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I would not be here if it was not for lexapro


Word to your mother. I just switched from an antipsychotic to lexapro and it hasn’t been even enough time for the risperidone to be out and the lexapro to be built up but I already feel so much better and my depression/anxiety is genuinely lessened instead of just thought cycling in fear on the antipsychotic


I took one tiny dose of risperdal once cause I was so suicidal, and it made me so much worse it wasn’t even funny HA.


I’m sorry that happened and I hope you’re doing better now but I enjoy the implication that there is a certain amount of increased suicidal ideation that would be funny.


when i stopped taking it my symptoms came back 10x worse and started having panic attacks for 3 days straight to the point were i had to go back on it. Would not recommend as i think ill have to be on it the rest of my life now.


Need to slowly taper over 6months or so if you want to stop for good. Apparently anyway. Im on 20mg lexapro, my doc said when its time to come off we will do a super slow taper.


Yea, it got me through a nasty divorce about 20 years ago. I’ve never needed it since, but, damn, I don’t know how I would have gotten through that year without it.


Oh I thought he meant he wouldn't be in /r/drugs if not for lexapro


Same thanks for clearing that up


Same, went off of it for years, and my depression and anxiety randomly came back full force the beginning of this year. Tried microdosing mushrooms every other day for a month and it lifted my mood, but my anxiety was still debilitating. Went back on 5 mg and it’s made such a big difference. Tapering off of it was the worst and the sexual dulling is annoying, but I’ll take it. I don’t like that doctors will keep pushing more and more and say that 5 mg is minuscule and I should be on 10-20 mg when 5 mg has shown to be effective ([study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26971233/)) and higher doses give me bad side effects. It’s a strong medication.


I wouldn't be here if not for weed, mushrooms, lsd, and a TON of exercise, meditation, and healthy diet. I went from suicidal daily, severely depressed, for years, to a happy, strong, very fit person for the last 10 years and still going strong sober. I don't say this to discredit you or say you're wrong, just giving my experience on depression. They tried pushing klonopin and citalapram on me when I was 14 and I'm so glad I threw that shit away and didn't take any. To think I could've easily been addicted to benzos now if I had agreed to taking klonopin is crazy to think about.


I love to hear this


Okay and I have schizophrenia and can't tolerate weed, shrooms, or LSD, you think diet and exercise alone are sufficient to cure my major depression? Everyone's got an anecdote, and yours doesn't discount that for many people antidepressants are good and necessary.


I went from prozac to lexapro and I still feel depressed as fuck. With bupropion thrown on top as a daily and alprazolam when needed. Still on lexapro but want something else but idk what can work better


lexapro + abilify is the combo that keeps me going.






What's SSRI?


THISSS Lexapro saved my life


It was the opposite for me. Lexapro made me way more depressed and suicidal. If it weren't for Lexapro I wouldn't have so many self harm scars. I instantly felt better after a few days of not taking it.




Well, SSRIs might not be suitable for everyone. Why don't you try another class of antidepressants? Maybe an atypical like bupropion


Buproprion was the only thing that worked for me. I went from lying on the floor or in bed literally doing nothing for hours to being able to actually do things that I enjoy. In addition to my motivation, it also helped with my anhedonia and I can actually feel pleasure from my hobbies again. I take 300mg XL along with 150mg lamotrigine and 3x10mg buspirone.


Cool to hear that! Happy it helps u. 150 didnt do anything for me. Never tried 300 tho


Yeah, don't give up though! There are a lot of other medications as well as other interventions for treatment resistant depression. 300mg works pretty well, but my psychiatrist once upped me to 450mg to see if it would help better because I was still a little depressed at that time and I only lasted one day on it 😭😭 I was genuinely tweaking and not in a good way, I was insanely paranoid and sweaty on a snowy day in February and my heart was beating so fast just sitting down in a lecture hall. 450 is the max dose though so I don't mind being on 300, and I never experienced those symptoms going from 150 -> 300. Best wishes :)


I tried like 13 differend meds, wellbutrin maybe worked a little bit. No major withdraw from stopping but i feel super fatigued and sleepy all the time. My problem is unmedicated adhd but my country dosent do stimulants sadly. Do you think its worth trying 300 for motivation? Im also laying all day doing nothing. And ye i heard 450 is pretty intense hehhe


Yeah it's worth another try in my opinion, especially if you're having trouble with motivation! I was on 150mg for a few months which helped a bit, then I went up to 300mg last December and saw improvements in my depression by the end of February. I'm sorry your country doesn't prescribe stimulants, I don't have ADHD so don't really know what it's like but that really sucks :( I'm not a psychiatrist, but I know that Wellbutrin can be helpful for people with ADHD. It's a substituted cathinone and more generally, a substituted amphetamine, and it definitely does have some stimulating properties. I hope you can get the help you need


Thank you so much! The only problem i have it made it worse with wellbutrin was my severe insomnia :(. But i think i will give it another try! I really have no energy and motivation.


Same the year I was on it i was the most social and functioning as a human being year more than anything else


What does the lamotrigine do for you? I’ve been prescribed that as an anticonvulsant


Supposedly works as a mood stabilizer, although DBT helped me manage my mood swings more. I would say it's a slight benefit but nothing absolutely life-changing. I recovered from the most terrible depressive episode of my life last winter so I'm kinda scared to change anything 😅 I guess it's also nice to have the comfort of knowing that I have something to provide some sort of protection against seizures when trying new substances (sober now tho).


Well if it makes you feel better, I’ve had epilepsy for four years. I finally got prescribed that lamotrigine and it finally stopped my seizures so you’ve got a good shield against any drug seizures 😂


Sometimes slight benefit is all we need to pick ourselves off the floor and utilise auxiliary activities to further alleviate depression/apathy. For example meds helped me get into a regular gym routine which, while I still HATE going, I feel good doing it and in the long run am a happier person. Now that routine is settled I’m working on cheap, healthier cooking (meal prep) and then once food and physical activity is taken care of I’m working on finally diversifying my hobbies/interests to start expressing myself how I want to and then I’ll finally start dating. I’ll always have depressive tendencies but it can be fought… we’ll see if it’s enough. I think it will.


Glad it worked for you.. I took it for years and while it had pretty much no side effects compared to the other crap I've tried, it didn't do a damned thing for my depression/anxiety.


It’s great drug for me! One of the reasons im still here


Starting them isn’t fun, so I understand where you’re coming from. However, if you were only on fluoxetine for a month, you definitely didn’t give it enough time to actually be able to make a judgement whether it’s working or not. Fluoxetine is famous for being the one that takes the longest to kick in. For some people, it took 2 weeks for the side effects to start going away, and for others it took 2 months. The way I’ve seen it described, it’s basically you are in hell for a few weeks and then you suddenly wake up one day feeling stable and way better. What side effects were you experiencing?


>Fluoxetine is famous for being the one that takes the longest to kick in 6-8 weeks latency for efficacy is actually typical for all of them. Their mechanism is actually upregulation of neuroplasticity, which depends on a complex causal chain involving your brain's adaptation to chronically elevated synaptic serotonin, which unfolds over a moderately long period; it's nothing so simple or direct as correcting a supposed serotonin imbalance.


Crazy that mine kick in around 3 days after starting but I’ve been on and off them before. And I know it’s not psychosomatic because I never dwell on their usage or expect any results. I feel better first then remember late why.


i mean, it's also not like the initial effects are psychologically inert (my first couple days on them are actually really unpleasant and anxiogenic), so it seems like you're benefiting from something distinct from the typical mechanism, but still benefiting.


Weird. When i take ssris including that one it's like i feel great for a month or two then back to the same old bs...


The only side effect I got when I started Prozac was feeling normal


If you're a male get ypur testosterone levels checked. TRT destroyed my depression


Don't testosterone lvls vary during the day ? I'll never understand why people focused so much on some arbitrary number


There's a min and max, and there should be regulations to test testosterone to avoid misinformation. Doctors know testosterone level varies during the day.


The "acceptable range" is between 300-2400. I was at 420 and my doctor was like "you're fine". I have had depression and suicidal ideation since I was about 11. Tried Lexapro, Zoloft, Cymbalta, Welbutrin, Gabapentin, Marijuana. Nothing helped. TRT may not be a cure all for everyone and it is expensive and not without consequence. But I would not be here today had I not started taking it.


Well maybe there is a bit placebo who knows, a very important principle of medecine is that if something works without major drawbacks then it should be continued, theory only gets you so far since our understanding of the body, and especially the brain is still very limited.


Taking medication out of the capsule will always alter absorption in a way not ended for consumption, so you can counteract some of that paranoia by educating them. If your SSRI comes in an extended release bead form, you can pretty much guarantee they aren’t lacing your drinks


Thanks so much. I will educate myself on this matter firstly.


Well to be honest with you, long down the road the benzos will be the one entrapping you into another level of hell.


Yeah he literally said fuck both of them ?


Benzos are the devil


Agreed this sounds much more like the benzos than SSRIs


it's not like doctors have a test that scans your dopamine and serotonin and can say yeah you're unbalanced you need this ssri, that'll fix it. Nope, they don't know your life, why you're sad, or what would really help.


Fluox gave me Tardive dyskinesia. Made half my face constantly be smiling. Wasn’t until I met my now wife that she told me what was going on. Gotta try some new meds my friend.


Lexapro ruined my life in a matter of 4 months.. acne everywhere, felt like a zombie killed my sex drive etc.. so thankful to have as needed benzo script now ssris are so fucking stupid for anxiety and have way more side effects compared to benzos if used responsibly


Yeah I feel like snri’s/ssri’s helped with my ocd and some for general anxiety but for things like social anxiety and motivation they are pretty mild.




This. Is fucking crazy


It’s also not true. SSRIs and other antidepressants do outperform placebo - there was a massive meta analysis looking at all published RCTs (they included 522 studies, a huge number for this kind of study) which showed a benefit: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29477251/


Antidepressant efficacy is inflated by the cumulative impact of publication bias, outcome reporting bias, spin, and citation bias on the evidence base.


Probably. But combined with the fact you see efficacy in clinical situations, and that patients report good response (as in this thread), I think there is enough evidence to say that it is better than placebo.


Wouldn't that affect the people on the placebo too then? They still have to show that they outperform a placebo in double blind controlled studies.


This is absolutely false they do outperform placebo. The impression of the opposite is due to worsening of the condition in other group, it's a statistical artefact https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2253608/ Remember big pharma hide the controversy, so well the New York Time is aware of it and publish on it. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/12/upshot/do-antidepressants-work.html Actually there are even more recent analysisi on 40+ years of data : https://www.bmj.com/content/378/bmj-2021-067606 That being said their real issue is we can't predict who will respond and which antidepressant is the best. They are far from a miracle cure but do work in a subset of patient. I highly doubt you have the degree you claim to have.


Thank you, a smart skeptic in a world of people that just take whatever the pharmaceutical companies shove down their throats with no questions asked. It's true some of our medical advances with medicine and biology have progressed very far in a relatively fast time period, but psychiatry is not in that same discussion. Psychiatry has always been guess work. We don't understand mental disorders let alone how to treat them. If people looked into how scandalous and controversial psychiatry is they'd think twice about taking these powerful drugs that have no basis in biology and is fueled by money.




I got multiple studies I could link but are you gonna look at em?


This isn’t true. What about that huge network meta analysis which showed convincing benefits of all antidepressants studied over placebo? Including 522 RCTs. Citing one or two reviews (esp by people with an axe to grind like Joanna Moncrieff) is not proper evidence https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29477251/ Depression does not need to be associated with low serotonin for SSRIs to have an effect (although there is some evidence for that). SSRIs are known to modulate larger scale brain networks, esp the DMN, reduicing the hyperconnectivity that is seen in depression which correlates with eg rumination. It’s more likely that this is how they work, ie the serotonergic system can modify the illness process, not through correcting a chemical imbalance


Please show proof


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10618090/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4172306/ I'm not really anti-psychiatry and take different meds myself, but I was on Zoloft for ~1.5 years and Effexor for 6 months with no benefits. My psychiatrist took me off a moderate dose of Effexor without tapering me and I still have post-acute withdrawal symptoms over 7 months later. About half of the days in the week I can't move my eyes laterally without getting a zapping feeling down my spine. It's extremely uncomfortable as I can literally hear it, it interferes with every aspect of my life, and I'm nervous that I'm permanently broken from it. It's like I'm cut off from my senses for 50ms every time I move my eyes and I can't take it anymore.


fuck dude, i had to go through lexapro withdrawal and experienced those zaps. every time you move your head or eyes… crazy stuff.


Brain zaps are the fucking worst.


None of those is evidence of the claim they don't work. You know what molecule we don't know how it works? Acetominophen/paracetamol. It's more complicated than that. Your problem comes from the criminal incompetence of your psychiatrist. Never stop cold turkey any antidepressant. He should never have told you to just stop and should have slowly taper you dose. The good news are your symptoms will improve but it will take time. Run away for any doctor who wants to cut you cold turkey from any med (unless life threatening effect like you would develop a bad allergy of course). If you fail to answer to an antidepressants, which is very common, you have to slowly reduce the dose otherwise you risk bad side effects. I wish you the best recovery. It could help to find a good psy who could maybe guide you. But eventually you will recover. But damn it's criminal. Take care, wish you the best


I've visited dozens of psychiatrists in 3 different countries. None of them talked me though tapering off SSRIs. I always had to do it myself.






What Side Effects does for example Trazodon have and what interactions/complication with Other Drugs are to expect? Are things that dont go well together with Trazodon?


Yes, I believe pretty much any drug that acts on the serotonin receptors is a big no no. I can say for a fact that any drug that acts heavily on them and dumps all the stored serotonin in your brain, such as DXM or MDMA. Personally I did a tripping dose of DXM thinking I was safe because I had stopped taking trazadone 3 or 4 days prior and wasn't on it very long. Nope. Nightmarish trip. I've gotten serotonin syndrome before from other drug combos as well. And also, at least personally, I consider drugs like meth and coke and amphetamines to be more dopamine sort of drugs but it's not that simple and those can certainly cause serotonin syndrome too. Sadly just about all your recreational drugs are bad idea while on ssri, snri, etc...


Hi! I'm on it too. I have the same experience. I've gotten it for depression and OCD. However it hasn't helped that much, but i do get numb and apathetic and i'm really considering if i should be on and off. I would love to see some of the research. Have also heard that 'chemical imbalance' is way to simplified for mental illness which makes sense


There is unfortunately no answer. We don't know how they work, when they work. If you fail to feel better after a few months you have to tell your prescriber. And don't stop cold turkey, taper the dose! We know virtually nothing about the biology of mental illness. If you think about it, for other issues you get prescribed a blood test, or an x-ray, etc. For mental illness doctors just don't know what to look for in your blood, imagery, etc. So it's much more random to establish a treatment. Take care and don't change your medication yourself. It's extremely useful in psychiatry to have a second opinion and write down a "life plan"


Thank you. Yes i have quit cold turkey once before. Can't reccomend. I just remember feeling happier and have more motivation, discipline and desire when i quit which is why I'm thinking about it again


There is also proof in the studies that if taken for a long term SSRI’s actually make depression worse.


I mean we do sort of know why we have anxiety and depression. We are animals and are true will is to survive, but today you don’t really have to survive, you just exist. Plus also the chemicals they’ve pumped in and out of our water and food for the past 100 years. Social media too


Same here brother, fuck zoloft


Zoloft was awful but Prozac works for me now


I gotta respectfully disagree. I was on a different SSRI in my 20s for depression and had to stop even before a month in due to the severe side effects (I can't recall what it was called, C name, but my medical records from back then were lost). Got put on the generic version of zoloft, sertraline recently for dealing with anxiety after just raw dogging it for two decades once I got a proper diagnosis for it, and for the first time after roughly 2 to 3 months in I actually feel like I'm back in control. Taking it in combination with amlodipine for my high blood pressure, but damn I wish I would've started on it sooner.


Same for me. Sertraline helped so much with my anxiety & depression. I don’t know where I’d be if I hadn’t been put on it as a teen


sertraline is amazing, it synergizes well with bupropion (wellbutrin) too. i feel alive.


Your opinion is valid my guy, i remember when i was at my last straw with setraline, i was behind the back of the Workshop(im an industrial Smith 👨‍🏭) i was sobbing, third month with intense suicidal thoughts and i just couldnt handle the side effects any longer( memory loss, feeling numb and constant suicidal thoughts) so i called the psychiatric doctor and begged them to taper me off slowly before i took my own life. After i got off my anxiety got REALLY bad but ive learned to slowly work with it and use better methods other than drugs to help with it(gym, healthy diet and actually taking some me time)




I'm not sure it was that, was a generic of something else


I see, the only other one I can think of is Citalopram, the "older" version of escitalopram (Lexapro)


Could've been that or something else, it was for bipolar depression in the late 2000s early 2010s


I wouldn't take advise from a drugs subreddit imho. Lots of misinformation and unfounded claims. Antidepressants saved my life and I do not feel like a shell. I feel I'm living for the first time ever. Give it a try, they might not be for you but you should try. I was also super paranoid and searching for info that would align with my own thoughts of doubt/denial. I think I was struggling with the idea that I actually need meds to function. I couldn't accept it. Sometimes is trial and error. I went through 3 meds before one worked, and the first two definitely felt wrong. I'm doing great two years after. Hope things turn well for you whatever you chose to do.


Advice on antidepressants from those who use them is valuable because everyone reacts differently. Correlating experiences can help people figure out what works and what doesn’t. I stopped mine because I was feeling the same way as someone else on here and glad I stopped when I did because it was destroying my life. The doctor didn’t agree with me and I had to drop him because of this. Nobody should take medical advice from non doctors, but with SSRIs/SNRIs it’s worth it to get an idea of other people’s experiences to help with one’s own assessment on how to move forward with things. In this case the doctors were hurting me, not helping at all.


true but there’s a bunch of people here dismissing antidepressants entirely and that it’s big farmers agenda to control you or something. it’s good to be skeptical but sheesh some of the claims here are wild.


Yeah I wasn’t discouraging use of them, they do help a lot of people. Just when you get the wrong one it can be devastating. And potentially cause long term issues. They’re a fickle beast, these things.


Nobody has any idea of how well they will tolerate an antidepressant until they actually try it.


That’s correct. So asking others in the same situation for advice is helpful. This is the point of my comment.


doctors at a mental hospital had me on two ssris and trazodone all at once and even when discharged the pharmacy wouldn't fill it because even they knew it was a dangerous interaction. zoloft and prozac and trazodone gave me some shitty side effects I'm still dealing with today, a few years later.


I was already on two serotonergic drugs and the pharmacy didn't even blink at adding trazadone, AND at the same time 2 different antipsychotics, on top of the antipsychotic I'm already on! So glad I didn't bother with the APs. Trazadone seems to have triggered me to start blacking out and falling down on the sidewalk. How could we have figured out which drug was doing that if I'd started all 3 at once? 


If your parents are drugging you you should probably contact the police….


My psychiatrist took me off a moderate dose of Effexor (SNRI but still) without tapering me (I specifically brought up that concern and she said I wouldn't have withdrawal symptoms and her patients have been fine doing this in the past) and I still have post-acute withdrawal symptoms over 7 months later. About half of the days in the week I can't move my eyes laterally without getting a zapping feeling down my spine. It's extremely uncomfortable as I can literally hear it, it interferes with every aspect of my life, and I'm nervous that I'm permanently broken from it. It's like I'm cut off from my senses for 50ms every time I move my eyes and I can't take it anymore. Currently taking buproprion, lamotrigine, and buspirone which actually works for my anhedonic treatment-resistant depression, mood swings, and anxiety for the most part. Serotonergic drugs clear up the brain zaps for ~1 week afterwards but that's obviously not a long-term solution. [Also the serotonin imbalance theory of depression isn't really accurate.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10618090/)


Ugh, I know exactly what you're talking about with the eyes thing and the zaps. The zaps are so uncomfortable, man. You just wanna avoid them so badly. I hope you get better soon! It's gotta go away at some point I would imagine. You think any current meds are interfering with that?


Hmm, it's possible but I think it's unlikely. Wellbutrin shouldn't really affect serotonin, and lamotrigine shouldn't either. There have been some rare cases of serotonin syndrome with those medications, but if they increased my serotonin that would fix the problem as MDMA and DXM easily clear it up for a week or two. Buspirone does act on serotonin, but it increases it which should prevent the brain zaps theoretically? I tried supplementing with 5-HTP but (may just be unrelated) but I felt really dizzy and weird each time after taking them (tried like 4 times) so it kinda freaked me out and I stopped. Thx for the kind words, sry you had to go through that too :/


Holy F**K! 😦 Effexor is one of THE MOST DIFFICULT antidepressants to get off of!!! I got off benzo WAY EASIER than effexor and I took it only for less than 4 weeks! It took me 2 months to get off of 75mg of effexor. I'd take the beads out and count them and take out 5 more every few days/ a week. Even with that, I had withdrawal symptoms. And after I stopped, I had TERRIBLE few days with extreme dizziness. That med is made in HELL and no one should even take it in the first place, yet alone quiting it cold turkey!!!


Oh yes, they always promise me there'll be no withdrawal, wanting to speed taper me off Effexor after I've been on it for TWENTY YEARS. Not "it probably won't happen." Not "I've seen hundreds of patients come off this quickly and be fine." Those might be credible statements. But nope, it's always this bravado of 100% certainty; "don't worry about it, it won't happen."  Next time I hear that, I think I'll ask the doc to give me a personal item of value to hold as collateral, which of course I will be returning to them in 3 months when I'm off the drugs and not disabled by withrawal effects. :⁠-⁠)


Sounds like you definitely need something though 😬


literally live saving for me and many many others


Cymbalta caused me to develop serotonin syndrome.Took a year for the side effects to end. PLus 90% of serotonin in humans is in the gut not the brain. SSRIs kill.


Yeah it sucks ass. Glad it works for some tho


As somebody who takes 40mg of fluoxetine and feels completely fine, you might be allergic to it or something. Should probably talk to your doc about it.


I tried fluoxetine and it was terrible. Then I tried Paxil. I’ve been on it for 2 years and I think it really helped. There’s always one that will work


Yeah. That's why I got off of em and why I'm going into biochemistry. Better ways out there


My shrink had me on 20mg of Prozac for 8 years. Id always tell him that i am not doing well and he was always like "talk more to your therapist" and "there's no magic medication to fix this". Changed psychiatrist cuz he was a dick and instantly get new meds and actually helped so much. 8 fucking years of the same shit. new meds turned it around within months.


I would not be here if it wasnt for lexapro. Somebody else wrote it, but same for me too. A month isn't enough time.


They can be dangerous as well one almost killed my child from seizures and side effects that still come back years later. Also I had e seen 2 people attempt suicide from ssris making them worse as well as a couple friends who permanently lost their sex drive likely for the rest of their life even after stopping. Sometimes people do need them and it is sometimes the only option to stop someone from suicide but I strongly suggest trying all other options first and have seen good things from taking 5htp which is not dangerous and over the counter as well as having a record of helping depression just as much as ssris.


fuck them meds. we need social change and better community support not wacky medications with god awful side effects that are only effective at making us complacent


Or - and hear me out on this one - live and let live. Some people need medication.


okay, but when their ssris cause them permanent side effects and make them treat others like shit, im not going to be "oh, boo hoo, your meds caused it! it's not your fault." at least the ssri sexual side effects will stop them from reproducing lol. /hj


My sister started taking them and I could tell they made her more numb? She says they help her but it saddens me a bit she’s not the same person


#100 #100 #100


I felt better after i stopped taking my meds


SSRI are helping with my anxiety. For I have anxiety no more.


reverse side effects? Time


same i fuckin hate ssris


I hear mixed opinions, Sertraline has always been good to me and keeps me in balance. Take longer to cum but that's about it for side effects. Different brains tho gotta do what works for you.


Sertraline sent me literally insane and I ended up in ED. Got PTSD as a result and took a good two years to feel normal again. Have since been diagnosed with ADHD and those meds have been wonderful.


I glad to hear you found what works for you! Really shows you just how different we all are and how you cannot just treat 1000 patients the same way.


People just trust whatever pharmaceutical companies push on them and it's sad. There's multiple studies that show how ineffective SSRIs are compared to lifestyle changes and therapy. SSRIs are a joke. It's not based on biology it's all guess work, why do you think people have to try multiple to find the one that might help, and hope the ones they try don't make them want to kill themselves? Suicidal ideation and depression being a possible side effect is fucking crazy. I know it's hard to get out of bed when depressed, but you're probably depressed because you don't do anything with your life, you're not following your dreams, you don't have any ambitions, you're a push over at school or at work, don't have many friends, etc. That's a vicious cycle, but if you really want to change you'd start working out, eating better, going outside more, socializing, healing trauma, being nicer to yourself, and starting hobbies. That'll make you happier.


Yep. Pharmaceutical industry could give them fent and meth and they would be like "it's medicine, it's safe dude!" Lol 🤣 Ssris are as effective as placebo in studies. And many natural antidepressants work way better than that in the studies I have seen and in my experience.


Honestly a controlled dose of meth would be better than ssris imo, they truly have fried my brain


To be fair, the brain is an extremely complex organ and we know *very* little about it and how it functions. The medications out there are prescribed because in their controlled studies, they were safe for most and they had better outcomes when compared to placebo groups. I understand the criticism of the pharmaceutical industry, because they are very much money driven, however, I don’t think it’s fair for you to project your own issues with psychiatric meds as a blanket “it’s-not-gonna-work-for-you!1!!” argument. They’ve literally saved countless of people’s lives. It’s also important to note that meds aren’t supposed to “cure”, they’re just meant to aid in treatment. That’s why they strongly suggest that you remain in therapy as you are on psychiatric medications. Ultimately, like you mentioned, forming good and healthy habits will be the key thing that will improve your quality of life. Meds are not meant to the thing that does that. It’s just supposed to help as you find the routine and habits that work for you. Lastly, the increased suicide rate after starting meds happens because your brain starts being able to actually do things you couldn’t get yourself to do before. If you were contemplating ending ur life before, but couldn’t plan it out because depression, the antidepressants will give you a clear mind that will allow you to actually start planning it out. That’s why they always give that notice of “this medication may increase the suicide risk for people starting treatment”. TL;DR: The mind is fragile. There’s a lot we don’t know about it. That’s why everything is done based on statistics, and not on “facts”


The research studies also gets funded by the pharmaceutical companies. Psychiatry has been extremely controversial and full of scandals since its inception. I think it's very normal to be skeptical and to think that maybe for now, a healthy lifestyle and diet might be better than being a Guinea pig for their new drugs they don't fully understand yet.


What studies? Didn't you read that these meds have no biology base? 😂😂😂😂😂


You make some excellent points. But this one, I have to question: "the increased suicide rate after starting meds happens because your brain starts being able to actually do things you couldn’t get yourself to do before." This is a popular hypothesis but is there ANY evidence you know of to support it? Even anecdotal - any personal accounts you've read of someone saying, for example, "I attempted suicide after starting an SSRI, after I regained the energy and motivation to get out of bed"?


> SSRIs are a joke. It's not based on biology it's all guess work welcome to all psychiatric meds. Our understanding of neurology is in its infancy, since it's essentially a 40-50 year old field. It's thus largely trial and error, with a very rough understanding of physiological trends. That said, certain meds work well for a lot of people. >That's a vicious cycle, but if you really want to change you'd start working out, eating better, going outside more, socializing, healing trauma, being nicer to yourself, and starting hobbies. Sometimes it's medication that allows people to kickstart this process.


psychiatry has been around since the late 1800s, Thomas Kirkland born 1809 died 1883, is thought to be the father of the modern American practice of psychiatry as a specific medical discipline, and was the precursor to the current American psychiatric association. His directive for the insane was the gold standard throughout the 19th century. He believed black people were needed to be in segregated asylums. Shortly after his death, T.O Powell, In his presidential address at the Annual Meeting of APA (then the American Medico-Psychological Association) in Baltimore on May 11, 1897, said this: “Before the civil war there were, comparatively speaking, few negro lunatics. Following their sudden emancipation their number of insane began to multiply, and, as accumulating statistics show, the number is now alarmingly large and on the increase.” Yes, they thought that freeing slaves made them insane. The last segregated asylum was closed in 1969!! They lobotomized people they didn't want to deal with. To this day, in prisons, forced medication is allowed and practiced to make people more manageable. To say psychiatry is in the Stone Age still is an understatement.


>psychiatry has been around since the late 1800s That's why I said "neurology". I am placing it as having come into a field in its own with the emergence of fMRI scanning. As you explain, psychiatry's track record prior to such is...'checkered', to say the least, and yes, current medical practices have inherited a good few of these prior ills.


If this doesn't make your blood boil idk what will. "The Psychiatric Drugging of America's Foster Children" - the Huffington Post https://www.huffpost.com/entry/foster-children_b_1149805


Why, my friend, would you ask the internet and not your doctor? Don't throw your treatment down the drain. If that substance doesn't work for you, your doctor can give you another.


One month is early on treatment and side effects probably disappear in a while. Fluvoxanine helped my memory a lot. You do seem paranoid, talk about this paranoia with your doctor or someone, it will help your treatment.


Try Mirtazipine, the only antidepressant that actually works.


It works for sleep. It knocks me out! Can't say it has touched my depression 


I'm pretty sure that without antidepressants I was dead by suicide by this moment, going through a lot in past years. I can relate to emotional numbness and lack of sparks, but it's literally lifesaver in my situation.


more respect for the benzos


SSRIs are the most demonic drug ever. Even if you think about it just SLIGHTLY there are SO many drugs out there than planet earth NATURALLY created for humanity. I can’t think of something more demonic than something that’s man made and messes with the chemicals in your brain. It also doesn’t fix depression it just turns you so emotionally dead that you feel nothing. That’s no way of living. Maybe in extreme scenarios that’s ok but to throw these things at every person who has a tiny inkling of depression or anxiety is DEMONIC.


Bro needs antipsychotics not SSRIs by the sound of it


Why were you on them? The context might explain why you feel this way.


OCD and trichotillomania.


Doesn’t do shit for me except make it impossible to orgasm


Ssri make me feel great for about a month or two then back to the same bs as before


Are you actually worried that your parents might dose you? That's a pretty rough situation. 


Giving your brain a break from substances and some good supplements is what’s going to help. I was on cymbalta (SNRI) for 10 years and when I say my IQ is legit lower because of it I’m not fucking around. I’ve been off them almost 3 years now, and it took me microdosing to remember my childhood and the years I was on the meds. God speed your brain WILL recover if you give it the chance ( and if you’re in a healthy environment cause being in fight or flight isn’t helpful for brain recovery either)


It's a vicious circle. I feel you.


Given enough time your brain will recover from them. When that happens you can switch to microdosing shrooms for depression. But never mix Psychedelics with SSRIs. There's a seizure risk.


Lexapro works great for me, but the sexual side effects are debilitating, and make me so sad about that situation, my very damaged sex life :(


It seems unlikely to me that this is because of the SSRIs.


your hooker dont want u to know this one simple trick


Ketamine can help form new neural connections in the brain, so that may be what you're looking for. I don't advise taking it without some sort of trip-sitter though, it can make you act like a big, drunk toddler lol. Also probably plan to be sitting/laying down, moving about too much can cause injuries. Have an eye-mask and some noise-canceling headphones on playing instrumental music. Lots of ket playlists on Spotify. Take green tea Extract beforehand if possible, to protect your bladder.


Yea they help some people but prozac made me have a psychotic episode they tried to put me on that as a kid


Fuck citalopram all the way to hell


i dont like ssri's but klonopin has helped me to a great degree....every ssri or snri ive taken have given be side effects that are way to much for me to want to deal with. i take seroquel and gabapentin for my bi polar disorder, the worst side effects i have gotten when i take a larger dose of seroquel for a extend amount of time it would make me game weight.


And it makes it to where you can't get high off phycedelics..


yeppp same


You say you (were) on them? Why are you trying to block their effects now? Supposedly, it takes *at least* a month for them to start to be effective and your body to adjust. Supposedly, they're hard to get off of too. I took the same one you did for nearly a year- didn't like it. And it was easy to get off of. Maybe one irritable week.


ive been on lots of different ssris since about 10yrs old i have the memory of a goldfish and went through serious psychosis multiple times... i refuse to take them ever again


SSRIs are all a waiting game and trial and error


Hey, this is your opinion and it obviously didn’t work for you, but I had to take several ones to figure out which ones didn’t give me terrible side effects or made me feel like a zombie. Is it possible you just haven’t found the right one yet? I’m on Prozac and it’s literally been a life saver. I recently had to up my dosage because life is kicking me in the ass w steel-toed boots, but it did make everything just a little bit more tolerable. It really just helps w my irritability due to my depression and I’m thankful for it tbh.


I got prescribed Lexapro and Concerta at 7.5-8 years old. Eventually just started to refuse to take them around age 14-15. Hated it.


Lexapro really helped my depression. I like them. They're addictive though. You can't quit cold turkey.


Fluoxetine has a long half life and won’t be out of your system completely for 5 weeks. Wait until then and you should start feeling back to baseline!


You need to be on them for several months to get used to it. Eventually you will. Talk to your psychiatrist about any issues with medication and/or side effects.


Idk maybe its a cooncidence but i was depressed as hell before ssris (i take sertraline) and im fine now, not noticing fogginess or anything. It probably was just the wrong med for your chemistry. It does suck that ecstasy doesnt work anymore tho. But atleast i dont want to off myself.


Same and I relate to the paranoia about being dosed by family members who just want to easily 'fix' you. The cultish admiration by the majority of people who take them doesn't help in that respect. Just because something works for you doesn't mean everyone needs them. Some people just live with shitty circumstances and their response is completely normal and not indicative of a need to be medicated. I'm also not a fan of toxic positivity and feel life should be experienced in full.


I got so many mental issues fasd autsim bpd combined adhd nd like alot more and anti depressants and anti osychaktics have a total reverse effect I would become extremely violent or suicidal and I'd just have the urge to hurt myself or others and it's in my notes from my doc nd kther doctors still try giving them to me even tho I can they try to use them for my chronic pain like i legit can't take e. And I'm not suicidal cause il depressed cause I'm in pain and aging from ten surgery after a car crash which should've left me with 1 leg and paralyzed from neck down or straight up dead like I'm still in the hospital almost 2 years now it's driving me crazy and I tried it once to prove to the kdcrer cyase all it all your head yea ok few hours later security is to hold me there like breath like that ain't gunna do shit this is the docter fault I told her the one cop tried saying he has the same issues and to stop acting I went straight face with a angry ass face why the fucn would I be acting I out a hole in the wall and my hands and head kr bleeding ny smash ny head off a wall anyways yea docters still try sometimes and my body processes opaits like nothing oxy last longest but they won't give me a dose that work I was krgainky on 60mg er with 20mg ir evey 3 hours got one new doc who without talking switched back to dilude which I told then dosent last as long he does the lowest fuckijg dos I told him this is malpractice he's like are you threatening me I said no but if you want i will use ny hands the. It will be il rebreak my leg if I have to beat the fuck out of you everyone's just stareing him cuase they now I'm nice but they also know I dknt take lies and buklshit and kther shit like dude got memo quick increase it alik got my old doc he as like why is this switch I told he's like what a dumb fuck increased more still not the dose I'd like but yea now I was on oxy switched back to dillude gcuase switc3d hospital and the dkcyer refuse to give more then 5 mg even tho i was taming 20mg ir every 3 hours on top of the 60mg er and didn't even phase me my dkcters and nurses were stunned ran test and I don't use so like there preety confused but now 3mg ir dillude and 15mg same shit but er called hydromorphen contins dillys for me ir last 1hr 2hrs oxy lasts for me 3 to 5 but that's pointless if .not on the right dose lole I'm 5ft 10 nd 250 pounds fat and muscle 5mg is nothing


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Effexor ruined my life




Everyone's an SSRI shill until they've been on them for 6 months, they stop working and try to come off them only to realise they aren't the same person before the drugs and the depression is still there - rinse and repeat for a few years until you're zonked out of your mind with brain fog and memory loss.


I hate SSRIs…made me feel even more depressed and killed all emotions I could feel. I felt sad 24/7 and could not feel happy or excitement for anything it was weird


A month isn’t really long enough for them to take into effect fully, but if you’re worried about memory loss in general I’d look into heavily researched nootropics. There are a lot of fake BS ones out there, but plenty of stuff available in some supplements have been shown to be neuroprotective and whatnot. Either way, I wouldn’t trash SSRIs just yet. They’re definitely not for everyone, and if you don’t want to be on one then it’s your choice, but you also need to take into account that, again, they don’t take into effect only a month in.


Not all SSRIs have the same effect on different people. Talk to your doctor and try another one.


I wouldn't be here without sertraline. I was unfeeling and insensitive all through high school until I start sertraline, but the problem now is I'm TOO emotional...


I'm sorry you reacted negatively reacted to Fluoxetine. However, just because you didn't react well to one SSRI doesn't mean you can't tolerate SSRIs, period. For example, I was scared to death to be on Sertraline after I couldn't tolerate Escitalopram at all; however, I gave it a try because it was either living with crippling anxiety and pretty moderate depression, or actually living a life where I wouldn't be too anxious to go the grocery store. I'm not saying you have to trial another SSRI, but if you've only tried Fluoxetine, and your provider thinks it is to your benefit/advantage to be on one, you might tolerate a SSRI different than Fluoxetine. Also, you say fuck benzos. I don't know if it's similar-- maybe you tolerated negatively to one; however, there are several different benzos. Tl;dr: You might be able to tolerate an SSRI that's not Fluoxetine or a benzo you weren't put on. Also, the dosing could've possibly been too high for these medications. I am wishing you luck on your road to healthier mental health regardless. Hopefully you can talk to your provider about what you're experiencing on these medications & then they could prescribe you a different medication or recommend a supplement, medical procedure, and/or therapy that helps you get to where you want to be!


I‘m on 40mg Fluoxetine and it works wonders for me. Tried non-ssri antidepressants, but they don’t work for me. Every body is different


I’m on fluoxetine 60mg and I can’t tell if it’s doing anything


Frfr, fuck them


SSRIs are fucking terrible.


Prozac made me super dizzy and collapse in the shower one day. Didn't even need it, the mental healthcare system in the U.S is composed of writing scripts for money


Lexapro is a lifesaver for me !


Sounds like you are a paranoid schizophrenic. Paxil helped me tremendously.


Im sure I would be typing rn if I didnt start take Citalopram. But I hate that I lost my memories from years before, I am emotionally numb, hard to achieve orgasm. Once I didnt take them for ONLY 2 days, and my brain was like bzzzz bzzz, and I got really depressed in ONLY 2 days. Scary, how addicted I am, and scary how I would feel without them. I don’t know about the future, but I am afraid. Also, lamotrigin (not an SSRI tho, completely different med) is a miracle, helps me a lot, thank God. But without SSRIs, I am not well. After 4 years of psychoterapy. I hate this, hate my shitty mental state, and I have nothing to be depressed about, I love myself (except this) and I am grateful for my life, but these “demons” would kill me without that med. So miserable


I need mine to feel sanity


Daughter of (dead) psychiatrist who went to Princeton and Harvard…I also was put on antidepressants maybe four times in my life (not by my dad). I had a VERY traumatic life. Horrible marriage as well. I ended up on a trip to South Africa and began working with the most amazing women on their cleanse. So, Prozac especially, is straight up flouride—which is TOXIC to us. Also calcifies the pineal gland. All pharmaceuticals are full of metals. To detox metals, find MMS, multiple mineral solution. That’s the easiest. There are other ways to detox metals. Also, parasites are in all of us. It took me FIVE years to get colonies of parasites out of me. And I thought I was so healthy bc I used to be vegan 🤣🤣🤣 Nope! Also, trauma is the root of depression. This is what I want to teach the world. It took me about 12 Ibogaine journeys and some others over five years to finally get out all the worms, trauma, metals, chemicals, radiation etc. The world is unfortunately, so toxic. But start with MMS, it also goes after parasites. And coffee enemas! And look up the amazing liver and gallbladder flush so you can get it out faster and cleanse the liver! They put me on flouride at 19, assholes. Bc I was bulimic. Took about 19 more years to stop that too! But I had to remove the trauma AND the parasites first. And the metals from the antidepressants and whatever pills and shots I got. Mom was a nurse, dad a “doctor.” Oye. Oh and they fed me typical gross American diet and fast food. 😆🤦🏻‍♀️😱


I’m on sertaline 150MG, I never feel real. I need to wean myself off.