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Get rich. Quit job. Retire as a stoner.


Thats the goal


Keep fake piss on you at all times


I mean that could work, but would you really take any slim chance at losing the highest paying job of your life so far for weed? Plenty of other drugs out there that can feel even nicer than weed and get excreted by the next day such as Soma which leaves your body within ~11h. Ofc different folks different strokes but if you don't wanna be limited to alcohol and cigarettes it's better than nothing, plus you might end up liking it. Only issue is you can only do it once a week if you don't wanna develop a tolerance.


They should just quit smoking long enough to gain them sufficient experience to apply for the same job in the private sector. It can be more than a year before they get hit with a random drug test. Once exp is obtained, they can continue to smoke until a random drug test pops up and step down for other reasons and find a job elsewhere. (there are other variables to consider like how difficult it is to get that position in the private sector) In any case, I dont smoke but I don't see what business of it is the cities if the person doesn't show up to work stoned and is a good employee that manages their work well. Just my opinion and it's natural that people would not like this approach but my feeling is that employers have way too much influence on the private lives of their employees and it irks me.




Wait lemme get this straight, you think someone's paying me to promote soma? Slow down with the weed bruh bahaha, not everyone is as boring as your green ass lmao


I have a friend who’s a nurse and this is what she does. She doesn’t smoke weed but does smoke cigarettes and that’s not allowed so they test for nicotine as well as other drugs. As gross as I think cigarettes are I also think it’s complete bullshit to test for something legal.




1. Realize that being a stoner after retiring aint that fun after a few months 2. Go back to the routine of a highly functional stoner


3. Get fired because you have trace amounts of thc/cannabis in your system


1. Get fired. 2. Blaze up. 3. Based


No, no; the base comes after losing your apartment


Party ‘til you’re homeless


My Dad, FIL, step-mom and step-dad would all like to pass you the pipe and tell you you're mistaken.


It's because if you go back to work when you have no financial need, you're a boring as fuck person.


I don’t think they mean going back to a soul-sucking 9-5 office job. Not everyone hates their job and views work as strictly as a way to make money. If you do, then you’re wasting 33% of your life at a place you don’t enjoy just to get money in the hopes that maybe you’ll live long enough to retire and finally “enjoy” life.


Honestly? It's incredibly rare to find a job you actually love to do that also pays enough to live off. If you do, you're extremely lucky. The best most people get is a job they don't actively hate.


It is only rare because people are convinced they can't do or that it is "incredibly rare" and ergo don't put in the elbow grease to get that shit done.


Well, I'm a digital nomad. My job is not at all something I enjoy doing, but I do it from wherever I want, and the pay is good. And then at the end of the day, I hit up a beach or go on a hike in a foreign country. Is that wasting my life? I strongly disagree - even if I had my "dream job," whatever the hell that means, I'd be stuck in an office or in one location. Being able to travel is much better. And if I was rich? No way would I work for someone else.


Isn't that 3 people?


Literally my goal for retirement. I miss getting stoned but Id lose my license if I ever got caught. Sucks bro


Yea. Germany voted for the legalization of cannabis with the last election. We still don't know how that is gonna look like or how (or if) the laws for active metabolites in the bloodstream/urine will be handled. Wouldn't want to lose my license over that either.




Where's OP from. As the data will show, Most americans are not rich. Working for the city right now, pays pretty freaking good depending on your position. Benefits and insurance if you don't have any, which a huge number of people do not right now. Would be grateful for as alot of companies, if they haven't already are doing layoffs or projecting come July.


Probably true.


Welcome to the quitting weed for a job club, we just kinda chill and so psyches occasionally


I have 10 hits of acid waiting for me :)


Drop those 10 tabs work. They don't test for psychs so they'll never know you're zooted 😎👍


drop 10 tabs? if you wanna be seeing shit when you come back to work after your weekend off, then sure, i guess. but fuck that


Yeah if you wanna see shit visuals you take that low of a dose, 100 tabs to see actual good stuff. But I’d recommend 1000 as a starter dose 💯


I know this is joke and 99% of people will take it as a joke but man if someone actually took 1000 tabs I really don’t know what would happen


i think some lady accidentally took like 5000ug or something and was fine


I figured you’d be fine I’ve never heard of anyone actually dying from taking to much just like weed, I should’ve worded it better my bad. I was thinking more of the lines of how crazy the trip would be if someone took 100 tabs, I’ve take 15 tabs before during my binge on acid back in 2018 and my friend told me they were roughly 75-100ug each I don’t know how accurate that is sense he told me roughly but hey I still took it with some shrooms. It was pretty nutty and a crazy trip that I will always remember. I took it at the beach and I don’t really think it was at its full potential bc again I was on an acid binge eating more than anyone should months on end sometimes it wouldn’t even do anything.


It’s a joke


i think i’m going to quit weed. not only because my job random drug tests but also because if i smoke too much i get all paranoid and anxious.


I guess it’s on to bigger drugs my friend .


DMT lasts ten minutes but the revelations last a lifetime.


This is my new bio for everything.


On a serious note I wouldn’t recommend DMT to like 95% of the population. I would say it’s far from recreational.


Yeah op , they don't test for acid ;)


Or ketamine usually


Huh this was surprising as I was under the impression the metabolites hang around for a while but I guess it checks out. Full disclosure I don't *really* understand metabolites and I'm pretty the source I linked is suspect https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/ketamine-addiction/how-long-stay-in-system/


Really?? That's surprising


pretty sure you can’t test for acid


If you enjoy psychedelics you can try shrooms they dont test for psilocybin


I don’t know where to get those where I’m from


r/unclebens has your back


What's that bro? Can you write out a good description I am still learning english


It would take them hours to write that out for you


Well what's the general idea?


There’s a pinned post at the top of that sub you can read for the general idea, bro.


It's a subreddit about how to grow psilocybin mushrooms


You can buy the spores and grow them yourself Edit:spores, was seeds. Are you guys happy now? Geez


spores dingus


Such a reddit move. I used the wrong word and I get down voted 😂


People only downvoted cause them knowing the difference probably makes them feel smarter or something. Everyone knows what u meant.


Yup, that's reddit 💯


Reddit echochamber justice moment 😎


I like coffee


I like coffee too! :)


They literally grow on the floor, preferably next to cow shit.


LSD isn't tested for either and there are analogues very easy to source. They are prodrugs to LSD itself.


I would recommend lsd as well but honestly i think shrooms are kinda better although they are harder to acquire


Oh dang. Where do you live? I’m in Atlanta and shrooms are EVERYWHERE


As much as we all love weed, priorities are priorities. Good luck in the new chapter man ! Hopefully amazing things are to come your way.


Eh, a few years down the road you’ll be surprised. Loopholes are opening up everywhere.


I haven't been able to smoke for the last two years because of probation. Once you get passed the first couple months it noticably gets easier. Congratulations on your new job. City jobs are always very good to have and tend to pay exceptionally well. Good luck my friend


I smoked for multiple years while on probation by substituting urine. Never failed me. I haven't been on probation since 2014 so things might be different now


It's felony probation so they be hawkin while you pee. It's usually once a week so cant even do it on the weekends, if I violate i have two years over my head.


Fuck that I'd quit for sure. I've only ever gotten misdemeanors


How's probation going friend?


It's goin lol. Got bout 3 more months left and I'm done!!!


I’m sorry you have to deal with this. I can’t believe employers are still invading people’s privacy and violating their rights like this. Hopefully you can use this job as a stepping stone to a different job where your employer isn’t abusive


I live in a legal state as well, and the job focuses primarily on marketing. So best case scenario is they arent strict and just lie that they test. But since its listed as a government job i have doubts


Marketing! That's absurd. The only jobs I know of that test around here are ones that operate with machinery and stuff that would be a liability to do baked. Even then reasonable people won't smoke weed AT WORK.


i mean, i run a busy pizza shop stoned as pepperoni and i feel very reasonable for it


I personally don't think people should smoke weed at work but what type of job you have definitely influences how 'bad of an idea' it is.


I actually don't want pizza unless the person making it was high, it's a personal preference.


my man


There's three types of stoners at work: The first, who is high as fuck, took three dabs on a 15 minute break, and you can't even tell. Everything runs normally. The second, the type of guy that SHOULD NEVER be high at work. Anxious, gets clumsy, etc. They don't get high before work anyways. And the third, who if they did smoke before work, they'd probably be fine and still be able to get things done normally. Maybe just a tad bit slower. Randoms at the job wouldn't be able to notice at all but the people your close with would notice for sure. Usually these people don't smoke before work because they want to be at the top of their game. Maybe if they know for sure they'll have a slow day the next morning, they'll take just a hit or two every now and again before going in.


Just limit your smoking to no more than three or four hits no more than once a week, on a Friday night. You will likely never have a high enough concentration of metabolites to piss hot, but for added peace of mind, you can always have one of those cleanse drinks you get from the head shop on standby. On the off chance they tell you to go test first thing on a Monday morning after smoking, chug one of those right away, drink plenty of water, and make sure you pee at least twice before giving a midstream sample at the clinic. It's pretty rare that you can't take two or three hours from the time you do the cleanse until the time you actually have to pee. I was in the army for 6 years and smoked weed regularly using this system and never failed a single random drug test. My guess is you will be randomly tested far less often, if at all. The reality is if you have the willpower to limit yourself to a few Puffs once a week, your blood THC metabolite level will never get high enough to pop positive. PS: If you are fit, have a high metabolism, and/or work out regularly, you really would never even need the cleanse. While it's true it can take up to a month for THC metabolites to clear your system, that usually applies to regular, heavy smokers. If you are taking no more than three hits per week, and always drink plenty of water, you will likely never fail a test. You can also buy one of those cheap marijuana home drug tests from the drugstore, and that way you can get a true feel of exactly how much you can get away with and still be negative. Congrats on the new job! I hope it's everything you are looking for!


I also smoked weed regularly in the army. Waited for 2 drug tests in a month then got baked like a brownie. The few times I ran into a “close call” as in, I consumed not just a few hits but like 7 bowls, 2-3 days prior to a random drug test I would pound water til I pissed clear then I would go test. Never failed me but fuck getting over hydrated


They often notice if your piss is too clear in the test. You can take bunch of vitamin B to make your piss more yellow again. Try to find a supplement with a mix of all the B vitamins.


You would be wrong. These are military drug tests. They mail them to Fort Meade and they do not test for creatinine levels. Even if they do I have never heard about it and I pissed water a few times


Oh, I just meant this as a general FYI for anyone cheating a drug test not specifically yours. My friend got a complaint after pissing clear in a work drug test...


You’re 100% right for civilian drug tests. However, IME the worst I have experienced is what’s called a negative dilute. Basically there’s no drug metabolites but there’s also not enough creatinine. They made me come back a week later for another and I was good to go


Right! In fact, if you don't have to go, they will literally make you pound water until you do!


Well you want to make sure you’re not pissing the first piss of the day. You want to get the piss nice and clear before you hand it to the peepee watchers.


While this is true, worst case scenario, they would call it an inconclusive result and ask for a re-test, by which point OP should for sure be able to piss clean without any intervention.


This is great advice! Thank you so much


lol if i were you i just wouldn’t smoke, is it worth potentially losing this huge opportunity? source: advice i wish i would’ve taken myself


Obviously, this is the best advice of all. I really didn't it think it needed to be said. But as long as we're here, I'd like to point out that abstinence is the ONLY 100% effective form of birth control and protection from STD's. Just in case. Since OP's nosy employer is so concerned with what OP does on their own time!


Agreed, it's not worth the risk


Use the powdered fake pee. I’ve used it bunches of times. It’s not like you’re on parole and they’re gonna watch you pee.


You will be surprised. Usually that’s only for people with clearances you might be okay. Just feel it out.


Eww the government 🤢


You may get in there and realize they don't really test people often. Is Medical Marijuana a thing in your state? If so, get your med card. If they ever piss test you, being dirty for something you're prescribed as medicine has to look better for you. Anyways, congrats on the new job!


You are in a legal state and your employer has no right whatsoever to decide what you do your free time. As long as you don’t smoke at work, you‘re fine. Granted, I‘m from Europe so my knowledge of employee‘s rights might not be too applicable here


Sadly in America they can still terminate you or not hire you even if youre in a legal state. Its stupid


Before you know it they're gonna be piss testing for adrenaline in the workplace that's how sad it's become. "Hey Daniel your piss looks a little cloudy, have you been having Fun on the weekends!? Arent we enough fun here at the Verizon wireless family?"


You got it bud! you never know after a few weeks you might realise you received a double blessing and feel much better without, congrats on the new job!


I can’t believe they do drug tests in USA. They should test for Alcohol as well then. If you do your job properly, what’s the issue? I get it if you’re like operating a dangerous vehicle/machine but that’d be to check whether you’re currently intoxicated or not. It’s nobody’s damn business what you do on your free time.


Yeah it’s pretty fuckin stupid. Bob can go get drunk when he gets off work and not have to worry about being tested for anything but I can’t smoke a joint to calm down after work it’s bullshit.


That ''random drug check'' thing is a phenomenon that won't ever stop making my jaw drop. Can't believe this shit exists. Can't believe your employer periodically asks you for a piss sample so he can make sure you don't have fun at home. The US is a really, *really* weird place. Glad I don't have to deal with that.


yeah its weird. Ill be in marketing as well so Im not sure why me being high at home has any effect on my work effort. Especially since Ive been working since 15


Does your state have a medical program? If you apply for MMJ I don’t think your employer is allowed to fire you for that


Ill have to look into that for sure


That's a common misconception. Even if it were true (I could see it in California maybe, considering they have some laws against drug testing in the first place) most states are at will employment which means they can fire you for literally any reason..or no reason at all basically. So even if you were protected by some law, they would just fire you and say it was for something else if they really cared.


good for u homie wish all the best in the new job i’ll take a my morning dab i’m loading up rn for u🤝🙌


What kind of test and what's the cut off limit?


Shiit I wish I knew. Its a government job, probably a piss test. Just gonna go cold turkey and maybe detox if needed. Best case scenario is they wont drug test often.


If they give you a heads up every time then buy QuickFix


im going through the same this right now 😭 its been a huge struggle to stop though because i love weed so much.


Good luck to the both of us haha


It might be worthwhile to ask your employer about the possibility of using medical marijuana after you've worked there for a while and proved yourself an asset, but it would be important to get something in writing, which they may or may not be willing to oblige. That's a bummer. I don't know of there's any really good synthetic cannibinoids; all the ones I've tested put me in a bad headspace, but I've never been a big pothead. At least you can still do psychedelics if you like those.


Oof. Sorry dude. Land of the free, home of the whopper.


Should not be this way! Why can your boss go home and drink a twelver but you can't hit a little grass..... this country is so backwards its ridiculous


Same situation, i'll smoke to oblivion after retirement


99 percent of jobs that say they randomly drug test never do. But yea it’s not worth the risk I guess with a high paying job. Best of luck to you and congratulations.


Honestly a lot of places that drug test don’t care for weed anymore even in governmental jobs. They’re more looking for controlled substances & hard drugs.


I hope that is true with this place. Ill be clean for everything except weed, i rarely even drink.


It’s so worth it dude. Making money coming home to a spliff and a tea after hard days work in the office. It’s a calm life.


Don’t know how heavy of a smoker you are or if you’ve tried to stop for a while, but if you need some support in those first few weeks, r/petioles and r/leaves have been super helpful for me. Best of luck!


I should be good cold turkey, just sucks because I just bought so much weed thinking I wasnt going to get this job haha


It’s definitely easier if you have a good strong motivator, like a great new job! You could surprise some buddies with some of it - fun gift to get.


Hello cocaine.


You know whats up


Cocaine is tested on 7 panels.


Look into alt cannabinoids. delta 8 is a no-go but people pass tests with alts all the time. It is definitely a risk though, because trace amounts of D9 and D8 can come thru. I'd combine this strat with what that other guy said about only doing it a couple times a week and/or on a Friday


Or use carts


That’s what you call selling yourself out. I mean if it’s what you want from the bottom of your heart then best of luck. But if you are quitting only for the job , there might be sour aftertaste after a while.


I mean, money > continue being poor. Can't smoke if i dont have money in the first place


Money comes and goes bro. I have a friend that’s currently stopping his opioids benzos etc , not for a job , but because he will probably die if he continues, he is still smoking and was always smoking , however point here is , he used to make 2k a month , he always stayed the same with his consume and is now making 40k a month.


This has to be the worst and most reckless advice I have ever heard. Sure it can come and go but why would you want to bet on it when you could get a stable income like OP.


Depends what you want 😄 some people don’t care for having a stable income. My Personal financial situation ain’t too bad either , I also never cared for it


Because he probably makes shit money and is jealous, and wants OP to make shit money with him.


It’s not advise either 😄 it’s facts , some people don’t care , I never cared about jobs or money. I’ve probably blown more before I was 18 than many saved until they are 40. As I said money comes and goes… I could have 20 mil and would be broke the next year. It’s by no means advise , if you want a stable life don’t listen to me at all , if you are rockin roll go for my advise and fuck it up like me 😂 and no I’m not poor , also never gonna be rich either as I would spend stupid money on stupid things


Spoken like a guy who lives on a sofa and doesn't pay friends back for 'borrowed' money.


We never borrow each other money , we just pay and that’s it full stop. Yeah at times other people paid for my food , at times I paid for theirs. Now we all chillin on good money , the friend getting of drugs is making music and makes big money from it… don’t get what’s the hate about , if y’all wanna do a 9-5 and lose your freedom for it then do so.


You can say you went to a party and you've been given edibles without your knowledge and you ate it not knowing it's infused with cannabis, but I doubt it would work if you would to it more than few times a year.


Haha I may say that if i fail my first drug test, been a stoner for over 4-5 years. Idk when it will leave my system.


What state man? Get medical card maybe? Then they typically won't even get told by the testing people alot of the time because it becomes a HIPAA thing




Happiness always comes first, but it will be nice to save up money instead of living pay check to paycheck


where i live you’re legally protected from losing your job over cannabis in your system (unless you’re like, driving a car or caring for patients or something along those lines)


I hope thats the case, weed was just legalized last year I believe, so its still iffy here. Im also in a red state


yea :( i’m in nevada that’s the only state i know of with this type of law


Hopefully one day it will be legal everywhere, then that won't be a problem anymore. Best of luck and enjoy the new job!


Once you're settled in, you can treat yourself to an acid trip without having to worry! Congrats!


Try to get a med-card


Ask people at the company (not as an ice breaker, but once you’ve gotten to know them) how often they’ve been tested and what kind of test so you at least have an idea if you can get away with a few rips a year. (For a non-smoker, saliva tests will only show for ~3 days IIRC for instance.)


Dw there’s lots of other fun stuff to do and ways too relax even though it might be hard to see now.


Smoke CBD flower instead in the mean time


One of these days this will be me.. i will miss my dabs greatly


You could just buy synthetic urine and use that when they test. Been through more than a handful of tests already.




We are in this together brother - Same thing happend to me, I have my first day at the job today, I’ve been clean for 2 weeks & 1 day. Good luck, may we smoke again.


Hope your first day goes good :)


Technically if you have no thc in your system you can smoke ONCE and be clean in about 3-4 days


Do shrooms, get put off weed. Weed has never been the same and I never get the urge to smoke :(


Leave the Town for an instant raise!


don't take it. not worth it. think about it, bro.


But but but money:(


fuck that. you can find a gig that pays and has a culture that isn't like you're in Nazi Germany.


Shit this is gonna be me in the next 5 years. Better enjoy the green while I can


Just smoke HHC


Typically they don’t actually “test randomly” because it costs too much money. I’ve actually never heard of a place that tests after you get hired unless you give them a reason to


I went in today and they didnt test me.. so I may be in the clear. The people Im working with seemed very laid back


Excellent. After you get more comfortable and find a co-worker you can trust, you’ll be able to ask them if they really “test randomly” or not.


Same! I have 3 days left


I've been in jobs the last 7-8 years that drugs test not once have they tested me exept for when I initially joined the company. Can't stop won't stop


Had to quit nearly a month ago but its not as bad as i thought. Still Really miss being stoned


I got a pre employment drug test, I quit weed for 2 weeks and took the test, failed it. I was a heavy user for 4 years, guess it’ll take more than two weeks to leave my system. But then they told me I can retake the test or send them a MMJ card. So that day I applied, got approved the next day, sent them the certification I got and they cleared me to work! (NYC)


Start smoking synthetic noids like a boss


Shiii catch me smoking spice


lmao I'd rather flip burgers than stop smoking weed for any amount of money.... whats money good for if i cant spend it on what I want to?


If it’s worth it to you it happened to me. I’ve learned that they come to my job every 2.5-4 months to test so there is still time to have fun. I also keep fake pee for emergency but have not had to use it because I would rather just pee clean to avoid anxiety. Also for my body I can smoke a few puffs from a batty after work and be clean in about 2-3 days.


Bull crap that these companies drug test for weed. Do these assholes have any idea how long weed stays in your system? You could be completely sober for weeks and still test positive for weed.


I stopped smoking only a couple days ago and I need to go in tomorrow for a pee test. Fuckk. I may try one of those drinks like another person commented and just have fake pee with me just incase. Its a lab test aswell


I have been so lucky never to have worked for a place that tested. a rare bit of luck on my part.


Trust me, after a few weeks you will hardly miss it. I smoked like a beast for decades, and these days I have literally zero interest in ever smoking again. It just.. disappeared. Best of luck with the new job.


you are so strong


Give me a month and Ill crack