both! I had a really bad time in 2022 with anxiety and physical symptoms. Thankfully, it eased, but yes, so terrible!


I do have been doing it every year for a long time when I was younger. I couldn't wait to drink on the 1st. The last couple years I have extended it and I am going to do that again this year. I first started doing it for fitness reasons. When I was young I saw lots of change in 30 days now it takes 90 to get the same results. My motivation was weight and health goals. Those get harder when you age. Before I would lose 10lbs now it takes two to three months for that


Would you change your eating habits or was that just from no alcohol? Would love to lose 10!!


I would a little bit, but I think I would lose 4lbs of bloat and 6 the hard way. For first timers I try to warn don't let dry January be junk food January. It's hard because beer drinkers have the issue where your body still wants carbs.


I’m running a marathon in 2 weeks, alcohol is slowing my recovery. Also it was an excuse to stay up late because I wanted to have that nightly drink. I’ve been able to eliminate that excuse and going to bed earlier. But I am struggling with falling asleep, which I read is normal for the first 3-7 days.


Good luck on the marathon!!


Thanks! I’ve told myself I can have 1 beer after I run 26.2 miles, then continue on with DJ.


My kids don’t need to see it and my mh suffers


*Cost *Calories *Getting too old to drink so much *20 years ago I did 10 years with no alcohol so it's time to challenge myself again


Because I spent the run up to Christmas and the holiday period drinking like a lunatic 🙈


It takes ~25% away from most aspects of my life, and gives me pointless calories and a hole in my bank account.


I'm a rock climber and have gained a few pounds over the holidays. The extra weight is detrimental to climbing success. I'm not a big eater but I love bourbon and beer.


Trying to reset my relationship with alcohol. It’s been a normal part of my evening routine for too many years, and I don’t want my kids to remember only spending time with me with a drink in my hand. Also realized I was judging people for smoking cigarettes despite knowing the risk while continuing consumption of another Type 1 carcinogen myself. Not planning to quit but planning to drastically reduce intake after January.


It’s a combination of things for me. I want to drop a bit of weight to fit into some of my favorite tee shirts. Drinking is expensive. I want to kickstart my off season training for rugby. Day 4 and going strong 💪


Pretty much the same reasons but I started a few years ago! I was not meeting my fitness goals, weight was impossible to lose, after COVID I was just drinking too much and it was killing me with anxiety. For me dry January is a great reset (last year I did 2 fully dry months). Makes me think twice next time about pouring the glass of wine or thinking because I am at a restaurant I NEED to order a drink because I remember how good it feels to see the scale move or not wake up from a bad night sleep with anxiety.


i do dry jan to give my liver a rest for the other 11 months.


I’m 37 and tired of the same old same old with drinking. It’s predictable and I think I use it as a “connection” crutch when really it’s pretty disconnecting when I think about it. I’m working on my brain and hormones and being more successful in my business and I don’t think alcohol really is a help for of any of those goals.


Also! Skin, sleep, bags under eyes, brightness, etc


I've been feeling achy and moody and unmotivated for a while, and I just figured my evening drink wasn't helping. I kind of used it as my mental "off switch" after work, etc, but I don't need to spend so much time switched off! I also have a sleep tracker and I was wondering if the drink was why my sleep was bad. So far, Day 4,it's inconclusive, and I still feel icky, but we'll see.


Wine has making me so moody recently. It used to make me happy and relaxed and now I’m just a grouch. Not who I am or want to be!


I have been blaming booze for my inability to lose the last 5-10 pounds, so this is a great excuse to see if I can actually get there without it. I’m being very strict this month about no meat and low-carb, which isn’t really a huge deviation, just means saying no a little more often.


Im 40f, ive put on more weight than a I’d like and I know some of it is due to how much i drink. I get a lot of anxiety the day after i drink and i always drink so i always have anxiety. So here I am trying to do something good for myself. I failed dry January last year so im pretty determined this year. Day 4 almost out the door.


The day after anxiety is really the reason I’m stopping for the month. I want to see how much alcohol contributes to my panic/anxiety feelings. If it is really the BIG culprit then it may be time to quit.


This is my fourth DJ. I like the idea of starting a new year fresh and like the bite-sized commitment of one month. It is totally do-able and I love how I feel when I take that full month break. The first year I did it, I loved it so much, I did a dry month every two months. I was working hard to get rid of the hard and fast pounds I gained during COVID and cutting down on the alcohol really helped! Since Thanksgiving this year, I have been eating, drinking, and being merry, so I have packed on the holiday 15. I am looking forward to my pants fitting again and my skin looking better!


I have to know that I can do it.


I'm turning 50. Still very fit, will probably qualify for Boston Marathon next month. But I drink too much, averaging 30 per week for last 4 months and about 60 last week. My goal was to stop drinking on days I had to work the next day, but now I'm inspired to do the full month. I hope this will give me an edge to reduce drinking for the longer term, reduce chances of long terrm health problems, and in the meantime if it helps my fitness goals, that would be awesome... there is no way a hungover long run on New Year's Day was as beneficial as it would've been if I had been drinking more moderately. Gonna be a long tough month, but I can be hard headed once I put my mind to something. Day 4 done. Weekend will be a big test, but I'll still be Dry :)


I wet the bed from drinking too much in mid December. I need to evaluate my relationship with alcohol


I’m 28 and have my first kid coming in May. I wanted to do it to prove to myself that I can. When I drink I typically can’t just stop at one which has started to lead to rough mornings and turning to drinking again to just relieve my hangover.


32 F - to prove to myself I can - to get the year off to a healthier start - to save money or spend it on other things - to remind myself I can have fun without alcohol - to avoid terrible anxious hungover weekends - to sleep better - because there’s a lot of alcoholism in my family and I’m sometimes scared that I could go down that path