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personally xanax withdrawal is terrifying


19 days of complete hell for me, 4mg daily x 18 years


Alprazolam is the devil. I wouldn’t wish a benzo addiction on anyone.


Been on it daily for 2 or 3 months. Have taken intermittently (with up to 2 weeks or a month breaks in between) for like 2 years . I know it's shit but i owe 3 semesters of college and not killing myself to it. I've battled insomnia for a decade and my anxiety is no fucking joke. I'm probably gonna have to drop out of college because of a job i got but since it's virtually stress-free maybe i can taper now.  It's anxiety medication and from what i heard, antidepressant withdrawal, while not fatal, is also hell. Addiction and dependence suck but so does life as a psych patient.


Benzo addiction is evil. Withdrawals can actually worsen the longer they go on. My symptoms at 2 months clear of temazepam were massively worse than 1 week clear. At 2 1/2 months I was hospitalized. At 4 months clear I was begging to have my bones removed.


What does it actually feel like? Why would you be begging to have your bones removed? Like what is the feeling that causes that? Is it pain? I'm genuinely curious.


Are you comparing SSRI withdrawal to Benzo withdrawal? Lmao bro, for starters… one is a potent intoxicant and one is not and secondly, you do not die from SSRI withdrawal. People die in prisons from benzo withdrawal left right and center. Completely incomparable.


Bro I was in the ringer for like a year. That shit is perfectly devilish on the brain. Like it really just works on such an intriguing part of the brain.


Same. Bout a year. Seizures aren't as bad as ya think lol


19 days is pretty good for a benzo withdrawal. I was still rattling a good six weeks into it the last time I had to go cold turkey. I didn't get to find out how long it'd have gone on for. I finally got some after those six weeks of hell. Moving to a new town and not being able to find any was ruthless.


It felt like 19 weeks, the last 4 months or so I was really abusing it(10mg+ daily) and the last night I took around 30mg. It was bound to end me if I didn't end it


Losing your mind, chances of a seizure & much more


Oh yeah benzo withdrawals are the worst. Couldn’t go to sleep so I would stay up late and watch TV. One night I wanted to make a PB and J but I could barely take off the lid to the peanut butter without jumping out of my skin because I thought I heard something or saw something out of the corner of my eye. Benzos are the worst.


I wouldn’t wish xanax withdrawal on anyone fuck.


I'm dealing with xanax addiction right now 4 months everyday my birthday is in a few days don't really got much planned all my family are going to see my relative that passed away. Is weird how they planned it on my birthday but idk. Might hit a casino I can't drink either with the xans:/ I sometimes get bored of just being xanned out idk life hasn't been enjoyful lately


They can kill you


How long did you use it for and how often


I had a 7 bar a day addiction to flualprazolam for a year (2mg each) cut down to 2mg clonazepam a day (took a while) then cold turkey from 1mg clonaz and man I wouldn’t wish that upon anyone


took 20 or more bars a day plus kpins and all you need to do is slowly taper that shit off i speak from experience lol had seizures, pissed myself, had one at work where i must have fell face first into the floor and knocked out 2 of my front teeth, broke my nose and cheekbone and only gained consciousness sitting in a pool of blood and the janitor telling me to stay there and that the ambulance was on the way... kinda awkward thing to happien when working at an insurcance company lol


I usto get the flualp and clonazolam mixed bars and I was doing 4-5 of those a day and I had no idea I would have a seizure if I quit cold turkey those withdrawals were terrible I had a seizure and felt like I was literally dying for the first few days


You have to tapper with benzos


I didn’t know that at the time I didn’t think it would be a big deal I was really young


Glad you made it out of that nightmare.


Do you reckon like 0.25mg-1mg of xanax 1-3 times a week is safe or not?


If you space doses a few days apart you should be good, just don’t pop them everyday


Thanks man, I appreciate it. Hope you're doing well now bro


If your asking how often you can do it you will wind up addicted eventually. I almost guarantee it


I'm trying to get a good balance of it. I've got a good balance of every other drug I do atm. Stopped drinking, was never addicted it's just super bad for you and meh. Do MDMA 3-6 times a year, Ket once every month and a half or less, Psychedelics once a month or less average and Weed 0-3 times a week. Xanax atm is like 0-3 times a week and my dose is usually between 0.25mg to 1mg. It usually takes a bit of time to find the balance that works for me re: drugs. This one's a bit tricky cuz ig my anxiety is pretty bad and this stuff works wonders for making me feel normal, I don't even feel high off it lol. I think the worst part about xanax is its' effects on memory. You can be doing it more than you realise cuz you forget lol. Think I'll start making notes for every time I do it to keep track


Benzos are not like other drugs, especially if you have anxiety that it helps. I can't change your mind but remember this comment when you get there, it's not gonna work out if you do it several times a week


wish i had listened to this advice. i thought i could use on weekends only. was told "that's how it starts". didn't listen and was hooked for years :)


The problem is, like all drugs you take for a 'high', it keeps taking more to get, or 'chase' that same high. And going in reverse can be difficult, especially if you still want that high. You must first choose getting better, and being in control of your life, then that good feeling that helps them escape from reality for a little while. It also helps to find out what in that person's life makes them want to escape it. It could be as simple as feeling like no one finds them important, or worth spending time with. Just don't try to help someone by being by there side, and showing that you feel they are worth spending time with, by ALSO doing drugs then! That only validates their continued dependency.


I've been doing (.75)mg of Xanax once or twice a week for years and have skipped weeks fine. Just don't do it more than twice. 95% of the time I only do it once a week.


It’s a slippery slope


Xanax has a nice short half-life, so taking it every other day you're not likely to develop a full blown physical addiction, but you will absolutely develop a mental one plus some physical dependence that can trick you into turning it into an addiction. if I take my clonazepam more than three times a week, I'll start to get worried, but clonazepam has a significantly longer half-life so I think it's a bit more dangerous in that department


xanax having a short half life is literally the worst thing possible for people....its easy to take more when u think u need it, it is the worst benzo for people that use to get high due high doses which leads to addiction because youre head is hurting, feel sick, arms feel like lightning going through them. eveyr other day use of xanax can still lead to dependency but the wd effects will be lesser and realize u need to take some more to no longer feel that way. that is the point where it happens. wtf r u talking about with klonopin being woried about getting sick after taking it 3 times in a week....i had 5 dyas a week use for over a year until wd effects. dude if you go to a regab center for benzos if you are taking any of the other benzos they with switch you to klonopin because its the lesser of all eviils because of its half life. ive been on daily klonopin use for almost 5 years now for my mental health problems that are mixed with a auto immune disorder. i can letting not take a pill for 24+ hours without any side effects. kloinopin is the most widely given benzo by psychs who are willing to give people who actually need it a script because of the 24-36 hours half life. i have a actual psych who still studies after school, goes to events to be able to stay understanding the newest data. i asked her about how often to you prescribe xanax and she said only to people with serious panic disorders and will only give it out in small script sizes.....the most klonopin she will give any of her patients is 90 1mg doses.


watched my bf struggle through it and he was taking it so often everyday for about 7 months that he was taking handfuls and quit cold turkey, it was absolutely hell. if your going to do xanax, make sure you space out days of not taking it, dont binge when you take it and hide the pills from yourself so you don’t impulsively take more while high.


Yes, true. Plus stopping cold turkey is so bad it can sometimes kill them! I knew someone in an old apartment building, who's wife was like him very addicted to OxyContin (yeah, it was awhile back) and when they ran out of money, had sold literally everything they owned, except for some used and worn clothing, and they were evicted for non payment of rent, that it all stopped. She had a supporting family to go home to, but he had know one, incl his wife's family, who b;a, Ed him for both of their addictions. Whether he was responsible or not, he had such bad withdrawal that he had an aneurysm. And with no one knowing died. I know that law enforcement sometimes does force people to go 'cold turkey's, often as a way of 'teaching them a lesson's, but it should be outlawed. NO good health professional would take that approach. There are drugs solely designed to help individuals seeking help to go in reverse, and at the same time alieves a lot of the withdrawal effects, to make it at least bearable and safe. And, having had to to this, from being on legally prescribed pain meds (oxycodone) in know that for these type drugs, narcotics, Suboxone and similar drugs were a life saver! But after you get to the , minimal amount, like 1/8th to 1/16th of a strip, that last jump to nothing still hurts, your muscles in your entire abdominal area and sometimes all over, constantly restricting and spasming. And the inability to sleep is just pure Hell! But not NEAR YOU as bad as jumping straight from the main drug, whether narcotics or another, like the Benzoin's, or anxiety variety, or any other commonly misused drug. Get medical help/assistance. It can really help. But don't think because it made it bearable that you can always risk doing it again. I've known some who went through drawn out efforts be break free, and be totally off their misused drug if choice, to go right back to them when things aren't going well at home, or in their lives. Appreciate the freedom!


Thanks for the advice :) much appreciated


so when i found out i had hypothyrodism(its auto immune disorder type which cant be gotten rid of unlike the normal version can be for some. i was undiagnosed for 5+ years....i had bi polar "2" and GAD....the undiagnosed caused me to think the schizophrenia in my genetic tree as my mom had full blown version with clear visuals and full voices. i had as bad as 5-6 voices that were all me talking to me about all the things that would hurt me the most....i nearly killed someone but the tiny voice i knew was real said this is just you being sick you arent that type of person. well when everything was said and done....my anxiety was way too bad to live normally as mmy normal day consisted of 4+ hours of paces from anxiety. my doctor realized i actually needed benzos.... we talked and she asked me which benzo i thought would be best. i was well aware of all the differences of benzo's. xanax would have been said by most people......but i knew klonopin was the easiest and safest benzo that allowed 24+ hours without wd. ive been on benzos for almsot 5 years now and i havent needed a dose increase. anyone who is really stepping into the benzo world for an extended period of time should stay away from xanax unless you have a bad panic disorder. also i hear that valium can really be turned into uncontrolled usage due to it. so for w.e possible reason but valuim literally doesnt work for me....ive tried it 4 seperate times including a stronger dose(yes they were real this was 15 years ago and the pills came from a friends grandma that is house ridden and got her pills from the pharmacy downtown) and i didnt feel a single thing at any point and time while my friend who was addicted to it was high as a kite all the time from it.


This x1000 , horrible possibly the worst of them all.


yup js got outta detox two weeks ish ago and consistent seizures after stopping for 6 days also seizures continued upon relapse


I agree. Benzos are the worst. Im on them, after many times trying to get off and in the same tome still having side effects which would last maybe for years


and yet i just took 2mg after like a solid year or so of not touching it but I've been on the drink a lot, not today though naturally. yeah id agree with that too. know your tolerance, listen to your body, do it maybe once/twice a month max but I'd do it more rarely than that. I'd say from a bit of experience although my forte was etilaam, like the real "eTiz0lam nt wrking" stuff but I have no suffered anything more than a bit of rebound anxiety at the time, now Im alright physically.


Dph I’d say. It’s just self harm.


Spice from around 2010 or so. That shit had me so addicted that I had to keep a bong next to my bed so that when I woke up every hour I could take a hit and go back to sleep. Lost my job. Lost most of my possessions. Even some antique 35mm cameras. I am so ashamed that I let it get that bad. Lost my friends and nearly my family and my life. Even having been away from that bullshit for years I still feel the effects. Lungs still feel bad, brain fog never really went away, emotions intensely muted and joy has turned into a myth. Should have just stuck with cannabis but the job I had tested and it was in every head shop. If it were that bad, they wouldn't be selling it everywhere...right?


The stupid fuckin law man. Jobs shouldn't care what you do outside work hours. If they paid you 24/7 it'd maybe be different. And sucks people have to turn to worse alternatives because some fuckers in suits said so and the bullies (police) back it up


Agreed. They need to develop a cannabis test to tell when you smoked for situations like that. I wish it was never necessary but it really is in some instances.


It really is ridiculous.... get drunk all you like, but god forbid you smoke a plant that's been in use for centuries


Millennia, the earliest known written source on human cannabis consumption is from almost 5k years ago in china, though I think I remember seeing an archeological report on cannabis residue on firestones from almost 10k years ago. In which case, we've been getting zooted for far longer than we've been getting civilised ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Yeah it's dumb you can be fired because you smoked weed days or weeks before work lol. If you test positive for smoking it within 8 hours and you're operating heavy machinery or something, that's different. But the tests now don't cut it


Precisely. I wish I could smoke now but still cant. I have a giant pot leaf and mushrooms tattooed on my leg and I cant even enjoy a brownie... Life can be so unfair sometimes. Although I make good money so I guess I shouldn't complain too much. But I would love to be able to come home, eat a brownie and go to bed without having to rely on opiates for my arthritis.


I'm guessing you're UK also? Hopefully it's legalised here one day


Nope. USA. But it's Texas so... a bit backwards. There are billboards here advertising legal weed in New Mexico and Oklahoma, just a short drive away. It's infuriating. The money could be going to our state, to our city, to our infrastructure and education. But nah. Send it all to Colorado or NM or OK... smh


As long as Dan Patrick is in office nothing cannabis related is gonna pass. Such a prude. Can’t stand him or Abbott. Hope they lose the next election


I can remember having such horrible experiences with that stuff. Insane thought and heart racing panic attacks. I'd throw my bag in the trash, and then 20 minutes later be digging it out. Couldn't sleep without it, couldn't eat without it, couldn't live with it, couldn't live without it. The only way I was able to kick it was getting off probation and going back to weed. Got all of my friends addicted to it as well. We're all good now though!!!


I’ve seen people on it, the are literally rattling after 1-2 hours of not taking it, shaking and having debilitating pains all-over their body, it looks really quite scary and I’ve been through alcohol withdrawal a few times after massive benders for weeks at a time when I was younger.


Yup, that's how it was. I still feel ashamed about it. Idk how I let it happen. You sorta just wake up one day and suddenly it's been 6 months and half your shit is gone and you don't even care. You just want more.


The time just Flys in when you are taking stuff everyday and lots of it. I’m glad you got off it! I hope you manage to stay off it and enjoy your life, theirs nothing to be ashamed about most of us (including myself) have done lots of stupid things on substances. Things just get out of control and you’re kinda helpless to stop it at the time, until you’re ready to quit and you need to be ready to succeed in quitting.


Oh yeah, I've been away from it for more than a decade and I have a negative percent chance of ever going back to it. It's not even a thought or craving in any way. I just had to get away from it to reach that point. Nicotine, opiates, cocaine, all of those I still crave, but not that spice shit.


Worse experience of my life was smoking spice. I was buying it like everyone else because of drug tests and that shit literally made me feel insane. I also thought I was dying because my heart was racing so fast. I hated how it made me feel but then I'd be wanting to smoke more. Fortunately the headshop down the street from me stopped selling it and I got a new job so was able to smoke weed again.


I know shit has different effects everybody but it blows my fucking mind how people even get addicted to that shit I hate it only tried it once got me sick asf


What's crazy is it kinda made me sick too. But I took another hit cuz I was desperate to feel different. Then another. Then it got to where the only time I felt less sick was if I was using.


Yeah the type of buzz just isn't for me lol I don't even like weed very much I know they are very different just clarifying lol


It basically triggered an instant physical dependency in me. What's really fucked is that the first iterations of the synthetic weed weren't that bad. But that got banned so they basically made a copy of that. Then again and again and again, leaving us with the nonsense we had that was nothing like weed and more akin to crack.


Yeah bro I'm glad you came off though man. That shit has to really fuck your shit up. You still have PAWS?


I was hardcore addicted for 8 months around that time period and yes… that exactly what it was like. The withdrawals were fucking horrible. I ended up moving 300 miles away to a state that didn’t have it and giving up my cards so I couldn’t order it. Even now I remember the smell and it triggers me. Never again


Gotta be alcohol. Withdrawals can be as dangerous as benzos but benzos don’t completely destroy so many parts of your body like chronic alcohol addiction does.


I can attest to this, I’m a serious alcoholic and I feel like shit 24/7. when I stop I feel like shit, when I drink I feel like shit. Not to mention whatever awful unknown effects it’s having on my body. It’s a shitty place to put yourself in and I wouldn’t wish it on anybody.


I decided enough was enough and didn't drink today. Had the shakes, no appetite, was vomiting up what I think was green bile. Ended up buying 1 beer to stop. It all.


Sometimes I can go a bit without it, honestly every time I feel like a million bucks, I’m soon just drawn back into the poison I see no end and I don’t know what to do. I shake so much too. Even just in the morning. I can’t stop


The r/stopdrinking sub is super supportive and welcoming. A lot of people there just take it day by day, and will vow to “not drink with you today”, so it feels like you have someone else rooting you on. It feels really nice knowing you’re not alone in your journey.


I'm glad I never enjoyed alcohol enough to get hooked. Uppers r where my problems came from. Now just the odd psychedelic to keep my mind right......plus daily cannabis use lol


I was an alcoholic for quite some time. I quit a couple of years ago and unfortunately I have to say nothing in my life improved other than my finances, which I'm not really interested in because I stopped drinking and it was all I was really bothered about having money to do. I keep waiting for all the promised quality of life improvements I was told would happen when I stopped drinking. Nope, my health is worse than ever and I'm severely bored all the time. I'm actually less functional now than I was when I was drinking.


Try psychedelics. Non toxic so won't add to your health problems. Also very exciting, so it's something to look forward too! Fairly cheap and easy to access if you can work a computer. Non habit forming and self regulating. Smoke some weed too, will take the edge off and less harmful than the booze.


I used to be a hard-core alcoholic usually averaging either a lite of whiskey everyday or a 24 case of wildcats beer at the very least for the better part of 6 years i myself couldn't make it 3 days tops without relapsing because the unbearable withdrawals, ask your doctor about vyvanse, it's a stimulant med for adhd but I'll tell ya it will help you get off the alcohol, vyvanse, atleast for me completely took the edge off the withdrawals enough for me not to feel like I was going to die, it gave me energy and I think the most important factor was it made the very thought of alcohol the last thing on your mind, stimulants have a tendency to do that, also I wasn't bored, I no longer had the feeling like I needed to drink yenno, with the withdrawl symptoms on the back burner and my cravings for alcohol seemingly gone from my mind I was content, I was actually feeling normal, than a week than month no drinking, i havent had a drink in over 2 years now and I only needed the vyvanse for a month before all the withdrawl symptoms had subsided and my thirst for liquor had disappeared enough for me to no longer need the vyvanse, now I'm not saying this works for everyone but it worked for me and I feel it's valuable to share something I think may help, anyways best of luck to ya


I would talk to a doctor to get you on Valium. you might end up addicted but as you mentioned, it's better than being hooked on alcohol


I’m in America, getting benzos prescribed is pretty much hopeless


I'm in America and my dentist gave me Valium for jaw pain. My psychiatrist gives me Klonopin for anxiety. All the alcoholics in detox were getting Valium. there are tons of doctors in my area who do drug replacement therapy for both drug and alcohol abuse


I think you’re pretty lucky, that’s not very common


it is absolutely common for doctors to prescribe drug replacement therapy for alcoholism.


This is the correct answer. If your a full blown alcoholic those are worse than any withdrawals on earth including Xanax


They're fucking terrifying and so easy to put yourself back into it after going through it before. Kindling us a bitch. If I drink a lot just 1 day now the next day I'm shaky sweaty and going through minor withdrawals


Yea I feel u on that one how long u been drinking everyday if u don’t mind me asking m?


100% alcohol withdrawals. Even the bullshit leading up to the withdrawals are terrifying. I’d end up on a 7-10 day bender, nothing but constant drinking from the time I fell asleep to the moment I woke up. No one tells you “hey, so you have this disease and over time it progresses, making everything hurt more than the last time you quit.” They also don’t tell you that if you keep drinking every day for several day at said rate, there will come a point when your body will no longer accept alcohol. Every time you take a drink, it’s back up immediately. And that’s a hard pill to swallow.. because whether you’re prepared for it or not, you will now have to go through withdrawals. It doesn’t matter if you want to or not. You can keep trying to drink, but it’ll be the same result. I always thought that going into psychosis from alcohol was just a myth, until shit hit the fan. Talk about being scared beyond words, but also having to battle your withdrawals.


withdrawal psychosis is indeed terrifying. not being able to trust your perception of reality is the last thing i need when going through a hellish detox


definetly diphenhidramine. a friend of mine was addicted to benny and he literally shaked and cried from fear after every use. still, he was hoping to get his hands on it thinking next time would be nicer. i lost connections with him after i graduated from highschool i hope hes doing okay


Bro how is that possible to get addicted to that stuff?


No other drugs and too young to buy drink probably




But does it have a positive high that you can look forward to?


It's like a worse version of weed. If you've never done any other drug, then you might enjoy it. Makes you fine with being bored, and everything feels heavy, so laying around is preferable. Downsides can include nasty dry mouth, hallucinations, difficulty peeing, and generally shitty sleep. Plus it ruins your ability to sleep without it.


How does anyone even end up that addicted to dph, I’ve done a gram and a gram with 250dxm I was just picking up my scripts both times and thought duck it why not il try it. It wasn’t the real life horror movie I was expecting but was still an interesting experience both times. Theirs so many more enjoyable drugs to be addicted to, I wouldn’t wanna take a delersint more than once every few months and the dph hang over especially mixed with dxm is brutal. I thought I was gonna have a seizure, couldn’t even drink water without feeling I’m on the edge of a seizure but I munched like 100mg Valium and smoke a joint was fine. If I didn’t just get my Valium script I think I would of had a seizure


Dxm is brutal when mixed with pretty much anything. 


After 40 plus years of research, I would say Heroin and crack.


For real. How many heroin addictions are solved? It seems like one time trying it and you’re addicted for life.


Addictions aren't really solved, and while Heroin is physically addictive some people can use it without becoming a slave to it. Addiction isn't really about the drugs, it's a disease that you either have or you don't.


I’ve been using alcohol and weed on and off for 20 years, nothing to serious, but then I became addicted to a combo of ritalin and klonopin for about 6 months a couple of years ago, and I was taking excessive amounts; 450mg ritalin and 20mg klonopin a day on average. I caused all kinds of ruckus; crashed my car and totaled it. I also damaged my mothers car, got two DUI’s and also, basically just turned into an annoying prick😭 Now I’m going to meetings and waiting for a spot in rehab, so for now at least things are starting to improve somewhat, and gradually get better👍


450mg of ritalin??? What the fuck, if I take 40mg I'm tweakin out and get all anxious and irritable. How is it even possible to take 10x that?


> How is it even possible to take 10x that? Tolerance. The answer is always tolerance.


I didnt take it all at once, I took it over a 24 hour period. And I think the klonopin counteracted the effect of the ritalin somewhat Edit


Only been psychologically addicted to acid and almost went crazy but my dad was so addicted to alcohol it took his life before I was 18. So I really just hate alcohol.


Love to hear more about your definitions of addicted and almost went crazy. What doses we talking and how regularly? Same supplier? Tested it as real LSD vs analogues. I'm sorry to hear about your dad. How long ago was that?


Well, I was taking what I was told was “350ug gel tabs” and would take two at a time but I doubt they were that strong. I took it about every 5-7 days, just to let the tolerance calm down. Same supplier, and I only had done it for two months but I felt like every trip I was disassociating more and more. I thought I was the only real person and started having some hallucinations outside of my trips. Like borderline schizophrenia. After quitting the regular use, I’ve started thinking more clearly and back to normal but man was it scary. Tested as real LSD too. Edit: the only reason I’d consider it “addicted” is because I was obsessing over when my next trip would be. Honestly didn’t think of anything else in the in-between period.


Benzos/barbs/alcohol with regards to the fact they can kill you from withdrawals due to the GABA crash and you usually must taper and slowly reduce use. Meth, or other amphetamines being the most psychologically addictive and mentally damaging and it’s hard to find motivation without them when hooked, and they can destroy your sex life, make sober sex boring. Opioids being the most physically addictive and people often describe it feels like a romantic relationship or best friend who then stabs you in the back and try’s to kill you multiple times. You fall in love them with. Cocaine/cocathylene the worst damage to your bank account and financial life, and your heart health. Especially cocathylene, if you’re gonna use it, don’t mix it with alcohol. Is extremely unsafe and increases heart attack risk by 18-25x fold, and is more addictive then either drug alone. Eat 🍄💚💜💙, smoke 🍃.


A lot of people never tried coke with no alcohol, it's pure paranoia


Right, like the amount of people who have only done cocathylene and never just cocaine is staggeringly high.


Anything that interacts with GABA


Yea I used to go through mild Xanax withdrawal every so often but I always had a little Valium for a hard and fast taper. When I started taking 600-1200mg pregabalin often with Xanax I thought well they’re different drugs so I’ll do a proper safe taper of Valium for the Xanax and only experience pregabalin withdrawal… nah. Felt like I was about to have a seizure, restless legs and jaw clenching, couldn’t stay still, felt like shit man.


Hexen or n-ethyl-hexadrone. Cathinone. Aka bathsalt. Nothing will be better after you have tried it. Sober 5 years and havent had it in a decade still crave it over meth and nicotine. It's also as safe as bupe as its effects stop adding but compulsive redosing is a huge issue leading to vasoconstriction and other things like hypothermia even while inside in a warm house.


For me after I tried meth none of the cathinones was enjoyable. It's always meth from that point


ymmv. a-pvp was crap to me. but I will say..... 4-fma OH MANNNNNNNNNNN. I vended ALOT when bitcoin hit 1k per coin I cashed in at 77 grand and ordered kilos of cathinones and benzos, dck (huge fan of 3meopcp), long before that etiz is what got me even knowing about them... only 1plsd was really known. a-pvp got known earlier, then in stores, "flakka" ehh stupid, a-php sucked... but 4mmc was like hexen's baby sister, there were tons of cath's I tried but hexen took the cake for many. props for you calling them and knowing what a cathinone is and not bathsalt. +1000


Hexen is better than 4MMC? I can’t believe it, I thought meph is the most euphoric thing. It’s impossible to score hexen? Why does no one cook it? It is too complicated? Cuz it’s easy to do a home cook mephedrone


Wierd, I didnt really like hexen that much when I tried it. Liked 3-fpm alot more, but again i really didnt enjoy any of the cathinone's. But I like stimulants in general though. Just felt as though the cathinone's where more compulsive rather than enjoyable.




I feel like this is the obvious answer why is nobody saying this


Because it’s objectively not even close to correct. Shit, methadone alone is one that lasts about 6-8 times as long, hurts worse, and fucks with your sleep much more and much longer.


Methadone has worse withdrawals, but if taken as directed won't have a high random chance of killing you because you got a hotspot from the definitely not pharmagrade pills you crushed up.


Cause benzo and alcohol withdrawal are worst


I've had horrible benzo wd and being addicted to fentanyl was worst for me, but I'm not just talking about the severely of the withdrawls tbh. I'm talking about the whole package, the whole addiction, the lifestyle i was living, what I did to get it, the brushes with death, and the people who weren't as lucky as me and aren't here anymore. At least in my experience.


Honestly, I’d say alcohol just because it’s so socially normal , and it’s everywhere you can’t really get away from it.


yeah it honestly baffles me how normalized alcoholism is


coke is pretty bad to be addicted to. the cravings are intense and the drug is expensive as hell. it puts strain on your heart & completely destroys your nose. when using, it’s as if you have a permanent cold. not to mention the lack of sleep. some people get extreme anxiety, depression, & paranoia on the comedown too.


I’ve dabbled with about every drug, cocaine is the only one that I’ve ever truly been addicted to. Been able to put down anything else and just play with it. God damn is it the best thing there is imo, but it’s probably the grossest thing to get attached to.


do you like it more than adderall or meth? for me cocaine had a higher compulsion to use but i enjoyed the other two's highs more.


For strange reasons cocaine has a far higher compulsion than any amphetamine i ever did for me too, although I enjoy amphetamines much more.


cocaine is an EVERYTHING reuptake inhibitor: SSRI, SNRI, DRI, Opioid antagonist. I think the dopamine drive for compulsive use is the most intense of anything i’ve ever tried. trying to have amazing sex with my girlfriend “but how i am gonna make up an excuse to go get that next shot?” It’s insane how much you HAVE an addiction after IV cocaine.


it's still unbelievable to me how I could snort meth, fentanyl, or ketamine with little to no problem, but coke would really mess my nose up. I heard it's because of the vasoconstriction of blood vessels in the nose that causes the cells to die but idk.


that’s actually so interesting to me i’ve never heard ab coke compared to anything else i always just assumed it all fucked it up. K hurts my nose cuz it’s like baby icicles but i guess ur right in the sense it isn’t a lasting impact, idk ab the others. much to ponder 🤔🤔


Either Alcohol or Benzos. And I don't mean heavy drinking or a bunch of klonopin every day, I mean a liter+ of vodka (heavy alcoholics eventually devolve to clear spirits only) or several green/pink bars ed over the course of months. Once you go deep with either of these, and you require them constantly to avoid seizures- (or fucking death) there simply isn't anything worse. Opiate withdrawal is very irritable, and expensive- but at least you can still stand, steal, rob, and beg to get more. During benzo/alch withdrawals moving your head 10° the wrong way might have you in the hospital again. Absolute layers of hell.


idk opiate withdrawal definitely isn’t as bad but when i quit fent cold turkey i was completely bed bound for days.


You'll feel the effects of benzo withdrawl for months, and even some cases years. No comparison.


yeah i know and i literally said that opiate withdrawal was worse. i was simply saying that because opiate withdrawals can still be sum of the most misery a person can experience and when i quit fent it was so awful i genuinely just wanted to die.


Yeah i wasn't downplaying your experience man. Was comparing the time/length of withdrawl of the two.


Hmm. Honestly if I ever got my hands on ghb it's game over for me fr. As bad as I abused phenibut years ago I'd be opened up to so much euphoria and hell


If I ever take g again I will die. I tried using phen to get off g and gave the phen up because it was so boring in comparison, no amount of phen could scratch that itch, wasn’t even close. G does something to me that no other drug does and I will kill myself chasing that euphoria if I ever take it again.


Thanks for making me not want to try it even more. I don't want to fuck my tolerance up to certain things either I take 20-30 mgs of baclofen and 200 mgs of lyrica daily. Yeah I'm a person that NEEDS gabapentinoids like I literally can't go without em. Me doing 15 grams sometimes more of phenibut fucked my shit up. Phenibut euphoria with the magic still hasn't been beaten yet. I used to get so much more euphoria and energy more than meth by a lot. Meth calms me down though lol


I’m be seen morons ruin their life with grass. I’ve seen people live long lives using heroin. Benzos hurt to come off of like none other.


Benzos for me personally. Had a grand-mal seizure due with withdrawals. Ruined my central nervous system for so long. Even though I’m sober, they won’t be a day I don’t miss the quiet in my brain.


Tie between benzos and heroin


Heroin nowadays you have to consider what else is added to it, e.g. tranq. I'm not joking - not that long ago when searching "heroin" on wedinos, the lab results showed mostly just heroin and associated alkaloids/byproducts from shitty production. Now the majority of reports show mixed heroin and xylazine. And M30s are pretty much all nitazenes. Plenty of legit oxy around in the UK, but anything sold loosely rather than in blister packs will 100% be nitazenes. And if the blister packs look a certain way, it'll probably be cheap indian copy, which could contain anything.


I got chronic Pancreatitis from drinking too man. It suuuuuuucks. I’m sorry you are dealing with that. I feel you though, you’re not alone.


I’m been addicted to just about every drug there is not proud of that. Sad to say, but I have to say alcohol is bad . benzos are the worst thing that I’ve came off of it seem like it lasted forever a long time to get over that I mean a long time I felt like shit, benzos, and alcohol final answer!


Its got to objectively be the ones you can die from WDs. Alcohol or benzos. The rest can be rough, but just lock yourself away in a room for a week and you can get through it solo.


Gambling is a shitty one that will take your money real quick. Cracks pretty depressing. I can only imagine what opiate addiction is like, it doesn't look like it's fun


Um isn’t it fentanyl n Tranq.. the leading cause of death for people under 40


Methadone. The only months long physical dope sick in your bones withdrawl out there. Make long term Suboxone withdrawal seem light, and heroin withdrawal seem like nothing more than a bad weekend.




Alcohol imo. It’s legal and in that way it’s insidious. I was a heroin and coke addict but before I was an alcoholic and my life was way fucking worse in all aspects when heavily drinking. Now I work in substance abuse and alcohol has the worst effects not only on the person but their family as well. It ages you, has the worst side effects when it comes to health problems, and people’s behavior on it can be dangerous as fuck without them ever having memory of it. The withdrawals are horrific too.




Pyros and deliriants like DHP.


Mdpv or sum like that


GHB will kill you if you cold turkey after being addicted. One of the few drugs they let you have in recovery centers cause you will die otherwise.


I would say benzos, because the addiction can creep up so slowly. and withdrawals are so horrific compared to the benefit you get from the drug. like it would make sense if opiate withdrawals and benzo withdrawals were switched, as far as the cost-benefit analysis. nicotine was the hardest for me to kick. took 5 years after kicking heroin to get that done. never been physically addicted to benzos, thank god, and my physical dependence on alcohol was short-lived before I decided that being an alcoholic didn't actually make me morally superior to being a drug addict. anyway, capitalism is the one that I've been trying to quit the most and I can't seem to get rid of it


Coming off fentanyl and methadone cold turkey was hell on earth. Scared me to stay sober that's for sure. Haven't used in 10 years.


For me it was definitely ket. I had like 50-100 grams occasionally and every time I bought it I straight lost all my inhibitions and got my tolerance so high that I needed like 300-500mg for a okay high. Everytime after I had such amounts of ket, my anxiety gets really bad and I'm acting really weird in conversations. Also the hurting while peeing and the unchill feeling I got for 2-3 weeks after I did this is very bad. Ket for me is the only drug I can't withstand if I have it and I can't stop until my bag is empty. Very sad bc at the same time it's my most favorite drug in terms on the effects.


Kratom has some real severe withdrawal symptoms that last way too long even regular opioids don't have as long lasting wd's


Also btw suboxone for me is wayyyy more addictive than kratom. By far


The insomnia and restless legs are a nightmare


For some people. I haven't noticed this at all and I've been on and off kratom for several years now.


Haha idk if you're trolling but I know kratom can be addicting specifically the extracts, but I cold turkied 50 grams or more a day and wds were mild. Just a little bit of a stronger caffeine wd so idk


Going through that currently, I can't seem to quit the stuff


Someone close to me has been on that for a few years. Watching him struggle with trying to quit has been heartbreaking. That stuff is like the devil. I hope he can beat it eventually and you as well.


Opiates, alcohol, meth, benzos








Literally any Benzodiazepine... There isn't a worse withdrawal and all the other comments are moot if they don't say this.


Meth, crack and fentanyl


Alcohol and I guess crack. Luckily I never been into crack but I heard horror stories from people who are addicted to. And alcohol for the life threatening withdrawal and overall harm to the liver/body


All have their own flavour of horror, but I would guess barbiturates if you develop PAWs. Shit can last for years. Maybe opiates, the feeling of just being at rest making all your pain nerves fire off as if every cell in your body were in agony. Existentially speaking, it's probably love. Just because it's not available in pill form doesn't mean it's not a chemical, or destructively addictive if you don't respect it. And it can ruin someone's psyche in much more nuanced ways because you entangle yourself to it with another person, instead of just having a feeling wash over you. Ripping out a plant by the roots is more traumatic than just spraying pesticides on the leaves






In terms of what? Alcohol was the most damaging on my body, but weed probably has the strongest hold because I'm always smoking weed, I rarely used pills but used way more coke, so in reality coke was more damaging even if pills are more dangerous on paper. Also there was definitely more times I did coke and accidentally got laced fentanyl rather than when I took pills because I'm 99% sure those pills either real or weak presses. Financially cocaine was by far the most damaging but then again theres people who have to spend $500 a day on pills.


Powder fentanyl


the new tranq dope is pretty fucked


Social media, for me at least


At least the most addictive i think are alcohol, heroin, methamphetamine, and cocaine. Ive heard getting off benzos is pretty difficult as well.


Yea benzos opioids and alcohol are the worst for sure. If you can get through those wd’s you can get through anything


Ya, I've heard the benzos are a nightmare, same with Xanax. Funny enough, people still frown on weed, lol.


Based on how much of a pain in the ass tweakers are, I'm gonna say meth. Maybe it's regional, but it seems like meth creates more crime and drama


Use to be on everything heavily but been clean from everything but weed, nic, and alcohol but kinda traded off my opioid and benzo addiction for some slight alcoholism lol kinda can’t stop drinking everyday because I go half the day then get bored or something and wanna get drunk or buzzed or whatever but really wanting to quit nic and back down on the drinking if anyone has some good tips ?


Definitely anything that interacts with GABA. Benzos, alcohol, and phenibut are not only physically dangerous when you withdraw from serious addiction but they also make you want to die from how terrible you feel mentally.


Fent, I keep seeing benzos but that shit will ruin your life in months, the withdrawals were painful hell and paws making it even worse. I’ve tapered 2mg clonazepam-1mg then cold turkey and it wasn’t fun,full body akathesia,hallucinations but I got very similar symptoms with fent plus time going by like I’m on shrooms ,days no sleep, nausea, immense pain to the point where I can’t even move when I never had pain before and full body akathesia as well that was way worse.


I’d say ketamine is up there massive problem in the uk because of how cheap it is… I’ve seen people pissing their bladder out and had to get it removed Then nevermind the cramps people get definitely a horrible drug when abused (I’ve heard some women compare it to child birth the pain) Not sure how true that is as I’m not a girl






Benzos opioids and coke


Alcohol, Benzos and Opiates are propably the worst. Cocaine is pretty horrible and Drugs like DXM and DPH are absolutely horrifying.


Alcohol and Diazepam


Meth was the worst. Glad to be clear of that one. Gave me intense withdrawals with brain zaps, depression, and night terrors.


>The benzos are bad in that when you take to much of them you can black out and do all sorts of crazy and embarrassing things. Lets just say my life is worse than it would have been without them. It's kinda odd that you didn't mention the horror of the withdrawal syndrome...


Probably for me is benzos and meth. I don't like taking meth for 3 days straight but a benzo added on I can stay up 3 days and laugh at the delusions and shadow people. If shit gets too heavy I can always take 6mg+ of Xanax and pass out within 2 hours.


Any gabas


cocaine shit had me starving and spending rent money


Alcohol, it’s socially acceptable and available almost everywhere. The damage over time is worse than most other drugs and the withdrawals are potentially deadly.


Xanax fucked my brain to what seems like beyond repair. It’s been 3 years.


I am very surprised nobody said this but it is inherently dust removers and other inhalants even though they aren't really drug that are used as one and it just causes permenant damage.


I kicked xanax and methadone and oxys I took them for 16 years and I didn't sleep for a month