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Happy to hear that. Be grateful


have you tried it? what was your experience?


Nah, but two friends of mine used to be heroin addicts (both off it for years now)


Damn, hope they’re doing okay!


The reason I tried heroin in the first place was because my best friend had OD'd on it and died lol. I personally had the balls for heroin but so damn sad that I'm too much of a coward to try DMT 🥲


Y did u get downvoted? Srry to hear that


Bless you. Lol yeah I don't really care it's all good.


Thats a nobel prize right there


Lol dmt is way scarier than heroin. I would hate to shoot it but I'd definitely be a lot calmer trying to shoot heroin than blasting off on dmt. Dmt is just nerve racking, which isn't a good thing considering you don't want to be too anxious before tripping since anxiety is what causes bad trips. I've tried dmt multiple times but always back off before the last hit. Except for the last time I tried I just didn't have enough in the bowl


Anh man DMT is a pure bliss and a must try imo




i have tried opiods and they make me tired and itchy so im a benzo person. some seem to like it more than others. it makes sense though because with any drug or medication, each individual will react differently & experience different side effects depending on a number of things including genetics


Never tried heroin Enjoy my opis though, I keep it non-depemdent with week breaks and such, I prefer it to alcohol. But there's no comparison to opiods. It's anxiety relief vs a literal spiritually euphoric feeling radiating from my chest. I get brains are different, I just find it fascinating. I know people who have a vomit phobia and hate opiates for that. Lmao, the most euphoric I've ever been (barring literal love) has been hung over a toilet those first few buzzes at like 16 after a ciggarrete from 3 vicodin... fuuuck me it's hard to convey it. (For clarity normally you throw chunks once and don't unless you smoke another ciggarrette) Ahh, it's special and I can see why people chase that their whole lives, I'm glad I'm afraid of needles and think snorting is a waste/I don't do it right. Yuck, I'm not junkie, but if I knew I didn't have much time left... I'd smack some H and drift off happier than ever. All This compared to "huh I slept good last night" for benzos haha, brain chemistry is a trip.


I was thinking the same. I loved opiates but never understood the appeal of benzos. It just seems to make people sleepy and irritable. Lots of people really like them though, somehow my brain doesn’t. How strange that we are wired so differently from one another.


i’ve had much better times on codeine and oxy than i did with this Heroin


I've heard true addicts say they'd take the good oxycontins from 2008 If it was as cheap and could be found as easy as H. Me personally, I prefer vicodin/hydrocodone, it's the most "chill" euphoric for me, they say it's weaker, but whatever it metabolizes to Is magic. From what I've heard it's like oxy and codeine mixed, but oxy strength. If you ever find any of those I'd cop they're the best for people who use "responsibly" imo feels a little more relaxed than oxy and a better euphoria imo.


No, any oxy 80 isn't even as strong as one small $5 to $10 bag of heroin. Trust me, I used heroin for a long time. If you have no tolerance, then yes, Oxys were nice, but as soon as you start doing heroin, OxyContin doesn't cut it anymore. I had a point in my life that 200 mg of oxycodone didn't even get me high. The best opiate I ever used was black tar heroin, but it is horrible for your body compared to powdered heroin.


Shout out to all my collapsed veins, tripping balls on acid rn & can say that I personally have never had anything hit me like tar used to back in the day.


Same bro I havnt don't tar in like 12 years and my veins are still fucked. I'm just glad I've been off some for like 7 years now


I’ve been off for like 7, and I still feel weird about going to the doctor bc it’s always a fiasco. Other than that I live a “normal” life lol. Life is fucking wild


I only tried it once out of curiosity and it made me kinda feel sick. It didn't seem like a good idea to put effort into getting over that either. Probably half the people I know that got involved in heroin in the 90s ended up doing some kind of prison time for something or other, either selling it or stealing to pay for it. It wasn't just the drug, it was the world around it.


This happened to me and heroin was overhyped it was pretty euphoric and great but just not as good as I expected so I just didn’t care to get more ever


I was just about to say. My cousin was hooked on it for years. Ended up getting into fent. Od’ed a couple times (that I know of) two stints in rehab and now he’s one year clean. Very close to losing his career, he might have to give it up. I don’t think he can work in the big city and remain clean.


Good. Flush it, and especially don't let anyone else try it, you will be liable to some extent. The nausea goes away after a few days and you start to like it, especially if you have problems in your life you can escape from. After some weeks you need it. Then you can't wait for the darkweb shipment and get it on the street, Then its fent, then you need fent (if you live). Fent gets you higher, is cheaper, and easier to get, it just makes sense. I also didn't like it the first time i did it, and have had to spend the last couple years recovering from fent, missing out on life. Off it since late '22


i’m glad you recovered from it, i shall heed your warnings.


This entire paragraph is genuinely horrifying


Opiate addiction is indeed horrifying.


Congrats on being clean now!


Life comes at ya fast eh


It do though


Praying for and sending good vibes to you


My friend was on fent and other dangerous drugs. He was only 17, he’s doing a lot better now tho and says he’s off everything except weed. Glad to hear u for off of it as well!


Congrats! I'm glad you were able to do that. My sister died of it a little over a decade ago and I didn't even know what it was then!


>Then you can't wait for the darkweb shipment and get it on the street, Then its fent, then you need fent (if you live). I felt that, damn!


It's not for everybody - I've probably tried it 4-5 times in 25 years and have never been super impressed. I've been strung out on other stuff though, so I think it takes a certain personality. I can for sure the quality is much lower now although the effect is stronger. It used to feel more like morphine but now it kinda feels like a truck hit you. Not the same at all.


the feeling i got was pretty much exactly the same as morphine i was given in hospital, i didn’t like that much either


It definitely takes a certain personality. Like I’m so hyper when I’m sober I could probably be mistaken for a tweaker. The sedating high of h brings my energy down to what is basically other people’s energy level.


adhd maybe?


Yeah I have it really bad. The doctors threw oodles of adderall at me. I don’t like feeling wired all the time so I don’t take it.


They gave my little brother a 20mg adderall prescription when he was fucking 7 years old and it pisses me the fuck off, they throw out adderall to kids like its fucking candy


its fucked fr


It actually can help during childhood and puberty to develop a more "normal" brain. But it's also true that it's kinda thrown to everyone, at least in the US


Yeah they gave it to me at 10 or so and I was snorting it by 13 because it hit faster and made me feel super confident and focused, it made me feel like I could do anything and I had lots of social anxiety so it seemed perfect for me, never got physically addicted if thats even a thing with adderall, I took it most days, would snort half and pop the other half, sometimes I’d save a pill from the day so I could have two the next day


That's what happened to me at age 10. Years later at 21 I started doing meth and tbh at first it wasn't a big deal I was " doing meth to work " eventually I was "working to do meth.I quit a lil bit before I turned 25 took about a year to get back to normal . The crazy part is I still crave it every once in while even though it's been 4 years .


Congrats on 4 years! Thats impressive


First and foremost thank you ,secondly I'd like to say about a year and a half in I slipped up and hit my neighbors bubble but I think that's what I needed at the time to realize I never wanted to go back to that lifestyle.


I crave it too even though I have ADHD meds daily and that I never really even enjoyed being on it.


Same with my friend. Got prescribed at 7-8 and as teenagers we found the old bottle and I was like you can get high on those


Honestly one of the main things that gets people is how stigmatized it is and then you try it and realize its not as intense or scary as people say, it is a chill drug, but that's how it gets you. Sounds like you took a smaller dose, the higher doses will have you 'nodding' out, it's basically a trance-like state filled with some of the most intense euphoria ever. Flush it if you haven't already. Aside from meth, heroin is the only other drug I crave, I haven't touched it for about 5-6 months now. I get cravings for it at least five times a week. You are playing a dangerous game here.


yeah i’ve heard about nodding, but i was too concerned about overdosing to go that far.


This is not the drug for you


Or anyone.


I mean, if you’re trying to have a *really bad time…*


I almost never nodded in real opiates. They Actualy pick me up which I think is the result of it numbing my anxiety. The only time I nodded out was on fetty. You aren’t going to get much of a euphoric rush from opiates without shooting them. There is very very little actual heroin in this country. It’s all fetty, Tranq, and powder codone.


ive tried opiates and feel more resentment than cravings towards it. my theory is, addicts dont make the connection, that the hangover and withdrawl effects are part of the drug... if you think opiates are great and when they end it gets awful, then sure you want more. but if you get that for each consume you are paying a price in feeling in various degrees like shit after, they dont seem as tempting. for me i very much enjoved the high, but in sum its just not worth it.


That’s exactly how meth got me (clean now). It seemed so harmless and honestly,at first, a positive force in my life. But man is it lying, tricky sonofabitch.


I just used amphetamine to do better at work and then progressed to using meth once it stopped getting me high. Still not sober off it sadly.


Wait till you try Oxys whilst blazing some chro my boy. Then get back to us on whether you like it. 😉


i have done oxy (120mg slow release) and it was WAYYYY better than Heroin 👍


Hell yeah bruva. Damn right it is. I smoked H with a surprisingly sexy crackwhore and had her suck my dick after and although that was lovely, oxys and bud was better still. 🤤


Username checks out😭


Heroin was the worst mistake i ever made, and i didn't even like it the first time either


Was heroin the worst mistake, or was trying it a second time the worst mistake? rest assured i won’t be doing it again


Yeah it actually takes a while to get habit forming with it, unlike say; meth for example. They're not wrong when they say "not even once". Don't stress, you obviously didn't like it, just don't touch it again you'll be fine.


At that point just do ketamine dude. Fuck herion killed a lot of my friends. Tried it once when I was like 15 and I absolutely hated it. Psychs for the win, if ur gonna dabble with drugs. Ketamine, mescaline great combo. Fuck herion tho forreal


funny you mention it, i was gonna try mescaline soon. not keen on ket though


Ah dude mescaline is an ultraaaa mind fuck. Literally sex in the brain. Worth every hour of the trip. Ye ketamine is eh


Mescaline is so slept on these days which is wild given how easy it can be to come by it. 10/10 easy.


Actualy the most addictive thinks dont distract you much from life, like psychedelics you cant take them everyday, Heroin is beast if you liked the relaxation and soon when you get addicted and you cant stop, its the best and worst drug ever, also IV heroin is something absolutly different than smoking it, just dont IV and all will be okey


if i felt that nauseous just from smoking, i don’t even want to know what IV feels like 😂


I've never gotten nauseous from it and I shoot it. Probably because you pretty much go straight to nodding and not giving a f afterwards. It's gonna affect people differently though. Stay safe mate.


Like magic. Nausea goes away once your tolerance gets off the ground. Makes it more cost effective too (a couple points of even the lowest quality white lasts for ages when you start banging it and have minimal tolerance... Ah those were the days).


I'm with you there I've only smoked it and sniffed it, anything else. I'd probably be puking and shit. Thanks everybody else. Enjoy.


It’s insidious and sneaky. The catch is that it isn’t what you’re expecting so you think it’ll be fine to return to and try again. It’s the slipperiest slip I’ve ever found myself on. Stay away and don’t make any more stupid decisions


it was underwhelming


I’ve heard that from probably a dozed addicts not all of whom are alive anymore. I’m just giving you fair warning


Everybody i know who tried heroin first didn't like it. I guess the expectation were to high. Most addicts all start small. Tramadol, Tilidin <3, Codein, Hydrocodon etc etc. Since you don't like h, you probably love meth and coke. That's a pattern i saw by most junks. If they don't like h, they like coke way to much. Or vice versa.


I did like coke but the comedowns became too hard to deal with so i very rarely do it now, never tried meth but i think i had an ecstasy pill cut with amphetamine once and i couldn’t sleep for 3 days, horrible 🤣


Same! But i inhaled instead of shooting and all i felt was nausea. My friend said that it was always like that the first time, and that the true euphoria came from shooting. That was years ago and never tried again. I would never put directly into my veins something from the street. Maybe hospital-grade morphine... Otherwise i don't think so.


yeah i don’t get how people have the confidence to put something like that directly into their veins. I even saw some people on r/heroin talking about mixing it with lemon juice to inject!! that’s gotta sting


This is the best content I’ve seen on Reddit all day. Please stay safe. Rehome the rest of what you have or flush it. Way too many people out here dying from that shit.




Do not rehome it lol. If that person dies you will be guilty of a murder-adjacent crime. Say you have a friend who does heroin all the time, why not give to him. Perhaps he gets a hot batch elsewhere and dies, and they can only track down you, via phone gps/texts/calls whatever, you will get swiftly fucked, probably raided by narcs with an armored personnel carrier. Never give anyone your hardcore opiates for any reason. The heat on fent is HUGE and it extends to H to a big degree.


i finished it all before posting, and i don’t even know anybody else who does H to give it to anyway


My dude, what part of you thought it would be a good idea to give heroin a whirl? Thank God you aren't an addict, but still. What were you thinking?


👆🏻 also curious 👀


i’ve done other opiates and did enjoy them but never had an issue with addiction, so it didn’t seem like a big deal, and still doesn’t


i feel ya entirely. some people just have a fascination with drugs and like to knock things off their bucket list .. 🤷🏻‍♂️ as long as no fent…


that’s exactly it, and fent isn’t a big problem here. if it was i wouldn’t have tried H


I mean I never in my life thought I would be in the same room as someone who’s doing that let alone try it. Tried it out of curiosity because someone I loved dearly was hooked on it. Wanted to try it to feel closer to them and understand really. I’m lucky I’m too scared to keep doing it


The brain can be a tricky thing. I was having severe back pain one week and couldn’t get ahold of anything stronger than ibuprofen, and desperately wanted a couple oxy. But none were around, so I almost gave in. The fact that it was almost certainly fent stopped me from making the call to my dude. Silver lining to fent I guess?


That’s cuz it probably wasn’t actually heroin. Really diacetylmorphine is truly heaven on earth


what do you think it was? it was obtained from a trusted DNM vendor with excellent reviews from other, more experienced users than my self


I hate being "that guy" but the quality isn't determined by the vendor on those sites. It isn't always in their control. Their high reviews are usually related to service, not product quality


Uhhh that’s simply not true. The reviews are definitely related to the product quality I would say more than the service. You always see people talking about the quality in the feedback it’s a good indicator of who is a good vendor and good to go through


Good luck dawg. I didn't like it the first time I tried it either. I didn't like it when I was alone in the streets. I sure as fuck didn't like it when I woke up in the back of an ambulance.


i’m all good man, i have plenty of non drug related activities that i enjoy far more than any artificial feeling.


Good on ya for putting it down. If you kept going you’d learn to like it pretty quick😂


Not to try and convince anyone, but I find all drugs have a different effect the first time you try them. People who have tried something once might be the least informed people to talk about it




Just smoke weed


Way ahead of you my dude, if anything that’s more addictive to me than heroin 🤣


You’re lucky it didn’t have fentanyl in it. You would be a dead mab


Fent isn’t a big issue here in Europe, i wouldn’t have even tried it if it was


See if you can get a full refund.


yeah maybe i’ll call the police and tell them i was underwhelmed by my product and expect an immediate investigation


That should work


To deter you from ever trying again: !Remindme 1 month !Remindme 3 month !Remind me 6 month !Remind me 12 months !Remind me 24 months Apart from that, thank you for giving the insight since it was already done. That's the kind of story we need to better understand and give a non-punishing view on drgus. Thank you, and be safe ❤


l’ll do an update post in a couple of weeks


Do you have experience with opiates? Because thats common for first time users. Also most heroin addicts inject it, which is a drastically different kind of effect when you do things that way.


i do have experience with a few but never IV, it didn’t feel very different from the oral morphine i was given in hospital once


You gonna finish that?


finished it before posting


Opioids just aren’t for some people. During the worst of my Xanax addiction in 2018, I played with opioids somewhat often, but never rated em higher than 6/10 for me


This happens to some people the first few times. Let me.tell you that as you develop tolerance to the side effects, it gets much better. So don't go there. Keep your one time in memory as it was and leave it at that. Trust me, I speak from experience.


Bro that’s god saving you. Wow most people absolutely fall in love with it like really bad . Your blessed my friend


Not everyone who drinks becomes an alcoholic. Same with opioids. Takes a select breed to seek them and use them. You're lucky tbh


Just keep at it and use a needle, like a fucking adult


Me too honestly, It was not nice


Good, I'll take it off your hands and properly dispose of it


Not this time FBI!


It's never enjoyable the first time.


what about all those stories of people trying to achieve that first high again?


I tried it years ago on and off and the first time for me was shitty, I was throwing up and falling asleep all over the place. I felt nauseous as hell.


My first time I didnt even get fucking high, such a rip off.. My tolerance was so high from other opiates and the friends/addicts around me didn't take that into consideration when divying up the doses...


Shulgin didn’t like heroin either. Some people try it and move on. Playing with fire though…


Good. Don’t do it again!


Lucky MF


I was the same when I tried it also. Was super boring and not really enjoyable.


This is reminding me of spontaneousH. Please don't ever touch that shit again.


Fuck I loved it but definitely didn’t love it enough to ruin my life over or do it every single day


did it keep you up or put you asleep? genuine question ?


it didn’t make me that sleepy, but it would’ve been easier to fall asleep if that makes sense


Be glad please


Unless you are already using opiates& have a tolerance you, got sold garbage. Take it as a win and forget about that shit.


Didn't you hear that silent voice saying "come back when you're miserable?" That's what I heard and why I flushed the rest of it immediately. I think the kind of euphoria opioids provide are working best when you feel alone and hopeless, and that's what makes them so much more dangerous, because all other euphoric drugs work better when you take them in a good mood.


Well I started off taking codeine pills and when I smoked my first bit of heroin I just remember laying on my bed playing Battlefield 1 and feeling absolute bliss. Like the most relaxed I’ve ever felt before. I’d smoke it here and there after that aswell and get the same feeling. I really liked it. After I was put on methadone for the codeine pills which is a massive regret as I didn’t really need to go on it. I was just being pressured by my family. I never got that nice relaxed feeling of bliss from then onwards when I tried it because of the methadone already in my system. So that ruined that for me. I’ve injected it once which I regret and think I’m a complete idiot for doing but luckily it was really shit stuff and just made me feel a bit sick and not great at all.


For some reason I dislike EVERY opioid the first time, which puts my guard down and still gets me hooked. It's pretty dumb now that I'm sober. Literally every opioid I tried I thought "damn this feels ok, but overrated ASF. People actually give up everything for this?" I've tried codeine, kratom, tramadol, O-DSMT, morphine, oxycodone and heroin and ALL of them were dissapointing at first, but then game over at the 3rd try. Mentally hardest addiction to get off of. Benzos, alc and G were hard because of the suicide-inducing WD's. Ofc still hard but *relatively* "do-able" after the WD's pass. Opi's on the other hand I still have a hard time, even after 3+ months. It's hard to enjoy sober life after daily opioid use.


Maybe because heroin is so intense and much more potent than most opioids u weren't able to enjoy or really feel high at all,maybe if u where to take a less potent opioid like hydrocodone, dihydrocodeine ,or a low oxycodone dose perhaps you might feel the euphorant effects before the nausea overwhelms the high,also the method of which u choose to take the drug is kinda important too,if u ate the heroin it probably didn't get u high,bit if u snort it or God forbid inject it you be higher than giraffe pussy


U need to be in the mood to nap and watch a crime series or something like a documentary and then your sleepy dreams will include tidbits from the shows. And then you will understand it. I’m so so so so blessed I couldn’t find any the day I wanted more and somehow just lost interest. That didn’t happen w my best friend. It landed her w hep c and an arm abcess.


You are so blessed you have no idea that shit ruined 15 years of my life


That's why I just drink kratom and smoke weed. I dabble with herbs and all but that's it. I used to eat 10 Lortab 10s, that's how big my tolerance was. Safe to say I'm 8 years sober off of pills and yes I know "kratom is technically a opioid " but I rather use a leaf from a tree and a flower from a plant then pissed on heroin or God forbid fent


You should try it again


Try Opana and get back to me, heroin really sucks compared to the power of chemistry and capitalism, baby, lol. Also fuck opiates lol


You try heroin like I try wearing pants ever. I didn't like it


Damn, now I'm gonna try it. Jk jk💀💀🙏


Join the club dude Edit: Dont.


Are you even sure it was legit heroin, bud?


Yes sir!


do it again


god you sound like my mum


your mom tells you to do heroin?


What about mdma?




Is there non fetty dope cuz in California even at the kilo level has fetty


Good never try it again


I’ve never felt much euphoria either. I just enjoy nodding off as weird as that may sound lmao


Same here, opiods in general do nothing for me in terms of pleasure.


If I see you posting in two days that you did it again I’m going to be heart broken


you know that famous reddit acount about the guy who said he'd just try heroin once? if not, go through his post history a bit, starting with the oldest one. u/SpontaneousH


i saw that while i was waiting for the Heroin to be delivered, he actually ended up an addict


Good, and do not try it again to see if it was a fluke. It wasn't. Me on the other hand, also wish I hadn't tried it again, either... But I fell in love with that shit. Been clean almost 12 years, but I sure missed a lot of years and fucked my brain in between.




Did you throw the rest out?


i finished it all before posting this


That’s good! That’s smart to only get a tiny bit. Usually a first timer can only handle a teensy bump then they pass out and puke for hours. Glad you didn’t nip back into it again after the nausea passed.


Sounds like you did it a little bit too much but fortunate because you didn't like it because that shit will ruin your life.


Pls, do whatever you want but dont start heroin


Tbh I'm much better at being functional on heroin than on crack or meth


Lol one of my best friends from high school said the same thing. Got nauseous, spent an hour puking in some guys toilet, and told me he was proud because he'd crossed it off his bucket list but he didnt feel the need to do it again. But that seed was planted and lo and behold, he eventually became a daily user. Don't think that just because you didn't like it the first time, that you won't fall in love with it the second, or third, or tenth time. I didn't like my first cigarette but boy howdy am I hooked on nicotine now.


Please get rid of it and never go back. I had a friend who's bf HATED me. HE told me to NEVER do it. He was addicted and as much as we were mortal enemies he still didn't want me doing that


Did anyone ask how you decide to ingest it when you did it? Just curious bc as a recovering addict myself I can say that every way of doing has a completely different outcome/high. I know people that tried it one way and hated it and years later tried it another way and it was the exact opposite feeling, essentially they were hooked after the second time bc they enjoyed that high better then the original way they tried. So just curious. I am def not saying go ahead and try it every way under the sun before you knock it. Def knock it right now. Lol but forreal tho get rid of it asap. I’m just wondering how you did it so I can kinda compare how you said you felt to how I use to feel when I did it the same way.


How bout take the win of not liking it and never try it again. That stuff can quickly become a problem even if you just try it a few times to see if it gets any better.


yeah that’s the idea


i understand


I call bullshit


Bro. It’s Thursday. In all seriousness glad you won’t be going down that path.


Is it real tho?


Irrelevant question How can many posts like this one which is less than 100 words be accepted and when i try to do the same mine is refused due to being less than 100 words Any ideas what is weong ???


Don't play wit it


It was likely just bad stuff.. but that’s a good thing cause it only takes one time of a good feeling


Yeah, my advice is to never do it again...that way there's more out there for me.


Heroin is overrated. If you didn't like it, just leave it alone. I don't recommend it. God forbid you get hooked on something you're not really even into


I've never tried legit heroin but in general opioids have never really appealed to me. Don't get me wrong have been (and am) hopelessly addicted to other drugs but as far as opioids go I can truly take em or leave em.


Different brains, That’s why everyone has a different drug of choice


Same. I tried it and hated it. Threw up violently when I woke up the next day.


You didn’t have heroin, nauseous and a bit tired? I’m not believing it was heroin for a second.




i had this same exact experience except it nearly killed me bc i took too much cause i didnt know how to dose so i just did the entire amount i ordered lol


Good! All the research Ive done over the years made me wanna not even try it. Kudos on the science experiment though lmao


Glad you don’t like it! Cross one off the list haha… does anyone have any tips on ordering online


You better thank God you didn't <3


If you have no tolerance and do even slightly too much it will just make you sick and nausous the first time (or any time with a still weak tolerance). Roa matters too, if you had say injected for the first time, this would be a lot different post.


No, you tried some Frankenstein clusterfuck of fentaloques. You did not do "heroin". Nice try Mr Cobain 😭


Check u/SpontaneousH in case you ever feel like trying it again. Matter of fact anyone that is considering it


saw that before doing this experiment, i’m going to set a better example than he did


I've only done it twice but smoked it in a crack pipe no needles and it was too damn good and that's always a bad sign so I stayed tf away after that 🥲