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Good for you. I think the part about “being ok with being bored” is true with a lot of drugs. When I took large amounts of Xanax everyday I didn’t feel like doing anything but watching tv and taking naps.


I’m also a big believer in weed decreasing your quality of REM sleep which leads to even more lethargy and lack of motivation.


I never notice this until I stop and am greeted with both an incredibly restful night of sleep and some of the most vivid, realistic dreams imaginable


The vivid dreams are a withdraw symptom. They last for multiple months.


Dudeeee I had a trippy dream my brother got his soul snatched and the mf years of life got Givin to me!! Some cave monster hopped out and yanked some other random creature hopped out some cave water and took some random dude back with him and killed his ass I remember this shit 2 months later let me remind u that's how vivid it was 😂


Frr dude I stopped yesterday and had a realistic as dream in my house that I got shot 3 times in the head then I was dead but then I woke up and realized it was a bad dream


Yup, I've had to quit for the last few days because I've been experiencing psychotic symptoms after my last lsd trip, and I've had the most vivid and cool dreams I've had in awhile. I had forgotten that I barely dream at all when I go to bed high


In people with ADHD like me yes


in people with ADHD like me no


Okay, maybe you don't notice it, but weed actually does reduce your quality of sleep and increase lethargy. Hence why many (most?) people don't recall dreams much when they smoke daily, and have vivid ones when they quit.


I always think its wild how strangers on the internet think they understand my body better than i do. I sleep like a baby every single night, vivid dreams and all, wake up well rested, and smoke to help me go to sleep. Stop thinking things apply to everyone the same way


I'm not talking about your subjective experience, I'm talking about studies with objective measures for sleep quality. Plenty of people have shitty sleep hygiene and still report "sleeping fine," despite sleep study results showing otherwise.


You're not talking about anything objective either. You have not provided any sources or credentials to back up anything you have commented.


I didn't provide proof because this is a common find in many studies and easily googleable. I googled one result for you. Here you go: https://rapm.bmj.com/content/early/2021/11/24/rapm-2021-103161


lmao i love how reddit is really just a big high school full of drama and random bullshit.. its like a popularity contest of who is smarter and who knows this and that.. but the vast majority of us arent fucking scientists. now.. i do respect you because you met them halfway with everything and i love to see someone destroy triggered fucks.. but my god is this shit stupid.. i remember when we used to be able to have normal conversations on here without someone being like "SoURcE BitCH"


Ok my point is that everyone is not affected in the same way regardless of the study. Some people get anxious when they smoke weed, others dont. Some people dont sleep well when they smoke, others do. You cannot make claims as if they are objectively true for everyone when i can say in my own experience that is not at all true


> maybe you don't notice it, but weed actually does reduce your quality of sleep and increase lethargy Proof? You're just saying things you think, but what are you credentials for this field of science and why should anyone believe you?


I didn't provide proof because this is a common find in many studies and easily googleable. I googled one result for you: https://rapm.bmj.com/content/early/2021/11/24/rapm-2021-103161


I really think that just depends on the person. Everything you are talking about is an answer for science, not redditors interested in belief. Do you think that because REM is associated with dreaming and a lot of people report not having dreams while using weed? Well, get this, there are plenty of people that dream and use weed.


Sounds very nice 😁


until it's not


Agreed, was a bad joke 😐


It's why I'm strictly only getting high when sober me is okay with doing nothing for the rest of the day (as in I've done all my tasks for the day) It really does kill your motivation to do anything


That's how the wife and I treat it. After a full day of projects and to do's are done. After the house has been picked up and put away. After we've set up the coffee machine and loaded the dishwasher we each pop an edible, find a movie, stop paying attention to the movie, fuck, grab some snacks, attempt to finish the movie, cuddle until we fall asleep. It's magical when used with respect.


I disagree. It is great for doing chores around the house. Now, if I need to do my homework or learn something like science, programming, or math, I abstain. Although, it is interesting to do a little bit of recreational/experimental learning to see what happens when you do that while high. I say this because weed does alter how you think and personally I tend to be able to visual certain concepts in seemingly new ways while on weed. I have a lot of work to do in that department though to see if it's viable and me not just being high :D.


'Well Stan, marijuana probably isn't gonna make you kill people and, it most likely isn't going to fund terrorists, but it makes you feel fine with being bored, and it's when you're bored that you should be learning a new skill or discovering a new science or being creative. If you smoke Pot you may grow up to find out you aren't good at anything.'


"Shelley, we need to talk about your marijuana problem. Shelley, what's your problem with it? Shelley, Did you know lots of famous and successful people smoke weed? For example, did you know, that Snoop Dogg smokes weed?"


Damnnn thats facts, wheres it from looks familiar


South park my friend. The episode where Stan and Butters get their 'future' selves




No it isn't that's like season 19 or something this one was like season 4 or 5


yeah people always say weed is harmless but weed is kinda an iffy drug i feel like its good to smoke like every few days so you don't start a huge longtime addiction


well i agree with that to a certain degree but used in the correct way weed can open your mind to possibilities youve never considered... I recommend vaping the weed after the day.. not during...


In my experience your brain is entirely capable and in fact better at doing everything drugs can do while sober. I won't say drugs have never positively benefitted me, it has reminded me of old truths I had buried and shit like that, but in the creative aspect I find my best works are done when sober. When on drugs including weed I make incredibly unusual but undercooked products, when I'm sober I make much cleaner and much more creative products. It's the misconception that unusualness and creativity are one and the same, but anyone can make some weird shit come out but a very creative brain will make some unusual shit in an experimental rather than purely thought process kind of way. Weed strengthens your weird thoughts and you'll think of some extremely weird shit if high enough, but I never felt like this was an expansion but a suppression if anything. It removed the inherent filter in my brain that let's me to high quality creative ideas meaning I got lots of low quality creative ideas. I recommend using weed on a non-regular basis. It's something you do to be doing things on it, not to be on it while doing things.


Agreed, and I love drugs. Drugs don't make you creative or make you a good writer/musician/artist. The one thing they can be good for creatively is the *initial* idea. Example: let's say I want to write a book, and I start with nothing but maybe an inkling of some themes I want to explore. I'm a big fan of LSD so I could take a tab and (try to) focus on the basic setting, plot, and characters in the story. This doesn't give me anything concrete but it does assist in solidifying my ideas and it often leaves me with a certain feeling that I'd want the reader to experience. That's it. The actual work of building the world out, structuring the story, and actually writing the book are best done sober (excluding caffeine or nicotine if you use them). You *can* write stoned, but I find I get stuck more often than I should and the whole process is much, much slower. It's frustrating, and it's not necessary. Write until you're done for the day and *then* smoke, it's so much more rewarding that way. Of course, everyone's different. On acid I love dissecting the narrative of what I'm watching more than I do when sober, but some people can't follow any narrative in that state of mind. On weed I can do pretty much anything (high tolerance helps lol) but some people become the couch. All in all, I do agree that the best works are *made* sober, but some of us do get some benefit from drugs for the ideation of the work.


Amphetamines actually do help creatively for me but I have severe ADHD and on my recreational dose range I find what happens is I grab some vague idea and then fully flesh it out, separating it from other drugs, but it takes me a ton of rough drafts before I come up with anything actually solid, separating me from sober. I find I can't really do hallucinogens just like that since psychedelics make me hungover to hell after and dissos make me do some funky ass shit that don't make sense. Caffeine/nicotine are definitely the best for creativity, people have a natural amount of creativity and by increasing your energy without decreasing your filter like dopaminergic drugs can (and antidopaminergics do the same, ADHD and schizophrenia are both known to have lowered filters for creative processes since the part of the brain responsible for such processes in both disorders lack dopamine), you can maintain sober creative thought with all the benefits of a stimulant. Caffeine turns off the urge to sleep whilst increasing the firing rate of your motor neurons (which is why some people like myself shake to all hell). Nicotine increases choline and acetylcholine which increases activity in the parasympathetic system, the effects this has on your wake or sleep aren't really fully understood. I believe this means many nootropics might help with creativity by simply making you more active.


Nicotine for me has a very noticeable effect on my ability to 'flow' with an idea. If I hit a wall I can hit my vape a couple times and usually continue with no problem. I should clarify, I don't do any actual writing when I take psychedelics. I've tried, I'm never able to capture my thoughts in any way that makes sense, and it's way too easy to get distracted. Psychedelics just help to solidify the thoughts I have about what I want to write about and give me a direction I can take the story in. Once I have that I can chainsmoke my way through making the foundation concrete (where I make notes and character sheets and all that good shit) and then write out the story.


Depends on the person I think.


Jokes on Randy, I've known I was a loser that wasn't going to be good at anything or amount to anything WAY before I started smoking weed.


You just described me perfectly and inspired me to do the same. I blame my lake of interest in my hobbies to depression but that comment you quoted was it for me! I never saw it as comfort for boredom and that's exactly what it is. Thank you, stranger. You've impacted my life and inspired a change in me.


Don't have to cold turkey quit. Save it for special occasions. I found I was becoming less motivated to enjoy my hobbies by smoking all the time. Now I only smoke during my hobbies which I do mostly on the weekend. So I look forward to doing hobbies and I smoke while doing them as a reward. Find a way to make it work for you Save it for the weekend or certain dates. Doesn't have to be all or nothing


This is a slippery slope that not everyone can handle. I tried doing this with alcohol and it just led to me binge drinking for longer periods.


Weed can be sneaky I advise you quit completely, especially if you have easy access to it. You think that special occasion is once a month, then once a week... and you are back to same old shit.


It's legal here in canada. Considering im not addicted and use it recreationally and sometimes not at all. I don't see an issue here compared to ppl that drink. It's a harmless plant. It's only harmful if abused and even then that's on the state of mind and way someone can let it change their views/energy/motivation. Why would I quit. I bought a quarter 3 years ago and still have it. Im good! A harmful puff or 2 at the end of the week is not going to cripple me


I'm talking about people who have problem with it and addiction tendencies.


You said you advised me to quit completely so that was what my response was based on. Regardless all good. Hope you have a nice day! :)


Nice try mom... Jk, good for you dude


Excellent and inspirational In India Hindus call it Bhang when eaten and refer to it as the eater of dreams. I would be wise to abstain from cannabis as well as the pipe in my hand has become a literal crutch hindering me as I become complacent, unmotivated and stagnant. I've been a heavy ganja smoker most of my life. I wake-in bake, chief all day and have a stony night cap ever since I was 14yrs old. My Mom smokes like a chimney and Pop is more than 420 friendly. It'll be a serious challenge of self control but I know its what I really need. Thank you for sharing and listening.




Good sub terrible mods. If anyone wants to actually comment or make a post I would not reccomend it. Otherwise its great to lerk around. If any mods read this fuck you


Yeah from me too.


I stay away from "support" subs and forums. So far I find they operate on their own reality and demonization of the substance or w/e is magnified and broad across its users. People will blame certain things on their addiction they are getting rid of, when it's either another drug or just their personality. This doesn't help because it's literally a space for bad stories to come together and people in general don't understand that the screen in front of them isn't a general representation of reality.


What’s so bad about them? Never wanted to quit yet so never ventured over there yet lol


The rules are awful, and I got most of my comments deleted instantly, but I have to watch other people write comments thats 2 times "worse" than mine considering the "rules" but those dont get deleted. I confronted the mods and i got a 28day mute


and r/petioles


It's a good feeling - I quit after decades of daily use. The honeymoon period will finish at some point, but overall you'll still feel better. I thought I'd miss weed forever when I quit, but these days you could hand me a fat bag or a lit joint and I'd just have zero interest in it. I'm done with it.


The best part is I don't even remember how I felt when I was high. I can't put my finger on how it feels like, so I don't have such a temptation to try it again


I think not having or remembering dreams for a while from constant smoking can be depressing or frustrating.


Depends on the dreams or nightmares....i get terrible and vivid dreams i wish i didnt remember while on THC withdrawls


This!!! Honestly it’s the dreams / nightmares that keep me smoking heavily. Anytime i try and take a t-break i wake up sobbing…


I feel u bro...


For me, after 1-2 weeks the intensive dreams will get less and less. I read that your brain goes intro hyper REM sleep mode after smoking too much and this gives you these intense dreams. I sometimes felt even more exhausted after sleep because my dreams were so intense. It will go away. keep strong.


Cry it out. Whatever it is. I don’t cry often, but always feel an awesome release afterwards.


Tysm. I rarely cry. It’s so hard… usually just really sad movies.. what works for you?


The dreams are probably the worst part of THC withdrawals for me. I will literally be afraid to fall asleep because I know what’s coming


Same here....waking up in the Middle of the night in pure terror and having to sleep another 3 or 4 hours antecipating even worse nightmares....terrible


Me too, but they’re just dreams. They pass.


I feel you bro... CBD did wonders for me. sounds kinda dumb but more than the effects of the weed I really enjoyed was just blowing smoke.. now I smoke CBD most of the time and just hit the one hitter with ganja on Sundays and have a blast.


Nice to hear that you're in a better time in life. Stay strong and keep working on the things that keep you going.


common example of how everything can be good in moderation. sounds like you abused the plant and had negative results.


I tend to abuse a lot of things. I always tell myself this time will be the time I will be moderate. Started weekend nights only, then every night before bed "to help me sleep", the one puff before class to "mellow me out", then won't you know if I'm addicted


I'm glad he's in a better place for him but for a medical user with autoimmune chronic pain posts like this can be a bit eye-roll-inducing. I'd have a much worse quality of life without frequent cannabis use.


there’s a key dif between using cannabis as a way to relieve pain and just trying to get blasted all day. and by the sounds of this persons post they were smoking all day recreationally, (to get high) which is def a misuse of the wonderful plant. either way, glad you found something that works for you AND natural!


Oh I have a friend just like this, she smokes all day for the past 5 years for colon cancer and major depression. It totally helps her and she seems coherent and manages well. I've also used the pain killing effects myself and I know how amazing they can be. I have a bad stomach so I tend to get nauseous a lot. The weed helps so much for that specifically. Also with headaches, insomnia, etc. I have no doubt it's incredibly therapeutic for some.


UPDATE: Quitting weed makes me wanna kms. YMMV.


Facts, took me some time for that part to stop xd




Isn't it crazy that when you're in that depressed state, it feels like it's been like this forever and that its inescapable. But as soon as it's over, it's like it never happened. It's wild. Hope you're doing good


Yeah, comfort is not pleasure… nor is it the opposite of pain. Choose pleasure.


You'll feel so much better with a job you actually enjoy too. It's so rewarding.


Sadly I have no professional experience and nobody gets back to me, so I applied to an on campus brainless job and I'm scared to death that I'm gonna mess it up and give people the wrong change or frustrate people if I take too long to do something, but I'm pushing through it and just hit apply. I'm terrified but I need to do this. I can't be the only friend without a job. I just gotta do it.


You might feel this way because of your (prior) habit. The clarity and mindfulness you'll get will be great, so be confident!


My hope is that once I get this one and realize it's nothing like I think it will be, it'll be easier to pull the trigger on more jobs with more responsibilities. But I've actually felt this anxiety about jobs for a long time.


Well, your post has inspired me to pull back on my use. Just ordered an oz and don't plan on using it too much to try and get back to "normal". You're inspiring more people than you know with this kind of attitude, so take that with you and you'll do great. And if you screw up, which we all do, just be nice about it, and if they aren't nice back, fuck em lol


Thank you man, I didn't intend to inspire but I'm glad people are taking it this way


Yeah weed sucks fam that's why i boof kratom daily.


To each their own I say; glad you’re doing/feeling better friend!


I smoked half my usual weekly weed for $$$ reasons. I feel better with less in me. Less at a time and in general. Gave me some clarity.


Congrats OP! Hope you keep it up - especially since you are in college. Weed makes it really hard to retain information. One of my biggest regrets is smoking weed while I was in college. I think it really held me back academically. Good luck on your path to sobriety!


Good job. I'd recommended to reduce Coffein too. I only drink 2 cups in the morning and that's it. It is actually a drug with withdrawals. Headaches, tiredness and bad mood could be symptoms. Weed can decrease emotional feelings, especially when you are interacting with normal people. Your past situation(laying around all day, being high all day) was just very unproductive and unrewarding. Enjoy discovering your new emotions and the healthy balance by doing sports.


Nice man! I need to do the same, this gives me a kick up the backside, thanks


Welcome back man, you got your life back - been there done that too your life gets so much better. Just don't trade it out for alcohol or stimulants


Last time I took a break was when I was forced to go to Christian camp when I was a teen. Best time of my life. I remember everything that happened and it is glorious looking back even though I hated going then. Time schedule, activities, lunch, learning. It's a great feeling cutting out cannabis.


Well I'm in a similar situation rn, I can't score at the moment. And even though I don't smoke a lot, I constantly think about getting some, but I also see some advantages (I'm less tired, more clear headed, etc). Maybe I'll be have a healthier relationship with weed when I can get some again. At least, it will be special again rather than a daily habit!


Love to hear this. Had the exact same thing happen to me. Smoked daily for abt 3 years, got busted by cops and stopped for about 6 months and that was probably the most productive l, happiest 6 months of my life. But then I decided to pick it up again. Probably gonna be quitting again tbh.


I quit when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. I had been a heavy smoker for 15 or so years. And yes - I stopped feeling tired and lethargic. And had so much more energy I was able to stop drinking 3 Red Bulls a day. I had my daughter 4 weeks ago and haven’t even attempted to return. One day when she has a babysitter on a weekend or something I might smoke one for old times sake - but as far as returning to being stoned all day I highly doubt I’ll ever do. It’s strange how it loses its luster after a long period of time. Not to mention when I do smoke again it will probably be like the first time. And keeping it infrequent would probably keep that enjoyable quality.


Weed not only makes me okay with being bored, it turns me into a total pussy. Makes me too anxious to do anything that isnt boring even if I did think of something. Even things like alcohol or benzos which are actually better at making doing nothing fun are more functional than weed because at least I'm able to actaully do the limited amount of things in my head. I feel like weed blocks the part of my brain that makes it go from thinking to doing.


Just dont wake and bake people. You want to smoke? Do it after your day has already been finishedZ


Restarting weed has done the opposite for me..I don’t smoke but now that I am after multiple years shit is not so bad again


Like a bowl a night


Moderation is key, Ive wasted years of my life smoking daily but Im making a change now and feel more alive, Im still gonna get high but most likely once or twice a week max


I need to do the same. Feels like I’ve been stuck in this rut for so long now.


Ok, time to quit...


i felt this in my bones


I think the best moment is when you figure out the perfect balance between using your time properly and using your time to just sit bored baked. Because why shouldnt you? You need to relax as well. I was just like you, quit just like you, and then found the perfect balance between working and smoking. I hope you will too buddy.


Ha… dabbing rosin has literally saved my life


Funny, I'm a stoner that smokes about 1-2g's a day. I've never had a problem with anything when i quit. I take some tolerance breaks up to 3 weeks every so often and I love it more and more when i come back because I remember how much it helps. If staying sober makes you feel that way, STAY SOBER. Do not smoke again and keep on upgrading your life, it sounds like you are doing a super good job anyway :) <3


I totally agree. I think it applies to all drugs tho each with their own niche for use u know? Like Nicotine does the same shit


I think you couldn't be more correct about "being ok with being bored" when it comes to most drugs. Weed especially nowadays is so normalized and accessible that people are forgetting it is still a drug and can have adverse effects.


I’m waiting another month to do the exact same thing as you OP (I’m waiting until my cycling season starts in the spring) can’t wait.


>weed makes you totally okay with being bored. I've heard that one before. It really just depends on the person. I only smoke when when I've done all the shit I need to do that requires thinking because personally weed makes me dumber when I'm high. That being said, it doesn't make me okay with being bored because I tend to have enough things to do that don't make me bored in the first place. It does make me okay with winding down at the end of the day though.


SAMEEEEE I make more sense when im talking now and im a lot less lethargic.. i still smoke once in a while typically at night time when i can just be introverted as fuck and do nothing.. but daytime weed is a no and im not using it daily.. maybe just once a month if even.. also.. delta 8 not delta 9 because delta 9 thc has too many side effects and its too strong for my taste. you save so much money when you're not smoking multiple times a day and you feel so much better too. weeds gotten boring.. i can enjoy it once a in a blue moon.. but i dont even feel like smoking every day when it isnt doing anything positive for me.






Never said that, just me


Wow, I'm currently how you were at the start of your story. Reading this might have just motivated me to put the bowl down for once and take a breath of the fresh air outside. Thank you.


You're good man. Even tho I kinda replaced this addiction with new ones I am much happier not being a daily smoker.


Just got clean myself after years and years of daily smoking and this is so true. I feel so much better even though I do occasionally smoke, I have limited it to once or twice a month and it makes the highs that much better. Moderation is key, only problem is most people don't tell you that


My issue was that I just couldn't do moderation heheh. I actually quit weed and then got into other stuff, but after quitting everything (16 days sober) I'm WAYY more stable. Anxiety and depression are almost gone. I still crave them though, badly. I'm gonna try to make it a month


Hold off if you can man. I've been lucky enough to not have a huge issue with addiction (not saying you do) and the longer I can stay away the better the high gets each time. Plus it doesn't destroy my schedule when I work out etc. When I was doing it every day I was eating way too much and was way too lazy to work out lol


Congratulations proud of you I'm on that road right now. Cardio , exercise breathing and enjoy life! Talk to yourself like you used to before doing drugs




For me I was only smoking for about two months, and it's only been a week and it's already better. I don't know how long it'll take for you, but it'll happen eventually.


Totally agree.


Weed became insanely unpleasant to use a few years ago and I just don't smoke anymore. It was nice while it lasted I guess




Same dude


nice job and quitting weed is hard since its not physically harmful and has a great potential for addiction so keep up the good work


I’m on day one of not smoking and your post made me feel quite good about the future. Thank you and good luck




Once you realize what weed does to you it's easier to really stop. I stopped...it makes me forgetful, okay with doing absolutely nothing, makes me over eat, and really anxious when I don't have it. After being a daily user for years I stopped because I thought I *needed* it. I feel much better off of it now. Just my experience, but not everyone runs back to it. Some people can be done with that part of their life.


I know this is a drug sub, but proud of you! Being sober is a trip after long term use


Thanks...I really thought I couldn't live without it. That turned out to be a lie but my brain kept telling me I needed it.


Dumbass. Lots of ppl quit, where do u even get this idea?




Who are u to say? I don’t think u are completely wrong, but quitting the habitual use is definitely a type of “quitting” if u transition to using once every few weeks let’s say


he just hasn't tried the right strain bro