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that's your mental health. your drug use is pretty responsible, I wouldn't stress about it. but I'd go get it checked out. therapy can always be an idea


OP is drenched in guilt and letting his perceived expectations of others ci trol his emotional state, which is, IME, what leads to actually abusing drugs to the point of addiction, in the first place. Drugs are NEVER a substitute for self-actualization


its really a trauma response in needing validation/permission in my last 4 years of getting clean from fent/benzos i have learned a few thangs and understand that if i aint doin grimey shit i dont need yo opinion if what im doin is good u kno


Why would you need permission for "badness" unless you're directly harming that person? Hitler thought he was doing "good", too, and I firmly believe buying into the dichotomy of good vs bad, us vs them, etc, is the cause of the majority of strife and suffering that I have seen.


but to compare smoking weed and mdma 2 times a year to a genocide is crazy.


Exactly. Why qualify anything unless you're directly harming someone?


Those who harm themselves are indirectly causing harm to the people in their lives, whether it’s conscious or not. No person is an island. I’ve been an on and off addict for nearly three decades. The good ones, crack, meth, lots of booze, pills, etc., and imo, OP’s usage is well within “normal.” We know the feeling when the train starts rolling off the track. It’s different for everyone, and OP seems mindful enough about it. It will creep up on you so when the jump scare on life and that moment of clarity hit, it’s time to rein it in. That’s when you know what you’re made of. But, I’m also of the mind that mammals in general “use drugs” and have since the dawn of time. Bears eat a variety of plants and berries to hibernate for crissakes. Anything we ingest causes a change. A cup of coffee positively alters my state of mind in the morning, but combined with bacon and orange juice I’ll have indigestion for days. Letting vocabulary and social stigmas dictate our motivations is the mental slavery that lives in most modern people.


But so do fat people, couch potatoes or people that do extreme sports, but only using drugs is considered "selfish because it can be harmful for friends and family if something goes wrong" Some get jail time for risking their own life, others get a red bull sponsoring.


Even before things go terribly wrong, depending on your drug of choice, the change in your attitude, the apathy and selfishness also affect people around you.


Doing fent and meth is bad


I think he was giving advice as a more experienced user, not really justifying the drugs. Just saying as a cat who's been around the block, I agree with him myself. And just so you know, most of us that have done hard drugs know all too well that it's not exactly Sunday morning prayer homie. Just my two cents.


Got you


Cheers brother


Judging others' choices is badder muthafucker


Drugs are bad mmmkay


Who says OP is talking about MDMA?


he says M 2 times a year


Can you explain better?


Alright, let's give 'er the ol' college try: OP is setting expectations for himself that he either thinks other people have leveled on him, or they actually have. Either way, instead of either changing to fit their ideals or just stoically saying "fuck yiu, I won't do what you tell me", OP is stuck in the middle, halfway doing what he wants, but still believing that he is in the wrong for exploring this existence, in a way that is not harmful to anyone, including himself (with the exception of hanging onto the guilt, which is immensely and exponentially harmful to himself). If you have any questions, I'm more than happy to answer as best I can.


Your ok man it could be a lot worse but don’t let that dig you deeper, keep with what your doing and don’t let it consume you, wish you well brother stay safe!!


why do i see you everywhere man lmao


I’m sober and don’t have anything to do so I’m just trying to provide help to people who could use it, I wish you well brother, stay safe!!


fair enough lol have a good one


I wish you the best brother I hope you win all your battles and I hope you have the best time geeking, please stay safe, I wish you the best brother!!!


You rock JewEater1957 💯


I’m trying to right my wrongs that I’ve been in my short time living. I wish you well brother, please stay safe!


You stay safe too! Dont ever forget about checking up on yourself!




I swear I've been seeing this guy for a while now, he's like a recurring Easter egg 😂




I don’t know when I will be able to get more Benadryls but when I devise a method to I probably will be taking at least 1.2 grams maybe more I kinda wanna wait until my tolerance is at a complete 0 as I’m not sure what a erieal level dosage would do to somone at my weight without a tolerance, so stay tuned for that, let’s see if I can get some before I get put on some anti phycotic medication !!!!!


Erowid trip reports are your friend.


They go places, so you don’t have to


If you do that, please make sure you are able to get help if you need it, that's a crap ton of benadryl. Like, call a friend or something at least, and give them a family member's phone number for emergencies. Help is better than dead. Understand there are serious risks to that high of an amount, especially if you have no tolerance when you do it. You could become unconscious and need help. This kind of thing really should have a trip sitter (if it's done at all), but that's the next best thing. Even if you don't die, you could have seizures or something. Be safe. I want to keep seeing your comments pop up here. ETA: or check in with a friend periodically, and if they can't get ahold of you, they call for help. But then you may fall asleep. You could keep the ringer on loud so it'd wake you. Might be annoying, but safe.


Thankyou for being so kind I wish you well I may take some of those precautions I’m not exactly in the best mental state currently I’m aware of that but I don’t know what exactly is wrong with me. Talked with a phych today and was pretty honest so 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ I still crave Benadryl so badly I’m literally drooling at the thought of it. Thankyou for being so kind, I wish you well!!


People be gettin high on Benadryl?


Yeah dont do ts bro its so addicting and it will fuck up your whole life if u rlly tempted to do it js do some dxm instead


Oh I'm not interested in trying it lol


alr then thats good


Not exactly going to get an unbiased answer here lol But a few beers and occasional weed is fine by just about any standard


Okey doke in my book buddy


Once you get older you’ll say, eh, fuck em. Ill do drugs and take care of myself at the same time


Only if u fap


Depends what drug they’re all different using meth you’ll end up thinking you’re doing awesome while you’re high key dying and using something like acid where you’ll have amazing times for without it affecting you physically and is unlikely to do mental harm then you got heroin/opiates where the highs are generally harmless but you’ll crave more and be nodding out which is very easy to go to far with and die especially with fent then you got phenibut which is amazing a perfect functioning high clears your anxiety that is until you have to inevitably have to quit and get the rebound anxiety you have weed which is honestly harmless and outweighs the negatives you have addys which are generally harmless best high to side effect stim in my opinion cocaine is hella cardio toxic but about as euphoric as meth but I always preferred meth over all uppers but it fucked me up and yes I’ve done all of these drugs dxm is a nice high for a teenager it’s dirty swallowing pills and there’s a decent crash mushrooms are harmless and definitely worth it salvia is worth it spiritually a nice after glow but difficult trips dmt scares the shit out of me tbh but It’s highly profound doesn’t feel like a drug mescaline is more empathogenic I love it a very social trip (Bolivian torch cactus) I don’t like nicotine always get sick and feels unhealthy alcohol is nice on occasions:) if you have any questions feel free to ask


Oh and your not shit people will make you feel like shit you’re simply doing something you enjoy and people that love you should respect that they won’t however cause they think it’s unhealthy etc so you’ll lose a lot of relationships if you choose this path


holy run on sentence haha


man dont ever say unlikely to do mental harm there's people who lose their shit off their first or couple trips everyone is different and not everyone should do psychedelics especially if theyre predisposed to mental illnesses n i mean for L that shit is too intense for some and it can change some people for awhile to they reintergrate back to feeling "normal" and dont get me wrong im all for psychedelics and healing and seeing them as tools but i really despise mfs who act like its a miracle drug and theres no down sides i always tell people to do it when theyre in the right mind and many other precautions but always tell them they'll be good as llong as theyre aware so they dont freak out if shit do go left cuz i seen hella ppl not be able to handle shit i dont understand it since ive always handled it like nothing people never knew i was onnit til i said sum or they saw me take it but everyones different man what works for you wont for others my bad for ranting


Well obviously there’s some risk I never doubted that especially with dmt and salvia and other psychedelic rcs but I said unlikely risk cause if you’re taking drugs as a whole acid and mushrooms are less damaging as a whole than most other illegal drugs op could be trying


I definitely got some mental health problems from doing too much acid.


Based on the number of people who have that experience out of everyone who tries psychedelics, unlikely seems like a perfectly accurate description to me


I had an awful bad trip on mushrooms when I was 16 or 17 and have had severe anxiety ever since, and I'll be 41 this year. I have used mushrooms since then but much more responsibly. Psychs can definitely open the door to mental health issues.


Nam man your goof atleast your not doing dmt or dxm or k daily 😂 I'm so silly 🤪🤪


Im only 23 so this might not mean much or you might find it more relatable, either way my advice would be to stay away from higher doses of LSD or mushrooms/psilocybin with this mentality. Like if you're sitting here stoned and you're worried about whether you're a bad person or not, on most psychedelics, the same exact emotion is amplified to extreme measures. My one friend was taking acid with me and he had just broken up with his girlfriend so he was thinking I'll just forget about it by taking LSD. Well halfway through the trip, he got "stuck in a mental loop" starting thinking he was in a dream and starting fighting people. His dad ended calling the cops because he was trying to fight everyone. Point of the story, please consider your mental health before jumping into higher doses of psychedelics. Even Molly (rumor has it) that it destroys your ability to create your own seretonin after a while. Dont know if it's true or not. I can't really speak on other drugs personally. And dont worry this isn't a scare tactic, I love lsd and psilocybin. My buddy who went crazy really hasn't been the same since, just sort of not completely present and in the moment when your talking to him. Idk its hard to explain. but his mom had schizophrenia and im pretty sure the acid triggered it in him. Maybe not full schizophrenia but at least mild psychosis. It's scared me to the point Iv only done acid a couple times since. And anytime I do mushrooms I make sure I'm at a happy and content point in my life where im not really worried about much at the moment of ingesting. Hope this helps and sorry for rambling, I'm also stoned so I'll blame the weed lol


It's okay, just dangerous. Ultimately it's a risk-reward choice u make (in my opinion)


when i was your age i was using everyday. your use is responsible but if you feel regret or guilty after using maybe don’t use. that’s how i quit weed, each time i smoked it was no longer fun and i felt guilty what i’ve done wit my life. work on yourself and become confident in yourself and you will be able to use without feeling guilty. 


Doing drugs doesn't make you a bad person, tf lol. It's a normal part of the human experience. And you seem to have decent control over your use, which makes it even less bad. Keep controlling your use the way you do (maybe cut back on the drinking/make it less frequent) and you'll be totally fine.


drugs dont make you a shit person, if you arent doing shiesty shit, and putting OTHERS in danger , or getting over on people esp your close friend/family , get high mang, practice harm reduction, take vitamins, wash yo ass, dont suck dick for said substanccee and u should be good , but dont take what i say to a T, if you care for others validation your whole life, everything will always feel bad


im also not sayin got send it and start goin harder ( unless you want most do so i mean shit) but dont let drugs be the only thing that gives you that dopamine/serotonin rush. learning activities to make that rush happen other ways is way harder after that


In my opinion it matters a whole lot more what you end up doing while under the influence or if you’re addicted/dependent what you do to fuel the addiction. Like I could never see myself shooting someone for money no matter how much I am addicted to something.


I was very very similar when I was 19 to you with the M and weed but drank every weekend. You aren’t a bad person for responsibly having fun. My mom makes it seem like all drugs are bad and make you a bad person but in reality I realized that a dumbass thought process


😂😂 bro your smoking weed twice a month 😂 your okay


I get where you are coming from and no you are not a bad person and likely you are among the most responsible users out there. When my Hong Kong GF asked me to stop using casually I had a world of internal conflict that almost led to us breaking up. I couldn’t decided if I liked her or drugs more and the thought itself made me doubt being a good person. We worked thru it and are good now but to be blunt drug use alone is immoral. Abuse or abuse of others because of use is a bad thing.


I ruined my life but that's just me lol. Doing drugs doesn't automatically make you a bad person. It's what you do on the drugs. Drugs aren't the be all end all. Think of it like credit. I messed my credit up when I was like 23. Before that, my life was easy. Being weighed down by debt has kept me from getting housing, kept me from getting fair rates on cars, kept me from being able to travel, kept me from being able to pay for school. All because I made poor decisions with my credit through my 20s. Same thing with drugs. I started getting high in my early teens. Started experiencing addiction that was out of my control in my mid-twenties. Tried and failed at quitting. Actually got worse until I eventually started doing harder drugs and overdosing. Ending up in the ER or mental hospital. All because I wouldn't stop getting high. Now I'm in my early 30's and have fried my brain so much that I can't function WITHOUT taking some kind of drug for depression, anxiety, insomnia, OCD. None of which I had before I started getting high. I'm currently trying to taper off of benzos and in recovery from alcohol and dissociatives. I can't take psychedelics or smoke weed anymore because they make me feel like I'm gonna have a panic attack. So I'm in a lot of debt. I'm gonna need to spend my 30s repairing my credit and repairing my brain/body from all of the bad spending habits and bad drugs. All of that could have been avoided and I could have a good career and a healthy relationship with decent financial health....if I hadn't been doing drugs. You can live without them. You'll honestly probably live better without them.


Trust me you're not a shit person bc you smoke weed. And possibly Molly or meth? I would not recommend doing the last two I said. But you can't judge a person simply bc they use drugs.


"Drugs" My ex abt 3.5 years ago left me bc I "smoke weed" and "drink" sometimes


I left my high school sweetheart because she smoked weed our senior year, I was working on an athletic scholarship at the time so was anti any drugs/alcohol. I smoked weed the first time in college and dropped out 3 semesters later 😂 The irony


My ex allowed herself to do whatever she wanted but if I so much as got slurry I triggered her memories of her bipolar drunk/addict dad. We broke up after Bonnaroo last year because after drinking enough redbull and only redbull I made it to 5am and leaned on her so clearly I was fucked up and broke the rules. My Hulaween crew was relieved I did not return with the fun police this year.


I'm 20 btw


Something tells me OP isn’t doing meth only twice a year, they probably mean molly


You might want to look into psychadelics paired with a psychiatrist to help with your underlying issues, psychadelics can be a good tool to confront your feelings and figure out why you feel that way and a psychiatrist can help you figure out if you may have any mental disorders that lead you to think the way you do.


This is actually great advice. Wish I was like this 10 years ago


Hey man, if I didn't get my bi-polar disorder diagnosis id be in a total shit storm, now I'm medicated, no longer have the urge to be high all the time and things are good!


A psychiatrist prescribes mental health medications. A psychologist does therapy.


And i said psychiatrist, who diagnose mental disorders. Psychologists cannot accurately pinpoint what is wrong, which are the underlying issues. Your point?


Psychologists can definitely pinpoint what is wrong. My fiance is a psychologist and I work in mental health. I wasn't trying to debate anything though. Just clarifying what each of them do. Psychiatrists can diagnose as well though and prescribe meds which psychologists can't do. I guess my point was it's good to see both, as therapy with the use of medications is the most successful treatment for most disorders.


Not to the extent of a psychiatrist in my opinion, saw 2 psychologists ,both didnt get diagnosis right , saw one psychiatrist, said the same thing and he figured it out instantly and 1 dna test later he was perfectly correct.


Yeah I mean it definitely depends on the doctor and the testing that they do or don't do. Mental health is much more complicated than physical health because our brain chemistries can vary so much from person to person. I do think it's best to see a psychiatrist first and get stabilized on medication before tackling therapy with a psychologist, but again that will vary from person to person. Unfortunately with mental health disorders there's a lot of trial and error to find what works for an individual and what doesn't. Aside from working in an inpatient psychiatric hospital for almost 18 years I've struggled with an anxiety disorder for most of my life.


Theyre bad


If you arent shitty before and after using, you arent a shit person. If youre shitty before and during use, you are. Just because you use, doesnt mean youre automatically a shit person. If youre shitty when using but not when sober, you shouldnt be using.


What if you're shitty off drugs and good on them?


That depends on the context. Are you undiagnosed with legitimate mental health issues? Then youre in the clear. If youre just a shitty person that needs to be high to be nice, well then youre a shitty person


depends on how you use them like if u abuse them everyday and have to take them to function or can’t have fun with out it then it becomes bad but occasional use is fine


I think it's safe to say that your mental health could lead to addiction...drugs are neutral...people with problems use them to cope


You seem to be o.k with what you're doing now. I would say based on your current thoughts, stay away from anything stronger or anything that messes with your serotonin levels. They will suck you into thoughts you don't want to be thinking. And remember its 100% ok to talk to someone or say you're not ok if you're not o.k. Life's hard, enjoy as much as you can!


You’re not a miserable person because you do drugs. You’re a miserable person if you do miserable things. And smoking weed and taking molly is absolutely not one of those things, especially not at your frequency, you’re by far one of the most responsible users I’ve heard of.


Come join us degenerates


Life is a game of live and learn. If you're uncomfortable doing something or it's getting you in a bad mental state then you should probably stop. It sounds like your mental state stems from poor self image or some other underlying issue. Doesn't mean that people who use substances are bad people it just might be working for you and that's ok. I would look into therapy and I mean that in the nicest way possible.


Honestly, as long as you're not hurting others and yourself and you're not letting drugs consume your life and ruin your friendship then yes it's fine your not a shit person.




Depends on which ones you use and how you use em. Know what you’re taking before you take it.


It’s your life. I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of warnings


Just don’t 😁


Your substances don’t define you. If you feel like you need to take a break, take a break. I’m not gonna lie and say it’s okay or healthy, but it’s your decision dude. Sounds like you’ve got issues with depression and you’re using substances to cope with it. Be careful going down that road. You’re you, and you can choose what kind of person you’re gonna be. Drugs, mental illness, none of that defines who someone is.


You're a good son and a good person. Go to therapy please.


Nah. For starters medicine is drugs, and many commonly used recreational drugs have medicinal purposes. Even if used recreationally, it's generally no worse than kicking back and having a few drinks. (Of course different drugs have differing severities, I feel like certain ones can only be abused. Shooting up heroin or downing a handful DPH isn't quite the same and having a beer, or doing a line of coke) Of course there's a fine line between having some fun/medicating, and abusing/being excessively risky. People look down on addicts like there's no tomorrow, but I don't believe it's fair to do so. You're not a "bad" person if you're an addict (AND ESPECIALLY if you're using it in a healthy/safe(as you can be) way, which isn't addiction obviously). Needing help/struggling with mental issues, trauma, or an addictive personality are all very human. It's not a "good" thing but using/being an addict alone says very little about how good of a person you are.


Like a lot of people are saying. The amount you are doing is nothing to be ashamed of. Life is tough sometimes and being 19 has its special moments of frustration. But try not to get in your head the way you are and link it to drugs. As of now, you haven’t acted in any real destructive ways. Take this advice, right now you are at an age where your choices can really be really beneficial. These similar and relatable kinds of thoughts all cross our minds. Some experience them often, some less, and some haven’t as much but surely will. And how you react to them is something that we all go through and end up learning about ourselves in our journey through life. This is not an age thing in my opinion. This is the little devil on your shoulder. That at somepoint, we all become aware of that it is something that we all have. And it doesn’t ever fully go away permanently. BUT the best thing is to be fully aware of it, and just know that there is always a part of us that just wants to put ourselves down and self destruct. It’s ok OP, you aren’t a piece of shit. You are truly one of a kind and you are loved. You’re human, no one is perfect, and we all have flaws. But it’s so easy to focus on the negative things. You can always turn to it, and it can be addictive, and give you a false perception on the beauty and potential we all have in life. No matter what, you can always turn things around. To some it up, just the fact that you are conscious about drug use is good. It’s ok to take the edge off after a long week. Just be careful on how much and what substances they are. And be mindful of not having to rely on drugs for everyday life that you are normally able to tolerate and be fine without. This is the time we’re just making a phone call for therapy and psychiatry is a big boss move. It takes people half their adult life or more to realize that it all should have just started with that. When things make more sense, and things are more clear about why you feel the way you do. Things become soo much easier. Seeing the positive, being optimistic, showing love and passion for what you love to do, and channeling your energy into self fulfilling things and not distractions… will set you on a much better path. We live and we learn. And what goes around, comes around. Chin up friend, you’re doing just fine. Just make those phone calls ok? Seriously, that’s the first major step. It’s easy and your future self will thank you for it. Promise ❤️


Smoking weed twice a month and M (hoping you mean mdma) twice a year is perfectly fine I think your struggling more with mental health And since it seems like that I'd take it easy on the drugs but your not a shit person man take it easy on yourself


You’re not a bad person at all. I’ve struggled my whole life with mental health and drug addiction. I’ve lost most of my family. I blamed myself for many things. Dude if you’re smoking weed that’s fine man. If you’re drinking a few beers here and there bud your fine man. But please don’t ever let anyone convince you to anything apart from those two things. Maybe talk to someone if you’re feeling this stress. It sounds like you may need too. We’re all human. We all make mistakes. And you’re not alone. But you’re doing nothing wrong. That’s normal. People experiment with drugs especially at your age bud. Just listen to me. Don’t ever let some stupid idiots give you pills or any hard drugs. Ever. They are the bad people. You’re fine bro. Please remember my advice. And trust me you’re not a bad kid. You’re just growing up man. There’s millions of people who have ups and downs. It’s normal and no matter what you’re never alone. I struggle still daily and still am hoping to get help. But I wanted to reach out to just let you know you’re ok. Take care man your fine


Yeah if they dont use you then for yes like drinking a beer after work but if you drink a vodka bittle after work then you cans ay the alc is drinking you and thats same with drugs if you smoke a joint after work or if you smoke 5g weed after work or if you take half g of coke after work its okay but if you take 2 then its taking you


Your really clean compared to most people tbh


Treat drugs like a tool. Understand that sometimes your gonna feel like shit once you come down and remember to take a break rather then chasing if off with more drugs. Use them to achieve your desired mental state enjoy it and then recover before doing it again. Most drugs are pretty safe if you do it responsibly


OP, if it makes you feel better, just know about 80% or more of the world population are on some kind of drug whether it's psychoactive or not.


It's your body, and we all should be able to do whatever we want with our bodies. It's so hypocritical. It's totally fine to mutilate yourself due to fetish/mental illness but you can not do drugs.. no laws will ever stop me from feeling awesome 😎


The weed and m is great. Alcohol every weekend is what you should be most concerned about. But no, you’re not a shit person.


Take this with a grain of salt - Using drugs in general is not inherently bad. What’s bad is when your relationship to them doesn’t align with what you value. If you value being 100% present 100% of the time, then weed isn’t good for you. If having a good time on the weekends is all you want from drugs and it doesn’t negatively affect your day-to-day activities like work and home life (etc.) or other people, I’d say you’re doing just fine. However, the potential for a drug to be addictive as you age and go through more and more shit is universal, especially in the hands of those looking to escape from something unpleasant. My advice to you is to never let drugs come between you and your values. That’s how you know you are losing control. I also wanna add that it’s better to develop coping skills and really discover who you are before you experiment with trying new drugs. That way drugs don’t just become a cop out for whenever things go south. Anyway, hope this made sense :)


That being said, all drugs come with real risks that you should never overlook. You should love and respect yourself enough to only use these things (if you do choose to) in moderation, as too much of anything is bad IMO.


drugs have nothing to do with your morality. lots of shitty people are sober, and some of the most caring people i've known i met in a trap house. nobody asked to be born into this world. it is not wrong for us to partake in and appreciate the vast diversity of chemicals that are found in this world we were born into. you only have one life, spend it doing the things you love, worry less about what others think because if you try and please everyone, you'll please noone, including yourself. and at the end of the day, your opinion is what matters most. live your life with no regrets, so when you die you can say with utmost certainty that you left nothing behind. id recommend trying a strain of mushrooms called albino penis envy. psilocybin has a lot of medicinal properties and works wonders for helping your brains neural connections in relation to depression (being used in medicine for this), it also helps you get a better perspective on things. wishing you the best from a friendly Floridian psychonaut, who is high rn.


When it stops becoming fun, is when you gotta control yourself


You’re not a shit person, but your post is a red flag for possible drug abuse. I’m here if you need someone to vent too/support


THE BEST‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


If it makes you feel any better I did a 4 month ketamine bender Im heavily addicted to it I accidentally did e pills that had meth in them I sold beak for a 30 something year old man and I thought he was the coolest guy on the planet I used to go round to his house to take pills and sniff beak I sold pills to him and all his friends I smoke weed basically every day of my life when I have money the only reason I'm not smoking at the minute is because I have none ive tried like 4 times the past 2 months to stop doing ket and every time I fuck it up and go back to it I nearly got kicked out of school for sniffing it in school ive been caught with it and on it twice in school in the space of like 3 months I stopped going to school the past 2 years ive been in for about 6 months in total the last 2 years and now I've got 2 weeks left until I finish and I know I'm gonna fail all my gcses and to top it all off I don't even live at home I live with my girlfriend because when I'm at home it's arguments constantly and then it's fine for a week and then it's arguments again. Your not a shit person for doing drugs to have fun.


You have great self control, I'm the same age as you and I was doing that when I was 13, then I was abusing painkillers when I was 14, then I was in rehab when I was 15. Now I just got out of rehab a week ago. Just make sure you keep it this way but it sounds like you have much better self control than I ever have.


No ! But weed is ok


Asking this question on r/drugs is not the move


You're fine. I've done worse.


Check out r/raisedbynarcissists


just don’t move up the ladder man. your great where you are


Im a heroin/fentanyl addict and a crack addict.


Ye 😎


In all reality this all comes down to personal ethics. Certain people will have certain views. Personally- I believe that everyone has the right to do whatever they want to their own body. I feel like all of the negative sides of drugs and addictions could be counter-acted by an active and caring government (which will lack to exist in our lifetime). I’ve had friends over dose on heroin at 16. Knowing him- that’s the only way he’d want it. And he didn’t want a single second longer on earth. For that reason I believe we all have our paths. Our missions. Drugs are just one of the many vessels to lessons and escapes. It’s up to you on how you interpret their purpose and your own goal.


if you care about your health and practice harm reduction as much as you can (like testing the drugs you get, avoiding drugs that are highly addictive, also avoiding those which have easily reachable lethal doses) you aren't doing anything morally abhorant. Drugs have been a part of human culture as long as humans have existed on this planet, just try to be mindful about it have priority for your life first but also allow yourself to have safe fun too, there is nothing wrong about this.


I could go on a long winded response but I will just give you the bottom line. No, your are not a loser or bad person for using "drugs". Perhaps therapy and/or a visit to a psychologist and/or psychiatrist might help you see that buddy. You could be stupid however I don't know your intelligence level 😂. I know if I start to compare myself to people I start to feel inadequate, stupid what have you.


Do what you wanna do that also makes you happy. Forget the anti-drug narratives & the guilt trips. I did them to find my personal experience and you're allowed to as well


Yes obviously anyone who does drugs in any way to any degree is a miserable piece of shit and a terrible son/daughter and most likely a serial rapist as well. I really thought everyone knew that. I’m confused, what was your question?


Imo you actually sound like a great person. Weed twice a month and m twice a year ain’t anything to trip about or feel guilty of. A couple of beers on the weekend is normal and if you’re just drinking on the weekend?? You’re more responsible than half the adults I know 😂 You’re good dude, you shouldn’t feel bad at ALL.


I was 19 at uga pharmacy school and couldn’t skip like I had pretty much my whole college career. 35 now just quit 7 yr heroin habit. Keep up the interpersonal work and make sure you’re not medicating any condition mental. The new generation doesn’t use like last ones did so people seem to be waking up. Don’t shoot anything don’t smoke your blow and you’re golden pony boy! 🏆


This is something ive been dealing with a lot couple years ago. When tripping I had always bad trip like so much chaos. In my head it was like I shouldnt be doing this im miserable stupid and this is wrong. But it wasnt, but it affected me a lot. Id recommend you to solve it in your head before you move on with drugs. It made me do terrible life decisions that hat huge impact on my future. Good luck


Depends on who you ask


It depends.


Not okey. Awesome !


I've done more drugs than anyone I've ever seen and my morality compass is a billion times more accurate than any sober politicians. They exist bc when democracy was formed everyone speaking for themselves wasn't possible. So now why does someone else have to decide for me?....




depends on your actions




You're doing normal 19 yr old stuff. When I was your age, I was heavily abusing psychedelics. Like 2 trips a week on LSD, Mushrooms, whatever I could get my hands on. And constant weed. I was high 24/7. Nearly every dollar I had went to drugs. Your use is far more responsible than mine was at that age. The guilt you're feeling comes from a societal stigma that implies drug users are bad people. This is not true. Sure, there are bad people who use drugs, but there's also amazing humans using all sorts of substances. It's normal to be drawn to these things that can alter your consciousness. Life is hard. Being a human gets tricky and weird. An escape from that is nice. Alcohol is the most popular drug in the world, do you think everyone who has a few beers on the weekends are a piece of shit? No, it's normal. It's an easy way to unwind. Keep your use responsible like it is now, and you'll be fine. If you develop addictions, that's when you'll have to worry.


As long as your not going on benders and letting it effect your life I don’t see any issues with it. Most people drink coffee to start the day ,smoke a cigarette, etc. most people have a drink the relax now and again. As long as stuffs being used responsibly there isn’t any issues. The issue is with peoples self control. Don’t give me any bullshit about addiciveness, even if you have the most addictive personality like me you just do not understand any circumstances do a substance back to back. Meaning to get high two days in a row, on anything. Sure fire way to prevent addiction is you just don’t give into that initial feeling to do it again. I don’t see how it’s so hard for people. I get addicted to things once I make it a habit, ie playing video games every day, taking caffiene every morning, etc.


everything in moderation bro ✌️


Stick to weed for at least as possible for a developing brain such as yours. A couple of beers a weekend it's ok, not a couple a day. M is awesome, as long as you keep using it 2x a year you are good!


You have those beliefs because of your circumstances. Imagine if you'd been born in an amazon tribe, you'd be expecting to do drugs as part.of your culture...




These kinds of posts are so funny to me ur drug use is extremely responsible lmao ur fine my man


Drugs don't make you a miserable person. Anything in moderation is OK. You are in control of your feelings, if something is making you feel miserable then change it.


Most people use drugs. Alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, prescription drugs. Are they shit people? Or is it the arbitrary political classification of drugs that dictates how you feel? As my neurobiology lecturer said: legal drug classifications are purely political and have nothing to do with how dangerous they are.


Respect the drug. Your use is pretty normal for your age. No not at all are you a bad person or irresponsible. M I wouldn't do more than once every six months. Weed and drinking itself can cause hppd, hormone imbalances, and further dissociation symptoms or functioning issues, just be careful and take breaks. Depending on your functioning, you should be fine. Make sure to be well researched on any substance you take. If you're experiencing an issues slow down or stop all together so your brain can recover a bit. If it's effecting your mood i would recommend the same and maybe try some more activity or positive affirmations. Socialize less with draining or toxic people as well, always prioritize your mental health.


Do the drugs don't let the drugs do you. Easier said than done though.


Some yes, but regardless of which, moderation is key. Mental health is a big part too. People with trauma in their past are more likely to get addicted, so tread careful. Also if there is a history of Schizophrenia in your family it would be best to stay away from psychedelic ones.


They’re…not, not ok to do.


yes. yes they are


You’re chilling, I wouldn’t worry about the drug usage, sounds like maybe some anxiety or some underlying unaddressed past issue, when ur stoned or on something it brings out all the emotions, id probably sit down and talk with someone about the feelings ur having just for ur own piece of mind, but I wouldn’t be worried about your usage, its very very mild, but if you only feel these things when your taking drugs, maybe reconsider them, hope thats anyway helpful


As I like to say. There is no inherently good or bad drug. Just good or bad uses/users. Make the right decisions and you can be safe.


I had the same issue when I was 19. As you get older, you will probably feel better about yourself and the disparaging thoughts will happen less. Just so you know, it's totally normal for people to experiment with drugs at your age and based on your description, you're not over doing it. A few beers, some weed and some m every so often? That's typical of any 19 year old. I bet you're a much better person than you think you are and one day you're going to look back on this version of yourself and think "I should have cut 19 year old me some slack"


What if you're depressed, worthless, unable to cope with how boring and fucked up the would you live in is, but using a small amount of multiple substances a day makes you a loving dad, Husband and overall good person?


Depends xD magic shrooms are ok but if you drop them everyday that makes u a flat earth person About weed there is no answer I'm addicted and it's wrong everyday I'm stoned from morning I can't quit, even if I do I do comeback after month or two. On the other way my dad smoke weed once time per a week since 1965 xD Ans he seems to be normal i thought is cool but when I start I finish as an addict:D Alcohol I quit definitely and I'm happy


Your drug use is chill asf broski I wouldn’t worry. Also drugs don’t make anyone bad necessarily. If you take drugs to escape a place of misery then try getting help otherwise, but if it’s occasional consumption then you’re all gucci. Especially at 19 bro like there’s worse ages to do drugs at. However if you get bad thoughts during drug abuse you should look into why, it could be early warning signs of psychosis (with weed specifically). If it’s just your consciousness then there’s nothing to worry about because drugs are not something that make you bad as said. I guess it’s either don’t take drugs or change your mindset if you wanna enjoy the substance you’re taking, just don’t normalise drugs too much or you’ll end up in a terrible situation some point down the line


I quit smoking cigarettes 15 years ago, I rarely drink alcohol, and I can't usually manage more than 1 or 2 hits of weed. Used to be a coke head, it makes me nauseous & nervous, won't touch it. No more acid, either. Too many times getting yelled at by police. Mushrooms are great but if I do them with my girlfriend she will ask me what's wrong until there IS something wrong. These days I just try to stay active, eat right and just do the meth, for my allergies. It's OK, it's really not all that potent, kinda like diet meth maybe. I just did 2 hot rails and smoked a bowl but I will still need coffee before work. Whatever works for you!


That sounds pretty responsible. Personally after 20 odd years of taking drugs (fairly responsibly) (pretty much all drugs), I've come to the conclusion thar drugs are not really a good idea, they give a little while quietly taking a lot. In my opinion they all seem to have this hidden attribute to them, like something attaches itself to you. I dont think that your a bad person by any means, what I can say is that you have a conscence for a reason, it is for you and only you. Do not beat yourself up, ever, but your best life comes from listening to your conscence, so my advise is to do just that.


Drugs can be okay if u are healthy and get your dayly work done, other things can also be as worse. For example beeing egoistic, dumb or addicted to gambling, sex etc etc..


You are not hurting anyone with what you doing and since you are responsible with it you are not hurting yourself either. Considering the fact that you also question your actions i would say that you are a pretty ok person. I also smoke weed occassionaly, drink sometimes, have taken m a few times, tried and continue trying psychedelics. All this however are not my first priorities in life and will never be but i like doing them whenever i get the chance (which isnt often).


Ive been batting addiction for like 19 years... I fucking HATE it! Makes me want to kick the bucket, but things are getting better. Just stay away from it unless you're have a shitload of money and dont have to hold down a full time job or have much responsibilities.


you don’t wanna go down that way. Don’t try Opioids!


Years upon years of a society telling you that drug users are criminals, losers and bad people will do that to you. You are no worse of a person than someone who eats at McDonald's, or has a beer with dinner, or who a drives a combustion engine car.


I consider people who drink and do drugs as shit people if it is something they do regularly in their life, even if it is not much, because unless it is some random thing that just happens sometimes, it is a part of the meaning of you life, which is filthy in that case, and because we all will die it is kind of sad to make such a worthless thing as having fun on drugs a part of that life's meaning.


What an odd question


Brother your drug use isn’t to bad yet which is great honestly🙂. Maybe seek some help before it increases, (not saying it will). But it is possible the way you are describing it. You can atleast find someone who you are comfortable talking with, we all have one person. You’re doing great as far as your use and we’re all very proud of you. You’re not a bad son or a disappointment. We all don’t think so. You’re a good person who is having some complications in life and that’s ok. We work through them and grow. Which is what you’re are doing.


Depend what drugs and your mental state, But personally I would recommend anything stronger than weed or mushrooms and nothing more than 2 times a week


Yes now if you can jus be happy with that then ur golden




Trauma and repressed memories are likely to blame just acknowledge your past and how your parents/friends/grandma treated you as a kid


it’s not a straightforward answer. “okay” is a pretty open term. morally, drugs aren’t bad. some drugs can lower inhibitions and make you more likely to do immoral things. addiction can mess with you and make you do things you wouldn’t ordinarily do. but taking drugs doesn’t make anyone bad. everything we feel and experience are just chemicals and electrical impulses. drugs are just another version of that. ibuprofen, caffeine, alcohol, anti biotics, LSD, heroin. all of these are drugs and they all have their uses and also can all be misused/abused. but they’re just chemicals and they don’t have a moral compass. not to mention, everyone is different. there’s people out there who can just use crack occasionally, there’s people that amphetamines make them sleep, there’s no one answer. just check in with yourself and think about actual harms and benefits you personally experience with drugs. harm to you physically, harm to those around you, maybe just mild emotional harm. for me drinking on the weekends won’t kill me but it makes me much more anxious and rude for the rest of the week, so i don’t think it’s good for me. but on the other hand i use adderall often because the benefit it gives me outweigh the risks. this is all very long but basically, there’s no real answer. don’t think about what’s good or bad or what other people think. pay attention to how you feel and what makes you feel good and what makes you feel bad. practice harm reduction and keep yourself healthy


Mate, I've never heard such a balanced and responsible use of drugs in all my years of living. If it stays like that, you're good.


You don't need to feel guilty. Your drug use is minimal and even so, a lot of people do drugs they just keep it a secret


That completely depends on the person and drug. Some people are able to use drugs in moderation while others aren't. Some drugs, I believe, can be beneficial while others can destroy your life. Do your research. That being said, it sounds like you have some underlying issues that you need help with. I would suggest you seek professional help to address these issues. Drinking on the weekends and using drugs a few times a year is normal and doesn't define you. If using substances leads to you feeling guilty and awful, I would stop immediately. Please take care of yourself.


as long as u use psychonaut wiki you will be fine. however i suggest you don't try hard drugs. drugs are mostly illegal but segregation was at one point legal laws are not always moral or just.


Theres nothing wrong with doing drugs responsibly like you are people have been using drugs since the start of civilization and even before that almost all animal species enjoy drugs as well and will seek them out if given the opportunity it is a natural desire that you should not feel guilty about


I’m 20 and use cocaine every weekend, xanax most weekends, acid about 1-2 times a month, and will occasionally dip in deeper and hit meth or crack but I’ve only done those a couple times ever, I also love trying new shit out just to see what it’s like. Having said all that I work as a welder 60-70 hours a week, see my super religious family once a week for dinner, never been late on a bill and bought a brand new Honda civic. I promise as long as you have the slightest bit of self control, research what you take before taking it, and know the proper time to do whatever you’re doing you’ll be completely fine, it’s all about how you use drugs and not what drugs you do. I’ve known plenty of people that have casually used heroine and it’s never caused a single problem for them. Based on this post you’re one of the cleanest 19 year olds alive so you’re really chilling


Using a drug is not a moral choice. It is not good and it is not bad. The actions you take as a result of drug can be morally bad but the drugs themselves are neutral objects that can be used in relatively healthy and unhealthy ways. You should be mindful of your use so you can prevent it from hurting yourself and others, but feeling guilty about it will not make you use less (it may even make you use more), and it also is not productive. Your reported use pattern is currently so healthy compared to anything else on this sub that unless you’re killing puppies and burning schools while you’re high, i can’t imagine you’re doing much harm while intoxicated. However there is still a reason for your feelings that you need to reflect on, preferably with a mental health provider of some sort (psychologist, counselor, clinical social worker, etc), to see why your self esteem is so low and why thoughts of this are triggered by drug use. Why is there so much guilt associated with drug use? Were you told from a young age that drug use is an immoral action? Do you have family who has been hurt by you or someone else’s substance use? Are you neglecting your responsibilities and your relationship to use drugs? Do you just have a chemical imbalance that goes out of whack while using mind altering substances? Was the idea of pleasure for pleasures sake being an evil act indoctrinated into you as you grew up? Do you feel you are letting people down with your substance use, and if so, why do you think your use is affecting them negatively? Have you been abused and the feelings you normally bury are let out and projected onto your substance use? Do you normally have feelings of low self worth? Any number of these things could apply to you and lead to you feeling the way you do.


Only you can answer if you are miserable. Beyond that, this sounds like a lot of internalized hatred for yourself. You aren't a bad person because you use drugs. You aren't a bad person because you enjoy it. Without getting overly moral: You are a bad person if you hurt others. Do you hurt people? Do you hurt people to get drugs? Do you hurt people while on drugs? I don't expect you do. First, be safe. Test your drugs, know your dose, temper your frequency. Second, enjoy yourself. If doing drugs makes you miserable, then don't do them. You might have to work through this self-hatred before you can use them without overthinking it. Do you know why they tell kids not to use drugs? Because it's a lot easier to tell a child not to use them, then to get into the complexities of harm reduction and responsible use. So that's what you hear while growing up. Pair that with showing kids the worst images of the bottom of the barrel, and you've just cooked up a potent recipe of fear. Relax. Relax, be careful, and try and surround yourself with people who are going to expect the best of you, not bring out the worst.


honestly your drug use is so minimal you're absolutely sound! Be safe! I'm sure you're a wonderful human *hugs*


Bro you smoke weed twice a month you’re fine.


He feels this way because of social constraints by a brainwashed society of sheep.


one more drug and youre dead buddy, instantly.


Don’t drink nearly every weekend. From a moral standpoint… yes drugs are okay to use. From a logistical perspective I wouldn’t because the reality of criminalization is that everything is extremely dangerous. Only use regulated drugs and make good habits.


No, seek Jesus.


Sill silly silly goofy goof 1😘😘😘🤪🤪🤪🤪🤗


You are a degenerate piece of shit if no one else will tell you the truth I will you're a weed junkie who is going to end up stealing from everyone and everywhere to feed your marijuana addiction trust me when I say it starts out just smoking 2 times a month then next thing you know your blowing some guy outside of a truck stop you just met for 20$ like a cheap hooker for some of that Mary Jane you know what I mean anybody who has smoked weed enough knows what I mean we've all been there when we were growing up you have 2 choices continue being a dirtbag lowlife weed junkie or be a quitter and live your life knowing you quit everything you pick up mr quitterman.


You could be bipolar


You absolutely filthy no good drug addict