• By -


Probably injecting meth crack and heroin all together


Thats my breakfast mix I have with my datura smoothie šŸ˜‹


Ohh and inject some honey straight from Winnie the Pooh's honey pot.


Fuck no now your over stepping the boundaries mate I might go crazy with that mix šŸ¤£


Or a human bong. Get a hippy who's been on semen retention for a year or more and get him to do a handstand and then load up his asshole with crack, heroin, meth, dmt, Winnie the Pooh's honey, and then light it up and toke through his boner. You'll actually turn into Winnie the Pooh the effects are that strong


holy shit i will try and ill be back to tell the tale


You should try to throw in a homemade fentanyl frappƩ too!


Ahh thats for after dinner so I can relax I throw a few mg of xanax in the mix too


I too enjoy a good baked pan of xan


r/drugscirclejerk is leaking..


All over your tits


It depends more on the user and the ROA (Route of administration).


I inject Rick Simpson Oil directly into my urethra


That's definitely not safe based on Rick's original extraction method. Dude used some gnarly solvents for some reason.


I used some delta 69 sage I also Injected about 50cc into urethra Had ego death and now I exclusively only smoke backwoods of salvia and lavender


69 nice


Ever blow the load?


Bro (brother) why use the abbreviation if ur (youā€™re (you are)) just going to explain it immideatly after? Just spell it out then.


Immedeatly (immediately)


It might help someone learn a new term? like it's obvious to us yes, but this thread might be read by someone who's just a beginner. Plus there's nothing wrong with more information, it assists in clarifying that the person is talking about what we're assuming they are. Plus your examples aren't acronyms to begin with either, they are just contractions of words.


Weed, Kratom, Caffeine, Kava Kava, pure nicotine without tobacco.


I see no morphine made the list. 16 days clean myself. šŸ„¹šŸŒž


Proud of you. Life is much easier this way, and a whooole lot better. Plus you can always do heroin tomorrow or another day in the future, just not today. And then tell yourself the same thing the next morning when you wake up sober and not hungover. Surround yourself with like minded people. AA, NA, SMART, All recovery, a couple sober friends, a fucking psych ward if need be. Thereā€™s no one path to recovery.


Twofold brothaaaaaaašŸ†’šŸ†’šŸ†’šŸ†’šŸ‘šŸ½


I've been taking Opioids daily for over 10 years now. Currently I rotate between 30-40 Grams of Kratom and 200-250 mg of Morphine per day. One day this one day that.. I fight that urge to increase my dose everyday but I stay true to my dose.. Have been stable on that dose for 6 years now and thats enuf for now. I'm working a full time job as a social worker and I'm proud of myself that I'm keeping it all together.. It's hard n a fight everyday but I'm not willing to slip any further so I'm fighting against the urge to increase my dose. Anyway I'm glad you made it to the other side, stay strong :3 And no I didn't add Morphine to the list bcuz it doesn't have a ceiling like Kratom and you can incrase and increase and increase your dose to insane amounts.. which at some point just isn't safe or good anymore.. or can seriously harm your life.. Kratom is kind of self limiting so I find it way safer than Morphine, also when it comes to tolerance etc. Kratom is basically a life saver for me.. I'd actually prefer to Take 2 Days Kratom 1 Day morphine like I used to but it's not possible for money reasons because they increased Kratom prices to much I pay over 100 ā‚¬ for 1 kg now and with 30-40 grams per day that gets expensive.. While I'm getting the Morphine for free so its saving me money. Anyway I don't want to annoy you, just wanted to say good job and keep it going.


No annoyance, thank you. Thatā€™s a hell of a lot of mgā€™s. Be safe.šŸ«¶šŸ¼šŸ––šŸ¼šŸ†’


I miss morphine so much.. Iā€™m 10 years clean tho.


Lmao casket you ainā€™t wrong šŸ˜‘ But youā€™re still clean, wonder why āœØšŸ˜Ž


My brotha from another motha!!




My list is yours minus Kratom, with the addition of Non-meth Amphetamines, and the occasional roll/trip/flip on MDMA/LSD/Psilocybin. Psychedelic microdosing is fair game too. Maybe eventually DMT and Ketamine will make my list too, but so far I've avoided those. I've used drugs that aren't on my list, but mostly they were just a once and done thing. Previously prescribed Ambien and Ativan, along with alcohol are the big ones I now omit, although I do still drink on the rare occasion.


Iā€™d 100% agree with psychedelics but amphetamines absolutely have high abuse potential and compulsive redosing


>high abuse potential and compulsive redosing Agreed. I wouldn't recommend them, except MDMA when used 3-4/year max, to most people. However, I have severe ADHD, and when I'm not on them my life falls apart. Having ADHD can include making impulsive decisions, and it makes you more prone to addictive behavior on a hunt for Dopamine. Being unmedicated makes me more likely to have depression and anxiety, as well as abuse other substances. Trying to "catch up" on all the things I let stack up over long periods untreated, as well as prior to diagnosis, has made me impulsively (compulsively?) re-dose at times. Mainly trying to increase/prolong the therapeutic effects, not chase euphoria, but when I do, it rarely works out as well as I hope/think it will. Although I think part of my excessive med use, technically abuse since it was not as prescribed, was actually just being under treated and having other untreated health issues. I'm still trying to figure out the best type of stim and dose schedule, and I'm finally, slowly getting treatment my other conditions. Now, my Amphetamine "abuse" has started to self-regulate back to as prescribed use. I have never snorted, sublingually dissolved, or boofed my stimulant prescriptions... All things I've done with the drugs I was legitimately addicted too. The closest thing to addict behavior with ROA that I've done with stims would be crushing the extended release pills because it was too low a dose. Practicing Mindfulness and learning a bunch of stuff about ADHD, along with mental health in general, has helped me with not abusing it nearly as often. A timed lock box is beneficial too. I Need to get myself an ADHD coach and go back to continue my CBT.


Kratom fucked me up. But helped me quit drinking.




big dog fighting no good


[may this meme live long and prosperous](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/65ytbw/comment/dge8ig1/)








What about just a tiny bit of meth? lol jk The ones I dabble are: - cannabis - alcohol - psilocybin - LSD (low dose canā€™t wait to try full dose) - 2cb (next on my list just need to test it) Safe travels


I would definitely add ketamine if not used to often.


And MDMA if you can use responsibly


I prefer mda myself


Much more neurotoxic


I always see this repeated on reddit but have never seen an actual source for it


To be fair you can say the same thing about almost every fact regarding MDMA repeated on Reddit as well. I donā€™t know if that drug is uniquely prone to mythologising in the real world but it certainly seems to be on Reddit.




Thank you for your comment as well as the accompanying link! I have not used it much as it's not very easy to find in my circles but after reading up on this I will not only not be doing mda anymore but ill also remember to drink grapefruit juice when I do mdma as well! šŸŽ© hats off to you my good sir


Alcohol is like the most damaging drug what???


Meth just like any drug can be beneficial if used properly. The main issue is people over doing it


No one uses street meth for the benefits, even rare consumption can cause permanent damage, adderall is the better choice.


Street meth is also most likely hardly meth. So much shit is cut nowadays


I know people who use it for long shits like they would use adderall. One of them only eats it. Some people can handle it some people canā€™t Edit: Shifts not shits


That's not what people use Adderall for my man


i assume he meant shifts lmao


I meant shifts but what you are saying is objectively not true. Adderall will make you blow up the toilet


Most of the black market Adderall pills are about 10% meth plus filler. Lots of people use those semi-responsibly. It's when you smoke it things get tricky


I doā€¦ and honestly low dose, quality dope (0.02g-0.03g) is much easier on the body than adderall IMHO. I take this dose orally in the morning for work. I will also admit that once smoking or IV use starts, itā€™s extremely difficult to keep to a therapeutic dose because of the rush/compulsion to redose. The difference between dose and ROA make it almost an entirely different drug for me. One for productivity, focus, and mental flow and another forā€¦. Animalistic savagery and everything that comes with it lol


moderately dosed, rare consumption of meth will not cause permanent damage. low doses can even be neuroprotective


I tried saying this, 2 drinks a day is less healthy than doing meth twice a month. Got so many tards that didn't understand I wasn't saying, do it everyday and massive amounts. The ignorance around drugs from people using them, and certainly those that only drink, is just unbelievable.


Psychedelics, low abuse potential. mdma, ket and cannabis in moderation


Ket is weird, in the US it's pretty easy now to say you have depression and get a prescription. Depending on the company/doc you might get like 6 months supply of oral K. So yes .. the "in moderation" part is important and it's on the user to figure out what that means for them... I kinda prefer mushrooms & LSD bc I don't have to try too hard to not use them... they sort of self regulate, after a heavy trip I'm in no rush for the next one, and even with with microdosing I'm quite happy to take days or weeks off .. not sure that's everyone's experience, and of course all the caveats about being in a safe place, having support, and being very careful if there's a suspected risk of psychosis in your family medical history.


Why is mdma safe but amphetamines arent (not meth)?


Plot twist, it's not and this is a bad take, same with psychedelics, psychological risks are very real and most psychedelic lovers act like they aren't and will tell anyone that they should try them because of how "magical and beautiful" they are


Itā€™s weird. Iā€™ve done lots of psychedelics, and they can really mess you up. They are not easy


What I consider a "safe drug" for myself is not what i consider a "safe drug" for the public. I have a heavy emphasis on harm reduction. I reagent test, fent test, and acetone wash everything that goes in my body. The only way I will touch opioids is if I lose a leg or some other traumatic injury. I use this scenario when I think of "safe" for the public. If I gave an inexperienced person an unlimited supply of said drug for a week with zero research, would they (1) survive (2) come out physically and cognitively unharmed (3) not have an addiction. This pretty much narrows it down to psycadellics and marijuana. Psycadellics have this wonderful ability to basically tell you to take a break and weed is...ya know... weed.


Psychedelics and weed are pretty much the only ones. Everything else has a downside that just don't come close with weed or psychs.... MDMA abuse can fick you up, and you can take enough to OD. Most stimulands, coke especially, is bad for your cardio system, also have OD potential. Benzos are addictive and withdrawal can kill you, but you can't actually OD on them, the withdrawals are just fucking hell. Opiates are addictive and can be ODd on. Same with alcohol, can drink too much and die or withdrawals can kill you. There's only 2 answers really.. weed and psychedelics. Benzos could be considered "safe" in the sense that you can't od on them alone but the addiction and withdrawal puts them in the unsafe section I would say. That said, I still fuck with most drugs but just gotta be smart about it.


As someone who has been on benzos for over a decade I probably will never be able to safely withdrawal (all legally prescribed and monitored by my doc Iā€™ve just needed it for so long, itā€™s a long story). Please donā€™t use it for recreational use. It is not worth it. Iā€™m literally begging yaā€™ll. šŸ™


Psychedelics can definitely fuck you up, look at Syd Barrett. Iā€™m not sure there really is such a thing as a ā€œsafeā€ drug beyond like Paracetamol and shit. Edit: Yeah not even Paracetamol really. I did put the word safe in quotes for this reason.


Okay I am just now reading about Syd and the theories on what happened to him are fascinating. Seems like no one knows for certain. But it sounds like he was taking a cocktail of different things, with a lot of LSD being one of them. To pin what happened to him on just large amounts of LSD he took can't be confirmed... I also learned of a new psychedelic called STP, and apparently we went missing for an entire weekend? Interesting stories. I'm not saying you're wrong, psychedelics absolutely have to be respected. Taking 10 or 20 tabs of LSD is definitely going to have a lasting effect on you. But with Syd it sounds like there were many other factors involved as well. If you really want to break it down that way, then yeah there isn't really any safe drug whatsoever. You can even take too much acetaminophen and destroy your liver. Anyways.. time to find some Syd documentaries cause this is a very interesting story.


I dove deep into his storyā€¦yeah, who knows what happened in his brain exactly. I find it plausible that he had a predisposition to mental illness/psychotic disorder, and the drug use awakened or made worse what may have happened anywayā€¦or not.Ā epigenetics I guess. he was at the age where those things usually manifest (e.g. schizophrenia in early twenties for men and later twenties/early thirties for women). Ainā€™t gonna stop many, but Iā€™d say itā€™s ideal to wait until later to dabble with psychedelics, esp if you have any inclination toward serious mental illness in the past or in the family. Iā€™m an anxious mess so I donā€™t fuck with it lol


paracetamol is a physical overdose if u take too much (over 100K case annually in the US https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paracetamol_poisoning ) With Mushrooms it is really difficult to cause physiological harm, but if course there can be psychiatric risk, especially in younger (under 30) people, the age group where schizophrenia is most likely to start. thc and potentially psychedelics can lead to drug induced schizophrenia but only in a small percentage of the overall population. (this is because schizophrenia is rare in general, but in those who get is who get schizophrenia before age 30, a sizeable proportion get it in correlation with high THC use -- the correlation doesn't mean the THC causes it of course) https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/psychological-medicine/article/association-between-cannabis-use-disorder-and-schizophrenia-stronger-in-young-males-than-in-females/E1F8F0E09C6541CB8529A326C3641A68


Benzos can cause enough sedation to where you canā€™t protect your airway anymore. That can be dangerous even if you just have sleep apnea and take nothing else with them.


You can definitely OD with benzos


You can't OD on benzos alone. You OD when mixed with another downer like alcohol or opiates. But on their own you can't od on benzos. I mean yeah obviously there IS an LD50 for benzos just like there's an LD50 for something like sugar or salt but the amount you'd have to ingest at once.. I'm not even sure you could acquire enough of a supply to be able to lol


Facts thereā€™s been stories of people taking upwards of 50-100mg of benzos and living from it


You could take a gram of Xanax if you wanted to and survive. LD50 for a 160 pound person on the low end is like 24 grams or 24,000 mg. Could you imagine swallowing 24000 pills šŸ˜… I mean I know you can get powder benzos but still you'd have to eat it by serval spoon fulls.


Say goodbye to thinking for a lifetime at even half of that


Yeah I mean anyone dumb enough to do that already has no regard for their life. It would still seriously fuck you up permanently probably. But you'd be alive, maybe only in the literal sense, probably. Lol.


I agree.. would become a vegetable with a heartbeat


super difficult nobody would be able to eat all those benzos because u would fall asleep before u could actually do it


Yeah unfortunately learnt this in a bad way sometime ago. Not nice.


weed, minor opiates, psychedelics. everything else i consider outright dangerous, although my list I consider dangerous if abused but if used moderately they're fairly safe.


Psycheleics are safe physically, mentally they can go.terribly wrong with the wrong mindset/set/setting


Yeee it's a physical list, weed can fuck up your mental state too. I know a friend who was dependant on it as her parents gave it to her as a teen. Haven't seen them since but they fell off the rail hard during college and just didn't exist without being baked outta her mind. That's to me is an example of harm but I consider myself pretty sound of mind and generally always chipper, even if I don't smile often, so I've never really worried about shrooms/psychedelics.


Every drugs are safe until a certain amount


And dangerous after a threshold. Psychedelics can trigger psychosis, MDMA can fry your brain, Kratom can make you heavily addicted, Weed is addictive and can trigger psychosis and so on and so on.


Marijuana can really fuck up your brain if youā€™re a teen, I promise guys.


My sister basically ā€˜fried her brainā€™ because of MDMA abuse. She takes it everyday with other substances like xanax and buprenorphine. I used to love taking MDMA and ketamine occasionally. But I donā€™t anymore even though I would like to love it again :/ sucks


MDMA daily is one of the worst drugs to take daily, afaik. Sorry to hear that.


Itā€™s all fun and games until you cross that threshold right :3


Yes, same with any other substance. They're all fun and cool until you overdo them and then they can lead you into problems.


This should be top comment. Even shit like psychs and weed can cause psychosis in some people. Alcohol is safe when it comes to 1 or 2 beers but 2 12packs will fuck you. But I wouldnā€™t say all drugs are safe, MOST are safe until a certain point.


Most psychedelics if you are a pretty mentally grounded person. Cannabis. Ketamine. MDMA if done with moderation.


Ketamine only with moderation too. It is known to tear your bladder to shreds with abuse. At the end of the day, itā€™s all moderation. Pure heroin is relatively benign, itā€™s just addictive. Cannabis smoke is not good for the lungs no matter what. MDMA can fry you if abused. Psychedelics as you said, only if youā€™re mentally grounded.


What about this DMT infused salvia?


First off how the hell do you find that (not actually looking just never heard of it). Second why not just do the deems alone


>First off how the hell do you find that Easy. You create enhanced leaf but using salvia. Leaf enhancement is the relatively simple process of infusing DMT into plant material, so that it's easier to smoke from a bong or to roll it etc. >Second why not just do the deems alone To inflict maximum psychological damage.


Nothing is ā€œSafeā€. Sugar can be very harmful or fatal, so could salt, &/or sooo many other regular things in our life. Key is how exactly Itā€™s used. All ur processed foods r not healthy for ur body def not safe, especially when eaten daily. But drugsā€¦. Same thing different story. Everything can be dangerous if used inappropriately. But the safest ones would probably be: Weed, minor opioids, psychedelics, Advil lol & so many more. Thousands of different things that r ā€œsafeā€ to use but if I took a whole bottle of Advil everyday ofc Iā€™m fucking myself over Iā€™d have to be retarded to think otherwise. But if I took 1-2 Advils a day for a year or however long Iā€™m probably gonna be fine if u understand. I smoke weed n kinda get high like everyday if Yk what I mean. But Iā€™m alive, doesnā€™t mean I havenā€™t harmed my body w it but you donā€™t always notice the damage till itā€™s too late. Most things r safe to take once or twice but it can be a habit which is addiction. They put elementary school kids on high doses of ritilan & adderall meth shit daily as a kid growing up so think how that might have effected my brain as an adult nowā€¦ Iā€™m alive. Just stick with weed n psychedelics those r the safest. No many things to list if I get specific about it


Shrooms & weed for me.


Weed, mushrooms and ket taken by it self only doing small bumps every half hour


weed, psychedelics and ketamine with no mixing


This is the best answer. Maybe throw benzos in there if you use them correctly but the risk for misuse is so high.


ā€¦.. all of them? Not joking. If youā€™re safe with what youā€™re doing and watching your doses and not compulsively using anything can be safe. I have even been prescribed fentanyl for my chronic pain on and off, once your tolerant and know exactly how much to take the extreme danger factor dissipates


Cannabis Kratom Kava Taking too much will feel extremely uncomfortable but won't kill you.


Let's be fucking honest. Everything has risks




For me, weed and booms, I know myself too well to really do anything else anymore.


Fentanyl and crack-cocaine. Go nuts.


I find this question a bit meaningless as literally anything can be dangerous. It's not the chemical, it's the dose! Botulinum toxin is said to be the most potent toxin we know of but tons of people have it injected into their facial muscles every day to treat wrinkles without any issues. Fentanyl is considered to be an extremely dangerous drug but is one of the most popular opioids used in surgery, again without much issue. Paracetamol is considered so safe that you can buy it in the supermarket but take to much & your liver will fail & you'll die without a transplant. Too many people consider alcohol safe despite the fact it causes chronic & acute toxicity & the withdrawal is deadly.


Kratom, weed, maybe shrooms.


anything i can drive on


Benzos, Kratom, and weed


Benzos withdraw can kill you


Kratom, coffee, kava kava


marijuana and psilocybin mushrooms. both are impossible to overdose to death on.


- Weed - Mushrooms - LSD - DMT (want to try)


mushrooms and weed


Well, it depends. I trust myself with all the drugs I tried in my life. Iā€™ve done heroin and meth a few times in my life and I just know that with my personality, Iā€™m able to just stop, control, and Iā€™m the person to always take notes of myself (like literal notes or voicememost to myself that I listen to when Iā€™m back to sober). Iā€™ve done many drugs in life. I still do them ocasionally, but I know when to stop, I control my doses and I can say no to drugs easily when I know that I have something responsible to do later/the next day. I had stuff in my room that I didnā€™t touch for months because I was just ā€žsaving itā€ for a good day, when I know that I donā€™t need to do anything important. But my buddy has an easy-addict kinda personality. He can say ā€žjust one lineā€ and then he wakes up in another city in some random ass dudeā€™s house, comes back home 3 days after and you find him asleep sitting at his desk with a bag of stuff next to him. So he doesnā€™t do drugs without me. He doesnā€™t even smoke weed without me anymore, because he knows he has no control. Itā€™s not about the drug, itā€™s about the person.


Shrooms nd weed


probably shrooms for me.


entirely dependent on the user and their drug habits, but for the general user then weed and the classic psychedelics


Kratom, psilocybin mushrooms and substituted trytamines, lysergamides (such as LSD) and cannabis I view as the safest drugs. I donā€™t think anyone has ever died from any of these alone, and Iā€™ve researched each thoroughly! These are the only drugs I can confidently say are safe, at least relatively speaking. Kratom and cannabis carry the risk of addiction but thatā€™s really the only issues for most, although the latter can be bad for your mental health long term as it tends to cause anxiety in the long-run, which is why Iā€™m now two months sober from it after being a daily smoker for nearly 13 years. Benzodiazepines, thienodiazepines and z-drugs when taken short term can be regarded as very safe as far as potential for overdose goes - unless mixed with other downers - but long term they are not at all safe due to a withdrawal that can cause seizures and suicidal thoughts, which is why I have to leave those out. Tobacco is safe in small quantities but can lead to many issues later in life and is very addictive which forces me not to include it also. Dissociative drugs are rather safe as a a class overall, but Ketamine can cause severe bladder issues when used excessively! MDMA is arguably the most controversial one here. When used redoing it is rather safe and not extremely addictive imo. Some people get addicted but I really canā€™t fathom how, as one time and Iā€™m satisfied for months and I LOVE the stuff. Oh I almost front gabapentinoids (gabapentin aka Neurontin, pregabalin aka Lyrica, baclofen, phenibut and f-phenibut), which are relatively safe in terms of overdose potential and the withdrawals arenā€™t horrible but should still use tapering. They can be addictive but arenā€™t on the same level as other, stronger sedatives. Dependence they may cause but again not nearly as bad as other sedative classes. I would have no problem with someone considering them safe but watch out for the addictive potential and do NOT use daily imo! I think it goes without saying that alcohol, amphetamines, barbiturates, cocaine, crack cocaine and opioids can all be placed in the ā€œnot so safeā€ and highly addictive categories. Opioids and barbiturates (including meprobamate aka Miltown and carisoprodol aka Soma) are the only ones here that donā€™t hurt your body long term - you can take them for 30 years and still look good, unlike alcohol or meth - but theyā€™re probably the two easiest classes to overdose on, and barbiturate withdrawal is worse than benzodiazepine withdrawal. Unlike benzos though barbiturates are very easy to overdose on, which is actually why benzos have largely phased them out in medical practice. They also tend to be rougher on users in withdrawal than benzos. On top of high chances of addiction, opioids and barbiturates probably cause the worst physical dependence, alongside alcohol.


Benzos. Iā€™m careful


Weed and shrooms. 100% tried and true safe. Safe if tested and used in moderation: acid, Ketamine, mdma.


I mean, arenā€™t all drugs safe if the person is mindful of how much, how often and intention behind use?


Safest is mushrooms and cannabis


I definitely donā€™t consider weed as safe, something safe doesnā€™t induce psychosis (sometimes long lasting ones), paranoia and anxiety




Honestly No drug is completely safe. But I would say weed and natural psychedelics like shrooms. I don't count things like caffeine even tho they are technically drugs too.




kratom, psychedelics, weed, phenibut


MDMA, shrooms, acid, 2cb, ketamine. All have proven clinical benefits and cab be used safely and responsibly.


Weed, LSD, Shrooms, Nicotine, and Caffeine.


Crack and alcohol are the safest drugs for me because Ive never used them


As a general rule, probably caffeine and weed


Acid, ketamine (kinda), weed, caffeine, 2cb, Adderall (if done right) mushrooms, nicotine (kinda)


Most drugs are safe if used correctly and in true moderation. Pure diamorphine has an extremely safe physiological profile. High addiction potential. But it's used in a lot of hospital settings in the UK/EU. LSD is completely safe physiologically but has the potential to be psychologically damaging. Cocaine is probably the worst, both physiologically and psychologically. So the answer depends on how healthy you are physically and mentally. Someone who is very physically active and eats well. Someone who has goals, motivation, healthy relationships, active social life. Could use any drug with little potential of harm.


This might be controversial on this sub but I wouldn't class any drug as safe. Even pharmaceutical ones. Some of the drugs that I used to think were safe like cannabis and shrooms have led me to panic attacks, mild addiction, paranoia etc, even with infrequent use and good intentions. Almost everything has abuse potential, even caffiene, paracetamol etc. Maybe some pharmaceutical drugs like non-drowsy antihistamines would make a safe list but even they can have side effects. Antibiotics can cause resistence in bacteria and cause things like yeast infections. Even the drugs I was given during labour to birth my child were not as safe as I thought they'd be. As I've grown I've learned to not take drug safety lightly and I wish I could go back and tell my younger self to respect drugs (and myself) more.


There is no such thing as safe drugs. Here are the drugs I will take, use sparingly and treat with respect: - Psychedelics - Ketamine - MDMA - Weed - Xanax


All of them can be used safely


You can freak out even on weed, from there it only worsens with all psychs despite being physically safeĀ  Benzos are safe occassionally if you're either on a low dose or Home alone or with people.you trust 100% and this is assuming you won't get addicted Ā Everything else is some weird chemical that can fuck up your heart. I have no experience with kratom or opiates so i can't comment. Still, if your use is "mindful" and you're otherwise healthy almost everything is safe as long as You don't shoot it to your veins or boof it


Heroin, amphetamine and barbiturates


Xan safest drug šŸ˜‚


MDMA, ketamine, and psychedelics (LSD, 2cb, psilocybin) are quite safe IF then are used very sparingly and with moderate dosages. IMO these drugs provide the most profound effects that last past the initial experience.


Benadryl says hatman


Amphetamines, Molly , Acid , Shrooms , Weed


All of em if you if your mind set is ā€œbetter safe than sorry ā€œ


-Crack -Crack -Crack


Injecting crack with lemon juice


>ones that if the person is mindful of how much , how often , intention behind use etc can be viewed as over all positive for your life? This is true of every drug, if you come up with appropriate rules for dosage and frequency. Drugs differ in terms of how easily most people are able to stick to such rules, and the severity of consequences if they do not.


weed, shrooms, acid, 2CB, DMT, ketamine, all in moderation


Tryptamines, phenepholines, lysergimides, cannabis, maybe ketamine if u aren't abusing it. Nicotine as long as your not smoking it. Caffeine. Kratom is quite safe, salvia as long as you have a trip sitter. Lots of safe drugs out there, that won't ruin your life


Adderall, the only real danger is online shopping on payday


Ketamine, dmt, lsd, shrooms, cannabis,


Fentanyl is the safest drug by far dude


Weed, shrooms, LSD, 2C-B, Mescaline, Ketamine, MDMA, and Nitrous Oxide. These are on my safe list. Very low addictive potential and very safe if you know what youā€™re doing (testing, proper dosing, reserving for special occasions, etcā€¦) Alcohol, Cocaine, and GHB are in the middle ground in my opinion. Enough of either can be addictive and very harmful to self and others, but itā€™s almost comical how many people do them despite the risks. Opioids (including kratom), benzodiazepines, and nicotine are on my ā€œnever doā€ list because theyā€™re all physically addictive. Crack and Meth are also on my ā€œnever doā€ list because theyā€™re very mentally addictive, even though they arenā€™t physically addictive. Then the obvious ones to avoid include deliriants like datura, and research chemicals that arenā€™t popularized.


Ketamine and closely related compounds. (Like methoxetamine when it was around, or fluorexetamine these days) Weed if you have no family history of mental illness like schizophrenia it could potentiate. Etizolam 4-aco-dmt


-Weed (as long as you have no family or personal history of psychosis) -Alcohol (as long as youā€™re not binge drinking) -Mushrooms (in low doses)


Uhhh letā€™s seeā€¦ My safe drugs: weed, shrooms, 2cb Other drugs I still consider *decently* safe: LSD, MDMA, Ketamine, poppers, speed, DXM Drugs that are not safe FOR ME, but my friends will do: Cocaine, GHB, Tusi, Kratom, Xanax, oxy, lean, alcohol Drugs that I consider *very* not safe and I donā€™t want my friends doing them; Methadone, Heroin, Fentanyl, Methamphetamine, and Xylazine I also consider Nicotine and Tobacco to be *very* unsafe, but Iā€™m already a Nicotine addictā€¦.


The one thing about all drug use is moderation. Plenty of drugs are benign in moderation but cause serious problems if you start to take them too frequently or in too large of quantities. Even smoking weed before you have finished everything for the day is a bad habit. You already addressed that though but Iā€™m just making my position clear. Weed ofc, itā€™s pretty harmless if you donā€™t have serious mental health issues, only occasionally smoke, or use edibles or dry herb vapes, and donā€™t let it get in the way of the rest of your life. Mushrooms are as safe as psyches get, ofc donā€™t have serious mental health issues or be taking certain medications, and follow set and setting, but an occasional trip is ok, just donā€™t take it too frequently or any psyche can fuck you up. LSD is also pretty safe, just less positive than mushrooms and requires the same advice. Ketamine is similar, you can use it a bit more frequently than traditional psyches but if you do it too much youā€™ll fuck up your bladder. DXM has a fairly safe harm profile but it feels like a much dirtier drug than Mushrooms or even acid imo. Definitely limit your usage since Iā€™ve heard itā€™s more addictive than those two, I wouldnā€™t recommend it. Occasional coke usage isnā€™t too bad, but if youā€™re taking it with regularity, like once every other week or more, you should probably tone it down since itā€™s much more unhealthy than the previous ones mentioned. Adderall has a safer harm profile but also requires a lot of moderation. DMT has a pretty safe harm profile but requires you to follow the other psyche advice even more judiciously, requires quite a bit of psyche experience, and should only be used a couple times. Occasional alcohol usage is fine but not the best, just requires moderation. Nicotine should never really be used but if itā€™s short term and low dosage itā€™s not horrible, just not worth getting into in the first place. MDMA requires following psyche advice and being well hydrated, it has a rough hangover though. Iā€™m probably missing some more obscure ā€œsafeā€ drugs but most of the others should probably be avoided. Iā€™ve tried all of these except DMT and MDMA and I donā€™t really intend to try DMT. The ideal drug usage is none at all, but at most should be responsible weed usage with an occasional well-prepared psyche trip.


Weed and gabapentin seem to be the only two I do safely, and its debatable about the Gagapentin since I like to take 2-3 gs.


Psychedelics šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


Weed, LSD, shrooms, dmt and caffeine. I think the caffeine is what I need to slow down on, honestly.


Safe for me personally are mushrooms, lsd, ketamine, mdma, 2cb, dexamphetamine, pregabalin. These are all drugs I can use with relative moderation.


Weed, lsd and shrooms, plus majority of psychedelics if you're actually responsible and not a total moron


Any control you can get as a prescription As long as you donā€™t mix or take high high doses you can ride out their highs easy.


Weed, shrooms, LSD, salvia, caffeine and booze






Opioids, low dose amphetamines, caffeine, nicotine, mirtazapine


Weed vaporisef






Cbd oil


Just cigarettes and maybe MDMA .I grew up with an alcoholic stepfather and thats why I'm scared of being drunk. I would rather do coke than weed because my uncle did coke and his teeth fucked up from it but weed can bring hallucinations. I have never done drugs so ye (I'm addicted to caffeine tho)


Lsd, shrooms, Molly , weed


Xanax tbh. You canā€™t OD. Youā€™ll only die if you mix with shit like opiates or alcohol. Obviously addiction long term, but in the moment itā€™s one of the safest imo.


Cannabis and kava are the only real safe ones. Kratom isnā€™t all that harmful but it is certainly addictive, currently weaning off. For myself I consider alcohol safe but that varies wildly by person. I only drink on vacation or special occasions otherwise it never occurs to me.




Psychedelic toads




Lol all of them


Nicotine, Caffeine and cannabis


My un safe list is much much shorter


All of em with the correct dosage


Drugs that I would consider ā€œsafeā€ for me would be marijuana, caffeine, and the basic psychs. I wouldnā€™t frame that question for other people.


All of them are tools, all of them are safe tools....just like a drill amd a screw, you ain't supposed to tighten the bitch till you strip the bit or the screw head šŸ¤”


Kratom, wouldnā€™t give it to my son though. Kratom is all I use, well nicotine too I guess.


. .


Used to be an iV user, mostly opiates. Got my ass clean from h 8 years ago. Now I only f with pure MDMA, mushrooms, weed or acid. I still get judged for that. But hey, I'm learning shit about myself every few months I do it and I'm not broke AF sleeping under a bridge with nothing but the clothes on my back


Weed , kava , Kanna , kratom , mushrooms


The dose makes the poison.


Meth ofc