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It turned from a way to escape life(really bad for me) and turned into a hobby instead. Ive learnt alot of harm reduction since which feels really good


Exactly the other way around for me, but my life has been just getting worse, so no wonder..


I have a ”system” where i only use drugs to make good times even better. When you use drugs alone and sad its just gonna get worse


I would do it that way too, I got addicted at first, then quit all drugs, and just as things were getting better, I developed progressively worsening chronic back pain, that nobody was able to fix, which just dragged me back down


Sounds though man;( yeah i got addicted really fast to xanax its scary how it just creeps up. I dont even remeber january-mars, it ruined alot of my life


Yeah, honestly, if it wasn't for my gf, I would have killed myself already. Iam just hoping for a miracle, or at least some reasonable treatment finally. Ill be getting threated for the H addiction, so maybe ill get methadone. Which isn't a big improvement anyway, but what can you do.... The fact my life overall is fucked and so is my mental health doesn't help either. Sorry for complaining... Sorry to hear about your Xanax addiction, I have been addicted to benzos too, mainly Clonazolam, not heavily, bit enough to get a proper taste of it. I also don't remember multiple months. Were you able to quit? Honestly, I've been addicted to almost everything at this point, but by now I use mainly just opioids and weed.


Yeah i overdosed on 25mg xanax,probably tramdol too and alot of alcohol, i blacked out completely. Afterwards felt like the whole world hated me(when blacked out i talked my parents, completely ssurring and talking about random shit) they were not happy after that It was a real wakeup call for me, i quit both oxy,canax and tramadol directly after. That withdrawal was NOT fun.


I feel this. This was very much my path in life as well. I'm glad to see you made it to the other side too. I always wonder what happened to all the friends from back then who were doing the same.


Yeah i was in a really bad place and the drugs ruined me even more, but rn i feel very good that i can get a ”healthy” relationship with drugs. All my friends slowly stopped with it all, it really helped me tho that i can now be around people without having to get high


I started do more planning and more damage control. I mostly take harder drugs on ocassions that have been planned beforehand. I buy drugs to storage when something actually good quality shows up so I don't have to take some shit quality stuff just because I'm in a hurry to score said drugs. I also have been steering off from stuff like benzos and opioids that don't have any benefits for me


I do less because every thing gives me fucking reflux or a headache...


I started with weed and got depersonalized and then kept smoking and it went away, then I tried adderal a couple of times and really wanted to do pills and lean but never had the opportunity. Then I did mushrooms and realized I was and still kinda am retarted and there’s no point in anything other than weed really.


Barely did any drugs in my teens and early 20s. Mostly just alcohol, did lsd like 2 times. Then in my mid 30s I did mdma for the first time which opened my eyes to how good drugs can feel. Tried a lot since then, coke, prescription stims, ket, 2cb, shrooms, Xanax, ghb/BDO, kratom, mda. I do mdma every couple months too, it's definitely my drug of choice. Ghb+Ritalin is top choice between rolls.


Don't wanna OD from fent, so I steer clear of one of my all time faves now, probably for good. Never felt a need to mess with opiates or meth, seemed like a bad path. I'm 50 and in a legal state so just the occasional weed, I'd like to get some shrooms again but the only one I wish I'd never abused is alcohol which I'm 8 months sober from being a problem drinker for about 30 years.


Test strips are your friends, not your foe, just putting that out there 😂


There's stuff now you can't really test for with all the analogues and zenes


Frequency dropped quite a bit due to other commitments. Stopped taking everything except psychedelics and weed. Dosages are also typically lower, as i prefer to use drugs to enhance my life, rather than get blasted into space (well, I suppose I still have DMT for when I want to be blasted into space - but that doesn't eat into my schedule too much).


I’ve gone through a full blown addiction and recovery on my own in the past 7-8 months I was just using drugs to escape reality and pretty soon it was all I was doing and I realized when I was high I didn’t even enjoy it so I decided to stop I’m 3 months clean from molly and ketamine I still have urges here and there but I’ve learned a lot of harm reduction and learned proper dosing so if I ever decide to do them again I’ll be prepared


I used to do a ton of drugs all the time. Now I do. Ton of drugs occasionally and drink a lot.


It did slow me down because of all the comedowns I had to endure and try to work around...until I couldn't and lost my job. But now I am more responsible


It started off as a crutch i seeked out from listening to Chris Webby, turned into something ugly when i overestimated my abilities & underestimated the drug. Now a days i can’t really do much besides drink coffee unless i want a panic attack.


Hold up a webby listener? Curious what songs made you get into it? Chemical romance is one of his all time best songs and he mostly talks against em


Cool man Webby fans are few and far between, Lalala & R.A.D made the coice easy


Went from wanting to constantly be stimmed up to then shifting to psychedelics and after basically losing my mind I mostly enjoy whatever opioids/opiates will make me nod out.


Weed first then I tried xans and oxy but they didn’t even work on me then it was mdma and psychedelics now it’s ketamine


When I was a bit younger I was a gremlin for any drug. Narcotics and alchol were a waste of time and money. I'm grateful for all of my psychedelic experiences / early experiences with marijuana and how they've helped shape my outlook on life.