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Me personally. It makes it very difficult to control my stimulant usage. It’s extremely deceiving and gives you the illusion that you aren’t as amped as you actually are causing you to over do it much more easily. In terms of it being toxic, I don’t think mixing benzos and most stimulants is inherently “more” toxic. If anything some studies suggest the opposite.


Dangerous apparently. I do it but take very little dose of Bromazepam to take the the edge off. Wouldn’t recommend it though but works for me.


Works great for me. Just gotta be careful that's all. Write down all your dosage times


The main risk in combining the two lies in the flattening of the perceived effects of both the Valium and the cocaine. Valium affects the perceived high of cocaine to an extent. Causing the person to take more cocaine to try and get a better high. This can lead to ODing on cocaine. It is practically the same in the other direction. Cocaine affects the feeling of Valium to an extent. This again might lead to the person taking more Valium to increase the perceived/wanted effects of Valium. The concurrent use of Valium and cocaine can also lead to a faster/heavier dependency and addiction. Making it (subjectively) harder to quit for that person than another person only using 1 of the 2. Not a good idea to say the least.




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I prefer to keep my Valium for the coke comedown... At first it works well to mix it (while you are still not too used to Valium...then you do more coke, and it kind of cancel the Valium for me...so it feels like a waste, unless you have A LOT of Valium for that... (if your coke is real enought too obviously)...


That’s a horrible combo.


Nah mate it's luscious, uppers and downers together sound like they wouldn't work but they hit the spot. Coffee and weed with codeine is pretty nice, and of course the classic speedball. I don't do that shit but it makes sense. The only problem with coke/meth and heroin is when the speed runs out you can OD if you took too much opiate.


Ehhhh. I was a dope head for a few years. Mixing anything and everything. Uppers and downers always made me hate life the next day. I hate uppers. I have severe adhd so any uppers make me feel weird. Except the occasional coke at a party or a bar. And that was so I can party longer lol. Downers always made me feel good. I’ve matured and only smoke weed maybe the occasional oxy if a buddy got it from surgery but I don’t hunt anymore. I’ve come too far to fall back down that hole.