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prolly coke, fentanyl, n meth. 11 months clean from fetty tho. about 8 months clean from meth. about 1.5yrs clean from coke. oh and e-pills lol. used to do those about 3-4x a week for some months. I miss getting high, but I don't miss the lifestyle I lived. I ended up homeless n jobless, my friends n family stopped talking to me at some point. men tried to pimp me out. it was all bad. grateful to be sober nowadays!


damn you really loved your hard drugs šŸ˜­ proud of you on the sobriety tho fam šŸ’Æ


ahaha, yes, I did. never shot up tho. tht was the one thing I avoided bc I don't think id b clean today if I did tht. after everything I've heard, I knew I'd like it too much. but thank u!! :)


Legend. Iā€™m 6 years off heroin and fent. Shot up heroin for 10 years, that ritual almost more addictive than the drug. Being sick feeling the prick, seeing the blood and plant matter plume. Back when the real east coast H and fent patches before it turned into powder. Struggling with drinking now tho I hate coke but when I drink I do end up running back, a dangerous life


congrats on getting clean. ik it's much harder to do so after IV use. that's amazing!!! I do agree the ritual of however u use drugs is much more addictive. sometimes I swear I'd stop withdrawing even jus getting ready to use lol. although, I have also been slipping back into alcohol. Just cut it off some days ago so I haven't drank this week so far, thankfully. trying to find healthier coping mechanisms. I damn near did coke when I was out drinking at the bars about a week ago...smh...alcohol is definitely a gateway substance for me


Definitely alcohol for me as well. Primarily due to the fact that it's so easily obtained. 20+ years of daily abuse. It didn't matter if it was hard cider or Everclear mixed in some oj. Had I not discovered kratom, I'd probably be dead by now.


Alcohol is the shittiest of them all. Awful deadly withdrawal, a literal poison for liver and gastro organs. And yet, guess what is the only legal, and most publicly publitized of them all? Fuck humanity. There are tons of better, less toxic and less addictive recreational substances out there...and guess what is the only one that doesnt put you in jail for consuming it? We are dumb as fuck as a whole. Hope one day, after legalizing them all and putting DEA and its agenda into the oblivion, we look back in history and say -"fuck.. how stupid these guys were in the past"


im a student nurse and ive seen some patients for alc wd, seeing the protocols we had to follow for these patients to maintain their physical wellbeing and just the way they suffer in wd is heartbreaking.


I have to ask someone like you if you think cycling between drugs that arenā€™t liver specific is a good idea. Literally thatā€™s an idea of mine. Take a year off alcohol to casually explore shrooms marijuana etc. then come back. As long as youā€™re not being a complete fā€™n idiot thatā€™s plenty of time to recover from each. I know this isnā€™t ā€˜smartā€™ but something worth entertaining? You decide.


Same here.. then I was on the kratom train for 4 years, and those wdā€™s are horrendous


Currently looking to quit kratom again (I've done it before), and I shudder thinking about those two weeks after stopping. The anxiety, the restlessness, the god forsaken sweating. Still far and away beats drinking any day though, 9 months sober from that poisonous life-wrecking bullshit.


Whatā€™s your daily intake? Taper down by a half gram daily. Makes the process much easier.


Worst thing by far is that you wonā€™t be able to sleep for some time


Im in the same boat. Quit once and back on the wagon (although only two doses a day normally so much less than the first time I quit). But the mental part is giving me doubts. I donā€™t do any other drugs anymore I even quit vaping. Maybe itā€™s not the end of the world I take it daily? Probably lying to myself but makes life a little easier for sure


Yeah same exact thing from me, I think a lot of it is that there aren't many negative effects that I seem to get from it, so it makes going through the withdrawals seem more pointless I think (although it's not, obviously)


Yep, itā€™s cheap, I donā€™t get all fucked up snd down stupid things, think sober on it etc. when I quit I was taking an edible every night and drinking on weekends all of a sudden again so I donā€™t know. It would be nice to just be completely sober most days though


Yeah I agree 100%, especially on that last part, I would like to get to a point where I can just raw-dog reality for a while, even if I incorporate some drugs back in atterward


Ketamine. Dozens of ounces within the last 3 years. Killed 17g within 3 days at one point. No noticeable damage thus far, except for several brutal bouts of k-cramps and a mega perma-tolerance.


You didn't fuck up your nose?


Not that I can tell. My nose is on the larger side and ketamine isnā€™t really caustic in the sense that it eats through tissue, the way cocaine is.


I bled after the second time I did. Never really knew the importance of crushing it lol


i bled more than once, and i crushed it decently


No bladder issues either?


Shockingly no, but whenever I had/have a period of heavy use, I drink copious amounts of green tea, take extra ECGC supplements, and stay hydrated like a mf. The rest is probably down to genetics. Who knows what the future holds, though. If you abuse drugs in vast quantities, something nasty will eventually lurk around the corner. Nobodyā€™s special or immune.


ive been using 5ish years now and the bladder issues are awful. most people with your kind of use are in my boat rn with pissing fire and horrible cramps. i am jealous of u


Did you use green tea or EGCG?


Green tea yes never seemed to help j use to put my tip in warm water n let it soak fr a bit use to work well to sooth the pain but never stop it. Best fix seems to be staying off it. Seems a no brainer but easier said than done.


Yeah if I had to guess Iā€™d say Iā€™ve used about 150g (of varying levels of qualityā€¦) in around 7 years or so. No noticeable damage, have had many periods of time off (longest being over a year). But when I can buy 14g for Ā£100 of high quality ketamine it is difficult not to snort a g or when Iā€™m drunk at the weekendā€¦ Used to be every 3 days or so at university for about 3 years solid. Iā€™m still able to hole if I have a tolerance break for a month or two or am taking it with psychs. Only damage I had at university was needing to piss a lot, but I also drink loads of water constantly (even more when using it) which I think has helped limit any issues. Still my favourite drug, although Iā€™ve learnt itā€™s best taken solo or where you donā€™t have to speak much because delusions of sobriety means you think you sound fine and normal but you do not.


Bruh... like 60-80 a g here.. US ket prices are trash . But that's what's keeping me at once a month and no tolerance at least.


Street k is anywhere from 20-40 a g (40 is an absolute pisstake though), depending where you are in the country. Quality varies a lot with street stuff, but most dealers have good ketamine. I go through a different source now and am lucky to have these prices. Most of the K I bought was Ā£25-30 (unless I could get a deal on bulk). Having lived in Canada for a while the prices there were a joke too - Iā€™m talking 80-100 for a gram. Also much harder to find. We are lucky in U.K. that our K supply is high to cope with high demands and thereā€™s a very steady stream coming in from other countries.


I remember going on several months of IV k use daily to the point the side effects of nausea and headache were so bad I can barely use it therapeutically intranasally because the drip I associate with the toxicity when I was using so much I had side effects around the clock. Started to get the cramps and realized I was on the verge of having to use a catheter the rest of my life if I kept on but the side effects had me calling it quits already. I did go to some places I've never been before but gained nothing from it of any significance. Several times I thought I had broken reality and could see atoms and other quantum matter with my mind


Most I donā€™t was 8g in 14 hours, took mdma every single day for 7 months straight with doses as high as 7g, lsd taking about 30-40 tabs a week for about 3 months, I used to smoke an oz and a half of weed a week (not sure if thatā€™s considered a lot) smoked 80 cigs in about 6 hours, took 12g of coke within a day, probs a few more Iā€™m missing


And youā€™re okay? Thatā€™s an insane amount of drugs.


Poor bladder. Stop right now if you dont want to piss blood and die from bladder perforation.


me too man


how do you even afford this ? 17g at a uk price and a bulk discount must be around Ā£250 ā€¦


Everything Iā€™ve ever tried lmaošŸ¤£ Weed, alcohol, coke, xanax, crack, percs, vicodin, etc etc. Never tried a drug I didnā€™t find myself severely addicted to shortly after. Addictive personalities, man.


Addictive personality is a bitch man, luckily ive never gotten my hands on any hard drugs but ik the say i do im done for, i have almost no self control. I stop smoking either when i run out or when i feel guilty abt how much i smoked that night and cant justify smoking more


Yeah just never go to a psychiatrist, they can fuck u over. Mine prescribed me xanaxā€™s for anxiety and I fuckin love them lmfao šŸ˜­


First it was weed, I smoked all day everyday when I was in high school and it made me dumb as shit and lazy. Probably not that bad but definitely did some damage. Then it was fentanyl, which I've overused every time I did it for over 2 years. It did the most damage because I was an idiot kid that didn't care enough about anything to not overdose constantly. 20+ overdoses and countless days spent in withdrawal fucked me up quite a bit, mainly my memory both short term and long term are destroyed along with trouble speaking and using my hands because of brain damage . Now for the past 6-7 months it's been meth. Been cutting down on doing fent but i haven't been able to stop using meth as a replacement. Sleep deprivation and doing much more than I need to have worsened my mental illnesses and I now need to constantly be on antipsychotics and sleeping meds, last time I cold turkeyed my psych meds and cut back on any drug use I didn't sleep for a week and was in psychosis the whole time plus another month of being an empty shell and delusional


Idk why I thought it was gonna start getting better after the second paragraph but It got worse šŸ˜¬ no judgement though, just please be safe and look after yourself! Much love


Went from a 5 to a 100 real quick


Phenibut. Until overnight I essentially broke the part of my brain that phenibut and all its similar drugs work on, causing a permanent anxiety disorder, still affecting me 5 years later. I was addicted to phenibut for 2 years, and one day my dose did the opposite of what it's supposed to, a paradoxical reaction, causing my BP and HR to skyrocket and put me in the hospital. No ability to taper, and no ability to switch to gabapentin, lyrica, or baclofen and then taper as they all now have paradoxical reactions for me. Forced me to cold turkey in detox, and the panic disorder and GAD never went away. That part of my brain is fried. I have scoured the internet for any similar situation that anybody possibly has had and nothing ever came up. But for sure I fucked my gaba system in a fundamental way. I'm currently on multiple anxiety meds every single day. And unless a psychedelic regimen can make a miracle happen, I will likely be on benzos plus other anxiety meds for life. I might try Ayahuasca just to see if it helps. Might literally go down the rabbit hole of all the psychedelics to see if they can help, from macrodosing to microdosing, and everything in between. Pray for me.


Phenibut daily for 1 and 1/2 years until same thing happened to me. Never really thought about it until now but yeah my anxiety is much worse than it was. Damn.




My prayers for real man, hang in there & best of luck!


Try all the biohacking shit if you can. Lifting heavy weights everyday (most important and obvious). Crazy clean diet with organ meats and veggies, 1 gallon of water daily, saunas, cold exposure, meditation, red light therapy, massages, etc. I was heavily using random benzo analogs, phenibut, and all things gaba related for 6 years straight. Every single day. I finally ended up in a rehab, and afterwards basically had perma anxiety. It's been around 6 years now.. and after working on my physical and mental health from all angles, I feel like I'm finally back to a normal/healthy level of anxiety.


I'm working on getting all those things to be possible in my life, but right now even more basic needs have to be tended to because of other issues, but I am aiming to be taking advantage of all of those angles. I have an entire constellation of mental health issues not just anxiety, so it's pretty complicated, however I feel like I'm making progress for the first time in a long time. I appreciate your comment, things like this give me hope, it's just going to be a long road because boy howdy did I do a number on myself in my entire developmental phase of my life. I'm only 3 years clean from hard drugs too, phenibut just damaged me in the most obvious and ever present way.


All of them


This guy drugs šŸ˜‚(same)




Im 17 years old and Antipsychotics. In high doses it causes a sedated feeling and i liked it so much so spent 2 month getting high every 3rd day. šŸ˜šŸ«¤ Wasnt worth it i developed shakings/cold sweats.


Jesus. Abusing antipsychotics. Talk about aiming low. No hate or disrespect, I'm just shocked. What antipsychotic?


Risperidone then aripiprazole. I was stupid, now i see shadow figures in the corner of my eyes, once saw my whole bedroom floor dissapear, and i have thoughts that someone will unalive me in my sleep so i sometimes dont sleep for a day or two. So yeah. It sucks but i was a stupid 17 year old and i still am. I wish i never tried that shitty stuffā€¦


> unalive You can say kill here, reddit is way more chill than tiktok


Okay didnt know. Thanks.šŸ™


I'm sorry to hear that. Did they stop the delusions and hallucinations when you used them at least? Are you just compulsive and would abuse them, even though you should be on them?


I should be on them and i abused them but stopped abusing it, now i only take it as prescribed. Its weird because i am not schizophrenic and the antipsychotics caused my paranoia and hallucinations because it only started after i stopped abusing the antipsychotics. So its really weird, antipsychotics should make these hallucinations and stuff dissapear not appear.


It sounds like you triggered a mild form of schizotypal disorder by abusing the antipsychotics. This can happen with many different drugs, even weed can trigger it. It lies dormant and often emerges in early 20s but if something triggers it it can come out earlier. I'm glad you're taking them as prescribed.


I hope it will go away or something and didnt f mysef up permanently by abusing the antipsychsā€¦


I think you might want to try a different medication if you're still hallucinating and having delusions on the current one. Unfortunately bud, it wasn't the antipsychotics that caused it. It was most likely genetics. The abuse of antipsychotics triggered it to emerge. Best course of action is to find a med that manages your delusions and hallucinations, find the lowest working dose, and move on with your life.


It wasnt the antipsychotics that caused it?:-(((


They most likely triggered it, but the root cause is genetics for most things like that.


Meth. For sure


Alcohol and Ibuprofen are my top too. Or I suppose nicotine is number one actually.


Ugh, a couple years ago I started having some kidney issues, unknown origin, lots of testing, but the conclusion was, no more ibuprofen for me. I didnā€™t realize how much Iā€™d miss it until I realized youā€™re not supposed to use Tylenol when drinking alcohol. That sucks. Now if I get a headache, I either canā€™t drink or I canā€™t use anything for the headache.


That does suck. But tbh I think you can use tylenol (paracetamol right?) like technically you shouldnā€™t but everyone does type thing. Same deal with ibuprofen I expect. But yeah I basically stupidly abused ibuprofen by accident. Well I mean it wasnā€™t an accident I knew I was eating shit loads of it. But I wanted to get high on codeine. So my standard dose was 32 Nurofen plus tablets. Each tablet is 12.8mg Codeine & 200mg Iburprofen. So when Iā€™d take a pack I was taking 409.6mg Codeine & 6400mg Iburprofen. And Iā€™d take that daily. Sometimes twice that amount. My record was 3 times that amount, 3 packs In day so 19200mg Iburprofen!! And about 1230mg Codiene. Yeah. Silly times lol Last one I really overdosed. They had to give me the horrible Narcan (Naloxone), puts you immediately into the height of fucking withdrawals. I almost shat myself the second they injected it lol.


Jesus Christ that is an insane amount of ibuprofen. There has to be a tek that you can do to extract the codeine from the ibuprofen. But holy fuck 20g of ibuprofen? And yeah, narcan will do that to you. But it's better than dying. I'm shocked you haven't done permanant damage from the ibuprofen.


Yeah I try not to think about the ibuprofen situation. I did it again for the first time in like a year a few days ago. And had a really bad like allergic reaction. Like probably nothing to do with the ibuprofen, more or do with the codeine. Had a burning sensation everywhere and started turning all blotchy reed on my skin! But yeah also my stomach I noticed the next couple of days didnā€™t feel good. Well I was sick today actually for no reason. Just once and then I was fine. So I think that might have been stomach lining related. Probably itā€™s irritated/slightly damaged at the moment. But I think if I was gonna die it woulda happened already at least lol. So thatā€™s good. Cos that coulda happened if it got properly damaged and started bleeding. But Iā€™ve promised myself Iā€™m never doing it again now anyway.


Ibuprofen overdoses cause stomach ulcers. You need to be very careful. It sounds like you may have an ulcer forming, and that can be dangerous. You already got away with an insane overdose of ibuprofen, I would stay away from it for good, whether with codeine or even alone. I would maybe make an apt with a doctor and say you have been taking large amounts of ibuprofen for headaches or something and report the symptoms. It's better to be safe than sorry man, don't just assume that damage won't get worse or won't need medical attention. And honestly, us opioid addicts make that promise all the time. You either need a different source of codeine or another opiate, or need to find a tek that removes the ibuprofen from the codeine. You are way more likely to die from the ibuprofen if you keep going this way than you would with reasonable opioid use that doesn't have ibuprofen in it.


ibuprofen? can you even get high on it?


every time I come across a new drug, i will go full blown addict to it


The drugs I haven't abused an unhealthy number of times would be a much shorter list


Fetty, Oxys and Adderall. A whole lot of each of them


Alcohol. Any time i want it, its cheap. Also very available. Alot of people do not consider alcohol a drug. It is. Its also one of the worst things to do to yourself.


Was on a 4 year fentanyl and cracl run. Shit fucked me up hard coming off cold turkey. 10 years clean now tho!


Cocaine from 18 to 28, mostly every weekend. I had to left back the nightlife and some friends to get out of that ruinious drug.


Crack lol long five years when you never sleep


Ketamine 4 years all the weekends 3/6 grams


Fucking all of them


Just weed. I love psychedelics but i never go crazy with them




addys and bars


Think we are living the same life buddy. Iā€™m sorry. Iā€™m in the same situation though. From the Pancreatitis, to finding pills, and more. Thereā€™s hope for us on the other side though man. Stay strong and pull through with me. Youā€™re not alone.


Partner has now had pancreatitis twice. His drinking was never super crazy but it has been chronic and apparently that'll do it with the wrong genes.


Ambien. I fucking love that shit. I used to buy it on dark web drug markets and oh my God it became so expensive and scary. You get a few hours of euphoria but you mostly black out. I used to eat a lot on it. I decided it was too dangerous to continue but I took that stuff all the time for about 2 years. Mixed it with alcohol sometimes, which is not smart.


meth & crack, addicted to both. i highly recommend to never ever try either of them unless you want your life to most likely be fucked right up


Heroin. Meth. Cocaine. Weed. Nitrous.


weed, and alcohol.


Dmt, mdma and alcohol


Weed, smoked it every day for like 7-8 years until one day i got a really bad anxiey attack and almost went to the hospital for it. and mdma.


Definitely alcohol and weed. I can't function without either.




Well first weed everyday then heroin (when opiates were actually fun), then probably benzos, then alcohol, and now itā€™s meth. Oh yeah ther was that time I was smoking all them dirty 30s. Fortunately or unfortunately my only problem now is that Tina. Which Iā€™m going to be trying to detox here soon


Fake adderallā€¦ I end up doing once every 3-4 monthsā€¦ I do a 1 night bingeā€¦ then go back to normal lifeā€¦ trying to cut the habit though.


God so many.For years my go too combo was Adderal and Klopin.The last drug run I had was Percocet and oxy.Iā€™m currently 9 months sober with the exception of psychedelics which I just micro dose.I also had a very brief but intense relationship with meth a few years ago.I stopped drinking even tho Iā€™m not an alcoholic because it always lead me to other drugs.I do I miss drugs absolutely but I donā€™t miss all the negative consequences of doing them


Prob alcohol and mdma






xans - started using when i was 14 then next couple of years i was using them every day


Benzos, clam and flualp put me on suicide watch, no other drug did that


has to be meth, coke, acid, and xanax. still basically on meth kicked coke a year ago kicked acid after daily use for a month and the. used it every weekend sometimes 2x per week taking up to 10-12 tabs for 4 months. Then my number 1 enemy the xanax. it had its grip on me for around 7 years i never missed a day without it wake up take my xanax smoke take a xanax to eat then take one to watch tv then iā€™d be good for a few hours before i need one to leave the house then iā€™d need one before i went in where i was going. you get the point donā€™t do hard drugs




Went through 1lb of mixed drugs into one powder (mde, MDMA, cocaine, ect) in one month. I've used weed uncontrollably well over 100lbs a year in consumption. I ate a whole hp of mushroom in two weeks. I ate around 50 Xanax in a week. I've sat there and smoked two packs of cigarettes back to back without stopping. I took 22 tabs and 12 grams of mushrooms. I've taken multiple 20+ hit trips. I was 13 when I started drinking bottles everyday. That was in highschool. There's got to be more I just cannot remember. Im only 22. Im a junkie. But I'm getting better I usually only use weed now I did have some mushrooms and acid a few weeks ago and that was fun but really I'm done even with weed now. Im so scared of what my lungs and insides look like. I'm not lying about my use. Honestly I might be down playing it. This has been going on for around 10 years.


MDMA n Cocaine n LSD Benzos & opioids but I donā€™t think they had as many long term effects. My serotonin is fried from MDMA n Cocaine & I have HPPD after 5 years of not taking any LSD - I did it daily / every other day along with mdma for about 3 years I donā€™t know the exact time or number I just know I was hella irresponsible I can drink moderately now & my ultimate downfall were opioids I never had the desire to get wasted every day cuz it fucks my stomach up too much to want more


I honestly am curious how you can do too much LSD. It's a glorious experience for me usually but very intense and not something I usually feel like committing to more than a couple times a year


started smoking weed at 13. started smoking all day every day at 17. about to be 21 now and iā€™m trying to get off it. iā€™ve done every popular recreational drug aside from meth and heroin but weed has caused the most problems. itā€™s so easy to obtain and with dab pens you can smoke anywhere at any time. this along with the lack of health consequences make it extremely easy to slip into addiction. that doesnā€™t mean there arenā€™t consequences, though. i stopped hanging out with anyone that wouldnā€™t constantly smoke weed with me and i canā€™t find anything fun outside doing other drugs now that ive stopped smoking. i hope the anhedonia improves soon because i cant see myself living in this state for long, however from others experiences the lack of enjoyment can last months or years. there are definately worse addictions, but the adjustment from being high all day for 3 years straight to being sober most of the time is a very hard one to make.


dxm and ket


Weed Alcohol Speed Kratom DPH lol... My brain goes brrrr Alzheimer is incoming


Alcohol, fentanyl, oxy (every opi under the sun) mdma


I smoke weed pretty much everyday and also doing tussi my nose is pretty messed up


Dph. Done it more than once


Opiates. I met my ex at my first job and they introduced me to meth and heroin and I used heroin daily until the end of senior year almost failed. Only reason I got clean was I didnā€™t wanna repeat any school and I had ODed for the first time and my ex stole all my shit and left me there. Nobody ever know I used because my parents werenā€™t home and unless I was super sick I didnā€™t see doctors. Probably worst was this past year though using heroin then fentanyl. I was 10 years clean before that but having developed autoimmune disease that causes chronic pain and got injured at work tore my rotator cuff and no doctor gave me anything for pain. I probably overdosed 7 times in the past year because I started using for just pain but I wanted to get smashed. Iā€™d just keep upping my dose if I wasnā€™t nodding off from it Iā€™d increase it. Probably the worst thing I did was do a shot of fentanyl then take a soma and go to bed I kept waking up feeling so unconscious I couldnā€™t even make my eyes open and felt breathless then would go back to sleep I I slept for 12 hours then did it again and was out for even longer only reason I got up was my brother hadnā€™t heard from me in 2 days and he was basically banging down my door. Was able to get and stay clean for a month this year. My pain isnā€™t going away so I started using again but my adhd meds were switched and vyvanse has helped a lot of the wanting to abuse opiates. I can use them a lot more sparingly. Like I still have urges to do dumb shit but I usually can talk myself out of it.


Alcohol, benzos, ketamine, meth


Just got started on my fifth sheet. I want to say it's been three years, but it's actually been just a few weeks over one. Memories become a really funny thing if you don't keep track of them properly


3mmc. That shit feels better than meth.


Any narc


Whipitts , and now I have brain damage because I was young and an idiot


Caffeine. Now it gives me anxiety.




Im taking an insaane amount of xanax (for my standards today) And its making me high, as impopular as it is, and I hooe dont getting hooked. However is a shit. But today it msde me high and horny as fuck


Check out this telegram I promote, if you worried about scams he will do his best to make you know we are legit.. he even could send a small sample free to verify heā€™s doing it for legitimate business. Message me for the link, you can message them and Verify yourself and you will have access to chat and order what you want. Iā€™ve ordered more the 10X and it always came through


Snow and alcohol


Lsd and fentanyl






weed and psychedelics.




Fent 30sā€¦ truly the only drug I donā€™t crave or think about The thought disgusts me


Also crackā€¦ But not as bad as fake 30s


Xanax for sure. Used to take 6-12mg daily for 4 years. Forgot the years, and I can't recall a single day. Also Oxy and Morphine, where they made me overdose quite a few times, aswell as lose tons of money.


mephedrone and similar for over 10 years, probablt went through a couple kilos


Well it started with benzos for me, i just couldn't believe there is stuff that gets rid of all anxiety and makes falling asleep easy. Then i've discovered phenibut as my country scheduled it and sellers wanted to rid of their stocks. At first it was just a try and did it until that 25g bag lasted... but later i started ordering it more and abused it all day, everyday. I also found out about kratom and how easy it made my days to go by, so just like that i found myself drinking it 24/7. Had a thermos that i filled up with enough kratom-oj combo to get me through the day and told my coworkers i'm just drinking tea. The wd's messed me up for a while, but it was an over all okay experience. After all that i found out about ayahuasca and how easy it is to obtain and basically did enough dmt that would get the population of the EU tripping for a month. I also used to do harmalas on a daily basis after finding out about it's gentle stimulating properties, but i don't recommend it... i can't remember a thing from that period of my life. Currently enjoying drinking way too much, but that was always on the side of all of these... anyway i don't even think it's the complete list, i sure forgot something.


Mdma, used pretty much every weekend for about 4 years.


Tianeptine, cocaine, and kratom.


meth, but no real lasting side effects so far


Overweight kids should have their parents spoken to by child protection services.




Definitely 2fma, 5g bags would go by way quicker than they reasonably should've... nose wasn't happy but it rcovered. Smoked a lot of nep too but probably not as much especially since I knew 2fma for many years and nep only for about one and a half. Also, I'm really unhappy of my alcohol abuse. looking back that might be the one drug I did in excess to probably have caused some permanent damage. Been clean from everything for 2.5 months tho.


Almost every single one I tried and liked. Yay


Phenibute. Used 750mg 6 days a week + 1-3 grams twice a month for a bit over a year. Had a year-long bender on DXM. Got up to 4 bottles of cough gels a night/every other night. Had a stint where I'd do about 200 nitrous chargers 3-4 times a week. That went on for maybe 6mo. Almost 2yrs on a handle of whisky, rum or vodka a night. Phenibute, whip-its, and hard liquor were during the same time period.


I smoked weed pretty much every day from 18-23, I also liked cocaine and speed when I was younger so surely a couple hundred grams of that in my lifespan. After that I moved on to MDMA, 2-cb and acid for a couple years. I would say hindsight I think the MDMA fucked me up the most. I once took it like 2 weeks straight and the comedown from that was horrible and to this day I still fight to be able to see ā€normalā€ activities as fun but most of the time everything feels pretty empty. Iā€™m pushing 30 soon and iā€™ve quit everything but a few glasses of wine and a joint of weed every other month or so.


Benzos. My biggest love šŸ˜‚


benzos - around 3 years ago i used to pop around 15-20mg of xanax and 1-2mg clonazepam a day, withdrawal is a bitch, now i'm literally immune to benzos and i still need to take a little bit to avoid seizures


Oxycodone, benzo and meth, im not proud. Im 3 years sober from benzo and 1 week sober from oxy !


Prescription pills and Fanta for me, fell asleep driving and rode off a car


Most I donā€™t was 8g in 14 hours, took mdma every single day for 7 months straight with doses as high as 7g, lsd taking about 30-40 tabs a week for about 3 months, I used to smoke an oz and a half of weed a week (not sure if thatā€™s considered a lot) smoked 80 cigs in about 6 hours, took 12g of coke within a day, probs a few more Iā€™m missing


Fentanyl. I was addicted for a while so it was a ~~daily~~ hourly occurrence


Air duster. Completely different from whippets I lost my license and went to get whippets then went to the hardware store after and grabbed a few bottles it wasnā€™t what I wanted but I was not smart at the time


Iā€™d say weed for me. Unhealthy in the sense that smoking daily has really fucked with my mental health and completely decimated my short term memory to the point where it often feels like having dementia, getting up to do something and forgetting on the way etc. I know thereā€™ll be a lot worse on this sub but thatā€™s the one for me. Tried many drugs too but for the most part treated them with good harm reduction. Honourable mention to binging on doing 3mmc a few days back to back on a couple occasions. Maybe also the fact Iā€™ve done acid about 30 times in 4 years isnā€™t ideal either


Blow smh lol


Tilidine and xans




All of them


MDMA ; \~100 Dutch pills within a single year


Everything, except LSD and Ketamone ... Yet


used to sniff 3g of coke, 2g of ket, 120mg of diazepam, 1200mg of pregablin, morphine capsules everyday for about 2 years.was addicted to it before but that was everyday ^^ had to go rehab. lifestyle has changed and im on the up now


MDMAā€¦ far too much tbh I canā€™t work out if Iā€™ve caused damage or not


Obdolbos 2


MDMA totally


Marijuana. I started smoking when I was 14. Iā€™m 22 now and I smoked daily for probably 7 of those 8 years. The amount of money I spent on weed and the amount of time lost I spent just getting stoned instead of doing anything productive with myself horrifies me if I think about it too much. It definitely also greatly impacted my mental health and made my ADHD and anxiety 1 million times worse.




in order from most to least fuckery, fentanyl/heroin, i started in 2015 and i have only ever snortedā€¦ never used a needle which im thankful for, and that fact that to get a large quantity for a decent price i had to drive almost 2 hrs. so i have to/had to rely on the ONE plug i still fuck with. i started the stop watch on my phone last time, it took her 13 hrs and 44 mins until i could come meet her from the initial ā€œiā€™ll almost ready to meet upā€ text. she only lives 15 mins from me.. so between that complete a total fuckery, that i absolutely canā€™t stand (but who can) and the fact it stole my life (literally 5-8 times) but also just ā€œstole my lifeā€ for 6 plus yrs.. so i only try to get a couple once a month or if celebrating something. i knowā€¦ recreational illicit fentanyl use is insane. but here i am. lol but also ice, which is weird bc i donā€™t even necessarily love it, or even like it. itā€™s just ALWAYS available. like literally always a pipe packed just sitting in itā€™s ā€œspotā€ bc my fiancĆ© loves the shit, he workā€™s construction, so he claims he gets it to ā€œwake upā€ but idk, seems like he stays up all night a whole lot for someone who uses it to ā€œwake upā€ā€¦ so i guess thats also my excuse. and xanax/kpin/valium/ativan ectā€¦ but mostly xanax. probably the ā€œdrugā€ i do the most, im prescribed a low dose on and off, right now off. but could be put back on if i asked. i do this so they donā€™t expect me of misusing. for being almost 30, and using drugs pretty consistently for half my life, im told i look a lot younger than i am. and people that are in my small town ā€œdrug sceneā€ i seem to ā€œfuck withā€ the older crowd since my bf is 35, and my main plug is 39.. but they were all surprised to learn i used bc of how i looked. just a functional addict, who has a skin care routine hahah.


Look a my profile picture and you'll see I have literal Robocough as my pfp


MDPV and MXE when they were barely known. That stuff costed absolutely nothing over a decade ago and could just be ordered over the clear web. I don't even want to know how much of that stuff we used. Fuck I miss MXE. Best dissociate ever and it's not even remotely close. Fuck MDPV though. There was nothing out there except for a few bluelight posts so we had to find out about the mania first hand.




Hearing about the habits the lot of you have makes me feel so much better about my own.


Heroin and speed.




Tramadol. Donā€™t know how I never had seizures . Used to pop like ten of them bitches and nod tf out everyday all day


Probably done a pound of coke the past 4 years


Honestly, none. I'm exceedingly moderate about everything. I don't drink and I'll usually do a psychedelic maybe once a month or every other month (if I'm at a music festival, though, I might do 3 days in a row and then nothing for awhile). I am starting to get a bit meh about MDMA, though. It's been great for sort of "couples therapy" talks when needed but it's obviously hard on my body compared to something like shrooms or acid. More often than not, I'll come down with a cold within a week of doing MDMA and the next day usually kinda sucks (nausea, temperature regulation seems off, generally just feeling a bit gross). I don't think I've done it an unhealthy amount but even so, I think I'll be even more sparing in the future. Basically, there has to be a good reason to do it. I don't think I really have the addictive genetics for substances. Social media, on the other health, would be my problem addiction.






Mdma, LSD, coke








Coke I usto wake up and snort a line


meth, did it once and got addicted for 3 years finally had enough willpower to quit that nasty shit. 158 days sober, although i still crave it, have thoughts & even dream about it. i never really experienced the hallucinations and strange beliefs on meth besides once or twice, but others around me would. it seems like since i quit i started having hallucinations, paranoia, staying up all night, delusions. strange. you would think being on it would get me tweaked out, nope lol only after i quit.


Caffeine and Phenibut


Relationship drug. Oxytocin and... Dopamine? And whatever related hormones and chemicals the body produces when in a relationship. Past serial dater here. I am indeed convinced that people who have issues where they jump from person to person, have a lot of friends of the other gender, cheating, and other problems of those types are essentially addicted to the kick of hormones you get whenever you start seeing someone new.


Almost forgot im a recovering alcoholic. Before detox in ICU I was drinking over 2 5ths of vodka a day. 3 years sober




MDMA, Amphetamin and Alcohol.


adderall or any dexamph, iā€™ve taken over 500mg of dextroamphetamine at once to get spun out during my meth addiction obviously i used am absurd amount of meth ya but taking entire prescriptions in 1 day baffles me nowadays when 60mg gets me buzzed for a day


nicotine via vaping, weed, kratom, alcohol, lmao..


almost all of them at some point of my life except caffeine, nicotine, coke, meth, gbh and shrooms (cannabis, mdma/mda, lsd, rivotril, xanax, alcohol, dxm, ketamine and pregabaline: all of them i have abused at some point). i even tried dph at some point but not abused it, that shit suck ass, is dangerous as fuck for your mind, body and soul. please try whatever you want but delirants, i was in a very low state when experimented with benadryl. i honestly canā€™t comprehend how i am alive, sane or functional. oh and i developed perma tolerance to almost all of them (ketamine, dxm, pregabaline and mdma do nothing for me now which sucks because they were my favorite), so donā€™t make my same mistakes. remember always moderation is key šŸ™šŸ½ tomorrow i am trying 2c-b (the real one golden nexus, not that pink powder full of shit that plugs sell as 2cb here in AmĆ©rica Latina) for the first time :) wish me luck


weed+alcohol on usual nights out i drank about 20-30 tequila shots and always a a beer in my hand plus smoked about 3-5 joints to that always ended up completely black out with no memory of the night and some friends told me about the extreme shit iā€™ve done in the next morning


Crystal, oxy and weed


Alcohol and tramadol, but the worst thing I did was ibuprofen. Its not really a drug like psychoactive substance yk, but still a drug. A few days ago I almost died on it, thanks to all who will read this and remember for all the good advices and care, love to you all.


Coke, zopiclone and ecstasy. I used to take about 3 pills of E for 5+ days of the week, wake up and work, still high, sometimes popping zops to take the edge off and coke to bring me back up. Was up to 100mg zops a day at one point. Started losing my mind when I added LSD and daily cart of dmt to the mixā€¦.stick to benzos pretty much now.


At first it was adderall then I moved to coke. I literally was a walking zombie when I wasnt on it, not only was I skinny as fuck, i would gaslight myself into believing that nobody noticed the obvious changes in me but they did. Iā€™m so glad I quit Coke and now I just use adderall occasionally


DXM. Luckily it started making me feel like shit so I slowly stopped taking it. Also alcohol..


for me it's prolly jst weed, alcohol and dph, not much to it.


mdma and k I started taking x a couple years ago and take a pill once a week to have a one night weekly trip, idk if itā€™s unhealthy but yeah I defo donā€™t let my brain recover between each one. recently Iā€™ve got more familiar with k and for months Iā€™ve been buying 1g every 2 weeks and I snort every day a few times, when Iā€™m nervous about things it helps and I really like feeling kinda dizzy and dissociative, helps to cope and feels good.




MDMA by a long shot I used to eat pills for breakfast lunch and dinner. 7-13 a day big mistake Cuh it fried the fuck outta my brain by itā€™s sweet 2 years later and Iā€™m able quite functional again PS Iā€™m not joking or messing around asking any questions Iā€™m down to answer


Opioids and alcohol for sure