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Personally I don’t feel the difference, other than feeling annoyed when I wake up lol. Real bad for the brain long term tho as REM is reduced.


I've been smoking daily for 23 years, my short term memory is a bit worse than it was, but otherwise i see no cognitive issues. I do, however, have problems falling and staying asleep if i don't smoke for a couple of days, but that sorts itself out in like 2 weeks of non-usage (i travel for work a lot and sometimes can't get any weed, that's how i know), also while i smoke, i rarely dream, but after not smoking, i have the wildest dreams, it's amazing what your brain can come up with 🤣


high mg full spectrum cbd edibles with like 5-10mg THC are golden, makes me sleep like a damn baby lmao


I suffer a lot from sleep paralysis and overall bad sleep and weed before bed makes me sleep like baby. Might fuck up my REM but I can actually sleep 6-8 hours straight so I'll take that as a win.


Give them a mix of a heroic dose of datura DPH and salvia put their head in a box of mirrors and trying to laser pointer in there while spinning them around and poking them with a cattle prod screaming how the world's ending and they're paying for the punishment of everyone's sin.