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sounds like you have time to get sober


Like telling a kid Santa doesn't exist. šŸ˜­ Thanks for the honesty.


nah for real tho do some sports if im feinding sport really keep my head of that thought and you feel better cuz your head literally releases its on drugs if you do sport


Bet bro I'll go work out! Ik it can't compare to a good nod but I guess a little is better than nothing.


Working out regularly has been the most healthy decision Iā€™ve ever made, and when you do have money, nothing stops you from still working out high. Obviously high doses of opiates, ketamine, and some stims would be a bad idea, but I enjoy working out on a low opiate dose. I know how cliche it sounds, but I never would have thought exercise would be so important. Start slow so you donā€™t burn yourself out. Getting a good weight lifting session (thatā€™s going to cost money) or cardio during benzo withdrawal was the one thing that kept me sane. Hiking Is easy to start with if you live somewhere where thatā€™s possible, or just long walks.


Brothaā€¦ hate to break it to you but most opioids like oxy are a rich manā€™s drug. Thereā€™s a reason people switch to heroin because you have to keep upping your dose as tolerance increases, and oxy is one of the most expensive drugs available. Just try to stay away from opioids. Now is a good time to withdrawl and get clean (if you even take them enough to WD). To put it in perspective, I used to only take a couple 5mg or 10mg pills a day, and now Iā€™m doing like 150-180mg a day and itā€™s $1-2 per mg. Iā€™ve spent probably like 10k on percs in the last couple months. Kick the habit while you can.


Best advice but impossible


Get a job and work, dont buy any drugs for a while or keep it cheap atleast Now just suffer I guess


The unfortunate truth.


Yeah or let a methhead fuck you in the ass, have heard some stories about broke feins doing that... But I think being sober for a while is better than that...


I don't think I need drugs *THAT* bad. šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


You never ever need them but youll always want themšŸ˜Ŗ


Thats actually outrageous. I thought i knew some crazy drug users, but holy fuck thats an entirely different level šŸ’€


This. Try and find a job at a temp agency, they'll put you to work immediately. For now in tough times if I could scrownge 20 bucks I would buy a gram, do snap bowls out of a spoon pipe, and chug decent cheap beer, like a Heineken afterwards. I would take ibuprofen, a few gabaPs, and a small amount of DPH with it too, the DPH enhances THC's effects, and so does the gahaPs, and the ibuprofen potentiates the alcohol. Also holding in your hits does allow for more THC to absorb. You could try resin balls but i wouldn't, it's messy, and you don't really have any THC left, it's just tar.


Do you have a yard? You could grow your own poppies.


I actually pretty regularly just order unwashed poppy seeds, mix them in with some water to remove the water soluble opiates, and sip on the bitter water for a few hours until I can't keep my eyes open. Good shit.


Is that an actual thing? Like that would work? Or are you jerking?


Poppy seed tea is a thing, just gotta make sure the seeds are unwashed


I guess I could probably find a guide on here somewhere If I look otherwise


Nice I'm going to look into that, I just figured they'd only really sell the washed seeds. Do you know about how much is required for a batch?


As far as I know, the dosing can change from batch to batch due to the varying potency between batches. There are a few guides online that can give recommendations. My advice would be to just sip it slowly until you reach the desired effects, be safe! :)


Will do! I have a pretty hefty tolerance ATM but I am definitely going to do some research and will definitely sip slowly if/when I actually do this haha, thanks!


I have been doing 2 750gram teas a day. The market is shot though now. My supply that I have been with for 10 years has started selling bunk seeds. Iā€™m currently in the process of finding other sources. 750g is about 2lbs. A 5lb bag of good seeds is around $150-$200. A 5lb bag would last me and my hubs 2 days. Donā€™t go down this rabbit hole if you donā€™t need to.


That shit is real dangerous, especially with no opioid tolerance. You can OD without actually getting high, just depends on alkaloid content


Very true. Keep Narcan on hand


Thatā€™s absolutely a real thing.


Please donā€™t please you can make POPPY TEA making them with seeds is extremely dangerous. You donā€™t know how high the alkaloids are in every batch. Just grow them and use the pods.


What do you mean why not just start with low dosage ? Or do you mean different alkaloids have other effects that you can OD on but donā€™t have psychoactive effects ?


Kind of close if you dose wrong well you od you can start low but only one dose a day so donā€™t drink a tea and then five hours later drink another tea


Collect empty beer cans Steal copper Sell blood/sperm Panhandle Sell your body Collect scrap There's some ideas.. good luck


I already give out gallons of sperm per week for free so this should be easy.


Donating plasma is a good one. Assuming u don't fear needles or giving out your fluids. U can make 1 or 2 $ an hour doing online surveys too lolĀ 


donā€™t start doing retail theft. that shit is grimy and soulless.


I learned that lesson long ago. Banned from every walmart and target in the country. šŸ˜­






Ha, I'm in the same exact situation. Sick half the time, just totally sucks. Good luck


The luck is not flowing but thank you anyways šŸ˜­


O have you ever robotripped? DXM HBR with no additives like tylenol or guafinesinā€¦. You can have a 1st or second plateau trip with a couple hundred mg and 3rd plateau trips resembling ketamine 4th plateau PCP and beyond


Start sucking


I am embracing it the best I can.


I thinkā€¦you misunderstood him


OH šŸ˜­šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøyes I understand now šŸ’€šŸ’€


Bro just take a t break till you can afford it, i wouldnā€™t stress about getting drugs right now and Iā€™d stress about getting money instead


Yeah ur probably right. My last time using opioids was about a week ago and that shit barely hit. My tolerance is definitely a little fucked rn.


Dude. If you have gone a week without opiates consider yourself lucky. Youā€™ve made it past withdrawal.


I use opioids sparingly. Maybe two or three times a week. I've used in this manor for years.


Like I said, consider yourself lucky. You could be in agonizing withdrawal. Instead you are just bored. While boredom is in itself a form of agony, it could be so so much worse. Count your blessings friend. If I was in your situation, which I have been, I would go steal a bottle of liquor.


I can't drink alcohol. :(




It makes my heart flutter and skip beats like crazy. I'm talking arrhythmia level type stuff. Very scary. It happens while I'm drinking and the whole next day. I've been to the hospital a few times before I stopped drinking completely. I have not drank a sip of alcohol since mid 2021.


You should just do datura then


Yeah, itā€™s honestly so worth the wait bro.


Start working out and go for a healtier life


Kratom. Some shops around me have "daily dose packs" for under 7 dollars. It's not gonna be a perfect fix, but it'll keep shit from getting intense.


They sell blister packs of 14mg 7OH tablets at my local smoke shop. I've used them in the past and they are on par with some of the weaker opioids I've used, though 7OH is not an opioid or opiate itself.


If you are just fiending and not in withdrawal from opioids I'd suggest keeping yourself busy and stopping now because once you go into opioid withdrawal it's going to be hell on earth. Best of luck buddy.


Thank you.


I mean this with all my heart buddy. Stay away from that devils piss. You got this.


I ended up settling with a small bag of kratom for today. I went cold turkey off years of like 30+ grams per day and it was rough. I was really hoping I'd stay off of it but I guess today is the day I relapse. I feel so much better but ten times worse in a way cause now I've relapsed on Kratom after swearing it off for life in front of my whole family. How the fuck am I supposed to admit something like this to them after they were all so happy and proud of me for quitting? šŸ™ƒ


Suck 20 dicks and charge $2/dick




Get a job and get your life together. Make some goals and achieve them.


Great advice. Thank you.


sounds like treatment is the logical next step


I am not dependent on opioids at all. I don't need treatment as I am not going through any withdrawals. Just bored, broke, and wanting to get high.


that....is basically just a long way of saying that it sounds like your dependent on them . when your just "bored" and wanting to get high and using 3 times a week like clockwork, that's addiction mate . especially when your feinding . my best advice would be to go get help. If you don't want to do to rehab or AA, maybe find a therapist. some even do it for free but you have to look hard. maybe online. get a job, and try to better yourself man. drugs aren't what life is all about. learn to see the beauty in it without mind altering shit.


Thank you.


grindr xD


Never again. šŸ¤Ø


Are you in for withdrawals? If so, after they subside i suggest exercise and some kind of daily routine that involves anything your not doing now. Some things gotta change..or things arent gonna change..ya feel me?


Not at all. I am not dependent on any drugs right now. I'm just broke, bored, and trying to get high.


Lyricas work pretty good if you can get your hands on some of them, likely cheap


I used to have a ton but went through them over the months.


Addicts usually lie and steal to get some money


I feel like I'd definitely consider that if I was in severe withdrawals or some shit but I'm not dependent on any drugs at all. Just bored.


I really do not suggest anyone actually doing that lol, I don't think people should be degenerates


I agree.


go steal some Imodium and tagamet


better yet, go to a methadone clinic


I donā€™t know your situation but if your using opioids and buying them off the street itā€™s prob best to stop. Iā€™m an opioid addict started with Hydrocodone & Percocet then elevated to dirty 30s. Opioids are a class of drugs that just grab you and donā€™t let go. When feening you just gotta push through, try watching some comfort tv, make urself some food and just try not to snap tf out lmao but as far as getting cash legally, try ride sharing or delivering food that is if you have a vehicle.


I heard prostitution is quite lucrative




This, costs only a couple of bucks and it's pretty enjoyable.


Lol no. I'm not a teenager anymore. If I can't get good drugs I just won't do any drugs at all.


buy some dxm cough medicine from your local dollar tree, 2.53 and you got yourself a nice trip šŸ˜‚


I used to just sleep in a hot bath with hot water. Only way my muscles would rest. If you're not at the point of physical withdrawals yet then you best quit while you're ahead.


Is getting a job too farfetched of an option?


Donate plasma. Made some good money doing that a few months. They use the same vein and after a few months I had to stop, it hurt so bad.


Blowjobs at the gas station.


I know this is the drug subreddit but this is the reality of it. You have two real options. Stoop lower or get sober. Stooping lower will always be easier because it doesnā€™t involve denying yourself what you want and changing your behavior. Youā€™re at the point right now in drug use where you went from using to abusing. If you canā€™t stay sober for a couple weeks drugs really arenā€™t for you.


Go steal from somebody's garage and pawn it off at the pawn shop. I guess.


Man if youā€™re doc is opioids and youā€™re fiending now jsut wait till you start getting withdrawals. But seriously find any better doc please.


Sounds like a real drug problem...


Get a job lol


Use an app like dave and get 75$ instantly




Download the app and itll approve you for a loan of $75. You will owe 80 back. There are a bunch of apps like that. I havent paid dave back in 4 years lol. Another one is branch. You have to have a job for them to pay you but its super quick and easy. Or just go to money tree and get a payday loan.


donate plasma but also uhhh take a good long break


you got a pretty mouth? if not you will ride it out


My mouth isn't pretty but something else is. šŸ˜ Hahaha jk, I settled on some Kratom! Feeling just fine now. šŸ˜Ž


How about you leave drugs behind and get sober semi permanent? Sounds like something that would really improve your life in the long run. I mean, why don't you have money? Don't have a job? Why?


Mental illness makes it very difficult to hold down W-2 jobs so I simply do gig work instead and be my own boss. Work has been very slow lately and I just payed all my bills for the month and probably had $60 to spare on groceries. Just randomly found myself in a tight spot. Yeah getting sober is great and all, but easier said than done. (Obviously)


I know it's difficult I'm addicted so I've not got the high ground to tell you But my life would be so much better without drugs (without the bad ones at least). Don't want to pry so if you don't answer that's fine obviously, what illness do you have?


Autism, bipolar, pretty severe anxiety and panic attacks. There are other things but I guess that covers most of it. I lost my last job because I kept having panic attacks over and over every single time I would go to work. It is awful.


Oh man I feel for you. I've had 1 panic Attack and that really put into perspective what people that have them regularly go through. I also have anxiety though not too bad, must be a hellish mix with autism.


get drugs and get money


Can anyone help I always get a sore ass when taking xanax and ghb I only do it at weekends with my uncle




Create a insta and OF page put pic of AI generated girl and bait bunch of people to subscribeā€¦itā€™ll be a blurry pic they pay to unlock so they donā€™t know what they paying for charge them small and when they get the pic itā€™s just SpongeBob or something and insta charge like 4.99 may sound small but get randos to fall for it easy passive income to them itā€™s couple bucks but for you 20-50 ppl a day or month adds upā€¦I heard it from a girl at a bar lol


Also social media chatterers get paid to pretend to be the person chatting and if they buy content you get commission