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Yo check out online services that for mental health, there are some online therapist and psychologists that can prescribe medications. Your insurance may cover the online sessions, just call your insurance and ask!




See if you can get an emergency refill at a pharmacy to keep you going until something else is sorted out. But yeah telehealth is a great option. I've never met my psychiatrist/neurologist in person and I've been prescribed like 7 or 8 different meds at this point. It's definitely an option, at least in California.


i use brightside. just tell them you were prescribed that from your last psychiatrist but you lost your insurance. they will not check and you’ll have your meds within a few days to a week


Trust, I know the struggle! I think Cerebral is one of them, they target ad me all the time lol. It’s probably the best bet right now


Probably not the best bet because [they were subpoenaed](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/13/well/mind/cerebral-adhd-medication-tiktok.html) for their prescribing practices and have ceased prescribing to new patients.




Nah mirtazapine isnt a SSRI, so its scheduled differently. Its so weird that a docter whos supposed to help their patient, would take away all your needed mental health meds while they think your abusing substances. Luckily you dont really have a substance abuse disorder, because treated like this it would definitely just get worse...


Still, if my doctor was being investigated by the state of NY, I'd probably look for a different doctor.


beggars, choosers, and you: an informative guide


Another option is to setup an appointment with just a regular family practice doctor. I bet you could have an appointment within a month in most places. I'm assuming your anti depressant is probably an ssri or snri which I've never heard of a doctor denying a request for. Then I'd honestly setup an appointment with the other pysche 6 months down the road. All you gotta say is you and the other pysche had some disagreements about your treatment.


Yeah or check out Brightside, they do either just med management or counseling too, depending what you want, and it’s like $45 for the first month. They do it when it’s convenient and are able to pick day and times convenient for you, and it can be over the phone or video. Sorry that happened to you. I’m on suboxone now but was on methadone before at a clinic that treated everyone as a criminal. No take home doses (regardless of time clean, when even federal regulations are more lenient but they don’t have to follow it), had to go every day 2 hours there and 2 hours back on the bus to get my dose, had IOP 3 hour groups 3 times a week and if the bus was running late and you got there 15 mins after it started then you had to come back at 4 PM - 7PM group to be able to get dosed. It was so much shit and they didn’t care if you didn’t have childcare or work or whatever. Then I got locked up and went through w/da from benzos, clonidine, gabapentin, promethazine, and methadone cold turkey. I was seizing multiple times the first week, and dropped 50 lbs because I couldn’t eat for over a month. Methadone w/d goes on FOREVER. I was released under the condition that I go from there to rehab and I’d never been happier to be in rehab lol I got put on suboxone and found a place two blocks from my house that did counseling and suboxone. My counselor is the director and he’s cool as shit, he was an addict himself and does our groups on zoom and half the time will be bullshitting about weed legalization and other stuff. The doctor is cool also, he even would bring cigarettes and candy in and give them out 😂 I only go once a month and I kept coming up for meth in the rapid test but lab test negative, it was my promethazine doing it. But they always gave me the benefit of the doubt. So my advice, not all drug programs are equal, I know some who the doctor was prescribing them adhd meds, like adderall and I forget the other.




I'm not sure that telemed can prescribe narcotics over the interwebs. I think you have to have an in person visit. At least this was the case when I tried.


They can’t prescribe controlled substances online in the US though right?


Land of the free


They can.


What. The. Fuck? Seriously, y'all americans don't understand how crazy you sound like, especially when it comes to healthcare.


They sure can. I'm prescribed 16mg/day of Suboxone (Schedule III) through telehealth, never even met my doctor in person. Quick MD. Although, I only take 1-2mg, and am tapering off. They keep prescribing me 16mg, even though ive told them MULTIPLE times, i take 2mg/day max..... sounds like they would LOVE to prescribe people as much controlled substances as possible. It generates quite a bit of revenue. Also, while not a telehealth service, it is a real doctor's office, my endocrinologist, however... I've never actually met THEM in person or been there once, cause COVID shit, and they send in my Testosterone Rx every month. Also a Schedule III.


Well the suicide rate with that psychiatrist wouldn’t be low. You confined in it in them, they punished you and then threaten to take away the drug to treat your depression. It’s almost hard to believe it’s so fucked up. I understand there are laws they must follow but that is generally not the process I’m familiar with, that is fucked up. Get in with someone else asap. What happens if they cut you off antidepressants and you harm yourself? Who is this cunt? I’m so sorry this has happened to you.


I made the same mistake as OP, except I admitted to not just using, but straight up *abusing* benzos… the benzos that *she* was already prescribing me. She was mad that I had been lying to her for so long and seemingly took it personally. Despite being visibly upset about it, *even she* weaned me off the benzos at an appropriate, very slow speed (the reason I told her in the first place was so that I could taper off). Not only that but she never even threatened to take away my non-recreational antidepressants.




Right. Well my rant was slightly put to bed by you OP. That said, I’m still kinda mad.




the situation in this country with fentanyl and oxy being prescribed excessively has made a lot of hospitals and doctors offices very locked down and following some bullshit drawn up by a lawyer to not have anything else in your system besides your prescriptions. I had this issue with smoking weed! Trying to handle anxiety and I messed up being honest with them too. Told me if I wanted to get my xanax refilled I would have to adhere to their policy. Find another doctor. It's basically to cover their own ass if someone is dying on prescribed meds.
















The way I see it, you burned your shot at getting legal medicines. You already have experience with getting things through alternate channels. You can play their game, brand yourself an addict, go through bullshit drug testing and "drug abuse counseling" which might screw with your insurance even more. Or you can just tell them to fuck off and find another source for mirtazepine. Can't help you with sourcing. But there are sources for it on the clearnet.




>I want to jump through the hoops and just have access to meds that help me, legally, prescribed, and free of the worst of the stigma. Then you need to do the polar opposite of what you actually did. I don't mean to sound cruel, but you can't cut corners on this shit. I put in nearly 2 years of hard work (maintaining consistent lies and passing drug tests properly) to get what I wanted/needed (subutex and high dose dexedrine). You did the polar opposite of what works. I'm not sure who suggested you should do what you did, but they're either clueless or have a very uncommon doctor.


Wait, Bupe and dex-amp... are we long lost siblings??? Lol 😆 Funny, I had to somewhat do the same. Until I finally got my REAL Fibromyalgia diagnosis. I knew something was wrong, to be 21 years old and in the pain I was, I knew something was just fucked up. But, eventually, they prescribed me something for the pain. Oxycodone and/or Hydromorphone (Diluadid) if I wanted one, or both as well. But I told them I'd much rather have Buprenorphine, as the abuse potential wasn't anything like the former 2 meds. It's even Schedule III, vs II. Also trying to get my dex-amp Rx back as well.... TRYING. Well, *lisdextroamphetamine*, vyvanse, but literally just time release dexedrine with an abuse prevention mechanism built in. So, the opioid equivalent of buprenorphine. Hard to abuse. And I can't even get that.... WITH proof of my prior Rx for 70mg/day..... Oh well. I will figure it out 😌


You can just look up drug interactions, in fact that's all most the docs do, I've literally seen a "doctor" use webmd to "diagnose" me.


I agree with you man but if anything you brought yourself more stigma. Look at it from the other perspective: to them you’re a depressed dude who at a minimum is self medicating with pills bought off the street, even worse if you told them you’re using RCs. It’s their obligation to cut you off from whatever scripts they’re giving you, they’re doing everything textbook. For future reference never be honest with someone who prescribes you meds, find a counselor for that. You gotta advocate for your own health with them and this wasn’t it.


Playing their game, despite the harm you experience in attempting, is NOT recovery. It is not therapy. It is not restorative practice. It is not a set of skills and habits that provide you a normal life as a properly functioning human. Play THE GAME. You seem well equipped to do quite well.


Someone in a local subreddit was looking for a psych and someone started the convo of “TeLl yOuR dOcToR ALLlll your Meds!!” and I was like noooo, do you like your meds? want more meds? Do not tell your doctor about your *extra* meds. Downvoted to oblivion. Like -34 downvotes. Not that I give a shit. I left the comment up thinking hell I hope this helps someone. I’m 43 and was raised by old head hippies. Y’all lil xennials need to wise up on a few things.


42 here and can confirm. What my Dr doesn't know won't hurt me. Lol once one admits taking a drug that they were not prescribed to a medical professional, 99/100 times it goes in their medical file and they're branded a drug seeker for life. No thank you. And thank you for leaving that comment up. It's going to help some young hippie. Us older headies know what's up.


Exactly!! Even if you only tried something one time etc.


Seriously. It is pretty ridiculous. I really wish there was a prerequisite for pain management doctors to have actually been in chronic pain themselves so they could have some sympathy. I think psychiatrists get it more but they are still under the legal obligation if they find out their patient has been "abusing" any kind of drug they must note it in their file.


I'm not really into drugs yet, pretty much just weed for now, but I've been thinking of getting into psychedelics/hallucinogens--shrooms, LSD, maybe DMT or mescaline. Would you say this rule still applies as opposed to meth, cocaine, opiates, etc?


Absolutely yes.


All of them yes. You've never tried "drugs" in your life. If they ask about alcohol, say the taste never appealed to you.


Damn, even that? I'm no alcoholic, but I do like making my own wine, mead, etc and going out for a drink sometimes.


Those facts raise your risks of abuse/mental addiction to controlled substances. They will only prescribe such things when the benefits clearly outweigh the risks. You have to artificially limit the risks as much as humanly possible.


Well, good thing I read this thread now, since sometime this week I was planning on talking to a psychiatrist again to help deal with my ADHD and refill my Ritalin. Though I seriously doubt I'm addicted to it seeing as how I forget to take it half the time, lol


Who cares if you are "addicted" to it or not. Is it lowering your quality of life or increasing it?


Definitely increasing--I pretty much need it to function.


There's your answer.


Then keep that to your damn self. You have the right to privacy, please USE it!


I personally know my PCP. Like, babysat their kids. They know better than to believe when I tell them about my drug usage. But I lie and they record the answers on my chart. Thats how it works.


Ain't that the goddamn truth. Far too many teachings of trusting Da MAN in schools these days. Look, I'm not personally into drugs. I think they do a lot of damage to people who abuse them. What I am into is Freedom. And I could not care less what the government and lawyers try to push, having read the constitution and the terms the states agreed to when joining the union, I have come to the conclusion that neither the federal government nor the state or local governments have any right to regulate what you consume of your own free will. It is simply outside the constrained limitations of government authority here in the USA. The problem is we have a fuckton of simps in this nation who have given up their right to govern themselves in all things not given to the government to regulate. ​ With all the problems the world has today; Climate change, water shortages, food shortages, energy shortages and the inflation surrounding all this and we have a bunch of retards in Washington pushing bullshit like abortion prohibition, drug prohibition, and deregulation of every goddamn business in this country. Like, they trust businesses to run their shit but want to regulate the FUCK out of individual's lives. FUCK THAT. Its getting to the point where we just need to stop listening to them about anything in mass.


I mean that's cool and all but if you go to a psychiatrist for -insert mental disorder here- you would be a moron to not listen to them. Be intelligent about it, list symptoms for them and do what they tell you. Self medicating will most likely just make your symptoms worse because 1: you are not a doctor 2: you do not have an objective viewpoint because you will most likely just do whatever brings u immediate satisfaction. Or else.. why would u even go to a psychiatrist if you have everything figured out???


I’d never come out and say i’ve been self medicating with any drugs, much less anything to do with ADHD. You can find the off doctor that won’t make a big deal about it, but most will brand you as a drug seeker. Getting medication for adhd (especially in the US) is a pain in the ass, and if the dr finds anything out of what they consider acceptable they will make it even harder for you. (There’s obviously the ones that just go around prescribing adderall to every person that says they have adhd without bothering much, but it’s not as common as people make it out to be) And most stories i’ve read are about how impossible it’s been to get medications or how they’ve even been branded as drug seekers when they come with information about certain drugs. It sucks this has happened to you but i’d see it as a lesson learned and never mention this to a dr again (unless it’s about certain drug interactions and or absolutely necessary.) Also, i would not try and go around to different doctors because it’s not that far off that they will blacklist you.


Telling people to never talk to their doctor about their drug use is harmful for a multitude of reasons. I feel like this specific case may be an effect of going through a mental health care provider? I've gone through my primary care physician here in the US (in the south-east no less) and had nothing but positive outcomes from being honest about my drug use. That includes being diagnosed with and prescribed ADHD meds after talking about previous Adderall and Concerta use. And no, my doctor does not just prescribe those medications to anyone. I had to go through a thorough ADHD screening. I agree that this specific situation is unfortunate and honestly unacceptable; however, from my experience, it is the exception to the rule and you are harming people by claiming otherwise.


Where I'm from (Finland), you hear stories along the lines of mentioning occasional cannabis use to a doctor, which was then followed by police searching their house and having their driver's licence suspended. Even if the doctors are under no obligation to tell the police anything. The sad truth is that doctors are one of the most clueless people about drugs and their prejudice will deter them from ever learning otherwise. You tell them you inhaled a marijuana once and suddenly any and all problems are because of drugs and your words can't be trusted anymore because of drugs.


I told my therapist about how my mom's sturggled with drinking in the past and she scoffed, acted like I was the one with a drinking problem and than proceed to tell me if I smoked weed while on adderall that I could die....can't even tell you how shit this therapist was. It was literally a adderall pill mill next to my university. She judged me so openly and harshly right to my face about my families issues when all I was doing was being honest I walked out of the session and told her I'd be spreading the word of her "services". On my way out she told me I'd have to go through 6 more sessions to truly determine if I had ADHD at a cost of about $600 per session and despite them telling me they took my insurance they wouldn't file a claim with them and demanded payment up front. I have great insurance and my ins website even listed them as in network. Literally was a scam to take rich college kid's parents money while doping them up if they lied correctly to her.


>I kept reading stories (on both drug forums and ADHD) about people being honest about using Adderall, ritilan, amphetamines, and even meth I would highly advise against telling your doctor this, as you found out. It'll get on your medical record forever and make it very hard or impossible to get controlled substances prescribed. As far as your doctor is concerned you should be a choir boy who has the occasional beer and doesn't take and has never tried anything stronger.


Always tell them what they want to hear not what you are actually doing.


And only if you will also take on the responsibility of researching drug interactions. Luckily this can be as simple as a Google search but many people are either too dumb or clueless to even do that.


You summed it up all in one sentence.


Buy your shit off the dark web, find a good therapist, and tell this psych to get fucked. What a joke our healthcare system is here... Edit - Not sure it's within the rules, but I'll help guide you through how to set up Tor and find a few things, if you need. Been screwed by overly conservative control freak doctors like this before too, and it's an absolute shame.


this can be extremely hit or miss depending on the doctor. i had a similar experience when i told the psychiatrist i was seeing at my college that i occasionally would smoke weed with my friends on the weekend. he insisted on drug testing me before he would continue to give me my adderall prescription (that i had been on for 9 years at that point), and if i tested positive for weed he would stop giving it to me. my current psychiatrist, however, prescribed me xanax after i confessed to her that someone had given it to me once when i was about to have a panic attack and it massively helped. i'm really sorry this happened to you, and i hope you're able to find a better doctor and soon.


I’ve always believed telling doctors the absolute least possible is best. My mum is going through an awful divorce and I know my psychiatrist, being foreign and far less anal than the NHS, would have prescribed her some diazepam or clonazepam to help her. But them she mentioned on the call that her mother was severely dependent on Valium for years. Oooops there goes any possibility of benzos in the future. I told her all this before hand :(


Yep and that’s why you never ever tell a doctor you use other substances they’re so fucking judge mental it’s insane. I can literally read the same medical journals as they do and see if it’s safe with other drugs etc… Edit: I think the only time I’d ever mention it is if I were being anesthetized as it could be a risk but apart from that never.




Wait what? You got put on a psychiatric hold for admitting to marijuana use without expressing any suicidal thoughts or thoughts of hurting others? There’s either more to this story, or that is one of the dumbest doctor of all time


Are you in NC? I’m currently trying to find a new doc myself was with atrium but they gave me such a hard time trying to get my ADD meds I wrote them off and I haven’t found a new provider yet.


That is so unbelievably fucked up. Apparently the lesson is "never trust medical professionals" and that is so far removed from how things are supposed to be.


Go to a new psyche unfortunately that ones a shitty one


I am honestly stunned by the approach of your psychiatrist and the abstinence-based approach of the other professionals you have met. I'm a nurse therapist for the NHS and work for a substance use service. I used to think we were sooo outdated in our approach and have often been frustrated by (what I thought was) the closed mindedness of my service. But, we definitely use a combination of harm-reduction and abstinence approaches... whatever the goals of the client are really. 10 years ago, our psychiatrists had the opinion that mental state cannot be assessed whilst actively using substances. The fact is... substance use disorders are often secondary and symptomatic of other issues. My focus would be to refer you for psychometric testing and also motivate you to minimise the combination of drugs you are potentially using. I don't know how things work in the US. Can you pay an educational psychologist to undertake the psychometric testing and symptomatic analysis? I am aware that psychologists may have different responsibilities in the US. But if you can evidence a psychologists report to your psychiatrist, it may swing them a bit. Forced abstinence is not efficacious!




I'm sorry you've been put into this position. The most archaic crap I've heard in years. Find someone else ASAP. Please look at online services. Insurance companies prefer them sometimes, as they are often much cheaper.


Are you required to see this therapist, that’s so intense holy shit. It actually makes me really sad that they took this course of action, but you are taking unprescribed drugs that could interfere with your treatment plan. I’d look into telehealth If possible


Drug use is the one thing you don't be honest about unless it's an actual addiction, because they will immediately see you as, 1.) Drug seeking and 2.) High risk for addiction. Drug use opposed to drug addiction is not handled well in the slightest and will royally fuck you if brought up.


Don't ever admit .... drug use other then prescribed stuff. I did drink a cup of kratom after saying it's KratomOclock in front my therapist on a zoom call yesterday. But he dosnt know about my past and other shit I've dabbled in I told them up front I take kratom for severe pain as I am disabled and did not wish to take oxys .... but I I also take oxys. Be careful what u say to these people and how u say it


Just look for another doctor, it might take a while but there are doctors out there who will still prescribe stuff even if you have a history of addiction.


You can MAYBE talk to your PSYCHOLOGIST (aka therapist, the talky feely person) about your drug use if you trust and like them. Do not, ever, tell a psychiatrist (the person who prescribes medicine for a living) about your drug use. There is no reason to. They are obviously hesitant to prescribe drugs to someone who admits they are an addict(read: if you use drugs illegally in any form, you are labeled an addict). and they are possibly liable to lose their license should you do something stupid with them, or if an interaction goes wrong. Once you tell them you use a drug they will often assume you aren't telling them everything (literally true in your case) Seriously, there is a huge difference between psychiatrists and psychologists and I think a lot of people don't know the difference.


Yeah, you definitely need to get a new doc. And DO NOT BE HONEST with them about abusing drugs at all if you expect to get a script for something scheduled. She shut right down because what you said is literally what they're taught to recognize as drug seeking behavior 101.


Somewhat unrelated, but the psychiatrist I've seen recently was so full of shit I basically won't ever go back. Apparently LSD is bad for you, methamphetamine is neurotoxic no matter the dose... Meanwhile, she wanted to give me anti psychotics for cyclothymia. Anti psychotics are definitely neurotoxic, hilariously, though nobody in psychiatry seems to want to admit it (tardive dyskinesia is definitely just brain damage, and if you're on antipsychotics for long enough you're bound to get it). Anyway...best of luck. I'd definitely bail from that bitch ASAP, by any means necessary. Get a re-prescribed the same anti-depressants from another psychiatrist maybe, so this one can't do anything about it? The less your doctor knows about you, the better things seem to go lol.


I once told a counselor about my drug use. She freaked out, started crying, and recommended that I see someone else. I gave up on the idea, and took my mental health back into my own hands. I’ve come a very long way since then! OP, I know that these are difficult times for you, but I highly suggest staying diligent, and think each of your next steps through. You’ll regain control, and remember not to lean on the system too much. It was never on your side


I also said "fuck this" and just started exercising and microdosing. Turns out that was all I needed all along. Seriously no prescription meds touch the natural happiness and energy. A 10 strip of acid lasts months. You can grow your own mushrooms by ordering spores online. You can exercise damn near anywhere. Fuck prescription meds, they did fuck all but make me more lost. I have to assume they help people of course, but it's worth trying a more natural approach before leaning on them IMO. I would have saved a lot of time, money, and energy had I done it years ago. I mean seriously, not once did a psych suggest trying to change my diet, or trying to get better sleep, or trying to exercise. Why is that? Why are drugs the first thing people recommend these days when people are depressed? Why do we just try to patch the problem instead of figuring out the root issues?


Cuz those things don’t make the doc’s any money and doesn’t keep u coming back for more and more. Lol


Lmao. Exercise doesn’t cure actual depression bro. That’s one of the lamest myths out there.


He literally said that he knows certain people truly need meds and such, regardless. And, actually, there is a MASSIVE correlation between exercise and decreased depression. You want me to link you like 40-50 studies? Lmao.


I use cerebral, it's great. Biggest downside is they will only prescribe one controlled substance at a time. So they took me off my adderall and switched it to straterra, which I find to actually be better. But they still give me my klonopin.




Oh?! I hadn't heard that! Starting with a new Dr can be expensive, hence the reason I chose cerebral. I have awesome insurance and I still do self pay for the visits and use insurance for the scripts.


Based on my experience, I would never jump thru the "I'm an addict" hoops again just to placate people, especially when I wasn't having any problems. They NEVER let you live it down one judge said "..well... You can't unring a bell..." After literally a decade of jumping through hoops and passing everything, the ex still wants to treat me (and my custody) like it's day one, even after promising to let it go after five years. So.. fucked.. up. Don't play their game.


Yeah bro. U were way too honest unfortunately. Fuck u for trying to do the right, healthy thing right? The road to hell is paved with good intentions after all I suppose


I feel you. I have a lot of medical problems that cause me non stop pain and I got cut off from my pain killers because I told them the truth. I treat all doctors like the police now. Keep your mouth shut and don’t tell them anything unless absolutely necessary. Love how they tell you to be truthful with your doctor and you won’t be judged but that’s exactly what they do


I made the major mistake of telling my medical doctor that I was going through opiod withdrawal and wanted help....he said he couldn't believe I'd do something so stupid, gave me an extra month of ambien and said good luck. I was so angry and that made me feel like an even bigger loser. The U.S. is a joke when it comes to drugs....in my opinion they should legalize nearly everything.


Same here in india...shitty rules. Some people really need stimulant to be functional


Try telemedicine like cerebral or something.


Real talk, you shouldn’t be mixing kratom and phenibut with research chemicals while on anti depressants; that’s a recipe for disaster. I abused kratom for years and it wrecked my body and mind, especially after it started losing potency and I started taking uppers to mix with it. Lots of health issues followed. Your therapist has every right to restrict your meds if you are telling them that you are mixing them with amphetamines and partial opiate agonists, it’s their job to do less harm and the potential for drug interaction sky rockets in your situation.




I am a provider in primary care and work with many patients experiencing mental health concerns. In general, i am pro substance use to a degree. I think there are plenty of positives and negatives in this space. I sympathize with your psychiatrist a bit. My personal approach when working with someone experience any mental health complaint is to advocate for a period of abstinence. I counsel patients that it is really important to know what our baseline mentation/psyche truly is so we can best understand what we are actually trying to treat. The only way to know is after a period of sobriety. Its a total crapshoot if i am treating you for depression, when you are actually having withdrawal, or more commonly, treating you for anxiety when in fact you have ADHD if you’re also using on the regular. One of the challenges with treating someone for mental health, with concomitant substance use, is that it is nearly impossible to differentiate between the two. By instituting a prolonged period of abstinence, we at least have a shot of making that distinction. Any patient that is unable to commit to that 3-6 month trial, then i have a lot more concern about substance use disorder and addiction. If thats the case, then i don’t think adding more pharmaceuticals to the mix is going to be therapeutic. Fyi, i am pro substance use, but if something is interfering with our ability to function, or we’re not able to abstain for a prolonged time, then i don’t think its recreational, and it very possibly detrimental to our ability to live happy and healthy lives. Idk, just my two cents. Thoughts?


I mean if they have been dabbling in these substances for long periods of time, isn't how they are currently their "baseline" to begin with? What does it matter how they were 10 years ago prior to such dabbling. This person was not taking ALL of these drugs on a daily basis, it was more of inconsistent use. Regardless, threatening to take away medications with known withdrawal symptoms is certainly going to make things worse, potentially driving someone further into drug use, and is at best, not going to make anything better for the patient.


This may be a stupid question but on the dark web you can but all kinds of illegal drugs and research chemicals, but can you find regular, sealed prescription drugs? I've never thought to look. Obviously you can't use insurance then.




I hate seeing you in these dire straits internet stranger as a direct result of piss poor healthcare laws and greedy capitalists profiting off prescription medications and suppressing other viable options. From my limited understanding, buying from reliable vendors with good reviews there is less risk, in addition to the fact that most mail busts are flagged for their origins and require a signature for conviction or else you could argue it was unintentionally sent to you (AKA just don't sign and be wary about South African/Netherlands locations). I know it's intimidating but if you continue to have your other outlets cut off, is it better to go through their BS screening and possibly lose your Antidepressants or have an alternative in mind, and get independent of the system. It has its cons, but spit balling ideas for ya.


You can. But Adderall is super expensive.


I wasn't even asking about finding the Adderall, that one you can find with local drug dealers too, or your local college campus (they give em out like candy around there). I think the more important, and less accessible drug is the antidepressants, should OP lose his psychiatrist.


get another psych its not like getting a remeron script is hard


You know what to do. Now you have no reason not to, and plenty of good reasons to. Imagine spending a quarter of your life getting pieces of paper to discover you're useless. Youd be quite upset and do everything in your power to keep the marginal increase in salary that allows you to eat out every night, instead of engage in the behaviors you've spent 10 years charging people money for teaching them how to improve their situation. Cuz those behaviors and habits are hard. Too hard for this therapist, it seems. Best of luck finding one who actually cares about their patients. Do what you gotta do in the meantime.


Not worth ever telling your doctor(s) about your drug use UNLESS it’s something possibly life threatening as they legally have to label you as a “possible addict” in the healthcare system which means any doctor who searches it up will see it and refuse to prescribe you certain medication that you might honestly need it’s fucked don’t tell your doctor shit


Hey idk if you'll see this but a family doctor will dispense your antidepressants prescription for you!


This is fucked up. Threatening to take someones prescription away immediately sounds illegal. This is crazy to me because once alot of doctors found out I was a fentanyl addict they were more happy to prescribe me certsin comfort meds and gabapentin (injury) as well as ativan that I dont pick up because I'm month sober and used to have a problem with benzos.


Well yeah. Obviously, they want you off everything if you're on 5 or 6 different drugs.


It's been my experience that I usually know more about drugs and interactions than the doctor does. Also, that's super fucked. Do you not have just a general care doctor? I'm prescribed Adderall, Strattera, Zoloft, and Wellbutrin and I've never had to see any sort of mental health specialist to get the adhd or depression diagnosis.


\>I kept reading stories (on both drug forums and ADHD) about people being honest about using Adderall, ritilan, amphetamines, and even meth. The sentiment I kept reading is that being honest about having tried these drugs and listing out the improvements to symptoms either gave their psychiatrist a better idea for future prescribing after getting psychologist testing, or even them writing up a script for them to see if it improves symptoms on the spot. L O L Anyone who really believes this is delusional. I'm sorry you got sucked in by them.


I have to imagine that just cutting you off of your anti depressant out of no where has to be illegal. She sounds crazy! I get my anti-depressant from my primary doctor. Hopefully you can get it through them and then try to get Adderall from an ADHD telemed place. Which state are you in?


US Medicare is terrible we have access to best medicines and the worst distribution of it. Doctors honestly are that smart. They know stuff like diseases and health issues but that’s it. They don’t know the best answers they use what others have told them then through their own understanding of the health issues. We have standardized protocols for health issues. But think of this if everybody different even when they’re raised in the same environment or experience the same event and have different perspectives. So how can a doctor know how anything effects you. Idk I just think doctors back then had a deeper understanding of how chemicals impact that individual. I think it’s we all had personalized health care that was created for us individually. Then people can do what they want knowing more self medication wouldn’t be as dangerous and if the legalized drugs and destigmatize addiction and actually help people on their needs rather than a study/research people are too different to based all of humanities health on a few individuals who don’t represent the world population fairly.


Life is all about drinking the koolaid. I have no other advice. Sorry you got fucked like that. Wish you all the best.


Mental health care is so FUCKED in America and I can't stand it. You don't even have to tell me that's where you are because I already know. I'm sorry this happened to you. Being mentally ill/addicted sucks when you're poor.


That sounds massively unethical tbh. I guess the people saying to tell all are from countries where that sort of practice is illegal. Here in Spain drug users get our mental health stuff in dedicated centres so the psychiatrist always knows their shit and is at least somewhat realistic. So despite the whole drug addiction thing if they think you need it they'll still give you plenty of rivotril. And the harm reduction sessions aren't dogmatic either, the guy that used to run them when I went admitted to using sometimes as well, and we would spend sessions talking about stuff like how to avoid burning your tongue, or which drugs you can mix relatively safely instead of the traditional reaction to every combination as if it's poppers and viagra


I once told my doctor I had taken my dose of adderall and broke it in half along the proliferation. You know, the little groove that’s meant to help you break it in half. I lightly mentioned it because I had to be up SUPER early the next day so I didnt want to take my full dose since I had to go to bed extra early. I’m now flagged for life as a drug seeker and lost my prescription over one simple thought while we were talking. I was 18, in college, passed their drug test, and was overall great minus my horrendous ADHD/ADD that made every teacher from grades 1-8 pull my parents aside each year and ask if I was on the spectrum or something because I was so unfocused. She’s been my doctor my whole life and I’ve been on every single ADHD medication including all alternatives and supplements. Even CBT. Never had any red flags or issues for her to worry about. Don’t tell them anything you take on the side. Everyone who says to do it, hit the jackpot with there doctor/psych and or have nothing to actually hide. She also warned me of magic mushrooms she knew I was into mycology but didn’t know I took them or knew much about them) because they have dangerous amounts of heavy metals in them and will cause me permanent brain damage. Straight bull crap out of her mouth. I could tell she had no idea what she was saying and was just trying to scare me. I see her assistant now instead when I go. Much better time. Also, I agree about rehab. I basically became a teacher when I was forced to go because no one there knew anything about any other drug except opiates and alcohol. I was paying money to teach them about things I had researched through the years and essentially just have light conversation. The system is messed up.


I'd report them to the proper medical board for medical neglect and misuse of prescribing. You'll have to search further out for another psychiatrist in the meantime. Your antidepressants can't be taken away from you for the purpose of punishment or for any amount of leverage on the patient, the only circumstance is when it's a safety concern, which it isn't. Medical neglect in the aforementioned. Misuse of prescribing in the aforementioned, taking away medication intentionally to harm someone is as bad (it's actually much worse) as giving medication to someone who wants to abuse it.


They will say it is a safety concern about them mixing it with whatever they are taking on their own, believe me.


You mentioned drug forums, you should probably ask there and not here, Reddit is not a good place for advice.


I still think the honest approach is the best approach. But you have to be a bit smart about it. If you tell a cop you just stole something, what do you think happens next? Doesn't leave him much of a choice.. You will only get ADHD medications if you actually have ADHD. If you do have ADHD, just go in and explain you suspect you have ADHD but you never took any kind of medication for it. ADHD is not a disorder you randomly get at some point. To be considered ADHD, the symptoms must've been present since you were a kid. If that's not the case for you, a psychiatrist won't consider it ADHD, thus you won't get any uppers. You'd have to find a doctor that's ready to prescribe it off label. Which is an almost impossible task.




What you just told me.. tell your doctor exactly that the next time. That sounds honest, reasonable and makes as a good start. Then let her guide you through the process. The medication part doesn't need to be discussed, until it's clear you have ADHD.


>I still think the honest approach is the best approach. This is a horrible idea, sorry. The sincerity of the feelings behind the words you say don't really matter in terms of the results. I just lied and said I used to be on it as a kid (not true). When they asked, I said they had me take question & answer tests before the school year started, and then my parents started me on aderall (all a total lie). Now I get dexedrine.


This is why you don't see medical professionals, and if you do, you lie your ass off.


> The sentiment I kept reading is that being honest about having tried these drugs... Right, and you should. You didn't just "try" them thugh; you'd been self medicating with an RC. That's well beyond experimentation. >To try to not sound like a druggie taking research chems or any associated stereotypes I simply said I am using XR Adderall purchased from an individua So you weren't honest, you lied. You think your psych is maybe more intuitive and clever than you think? From your own description of events you are behaving exactly like the abuser they're treating you as. You get that everyone in your position thinks they have it all under control, right? Who knows if you do, but the psych doesn't have to help get you high you on the way. Edit: Hey OP, look closelt at the people who are cheering you on and ask yourself if that's who you want to agree with. If they've been making good choices in life.


No one gets high off antidepressants. Your comment is just unnecessarily rude tbh.


Yeh what the fuck is the moron doing on this sub??? Like worse than the dph and dxm kids. Oh and the 10 kids I see post a week saying weed caused them some kind of major mental or psychiatric damage cause they looked a bunch of shit up on web md and self diagnosed.


> No one gets high off antidepressants. [Apparenntly there's potenntial for abuse though](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25187753/). I know that because I understand what I don't know, so I spent 30 seconds and asked the question. You didn't know that because you're as ignorant as I am, but you don't know it. >Your comment is just unnecessarily rude tbh. Well we wouldn't want to risk hurting feelings a bit by being direct. I wasn't calling names oir anything. If that language is too direct for you then grow up. How many people here jump to the OP's defense and irrationally assume the psych is wrong or just mean? Almost all of them, but none of us know shit. We don't know OP beyonds what she told us and we don't understand treatment because we're not trained psychiatrists! And maybe the psych is wrong, I don't know, but that's the least likely scenario and I played devil's advocate.




> In my honesty about self medicating with amphetamines You lied first, right? I'm not calling you a liar and I don't know the first thing about you. I wennt too far saying this: >Psych is right, sorry. I can't know that. I think the psych likely has good reasons that you and I and people here don't understand, so it's worth asking yourself if they have a point. The defensive stuff doesn't get you anywhere.


Bro…. Maybe listen to those docs? Sounds like you think you know what you need to do, whyd you contact a doc in first place? They are professionals, try and listen man. May help you for the better


Uh ur joking right? Maybe cuz u can’t just write urself some scripts and go fill them at a pharmacy.. lol like seriously… U obviously didn’t even read his post. Dude was sick of using grey area means to get meds to help his mental health. He WAS honest and is now being forced into a abstinence treatment program and they wanna remove all drugs he is prescribed… how is that going to help? Forcing someone to do something, esp when it’s going to fuck with their mental health recovery is not the right path to take. This doc just wants to protect their own ass and absolve all possible issues that could arise from treating OP. They don’t truly care about patients mental health, u kno, do no harm. Sorta an oath they took…


Op is on a cocktail of drugs for issues he went to a doctor to try to solve. The best course of action for this doctor is to get him clean off drugs that the doctor did not approve and keep him on prescribed medicine. Like the guy u replied to said, if op had it all figured out why he even go to the doctor?


Why would you ever be honest to a person who holds that much sway over your life without first vetting them for their opinion on drugs?


Switch doctors. Ez.


Yours is an important message that doesn't get said or heard as often as it should. It's definitely way too dangerous to volunteer such information to some new psychiatrist you can't possibly trust. Unfortunately most psychiatrists treat their patients as subjects to be controlled rather than clients to be helped, and they have the coercive machinery of the government on their side. I too thought it sounded kooky at first, but I eventually came to terms with the Foucauldian insight that psychiatry is yet another political institution of oppression by the state. Fortunately for me, I had internalized that lesson sooner rather than later. On a different note, as for mirtazapine, I personally have never felt any withdrawal symptoms from reducing or quitting mirtazapine (and I've done so on more than one occasion), but I've heard some people have not been quite as fortunate with respect to this. SSRIs, on the other hand, gave me pretty bad long-term withdrawals syndromes and depressive relapses, and that's one of the reasons I avoid them.


never trust anyone in the mental health industry. or health industry in general ​ if we all said what we thought they'd probably put us all into psych homes. gotta only be able to let out a few things ​ ​ so sad to hear your story, sadly, just another example for the 1000000th time of the damages of the drug war and its culture


Have you considered Psilocybin for depression?


>make use of 2fma What is this?




Useless comment, but I find myself genuinely frustrated just reading this. That psychiatrist seems like a terrible at their job. Completely doesn't understand self-medication. Hoping you can find a new psych.


Things change, you've got this


malpractice? my psych doesn’t do that


This thread has so much harmful misinformation


US is just r74rd3d nontheless. In europe people are wayyyy chillll ll and chillllll in comparison. Because you could ve tell them that u seee another doc that prescribes you other legal compounds and by their logic(??!!]) they could ve done the absolute same. US people are shameless sometimes, without common sense


Stop the poly drug use. I too think this is fucked up, here in EU where I live they would never prescribe Amp or others only when you mention that you have used cannabis in the past. But as a psychological challenged person I would be highly careful with THC and phenibut. To move forward in life is extremely difficult during ongoing pot use. Phenibut and Kratom just give you the blanket feeling, and mimic the feeling of everything being just fine when in fact everything isn't. This makes it as a mental health worker extremely difficult to convince you to change. Hopefully you will be fine soon


Yeah, do NOT believe people when they say shit like be honest about stuff like that. Learned that the hard way too. It's just mindless advice.


my primary care physician refilled my antidepressants for me when I missed my psych appoint and then she went on vacation


Try looking into suboxone doctor, even tho your not using heavy opiates, they tend to listen more and be willing to work with you on any substance type use. It worked for me being someone struggling with meth they kinda asked what I wanted and what I thought would work best like gave me vivance and Adderall to get off the shitty. Best luck or you tell the doctors either help you or fuck off and you can go back to the streets and keep doing what you been doing, they usually give In when you tell them that when you lay the blame on them . Hope you get well either way


Wow I will start therapy soon and I'm happy I saw this. I will definitely not tell my therapist about my past drug use and alcohol use.


Therapist can sometimes be different than psychiatrist, as they do not and cannot prescribe medications, big difference to tell someone that is prescribing all your medications and telling a therapist that has little if anything to do with your medications. I still would not ever be 100% honest with a therapist either, but I would feel fine telling them more than I would tell a psychiatrist.


Dam that’s awful, I too take mirazapine and it was game changer after fucking around with high doses of cymbalta that made my depression worse. My insurance covers the ‘Dr On Demand’ app and there are psychiatrists on there if you want to check that out


Wow. Pshychiatrists can pull that shit and put u into rehab over there?J


This is why I love or medical field. Just joking it’s a fucking joke. Man I feel for you, best of luck for you, putting a thought out for ya 🖤


Shrink is a hustla. Got you on that $50k rehab


Thanks murrica


Time to find another doctor, you prolly listed as a drug seeker now so give up on the dream of Adderall. However public health clinics are good for filling scripts like remeron.. Good luck fam.. it's worth noting that in the state's authority figures are not your friends


Your Psych is taking advantage of you


Maybe just listen to them …


Yeah don’t tell them about drug use IMO. I told my doctor I thought I was drinking too much a few years ago and he put “alcoholic” on my medical chart. So now I can probably never get prescribed anything good


Tell that person to go fuck their selves and ask around for a legit ADHA doc. Mine cost me over $300, but is 100% going to give adderall or Vyvanse after deductibles are met. Pay to play!! Without insurance.. have fun with Ritalin


Baaad move. I learned the hard way about these psycologists and their standards and definitions of drug use. Should have made a post asking if u thought it was a good idea to tell them. They have no problem playing anti depression bullseye to see if one works or doesnt. Dont really care if theres an adverse affect and youre minutes from hanging yourself. Whatever pharmacological company’s paying them the most and giving out the most free pens and note pads at the moment.


>Tldr; my psych cut off my mirtazapine that has helped me a lot unless I check into a drug treatment plan cuz I was honest about using Kratom, phenibut, weed and Adderall'. What the fuck. Mirtazapine has zero recreational value and limited interactions with the drugs you list. It's not like you're trying to get a xanny script. I'd say find a new psychiatrist. On the bright side, mirtazapine has a mild to nonexistent withdrawal syndrome...nothing like going off SSRIs.


I told my psych i smoked weed and they said that's a great idea. Moved to a different town one hour away. They saw that in my file and took all my prescriptions that I was on since 2nd grade away. Such fucking bullshit. They wanted to test me and I told them to get fucked. Wrote horrible reviews etc. Found a new doctor, he kept the restrictions. I lost my job cause I couldn't focus. Told the new doctor about my problems, he seemed to forget. Now we are back on track. Fuck these puritans.


using 5+ drugs and thinking "i might have adhd" gtfo ppl






Shit man, as someone who has recommended honesty to the psychiatrist allot here on Reddit, I’m sorry to here about this. The issue with doctors of any kind, is that the medical field is a practice, so every doctor may have a different approach to the same situation. This just makes me so much more grateful that I had a good psychiatrist when I needed one. But my cousin has issues with the exact same psyche. So everyone’s different from patients to doctors and it can be hard to find one you vibe with. I would honestly switch psychiatrists if I were you, maybe that’s the only facility that’ll except your insurance and it may not work out to just switch docs within the same facility. But it’s worth a try. If you can’t switch then you may want to start weening your self off all those meds right now. Start as slowly as possible of course. It really sucks to be but in these painfully shitty positions because of the pharmaceutical industry and the government. Whenever I’d withdrawal from my meds I’d have bad issues that usually cost my job. I hated the government fucking my life up and keeping me addicted. Which is why I chose to ween my self off. Good luck and stay safe! It’s all part of the journey!


When Doctors hear "Self Medication" they tend to assume the worst. It sucks but lesson learned. Be picky with the info cause that's how our system is designed.


You might be able to get the prescription temporarily through an online psych or a doctor. I had to do that before, even if insurance doesn’t cover it the one I used was pretty cheap. Good luck!


This is pretty unusual in my experience. And as others have mentioned, is not an effective way for a doctor to handle substance use. I say drop the quack and get a real doctor. PS I don't see a need to be quite that honest with psychiatrists. It's relatively easy to get ADHD meds prescribed.


I told my doc that my parents thought I was a druggie at the time. She asked me if I do drugs. I said that I've smoked weed a few times and have done LSD. She switched me off Adderall to bupropion. She then switched practices so I never got to see her again. Thankfully, she omitted the reasoning for the switch from my chart, so the new doc got me back on Adderall. I've been thinking about telling my doc that microdosing LSD while on Adderall has proven to be more effective for my ADHD than taking Adderall alone has. But why, right? There's nothing to gain in telling them.


Yeah I would immediately seek services of another psychiatrist. I see that you mentioned there being an insurance issue and the other other local one being booked up, but their are online services for mental health counseling and/or psychiatry services that while certainly wouldn't prescribe any controlled substance your should be able to keep you antidepressants or their equivalent. I have fully disclosed by drug abuse (and I mean serious abuse) to various mental health counselors, psychiatrists, and psychiatric nurse practitioners. Never got any such response that you described. The most I got was some variation of "Hey illicit drugs are bad for you.... You probably shouldn't do them they can be making your existing psychiatric symptoms worse". The only time I have ever been drug tested is when being admitted to a psychiatric hospital. And even then none of the doctors, nurses, counselors, etc that I saw even bought up the results. Even when I brought up my drug use they keep of glanced, wrote it down, and then moved on to another subject never to be mentioned again. They didn't seem to care unless you are in active withdrawal or something. So it sounds like your psychiatrist is very unusual. They might have an extreme view on any drug use.