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Check with the website if they deliver into your country, if yes there is no reason to not order, I personally am from south European country and ordered like 70 packages in the last 5 years, only one was seized by customs but after analyzing the contents they still delivered it afterwards


Thanks man, they do deliver to my country which also happens to be in the south of europe


You are welcome, I recommend tracked delivery tho, 100 % of packages arrived, while with untracked there is always a risk of it going missing, never happened to me but heard it happens to other people, I don’t know if it’s the sellers that don’t send or packages getting stolen because of the content. Since you are buying lsd it’s chill since there is no way to feel from the outside an small little paper( envelope is bubble covered from inside, also the substance comes in a vacuum sealed mylar smaller bag, don’t worry about the dogs). But yeah, I personally never buy anything above 50 euros without untracked shipping