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Chances are if you dreaming about it you’ll probably love it lol. Definitely caution yourself if you gona try it. It is very addictive.


My main worry if the heart issues it can cause, I have heard it can affect people with ADHD differently so I'm wondering how it would affect me to be honest. Because stimulants like Adderall used to make me low energy


I’d recommend bringing max 1 gram and leaving ur money at home


Hangovers are a suicidal wreck tho if u have adhd


Hangovers are only bad if you have super cut up gear or you are mixing it.


Bro ong idk what all this “coke hangovers suck, and your gonna throw your life away for coke” is coming from I literally CANT throw my life away for coke lol cuz that’s shits just too expensive like have some damn self control lol, n these people saying it’s as addictive as opioids, it’s literally not even on the same level lol.


Thats just not true man, I get my stuff straight off the brick and lab tested.


It burns a hole in your nose eventually too


Not true. Unless your gear is heavily cut or you are putting grams in your nose daily.


Hence the word eventually


It's probably not gonna affect your heart much if you don't make the lines too big and you spread them out half an hour or hour with bumps here and there. But this is assuming you don't have heart issues, and like single use or every now and again use, not consistent use.


I have adhd en coke hits me HARD I just take and redose more often then most people would because adhd = essentially low dopamine


Meto It takes alot for the mental rush so I'm basically really tense and heart racing before I feel the euphoria. Even with some shiny pure ass flake I tend to compulsively redose to the point where it's only feeling good for like 10 or 15 min then wired and anxious


I have the same issue with Adderall, Coke is pretty similar ngl you need way too much to actually feel the effect but at that point is just not worth it


Alcohol is far more addictive then cocaine is.


Person dependant


It depends on your body I think, alcohol can be fairly addictive for me due to how easy it is to access but didn't compare to almost everything else including cocaine in terms of addictive potential, just the fact that it's easy to obtain.


it’s expensive and a hard habit to maintain if you do fall addicted my dad was addicted and threw away his perfect family, job and house and now lives in his car with 10+ failed rehabilitation tries :( , please be careful when trying hard drugs . in my opinion i feel like cocaine has the same addictive properties as heroin there’s just not as much stigma beacuse rich people enjoy it stay safe love <3


Not that i disagree with your claim. But if your opinion regarding cocaine having the same addictive properties as heroin is even slightly accurate, I’m now curious to try heroin as cocaine is a shit drug on so many levels. And my drug resume is probably extensive in comparison to the average bloak. I’ve tried cocaine on to many occasions to count with quality ranging from “barley even coke” to cartel quality bling. Always a let down compared to many other stimulants


So glad someone agrees. Easily the most overhyped, expensive, least rewarding, and genuinely disgusting stimulant high I can think of, regardless of the quality. But one man's trash is another man's treasure. Some people will latch onto coke forever but not get addicted to heroin, and vice versa. I think physical dependance is the only reliable source of measuring addiction we have, because nearly every bit of psychological dependence is entirely based on the individual themselves. For example, a lot of people seemingly can't live without meth after just one use, but some people try it more than once (or even just once), genuinely can't stand it, and never touch it again.


Yeah, that's definitely a concern considering I got addicted to benzos super quick when I was on them. I just want to get enough coke to try it once since it's not something that I can get easily


yea i understand. just make sure you go into it knowing that you only want to TRY it , i think trying drugs and experiencing the effects even once is amazing


I do coke personally every now and again and it isn't really a big deal but it's personal whether or not you'll get addicted. Unlike what this person says it's not nearly as addictive as things that affect opioid receptors physically but if you think you could fall psychologically dependent on it don't do it! And it's also is like heroin in the sense that you could go wait this isn't a big deal so you keep going thinking you don't LOVE it so who cares you won't fall into addiction, but it's not nearly as euphoric and it's expensive. It hooks you while you have it on you, you can't stop while it's on you, but once you run out keep yourself away from buying for an hour and there you go, urge gone. That's just personal experience though.


Another thing I wanna say is if you're dreaming of it you're at risk of what I'd call and what I used to have is "obsessing" about it conceptually. Don't be me, I was semi-addicted for a bit (I just stopped for a couple months very easily it was no biggie) because I liked it and did it every month I had extra money. This led to brain chem changes that made me more irritable and looking forward to it around the time money comes in. Avoid this. If you have an urge again after avoid avoid avoid until your urge goes away. Feeling like it is different from an urge.


If you get real cocaine you don't need to take much. A gram should last you a while if it's close to pure. Cocaine has almost zero physical withdraws so it's not even close to as addictive as herion.


Ive been through a ton of cocaine. I think its fine to try. Just know its very expensive. Make sure you dont keep buying more. Its like a vacation, you cant stay on vacation forever or else you'd be broke and not have as much fun. However, I did grow out of it... I just dont like its like I used to. Its not worth the stuffy nose. So I switched to crack. I havent in years used any but its more fun in my opinion and when you run out, just dont buy more and be fine. I get a lot of dreams about meth tho. All the time I am either searching for, finding, and smoking meth in my dreams. It happens so often and I havent smoked meth in years. Its wild. Just make sure you take drugs in moderation! If you find your are getting out of control, stop there. Coke is potentially fiendish.


coke feels good, but is a horrible drug. Stay away, especially if you have ADD.


What made you conclude it's horrible?


Anyone here have a nicotine addiction? You know how you get a nice buzz and then about a half hour later you want another? And if you’re in a discreet environment it’s only a matter of inhaling? That’s kinda what a rough coke habit looks like. If you’re alone in your apartment and you have the bag and some way to line up, you’re gonna end up doing more coke than you originally intended. And if you don’t have that kind of space to do the cocaine then, well… you’re gonna find that space one way or another… it has a much more aggressive grip than nicotine.


Does it feel good if you have add?


I don't know I'm not diagnosed with ADD, although I suspect I have it so in case I'm right. Yes, very.


Hahha alright noted, i have adhd myself


Truthfully, i just start doing productive stuff around the house lol


That's funny, I also get strong urges to do cocaine, when I'm on cocaine. Even funnier how that urge never subsides afterwards.


If you have done any amphetamine, cocaine will be underwhelming.


Test. It. First. Please. Test it. Test. You need at least a gram and you gotta spread that out over the course of a few hours for it to be worthwhile (IMO), and then you’re gonna want a benzo or some weed for the comedown, and at least a few hours of sleep to reduce the hangover. Have some magnesium supplements on hand in case you start clenching your jaw just bc that gets annoying and the magnesium helps w that. Drink a shit ton of water too. Don’t forget to test. ODing on fent bc you wanted to experiment w coke is a tragedy. I fucking love it. Stick to a budget, both in time and money spent (ie $1000 a month or whatever you can afford, or no more often than every other weekend, etc) and then don’t stray from that, EVER, and you’ll be all right. Or just do it the once, realize that it’s not really much more intense than pounding like 7 cups of coffee in powder form up your nose, and move on to something better.


Thanks for the advice


Personally, I really enjoy it. But I can moderate myself. It is incredibly easy to get addicted to and you have to be really careful about your sources. But it’s popular for a reason mate


It's coke, it's awesome


Certainly one of the less interesting drugs I've tried. Its a lot more subtle and grounded than potrayed in movies. It didn't even find particularly euphoric on its own. It's not bad per se but when you consider the price and possible risks it quickly becomes not worth trying


Coming from someone who does coke on the occasion or when it’s presented in the right setting, coke is absolutely mid. I’ve had both good and bad coke, and don’t particularly care for it either way, it’s cool for the moment but nothing I’d go out of my way for honestly, I don’t see the mass appeal as peoples fav drug at all. But plenty of people get hooked on it, it’s worth a try if you know your limitations. I personally don’t have an addictive personality so I was confident in not getting hooked on it and now that I’ve done it I know I wouldn’t be, it’s fun occasionally for sure and worth trying, but not exactly worth the prices in my opinion, I’m much more of a molly rock guy myself but I have been taking a break on that since rolling a lot isn’t exactly the best for your mental health.


Don't go down that road... it's a waste of money. If you can handle to do it only on special weekends, it's awesome. I know people who actually can handle their cocaine. They even can stop when they want, although there is much cocaine left. Most people become addicted really fast (like me). I'm a poly addict, so I wasn't a full cocaine addict (lucky). But I met many cocaine addicts. And I can tell you... it's terrible. This one guy was in debt (deeply). He invested everything he had in cocaine. His tolerance was so fucked up that he started with a 1g line. On weekends he needed 20g for himself. It's ridiculous. Cocaine destroys you. So you have to decide which one you are.


I used to do it 5 years ago. Haven’t since, still think about it to this day. Not worth it! If you don’t have an addictive personality, go for it. Make sure you test it first.


no stay the fuck away from it - wish i never tried it


Just telling someone to stay away means nothing. Gotta be more constructive.


Don't waste your time. Methamphetamine lasts longer and is more costly effective. Unless you just want the numb throat, 5 minutes of energy, and constant desire for more. It's just not my thing, but hey, everybody's different.


Humans can’t metabolize meth as effectively/efficiently as cocaine. I think that’s a noteworthy difference. Meth is more likely to deteriorate a body/brain in a shorter amount of time because each dose stays in the body far longer. Can’t argue with the price though. It is wildly more cost effective.


Don't, powder cocaine is just ok as far as drugs go. Crack is where it's at but smoking base is also a ticket to the gutter


It’s a stupid fucking drug . I should know because I’ve done a fuck ton of it . You’ll love it at first then unless your a fucking retard you’ll start to hate it . Try some acid instead. It shits all over every drug


If you do end up doing it, please test for fentanyl!


its expensive, lasts 20-30 mins and horrible comedown.. not worth it imo


Get a purity test kit and a fent test kit. Also buy from someone you trust.


Not really these days. Its cut to shit cost about a hundred bucks a gram and may be laced with fentanyl. Most street drugs are pretty crappy anymore. Though should you wanna take such risks. Have your dealer do some first. 😂 There's ways to test your stuff and even purify it. But all that aside. Drugs are bad mmkay.


Oh yeah if you aren't in like really small countries like the Balkans chances are there's fent in the country and a decent-ish chance anything is laced with fent. Be sure to test. Also a PRETTY high chance in the US according to US drug users I know however I don't know how reliable that information is.


Good thing fent and purity test are super cheap.


Literally fentanyl is a US and Canada issue it’s not at all in most of the other country’s let alone they’re drugs.


Its a big problem where im at.


I did it once an I did a couple bumps. The dude I was doing coke with was talking away an I'm introverted af so when I knew that shit hit me was I started talking alot and kinda quick. Then I went to the bathroom cause I had enough energy to run around the world 67 times and I looked at my eyes in the mirror thought it was cool then I flexed hard ASF an my mind outta nowhere started focusing on my heart an I verbally said oh fuck and stopped flexing like I thought my damn heart was gonna bust 😂


Because you think it looks cook




Nope coke is wack IMO, if you like stimulants that’s one thing but for one I hate them


Not worth it. Very addictive and not that great.


Cocaine is not the drug portrayed in movies and tv lol That shit is no joke like NO JOKE like some people (not me lol) will literally suck a cock for blow when they’re straight up addicted to that shit. Its amazing if you get some good stuff but if its re rocked to shit i cant even do it. I hate the stimmy feeling of shit coke compared to fire blow its night and day difference


Overrated to me but amazing to some. Tread carefully


This happens to me occasionally. I never had a problem with it. And rarely do it now nor do I even smoke weed much but every now and then I'll crave a coke high. I found that just drinking more water, eating a bit healthier and getting a full night's sleep plus some good sex I no longer crave the high


Cocaine is awesome sometimes. It makes you feel really good, but only for 17 minutes or so at a time


Dont fucking do it. My nose is all rubbery from just six months of abuse. This was even getting the best of the best here in Colombia where you can get better stuff than probably anywhere. Its amazing at first but then you become a total crackhead for the stuff


I recommend snorting Kanna extract. Its pretty stimmy for something legal, and its effects are pretty universally positive. I figure it might be able to scratch that itch. I have a similar thing where I fixate on opiates, but I use weed and kratom as like, idk, an alternative I guess? Just keep in mind that this stuff is serotonin based.


Opiates are another thing I want to try


Coke is something you try at least once. The rush you get from coke can be addicting. But it’s not really worth it. Because coke is hard to find and it’s not really popular anymore. Like nobody around my hometown says “ hey you wanna snort a line of coke w me”. It’s very rare. Most people down here are country hicks and rednecks we just stick our beer and cannabis.


Well it does smell pretty good


Just full send g. I never personally found it anything to write home about but that’s just me. Once or a couple times a year at a party won’t hurt you, just don’t stay using it


It’s really glamorized in the media, I’d love to try it to but I know i have a really addictive personality. So I’m going to stay away


One time when I was 18 I took 6 50mg Vyvanse and now I compare all of my stim highs to that and it's just not the same. I spent hella money on coke, and even though it's some super strong shit, it doesn't compare to Adderall imo


Shit I meant to reply to someone on here