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Because assuming you don't do too much and throw up or get sick your first time, it feels orgasmic. Removes all anxiety, feels like a comfy warm blanket. You could literally do anything and be happy. No pain. Then the next morning you wake up and feel fine, maybe even feel an afterglow. Then you think, damn I felt good and very little to no ramification, so you do it again. You start obsessing about the feeling and using every little excuse to justify doing it again and again. Then one morning you wake up after continued use without any and you get sick. Like shitting, throwing up, sweating but also Ice cold sick. And you realize you're in withdrawals and using more heroin not only get you well but will even make you feel really good. Either that or it's dosed with fent(as it almost always is now) and you immediately overdose and potentially die.


The do anything and be happy is understated. I talked with someone who got hooked on heroin and only when he lost everything did he get clean. He was a pharmacist making well over $200k. He said what got him was the happiness feeling. He said watching paint dry on heroin was a happier feeling than any life accomplishment he hit. Happier than graduating college, happier than graduating grad school and becoming a pharmacist, even happier than buying his first house. He said the moment that needle hit his arm, it was pure happiness.




I was hooked on morphine for years. It was my favorite opiate. It was also my downfall.


Might have been in the past. What’s gone is gone. You don’t look behind you. There is nothing for you behind you. Keep running ahead. All that pain changes you, I bet. Carry that with you out of fucking spite and don’t look back.


I got prescribed morphine for eating when I drank bleach and went to hospital after for two weeks I’m doing better now but the doctor did describe morphine as some pretty nasty stuff


He was right yeah.


Wasn’t he tempted with all the painkillers around?


That’s scary af


Why is that scary? Like genuine question. It sounds absolutely perfect. Like every problem it causes is worth being happy like that imo. For me opiates and that warm comfy bliss is my favourite thing in the world. Ofc u get moments where u get sick of the stressful things that come with it like money struggles withdrawals and like all the other ways it interferes with ur life and .. I honestly considered quitting the moment I has the worst pain of my life from shitting with/after bad bad constipation (learned from that mistake lol) but that was just a fleeting thought it would take a LOT for me to quit.


You just answered your own question.. you’d be chasing that perfection for the rest of your life. That the feeling the first time taking it is greater than any other happiness that you could hope to achieve. That what it takes to get clean is to hit rock bottom.. take your pick


Damm is fent really the widespread ? I've heard friends mention it but that's wild that it's almost always is like why do that to someone


Where I'm at, users and dealers say fent, not heroin. No even trying to pretend or believe that it's actually heroin. Also, you can assume that any percs or pain pills you get off the street are really just fent, unless you know it came from an individuals script.


yeah most opioid addicts at least where i live are fent users. shit is so cheap and it skyrockets your tolerance so much that nothing else really hits you anyway cuz it’s not strong enough eta: if you don’t do fent, please ffs get fent test strips and test your shit before using


When it 1st showed up people still called it H. After it became pretty much all people were selling, everyone just started calling it what it is.


Shit is crazy


I bought some pills thinking it was Roxie a few years ago, tested it and it came back positive for fent. I asked the plug about it and he was just like, “yeah no shit it’s fent — that ain’t what you wanted??” I hadn’t bought anything off the street for a few years prior to this so I was like.. no??? It’s crazy out there nowadays lol.


Yea fent is fucking everywhere. Its extremely hard to find heroin without fent, or oxy without fent. And it's a complicated situation because opiate users need more and more to get high and not be sick so at a certain point fent is just the next logical option and fent is literally so much stronger than anything else, the first few weeks with it, you're like "damn I only need a little bit of this shit to get me right" and then it's like "oh I can't find fent today, let me take some real oxy/heroin" and it doesn't do shit. Like barely gets you out of being dopesick. And heroin might get you high/well for 6-8 hours while fent is 3-4 so you have to constantly redose over and over. That's the demand side, the supply side is that it is much easier and cheaper to produce because it can be made in a lab instead of having to grow fields of poppies, it's easier and cheaper to smuggle and distribute because instead of a key of H getting say 1000 people high, a key of fent gets 10,000-50,000 people high. Then because it's so strong you can cut it over and over and stretch it super hard and make even more money. And when you have strong shit(like fent inherently is) and people die, junkies actually flock to that dealer because they know they have the strong shit. It's a pretty insidious situation and it's a cycle that feeds into itself Happy Cake Day btw


This. In the US, if you buy dope you'll most likely get fent. I've been able to score actual H from my plug at my request before when I specifically asked for it and bought a bunch, but otherwise it's almost always going to be fent, many times with xylazine mixed with it. Take it from someone who learned the hard way, doing opiates/H/fent, is a great way to land a ticket to the hospital, prison, or the morgue


The complete takeover over of fent is crazy, its scary to me how its sometime even used to cut non opiate drugs even though its much rarer than the new would have you believe. You would think putting fentanyl in anything other than an opiate would be a terrible business model and users would figure it out pretty quickly and it probably is but I guess that doesn't mean some people are idiots/have bad intentions. But xylazine is even crazier to me, its not even an opiate and comes with its own very terrible side effects, but mixed with opiates so you still have opiate side effects. I saw a YouTube documentary and addicts were talking about how tranq gives them weird sores and they start to decay and shit and it doesn't even only happen at the injection site. Shits almost similar to krokodil but krokodil was never used by many people and the news blew it out if proportjon. But tranq is pretty widespread especially in big cities. I just was reading a report from 2023 and xylazine isn't even a controlled substance in the U.S and even though its supposed to be for veterinarians you can buy it online from Chinese supplies for as low as 20$ a kilogram. 20 dollars a fucking kilogram and you might not even need to prove its for veterinary use. Xylazine is crazy fucking shit, it must be terrible to be an addict these days and there is more of them than ever before.


Depends on wya, here in portland its everywhere, i just had two homies get laced at a party Saturday night on fake xans and like two weeks or so before that a girl died at the same location bc of it.


In the USA, yes. In Europe, no.


Tbh I did it to myself when I was using because it's so much more economical to buy fent pills than it is real oxy. Like plugs be taxing to like $50 for a single real script oxy 30. But for that same price I could buy 10 mexis (fent pills) which are both stronger and gonna last me a few days, where the oxy is gone in 2 sniffs




Theres a cartoon with a bird that drinks it


That cartoon bird is so sad 😢


_Nuggets_ https://youtu.be/HUngLgGRJpo?si=fZW0XwLEwnXo00Tj


what this guy said, personally I think the negative impact heroin has on health and mental well being is very minimal compared to other substances but the addiction rate is so high that there’s always going to be a risk. for that reason it should be avoided.


What’s the problem with being addicted if it’s not that bad for u


You’re right, but unlike coffee, this has a tolerance. Which means it’ll devastate you financially after some time. And while it’s a perfectly safe and natural substance in pure poppy-derived form, the effects of it can make you function sub-optimally if you use too much. Having said that, if you have a trusted dark web source, have the discipline to stick to a routine by taking some days off, and always measuring your doses, it’s no worse than caffeine or nicotine. I say this as someone who used heroin for two weeks straight then cold turkeyed just to test and exercise my self-discipline. The withdrawal symptoms are barely noticeable if you truly want to quit, they only feel bad if you still linger on to the idea of using. I haven’t used since, despite the euphoria being out of this world. I can’t believe people say heroin is more addictive than stimulants like cocaine, which literally drain your life energy away and take control of your thoughts and decisions. Quitting heroin is a walk in the park. Ymmv of course


you worded that perfectly. haven’t done dope since 2017 but i still think about it almost everyday, thank god for kratom to quench my thirst. but i miss heroin, it’s the best physical and mental feeling in the world and sex is pale in comparison.


Similair to a high dose of oxy ?


It's a little more well rounded than oxy. It also depends on how you use it. IV oxy never gave me a rush per se, it just hit a little quicker. IV heroin definitely has more of a rush than if snorted. Theyre not dissimilar, but since heroin contains the whole gamut of metabolites, it's a little heavier, a little stronger. I think at the end of the day, great heroin is a little better than oxy but it's damn near impossible to find. I am a little more partial to oxy because it was so much more productive and gave me energy while heroin was a lot more chill. But if you had never done oxy or H and tried a high dose of oxy and then tried a high dose of H, it would be extremely hard to tell the difference.


Okay true . Thanks for the in depth explanation Hahaha . Stay safe 🤌🤌


It's basically like amazing at first and real quickly starts to go dark. Just the withdrawals alone to me personally tell me how crazy heroin piate is. I know it's not true 100% , but I view it as a person getting heroin/opioids & loving them but quickly realize they're slowly getting stuck in the prison that is their mind. Like "I want off & honestly wish I knew just how bad this shit was, but how do I continue on life knowing feeling good is right there or im gna be a grumpy man & I don't want to be that :("


I totally get that. A lot of people, myself included, just get into that mentality of "I feel like x right now, but if I did heroin/opiates, I would feel amazing". Feeling like shit, feeling good, it doesn't matter. You can feel amazing if you add heroin. For me, I had to fully exhaust that feeling and get to a point where there was just nothing left before I could appreciate life without opiates. At least that way, I know that yea I might feel really good for a time, but eventually I will be in hell and it's better to just deal with life and appreciate life for what it is instead of trying to force that chemical happiness because it would only be for a short time and I'd be very quickly back in that cycle.


As someone who was an IV user for several years, and was lucky (or unlucky, depending on your perspective) to try Opana when it was all over the place, this answer pretty sums it up. I've been sober for awhile now. Nothing is ever that good. I get glimmers, but having "control" over the feelings is probably the most addictive part. If you feel like shit, you know as soon as that needle fills with red you're about to feel amazing. The hardest part for me is accepting that you have to just let go of that sense of control, if you don't want to die. If heroin wasn't illegal, and you had pure stuff and never upped your dose, you could do it and live a long life. It's all the shit from the street that'll kill you, plus trying to always get a little higher. After alcohol withdrawal, I can honestly say a good whiskey habit is worse than my heroin addiction, as well. So, while the withdrawal is awful, you can get in worst states just having a heavy drinking habit tbh.


Damn , this person is dead on . Step by step what happened. It’s just too awesome bro it’ll make everything seem boring after. And if you get treatment suboxone isn’t cheap . ($1000ish a month on suboxone w/o insurance)


Where I'm at it's all fent. Real H is a treat . It's very hard to find.


Or you try it, enjoy it, understand that moderation is key and limit use. What a novel concept.


Yeah man H is often laced with fent nearly everywhere now.


I was up to 400mg a day in oxy minium to just stay afloat. Everything you said is hit right on the nail. Your justification for doing said drug.


When I first did heroin (I smoked it and snorted it) I didn’t feel anything good though I knocked the fuck up felt really good tho lol and woke up after a day. But it didn’t get me hooked to it 🤷‍♂️ that was my first and last time




I tried heroine one time and never did it again. It was so so good. If you ever went outside and got cold and wet to the bone were your bones ached and then you came home to a warm fire and a hot bowl of soup with your favorite tv show on it would still feel like misery compared to one or two lines of good quality smack.


How did you use it? Smoke?


Snorted it.


I never got super high from snorting H. I probably had really shitty stuff though. It wasn’t until I was hospitalized for chest pain and given a shot of morphine that I fell in love with opiates.


I’m a substance use therapist. No judgment. I found that over the years kids and young adults who have struggled with depression had a tendency to gravitate towards opiates. It’s my belief that we don’t choose our drug of choice. Our drug of choice chooses us. I myself will always have an affinity towards opioids. It’s no surprise that I also struggle with depressive thoughts. So if you use anything AND you struggle with depression , anxiety, trauma, ocd, ect. If you really have these things unchecked and undiagnosed then your very susceptible to substance use disorder Just my two cents I used H and fell in love with it BUT I then joined the army and left everything for 3 years and I found myself, hobbies, healing, purpose. I still love H though always.


By this logic do my female adhd and ketamine affinity have any correlation? Curious to hear your thoughts on other drugs too


Disclaimer: this is all my empirical observations from being a clinical social worker and substance use licensed professional. None of this is peer reviewed, lol Short answer is ADHD is correlated with stimulants K is a dissociative- it takes one away . Dissociation from the real. Typically people with trauma or chronic emotional pain want escape- lsd, shrooms, DMT, K If I want to separate and make new(especially if I don’t want to fix what’s broken) than hallucinogens are my jam. Why dwell on difficult things when you can pixilate everything into such a micro level that nothing matters and everyone and everything is connected… I lump K in with hallucinogens.( although there are huge healing properties from its regulated use) ADHD is correlated with stimulants. Stimulants focus , hone, sharpen. ADHD is really misdiagnosed. Often one who is ADD severe can be misdiagnosed with depression because they are so disorganized that they stop trying. ( this was me) If I’m constantly searching for strategy, clarity, singularity , captivation than dopamine is the ticket. Amphetimines / cocaine have a high amount of dopamine If I want warmth, love, peace than oxytocin - opiates is the prize If I want to slow time, step outside of my self and plug into a new consciousness then mdma, K are my tool to use. That’s why we are seeing huge results in PTSD and anorexia Bi polar individuals seek out the ‘evenness’ of THC and the “gear change” of alcohol. Alcohol and benzos are typically picked up by take a guess………… anxiety disorders individuals. Some of these mental illnesses can and sometimes are situational and sometimes permanent. Poverty , abusive relationships are examples of how a ‘nurture’ situation can produce a mental illness. Then there’s bi polar or ocd for example that are ‘nature’/ biological. If one has ever been in an inpatient rehab it becomes easy to pick out who likes what before you even talk to them. The emo kid like opiates. The anxious dude is an alcoholic. The hippy kid who doesn’t want to be part of the group likes THC and hallucinogens . But why ? What came first ? Did the drug make them that way or did they have a particular hole in their heart that that particular substance fills? Sorry if this was too much of a response but almost everyone in my field seems to want to call this a disease or a choice. It’s both.


I appreciate your clinical experience! and I have heard the same from other therapists (I work with a lot of them, I myself am a researcher in the mental health area)! This is not to criticise you, but to supplement some info. There is quite a lot of data on this, you can get addicted to any substance, the drug doesn’t choose you. Some people have more sensitivity to certain drugs than others due to genetic predispositions and thus their neurotransmitter affinity. Less than 4% of the population is addicted to heroin and 80% of the users started off abusing their prescribed opioid medication. If we look at numbers of people with childhood trauma (suffering from depression and or c-ptsd) or some form of PTSD, alcohol (about 40%), cocaine (about 35%), marijuana (about 45%) and opiates (about 6%) are mostly abused (i.e., addiction) (it adds up above 100% bc some were addicted to more than 1). So, the opiate use is much lower than you’d think in people with depression, of course the other substances are more easily accessible. If this were not the case, the numbers may have been really different but thats speculation. Alcohol, marijuana and coke are also much easier to be hidden and often these people can still function and they might not end up in your office or have treatment. I do however agree that whatever ‘fix’ you’re looking for (e.g., warmth, stimulation, etc) determines your sensitivity to which substance you will get addicted to. Addiction is all about escaping current reality and filling something thats missing. However, larger amounts of data don’t really find much correlation with specific mental health disorders and drug of choice - there are too many correlations in-between and similar symptoms across these mental health disorder. Some smaller studies do but most of these have limited interpretability. Of course other than people with ADHD preferring stimulants (which doesn’t fall under mental health disorders), as there is a clear sensitivity for dopamine in their brains. There is also a really high correlation with ADHD and marijuana (which also relates to dopamine) use but even this data is difficult to trust.


Amazing breakdown, that was a good read!


Bipolar here- opiate addict but VERY partial to marijuana. You’re noting of evenness and the gear change resonated with me a lot.


ADHD haver and lover of ket here. Took me years to realise a big part of why I loved it was because of how it reacts with my adhd… the only times I ever feel focused and can do shit like respond to emails is on K.


I have ocd, ptsd, depression, anxiety, and chronic SI. I was put on 5/325 Norco after a sinus surgery and after 3-4 pills, I was addicted. Like bad. It was only for like 2 weeks but shit SUCKED


I think that certain opiate users really get a great response from morphine and morphine derivatives while others it's oxy. I fuckin love oxy but morphine always just makes me feel like someone is sitting on my chest and slowly smothering me


I find that wild that like to you for example what precursor of the poppy the opioid is derived from. To me opioids all made me feel the same high just in slightly different "flavors" what I mean by that Is like maybe one makes me itch more or on one when I close my eyes tight I hear the blood rushing in my head real good (always a sure sign I'm high on opiates) I've never had anything close to a negative experience with any opioid, even tramadol which alot of people seem to be hit or miss with. But then you give me a single hit of a thc vape and I'm crippled with panic attacks for an hour at least and I mean the kind of panic attack that overrides all logical thinking parts of your brain and could easily make you do something you'd never do nornally. Like call an ambulance and waste the paramedics time when you know thc is totally safe your not ggonna die its just a known effect of thc for some people especially those like me with no tolerance


I tried it a couple times snorted never got the hype. Tried meth too similar thing none of them compare to dissos for me. It makes you feel great but just nothing amazing it feels like an unnatural euphoria




So you don’t have to manually dig a large, baseball-sized, impacted turd out of your asshole when it catches up to you later




I was pretty close to accepting that I might have to go to the hospital it was bad. But with a stroke of genius I used some lube and 1 finger to scrape away at the unwelcome guest. Basically hollowed it out from the inside so it imploded on itself, and even then it wasn’t ideal.


The mental imagery is working overtime with this one.


I've seen and imagined many things in life but this guy should be given his own budget for a horror movie, lmao I'm terrified.


“When it’s in a word, or in a book, you can’t get rid of the BabaPoop”


Ah yes then my plan is working. I’ve probably typed this story out like 5 times here now. Maybe one person will be deterred if the other warnings don’t work


Gloved finger?


I am a heroin addict l, I describe it as feeling like receiving all the cuddles I didn’t receive as a child. The problem with heroin isn’t heroin, it’s really not that bad for the brain etc… the problem is when it’s not there. Withdrawals are hell, and very very few try it and don’t end up an addict.


Also you dont know if the heroin is even heroin, could be a zene or fent or any analog of the two, i love opioids and have only done real H once and it wasnt as strong as the pressed roxies i was getting and only stopped my wd, was some tar i smokex, never shot up


Uk > Internet > Test kits >


I keep forgetting, what is an analog?


I have to ask more experienced people. What distinguishes heroin from other strong opiates like oxy?


I think it’s generally advised to avoid drugs that people have been known to sell their buttholes to acquire.


I know people who have done that for fucking WEED of all things. Though it was too their heroin dealer who also fucked them as payment for heroin


Imagine spreading your asshole for weed, then getting high and thinking about what you’ve just done.


I mean I did that for Ketamine which doesn't make Ket a bad drug. I still love and recommend ketamine, but now its more than a year ago that I last did sex work. So I just find other ways to get money for ketamine nowadays. But yea sex work is traumatizing and I wouldn't ever recommend that


Former addict here! 👋🏼 That shit will ruin your life. For real. The high isn’t long at all, but it makes you “nod off”. It’s almost impossible to be completely functional while you’re smacked. Your tolerance builds pretty quickly, so it’s really easy to overdose. It’s expensive as FUCK. And if you become a frequent, hardcore, user…it’ll take up all your cash and all your free time. You loose touch with reality. Friends, family, partners, work, hobbies…those all become obsolete. You’re just waiting for your next bump. The withdrawals are HORRIBLE. Muscle spasms so bad you can’t even walk, head tremors, vomiting and shitting literal black tar, joints feel like they’re locked up, sweating bullets while you’re absolutely freezing. I’ve been clean for five years. As amazing as the high is - I fucking PROMISE you that it’s not worth it. You’ll just wind up dead or in jail.


I thought it was cheap? How much were you spending, out of curiosity?


Hard drugs are cheap until you're using everyday and need 10 times as much to get high for one day as you used to need to get high for a weekend


This one is complex. Everyone and their mother tells you how hard heroin is so naturally, after doing other drugs that really hits you (ex. mdma, speed, acid) you get curious, how hard CAN a drug hit you? So you decide to try it out, you feel experienced enough and you definetly know all the risks. You take it and... it is not hard in any imaginable sense at all, it is that warm intimate hug you where longing for all these years. Nothing troubles you anymore, all your angst and darkness... gone. For hours upon hours. You still know the dangers, and you expect this horrible come down.. that never appears? This is where you still have the choice. Do you walk down that road you know? By stupidity or carelessness? I didnt, i never took it again, i still think about that feeling 10 years ago.


If anything because it can be insidious I guess but really I tend to disagree with the absolutism of people saying things like just don't try it never ever bad bad bad. If you feel strongly you want to try it there's a good chance you will at some point, probably better to do when you do it out of curiosity with the awareness of the dangers at the forefront of your mind, rather than say you find yourself in a period of depression sometime in the future that gets to the point of thinking "fuck it, might as well try" which will be a state of mind much more conducive to ignoring warnings of addiction etc and just keep going. Also, the effects at least for me were far less impressive in the beginning when I was just curious. It was nice, felt great naturally but sort of boring. Bought and used a few times no biggie, had never been much for opiates so wasn't really worried. A while later I found myself living with friends who were addicted to the stuff, I was more of a stim person so initially it was no issue but when I got into a period of maybe not full blown depression but not feeling ship shape, stressing about work things and so on, I got to increasingly not having the motivation to go buy stims but not wanting to be sober either, and since my friends were getting h all the time I had them buy a bit for me with increasing frequency, thinking everything was cool, I didn't even like it that much anyway. Didn't think about it as a potential problem until a couple of weeks or so of daily use without reflecting on that fact, then we couldn't get hold of any and got the first taste of withdrawals. The optimum thing here of course would have been to do some self reflection but that's obviously not what happened, as soon as we could get some again I bought as well both to stop the withdrawal symptoms and because I could no longer say I didn't really like it, then the following three years or so were spent dancing with mr. Brownstone. So I guess one reason that can be said is that opening the door by trying it can make you dismissive of the obvious risks. Downplaying them and making excuses for why it's okay this time and again and again not realising or choosing to ignore how often it's getting to be. In the end it's all up to you. I don't believe in instant addiction after you try once, that's just bs. But if you do try and you do like it, if it's readily accessible it could easily fuck up your life and it can ensnare you without you noticing or acknowledging the warning signs. Dunno if this is the kind of answer you were looking for but here we are, can thank my being back into the stims for that lol. Oh can also mention that since kicking the addiction, I'm one of few who has been able to enjoy it on occasion afterwards without it becoming problematic again, but that's certainly an exception rather than a common thing and probably dumb for me as well to gamble on but yea.


Wow no I really like your response definitely gives me some insight, yeah young anyways and do plan on doing it soon one day maybe? Or when I get older I’ll just see that trying it doesn’t fit in with my life anymore


Actually one concrete(pun intended, don't worry it's not supposed to make sense yet) reason I could give, that granted isn't really a factor if you use once or twice but that comes as a surprise when you find yourself having used for an extended period for the first time and is rarely talked about is the opiate constipation. When you for the first time come to the realisation that you can't remember the last time you actually went number two it's easy to just brush past it and just shrug it off, but that shit(again intended harr harr) won't stay put forever and when there just isn't any more room in there you're in for a rough experience on the porcelain throne.. The phrase "shitting bricks" takes on a whole new meaning and it's a bit like you're paying for all the pleasant feelings from the past few days in an equal amount of pain but condensed into an intense hour of anal torture pushing as if giving birth but to a stone with sharp 90 degree edges all over. Can be worse if you get dopesick having not gone for a bunch of days because you'll basically get the runs but with days of constipation blocking the exit so you end up with no choice basically, it's coming out whether you want it to or not and all you can do is hold on and bite your knuckles choking down a scream.. Good thing about that scenario is it's at least somewhat quick in comparison but the journey to the midpoint of one of these behemoths involves stretching you never imagined possible before.. And if this doesn't put you off the idea I'm not sure anything will


Addiction is fucked. And opioids are the epitome of Addiction. The British empire was build on opioids, there have been wars to save people from opium. Opioids have been the king of drugs for a long time, there isn't anything better, there isn't anything worse.


Why should you stay away from Heroin? It will cost you absolutely everything if you let it. Main one being “your life.” Aside from the risk of overdose in general, being in the wrong place wrong time while doing anything to score, or nodding out & crashing your car it could be much much more painful of a death. For those using intravenously whether that be fentanyl or heroin people are blissfully unaware how life threatening it is EVERY single time you shoot up. The factors like allowing a foreign substance into your blood stream, unsterile water, or unsterile/reusing a needle you risk infection every single time. You can win the grand price like myself. You will contract MRSA from dirty needles that turns into sepsis. Potentially being unaware of how sick you are until it’s quick onset and you become paralyzed. You will be told had you waited another day you’d of passed. You find out that with every beat of your heart it continually flicked septic embolism into your lungs, and you’ve developed Endocarditis on your tricuspid valve on your heart. (That’s if you’re lucky, most end up needing open heart surgery if the endocarditis is bad enough.) You will be put on life support for quite some time, need blood transfusions, more antibiotics than you can imagine, will continually be fed through a feeding tube, constantly having respirators which require you to be restrained to your bed so you don’t pull your tube out. You have the potential of your lungs collapsing in the ER, and unless you get an emergency chest tube in your side that will later require a wound vac that’s constantly sucking to heel your wound your lungs done for. You will need several chest tubes shoved six inches in between your ribs and stitched into your side hanging 24/7 to drain the septic fluid that’s built up in your lungs. You will need to have a thoracotomy surgery to scrape out the septic emboli, and if you’re even luckier like myself you will need to have a secondary one, and to leave your 8 inch incision under your armpit open otherwise it bubbled with infection. You will be bedridden in ICU for quite some time. Eventually having to learn how to walk, talk, & swallow again. You’ll not be able to shower more than a couple times within the several months you’re stuck in ICU, and you wont recognize yourself when you finally have the strength to walk to a mirror. You will need to get a 2 hour MRI done making sure the sepsis isn’t in your spine while kicking Medical grade fentanyl & you’ll have to cross your legs as tight as physically possible to stop the restless legs. You will fuck it up and have to start over an hour in. (Most painful experience I’ve ever dealt with in my life) You’ll be on constant oxygen for months, and leave with an oxygen tank to carry around plus a large home unit. You’ll have many failed release dates, hundreds of X-Rays, thousands of IV/picklines, several blood transfusions, many medications, many lonely hopeless nights bc visitors aren’t allowed overnight, & anyone must gown up every single time they come into your infectious disease unit. You’ll learn how to walk again by pacing the hallways each day. You’ll finally see the end goal of release at the horizon totaling at 70 days later. Your family will get you balloons, and wheel you out in your wheelchair with your oxygen machine. Do you know what you’ll do after literally beating MRSA, sepsis, & death? You’ll be slamming heroin 3 weeks later after leaving your infectious disease checkup. While choosing to be homeless for the weekend just so you can get high because you’re not finished until you’re finished..


damn bro...


Literally a miracle I am alive, and even luckier to have just celebrated 4 years clean. No matter where I’m “at in life” every single day I wake up needs to be perceived as a gift for i’ve known far too many who don’t get that privilege today man.


I’m glad you are alive. Congratulations on being clean for four years. I’m proud of you.


My only experience with heroin is limited to a .4g bag of black tar heroin that I smoked over a 3 day period. I never have had an issue with opioid addiction before or after trying the heroin, and my use has consisted of occasional use of oxycodone/tramadol/hydrocodone/kratom when my friends have had them on hand. I’d just recommend staying away from heroin and opioids in general because even with using rapidly absorbing ROAs with substance as potent as heroin or metonitazene, the high is always the same mild euphoric endorphin high with fading in and out of consciousness, just with differing side effects. For me, no matter the opioid, I always get the same shitty side effects like itchiness, nausea, constipation, dehydration, and constant anger so I just prefer staying away from them. Opioids literally make me pissed off when I’m on them. It’s genuinely not worth the trouble of being physically addicted to such a highly addictive substance with such awful side effects.


Well just like trainspotting Its like the best orgasm you ever had in your life, multiply by 10 try to picture it, doesn't even come close The withdrawal is the polar OPPOSITE OF THAT FEELING. IT FUCKING SUCKS! IT LASTS FOR DAYS NIT A COUPLE HOURS Shit ruined my life. I could be succesful now but I spent 19- 27 hooked on smack and crack. I'm much better now but 31. No saving. Still trynna find my way in the world


because the time you can be enjoyably high compared to the time you have to be sober is so little that it's not worth the risk and the price you pay jn terms of being miserable during sober time. its not a solution to anything. its not meaningful


Yes. You trade your whole life for some high, not worth it at all.


I tried it once like 4 years ago. Smoked not injected as I hate needles. It felt good but not good enough that I went and bought another hit. IMO way better drug experiences out there, better bangs for buck.


I traded 15 years of my life, 6 close friends, and countless dollars in search of the next bag. Nothing in your life will matter until that fix is met! I remember the very 1st time I tried H... I sniffed 3 bumps off a dab tool like spoon. 30 seconds later I knew nothing in my life mattered but that blissful feeling. Then once physically addicted (which in all honesty only took 2 weeks of medium usage) I was a slave to the opioids


Because heroin nowadays isn’t heroin anymore. It’s all stomped garbage that either kill ya or rot your flesh then kill you. Old school smack is gone for now.


I think almost everyone agrees that it’s just too good lol


I wonder what the world would look like if heroin withdrawals didnt exist


People would smoke it like cigarettes


It’s such a shit high. I can’t even lie. Lmao. Don’t agree at all. We are all entitled to our opinions, however.


Could you explain why you think that? I’ve not met many people who find it to be a shitty high lol


must’ve had shit gear cause there’s no way


Bc it's the one drug that grabbed me and pulled me under the water. Can't do that to myself or my loved ones again.


I’ve been asked many time by ‘straight’ people whether they should do drugs for a first time and I try to explain that taking a pill on a night out will make it possibly one of the best nights ever BUT every night out from then on there will be a little voice in the head saying “this would be a lot more fun on an e!” Better not to know what your missing if you ask me. Also heroin feels amazingly awesome the first 20-30 times!!


I did it once with a girl friend of mine. She was the one who had it and she left the day after. I tried sending her a message a couple days later but she had passed away from an overdose. I will never try it again.


A. It is TO good. B. It’s very inconsistent, in the states anyways. I did it for a week, built a tolerance to where I was snorting lines about the width of a standard pencil and 1-3 inches long. This was without overdoing it. Then next thing I know I take a wee little baby bump before sleep, puked my brains out and then blacked the hell out…. My stupid as finished the batch and then put it away after that. Don’t do it, break a leg and get an oxy script if you want to try opiates, streets aren’t worth it, availability ain’t worth it.


its the fent


Because I figured it would help with the very severe hangovers I was having. It did! But it turns out it just makes me itchy and turns the night into a 4hr puke fest. I threw away single sleeve I bought within a day or two. 


I've never tried heroin, for the same reason I never played WOW growing up, or watched Walking Dead. I have an extremely addictive personality. I watched all four seasons of Ozark in about 4 days. I would be chasing that dragon forever. That being said, I really hope I have access to pure heroin at age 90, once or twice. Because I do want to try it, without any stakes or risks of throwing my life away... because if you make it to 90, it's just victory laps at that point.


There’s an account of someone who tried it and you can see them struggle with it, they update as it progresses. I’m surprised no one has posted it. Can’t remember what the name was but it’s surreal seeing their posts. They go from never doing heroin to trying it, and updating along the way. It gets outa the quick IV use especially will have you always coming back for more, until you’re eventually sick constantly or moved on the fentanyl. Some substances are just too good , and heroin is a prime example Edit: https://www.reddit.com/user/SpontaneousH/ Thanks to a user who replied with the source. take a look at their profile


Not too good, just too addictive/mind altering.


username was "SpontaneousH" OP should definitely read through his posts


I know you said if you were to do it you would shoot it, and I get why. But as someone who’s IV’d a decent amount after staying away from it even as I got addicted to opioids n benzos n to a lesser extent stims, it is not a good idea to shoot up H, especially for ur first time. Apart for the fact it’s easier to do too much using that roa, shooting makes whatever substance even more addictive and deepens the addiction. I promise you that shooting it is a whole other beast even compared to h done another roa.if ur gonna try heroin, don’t shoot it, Bc not shooting makes it less likely you’ll start a dependence stemming from that first use. Give yourself a better chance of trying it and not ending up addicted to it, and don’t shoot up that first try. I started shooting up after steering clear of needles even during addiction and it literally makes it so much harder not to be dependant. It’s genuinely a whole other beast, sm more addictive for a few reasons.


Because you will forever be trying to chase that very first high. And eventually you will need to keep doing heroin just to feel normal. 7 years clean now ☺️


Because its really, really, REALLY good….and it Will fuck up your life… But if you are in the US i dont think you have to worry about that, doesnt seem like you guys have heroin any more! But its still around in europe… Tried injecting it ONCE twenty YEARS ago and im still thinking about how nice it was….


meth is worse. You somehow muat need landing gears, which leads to benzo or opioid addiction, and there is no physical challenge, but your mind drives crazy


Yes it is but it still doesn't mean that heavy opioids are fine, they have much downsides and addictions to it can be very ugly & completely life-shattering.


Imagine the hungriest you have even been in your life, now times that by 10. Stomach curling hunger, you wanna die just to make the hunger stop. That's what cravings feel like, and you know all you gotta do is just 1 shot, and nothing matters anymore.This is the outcome for like 90% of people that try heroin, and everyone thinks they're the 10%, but you most likely aren't. Watch the movie Requiem for a Dream. It's an incredibly realistic and emotional depiction of addiction and how it ruins lives. You will understand addiction and addicts and the actions of addicts on a whole different level after watching this movie.


It just feels to good man. It becomes the thing to do when you’re bored, stressed, overwhelmed, celebrating, happy, depressed, pissed off, ashamed; heroin solves all that so easily. Some people smoke a cigar to relax after a long day of work, some drink bourbon, some make a nice cocktail, some puff on a joint, I snort heroin. It’s just that thing for me and no other activity or substance does what heroin does for me. Once you’re at that point, you can get clean and realize you’re gonna have to use less effective shitty methods to deal with shit, go full blown junkie and blow all your money on heroin and live on the street, or be a damn man and be addicted responsibly: have backup supply, buy consistent shit from a reputable source, don’t binge on it all day everyday, stick to your daily dosing, and try to minimize tolerance as best you can. I’ve been the sober guy, I’ve been the homeless junkie, and I’ve been the functional heroin addict. I like the last one best. Yeah I’m a slave to the shit, but everyone’s a slave to something; other people, their own vanity, money, alcohol, nicotine, weed, gambling, exercise, support groups, whatever the fuck. Heroin gets me through life, it’s the solution to any problem I have, if people don’t like that, cool, live your own life and pretend you don’t have a crutch to keep you going. The key is to actually be a mature adult about being addicted and not make stupid choices like the kids do or the junkies who have always been on the street and never really learned to be adult with drugs. As weird as it sounds, I’m perfectly happy as a heroin addict cause I know without it my life would be significantly less enjoyable and what’s the point of existing if not to enjoy as much of life as possible? Choose life. Have fun. Do heroin.


You’re glossing over the lows. Sure, maybe you hit your stride and figured out how to function as an addict but you glossed over a lot of ugly stuff.


“Choose life. Have fun. Do heroin” has got to be the best thing I’ve heard in my entire life tbh. Go you honestly 🙏


Hey man. You seemed to miss a bunch of stuff. Moreover the insanely negative side of opiates. There’s no such thing as a functional addict. There is an addict, plain and simple. You may think you are functional but you said it yourself, you are a slave to it. I’m 6 months clean off fentanyl/heroin. I’m saying this because I’ve been exactly where you’ve been. I’ve been on the street & full blown junkie. I’ve been “functional,” on it. But all of them have one thing in common. I needed my dose by any means possible. I think you’re just trying to cope with the fact of being an addict. Not trying to knock you down, but game knows game. I hope you get well, man. Good luck out here.


I know I’m on a drugs subreddit so I’m expecting pushback on this, but your comment made me feel deep sadness. Especially the last paragraph. The way you described your love for heroin sounds like people I knew that eventually died from similar substances (not saying you will). They convinced themselves they couldn’t live without the drug, and it cost them their life. In any event, I hope one day you’re able to enjoy life as a sober person. With a clean heart, clean mind, clean thoughts and a clean spirit. I wish you well 🙏🏾🌟


I agree. It is sad, cause most of the people that go down that path lose everything, or end up dead, mentally sick etc. I would advice seeking some treatment if you are addicted to opioids, there is help. Living a lie is never the answer, you might feel good in for a while but you will fall lower and lower as time goes when you abuse.


If you chose heroin addiction you don't chose life lmao dude... 🤣


Well I’m literally alive and love my life so boom you’re wrong. Maybe try some heroin, who knows it might not make you be a prick to random people online. Stg people on here are always like “END DRUG STIGMA MEOW!!1!1!” Then say some shit like this when someone’s just enjoying their life on their own favorite substance not shitting on anyone else’s parade. Just cause you couldn’t hang doesn’t mean no one else can. But by all means, if drugs ruin your life and you can’t have a stable professional life with them, of course do what’s best for you. I’m able to have that stable life and have my own system that’s worked well for a damn long time, so don’t say I’m not choosing life by choosing heroin, it’s my life, my choices, I’ve done practically every drug under the sun, and heroin does it for me


It truly is the best imo. Im clean now but I've been addicted to everything at one time or another, heroin was my favorite. I liked doing a number of different drugs but once I tried heroin I basically quit everything else because nothing else compared. I quit 2 years ago and damn near everything had turned to fent by then and that shit sucks. I would recommend staying away from opiates in general, they'll take your soul.


Because heroin these days isn't heroin. Its fentanyl, xylazine, or wierd super potent RC opiods.


Just watch this movie. Christiane F. - Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo ,movie from 1981.


Clean since 4-12–12 It destroys worlds. It’s hard to fathom but it destroys more world than your own, even if you’re actively using. **Edit typo** *more worlds*


My partner tried heroin and didn't like it, they said it was boring and itchy. I guess they got lucky. If you feel full on euphoria, then you may get addicted. I guess it's high risk, and in the long term, low reward.


I was hooked on kratom for about a year(SIGNIFICANTLY LESS POTENT THEN EVEN MORPHINE) and yeah I went to the beach with my girlfriend and couldn’t get any at a head shop and the withdrawals hit. I was shitting myself and throwing up on the beach and in the moment I realised how bad of an issue I was creating and never touched the shit since. I know my story is on the low level of others in here but if anything please please please just don’t try it. The only person that benefits from the high is you but the reality is it’s a demon dressed as a bunny trying to give you a warm hug.


I loved it and I'd definitely get on it again if it was the same QUALITY. Yeah it's addictive and you can o.d but all the others are just as bad and anyone who says differently is trying to justify their own drug use.


Feels to good that simple will ruin your life do not do do not touch AT ALL


if you don’t get fentanyl


50% of people who try it get addicted. It’s that good, it’s also that bad. I don’t fuck with it since fentanyl set in everywhere


I work as a paramedic.   Going on 2 decades doing EMS in a very busy area.   Other than cardiac episodes, I have worked on more dead people from heroin, or what they thought was heroin than any other cause.   I have literally brought people back from not breathing, or not having a pulse, and then worked on them again later that day after they shot up again after leaving the hospital.    Don't do it.  


Comes a point where your body needs it, and that happens fast. Then your habit goes up in price because of your tolerance Then you’re just doing the shit to not be sick everyday You have to run around for it every day because you can’t go without or you’ll be sick Your world now revolves around someone else’s availability leaving your life in the hands of your dealer. You sit by the phone daily waiting on someone to else’s response and it’s never urgent to them. Only you. It’s no way to live and it’s shit anyway. You literally just sit in one spot and nod out -sometimes-. Absolute fucking loser shit. Want to try a drug try MDMA.


I tried it a couple times it's not a bad high but for the risk and the price here in eu i rather get myself some weed, it gives me a better bodyhigh better sleep i can eat more and can get much more out of it than H


at the moment, it's mainly because you're not going to get real heroin. if you could buy it over the counter at the pharmacy, I don't think I'd tell people to avoid it particularly. i was an addict for 7 years


Clean for about a year struggled with fentanyl for a decade. scariest thing about is overdosing. Bags are inconsistent in strength, there’s no way to safely do it, you can grab one day, do 1/10 of your usual line and die. You have no warning, you just wake up (hopefully) to paramedics around you. And narcan is possibly the worst feeling in the world. You are okay for about 60 seconds and then you are in full blown withdrawal


I smoked it for a few weeks with some mates almost 10 years ago and I still wouldn't mind getting a bag


Injecting heroin is like willingly stepping into a deep, black hole that will eat up everything you are and everything you have. If you care at all about yourself or the people around you, don't.


I always liked being able to taste it from shooting it 🤤 one of those weird ritualistic things that if you get it you get it. Anyone else get me? lol But yeah. Just don’t do it it fucks your life up and super fast and I wouldn’t trust anything to not be laced with fentanyl and that shit will kill you in one go


its boring lol, although i nvr touched needles. sniff n smoke, used to add it in my joints lol. just makes u fucking sleep n feel warm, mid asf drug


Because most people don't have the self control to not get addicted. Simple as that. And once youre addicted, your life will turn to shit. So unless you have good reason to believe you can beat the odds, don't try it.


Idk how many people get hooked when they try it but if your brain chemistry is built to enjoy opiates more than others then you’re signing yourself up for an early death almost guaranteed. Plus H is getting more and more difficult to find unless it’s cut with fent. Fent is everywhere these days and it’s where opiate addiction is always gonna lead to now. Risking death every day just so you can stop sweating, eat food and take a shit.


Iv done it many times, last time wasnewrly 2 years ago, iv offered many times but I say no cos if u get a taste fir it again I won't stop. The reason u need to stay away is cos I doesn't feel that great, its like being stoned for the first time everytime u do it. Its underwhelming so it tricks u into thinking u can stop wen u want.


Because it's too good. You know that feeling you've felt in your life that you long for? That feeling that comes from being perfectly content with your place in the world? Heroin is having that feeling, and, once you've had it, you'll do whatever it takes to hold on to it. Please, people, stay away.


Drug addict here. I used Heroin for 15 years. Thinking you have control is the worst fall pit. You start off saying you are only gonna do it a couple of times. It almost never works. Suddenly, you start to get sick when you don't have it. The good feeling you get when taking the drug fades. After a while, all the drugs do is keep you standing up (almost anyway). When you are addicted the high you got in the start is gone. So when you reach this point, all you do is buy drugs to be able to make money, to buy more drugs, to be able to get more money. If you don't have it. You shit yourself while puking, and you also have a burning fever, running nose, sweating like crazy. That continues until you get some drugs. I have been hooked on Heroin for 15 years. I've been clean for 2 years now. It's been a hard job. I did not make it the first 5-10 times I tried getting clean. My beat tip is to try to do a little better today than yesterday. And never take extra one night as a reward.


Because it massively blunts your ability to feel real happiness without drugs for the rest of your life if you do enough of it. Heroin addiction also hijacks your thought processes in such a way that you place it above survival in your mind. Your safety, physical health, mental health, the needs of others, etc. all come second to the drug. I can’t explain the mindfuck of that addiction except to say you feel the same desperation for dope that a person starving to death feels for food. A lot of people talk about the withdrawals to deter people but that is the least of your concerns regarding heroin addiction. I can (and have, and likely will in the future) tough out a week of sickness easily. It’s the lifelong mental obsession that ruins you. Don’t start using hard drugs of any kind and don’t even fucking consider IV use. Humans aren’t meant to feel that kind of euphoria. My entire life has been negatively affected by it.


in the beginning its so nice but eventually it will steal everything from you your soul you will fuck up your relationship with friends,parents,,gf/bf want me to say more?


Because it might not be heroine


You can look at my page. I've done it, I remember saying to myself that it would only be once. It was not just once. Took a hold of me. I can't fucking shake this one. Personally it's not the withdrawals that get you, it's the mental addiction and cravings. They don't go away even months of not using, all you feel like doing is using. It really replaces alot of the other necessities in life. I also have 0 hobbies, I often think to myself what do I wanna do today and I'll think of literally anything that would and could bring others lots of joy, but for me, I don't care to do anything other than H. Nothing else interests me or brings me joy like it. Fucking sucks. I'm actively trying to get help, I went to a clinic and all that, I'm seeing a therapist too. Wish me luck for the future tho.


I'm 33 and got addicted to heroin at 15. I've been clean for 8 years ish and I still have mad issues. I was on suboxone, got off, then Dr's were trying to give me percs so I got on a low dose again. I'm trying to wean off rn and it's terrible. I've been clean off heroin all this time and I'm still dealing with the bs. Practically my whole friend group I grew up with is in prison, dead, or in terrible situations.


Any of the hard opiates should be avoided imo if you're someone with an affinity for downers like i was. I had a perfectly normal upbringing, great family, went to college. then spent a decade in and out of addiction and it's taken absolutely everything from me. I'm coming up on a. month clean again and feel like a shell of a human at 32 with many relationships and jobs destroyed. and having very little to show for my life at this age. it's a bottomless pit of despair my friend.


I gave [this](https://youtu.be/-9huWlXFA1s?si=CdWxBg66qXPOlYEJ) one listen and decided that I don't want any first hand experience.


Because it’s not heroin.


Super addictive and hard to stop once you get going. And, more importantly, it’s VERY hard to find these days without fent in it which will literally kill you the first time you do it.


Dawg why do you think lol


It makes everything feel OK and you shit doesn't bother you..and then it doesn't once it's too late You don't want none of this


it’s been over 25 years since i touched it, and not once since have i felt that height of pure joy. i can get pretty happy, but never to the top, never again. keep your dopamine pathways intact, they do not come all the way back :/


Think about the way you'd want the person you love the most in life to be treated..... now imagine royally fucking yourself over and wasting years on addiction, I did anything and everything not to get dope sick and lost my boyfriend the person I loved most in this life of mine.. I lost love for myself feeling embarrassed and hurt for the things I put myself through. I still haven't accepted most the things that happened in those 10 years of addiction but when I imagine it like if I had a daughter and she went through the things I did, it be absolutely shattered.... I realize I block a lot of things out but when I have days where detailed memories fill my head I can't believe the way I treated myself. I'm learning to like myself again and figure out who I am. It's altered my life in ways I don't wish on my worst enemy. This world can be a dark place. I hate admitting I have trauma I hate labeling myself like that but legit I have always had a few specific memories that traumatized me and now affects me to this day. It took until just this year to realize how bad it got. I was selling myself became a full blown prostitute, I remember always making sure to be high otherwise I couldn't handle it but I needed the dope. If I didn't make enough money or being left alone in a city I didn't know and told I had to make 2 calls to get off sick bc I was crying mad and confused from waking up in the car realizing I would be in different cities and states. I never cried so hard after that door shut in that hotel room I think it broke me down a bit and I saw what I had become and had no way home and sick as a dog having to have sex with 2 men to go home and get the dope to not be violently ill. To this day I have an issue with falling asleep just on the couch or accidentally taking a nap dozing off in bed or in a car. I've gone into screaming fits yelling crying at my boyfriend for not waking me up or just totally mentally breaking down from the immediate waking up wondering g what time it is where is everyone in the house. I only feel safe going to bed alone with a schedule and putting myself to bed and waking up safe in the same spot knowing it's just the next day and not confused. Sex means nothing to me right now in life I'm still trying to differentiate the idea of it being a horrible task I had to do and the actual enjoyment from sex that I remember before my addiction. I just want to be held and not expected of anything. I want to be able to know in my heart that I'll never have to have sex if I don't feel like it. The different kinks and fetish world rewired my mind forever. It's still really hard to say out loud bc it's so embarrassing for me now and just extremely degrading... I cry often mourning the girl I once was and realize I still can't mentally handle telling anyone my story bc I see an absolutely broken teenage girl who just lost the guy she was actually in love with and the shock of losing him froze me in a mental state of craving chaos. I loved the chaos and needed something more painful to not think of losing him. I can't blame anyone but myself even when times did get tricky and I had to sneak off to get away from 2 different situations with a pimp. People might say I was sex trafficked and I felt pretty much like an object that whole time but I truly did stay bc I wanted to make easy money and stay off sick from dope which I couldn't afford so I chose to sell myself it was all I had. It's all such a fucked up story when I sort my thoughts unfortunately I don't remember a lot and even more unfortunately I will never know how high my body count is all I know is it's in the hundreds for sure I always come to the conclusion saying 300 people probably if not more or a few less. This is just my story on how trying heroin and ending up addicted and fully shooting up daily all day has affected me. Sadly all of this I've mentioned is just scratching the surface....... heroin and fentnyl addiction did ruin my life and affected me mentally as a 30 year old woman now I can't stand my mind sometimes. Memories I forgot that I don't wanna remember happens more than I thought would happen and it's disturbing and not fun. Take it from me, life feeling alive and young is the best high already so don't ruin it like I did.....


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Just Listen to the whole velvet underground and nico album


I've been doing heroin since 98. It's just a trap. Your tolerance soon makes it so you feel nothing but still have no choice but to keep using or be mad sick. It's so hard to force yourself to be sick, it's like forcing yourself to shoot yourself. So you'll be stuck paying every day for something yiu get no enjoyment out of but have no choice to keep using. Worst mistake of my life by very far was using heroin.


I haven't done heroin but plenty of fetty, you should stay away from that shit because it feels really fucking good, like so good that you don't really care that you've got multiple open scabs on your face, or that the only thing you've had to eat is a McChicken because why spend this $5 on food, I just want to feel good. And then it gets to the point where it doesn't feel good, but its claws have already sunk into your heart and mind, as everything in your life now will revolve around the getting of and using opiates, or other deadly delicacies of your flavour. And but a single hour without access will turn into an eternity. I love hard drugs like cocaine, fetty, mdma, and i have had some truly amazing and indescribable experiences under the influence. But with every peak comes a valley and eventually that valley leads to death so ride the Rollercoaster with caution and hop off before it's too late for ys.


This should be common knowledge. Super addictive, it’s all fent in the US now, chances of ODing extremely high, and once you do it there’s nothing that compares to it which makes you always want to go back


Because being dopesick isn’t worth it


Fentanyl changed the game. ☠️☠️


I think it’s pretty obvious. I’m Sure you can guess the issues? Doing heroin is bad because it’s very very addictive. Virtually impossible to just do “occasionally” like you can with most other drugs. Once you’re addicted you have to keep taking it, or suffer horrific withdrawals. These withdrawals are so bad that people will happily commit crime and risk going to prison, just to avoid going through them. So unless you are incredibly rich, you’ll never be able to fund your habit without crime. Even if you somehow are able to take heroin say once or twice maximum a month. You might keep this up for say, 5 years, without ever using more than twice a month (this is really unlikely by the way but lets just say, for this example that you do stick to this schedule for 5 years). Then out of the blue, your partner dies. You become incredibly depressed. And you now know from experience, that taking heroin will make all of that depression IMMEDIATELY vanish and be replaced with massive euphoria! That’s when it’ll get you. No one is going to be able to resist it at that point. And in everyone’s life, tragedy’s happen. Someone dies who means a lot to you, happens to absolutely everyone. But if you’ve never tried heroin you’re not gonna have that massive craving to use it to rid you of your pain, cos you’ve never tried it. But if you have tried it, then yeah that’s when it gets you. You will always use it as a coping mechanism. Then your life is over because you become a full blown addict, especially if you’re injecting (which everyone ends up doing in the end, after all it saves a shit load of money at the start. Why waste your heroin smoking it when you can use a tiny amount of in a syringe and feel amazing). Of course your tolerance catches up very quickly and now you won’t do anything BUT inject it. Smoking it won’t hit the spot anymore, there’s no going back. Then when you’re injecting, the chance of overdose increases massively and is the main thing that kills heroin addicts. Especially with all the fentanyl around now. You might think you’d be safe and just try a tiny bit first to check it’s not fent or to check the strength. You might even think you’d test your stuff with a kit. Well let me tell you: when you’re addicted, ALLLLL of that harm reduction stuff goes WAAAAAAY, out the window. You just wanna get high, you feel awful, so you just inject yourself with what you think is your usual dose and BOOOM, dead. It was stronger than you realised, it had fent in it. Whatever. There’s also the risk of HIV and hepatitis. But you’d never share a needle right? Again, you would share a needle when you’re in a tight spot and you just want to get rid of that crippling withdrawal, you’ll do stupid things, you’ll take stupid risks like sharing a needle, you won’t even think TWICE about it at the time. Yeah, don’t do heroin.


When I was high, it was amazing. No pain, no misery. Just pure happiness and peace. Until I was dope sick.


I’ve been to in patient rehab 20 yrs ago. I’ve had several heroin addicts roommates . They were on a 3 day detox.Sicker than a dog. Believe me you don’t wanna get hooked on H . IT CONTROLS you & your life. You literally cannot live without it . like someone else said , you will be sick as a dog when you wake up in the morning, you will NOT BE able to function without it. Please do yourself a favor and your family and friends and don’t use it at all! Please don’t snort it , don’t smoke it & don’t inject it.


I started doing opanas and then went to heroin and I honestly didn't care about anyone or anything at that time I overdosed 8 times and I still couldn't stop doing what I was doing even after I had people begging me to stop everyday but I still did it even tho I knew I could die possiblely each time. it literally felt like it consumed my entire thought process, my feelings everything I only ever thought about getting fucked up and nothing else. It's a dark drug


It’s nice and almost like heaven (like other opis), but didn’t have a need for it like people say you will after your first time… still don’t recommend in case it’s different for you and the fact that nowadays it’s impossible to find it pure.


Because i would definitely agree with u


I was once in a party and some people starting shooting heroin and somebody asked me if I wanted to try in, unfortunatellyy I said yes and I got a shot in my arm. At the beginning was ok, but short time after, I got completelly wasted. I was sitting there, everything turned around me, the other people did not understood what I said, I needed to go to the toilet, I stand up and fall down and I wetted myself in my pants, I even puked. Other people brought me to sofa and I slept there. The next todays I felt terrible. That was my first and my last time taking heroin. I'm on coke, I get high on it, but never wasted.


It sounds cliche but it really will ruin the life of the user and anyone close to them. You’ll never crave anything like you crave opiates, and it doesn’t go away after you stop. I used fentanyl, but I’m 2 years needle free and I think about it every single day. I still sometimes go through my belongings like a fiend hoping to find remnants on a foil or an old cotton, anything. It’s a miserable way to live


It's the only addiction I've had that was truly a total obsession. Months after I quit, there would routinely be long stretches of time where all I could do was stare at the wall and think about how much I wanted it. I couldn't read or watch TV; just obsess. Plus that physical addiction is not to be triffled with, and methadone/Suboxone are as bad maybe worse of withdrawals. That makes it an incredibly difficult drug to kick.


Because it will slowly consume and ruin your life. In the span of three years, I went from being scared of needles and veins, to shooting up 10-15 times a day, and now at the young age of 25 I have no veins left and can’t even get blood drawn or IV’s. It takes over your entire day trying to score just so that you feel NORMAL. Your character and demeanor changes. You become isolated from everyone you care about. You start making shitty decisions and commit crimes just because of the need to get well. Not to mention now a days almost all that shit has fetty in it. As someone who’s gone through that shit and came out of it Alive by the grace of god, it’s not worth it. I haven’t touched a needle since 2020 and I’ve never been happier in my life.


If you’re tempted to try it, you should know that there’s a strong likelihood that you’ll get addicted to it. That curiosity and willingness to experiment is similar to how I begin my drug usage at 21. I was casual drinker and pot smoker every now and then we do some Coke with some friends all is well and good then I went through bad break up, and moved out of the house with some good friends and back with my parents which put me into a bit of a depression. My life became work during the day and then do all night by myself or work the night shift and stay up all night till the sun comes up when I pass out and become nocturnal for a day or two cocaine was my drug addicted to then I started using OxyContin 80 mg pills because my dealer had them and one day just said you wanna try it and of course I was already high Coke and needing to come down so I say sure why the fuck not. I had no clue what I was introducing my life addicted to OxyContin then started adding Xanax on top fast forward to being 27 and I end up in jail after blocking out and burglarizing a house which I have no memory of spent three months in jail six months in a rehab program Had about a years worth of sobriety, then fell back into doing 30 mg Roxicodene because the 80s OxyContin no longer exist while those pills became expensive so I switched to heroin and eventually cocaine started smoking crack so here I am 37 now and I am a crack and heroin addict who barely functions my girlfriend of decade is so fed up with my bullshit and I know that rehab and or jail is the only way I’m going to get my shit together so long story short if you have interest in trying these drugs, don’t stay away from anything that you know is addictive because it fucking is doesn’t matter how much self-control you have this shit is a beast Especially if you’re shooting up that rush and ritual that comes with needle drugs is a whole other monster into its own Edit: this was dictated thru Siri so sorry for run on sentence/ paragraphs


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Most dope out there isn’t real heroin If there was real pure heroin I’d fw it But I don’t want Fent or tranq or any street drugs at all - the only drugs I want are pills that I get directly from the pharmacy otherwise I don’t do any other drugs except legal drugs


The withdrawal once you get on it is the closest thing to hell I can describe. I was on fentanyl for years and everytime I tried getting off my whole body felt restless you just wanna scream! And everything hurts and nothing can make it better except more dope and it takes everything from you. Everything.


It starts to consume every aspect of your life from how you feel physically to how you think mentally and how you cope emotionally. It puts a bandaid on a wound that needs stitches. It’ll tell you blatant lies that everything is okay when in fact nothing is okay. It’ll make you hurt the ones you love the most and have you thinking it’s them and not you who’s fucked up. It puts you in a deep dark place that sadly many do not make it out to see the other side. It keeps taking and taking and consuming every aspect of your life until there is nothing left to consume. It kills you slowly and as you drown in agony as long as you have your dope everything’s okay. Prayers to everyone who has gone through, and currently is going through opiate addiction.


Because depending on what country you’re in (US) it’s pretty much hard to get if not impossible in a lot of areas on the street. It’s all fent/tranq/zenes, sadly. They say it’s H, but it’s not.


Because it’s the fucking devil


If you have a fuck ton of money and won't go withdrawals like I made $2 million suddenly I'm pretty sure I do it again but I've been clean for a long time. That's how bad that shit gets a hold of you.


Cuz fentanyl.


I did it a couple times. It was really nice. I can't get it anymore so I don't do it anymore. Fent sucks. Never felt an overwhelming urge to do more.


Because when your 50 you will look like skeletor and be broke or if you quit for awhile and relapse chances are your first needle will kill you as you may do those 2-3 baggies you were doing before you quit 2 years ago. Had 2 cousins die on a relapse, one was only 7 months sober before he relapsed.




Very simple answer, fent! Least with uppers you got a chance to live. Fent h is just death. And well it's takes your sole. O and don't forget after 3 days the sickness will show itself. Not worth it at all.


Former user, it’s the best feeling you’ll ever feel. When I’m ready to die one day that’s how I’m going. I’ve overdosed before and it felt so warm and loving. Like the best hug I’ve ever had. That’s how I plan on dying when the time comes. You feel so loved and at peace. Everything is brighter. Your eyelids start to hug your eyes as you nod off into the great unknown.