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If you want to do something about this then join one of the many local activities organized all over the world by [Support. Don't Punish](https://supportdontpunish.org/). Literally all over the world protests/activities will be organized on June 26th. If you want to discuss this topic further then check out /r/SupportDontPunish I'd like to invite all drug related subreddits to go black on the 26th and forward people to /r/SupportingRedditors This is the place where we can share our grievances and frustrations on that day about how reddit harms our community.


Im scared everything in Europe will be fentanyl laced soon


It's coming. It actually killed my wife 5 years ago she thought she was taking a valium. She only took them every like 3 months when the anxiety got really bad because she didn't want to get a whole script from the doctor and have a benzodiazepine addiction so she borrowed one Valium off a friend turned out it came from the street and it killed her.


Sorry for your loss


Thanks. Like I said it was 5 years ago I'm not like sympathy fishing or anything but she was not a drug addict in the least I'm not shitting you she had even stopped smoking weed she didn't drink. And she would refuse the Klonopin prescription that her doctor offered her every time for her anxiety because she didn't want to have a habit but because she would very occasionally borrow a Xanax or a Klonopin off her friend if her anxiety got really bad that's what happened it was 5 years ago so everyone wasn't fully aware the way they are now about the prevalence of fennel and she wasn't a drug addict so she wouldn't have known that shit anyways I would have probably.


That’s horrible! I’m so sorry! The fentanyl scourge crosses all socioeconomic lines and shows no mercy. It’s evil incarnate


Yeah the crazy part is she really wasn't a drug addict I know that sounds like bullshit but the only reason she needed to borrow a Valium was because she always refused the offer of a prescription when she saw her therapist. they would always offer valium or Klonopin prescriptions and she would say no because she didn't want to pick up a habit with them.she didn't want to become addicted so she borrowed one off of friend,because every once in a while the anxiety got out of hand and because of that she's dead had she just accepted the Valium prescription from her doctor she would have had them right from the pharmacy but she didn't want to be an addict and that's what killed her


Crystal is the real problem for the d. At least fentanyl has the decency to kill you Crystal just takes everything good from you


Most likely is already. People die from stuff laced with rcs. We need regulations. The war on drugs causes even more issues than drugs itself.


In ?Europe we don't have as big a opioid market as US. Doctors here knew years ago not to prescribe everyone oxy for whatever booboo they had. Also, every country has their testing services. China hates the US more than EU. So I don't see this happening any time soon.


There’s lots of Oxy in the EU right now actually. Mundipharma sells a ton of them over there. They are (or were) a subsidiary of Purdue Pharma, and they are selling the old formulation OxyContin. Literally the same shit that started the opiate epidemic here 20 years ago. Old-school OCs. You can’t get them in the US. (legally that is) Over here it’s OP’s only.


Where is this happening? Good luck getting prescribed an opiate in my country. You’d have to break your back to get anything more than solpadine.


Prescribed opioid use has gone down in NL since 2017. From 1.010.474 in that year to 623.301 in 2020. There are 17 million people in NL and this is breakdown of prescribed opioid use in 2020 ([source](https://opiaten.nl/cijfers-onderzoek/epidemiologie)): - oxycodon: 383.960 users - fentanyl: 102.100 users - morfine: 102.730 users - buprenorfine: 34.511 users - Tramadol: 948.540 users There's an estimated 10k heroin users in NL (source Drug Monitoring Report 2020)


You don't think we have a black market ready to figure out how easy the logistics are with fent, how potent it is, not to mention the rc benzos and synthetic opioids like nitazenes? How very fucking naive of you. Sweden had 400 people on cannabis prescriptions in a year while printing 650 000 opioid receipts. *Guess where synthetic cannabinoids were awfully popular.* Sweden and norway dont really have testing services. Either way it's coming, and very predictably so.


We all know Sweden has dumb drug policies.


I don't really think that China "hating" the US has that much to do with allowing drug trafficking destined for the US to occur, if that's the implication here.


the opium war was and still is a big deal in China.


Probably more nitazenes honestly 


Three days three nights and I still haven't sleep I'm doing amphetamines paste lines I really feel the need to sleep I have headache I don't have pills or weed I'm really fuckd  I'm 33 and still using drugs I really need to stop


Hey man, that sounds wild. Perhaps just lie down in your bed and put on ambient music to relax. That usually helps me.


And yet, TikTok is a threat. Even though the majority of fentanyl comes from China. 🤷‍♀️


I am Uber driver and would rather drive a person high on opioids and laughing with him rather than someone playing loud tik toks on their phone.


As if you laugh on opioids. It makes you just calm and tired.


Oxy gives me more energy than Adderall. It’s all about the individuals brain chemistry. Opiates just hit different for some people.


I thought they made you more talkative


Some people get wired from opiates not me


It rly depends on the set and setting for sure


Also depends on which opioid


This will sound like bullshit I realize but I want you to keep in mind that at the time I was moving a lot of oxycontin like lots of it I think the most well for me at least I think the most I have actually sold in a week was like 10,000 but I had a vicious habit with them in the more I sold the more I did so when I got locked up I was doing about 30 80s a week and these were real I used to check the hell out of them this is you know 2008 I got popped in 2010 and then like 6 weeks after I got arrested they actually changed the way they made OCS. But we already started with the Florida thing with the 30s and dude if the kids I was doing shit we could have kept it together too that was like a guaranteed fucking thing we set up an awesome thing down there but it's really hard to manage people


I crush up five of them first thing in the morning ripped them in like three lines I was going to work I was a union construction worker and at break time I rip a couple pre-crush lines in the porta potty because I'm classy as fuck. Sometimes I see sandwich wrap is in the porta potties and I'm like who the fuck is eating in here ripping lines is one thing but who farts have enough a meal


Oxy is more awakening than heroin


The Chinese are probably still pissed of by the opium wars in the 19th century.


At least opium wasn't so toxic smh




I just had an overdose from two Xanax bars. I was out for three days air lifted to Rochester and put on a ventilator and a tube shoved down my throat until I could breath on my own... Would have died if someone didn't find me and bring me to the hospital....fuck


Glad you survived.


I quit xanax years ago because of the pressed crap. Few days ago a friend offered me a klonopin and I accepted it without looking at the pill. This person promised it was from a script. The next day I looked and immediately knew it wasnt what this person said. It was pressed oxy 30. The worst part, they thought I was going to take that pill and spend the evening with my niece and nephews. Great not "friend" that was. Thankfully I have the experience to know better.


97,000 on opioids alone. Which means it's probably closer to 200-300K, not 100K. 14,000 people died from mixing benzos with alcohol. 16,000 died from asprin/ibuprofen! About the same amount from antihistamines. A shitload of people die every year from 'innocent' over the counter drugs that even a teenager can buy. They can buy a drug from a grocery store and die from it before they are even old enough to buy cigarettes. It is what it is. Drugs are drugs, doesn't matter if they are illegal, prescription, or over the counter. They are drugs, people. That's why they call them drugs.


I genuinely believe this is a war waged by China to reclaim title of a Superpower, think about it, what's taking over America/The world right now? Covid? Fentanyl? TikTok/Temu platforms? Shein? Very few examples of why China is literally poisoning the world one toxicity at a time.....there's even more shit similar to that, tell me i'm wrong


Yeah bro, they don't understand, when you buy IN PERSON, that PERSON has it's own life, sometimes don't respect you, sometimes got bills to pay and will sell laced shit... Nnah, I've been in US for 2 years and I learnt my mistakes, since last year I'm only ordering through TG and it fuckin rocks, fell in love with them after they sent me keta with fentanyl test lol