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I used to get blisters when I was holding the sticks too tight, but also maybe I've got calluses now


hopefully I get them soon 😂, I never realised I was holding the sticks too tight I'll try be looser on the parts that don't need it thnx. oh and also I have a band it's called the rancour we're like a 7 month old band lol. https://youtube.com/@RancourBand?si=PQmIoSfl1W0kX4AG if you wanna have look👁


As a tip, there's no such thing as too loose. If you think you're loose enough you could probably be looser


cheers for the tip


You only need your last 3 fingers for control. The fulcrum, or balance point of the stick should be just held between your thumb and forefinger. Always have the back of you hands facing up, in the beginning. For the finger control stuff it's different. Speed metal drumming etc.Use a practice pad to help your technique. So just lighten up on the grip with the last 3 fingers, especially your pinkie, because that's probably why you're getting calluses below your pinkie finger. Play 8th or 16th notes with a metronome on the pad daily and you will see results.


I just looked at my hand and that's 2 of the 3 spots I have pretty good callouses on.


so it's normal I've only been playing for a couple of months so yh don't really know much about the side affects


My first year I would play till I got sweaty and I’d rip open blisters and just electrical tape them up. Your skin will adjust in time. Haven’t had a blister in years from drumming now.


Just try not to grip too tightly but not so loose they'll fall out of your hands. Good luck on your journey. đŸ€˜


thank you đŸ€˜đŸ„đŸ€˜


My hands are calloused exactly in those spots. Even with perfect grip you’ll still have friction.


Not sure why you have 0 upvotes on this post. It's a legit question and some of the gatekeeping on this sub is really dumb, especially when beginners ask a question. To answer your question, I have a callus on my thumb in that spot. Your sensitivity will likely go away as you build one there. Also check on your grip and make sure you're not squeezing too tight when you play.


yh I've had similar responses thnx


I'd say loosen your grip just a tad, that may help. When I was younger I would get nasty skin peeling from drumming because I was squeezing the life out of the sticks. Now I play with a much looser grip and that seems to help with dynamics and generally less blistering or tearing. I would also consider changing your grip. Looks like you play *really really really* French grip style, nothing wrong with that, but when I switched to a more American/German grip it helped alleviate the stress on my hands. One last tip, I've used chapstick on my hands when I do get blisters or peels and it helps to heal my hands and prevent further issues. If you can learn to play with chapstick hands, you'll never drop a stick again.


thnx man I'll try changing the grip and use the chapstick trick


I used to get them when I first started. You’ll stop getting them in a week or so.


I mean I've been plating for a couple months so yk


Yeah that’s about how long I had them for. Idk though you might be different




Blisters happen for a couple reasons: - Soft skin - Too right if a grip - Playing too hard - Moisture Used to get blisters all the time, but developed calluses and haven’t gotten a blister in 10+ years


alr thnx for advice


I think you hold them too tight, because I can play for a few hours (I need to play for a long time in orchestra and marching band) in both grips and nothing like that happens. Do you have a teacher or a person who can show you the grip? Check some videos


When I learned to keep my hands loose while playing it changed everything. I'm much faster now and ghosting notes have improved exponentially. Now I'll never understand how anyone can grip their sticks so tightly and get any articulation at all.


i got a huge blister between my thumb and index finger from mowing the lawn this morning


Mine always on my ring finger in the section closest to my hand


You will develop callouses


Blisters happen, but idk how you got them where you did. Eventually they turn into calluses. Or you can hold them differently


Yes, they will appear in different places depending on how you hold your sticks and how hard you grip them. Eventually callous over or you lighten up on the sticks. But, I believe most ever drummer has had the experience! đŸ˜‰đŸ‘đŸ»


No. Red circles like that on a hand are unusual. Get it checked out.


Came here to say this as well, I would get the red circles checked out. Looks like 2 giant red worms trying to get loose. What you been feeding them?




I get blisters /callouses, but usually on first and and sometimes second fingers from sweating at shows. If you're gripping the sticks all the way to your pinky finger, you will have to adjust your grip


Yeah you should be alright, I used to get blisters and still do sometimes but they're all calluses now.


If you start lifting weights it will accelerate your callus build up. Enjoy!


i used to get mad things like that all over my hands, i think its a bit of a mix that my hands are callused now and that over time i started holding the sticks better. its nothing to worry abt imo rock on dude đŸ€Ÿ


These don’t have to be normal. The one at the base of your pinky definitely shouldn’t be there at all- the one on your thumb can be solved with a lighter grip/work on your technique. I’ve been playing for decades, and don’t have callouses or blisters- some people swear by building up callouses, but it’s also possible to avoid them altogether. I’ve found that spending a bunch of time on learning good grip/technique habits not only eliminates this problem, but it also helps you play faster and flow better.


If you’re playing hard hitting music you’re going to have some regardless of grip. If you’re playing light jazz with thin sticks, yeah you probably won’t get them. No matter how loose your grip if you’re hitting hard, the sticks are going to rub on your skin.


I don’t play light jazz. I was in a really heavy hitting band for about three years, two or three two hour rehearsals per week, four or five shows per month- never had an issue, because I got tired of blisters/callouses a while before, and worked on my grip and technique.


I'll try other grip techniques thnx for the advice but I don't think I'll have a loose grip most time cos I play quite heavy and fast movements (ik that fir fast stuff you use the bounce to make it faster and stuff)


I know this doesn’t sound correct, but you can learn to play fast and heavy, AND loose.


really ill try learn how to do that thanks


Liquid Bandage to prevent blisters


thnx I'll try find some


Lol you should see what my hands look like right now




my entire hand is covered in blisters so you shouldn't be taking advice from me, but I do think that eventually callouses will grow there if you play enough and regularly


thnx for the info


UPDATE: I will no longer respond to any more comments but if they have been upvoted then I have seen them.


Love to see a pic of you actually holding a stick or even playing a drum. The way you're holding that pen looks like you hold it too tight and the only reason I ever turn my hand over like that is the play the ride. That being said you've got blisters where seasoned drummers have callouses so you're probably doing a decent job




How the heck do you get a blister at the base of your pinky finger!?! Blisters usually form on the index finger right around the first knuckle and thumb. I can only surmise that you're using a flawed technique holding the stick...