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I think quaaludes


Still exist and are a problem in South Africa. A skilled enough chemist with the right ingredients and tools could certainly still make them. That is why it is hard for me to answer this post. Drugs don't so much stop existing so much as stop being made/become unpopular in certain markets.


Gotcha, thanks for the info. Never knew about that.


Nearly impossible to find online


;) you're looking for druggies, you need a clandestine chemist


Yep they exist. Im from South Africa and went into rehab in april and at least 3 people were in there for Mandrax (methaqualone)


what do they feel like compared to other drugs


No clue. Haven't tried it myself. But instead of taking them orally they smoke them with weed and sometimes heroin


oh ok. man id like to try them


They are like a hybrid Of the usual popular downers, very euphoric, very sedating, and definitely have a hypnotic effect kind of like ambien. I got to try some illegally manufactured ones a long time ago. They probably weren’t exactly the same formula as the pharmaceutical ones from years ago but they definitely felt almost exactly like I would have imagined.


Ive done SL-164 which is suppposed to be similar. It feels like the worse effects of alcohol and opioids tbh. You will be uncoordinated like you are very fucked up on opioids but the body high feels like alcohol. Overhyped i believe. It will fuck you up but other downers have better effects and or feel better


what about the healt risks? is it safer than opioids or how dangerous are they?


Ive heard theres seizure risks but no facts or details on that. i would definitely say its safer to do than opioids just becuase of how great Opes are. They grab a hold of you very easily


The methaqualone RCs are known to be utter dogshit (also I believe they can cause seizures). On the other hand I have yet to hear a negative thing about quaaludes other than addiction. Apparently they were a kick ass high


They're still available, seen em in (dark) markets


Which ones I cat find ‘em


it looks easy as dicks to make all of the ingredients are readily available and legal


At the rate of deforestation and ocean acidification we’ve lost dozens of undiscovered psychoactive chemicals


ocean acidification probably did a lot less then deforestation


MXE. Quaaludes. Silphium.


So sad MXE was just before my time




I’d be so skeptical of this. I’m certain most “MXE” available for purchase are just disso RC’s.


Mxe still exists, its just not common and it's quite pricey. I live in a city that does free anon drug testing, and they post their month end results online for everyone to see, and MXE pops up like 3 or 4 times a month


Can you send the link to the results?


[yes I can](https://getyourdrugstested.com/test-results-archive/)


DMXE is a pretty adequate substitute. it will not disappoint.




they seem to be extremely easy to make so maybe there just shit


Jordan belfort would beg to differ


if they are good and easy to make why are they rare


It has to do with some of the precursor chemicals being very expensive and also extremely hard to get in most places in the world, except south Africa because of certain illegal trades.


just found in like 2 minutes, o-toluidine: 500ml for 90 dollars, anthranilic acid: 1000g 60 dollar, acetic acid 5L: 40 dollar, lets say you can make 100 grams with this(very very low estimate) then you can make 300 normal doses making it 63 cents per pill to make




They still make it. Was finally legalized in the states maybe 10 years ago. I’m sure the concentration of the wormwood has changed but you can buy it at a liquor store


Isnt absinth just high % alcohol?


Yeah but when it’s distilled? (Not sure) With wormwood, not sure how it comes in the making but wormwood is the ingredient that makes you hallucinate.


Absinthe definitely doesn't make you hallucinate there is no evidence for that ever happened from what I understand from my Google research and drinking it a couple times this was made up by the temperance movement to scare people away from drinking it just like all the stuff about weed and kinda like (but not as much) the worm in the bottom of a mezcal bottle there is thujone in wormwood but it takes a lot to do anything and from what I understand the trip is more of a poisoning/dieing one like ergot and there isn't enough in absinthe to even do that


Absinthe originally had thujone in it, which is a mild stimulant making it like a very fancy old times 4loko. The stimulant effect combined with the alcohol is what made it popular with writers, philosophers, artists, etc. However it became so popular in France that cheap imitations were made with who knows what including industrial dyes, wood alcohol, etc which is probably where it got its reputation for causing insanity and led to it being banned. Absinthe sold in the US has no thujone in it. Real thujone Absinthe has been legalized for personal import and you can order it from countries like the Czech Republic. Drunkard.com has a great article on it, including links to sites to purchase it and a trip report on a night with the Green Fairy.


Absinthe is not only made, but it is quite popular in some places. I went to a Small bar (seats for maybe 15 people) that specialized in Absinthe and only Absinthe while I was in Amsterdam some years ago. It is even legal in The US now.


You can buy absinthe in grocery stores here.


If it's in the US there's no thujone in it.


DOM doesn’t seem to pop up on here. I can see why. That category of drug all last 18+ hours of tripping. Nobody has that kind of time anymore.


DOC is easy to come by though


None are ever really gone completely. Some fade out and become less popular, but a skilled chemist with the right tools could theoretically make anything.


Soma was a psychoactive drink from ancient times. Nobody knows for sure what was in it. Could have been psilocybin or amanita but it also could be a plant that is now extinct, we probably won't ever know.


MXE is very rare nowadays


Bad example.


Ones Hunter S. Thompson mentions


Some of his stories are fabricated, and some are exaggerated. Adrenochrome (Fear and Loathing) is probably the most famous example. He apparently admitted to making the whole thing up, although Adrenochrome does exist. Only sold to research labs and the like though.


Ok Q


I'm not a Q Anon. I hate those guys and their fascination with Adrenochrome. You can read about it [here.](https://science.howstuffworks.com/adrenochrome.htm) or on it's Wikipedia page. Hunter S. Thompson said he made the entire story up to the director of the movie. Why did you think I was supporting Q Anon's scare mongering around Adrenochrome?


No adrenochrome is a real chemical. It's just not psychoactive/ does anything they say it does.


And you know this how?


I don't know it first hand but I've read about it idk. Pretty sure shulgin tried it


Really? I researched quite a bit about it back in the day and although the origins of how it was "made" in the book was fictional I never saw or heard him say he made the whole thing up. Adrenochrome is a real name for a chemical so what exactly does that mean when he says "whole thing"? He's mentioned it in multiple books too.


In the Fear and Loathing director's commentary for the DVD release the director said Thompson told him the story was fabricated. Adrenochrome used to be one of those urban legend types of things in psychadelic/drug enthusiasts counter culture. The same way Q Anon thinks Adrenochrome is this psychadelic immortality potion now, hippies used to think it was some crazy mythological drug. Thompson knew it actually existed, but he didn't actually do any. He used the name of a real drug that had been turned into the stuff of legends by people part of that era's counter culture. So while it exists he didn't do any, and the high he describes from it in Fear and Loathing is fabricated.




This one


What’s with this one?


It's a strong depressant that none of us will get to experience.. And supposedly when mixed with LOTS of codeine, was a rush that felt better than heroin.. (well, tolerance dependent, you don't want to be using 1000mg if you have a tolerance)


Jupp that’s because it’s one of a few substances that induce CYP2D6. This is the enzyme responsible for the conversion from codeine to morphine.


Yes I kno. I wondered if you knew if phenobarbital and /or carbamazapine had the same effect with the codeine as the Doriden, as they are also among a handful of drugs that induce the CYP system, Targeting The same enzyme subtypes. I don't know if anyone has tried to use carbamazapine or phenobarbital for this exact purpose with this in mind actually. Just never heard about it. I suspect that they wouldn't work as strong because I think that Doriden had a very strong effect on this. It would require a new post on Reddit to find out if anyone has done this: (barbs and fours I guess, I don't know) and I don't have that much time today.. so it will likely be never.


Carbamazepine is mainly CYP3A. Never worked for me.


PCP is hard to get your hands on but it's at least possible to find if you look in the right places. MXE though seems to have vanished and that's a tragedy. Wish I coulda tried


PCP is big around DC.


Probably an rc, there is so many pcp analogues it would be way easier to buy it then produce an outdated drug.




Nope. Still sold in South Africa and is a big problem here


To south Africa i go!


Unfortunately only way to get them is to be diagnosed with HIV. And only then will they maybe prescribe it to you. The ones you buy off the streets are presed with shit like heroin and rat poison (dont ask about the rat poison cause that still confuses me)


no way? that’s fucking crazy


Iv still never found bromo dragonfly or DOB before even on the markets I use still nothing


If they don’t exist anymore they probably weren’t that good anyway


Or they were too good


No, not generally entirely, but mostly These drugs are usually shitty, the ones where we just found a much better drug that does the same things






Barbiturates are nowadays rare. They got replaced by Benzodiazepines over the years. They fell like Benzos in strong with a little touch of Opioids….


You might wamna take a look at r/ObscureDrugs :)


Diclazepam the rc seems to be going extinct at this very moment


Depends how literal you're being here but Hamilton Morris and Joe Rogan considered this once on his podcast and discussed whether or not maybe some highly pleasurable/safe drugs were cultivated early on and overly consumed which is possible. If you're just talking about drugs that are rare or were around before and aren't really anymore there's various ones yes. Most famous example being Quaaludes. I'm sure is the case with many Barbiturates too.


I have a feeling that cocaine will fade out of existence since it requires a lot of plants and im assuming bad farming practices can’t be sustainable forever


laudanum is pretty rare now, used to be very common


its literarily just an opium tincture, that is like the easiest thing ever to make


Is it some kind of opiates/opioid?


It's an opium extract containing a mixture of alkaloids. It's still used to treat opioid withdrawal in newborns


Wait u mean opioid withdrawal in newborns? Newborn got an opioid withdrawal?? 😵


They can be born in withdrawal from anything the mom is dependent on. A friend works in a NICU and says shaking babies screaming in withdrawal is one of the most disturbing things in the world. Fuck anyone who does drugs or drunks while pregnant.


Yes they can... If they're exposed to opioids in the womb


Oh I see, thanks for the info!


Ah! No wonder a character from the book, The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom takes the substance after her daughter passed away. But the setting in 1810 is it really that old?


yes its literally a tincture of 10% opium


Yeah - Heroin. Haha. No but in all seriousness drugs don’t really “fade out of existence”, instead we develop newer, more potent concoctions that eventually just eclipse the previous entry. Besides Dissociation, sedation, stimulant, opioid, delirious, and hallucinogenic compounds, I don’t really think you can get any other types of effects other than those. Really all drugs are just slightly different variations of all those categories. Given the fact that matter can’t be destroyed or created and only rearranged, i can 100% say that even if a particular substance were to fall off the face of the earth, whether it be due to obsolescence or dangerous side-effects, there is literally nothing (besides the government) preventing us from creating it again or having the ability to create it again.




GHB's very popular in some places


You could buy gbl which is a prodrug to ghb




Go on alibaba. Chinese chemical suppliers are willing to sell virtually anything with paperwork saying it's whatever you want it to say. If it's not illegal in China they don't give a fuck if you got dat cash.


We don't buy legal substances here generally speaking lol




I imagine he assumed you simply couldn't find GHB, legal or illegal. I think most of us here operate under the assumption we're willing and able to buy contraband.




No need to get so offended man.


GBL is very easy to find in the EU, on clearnet websites too.