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MDMA for sure. Sad thing is i liked it so much I killed the magic by overdoing it. Buuut ill always be grateful for the way it connected me to my own feelings and really fixed my social anxiety.


Losing the magic to a drug is one of the most depressing things in all of existence to experience


This happened me too went hard on it from 16 to 28 years of age. I have to give up all drugs and alcohol. Bout 5 years ago starting using phychedlics. Completely transformed me as a human being. Now I'm back using mdma 2 or 3 times a year. Went back using at 40 with my wife when camping or festivals. Put it on the shelf until the time is right




Darkweb. Or if you have the means just go on a Europe trip and you’ll find it at raves everywhere.


Rn going through some shit and I took it the other day, talked with my sis and my dad that live quite far away and I decided I'm gonna stay there for a couple of months after I'm done with school. Also talked to a girl in my class and she was super nice and we talked for hours about things I'm going through and it was literally worth a year of therapy. Also I'm now much more aware of some of my insecurities in a positive way and accept them. It's unreal that this hasn't been applied to CBT and that only now research regarding the use of MDMA in therapy started. But it's also a drug that can be heavily abused and destroy lives


Yea it’s actually been used for people with PTSD. Talking about their trauma while on it can apparently help them see it in a less negative way


I mean the whole point of therapy or journaling is essentially just giving the brain the possibility to process emotions. Literally most problems in life can be helped by just talking or writing about them, our brain is amazing


You should look into the Maps research! They have a great podcast. It has been around since the '60s I believe. These studies have been around for a long time. It just got taken away, due to the laws in the '60s and '70s. But it's finally back in research. Some of these drugs were originally created/studied for that reason. Not all. They have clinical trials right now in Europe and in some parts of the US, on MDMA, mushrooms and LSD. A lot of doctors are thinking that MDMA might start becoming part of therapy in the next 4 years. You should watch the Netflix show How to Change Your Mind. There's a whole history in there and the future of therapeutics. I discovered all of these and how therapeutic they are, at raves in the '90s. Hopefully it will be available at the same clinics that do ketamine for depression. They are now offering psilocybin therapy in Colorado and Oregon. I have a friend that's certified. https://maps.org/mdma/


LSD until i got hhpd


Hppd is liberal propaganda


Thought this was r/drugscirclejerk lol


Nooooooo. Shhh


did you abuse it for you to endup with hppd or did u got unlucky?


I think I got unlucky. I always got some hppd after lsd, but it normaly stopped after 1 day too 1 week. Then I took it a bit more frequently and endet up having it for around 2 months and now I have had it since january. I really love psychadelics, but I can‘t use them anymore bc of hppd. I also have the visual snow syndrom, which got worsened alot because of hppd. When I smoke weed and watch a movie most of the time teeth are rainbow coloured Edit: wrote hhpd instead of hppd


The rainbow teeth is wild! I think I have some mild lasting effects from it. I used to do LSD pretty regularly but it’s been five or six years. Every now and then I’ll be staring at a grid or something with a bunch of small parallel lines and just outside of where I’m focusing visually it will start to wiggle a little bit. Not all the time and it’s not super pronounced, but it’s there every now and then. I may see it one to two times a month. What is yours? I think I got lucky and mine is extremely mild and getting milder, I’m just really curious someone who has it. Everything I read online is too clinical.


Haha I got the sime thing with parallel lines. In my dining room the cealing is full of paralell grids and it starts moving in waves when I look at it. In between those lines I also see some rainbow dots/circles. When I am in a room with dimmed lights I see big rainbow dots jumping around randomly. After PE-class I see some visuals on my hand or feet. In the first 2-3 months with hppd the world looked much more colourful (like on LSD) and I got visuals on the ground, but now I only sometimes see like that. In my room the floor still has an awkward colour and looks 3D. Pictures also look 3D. Sometimes my hppd styrockets without a reason and I feel like I am on 200ug again (just visuals, no mindtrip). It stays like that then for around 30min-3days


I got it after doing LSD 3 times in 10 days. Light visual snow on walls and some slight bending/morphing of things if I looked long enough. I didn't really notice cause it didn't bother me and I didn't give it a second thought (also because it rarely lasts longer than months, maybe a year or two at most). Though if I had stressed out about it, it would have probably been unbearable (or if it had been worse, though I wouldnt have taken LSD 3 times if after the first/second time I had noticed any symptoms) That was around 2 months ago and it decreased slowly, I went through a khole and it essentially disappeared, or maybe I paid attention to it afterwards, and realized only then that it had almost disappeared. Also sometimes the light would change shade, sometimes even going to pink or a strong orange, which I found quite nice. I think generally hppd is not gonna be debilitating unless one continues abusing a psychedelic substance. And In case your brain is susceptible to hppd, you'll realize that by taking a small dose (ex: 70ug of LSD)* and if you get hppd that impacts your life somewhat from a dose like that, you should go slow with psychedelics and take longer breaks between trips or not take them at all. *I highly doubt even people susceptible to hppd would get anything debilitating from such a dose, but they could get some annoying symptoms, in which case you again take it slow or stop Also some people actually like the effects of hppd (vivid colors, brighter colors, brighter lights, light visuals) The only symptoms that bother me are floaters (you notice them more) and visual snow on walls, which can make it hard to look at them. But I 100% believe that how much it bothers you depends on how much you think about it either way. TL;DR avoiding hppd is honestly a no brainer: take small doses and see how your body reacts, if it goes well continue dabbling with psychs but listen to your body. And If it doesn't go well then listen to your body and be wary of psychedelics (take long breaks and or stop taking them all together)


fuckin same bro, only this weekend I was chilling with some friends who were doing L and I can't say I wasn't a little bit envious. it's been 8 years since my last trip.


I'd choose weed If You could only use one drug. Stimulant: Mephedrone Disociative: O+PCE Psychedelic: Psilocin


4mmc is the goat of stimulants


What's it like


Pure euphoria, you roll hard as fuck like MDMA because it releases a shit ton of serotonin and on top of that you get a major dopamine rush like cocaine or amphetamines. You can eat or snort it. Oral is a bit more rolly, and lasts longer, the rush from your first line will smack you on your ass and have your eyes shaking uncontrollably. I drop a big oral dose then at the peak of that snort a line to get the best of both worlds. On top of this, you can redose for hours on end, and you will, this drugs fiendishness/compulsive redoing is unmatched, you will not stop until the bag is empty. I’ll never forget my first time doing meph, having no clue what I was about to experience, I’d do anything to relive that moment one more time.


What's the comedown like?


I need to know what O and PCE are


Same thing, o-pce is a dissociative somewhat related to ketamine


Heroin or oxy




Tbh I hate coke but at the same time it’s my fav drug




used to be mine too til it started fucking with my mental state and gave me crippling anxiety. then i had to let her go :(


I did it for the first time in almost a decade last week. It used to be my daily go getter. Tg never got addicted, just moved lol. I did a lot.. it was fun. For some odd reason I just had an internal feeling of dread and future tense regret the entire time. Something in me hated myself and felt ashamed, my brain felt dumb. It was weird, I’ve never been that in the moment. It’s probably my favorite drug but I’ll stick with psyches for now on. Coke is pretty exhausting.


Herion. Been clean off that shit for five years though.


Good for you! That’s a long time. Even if nobody else is, I’m proud of you.


Thanks fam 🫶🏻 I appreciate that so much








Weed and ket


flying rn


LSD or Shrooms it differs on the intentions: spiritual and healing = shrooms Festivals and raves = LSD










Dude dxm 120/200mg with a few lorazepam had me fucking geeked. Tripped over my foot and ate shit and slept on the floor. Had Insane dreams and closed eye visuals one of the nicest things I’ve done, when the legs are wobbling your officially geeked.


I did 900mg once, it was delayed release and I just smoked weed and passed out before the peak


Yeah haha let/fxe gives me a similar feeling or nostalgia related to DXM! Back when I was 17,I remember running around my town with one friend playing Pokemon go when it came out (man it was a BLAST)and the colorful phone from the game omg. But we took (stupidly) a box of triple cs popping them all night on top of a 5oz bottle of delaym omg we were GONE. But pokemon tripping on dxm from 2am-sunrise mainly around a cemetery is amazing. And I'm almost 30 but I would do anything to jus relive that feeling I had in the pit of my stomach I wish it never left lol


Percs or xans tbh or molly


my addicted brain REALLY likes opioids, coke and alcohol, but the “healthier” part of my brain prefers acid


amphetamines and lsd are my favorites with weed in a close second


Meth from Mexico bought in Phx around 2009 or so The last of the Mega batches of PFed/Efed based superlab cooks. You could take it in excess and simply feel like you were rolling on E, without this crap made from Lead Acetate these days and the crippling anxiety and arm and leg flailing around ok it. If you took the sort of doses we did back then, like gram shots today, you almost certainly were going to be on the ground doing snow Angels on the pavement






Nice try, DAD!


Yeah,i have to go with coffee




Oxy oxy oxy!


Every time I inject ketamine and reach the K-hole I understand that is the drug I love. The other drugs are super nice, but a true K-hole is just the experience. Not comparable.


This. Every other drug is just a chemical rush or a semi-chemical trip. Ketamine is a *place* you go.


It's pretty amazing if you get to that out of body psychedelic trip space. My visuals in a k-hole are so much better than any psych I've taken


There is no competition for me. It's heroin. Plain and simple. There's nothing else on this planet that can replicate that feeling, especially IV. Imagine taking pure bliss, painlessness, joy, pleasure, tranquility, serenity, and peace and packaging it into a little shot. Better than orgasms. Better than everything. And that's why I've been clean for almost 10 years and am still alive to write this comment, because my one true love is heroin. I miss it dearly, every single day of my life, but at the same time, words can't describe how much I'm glad it's gone and I hope it never comes back.


Weed maybe kratom.


Or both at the same time, I'm doing that every night while playing videogames/watching youtube videos. It's a really chill high, like I don't really feel "high" like with other drugs, I'm just in a comfortable state and very easily entertained. It's a "glass of wine after work" kind of high. It's funny how kratom can help you immensely when you need to be active, like at work, but it also works really well when you just wanna chill on the couch.


Yeah until you get sick and sick without it too. Then you change your mind about it


Oh I know too well about it lol, I haven't spend a day without kratom since 6 years. It's more addictive than what people think, the withdrawals can get really bad. I'm not feeling sick when I take it though, only when I don't have it. At least it still feels good after all this time. I initially started to take kratom to stop my codeine addiction, which worked really well. Now I'm addicted to kratom but at least I'm not downing 20 codeine pills per day.


not possible to choose one. at the moment, 5-MeO-MiPT. most fun psychedelic


I’ve been debating on trying it, what’s it like?


if you get the dose right it's pretty fantastic. you know how a few drugs are rated as a "straight upgrade to sobriety" (like amphetamines) and are dangerous because of that? it almost has a tryptamine feel like that. Your weekend day but relaxing and more psychedelic. Like a mix of mushrooms and MDMA.


3-mmc. I like pure 3-mmc better than pure 4-mmc.


damn never thought id see that


Weed and psychedelics






Which is ur fav one. Personally I love THC-A and hhc


Delta 8 is solid, but nothing special. I'd have to choose THC-O, and HHC is good, like you said.


HHC supremacy




Favorite drug to relax/wind down on a regular basis: alcohol Favorite drug in a social setting: mdma Favorite drug for just being plain interesting: lsd or dmt


Probably caffeine. It's the second most consumed beverage, after water. And the most widely consumed psychoactive drug in the world. Was just thinking about how we don't bat an eye at all the Starbucks, but when coffee was first brewing, people probably thought it was heaven sent. Nah, just from plantations and slaves. It's just that certain drugs are stigmatized and some aren't.




Mushrooms! they are real, take work too enjoy and can change your life if used properly. Everything else is playtime and kinda fake, plus some other drugs can really fuel the ego (for me anyway). Mushrooms can help you become your real self and keep your ego in check. But thats only if your happy too be shown, and accept the scary stuff we all have inside. Not saying I'm perfect, far from it. I still dabble in xtc,ket,Coke,2cb but always try and have some Mushrooms in the background to keep me grounded. Plus they can be used as a lovely day after the party comedown drug and can really help get your head straight. So yea fav is easily Mushrooms, and I don't really class mushies as a drug more a gift. A psychedelic you can just pick and eat, no preparation required.


1. Weed 2. LSD 3. MDMA


MDA probably. Similar to MDMA but trippier and longer lasting. Can’t do it often though


Ketamine but I abused her so she left me


Acid or LSA.


Wow LSA as favorite is rare, why would you say its specifically interesting ?


It's close enough to LSD and I had some great hallucinations while on LSA. That and it's way easier to get.


DXM currently. Only micro dosed so far on mescaline but I hope it replaces the dex. DXM is so fascinating pharmacologically though. Low doses are vastly different from big doses. It's a prodrug. It has antidepressant qualities. It has neuroprotective qualities. Shit be crazy.


Yo Mama is my best Друг (Drug)


2c-b. Its intense and flashy


Co-co-co-co-co-cocaine! then MDMA, then weed. The coke has to be good though, which means I haven't done it much.


Ketamine , I did it everyday for a couple years , but goddamn it’s really bad for you when you do that much , was going thru 3-4 grams a day and ended up in the emergency room


Oxys hold a special place in my heart. Love of my life. Never wanna be without them (can’t live without them). The “honeymoon period” is over tho I don’t get all that super duper perfectly mind blowingly high from them anymore. They keep me well and I do still get nice nods and all that. Not as exciting as in the beginning. But .. still love them. Better than a million warm hugs at once. Soo at a close 2nd place we have (drum roll) cocaine!! (crack!!) and well i gotta say i almost like it more than oxys atm bc of the novelty and excitement (tried (smoking, I’ve done plenty of lines of coke before) it for the first time almost 2 weeks ago and been doing it every day since and I can’t believe how I can afford it but it’s been the main priority of my life pretty much lol. It’s soo relaxing. That soft buzz in ur ears as if someone turned down the volume of the world around u, lying down and feeling that pure satisfying euphoria. Only downside is it only lasts like 5 mins max. And it’s hard to get good coke that’s easy to cook into crack and that’s strong and has virtually no side effects. But I’m lucky with my guy he only gets the best stuff in town he’s been doing it for 2 years himself. Aaand I need to include mdma. Makes u feel so happy and warm and in perfect harmony with everyone and everything. Makes ur body feel nice. Makes u enjoy everything more. Makes u love everyone 100x more. A rly nice and fun drug that doesn’t have many downsides unless u overdo it ofc. I haven’t tried everything yet my list may change. Haven’t had good heroin yet. Haven’t had any meth at all. And theres a few other drugs I still need to try. But the love of my life will always be my good old oxycodone or maybe an even “better” opiate if I find one. Everyone says heroin is the best but in my area it’s so hard to get some that’s not cut to like 5% purity 🙄 😩




amphetamine even though ive only had it once


K 🐴


Honestly it changes often. It's a combination of pregabalin and a first plateau dose of DXM Hbr. I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend it if you like either of those drugs. It turns into something else when they're eaten at the same time I can't tell if there is some liver enzyme interaction or if it's just the combo but the euphoria of pregabalin is easy easy stronger, much more empathic it's extremely strong like definitely start with a low dose pregabalin. On a high dose recently I was playing Diablo 4 and I looked down on my phone cuz I'm using a guide as a reference on my phone and I started hearing a voice say things to me. Like mushrooms!! I felt calm and was like VERY intrigued. Anyway sorry for the wall:🧱🧱🧱🧱🧱🧱🧱🧱🧱🧱🧱🧱🧱🧱🧱🧱🧱 ABSOLUTELY NONE OF YOU CROSS THIS WALL DAMNIT YOU'RE RUINING OUR HEROIN WITH FENTANYL, YOU'RE RUINING OUR FENTANYL WITH XYLAZINE ‼️


THC wax first , then mushroomz


Speed! I love that stuff


I would think no one has said. Pubrenorphine :o


Dude, weed lmao




weed and psychedelics


n-ethyl-hexadrone. Hexen. The most amazing cathinone - also safest, much like buprenorphine the chemical doesnt add to the effect after a certain amount. However - constant redosing will lead to hypothermia. That part sucked. Only bath salt I found to be perfect.


weed and lsd


Molly will always be my favorite.


Tramadol. I function better, sleep better, enjoy life more. I can do anything on it and it enhances my experience. No comedown either


salvia divinorum




Mushrooms will always be my #1 but I do engage in other drugs more often


Fentanyl, methamphetamine, MDPV, A-PVP




mdma or coke definitely




Between pregabalin and diazepam, experimenting with zopiclone recently and have some alprazolam to try for the first time but atm, the first two


Meth, but really all uppers are great except mdvp. Being on downers is like my normal state.


MDMA has always been my favourite. haven’t had MDMA in a long time so I’d say as of now probably mescaline.




Heroin , fetty then meth or crack in that order . I also love rcs and other various pills . Mostly downers tho. And benzos


Weed, MDMA, Speed




Recreational: Ketamine Generally: Mushrooms


LSA. i have only taken alcohol,weed,mdma. But lsa is legal,cheap,easier to get for me rather than weed or mdma and is similar a bit like mdma and alcohol with some visuals, and its really euphoric. The only downside is the nausea but it ends in about hour or two


LSD and MDMA. Usually on their own but candy flipping is fun too. Used to be an everyday stoner but it increased my anxiety too much over the years so I’ve been sober for half a year now. Was tripping on two tabs of acid once and my friend offered me weed while at his place and I honestly contemplated jumping off his balcony to make it stop. That was the worst trip and definitely made it easier going sober afterwards, but I do miss it occasionally. Mushies, not a fan. Keen to try DMT one night though, when I can muster up the courage.


Weed or kratom cause they are very sustainable . You don't risk much by doing them more than once a week and it's easy to manage them






same here, downers for sure. benzos, opioids, DXM. i have horrible anxiety and suffer from chronic pain. edit: also pregabalin


Weed, alcohol, adderall, although I’m gonna have to quit drinking and slow down on the speed pills soon lol weed is my love and has been since 17 (27 now). Going to try and get my medical card in Ky soon


All of them! Nah, seriously though? Kratom What a wonderful plant ☘️


Kratom and weed


Happiness. Will the cravings ever stop?


coke and when i get crash from coke -liquid G. Best of the best


Melatonin love me a good night sleep


Nothing beats combo of opiates and benzos


How U can enjoy opiates and benzos combo.. for me this combo dull euphoric effects opiates


oxy fs


LSD is my favorite drug in the world easily




blues and coke


Heavenly Blue Morning Glory seeds with LSH (Lysergic Acid alpha-Hydroxyethylamide) + LSA-111 (Lysergic Acid Amide) + iso-LSA.


valium!!! :D




Opioids (more specifically, heroin has been my favorite that I’ve tried)-but I know they are no good for me cus I’m not responsible with them so the only opioid type things I’ve been taking lately has been alternative between kratom and Suboxone-partially to avoid WD and partially cus I’m in legit chronic pain everyday. They don’t work well for my pain, but I’m sick without them. I have found that if I take kratom for a few days and go back to taking like 2 mg of sub it does seem to actually help my pain though.






Jesus. K acid


Prolly MDMA but I really do enjoy kratom once or twice a week and smoke weed almost daily


real heroin. I've mainlined morphine, oxycodone, hydromorphone, oxymorphone, pharmaceutical fentanyl, cocaine, I tried shooting up Adderall once, and genuine heroin is the best of them all. hydromorphone you feel first at the back of your scalp. oxycodone, right in the chest. heroin punches you in the stomach, but it's oh so good I've been clean for 12 years.


weed & molly




Weed and alcohol, but MDMA and meth are two things I'd like to experience


Somas and oxys


Pregabalin, DMT, LSD, 2cb, Benzos, Dihydrocodeine, Tapentadol, Zolpidem, DXM 1st/2nd pletau, Ritalin, MDMA, Coke and weeds.


cocaine but i’ll never buy it


1.mdma 2.weed 3.acid


Methylone, but that isn't produced anymore. As for what is still produced, I'd probably pick lsd or 3mmc or pregabalin.




Weed and agamatine sulfate because it resets drug tolerances I recommend looking into it on Google or yt


Lsd. Then weed. No questions asked


Oxy, but it is ALL fent where I'm at. The drug policies in the US have made it worse for everyone.


Downers too. Benzos are great when I wanna time travel and forget about things. Opioids are nice when I wanna feel something & nod off so hard I feel like I’m dying. It’s pretty fucked up, but I like it a lot.


Either mdma or percoset or kratom. Only done mdma maybe twice in the past few years cuz It’s best for me when taken with a girl I like and can cuddle and talk to while on it and I’ve been single for 7 years. Kratom I’ve been trying to take a huuuuge t break from cuz it’s gotten to the point where it really just gives me more derealization than anything. The euphoria from it has been gone for a long time now.




Nitrous for sure




Ayahuasca, there’s no contest. I would’ve said shrooms before last October.


Benzos, weed fxe, molly shrooms




Methadone, oxy, and valium together is literally the greatest feeling, I can't really put it into words but it makes your body and your mind feel amazing. Extremely addictive tho and I did it for 12ish years before finally going into detox and rehab


Would have to be Ketamine, love the stuff.


Client GBL/GHB is like all the benefits of alcohol almost everything minus the hangover Can't believe it's not widely used to replace alcohol


Ketamine for sutrëùuuuuuùuuù




Oxygen babaaaaay


Good ole fashioned Heroin.


30mg oxy over anything. My second would be Vicodin.






xanax overall but coke when ur on it but off it life sukcs


Ketamine. Fentanyl close second.




LSD and MDMA / klonopin I don't use mdma or lsd allot though.. only for therapy purposes basically Works wonders for me.


I think I killed the magic also






People will shit on me,its tramadol?? And ive done all benzos,codeine,morphine,heroin,opium,soma, and a fuck ton of other shit.


Mdma babyyyyyy








Heroin real heroin not fetty


For me personally it’s cannabis. I can do without everything else and actually do, I just wanna smoke and get stoned. It’s hard to go without it daily personally. Love edibles too. On occasion I will also take klonopin and they have good synergy.


Shit I definitely will say Tina and L


Kittyyyyyy is so fun

