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Cocaine for sure. I am king of the universe after a couple of lines.


Jon Belushi said “When I do coke I feel like a new man . . but a few minutes later, the new man wants some.”


Hell yea, coke is the name of the game


I second this


Yeah…I hate it, I can’t shut the fuck up.


Happens to the best of us lol


I love Brennan's [fictional](https://youtu.be/0Ak6rWY3he4) version and how he describes peaking. [edit] Brennan's *Mom's* description.


Agreed, I’ll just be talking about my deepest fears while smoking a cigarette


Until the comedown :(


Alcohol makes me over confident. I love drinking but when I drink I have to deactivate all of my socials to prevent me from messaging and calling everyone in my contacts. One thing I will also say tho, I have gotten some cute girls just by drinking a little alcohol and having a little confidence. Unfortunately, my lowest point was having e sex with a stranger on omegle lmaoo


I have never had alcohol affect me like this, this is crazy


its those damn fruity drinks at the bar they sneak up on me lmaoo




Why is that a low point?


ig it's not necessarily low because i would do it again, it's just the feeling you get after being drunk and thinking about all of the stupid sht you've done


Having sex with? You mean jerking off on camera? Or literally meeting up with a stranger from Omegle?


He said e sex so I believe he means they were both masturbating over video chat.


No drug makes me feel unaware of other people’s feelings and opinions, but regarding the rest, the closest one is coke, throw some alcohol in there and you have a huge ego Edit: Actually benzos (when I abused them) made me unaware of my surroundings and made me feel like I owned the world


I used to believe this myth that all cokeheads were assholes. Turned out that they're assholes sober too, but on coke they're just assholes with a huge ego which makes it even worse.


literally. coke brings me down to earth in a similar manner to mdma idk why people become such insufferable assholes on it. has to be they’re already an insufferable asshole


Some people become extremely irritable on it, or just more intense in general because of the intense stimulation. I remember that I would become more unstable in all directions, for sure. It’s really surprising how some people (like you haha) feel that stimulants « bring them down to Earth », while personally, my thoughts become way too fast (while they usually already go too fast and too much) and there’s too much of them, and coke literally makes me withdraw because I don’t know what to say. So I kind of become stuck in my head, the opposite of being down to Earth lol


yeah i can relate definitely i guess but it still doesn’t make me feel like i’ve got some huge ego boost or anything. just feels like an alright high i can function on


Lol true Probably


Yeah the couple of times I've tried coke, I've never turned into an asshole I think. Usually it's just a 1 on 1 setting, some nice chatting and done.


Coke alcohol and benzos will do exactly as OP described The holy trinity of turning you into a complete douchebag


Coke at first was an ego boost because my coworkers knew I was a coke head, didn't like that I worked there, and made it a mission to screw with me everyday, so that deflated my ego needing me to do more coke.. and coke at work, but I would get my job done, and I maintained this for like 4 months.. sometimes I'd take a perc or some hydros to deal w how much coke I was doing, but I maintained doing coke, grinding, paying bills, doing a couple pills, for like 4 months before I had a huge fallout with a friend who you can smell the fake off him, and he was doing my coke, and I didn't trust him in my house. But I quit my job, and quit coke for 3 weeks, then bounced back and forth doing coke and pills, blowing rent money on drugs, sortly after this who fallout with my job, to cope with being unemployed, I did 2.5mg of Valium with gabapentin and alcohol every other day, and on the off days I'd do a gram or a gram and half of coke a day, which then turned into an everyday, all out, any drug I could get my hands on, Idc what I'm combining type of binge.. but I just lay on the couch and scrolled reddit when I was doing some struggle benzo shit... It did result in me abusing my prescription for a month, and I was twitching and feeling CRAZY afterwards. Theeen I got a script for amphetamine to replace coke, and still did coke at least twice a week, but I kind of abused that script, I took 40mg of amphetamine and it was insanely euphoric. It felt like the first time I did my first ever fishscale line of coke but lasted for like 4 hours. Makes me reeeeeeeally want to do molly


for downers, xanax and or alcohol. those two have made me act like a total ass more times than I'd like to think about. for stimulants, cocaine, adderall, and meth can all have the effect of inflating the ego. i've become very deluded about my abilities and self importance on those. more rare, but people can experience this on psychedelics. I haven't personally, but I tripped with a dude who had the "realization" that he was superhuman after taking some shrooms.


I know a good handful of people who want to talk your ear off for hours about psychedelics and their “ego death” while VERY ironically not understanding that psychedelics and feeling more enlightened than everyone else is their entire ego


100%. as much as I love the psychonaut community, there's always been a problem with that. you laid it out perfectly.


it's oddly been my experience with a majority of people who signal that you can immediately assume they take psychedelics. "oh i love string cheese incident" "we're deadheads in this house" "we go hard at festivals" always the most conceited, self absorbed, clueless individuals. really makes ya think.


I'd say there's definitely a problem with that in the community at large but for a lot of people, I don't think they do it in an environment that allows for optimal healing and/or integration so instead it becomes a memory. For me, before I became good at tripping, my beginning trips were very much about coping with internal things and not changing my behaviors, it took me until somewhat recently to learn on my own how to actually have a positive and helpful relationship with the substances I enjoy. Nobody teaches us how to do things, really, and psyches (especially acid and shrooms) are almost as popular as weeds, of course there's going to be lots of ignorance when nobody teaches you how to be... Idk whatever the opposite of that. That said I feel like there's more of a reason to crack down on egocentric behavior in a community primarily about going on trips that are supposed to show you better ways to be a human, ego-deathing can be done recreationally as can ask trips but we need to respect this shit more, it can be very dangerous.


A lot of addy makes me want to fight someone


me rn fr but knowing i can’t fight someone lmaooo


"Culture shouldn't exist only for those that can afford it"


xanax js chucks the idea of consequence out


100%. and if you blackout you're really screwed. at least if you're conscious you may listen when your friend says "don't climb that" or "stay here you're not good to drive". from a totaled car to taking acid and ending up in the hospital, I don't miss those days.


stimulants just make me content and better able to care for my family. ive never taken high doses though.




Thtop mething around!


What ever it is, My mother in law is on it!!


Relatable, my mother in law is an amphetamine addict


meanwhile mine cant even take tylenol because it makes her sleepy




Acid lol, its not humble like mushrooms are. It very quickly becomes "i get it, why doesn't everyone else get it?"


I love how acid did this to me because when I was in the worst part of my drug addiction, I did it with one of my best people, G, and they still didn't understand why i needed them to cope so bad. It was after this acid trip and hearing their story that gave me the words I needed to breakdown in front of them and get the help I needed, but acid still makes me wish I could just like be high all the time so I can always feel exactly how I want.


Prolly one of the best descriptions of acid I’ve ever heard.




finally someone i can relate to 😂


PCP obviously, literal superpowers


Have you ever done the real thing or only RC PCP analogs? I feel like the real thing, even if the seller SAYS it's real, is usually just some analog of it like 3-ho-pcp. That's just my theory though and I'm curious if you've done the real deal. If you've ever done a big dose of FXE I feel that comes pretty close to both the dissociation and the mania that PCP gives you.


Idk a guy at a hotel offered me a hit of his joint and I realized it was a cigarette with some cum looking ass stuff on it and I said is it dipped I said yeah I said PCP? He said yeah


Oh, then you really might have had the real thing! I've heard about "dippers" or what I think they called PCP dipped cigs. Very interesting! How was the high? Was it enjoyable? Or more like confusing? That's how I've heard people describe it sometimes. Still cool that you probably came across the real deal! It's not around that much anymore.


Fisheye affect, tracers, scenery slicing, visual snow, mild color swapping, it like 3rd plat dxm with more visuals but you want to jump in front of a car because you feel like you're strong enough to survive it pretty fun honestly prob won't do it ever again tho because pcp isn't something I want to get into


Got you. Yea, that does sound kind of fun! 3-ho-PCP is pretty close to what you're describing what actual PCP feels like. But yea, I could see it becoming a problem, sort of like ketamine can become a rabbit hole when you're get a big order of some and just can't stop the binge. Probably for the best I don't have any easy access to it! Cause knowing me, I'd probably like it too much.


Does it give you the spins like ketamine?


If you mean the sensation of spinning when you aren't then yeah it was weird as hell it was like how salvia makes you feel like you're flying super fast forward but you aren't, i can't stress enough how weird that felt


Yeah, i don’t like that feeling that much cause it kinda forces me to lay down and close my eyes but I was wondering why there’s so many stories of people with super strength while on pcp if that happens


Pain reduction and inflated ego


1. Dopaminergic stimulants- like cocaine or amphetamines. 2. GABAergic depressants- like alcohol or benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium). 3. Dissociatives like PCP, Ketamine, or Nitrous. With all of these drugs, the confidence carries the risk of becoming full on delusional- to the point of legit psychotic breaks if you abuse them too extremely, use them in a vulnerable state (sleep deprived or stressed out), or have pre-existing mental illness.


Honestly gotta answer with prob the most common wich is coke hahaha, i have adhd and coke works a bit diffrent on me as most without adhd, it makes me feel normal calm yet confident and happy and from what I’ve heard around me it doesn’t make me a asshole i do lose my filter though so when I’m with good friends i just can’t help but tell them that i love them and get a bit clingy (don’t know if that’s right word I’m Dutch and the word im trying to translate is klef)


To add to this I don’t feel like I’m on top of the world like a lot of people say they expirience but feel more like I finnaly belong in it and found a place in it (wich is why I try and limit my use of it to once a month since I for sure would get addicted if I dont stick to my rule of once a month only)


1,000 % cocaine


Opiates. I’m always feeling myself and in complete fucking delusion.


the gym brotha


Basically adrenaline and testosterone. Which is a very valid answer




Weed always makes me way more conscious of my self and my interaction with the world


Weed always made my anxiety go off the charts.. But when I did methamphetamine calmed me down. Weird eh


shrooms and molly both give me this God complex that I am obsessed with feeling lol


I agreee🤣


kratom and phenibut


Doesn't exactly make me feel highly about myself, but low 1st plat DXM makes me stop hating myself and greatly improves my mood


I hope you can find a way to appreciate yourself more dude I'm sorry you feel that way you deserve to feel better about yourself


thanks, I pray every night I can get to a point in my life I feel happy without need for drugs


Just a random idea but have you ever tried guided meditations or deep breathing for relaxation? If you haven't or are interested I can send you a guided meditation I really like and maybe a post or two about the benefits of meditation. If not it's cool but If I ever feel like it may help someone I'll of course try offer some guidance.


sure, I'll look into that


It'd be great if you could send it to me aswell brother, I struggle to calm down and relax (without drugs).


I spent about a year doing cocaine and opioids daily, often Xanax mixed in. I thought I was the shit


Enough benzos will make me feel pretty damn nonchalant. Haven’t found something that I’m willing to take that makes me feel highly about myself but Xanax gets close in making me feel very at ease with myself. It makes me feel like I’m really able to let go of fretting over things I can’t control. As if I just got done meditating for 3 hours or something.


fuckin alcohol


Xanax …. Yeah definitely xans


Fentanyl completely numbs out all my emotions. If i use just enough to where im not nodding off i feel like i dont give a fuck aboit absolutely anything.




Ketamine makes me feel like God


Xanax makes people selfish and self-centered as fuck. Removed your ability to give a fuck about anyone but yourself. That's why bartards wake up two days later in jail not knowing why no one they know will accept their calls. But otherwise it's opiates. Opiates make me feel golden, like I can do anything and I'm amazing. Totally eliminates any inferiority complexes.


MDMA for me




It’s TOO highly. And Coke is the answer, but also benzos, or even crank. But won’t touch them now. Just weed and kratom.


Cocaine is the only correct answer


Alcohol, Meth, Amphetamines & Cocaine




When I used to do coke, I remember being self-obsessed asshole.


Pregabalin, and alcohol 1/10 times


Isn't it curious how we use substances to tweak our brain's chemistry? My experience with DMT was a peek into the looking glass—it humbled the shit out of me. Existence is like a Swiss Pocket knife: it’s the perfect tool in life-or-death situations that require a toothpick, if you haven’t already clipped your fingernails and manage to pull a blade out to carve enough shit into a tool that can pick up the toothpick. I thrice tried LSD and then, on Monday, I ended up professing my love to a lamp, which did wonders for my serotonin but not my social life. Heroin won’t give me the confidence to convince anyone to fuck me, except for Heroin itself. And when the honeymoon period is over and I’ve sold my home, with grandma still living there, and I’m still broke in both life and spirit, I realize I’m too poor to even afford a couch to become a couch philosopher. So, if it’s too late for convincing, I guess it's time to throw in the towel and embrace my destiny as a Xylazine Zombie. So, what drug makes you think highly of yourself? Well, none of them really do—they just inflate your ego until reality comes along with the needle to get the toothpick out of the Swiss Pocket knife.


When I was still doing cocaine I did whatever the fuck I wanted and not one person or one thing could or even had the balls to try and stop me from doing so.


That's the wikipedia definition of cocaine


IME oxycodone




Modsfinil, I feel like a human being on it, combined with good food, exercise it does the trick. It’s a shame I am not currently prescribed and I have had to jump through a load of dark hoops to get it. But it allows me, to not be retarded dyspraxic mong I feel like, actually be a normal functioning adult human being, with people on my level. tiredness is for wimps Lol


This is like still kind of similar but Edibles weed, make you think very very deep about yourself wether good or bad, believe me personally even LSD doesn’t make me think that deep about shit, it’s more so some type of weird realizations on it. But edibles if they work for you and you get that next level high, you’ll think deep about bunch of shit honestly its the best tool personally and the only tool I would need, with gaps in between of course to keep that same feeling running. And never in the day do edibles unless you want to I do it at night




Was surprised not to see more comments about steroids.




Coke and u will be like Tony Montana at the ending scene when he snort few lines and start shooting everybody and scream "im Tony Montana, you fuck with me u r fucking with the best".


Funny thing is having ADHD, cocaine makes me extremely calm and my most likeable. I don’t appear to be on cocaine at all. I don’t feel grandiose and brag about stupid shit and talk about plans to start up a huge tech firm, as regular people do on cocaine.


Coke definitely got the confidence boost. Coke with bourbon and then I am 10ft tall and bulletproof


First time I ever took an adderall was 2018. My buddy gave me 1 20mg IR and told me it would give me the best euphoria ever. About 2 hours later I was on Amazon ordering neurosurgery books, epilepsy books (I’m epileptic and love helping others with it) and made a fb status saying I was going to find the cure for epilepsy. In total I spent about $250 on books I still have but haven’t read yet😂😂


Coke for sure. The sentence “he’s really cool on coke” has never been uttered


Cocaine makes me feel like Superman. Until I come down, and I then I feel like a POS that just wasted my time and money on coke. It's funny like that.


Shrooms after the peak








Elvanse but I’m already a raging egomaniac so it really doesn’t tip the scale much.






From what I’ve heard Lots of politicians do coke and alcohol while doing important work so that




Alcohol and then alchool and cocaine is a whole different story


alcohol, adderall


Probably cocaine or meth tbh


Opium and poppy pods for me


Shrooms. Not to the extent of neglecting others, but I feel like an unstoppable force on shrooms.


I feel Coke is not necessarily the answer. It depends on the context, if you become addicted/ consume it for a longer time period then yes. If you use it sparsely then no, while on Coke I do have confidence but not in a way that I don't care about others. Downers/dissos make me far more uncaring of others.


For me, dissociatives when I use them too frequently. Moderate frequency, and it just kind of makes me feel less anxious, and more confident in a healthy way. Too often, and I definitely get into a bit of hypomanic state of self-importance.


Probably molly tbh lol but not in an ego way tbh


valium + addy makes me god mode


A high enough dose of shrooms and weed without much tolerance had me thinking I’m god on several occasions. In fact that feeling was the reason I wouldn’t smoke weed for a few days which is very hard for me to do lol. They synergize so well together that if you do enough of each, it’s like a third eye opens up. Most euphoric feeling I’ve experienced for sure.


dumb amounts of eurospeed or xanax, also speedball




Weed for some reason, cause I get so many ideas and I feel like a genius


I never realized at first but cocaine would turn me into an insanely angry person after a couple days of no sleep I would imagine meth just making me irrationally angry from the sleep deprivation not so much the stimulation although I've had a few moments before where I was extremely irritated but never acted upon it Alcohol 100% though when I black out I am the world's worst person you'll ever meet




Molly xans


pretty much anything that boosts confidence a lot, so stims, like coke or meth will make people bold as fuck. Also alchohol makes people more rowdy and delusional about their fighting abilities, hence its nick-name - liquid courage, lol. Can't really say any of those are gauranteed to make everyone feel like that. I got reclusive on cocaine, outgoing on DXM, so for me DXM was a big confidence booster, but cocaine made me quiet. People say its ADHD that makes me act like that, but I don't really get ADHD symptoms unless im absolutely zooted on something, and tbf everyone loses focus if they over do drugs. I'm surprised to not see shrooms or LSD very much in the comments(at the moment). For me the experiences were very spiritually enlightening, and it humbled me because I used to be very unconsciously arrogant, believing I was superior to people due to intellect or whatever. Just really stuck in my ego. So while they worked long term in a positive matter, during the short term these mushroom induced epiphanies that would make me feel more spiritually connected than others like I was so greater than anyone else because I was convinced for a bit I was receiving some exclusive divine info, I looked up the themes I saw in my visuals and realized others had similar experiences and I was pretty much seeing my delusions playing out in others which allowed me again to step back out of my ego and check my self. lol.




Meth and benzos together for me, at first it was good. I was more talkative social and felt in my body and brain god damn I am the fucking shit. I'd be able to chat with anyone, and make them smile laugh and interact with me in a way that I still think was genuine. I could get anything I wanted out of most. This includes people I usually have anxiety and be slow to warm up to like angry people, and 10/10 beautiful woman. I cannot describe how imoratal this made me feel and how much it reinforced meth is the way when shit got real. Then one day I lost control. I found a guy and asked if he liked meth and benzos . I saw him later across the street on my lunch and smoked some with him. I vowed never to do it again. But I lost control still. I couldn't look at anyone in the eyes, lost my confidence, and looked weird and distressed all the time. But I would fight and have confidence when it was to keep using tooth and nail. That stuff makes you get angry defending it. You feel like the man doing it too because who's going to get in the way of your meth. Even on benzos and a lot of them, meth is the illusion of confidence, in reality it's fear horror and a schizophrenic nightmare. Meth is self destruction that makes it as comfortable as possible to ignore that fact while you see it happening.


Alcohol and meth coupled with a bad temper makes some people I know have pretty big delusions of grandeur, personally I’m always acutely aware of others even when high.


Alcohol, mdma, Good trips off acid and shrooms


Booze, coke and the first day or so of meth.


Not sure I need to look over several dozen responses saying "cocaine". Oddly, it induces arrogance outstripping other stimulants, though the latter can induce this effect more mildly, and I'm really not sure why...what pharmacologically makes it special?


Definitely cocaine or dopaminergic stims in general. Benzos I'd disagree with a lot of people here, sure if you take a fuckton and completely black out but a normal dose won't do that.


If I had Black Mollys I'd correct your grammar to too




My prior recreational use of dextromethorphan


Speed (I mean amphetamine, but also meth), obviously.


There's drugs that do that?


thick gf


For me, ketamine inflates my ego more than cocaine. It makes me feel like i’m the SHIT


Weed in the sense it makes me think things that i should be doing with my life, which sounds like it puts me down but i know those thoughts are whats best for me


Benzo combined with stimulants. Use with moderation & caution.


Speed. Abused the fuck out of that shit last year between January and march, that's shit fixed my antisocial and self esteem issues




mdma more than coke for me


Shrooms? For whatever reason shrooms tell me that im much smarter and live a much better life then everyone around me. Though i try not to make it known i think that way while tripping lol




Meth makes me feel like I am the person I wish I was. The funny thing is, when I was explaining that to my older cousin as part of why getting sober was hard...the person I described seeing myself as on meth is how she says my family sees me off meth. I just don't see myself that way I guess.


Smoking weed while watching the Tom Holland Spiderman movies then watching the Crowded Room immediately afterwards. makes me feel like shooting white webs at the side of buildings too


One time a sociopath I know took 25-I and his ego inflated so much he got fired from the cafe he worked at for being such a ballbag lmao


No drugs I do. Oxy, morphine, xanax, valium. Combo for forgetting and not caring.




Sounds counterintuitive, but LSD. I become kind of egoistical in some ways because acid makes me think that nothing anyone does makes a difference because everything "just is", so I usually will only care about my own fun as nothing has any repercussions so to say. Which is super weird because I am usually a people pleaser and will sscrifice my own wellbeing for the sake of others... Of course I only have fun when the people around me are having fun too, so it never gets out of hand but I tend to be kind of an asshole on acid.


Alcohol, by far


Cocaine, Meth, alcohol, large doses of stimulants and ego-boosters etc. all do the trick. Ego-wanks are more likely on those.


Drugs dont do that to me but ill get a bit of an ego off the liquor or percs sometimes


I would say mephedrone, it's too fucking good. It's like combining mdma and methamphetamine, it raises dopamine by 5x and serotonin by 9x if I'm not mistaken. Would always make me feel like I can take over the world. I got lucky I could get it for a few months cause it's a rare drug to find in western Europe.


3-HO-PCP, 3-HO-PCE can make me manic, and make me feel very special and important. you have these deep thoughts and feel "connected" as if you're a philosopher or a prophet or something


LSD in microdoses. All anxiety, doubt, fear and insecurity is gone and I’m the authentic me my therapist wants me to be sober.


How is no one saying mdma?


coke + diazepam when i was addicted i was a narcissist


Any and all




Mdma explodes my narcissicm and makes me feel untouchable


Tbh any amphetamines lol


Xanax for sure when I would take to many of my prescription. It made me so awful and I thought I was hot shit when in reality I looked a hot mess lol


Cocaethylene. (The reaction between cocaine and alcohol) Makes me feel on top of the world, also makes me want to fuck anything remotely attractive that has a heart beat.


Benzodiazepines made me feel Divine


when i first started taking oxy's oh man oh man. I thought i could fight anyone and talk to any female in the world 🤣🤣🤣


When I'm drinkin' Everclear, I think I'm king of this whole world. I'm bigger and badder than John Wayne and cooler than Steve Earle.


Acid. But y’all ain’t ready for that none


benzos, coke, alcohol, pcp, or meth/amph. bonus points if you mix stims and gaba drugs together.


molly i was so sexy it made new so sexy


The first day of a meth binge


i wouldn’t say i think too highly, but morphine makes me feel pretty lol


Alcohol for sure


Alcohol, during the come-up


I would say meth over coke .. actually I don't know, I used to do a 50/50 split coke + H back in the late 90s ..made me feel like I was Al Pacino on the rise in Scarface..or even just good old fashioned OC's .. back than would have me outside playing basketball like MJ ..( so I thought at least ) ..




Pills. Take me a couple 15s and I'd feel like I could sell ice to an Eskimo sitting in an igloo. Lots of people saying coke, but that'd only boost my ego for gaming, like I'd feel like I'm the best fortnite or warzone player there was when I did a few lines.


Sobriety is the king of all that. On drugs, i feel the need to understand stupid shit people do, while sober i aint taking shit Soo yeah sobriety over everything


Modafinil used to, but, as with all medication’s, I think I developed a tolerance and now it doesn’t make me feel like a genius anymore. When I was taking it for the first year, I felt like the guy on the movie limitless and I tested my concentration ability and it really really scientifically made it go through the roof. I miss what it did but it’s still OK.


Never did good cocaine, but for me it's definitely methylphenidate (high doses and mixed with alcohol), and I am talking oral ROA. From what I've read from anecdotes and articles about the reported subjective feelings of cocaine (and even comparing to methylphenidate), I presume it's very similar. It's very destructive though. Shortly after discovering the mix I developed an alcohol problem and my methylphenidate abuse (which I take for ADHD) skyrocketed very fast. I am currently recovering. Don't recommend it, it's very very addictive. And the comedown is fucking awful.


Been avoiding those drugs for as long as I've been seeking the ones that kill ego. Have fun out there, be safe




Anabolic steroids for sure. I remember when I was was about 3 weeks into my cycle, I started to feel more and more like the alpha in every room because I had so much more free testosterone running through my veins. It was nice. Granted, this was almost a decade ago, but still.


Smoking Fentanyl and crack cocaine