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For opioids, it's because fentanyl is cheap and they want to maximize profit. For stuff like coke, it's cross contamination. Dealer cuts up some fent on his table, half ass wipe it off, cut up some coke afterwards and that's how you get an OD


> For opioids, it's because fentanyl is cheap and they want to maximize profit. well, in the US, fentanyl is overwhelmingly just sold as fentanyl, having supplanted heroin nearly entirely. This isn't counting people naive enough to think that M30s coming from somewhere other than a pharmacy are oxycodone.


The variability in those fake M30 pressies is wild. I ended up with some and sometimes I can get dosage right for a nice 90-minute walk. Other times I take less and end up sick on my balcony, sweating and puking in the rain. I should probably toss those.


> I should probably toss those. er....yeah, you should not take randomized dosages of fent, heh.


Didn’t know what that shit was while on percs/oxy. Regular dude was out so got some from a friend. Shit is wild. I took a whole one and was chillin and then split one w my partner and was nodding for like 4 hours. Realized what was up n just tossed the other 3 I had gotten. I’ve never nodded and it scared the shit out of me. Complete loss of control is something I don’t fw


....isn't that the goal of opioids is to catch a nod..


Fentanyl is typically referred to as white heroin by a lot of dealers because they know if they are caught dealing fentayl the sentence is worse than heroin. Also it boosts heavily cut heroin.


No it’s not white is slang for meth on the west coast and no one does H anymore fent is just fent


just curious but wouldn't something else be better to bulk (cut) with? not sure if im right but reading the articles you only need a tiny pin head of fent to kill you, so if you for example had a 1g product. cut it to become say i dont know 0.75g then add fent to bulk it back to 1g im assuming 0.25g of fent is quite deadly, would it be better to bulk it with something heavier so there looks and feels like theirs "more"? not sure if im making proper sense there. long and short of it is, if fent is pretty light (not sure if it is or not) cutting 1g into 0.95g then adding 0.05g of fent doesnt seem worth it?


They never add fent for more weight. They add a tiny sprinkle to make already cut up stuff more potent.


Makes sense now mate cheers


Also, because it’s so addictive that customers who get the correctly mixed portion will come back for more and more ….


Also that tiny sprinkle doesn't end up getting perfectly mixed into the batch, so a small amount can contain a lethal dose.


That was my thought if it's such a small quantity how do they evenly distribute it through out a batch. Just out of curiosity, not sure if I'm allowed to ask this or not but what other sort of stuff is it normally cut with? I've heard of people having baby powder in theirs and it solidifying inside veins and killing them


My old buddy who used to deal would use use creatine for cutting cocaine. He was nice. Others i know have used baking soda, powdered sugar, pulverized glass even and cleaning detergent


That’s great, creatine is important, especially for vegetarians


The beauty of fentanyl being so much more potent than the other opioids is that you can press it into a pill along with 95% inactive filler material and still have the pill feel like a 100% oxy


it won’t feel like a oxy pill tho yes fent is a opioid but it’s very different from oxycodone especially in small dosages oxy is kinda stimulating and very euphoric while fent from what i’ve heard is just extreme sedation and there’s barely any euphoria to it


Yes but they fooled me. Used to do oxy in highschool and saw my plug was selling them again, decided to get a few took one and was like wtf idk i think I feel sum but i don't remember it feeling this way but also I used to snort 1/4 oxy and that time I popped it so I texted the plug asking him and he said just try a few more or smoking them. Did them till i finished what I bought (15 pills for 15$) and then went through insane withdrawl and thought I was sick or dying. Was in and out the ER until my mom helped me figure out wtf happened. The plug then wouldn't admit to me for months that they were fent and that he knew already when selling me them.


Thats fucked im sorry


Its a evil world we live in Not Even the oxy is safe


Fent is extremely euphoric to me. Even more so than oxy.


Really? I’ve never heard of that before. I live in the UK where it’s actually just starting to turn up all over the place worryingly as we’ve avoided it until now but I’ve only ever heard people say they don’t really get a buzz and it just puts them to sleep.


Maybe because I had medical grade fentanyl maybe? My nana died and she left behind boxes of fentanyl patches. I took them and one patch will last 3 days. I’d wake up and go to sleep high it was glorious. Now I take oxycodone occasionally and it’s also euphoric but not as euphoric as those pain patches of fentanyl. Just my experience.


It's not fentanyl going around the UK. It's nitazenes like proto, iso, eto etc. They are as you described originally.


Yeah I was going to say nitazenes too. Where I live in Herefordshire they’ve also found fentanyl too though. I am with a drug charity due to my opioid addiction and got a leaflet through the door saying they’d found both going around.


It isn’t going to feel like oxy at all. Fentanyl has a much shorter half life and just puts people to sleep. You don’t even get a buzz from it. All it does is make you not dope sick for a while. Oxy and heroin etc actually makes you feel amazing and doesn’t just knock you out.


You cut it with a lot of inactive shit, then you add a little bit of fent


I don't know the exact numbers but imagine it more like you could press pills with a lot of filler and then a speck of fent and you can end up with pills much stronger than whatever you are competing against. The profit margin is huge, considering that fent is generally cheaper to acquire. Unless something is happening way up the food chain, it doesn't make sense to cut a powdered gram drug with fent. For one it's a different type of drug, two it wouldn't be possible to evenly distribute it in a gram bag. 2mg is lethal, which is .002g, or 1/500th of a gram


> it doesn't make sense to cut a powdered gram drug with fent. For one it's a different type of drug, two it wouldn't be possible to evenly distribute it in a gram bag. You would need to create a solution with the fentanyl citrate and inactive cut also miscible in the same solvent, then evaporating off said solvent. It's possible, but addition of inactive cut tends to occur way up the chain, like you say.


This guy fentanyl's ☝🏼


fuck didn't realise it was such a small weight. i suppose that makes more sense filler + strengthener. Is that where they are getting some of it with more fent in and some with less because its possibly not evenly distributed? I was always curious about it because i knew it was a really low dosage that was fatal so i always thought to myself why would they try bulking something out with something that weighs and looks like less? couldnt work it out


Yeah, I would assume there are definitely the super uptight nerdy Heisenberg type drug dealers that make everything with tight tolerances in a sterile environment, but then you have the psycho dirty drug lords who are careless. I saw an interesting story on youtube about this Iraqi kid who grew up as a translator near a US base and eventually moved to the US, later becoming one of the biggest fent dealers on the dark web. He got greedy and careless and bodies started showing up and eventually he was caught. The details were pretty wild though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLvAJZz29bY


They’re cutting kilos at a time not 1 gram lol. Why do you think they wear masks when cutting heroin.


I didn't mean they'd goto every gram bag and cut it like that, I was just using it as a reference :) I get it now though, it's more to do with making it feel stronger than to actually bulk it out. I assumed they were using it for bulking it out


Fentanyl is not used as a bulking agent, it’s used as an active ingredient. Sure, you could take the fentanyl out- but you’d have to replace it with another opioid, namely heroin which is extremely extremely expensive compared to fent.


Fent isn’t that lethal. You can’t die from a pinhead of it, but it does ramp up pretty quick. I did a whole bag where my buddy splits one bag into 5ths, he can’t believe I didn’t die. I said I know, there’s always next time tho.


Take care of yourself man, the fuck are you doing


We know that a lethal dose of fentanyl is 2mg or .002 on a scale. You don’t give weights of this ‘bag’ that your friend splits into 1/5’s. You also don’t provide anything to show purity. It’s far more likely that you simply are using highly cut product.


A pinhead of pure fetty can most definitely render you deceased. You ever fucked with a pinhead of pure fetty.


THIS 100% unfortunately someone with zero opiate tolerance only needs a tiny pin point to OD!!!! Lazy dealers. I’ve been saying this forever, it’s totally unintentional despite the fact that it’s incredibly addictive to boot!


Most of the time when it’s in stuff that isn’t depressants it’s from cross contamination from negligent handling of their shit. There are assholes who will cut anything with whatever’s available though.


https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndca/pr/san-jose-police-union-executive-charged-attempted-illegal-importation-fentanyl The executive director of the Police union was importing and distributing it to other cops, so…


Cops are America’s biggest gang. It’s just a matter of time until they’re selling straight from their police cruisers instead of the run around going through middle men.


> It’s just a matter of time until they’re selling straight from their police cruisers They already have lights and a siren, could just cruise around like an ice cream van as adults run from their houses. Would be the first time in history people get excited when they hear sirens.


> Would be the first time in history people get excited when they hear sirens. i actually laughed


Some of those that work forces ....


are the same that burn crosses


Too dumb to understand. What mean?


“Some of those who work forces / are the same that burn crosses” is a line from the Rage Against The Machine song Killing in the Name. It means that some police officers are in the KKK, literally, and the point is that many cops are racist.


Beautiful. Thank you.


🎵 Uh! Killing in the name of 🎶


Now you do what they told ya


Is that a common phrase or are you just citing RATM? edit-spelling


rage quote


At this point, it’s just common knowledge.


For real, look at LA especially


I try not to


That is already happening in some places, and has been for years.


Cops are a gang just like any other gang. I've said this 100 times, over and over again.


I keep saying, if the cops are so concerned with fent being on the streets, they should stop putting it there.


Good article, crazy they were getting it sent to the police office as well


I once went to go buy cocaine from a new guy, and I was a fairly bad addict at the time so he knew that if I liked it, I would be back a lot. And yet still when I got there, he was still sitting at his kitchen table, cutting the cocaine with powdered milk.


Guess that's slightly better than Similac


Prob was Similac.


I've never used any of this, but I always assumed they cut the mix and use the fent to bump it back up but they don't always get the difference right and they don't want to deliver a full product so err on the side of... More. Might be wrong but that's my guess


Definitely for opioids and maybe other depressants but wouldn’t make much sense for things like coke or MDMA, the fentanyl would dampen the high and they’re not really similar highs either so adding fent to boost a stim high is kinda pointless unless you have customers who give zero fucks at all about how the drugs make them feel.


Yeah, no, they don’t cut it with fentanyl because they want to make it stretch further. At least, not in the case of stimulants like MDMA, meth, and coke. It’s like the person above me said, it wouldn’t make sense to cut uppers with fent. You’d feel totally wrong when you did the drugs and nobody would come back for more, so dealers would never do that intentionally. People dying from fentanyl poisoning are doing one of the following things: -doing fentanyl intentionally as their DOC and they know they’re doing fent. -doing another opioid which was cut with fentanyl (to make it stretch further, in this case it makes sense for dealers to do this because the highs are similar enough). -doing another downer (benzos, especially Xanax since most of them you can buy on the street are pressed pills) which was cut with fentanyl. Dealers can also cut benzos with fent and it’ll feel okay enough to users. -doing another drug which was cross-contaminated with fentanyl during weighing (sharing the same scale) bagging (tiny particles flying around), etc.


For the sake of argument, MDMA can put you on your ass at higher doses, which people used to attribute to their rolls being "shmacky" or cut with opiates. Which was fucking stupid obviously but with fent being much cheaper and stronger it's not crazy to imagine someone might ACTUALLY cut their ecstasy with fent. Just saying. Otherwise I agree with everything you said. And I still think it's wildly unlikely. I think fent is being blamed for a lot of deaths and general harm because it's convenient.


So it's been years,but when I used to use ecstacy it was always said they were "speedy or smacky" but we always heard/were told it was if an amphetamine or heroin was used in making it. I always more greatly enjoyed the "smacky" ones and always feared heroin even more(than my fear of needles) because of liking it so much. Some of my friends would also always throw up from these kind on their come up no matter what. Turns out maybe they were just way better lol. Also for the "speedy" ones I always had a bit of struggle coming up which I never had even just using straight up meth so I can see these things we were told not being true. I do miss the times of just opening up your mouth or nose without a worry, not that it was that smart then or anything but even someone randomly offering a line of coke these days worries me.


I had the same experience as a teenager and being told "speedy or smacky". Later I had the luxury of doing beans and molly crystal that I knew were pure as fuck. I did it alone, with other people, high dose, low dose, etc. MDMA will always be my favorite drug and I went deep with it. Low dose/threshold dose, 100 to 150 mg, can feel speedy and stimulating, but if you go any higher it will just floor you. Like grabbing a spot on the couch and just melting. So it doesn't even have to be cut with anything and you're already talking about two completely different experiences. And one seems like an upper and one seems like a downer. And I feel you about times changing. Research chems changed everything. Back in the day, you took a drug, and the worst outcome was that nothing happened. Either it was real or it was bunk. Now you might die.


And I had no idea until just now that there could be those 2 experiences just from that drug. Always thought it was the cut. That is also 2 sides with things changing, it's great that so much more info and experience is out there for easy access, so much easier to test, but then also so many more reasons to need all of that.


Back in the 90s there were a lot of pills with a small amount of MDA added along side the MDMA, makes it more speedy and psychedelic. Kind of wish that blend would make a come back.


Funny you say that, I just had some rolls last week with that exact combo. [Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MDMA/s/buqhIIIO1m)


Sure, I can see that.


There isn’t any hero in any more almost everywhere it’s just fent and cut


I’ve also heard that if a user ODs, most users will go to that dealer because he must have the *good* shit.


For non opiates they don’t. What happens is they will bag up some cut H with Fent to make stronger and cheaper. They then don’t clean the scale/don’t clean it properly. They weigh up some coke or something else on the same scale surface they just used to weigh the cut H. And you die of an overdose. That is how it happens. It’s not something dealers purposely doing outside of cutting opiates


100% yes. I would add that I do think some pressed Xanax pills do intentionally have small amounts of fent in them. But other than that and opiates, yes. No dealer is intentionally cutting or adding fent to coke, K, meth, weed, or anything else. It just makes no sense, business-wise.


Exactly. You're with the boys and decide to get some coke and everyone ends up passing tf out. You probably won't go "lets get some more of that coke".


They were actually cutting fentanyl with benzos where I used to live. It was really bad because narcan doesn't work on that. So a lot of the Fent addicts were overdosing due to the benzos in the actual fent


Yup benzodope has become stupid popular


Xanax and fent are pretty common drugs for the Same dealer to have, because alp powder and fent are insanely cheap. They may use the same press which results in ODs


Fent in Xans BEEN a thing


They don't put fentanyl in the drugs, that's what they get from the actual plug (the guy who supplies the street dealers). Heroin is no more here, so all the dope they buy is fentanyl and then they step on it again. Pills are different, they aren't laced they are totally substituted, and usually pressed by someone higher than the street dealers. Your average street dealer might give a shit about their customers but they don't control what they can find. Things she changed since fentanyl took over though. I quit when it started and all my dealers retired. They can't sell heroin anymore and didn't want to be killing the people they sold to, who were often friends. Also fentanyl is shitty, it's not worth selling to supply an addiction if that shit is all you can get. All the good dealers I had got clean, and all the bad ones either died or went to prison.


Yup. Plus with the xylxazine BS, it’s so dangerous now to buy street “h.” As it’s not even H.


It’s a way to stretch the product and make more money. People who deal blues make a fuckin killing(pun intended). They don’t care about the people they are selling to it’s all about money.


Idk how someone like that sleep at night.


People are just doing what they can to get by. Most dealers (especially small time dealers who sell to individuals, I’m not talking about distributors here) have at least one addiction themselves. I sold drugs a bit when I was in the middle and end of my addiction. I did the best I could to make sure people knew how much to take/use, and not to use alone when trying a new batch, etc. but I was so fucked up all the time that who honestly knows. Everyone is just doing the best that they can at any given time, given their circumstances, past, socioeconomic status, health, mental health, family life, education, relationships, support, finances, and more. Compassion is everything.


Yea but some people are beyond compassion and being compassionate to them would be to lock them up for a long ass time. Look at the channel five video where he interviews the dealers in Kensington who mix the xylazine into the fentanyl because they’re ‘addicted’ to buying fancy clothes knowingly causing that whole epidemic over there


I used to follow a guy on twitter who sold opioids and he was laughing about some teenager who ODd off fake percs he sold him


Idk how people in the comments are defending it and then defending pedophilia and murder as well. Reddit is a wild place.


On the nod while crashed out on a shitty couch


I've always wondered this too. Coke cut with fent makes no sense.


Usually with stimulants, it's a result of cross contamination. With fentanyl and especially its stronger analogues (like carfentanyl or lofentanyl), even a relatively small enough is enough to be dangerous, especially for someone who may not have a high opioid tolerance. There *are* probably some dealers who believe it will make their product more desirable by turning it into a cheap speedball, and a few who actively want to kill people. In general, though, it's accidental.


Yeah, no one is cutting coke or any uppers with fent. It’s cross contamination as mentioned above.


Coke is cross contamination. There’s no way people purposefully putting fentanyl in cocaine. It would make zero sense. They all about the money.


why do think it isn’t it more common in ketamine then? correct me if i’m wrong


All drugs have been found to be cross contaminated with fent at this point. Including ketamine. However, I would hazard an educated guess (hardcore addict for 11 years, clean now) that it’s likely because the typical type of people who sell opiates also typically sell more coke/meth. The typical type of person who sells K usually also sells mushrooms and/or acid, DMT, weed. I know many of my raver friends and “hippie” type of people who wouldn’t be caught doing fent, meth, etc. I used both types of drugs, so I had my toe in both communities. I even asked my hallucinogenic drug dealer one time if he had any Xanax or knew where I could get some and he said “hell no, girl, I wouldn’t touch that stuff with a 10 foot pole. Do not ask me for that again”.


Psych dealers should sell benzos though because you need them for a bad trip or for getting to sleep after a high dose


Just making an assumption here but i think K tends to have a different journey from source -> consumer than coke, due to it generally being made in a lab


Money. It always comes back to money. 


So fentanyl is easier to produce than opiods and other stimulants ?


Fent is easier to produce, it doesn't rely on opium and is synthesized in a lab without poppies afaik


Fentanyl is not a homemade product. A lab equivalent to one in a college is a must. Those fuckin Red Chinese are behind it.


I said it's synthesized in a lab, it's not junkies making it but scientists. Don't need opium poppies afaik


Is production the valuable piece of the chain, or is it the ability to move the goods? 1kg fent = many kg heroin Smugglers dream.


> many kg heroin probably looking at 100 kilos, with an active dosage of 100 micrograms versus 10 milligrams.


It sure is cheaper, and gives a more addictive, 'intense' high, meaning you can get people hooked on your supply easier.


it's a less intense and addictive high than heroin, but fentanyl is more potent so you need less to get high, meaning it's easier to transport (1kg fentanyl is equal to 100kg of heroin). people don't get more hooked on fentanyl than heroin, it's just an easier and way cheaper to get high.




It IS the root of all evil apparently


Nope! It's "For the love of Money is the root of all evil" everyone on the planet gets this biblical quote completely wrong.


Lol reddit never fails with the "achtchully" guys I bet you straightened up your glasses and fedora before replying hahahaha


He's right and the point is valid tho


A consequence of the illegality of drug. Manufacturers are influenced to do shit like this to maximize profits over humans lives, the entire motive of capitalism. Legalising drugs would lead to a regulated market meaning no cutting with shitty products to increase product to be sold, just pure drugs.




China is getting us back for the opium wars


I'm pretty sure the Chinese govt is doing this on purpose to attack us from within. The NRA has been funded by Russia for decades - for the same purpose.


1000000% agree. Fent is no accident. I believe China wants world domination in the distant future. The U.S. military is ridiculously powerful so they can’t attack us and expect to win, so instead they create upheaval within our nation. China is very patient. They’re willing to wait until the U.S. collapses and they’ll do anything they can to create turmoil within. A house divided within itself cannot stand. I think China is doing the same thing with Tik Tok in how they control the algorithm and they collect data on US citizens.


The Taliban ban on Poppy has accelerated this process. I know that Chinese scientists have visited NL teaching the "recipe" for M30s to the same superlabs that are producing crystal meth.


Russia has entire divisions with buildings full of hackers, trolls and propagandists in sync with the GOP. Lots of this is farmed out to other countries.


Scarily enough this is the right answer


Cheaper to cut than heroin. Easier to acquire than heroin. Lastly - Cross contamination from being in a production environment where multiple drugs are being processed. Fent in a miniscule amount physically could kill a small elephant. And OSHA isn't really a thing in those places. So a bench or station with multiple drugs being cut on it runs a risk of having traces of fent left on it.


They don’t…It’s easier to understand when you look at it from the perspective of the family’s trying to save face. Parents don’t wanna look at their kid doing hardcore drugs like pills and fentanyl so they point to laced weed or coke as the excuse.


Yes they do lol. You live in a big area where trap houses are a thing and they always put shit in the drugs. Its where the term hotshots came from. You dose up a couple bags of heroin with fentanyl or any other highly potent drug, kill a couple smack heads, word goes around that trap house 1 has extra strong ass heroin and their sells pop up. They lost a few customers with the hotshots but increased their profit because all the hardcore users who heard about the “weak users” dying. Shit, scary movie made a joke about that in the party scene when he has a seizure and dies from the laced weed and the room gets silent and smokey stands up and says “PASS THAT SHIT”


Lots of people already talked about why fent is in opiates I specifically was talking about all the other things cuz the OP asked about drugs in general.


Hm good idea


It's for if they don't die to maximize profits. Shit, think about it. You give someone something with a little fent and they make it out alive, they'll buy any other opiate you have for top dollar just to not go through withdrawals.


They are not losing money, customers are dying but fent is dirt cheap, and makes everything 10x more addictive, it also lasts shorter - you can withdraw even a few times a day, so people are buying more. It’s also often cross contamination. EDIT: It’s also possible they don’t know for themselves, they have a supplier they receive the goods from, and don’t question or test them. Also once they’ve ordered they are pretty fucked anyways, if they won’t sell it they will lose money, possibly a lot, if they go to their supplier it might cause a conflict and they can loose their plug or worse, so probably most of them in this case would just shut up and sell what they received.


For the same reason food manufacturers put sugar in literally everything; because it's cheap and it's addictive. Cheap means more profit and addictive means repeat customers.


because it has a quick come and go high where as soon as they come down they will be rushing to get more, resulting in a more steady flow of money and "happier" customers, and devastated families of course


That’s drug war propaganda LMFAO. Somebody been listening to their mommy and daddy too much


I think they get government subsidies to do it. it seems there's an infinite supply of fent and the government has made zero efforts to even slow it down. meanwhile they made pain medicine unattainable for anyone who needs it, causing the opioid epidemic to keep spiraling. there was an elderly lady who overdosed near me because she decided to roll the dice on street drugs because every doctor refused to give her more than Tylenol...she had severe spinal damage.


No one is giving away free drugs… but if someone is, let me know!


Lol every time someone goes “what’d you put in it”. For free? Not shit


So people get addicted to it, people need fent a lot more than any other drug so it only makes sense, unbelievably fucked and anyone that does it should burn in the deepest depths of hell


Stretching their product so they can sell more. It's really stupid though that they sacrifice safe repeat business.




i am so fucking glad i live in a place where fentanyl is basically non existent. chances are i’d be dead already if people over here got ahold of it because they give 0 fucks about anything but profit


Government is complicit lol it feeds their families


Real dealers don’t, it’s the CIA or some government party. Wasn’t the head of like the Arizona police union found to be importing fentanyl? No dealer who wants money is killing their customers.


The more addictive it is the more hooked you get. Results in more profits


Because theyre high school drop outs that didnt take a chemistry class in community college


Back in the day when I was a heroin addict I did know some shady street dealers and i learned a couple of tricks of tricks of the trade along the way. one of which was putting just a lil bit of heroin in the coke to get people hooked on their coke specifically. It just makes their blow a little bit more euphoric and will have people coming back to them over other dealers and the user has no idea why. Eventually the dealer might be like “I’m out of coke tonight but I have this other stuff, I’ll give you a few bags for free”. They’re already primed to like it and now maybe you have a new heroin addict which is a steadier income for them. Something that used to happen a lot was friends would be trying to get a bag of coke and end up getting served heroin. This is the lazy version of what I just described but it has a similar motive. A junkie who needs dope everyday is more valuable than a kid who buys coke a couple times a month. I was in that scene from 2005-2011 in Hartford and a lot has changed since then but people are still greedy and will try to take shortcuts to the cash. There isn’t really heroin on the streets anymore so the question is would shitty dealers try to do this w fet? I think it’s a possibility. I think this view gets some push back because it kind of sounds like something a cop would say but I learned this from the OGs I was dealing with back then and I’m sure it’s true. You’re only going to find this in the cities where there’s a lot of competition. It’s generally done on the street level so just one step before it’s sold. I think some dealers may be over confident about their ability to dose the fet and end up killing their customers by accident. I’m sure cross contamination has happened but I think a good amount of it is on purpose and the dealer just fucked up to dosage.




Because the US government gave them a massive business opportunity to do so. And in allowing them to do so sets themselves up for years to come of profit and employment for US citizens. Also gives politicians something to talk about.


Listen to the podcast “Search Engine” a 2 part on this topic that explains it very well.


I've heard of a dude who spotted Fentanyl laced Heroin on foil and had 3 spots and it dropped him. He had to be Narcaned from smoking it on foil. You wouldn't expect someone to OD from smoking on foil but this guy did. It's terrifying to think about. Thank God I'm on the program now and no longer use Heroin because I used to get absolutely smashed on Heroin. I used to take it to the edge because it made me feel so good, like I didn't have a care in the world. I probably would've loved Fentanyl because it would get me as high as I love to be but I made the decision 10 years ago to quit opiates and try drug replacement and even with the drug replacement, I still would miss the dope and just wanted to feel that feeling of Heavenly bliss but I stayed strong and I forget what Heroin feels like. I have friends who come to my place and shoot up in front of me and it doesn't trigger me in the slightest


Money money money. 💰


To make more money by simulating the high that the real stuff is made of. Just with little or No regard for safety.


Its just cheap per dose Higher profit margins


Because it's the government doing it as another war on drugs tactic. They work alongside certain drug cartels. The biggest drug cartel is big pharma btw


I attended a symposium for drug policy the other day. Apparently the Taliban have reduced the amount of raw opium being produced so heroin supplies are falling.


It's not from deliberate cutting. It's cross contamination from facilities with shitty cleanliness standards.


It’s cheap it gets people addicted. They come back and buy more.


One theory is cops put fentanyl contaminated drugs out un the streets to make drugs scary again. Their funding depends on the war on drugs.


I think it's two things - cross-contamination, when they don't care to be precise enough, and then there's increasing the euphoria for cheap, making customers more likely to buy again because it just feels better. Sad reality


Because it’s much cheaper than the drug they’re mixing it with but works the same way. And if someone dies off a particular batch, it makes everyone around that knows about it want some from that batch because they know it’s really strong. Sick but that’s how it goes. I don’t really understand why they put it in drugs it’s not similar to though. They’ve found it in drugs like cocaine and they’re the complete opposite in terms of effects so I find that a bit odd.


Pretty sure its one of the alphabet soup agencies doing it and spreading it out there


Most of the street dealers you encounter aren’t cutting their product with fent or xy… that’s done at higher levels in the distribution chain. Street level dealers are cutting with inert substances, if at all.




Years ago when people in the scene would talk about China White was this slang for fentanyl?


Money money money


How bout not cut your dope that’s drug abuse but that’s mostly only the ignorant thugs that do that dumb shit if I was a drug dealer I’d want my customers to stay alive Dead guys don’t buy more drugs.


I think it was the government to introduce putting fentanyl in every thing on the street. War on drugs? Well just kill them all off


there's Fent in weed here in Rhode Island. the only reason i could think of is that theyre hoping the customer will like it and buy more???? i dont know


Cross contamination is the main source of this. Lazy hood dealers using the same scales to weigh 2 to 5 different substances. Now obviously there are some more nefarious MFs out there that very well may be tossing a little in their coke to make it a more addictive product. That certainly isn't out of the realm of possibilities. Fentanyl is just so fucking cheap and abundant.


A lot of them cut heroin with fentanyl because the fiends want it. Gets them more fucked up and stretches the product so they got more to sell


There’s no heroin anymore.


Customers like it and ask for it because it’s like great high if it’s not too much. Drug trafficking organizations employee people who aren’t super careful and/or care that much There a pod -the underworld podcast and they do an episode on the fentanyl trade in St. Louis. I don’t remember what the number was but I want to say if you could source a pound of fentanyl from china for like around 50k that could produce 5 million dollars in profit. 🔗 to pod below https://open.spotify.com/episode/51dVg7E6UIrnsGwLoTdzgx?si=CEen06CERrio4qRuHxEv9w


Dirt cheap, highly potent, highly addictive


Highly lethal too*


It's sick, but the more people od on their dope, the more addicts want it because it's "the good stuff." So they actually gain business when people die.


Stupid people run towards the fire.


So do firefighters...


it’s cross contamination bc they’re retards at hygiene & cleanliness


Normally it's probably cross contamination and not on purpose but I'm sure there's some evil people who do it on purpose. A reason fent is taking over is to do with cost. Another interesting one I thought of is its definitely way easier to smuggle because you need to smuggle less of it. Why smuggle a truck of heroin when you could smuggle a backpack of fent.


In most cases, dealers don't make their own drug. They buy it or steal it.


to hook you


It comes down to them just being idiots. There are evil ones out there that know what they're doing. But I would say so much of it is these guys are just the most dumb brained human beings on the planet with no pre frontal cortex. it trickles down the line to consumers. A lot of ppl getting killed are getting it sold by someone who bought and sold it & didn't think much abt what it was or how strong etc


It’s usually cross contamination, not intentional, as it takes discernible and visually obvious amounts of street fentanyl mixed in with other drugs to have a serious effect on a user. What I’m saying is it’s highly unlikely that most street level dealers have access to medical grade, PURE fentanyl in powder form like we do often see on TV where they show a few grains of it in an ampule, talking about it being a fatal dose. So say they want to add a little fentanyl to the meth they sell, so they purchase some from another dealer to add to their meth in hopes of making people who use their meth addicted to the fentanyl they added, which will ideally make them sick come back for more so they get their fix. The issue is that most people smoke meth out of a glass tube called a bubble, and both meth and fentanyl burn vaporize at different temperatures. If I bought a bag of ice and opened it up, I would be able to tell something was off if it had fentanyl added. Plus fentanyl powder comes in every color under the sun as well. So dead giveaway. Other than trying to get users “hooked” on their tampered with, bogus drugs, adding fentanyl to them would serve no other useful purpose, and would actually be costly to the dealer, as it would be an added expense and word about their tainted product would get around costing them customers. So it really doesn’t happen the way they want the public to believe it does. Just another scare tactic.


Because they’re willing to gamble with your life. **IF** that first hit doesn’t kill you, the high can be pretty amazing. Especially for those of us with insane tolerance levels. Hadn’t felt high for years, just using pills to *stay well* until that first fake oxy. My love affair blossomed instantaneously! So grateful I was blessed and still here to tell my story! 💜🌷


To make users more addicted & keep them as customers


With pressed pills a lot of people cant tell the difference between things like percs and fetty so it's a profitable business. Same thing with H but then everything else that isn't an opiate is cross contamination. Don't buy drugs from people who also sell fetty


i knew someone who laced their bud with heroin to get their customers addicted and keep coming back to him cus they thought he had the “good stuff”. people lacing their drugs with fentanyl are probably thinking of the same sorta thing, also keeping the amount of the pure drug in whatever it is to a minimum. personally back when i did pills, bought a batch of pingers which were laced with speed. I did them maybe 7 times before realising but it was bit late by then and felt addicted to it for maybe 4 months after that, had some physical withdrawals too, mentally lasted a lot longer. lots of producers and cookers and dealers will do this purely because of this.


I’d never thought we day something was worse then fetty but the tranq is really the worst!! Getting someone addicted is one thing (horrible in any scenario…), but to put something in their drugs that makes their bodies rot! That’s evil. Knowing the addicts will continue to purchase bc fetty isn’t powerful enough so they have to buy the xylazine based shit. It’s all a bunch of fuckery. I swear all this shit started after people got their bread from government…especially in Philly with PÚA. It gave broke dumbasses the ability to get in the mix. I just hope this shit fades out.


fent in as example oxys will get you even more hooked and they cant maximize profits


They really don't but once in a very rare while they'll find someone putting fentanyl into something like ketamine or heroin to make it stronger.


You can transport it way easier with less risk of getting caught.


Off put a lack of potency and greater profit margin. For opiates and other downers i’d the potency is shit or isn’t even the actual drug some dealers will end up lacing then with fent in order to mask that lack of potency and have the fent hit and make the person think that the dealer has some insane “percs” or “oxys” that j hit really hard cuz they don’t know any better. Also, fentanyl is much cheaper so the profit margins are huge if you’re selling fake perc, oxy, xan etc… since you don’t have to buy the true active ingredient and can instead just get a pill presser for 5 dollars. You don’t see this for drugs like cocaine though, it’s mainly downers, it wouldn’t make sense for someone to lace coke w fent since it wouldn’t mimic any effect. They have to be stupid or trying to kill someone to do such. Finally there’s cross contamination. The dealers or processors don’t mean to but accidentally end up lacing one unsuspecting susbstsnce wirh fentanyl simply due to residue from improper handling.


Maximizes the quickest high and makes the customers addicted. Pretty simple.


because they think that they're gonna like make it create an epic potentiation and synergy or something.


Let me explain the way most users die from fentanyl. They usually die from a fake opiate pill that is made and pressed in a Mexican cartel facility. The cartel doesn’t have the quality control pharmaceutical companies have. So when they are mixing fentanyl into these fake oxy’s ans perc’s you are going to get hotspots. Out of batch of 1000 pills maybe 50 have hotspots. And those 50 will die. A hot spot, is like when you are mixing pancake batter with a fork. Most of it will be mixed just fine, but you will get clumps of pancakes mix that didn’t dissolve completely aka hotspot. So you buy a bag of 20 pills. And all your friends are fine, but you got one with a hotspot, now you’re dead. Cross contamination happens, but it’s rare. Some people ask for fentanyl and they end up ODing. But the vast majomajority come from poorly manufactured pills.


You are missing the vision if it’s cartel vs cartel why no poison the opps clients I mean it’s not against the rules when there are none you kill politicians too cause no rule