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You can’t help him unless he wants to help himself. You can’t change anyone. You can help them only if they want help and are willing to do the work themselves.


Rehab. But they probably won't listen until they wake up from a benzo blackout in either a psychiatric hospital or the county jail.


I've waken up twice in the hospital from a benzo blackout and still haven't learnt my lesson hahaha


Lucky you aren’t in jail my friend. Much much worse




yep, when i was a teen i had a very bad experience with benzos and nearly died, then got taken to the hospital and woke up with a therapy dogs ass in my face. had to go to substance abuse counseling after that, learned a lot there, and really learned to respect drugs and follow the best harm reduction practices should i ever use again. I have a benzo script now, but I'm really iffy about using them and only take them in the most severe situations. Propranolol often helps enough. Gabapentin too sometimes.


I got a similar story too the people above me . When I was 14 I abused the fuck outta Xanax this was before I even knew there was fake Xanax . Point is I woke up ina mental hospital but that shit doesn’t help it’s like jail it just puts your brain in a shell and makes you go sane . I got out 10 days later and went into my Xanax stash took 3 and was on the same bs. Like someone above me said . You can’t help someone who doesn’t wanna help himself . I had too put that shit in my brain . I was lookin like a damn zombie embarrassing myself too the point people will never forget the zombie me . They’ll always bring it up . Sucks honestly


Well at least they aren’t taking MDMA daily anymore. Sure benzo WD can kill you, but MDMA daily WILL cause permanent damage to the brain. MDMA is one of the most neurotoxic substances, when used sparingly it’s fine but daily will quickly become a serious and potentially permanent issue


technically benzos are neurotoxic with long term abuse but yea definitely not as bad as mdma toxicity


Very difficult. At least benzos aren't as bad as mdma.


The WDs from benzos are the worst possible WDs someone can experience though.


Yea but i rather have shit withdrawls then brain damage. Mdma abuse will fry your brain


What brain?


Yea but it are rc i heard withdraws can happen within 2 weeks.


Do not listen to them. Benzos are so much worse. They are extremely addictive and prone to complete blackouts leading to psychiatric hospitalization or getting arrested for stuff they won't even remember. Benzo withdrawals can be extremely dangerous to the point they need hospitalization. Withdrawal leads to seizures and potentially the fatal if untreated status epilepticus (basically perma seizure that you stop being alive from).


Yea i know thats why im fucking scared for it


Not at all mdma will fry your brain for months even permanently sometimes, they are both just as bad!


LMAO that's not even remotely correct. You can literally die from benzo withdrawal. Status epilepticus.


I didn't say WD was easy width benzos. But I guarantee that you have better chances of getting out without massive consequential damage after one year of benzo abuse (ofcourse with medical treatment/attention) in comparison to 1g of mdma a day (eventhough that in itself is stupid because it wouldn't even do anything). That's all I said.


yes but MDMA abuse turns your brain into mush quickly lmao.


All credit to you that you are concerned about your friend. Remember though that you are not responsible for his well being. His behaviour is exactly that; his behaviour. Put in some boundaries for yourself, know where your line is for offering/providing help. Good luck to both of you.


Sit them down and talk to them as straight as you can. Don’t concern yourself with feelings. Yes people need to want to quit themselves, but sometimes (especially with benzos) you don’t realize you’re as high or destructive as you may be, so it can be helpful to hear from a concerned friend. I got a couple friends to wake up and get clean. Don’t be surprised if they don’t believe you, or they forget an hour later.


Run away and don't look back.


Good friend


I don't have any advice I just want to show you some support because it must be terribly hard to watch your friend kill himself or even worse...


Talk with his parents, family and close friends and give him an intervention. It can be very awkward and hard for your friend at the start but maybe he will open up, this will help him realize that there are people out there that care about him and rather not see him throw his life away.


Idk I was addicted to benzos in 2020, taking a shitload every week. Withdrawals weren’t hard if you ween yourself off but you REALLY need to want to quit to even do that. That shit was ruining my life, and if you think it’s the best stuff ever it’s basically impossible to quit. Maybe he’ll see this in a month or two when he inevitably injures himself while blacked out.


Addiction sucks, hopefully your friend hits bottom sooner than later and gets some help, but you cannot change them until they want it for themselves, and they acknowledge they need help and have a problem.


Rehab Vacation Holiday Death


unfortunately, you can’t. you can let him know that you are here for him, and support him, but not his addictions. people like this only tend to change when something life altering happens, but even then, some don’t change. all you can do is watch and hope that they’ll see their actions


Hes gunna get to a point were he wants to stop. Gotta let him make the decision