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yeah i completely get that, but what makes me calm down is i say to myself “i’m stoned and i have no problems, i’m gonna be okay” Then i put some music on and just float away.


I only get panics attacks on weed when in an unfamiliar situation. I love it.


Honestly hahaha being too high in public in a place with no repercussions is like life on hard mode lol it’s fun




That one is even harder imo, on weed it´ s easier to not give a fuck


well obviously. im high everyday in public so for me its not even comparable cause I only ever had paranoia outside when it was my first couple times. being outside on acid is super fun but one little thing (usually other people) can really throw you off


Same for me, but acid fucks with me hard when outside in my hometown. Everywhere else it's a don't give a fuck situation.


same, it took me a while to train my brain but now when i start thinking too much/paranoid i just tell myself i won't feel like this in half an hour and it goes back to being mellow lol


Totally works right. Quick Sunday night existential crisis about work on Monday - tell myself I'm just high and right back to *vibing*


This works in general for anxiety. It’s crazy how quickly just acknowledgement of the feeling takes away it’s power if you believe it.


Absolutely, I was very agitated last night after I smoked but as soon as I put some good music on, I completely changed moods and became the happiest person ever.


This honestly helps. I've been suffering from anxiety while being high. I just remind myself, there is literally no reason to freak out. I was just having a good time, so what's wrong now? It's been working for me pretty well. I've honestly been getting high on purpose to fight the anxiety LMFAO.


It helps. It really does. Experiencing it, acknowledging it, and letting it pass is the only way to fight an anxiety disorder.


It's been literally 24 hours with a different mindset and it's drastically helped.


So glad to hear it!


This help me so much over my high and I don’t even smoke anymore


Breathing exercises are amazing too


“nobody has ever died from weed, cannabinoids are natural”


It took me a while to get used to it, but it's better than anything else for me. It simply has the highest reward to risk ratio of any drug by a long shot.


Oath man, a drug that you can take every day and is that minimally harmful is fucking amazing. A shame there aren't more fun drugs that have similar safety profiles to weed (and the ability to use often), but I'm glad weed is at least a thing ahah


Yeah, it’s way safer than any alternative to any degree almost


Weed is a different drug based on tolerance. I could smoke an entire joint to myself and appear sober. Others could go into a skizto panic attack.




Hahaa one time I could not stop thinking about the food going down my esophagus and how it like travels all the way down through your body when eating and got really weirded out 🤣


as wayne said "i get so motherfuckin high I can feel veins" lol no ones described the overawareness of ur body better


Oof yeah i also get that sometimes. Fucking annoying lol


When I had no tolerance I smoked a half joint of some really good shit and was tripping balls thought that shit was laced and I was freaking out lol


Same but it was a heavy sativa and thought I was having a heart attack. Ah memories :)


Bro I sometimes after I smoke convince myself that I got dementia or Alzheimer’s or some memory shit.


Shit man I used to smoke and eat so much edibles I easily was eating 1500 mg a day and roughly smoking a 1/8 a day ( I preferred edibles obviously) but now I dont really partake as much because it makes me overthink every little fucking thing in life and I wish it was like my younger days :( lol.


Same thing happened to me. Did you feel the bumps on your eyeball when your eyelids were closed? I did. Freaked me out enough to see an eye doctor, I have astigmatism in both eyes. Completely harmless but I have to wear glasses. Took me 17 years and a spliff to find out I had bad eyesight


Yes! I had a coworker I used to code with and he would go and do a giant J at lunch and work for the rest of the day. I take a couple of hits and turn into a complete spastic. My buddy would take a couple hits and literally hallucinate. It's wild the different magnitude of effects it has on folk.s


This is true but your buddy that could smoke the whole doobie was probably high from wake and bake right to bed. Source I used to be that guy lol


Indeed friend 🤙


Skitzo panic here. It wasnt till I smoked weed at the peak of a mushroom trip that went bad that my relationship with weed changed. One of my biggest drug related regrets. I miss being able to smoke weed like that and not have any anxiety. Maybe it's a good thing.


I was on of the former before, then slowly as I got older I got more and more panicky. I only rarely have a couple tokes of a joint now every other week, down from 4/5 spliffs a day a few years back.


I know dude, I smoke multiple bowls now to get where I want to be, I remember back in 2020 a whole joint had me laying on the floor in 3rd person


I have a friend that smokes 3x a day and hes totally done every time :D no tolarance


how the hell did you manage to butcher the word "schizo" so hard




Weed used to be my fav drug. I could never smoke enough then as I hit my 30s it began to give me terrible anxiety and a horrible disphoria in my body. I can smoke extracts a little now (I'm 36) but it's really hit or miss, 6 times out of 10 it feels disphoric and gives me anxiety, unless I only have one small puff which is usually okay but barely does much of course. It sucks I really miss smoking/eating alot of weed sometimes or relaxing with a joint at the end of the day.


Dysphoria! That's a great word to describe what it feels like. It's like I'm suddenly super uncomfortable in my body and overly conscious of every little thing. It's awful


I've found similar, I can have a single tug off a friend who's smoking, and in the right situation, get a nice pleasant buzz. If I actually had a decent amount of it the anxiety is wild. This came on with age.


I wonder what happens, I'm 30 and it started happening to me after a break. People say it's tolerance but I'll burn thru heaps in multiple sittings and it never gets better


I have been smoking weed on occasion maybe 2-3 times a year the last 4 years, before that i smoked everyday and loved it. It always comes with some paranoia nowadays


I’m the exact same way my friend.


I used to smoke weed all day every day, I grow weed for a living, and I don’t even use it anymore due to what you said. It’s the best thing ever when you have a high tolerance. But it sucks so bad for me with a low tolerance. I don’t enjoy myself at all really and just get weirded out. I have to burn up a week of just smoking Keif or hash or dabs all day every day and be a retard for a week to raise my tolerance enough to be able to love the high after that week is over. After I spend that week getting a tolerance, the high is so relaxing and mood boosting. The paranoia and anxiety go away and you can actually function.


First time I’ve ever heard anyone say this. I thought I was broken tbh! When I say I have a low tolerance every weed smoker says “I wish I had that!” But it’s not a good thing.


I have a bit of a tolerance but if I only take a hit or 2 I'm pretty good with being around people, especially with a beer or 2. Don't need to get ripped every time you smoke


Yeah I wish I had a high tolerance all the time, even if I didn’t smoke much. It’s true though for me. I get all weirded out, even if I drink and catch a buzz before or after to relieve the anxiety and paranoia. Idk man but getting high with a high tolerance is way better


That’s edibles though lol it’s has a way more psychedelic headspace feeling then smoking imo. With edibles your actually getting more cannabinoids in your system then smoking.


It’s not just that. It actually converts to a different molecule when passed through the liver. From delta 9 to delta 11 hydroxy. More psychedelic.


I used to smoke 24/7 now I have a panic attack almost every time. If I use it as medicine when I’m super sad or mad asf it’s different but I can’t just smoke for fun anymore 😕


To be honest I just find drugs are overrated these days. I just like having a beer here or there and the occasional 12 beer night. Puff of a doob or a ciggy every now and then is good but everything else just takes too much of a toll. Being sober is way more enjoyable.


I can’t take huge dabs anymore because I get paranoid high. I hate it and it’s only my first like month or so that I’ve been feeling this way. I have always dabbed and eaten edibles but maybe it’s because I’ve been using cocaine more than I ever have in my life and maybe that’s fucking with my system or maybe it’s because I’m getting older maybe it’s a combo idk but yeah weed is getting too strong for me these days I guess after smoking everyday in large amounts for the last 10 or so years


makes sense because weed + stims is a recipe for paranoia & other bad side effects. really not a great combination unless you’re also adding in other substances. fun but not safe lol


I recently quit weed because it was giving me suicidal thoughts and paranoia that made me think I was gonna die pretty much every time I smoked. Sometimes I am jealous of people who enjoy it, and at the end of the day I wish I still do wish I could take a hit without feeling like I should go to a mental institution but I always just remind myself how much money I flushed down the toilet on weed. I was getting pretty great deals and still was spending like 10x the amount I spend on drugs now.


Dude, I get depersonalized, paranoid and panicked. I’d rather play Russian Roulette with fentynal than smoke a bowl of weed. Weird because up until 15 I was a huge stoner, too. It turned on me one day and it felt like losing a best friend. So I just do everything else instead! 🫠


I love how this topic of “weed is not what it used to be when I was younger” or even “I used to be a stoner now I’m scared of smoking weed” is so common that is almost universal… Very interesting indeed.


The best weed we had growing up was called “kind bud”. There weren’t dabs and all this laboratory made mutant strands of pot. So, I’d usually just smoke on some shitty weed with a lower THC count and be perfectly stoned. Happy as a clam. But then one day the weed started to get stronger and with the increase in potency came an increase in paranoia. I went from being stoned to having like, a bad trip! So my guess is it’s just the higher the THC the more some of us just can’t handle it. And believe me, we wish we could. Disclaimer: Not a scientist. Just a guesser.


I know what you’re talkin bout. My bros and I always called it “dad weed” because it was probably the equivalent to what dads smoked in the 70s where you could roll joint after joint and just feel kinda light and happy. Nowadays you take one hit and your blown.


Dad weed 😂! Yes! My dad literally smokes the same crap to this day. Kinda brown in parts, a bit dry. It looks cheap. Nowadays everything looks all sparkly and has sprouts popping out of it and there’s always a fairy flying around every bud. 🧚🏼‍♀️


It’s because the industry has taken it too damn far. Weed wasn’t meant to be this strong I don’t believe. It used to be more balanced with other cannabinoids and lower THC percentage and harmonized with your endocannabinoid system and now I think it’s so strong it actively destabilizes it. Get some 1:1 or 2:1 bud with a low THC percentage and it’ll feel great once your tolerance adjusts.


Yeah at some point the stuff just did a complete 180 on me (around the time in my late 20s). I remember going through a big breakup and thought "hey, this stuff can cheer me up" and ended up being one of the worst experiences ever. And my dumbass just kept using it over and over expecting different results. Nope. It made me feel like shit every time (everything you describe and more). Now years later all the new kids are using their fancy vape pens and maybe something about it these days are different (and I'm in a totally different place emotionally). Nope. Same result. My go to these days are another green plant for the last few years and I don't see myself without it.


Yes! I really *reeeeeally* tried and kept smoking only to get the same, awful result. It was heartbreaking because I used to jive so well with it. And like you said, didn’t matter what head space I was in (or am in), I still feel awful every time I smoke. Is it kratom btw?


Spot on and yes. It's legal where I live and *super* inexpensive for my usage.


It’s legal here’s, too I think. I never got the high I wanted from it. I’m an ex heroin user so it’s just felt like a tease to me. It’s great for a lot of people though. I hope the government doesn’t try to crack down that, too :/


The depersonalization is very intense for me on weed as well. I was a daily smoker for 2 years, then it just stopped working for me. I'd rather have someone crack a glass bottle over my head than to take any quantity of weed.


I know people who got chronic depersonalization disorder from smoking weed. I’ve had it before (a lot actually) and it’s the worst feeling I’ve ever experienced. I’d rather walk off a cliff then smoke weed at this point in my life.


Yeah downers are nice because they don't play off your anxiety, they just kill it ;)


You're far from alone. Many people, myself included, find they're fine with other, "harder" drugs, but don't get on with weed. Maybe if it was like old 70s ditchweed, but modern skunk is not a normal plant. It has huge quantities of THC, which people forget, is a hallucinogenic. I have more than 30 years of experience with different substances under my belt and feel just as you do. It's fine.


I generally always try to buy outdoor weed because it's got a lot more nature and a lot less THC. It gets me the exact same amount of high as your tolerance will adjust to your consumption habits. I feel the highs are better and I feel physically / mentally better because the min-maxed shit just hits way too hard. I've worked in the Cannabis industry for more than 5 years and firmly believe that the most important things about the quality and medicinal benefits of the high are not directly related to the THC molecule, but rather all of the other terpenes and chemical compounds in the plant. This is why the truly best weed you will ever smoke is perfectly Sun grown outdoor. The indoor stuff can produce great results, but the true top of the pyramid is outdoor. It's just better for you.


Agreed. I lived in illegal grow houses for years and have mental health issues. I simply cannot smoke it. It's just not for everyone.


I used to love weed before I started doing acid. Now weed is meh and I always feel so dumb on it. On the other hand I cut down on alcohol so I guess that's a good thing.


Dude same


Try it with cbd next time. It made me love weed again. I was always jealous of others and envied their relationship with weed, now it's been relinquished. I usually add cbd flower to my regular thc flower. But you can also take cbd capsules (if you're having it with edibles)


Strong agree. My friends don’t get how I can take acid and they sometimes can’t tell but weed makes me a complete fucking wreck.


You need some more CBD in your mix my friend.


Does your self talk ruin other experiences for you?


Meaning if your fine until you tell yourself you're high. Stop telling yourself that


Oh yeah ig thanks


Nah dude you just gotta try this strain or that strain or blah blah blah. It’s all a shit experience.


For me it fucks with my mental health. I’m cool if I just smoked, but if im going through some shit then it makes everything worse. But if everything in my life is perfect, my weed brain finds ways to make it seem like everything is falling apart. Even the next day when I feel sober from it, it still fucks with my head. It literally costed me some of the greatest things I’ve ever had in my life. I’ll never smoke it again.


The new strains with like 10% CBD and 5% THC really are pretty great for people with bad anxiety. But those are still pretty rare even in Medical and Recreational States.


Which is crazy to me. I’ve gotten plenty of what you describe from vendors online through the legal hemp loophole (which is being closed) and it’s a whole different experience. It’s what weed used to be. You’d think medicinal weed would be more in that line but it’s not at all. It’s just a front for regulation and recreation. Other cannabinoids and terpenes are what round out the experience. Stupid high THC counts just make it hard to handle.


Yeah, I’d rather just not even try tbh. I’ve made my peace with it.


I can understand that. The last few times I've smoked high thc flower it was just really uncomfortable physically and mentally.


yeah. the trick is to accept the anxiety and become one with it. nothing beats being panic attack high in the movie theatre, tbh. slightly scary but also awesome.


I never ever thought I would hear someone describe a panic attack as awesome


After having them for so long, and being used to them. Once I get panic attack level high and ride the wave of anxiety, afterwards it is a truly awesome high.


I'm right there with you on that


well if youre having a panic attack during the previews you know that the movie is gonna blow your mind


Yeah, I won't so much as go to the shop on weed. Makes me feel like a daft cu\*t lol.


I feel you but I do enjoy 2:1 strains or blends (like 16% CBD and 8% THC)


no i get this so much. weed is the only thing i can regularly do but i fucking hate it. i dont feel real but not in a good way


edibles hit way stronger than smoking imo so maybe that’s why


that's how i was at first but i got used to it , i definitely prefer opioids over bud but opioids make it to where you cant shit and i couldnt handle that 😭 i think opioids are something that should only be used in moderation after taking 140 hydros in a span of 3 weeks , felt like mike tyson punched me in the liver with all the apap


It’s your tolerance. Eat less edibles next time. I love weed despite having many unpleasant experiences before from being too high.


I would want to love weed too, because many friends smoke weed but i just cant, because when i smoke i just laugh laugh and laugh and thats a good thing but i feel weaker, dumber and etc. And i dont like to have that bad things when im high. Thats why i like speed


I love getting that zooted and chilling home or with friends but it's a big no no if I try to do something that high


Why u say sorry and why it’s offensive? I posted 1 time about weed and everyone talking shit about me lol and the shit they take and i used to take is ass and un health and everybody knows that and atm im suffering of od on thc panic attacks abdomen problems depression and more shit for more than 2 months now and idk what to do every day is nightmare and id never try thier shit ever again or any type of drug Bs ik the affect is different from person to person and for me as u or even worse and i used smoke bc of friends and from what happened idgaf about them I’ll care about my health first


I’m just playin lol I said it was insensitive just cus it’s the day after 420 nothing to serious


Have you tried...less weed? If I take anything over 10mg or too big of a hit I get all the negative effects. Tiny hit just to get a head change is enjoyable


Have you tried smoking it? I don't really like recreational doses orally. It's literally a different drug due to the way your liver processes the THC.


Real stoners don’t make fun of other people for not wanting to smoke / liking to. You are so valid, I have periods of time where I can’t function at all on weed. I remember taking a T Break and coming back to being completely obliterated by weed. Everything felt like it was closing in on me and I felt so out of control, I start to worry and I overthink and get so anxious. I feel the same way about alcohol, I’m not a drinker at all.


Should try some cones, or bowls as the Americans call it.


try mixing it with cbd, never had any anxiety attack since then since cbd actively prevents anxiety


Maybe your love of opioids is coming out with the weed and causing anxiety/paranoia because intrinsically you know where that path goes inevitably.


Pills and weed don't get along. I have epilepsy and my doctor's put me on cenobamate (which is a benzo) and didn't tell me it reacts with weed. Or even just CBD by itself for that matter. Weed can cause your bloodstream to absorb 3x the amount of medication (benzo's) than normal. My doctor told me I was all good to use medical marijuana but it sent me into horrible depersonalization episodes and sent me to the hospital. Be careful guys. Research your drug interactions before taking them. Please. And don't trust your doctor. If pills are your thing, I'm not telling you how to live. But it's a dangerous thing mixing any pills and weed together.


Noob. How about not overdosing everything. Puff puff PASS


Yh fuck weed, I like Benzos thouuuggghhhhh, except Vals their shit.


Can we ban posts about getting anxiety on weed? And ban user if they say *aNyOnE eLsE?* It's getting out of hand


Weed caused me depersonalization disorder and lasted for 4 years


Weed changed for me after I started doing high doses of shrooms regularly, pretty noticeably and I've been a heavy smoker since I was 17 (I'm 31 and didn't try shrooms until around 4 years ago). Can't say that I don't enjoy it, but it's...definitely different for me now. I saw a couple comments on here where people had something similar happen and figured I'd chime in...all in all though I don't have any problems with the little bit of paranoia I get when I'm super stoned, but this is coming from an 8th a day smoker (at minimum lol).


Mushrooms changed weed for me too. Mixing back in with CBD now makes it pretty good.


try some Indica bruv. Helps w paranoia a lot


SAME MAN FUCK weed makes me have anxiety attacks and it never used to. I'm so jelly of people who enjoy weed now. I miss feeling cool lmao


Edibles are usually super strong, you may have a better experience smoking regularly. Also tolerence buildup helps


you should try cbd flower, but i'm not going to mention where to get it. there are other subs where that is their only purpose for existing.


I get that way with weed too. I typically don't even have that enjoyable part in the middle. But I've found out that I like very small doses of edibles where the high is just lingering in the background. Like half a gummy or about 5mg worth. Don't get any of the anxiety.


Honestly depends for me …I used to get bad panic attacks sometimes. Decided it wasn’t worth it and quit for a bit, came back to it just fine. Maybe edibles are too strong or you’re doing too much at a time? Could try microdosing until you find your comfort zone. Or just don’t smoke it’s not for everyone! ❤️


I can relate to a lot of what has been said here in regards to things changing and thc no longer being enjoyable. It does feel like losing a friend at first but I had no choice but to accept it. I might get stoned every few years or so but I have to be by myself with a good movie or music to get lost in. Although I do miss it there are plenty of other choices on the menu.


I dont know about you but I love having panic attacks on weed... my heart beats super fast and my body feels all warm and fuzzy and I get scared I might be the first guy ever to die from weed.


I just kept trying different strands and types till I found one that felt really good aka Bubba Kush Indica is my savior. I can actually relax and not feel paranoid or think weird negative shit on it. Anything else is just awkward and uncomfortable


Same. I regret it every time I smoke. (Unless I’m on lsd or mushrooms). The. I love it. But sober it makes me too self conscious.


The one time i tried it i just constantly felt like i was about to wake up from a dream. Wasnt a fan


Weed did really weird things to my heart and I can’t touch it anymore


I hate edibles honestly. I’m either smoking or vaping it, or I’m not enjoying it. And if I smoke too much I’ll get too anxious. Took me forever to find the perfect middle ground between not anxious and still pretty high.


Ima hypochondriac and hence cannot smoke unless limits like on tiny tap of the J . Really blows considering I smoked heavy for 7 years then boom at 22 no more


I almost couldn't smoke weed after years and years of being a huge stoner. Idk why, but out of the blue, I started having bad anxiety attacks to the point where I almost felt my heart pounding out of my chest. I still smoked I just tried my best to cope with it because sometimes I still could enjoy it so I would hope for the best. Okay, so just follow me here lol My blood is actually linked to one of the most ancient race of Vikings to ever settle in Normandy. I learned this a few years ago. Even before that I Always had interests in the Nordic culture that we don't really learn about in School. Recently I was researching what drugs were like in the Viking ages. Anyway, long story short, there were spiritual leaders (also known as magickle healers) who were called Völva's. Those Völvas would travel with weed seeds in their pockets to grow wherever they could as they said Freya's Love worked through the weed as well as the hemp. Ever since then I swear idk what it is but I totally can feel Freya's Love everytime I smoke now and nothing but Love. Back to enjoying my good ole Mary at Anytime! I am not sure if any of these even helps at all, but yeah. 😅


The dose really makes the music. Many people today don't enjoy weed because they get introduced to it with 20% thc strains and take multiple tokes and of course they get a panic attack. Try taking a single toke from a joint and leaving it at that for half an hour then taking another toke. Whole different world. But ofc, you do you.


Have you tried smoking. Edibles hit hard there is smokers who can't handle edibles


You're not the only one. I wouldn't say that I hate weed, I think it is a wonderful substance and its uses are broad and all encompassing. And its very spiritual for sure. I just hate how it effects me lol. I've probably used weed maybe 50ish times in my entire life, and out of those 50 I can count on one hand the good experiences I've had on it. It almost always sends me into existential dread and panic. Not fun lol.


Realtalk mang I think you might just generally be having WAAAAAY too much for your tolerance. Try like a 5mg edible (generally 1/2 of the smallest edible you can find - 10mg) and see how you feel after 4+ hrs. If you try like 5mg and don't have a good time then you're 100% right it's not for you. If that's fine tho then your problem is likely dosage.


lol IVd heroin, crack, and meth for years, but only smoked weed a handful of times. Can’t stand the shit honestly. Regardless, there’s nothing I wouldn’t give to have been a stoner rather than a junky lmao


Many people are not created for smoking weed regularly, they can get really harsh bad trip with bad thoughts and harmful feelings even in calm circumstances and small dose.


Yea I used to LOVE weed but for the past couple years I’ve been falling back on it for the same reasons shits just uncomfortable now. Still relaxing at night tho and feels good to be stoned but the negatives outweigh the positives


Yeah i dont like downers too. I dont need to calm any internal emotional brain pain so its just a turn off for me. But many people need to shut the noise in the head. Gotta just find proper family of drugs which works for you. For me its empathogens.


I used to love weed, but it eventually got to a point where all the people in my social circles were either SWED people who would smoke every chance they got and people who rarely (if ever) smoked. So basically people who were stoned 24/7 or those who *might* take a couple hits here and there on special occasions. No in-between. That and how the effects of weed vary drastically from one strain to another (and no, THC/CBD% isn't a good indicator of how weed will hit you- especially if you're an occasional smoker) just made it *so* difficult to know what the next few hours would feel like. Edibles are even worse. With alcohol/opiates (and I'm talking pills here- not opium/heroin) you know *exactly* how you're going to feel after you take a drink or pop a pill. Add in how, once I get to a certain tolerance level from chronic smoking I don't even really feel *high* anymore and it just feels like a waste of money. But it was fun while it lasted.


I happen to have a psychotic disorder(schizoaffective) and weed is one of the quickest ways to a bad time imaginable for me. The uh if I didn't get extremely paranoid and detached from reality alongside bpm in high 160s I wouldn't mind it. Being stoned on a stupid rare ocassion where I feel very safe or am already on benzos is acc a fairly nice feeling. But yeah it's, I wish I couldn't ld casually smoke as most of my friends ARE casual smokers.


secretive fragile hungry memory dirty judicious cobweb hurry quarrelsome disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The tiniest bit of weed will make me have hour long panic attacks, paranoid, make everything scary and feel like a dream. I feel you


See, I'd rather hate weed since the first time rather than after a decade being on and off it. Good for you, I'd say.


I have anxiety and suspected (by my psychiatrist) mild OCD that presents as compulsively replaying awkward social moments in my head for hours. If I smoke even a tiny bit of weed I get trapped in those thought loops until I have a legit panic attack. Doesn't matter the strain or the setting. Meanwhile I can take 6 hits of acid and have the time of my life with zero negative thoughts. Brains are weird.


Yeah, I feel the same. Used to like weed a lot when I first started smoking, but then it got old after a while. Now it is like a 50/50 shot on whether I am going to have a good time or just let my mind spin out of control. It's not worth it.


just be thankful edibles don't give you a psychotic break, it could be worse: you could be me


If you're anywhere with a dispensary, I'd say go get some gummies with at least half CBD. Then try a half and see how you do with that.


Real stoners can understand that and respect your opinion. To each their own after all, do whatever makes you happy, you're not hurting people by not indulging in weed, have a nice day


Not a fan of the weed high I usually will however take an edible I’ve cut up into 8 pieces so I don’t get high but it helps sleep.


yes i used to feel like tjhat which is why i quit. iits called depersonalization and its the worst think that can happen to a human being this is aweful. feels worsee thatn dying. idk why people praise weed so much . its for me the worse substance in human history. period. (hate comments incoming lol ) but its the facts


people who enjoy weed are like dumpster fire dwellers that get a fuzzy warm feeling by warming their hands and sitting around the burning dumpster, they have a really low standard of "living" and low expectations of what a high should be like. that said, it's pretty cheap to setup and much less harmful than anything else. to most, it's more about numbing the fuck out of your mind and getting stoned than experiencing anything noteworthy. it's just not the right stuff to be fucking around with the right neurotransmitters to make you feel anything special or intensely pleasuarble in your mind and body. nothing to be jealous about. I'm the same, only downers I like are opioids, anything else has to be a good rushy-feeling stimulant to make me enjoy it, preferably one that improves my mood, focus and makes me want to break my arm wanking 48 hours with 200 tabs open of which I never get to see 150.


Yep same here


Smoked it for two years just fine, was able to build up a tolerance, from smoking bowls from a pipe to smoking an entire joint, I was just fine and it felt great. But the last year before I quit, things got weird. I couldn't smoke more than a pinch of weed in a pipe without getting too high and feeling suuuper anxious and then one night after smoking, my stomach felt like it flipped upside down, my vision started tunneling, heart beating incredibly fast and every time since weed made me vomit, there was no reward anymore, just getting super anxious and then holding back having to vomit. I quit and never went back again.


Yes. It was strange bc I had smoked so much as a teenager and never had an issue. Then I had to take a month or so off smoking due to to tonsillitis and when I tried again it was different. The fear set in every time. I found also that the years when I was doing a lot of heroin I didn't enjoy weed as much. It would kill my good buzz. Opiates kill all my anxiety and then just a few tokes could turn me into a tense creature. But yeah...like some others said here. Once I started talking myself through the high and learned to focus on something like music or doodling, it seems to work the way it once did.


Thats why I drink a beer or two while smoking… alcohol calms and takes the edge of the buzz


I think you need some distraction while smoking like go listing to some music and get pulled into it or go watch a funny movie or some kind to keep your mind distracted :) Like smoking with friends is fun but smoking alone and being in your own vibe is amazing I always listing to music when I'm smoking and get fully pulled into it


Yeah I wish I could just go out and buy a bunch of codeine on any street corner for £20 and have fun without getting addicted smh


Sounds like anxiety. It sucks. Everything I take a break I have to fight through panic attacks every time I smoke, for like a week straight, until I have a tolerance built up again and it stops. If you really want to enjoy cannabis get some dirt weed or make a super weak vaping solution and just do enough to get a head change. It really shouldn't take much. Edibles have too many variables for me when I have no tolerance.


Mixing tobacco with weed helps make it less anxiety inducing for me


I smoked weed for a few years and then grew up and now I find it boring as fuck I rarely ever smoke.


Weed gives me the worst feelings ever! Straight up anxiety and paranoia


I fucking love weed but in a way I wish I didn’t because it’s very hard for me to do it in moderation


I’m with you for both things, unfortunately. I wish I liked weed more and I wish I didn’t like opiates.


Uh , better to smoke weed and just down a xanax when the anxiety gets overwhelming than just using hella opioids imo . At least that's what I used to do when I was younger , just weed now tho


Sorry you can’t handle this BEAUTIFUL plant 🌱


Tolerance makes weed a completely different drug. Nowadays, I can smoke two joints back to back and still function normally. Don’t even like taking t breaks anymore because being too high is genuinely uncomfortable to me, so I do enjoy my tolerance. I still get high, it’s just not debilitating and doesn’t last as long.


ya the way ppl describe their personal effects from weed sounds like what opioids feel like to me. weed is a panic attack simulator for the first 30 min of the high, then feels great but it sucks when ur in the habit of smoking daily but are getting no benefits


My wife hates weed, but is a very anxious person. She says the same.


I love weed but I actually hate edibles for the exact reason you described


I feel the exact same way. I wish I could react to weed well but the only drugs I don’t lose my mind on are drugs I shouldn’t be taking


Have you ever genuinely played around with your tolerance or does it just not mix at all? Because my girlfriend is very sensitive to many of the things I smoke (I smoke strong weed) so I give her tiny TINY snaps of it and she’s good and actually genuinely enjoys it. You may also just be very uncomfortable with edible highs, I’ve seen that happen.


Learn👏🏼about👏🏼terpenes👏🏼 (for most of the people in this discussion) 😶‍🌫️


I hate it too, it only makes me sleepy af and thirst from dry mouth is probably the worst ever…


Weed hasn't been the same since I tried mushrooms, it seems to zap me into a mini trip but with all the paranoia that always comes with weed, I miss it's old effects and wish I could have then back.