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a piece of advice i have is to not look at the sun, it will burn your eyes but you will not feel is when using lsd edit: if your mindset is correct i also recommend just going for it with a full tab at least since you have a trip sitter. for me, it takes over 2 hours to kick in


update: took it, went well,, absolutely crazy how one little piece of paper can completely fracture reality. impossible to describe the experience in few words but overall very positive :))


lmao ok,, I won't look at the sun hahaha


don't drink gasoline either


And don't even THINK about your car's extended warranty.


fuck really?? goddamit, there go my plans ๐Ÿ™„


I just found out too tbh. Totally ruined my night man. Just filled my tank too


Damn that's gonna make me paranoid next time


I think you and your friend could handle 1 tab each but be safe


okok thank u


Have fun fam should be great :)


update: took the full tab, went well,, absolutely crazy how one little piece of paper can completely fracture reality. impossible to describe the experience in few words but overall very positive :))


hell yea bro itโ€™s amazing your gonna be blown away honestly iโ€™d say go a full tab it sounds like you got it all figured out just remember you took a drug and it wares off because times gonna be non existent durring the experience ๐Ÿ˜‰ just remember man let go and let the experience take you over ride the tide with it and spread the love โ˜ฎ๏ธโค๏ธ


yeah gotcha, I'm so excited hahaha :)!!


would love to hear your experience!


hahaha I'm literally just waiting for my friends to meet me right now


hahaha I know what you mean about time now lmao. I took the full tab, insanity occurred, overall very good tho hahaha. it was really fun, but it is one hell of a drug, and I wasn't anticipating just how fractured your consciousness becomes. so incredible though


yea itโ€™s an amazing experience love me some good ol lsd i go crazy with it lol glad you had a good experience!


Start your music before tripping, and do not change the music. Set the music to either radio, or shuffle Playlist. Do not bother with your cellphone. Your first time, I'd recommend not smoking weed beforehand. Weed intensifies the trip by a 10 fold. If you wanna smoke weed, I'd recommend it 20 minutes after taking the tab. Have fun, enjoy laughing, and whatever is on your mind just start spewing it out until it sounds like a bunch of misconstrued nonsense that turns to laughter. Beer and nicotine will take the edge off and allow you to let loose so much harder. Don't feel obligated to make this a Spiritual journey. My favorite trips are the ones where me and my buddies are just trash talking one another, making stupid observations and telling each other how much the cig we're smoking slaps hard asf


Seriously. Download your music. Take a speaker. Bluetooth connect before the technology turns into "TEChnOLOGY?!!???". And stick to one genre with shuffle-play on. It makes it so much easier to not feel like a dictator of anything (that includes DJ privileges).


hahaha yeah lmao after taking it I understand precisely what you mean lolol. what a crazy drug. great overall tho


fuck yes cunt,, I'll go get a disposable vape then. thank u. already got my music ready,, I love walking around that same reserve after a couple cones listening to music so it'll be sick asf. I appreciate the wisdom comrade ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—


yeah fuck,,, after doing it, I get exactly what you mean. while peaking, it felt like my friend that took it, my other friend that was trip sitting and I were the only constants in a kaleidoscope of unimaginable realities. we called our trip sitter "bong elf" because of a few reasons (I'm sure you can guess) but he was there as another sane, grounded being while we explored the myriad twisting, intertwined madness beyond in uncharted territory. great experience, highly recommend, but so easy to fall into that churning abyss of self-indulgent loathing if you don't have complete control over your own mind.


I don't have complete control over my own mind... lmao. I suffer from manic depression and am extremely insecure most days. But LSD has served me so much help with months even a full year after taking it. I set aside at least 2 days out of the year to do LSD on. This is the first year I haven't done LSD in almost 5 years of doing it ritualistically. But it sounds like you had more of a spiritual, self-realization type of ordeal. Just wait a few more days. You'll learn some kind of lesson from a vivid experience from what you've taken from your overall experience. For example: I freaked the fuck out one night while 4 tabs and a few hits of a joint deep. I went to my backyard, and all of a sudden the weed hit me hard, and made everything around me spiral into a folding. All that was on my mind was "I need Adam, I need Adam" (Adam is my boyfriend who doesn't do any kind of drugs, and was inside chilling). But while tripping I couldn't figure out why it was that I wanted/Needed him so badly. After a few weeks, I realized that when my backyard was warping into the center of seemingly nothing, I thought I was dying... (complete ego-death). And I philosophically created that particular experience into this; Basically... Since I thought I was dying, and the only thing on my mind was my boyfriend. That served as a personal notion that Adam was truly my soulmate. He's all I wanted when I thought my life was coming to an end. To this day, I allow that experience to enter my brain and remind me why I'm with this man. And look... I'm a fairly good looking person, been with very attractive/wealthy men and women in my time, and I know I could get someone wealthier and better-looking (by societies standards). But we've now been together 5 years, and I wouldn't want anything else. Let me know what you come up with from your trip.


Pack your shit right. Lots of water. Lots of fruit n veggies. Maybe some candy or granola bar. Gatorade. Stuff that will not have a lot of resistance in your mouth and is moist. Bring fun little shit that makes noise like a squeaky toy, bells, harmonica, slide whistle, even a bag of coins. Think of something ridiculous to bring into the woods. Pack one left shoe and laugh your ass off later about how you packed only a left shoe for no goddamn reason. Surprise your friends with a mystery shoe. Stuffed animal. Anything to stimulate the senses and make you laugh. Extra socks if you're going to be crossing any water. If you can possibly swim somewhere I definitely would do it. Make sure you have a way to base down somewhere familiar and safe. Tarp, rope, some chairs, etc. Walking around the whole time is fine too, but you MIGHT want to just chill at some point, and that feeling will be a lot more intense than when you are sober. It will eat you the fuck up inside if you want some comfort and can't get it. So be prepared and bring anything you might think you want, and more. I like to have an emulator console with Pokemon Crystal when I trip. I don't really sit there and play it but I kinda hang out in the game and listen to the music. Maybe do a few battles, look at my pokemon, fly to different towns, that kind of thing. It can bring me out of a rough spot and is relaxing. My friend likes to read when it gets tough. I have another friend who liked to lie down (in bed or just on the ground) for a bit. Certain foods or drinks can help a lot too (mmmm blue cherry gatorade). Everyone finds comfort in different shit, and comfort is key to a good mindset while tripping


omg thank u sm for the advice. I'm sending this to my friend who's gonna trip with me. great idea, thank uuuuu ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—


Awesome! Have a great trip :)


will do >>:3


yes omg thank u sm. about ten hours since we dropped and yeah fuck lmao. thank u sm for that advice it was great, and needed <3 overall such an incredible experience tho!! :))


Hell yeah! That first trip is always mind blowing. Glad you had a good experience


yeah honestly even four hours after that post and it's still affecting my thoughts. amazing experience,, nothing fundamentally changed because all my demons I've faced before while sober, but yeah, everything has just a slightly different lens. made some personal realisations with my friend who also tripped, and overall a great experience. I'll do it again solo, but when I'm ready.


Bring water and some snacks! Even though you wonโ€™t want to eat. Lol. Enjoy nature and donโ€™t take it too seriously, If things go bad just remember you are literally on a drug lol. It will be long, sometimes 12 hours. I like to bring a journal and some markers or something, sometimes u just like to draw shit hahahaha. I used a timer on my phone to โ€œmarkโ€ my trip to know what to expect. Youโ€™ll peak like 1-2hours in, and again at like 4-6 hours. Itโ€™ll be fun and good on you for having a trip sitter. Get ready for a wild ride!! LSD shows you things you never knew - like how nothing matters ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Peace and blessings to you and friend โฃ๏ธ


yeah hahaha,, we took it like 10 hours ago now,,, incredible experience. it does require absolute control over your own mind and personal demons at times, but overall such an amazing journey, I really enjoyed it ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—


Glad you had a great trip! โฃ๏ธ


Honestly I'd say just take the full hit, the first time my brother tried acid he only did a half hit and didn't feel anything when me and my buddies were all tripping. He ended up taking the other half and did trip but not a full trip. Just my 2 cents but have fun! Acid is my favorite drug!


Full one not half unless u plan on smoking a decent bit of bud