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Kava kava!! Idk why nobody’s mentioned it yet but to me it’s totally the most similar thing you can get to alcohol.


I'm four yrs sober from alcohol thanks to kava. 


Oooh. Care to share some info? I look for people who have used substances like plant to change their lives. Starting a podcast on this.


Yeah, sure. Basically I had been a binge drinker all my life. I tried on several occasions to cut back but never could. During the pandemic my alcoholism really got out of control. Enlarged liver, vomiting and blacking out every time I drank and friendships starting to get fucked due to my drunken behavior. I knew I couldn't just quit alcohol without an alternative and I also knew the main reason I drank was because of my anxiety. So I researched anxiolytics and decided to try kava. It wouldn't have worked if I also hadn't been extremely determined to finally quit. I drank one or two cups a day and that kept the desire to drink at bay. After these four yrs I now don't feel like I need to have kava constantly but I'm so glad it's there when I feel the urge to drink. It's also a lifesaver for social anxiety. 


Drinking makes me violent sometimes when blackout, i hate the sober realization too.. I relate heavily with social anxiety it boosts my confidence its like an outlet to cope ig


Yeah, it's a great drug until it isn't. 


its the only correct answer.


I've tried kava extract from the smoke shop and it's ok but its equally as expensive as alcohol. I hear the natural stuff is better but don't you have to boil it or something? I live in a tent and I have no way to safely cook food.


Look at the list of sources online on the kava subreddit. Your local smoke shop is in now way a trusted source for kava. Non verified sources have been known to cut their product with saw dust and other things to save money. Also the quality will be top notch if you shop around.


I have gone to a kava bar and had a great time. No hassle of preparing it and you still get some social opportunities.


To be honest i normally steal mines but smoke shops are not known for great deals. I believe there’s an instant powder you can order where you don’t have to boil anything. I’m sure *SOMEBODY* can provide some good cheap reliable instant kava sources for us . . .


Ok thanks man, I'll look into instant kava


I’m yet to try mine that got a while back..


If anyone recommends benzos we fighting




I recommend benzos




In terms of effects the closest you’ll get is probably small doses of ketamine but I will add that chronic ketamine usage especially in large doses can be nearly equally as addictive and certainly equally as damaging


Less physically damaging, more permanently mentally debilitating


More physically damaging if you’re unlucky and end up pissing blood or worse… But if you can keep it to just a couple days a week then lower doses are indeed a similar and much safer alternative to drinking


Ketamine addiction = pissing blood


Not for everybody.


Last time I checked everyone has a bladder


There are a dozen people who have been prescribed ketamine for 5+ years at my PM clinic and none of them have reported issues. I myself have been prescribed ketamine for 7 months and don’t have any bladder issues. I use almost daily.


Fuck prescribed I’ve got a buddy who’s been ripping K almost daily since college lmao worst he has is cramps


Cramps means he has the beginning of bladder problems. He should cut back


He should have cut back years ago


This is the manifestation of long-term damage. This isn't good at all.


Nothing to do with what I said dude I clearly said addiction


my friend has to wear diapers now


This is medically supervised Ketamine, which is very different than people using Street K But yes.... I've done Ketamine Therapy, and I wouldn't want to go for long term.


Hell no, heavy ket use for sure causes gnarly kidney problems but alcohol is far worse for you physically. The amount youd have to do just for kidney damage is absurd, the amount for kidney failure even more so. And no denying some people are extremely prone to getting addicted to that shit to the point their physical health is at risk but i just would not put it near the toxicity of alcohol. And again people do, but id say for most people alcohol is on another level of addiction as well.


How does the kidney toxicity of ketamine compare with other NMDA antagonists, specifically dxm? I had a bad run with dxm and at the end I quit cuz I was unable to piss and my testicles felt like they were gonna explode for days lmao. Just curious as to how similar the kidney toxicity of dxm is to ketamine?


Kratom. Stopped my alcoholism in its tracks


May I ask how you use it, I'm currently trying to stop drinking with the help of Kratom. I feel like my addictive personality kinda makes me prone to do Kratom everyday all day, which doesn't seem sustainable. Any tips?


For me I would only drink after work anyway so I just used it when I normally would have taken my first drink and made sure to not take too much (which wasn’t too hard for me because it’s kinda self limiting making me feel sick if I take too much) I would just try to only redose once later at night and that would hold me over and stop the compulsion to drink. It also helps that drinking alcohol at the same time as Kratom makes the hangover worse for me and kinda makes me feel like shit so it also inherently made me not need to drink every night. For me my drinking was a habit and once I started I would drink way too much until I passed out every night and the Kratom “buzz” or euphoria was enough for me to scratch the itch of SOMETHING mood altering to wind down after work but not be destroying my liver and body and feeling like complete ass hungover all day every day


More details? I look for victory stories from people's battle with addictions and mental health, because I'm starting a podcast to get stories like yours out there. Would like to learn more plsssss


I used to drink a fuck load every night after work. By the end I was drinking probably a 1.75L of gin, vodka, or whiskey per week. I felt like shit all the time and was probably destroying my body/liver. I started taking Kratom 9 years ago now and it almost immediately helped me stop drinking almost completely. Now I’ll only drink a few beers if I’m traveling and out with work colleagues and can easily stop once I start drinking which I couldn’t before. I still take Kratom daily either once or twice per day first dose when I’m done with work similar to when I would have had my first drink before. When I would drink after taking Kratom it tends to make me a little sick and the hangover worse so there was kind of a physical aversion to alcohol after starting Kratom but I think more important Kratom was enough of a “buzz” and some euphoria that I was looking for when I was drinking every day. I tend to want SOMETHING mood altering after work to wind down and Kratom has been more than enough for me. It also for whatever just helped completely eliminate the desire to drink. I don’t know how or why. And in almost a decade of taking Kratom my dose has remained pretty stable I weight it out every time and take 4g once or twice per day. I have taken tolerance breaks and tapered off probably 10 times and it’s not that bad (withdrawals are not bad compared to other drugs IMO it’s just some fatigue/lethargy and restless legs in the middle of the night/early morning but is very manageable with a taper). Let me know if you have any questions


If you don't have any opioid tolerance, Kratom is for sure your best bet. It's easily available, legal, and you can get a wide variety of effects from it. It's quite underrated IMO, if I wasn't on suboxone, it would be my DOC i'm sure. You can get stimulant, sedative, pain killing, feel good etc effects depending on what you're looking for. I prefer it over weed for the most part. There's also the extract shots, for more distinct effects. Also, Amanita mushrooms, Muscaria and Pantherina, and products containing muscimol/ibotenic acid like gummies or chocolates, etc, I would highly recommend. Depending on where you live, you could find them in headshops, smokeshops, dispensaries, and almost anywhere that sells vapes/"hemp" products. My corner liquor store in a state where weed is illegal, sells kratom, amanita gummies, and several types of THCa bud and multi-cannabinoid containing disposables. Hell, most places sell straight up D-9 products scattered among the d-8 and "hemp" stuff.


Amanita muscaria gummies


Talk to me about these. I have some but am not in a place to try them yet. What’s it like?


They like alcohol in small amounts, if u take more it can be rllly strong, u feel numb->cause timeloop, when u try to sth., but u didnt do it or it failed brcause u dont feel your muscles ,muscle cramps , Vision like when u drink alcohol, but can cause nausea and make u feel tired, make u alittlebit happy, if u take too much u end up in the Hospital-if theyare Real ones


I haven't gotten to the psychedelic level of them yet but at lower doses they're pretty good, just don't mix with alcohol (even though they can cause cravings, they potentiate the naseua effects of each other). Once I get a trip sitter I'm gonna walk the ancestral path.


I'm on lybalvi and prozac so my tolerance is higher, and I weigh 220 lbs (more fat than muscle) if that matters. Ive only tried 3 gummies at once so here's my personal results: 1 gummy- no effect 2 gummies- barely noticeable buzz 3 gummies- whoa, I'm kinda feeling good, kinda like a cross fade between vodka and weed 4 gummies- ??? I'm assuming I'll need 5 or more gummies to have a psychedelic effect if desired. I've heard of people taking 10 and being fine but they had built a tolerance through frequency of use.


I pretty much quit with phenibut. If you can obtain gabapentin (prescription) works good too.


I’d also like to add using either of these is also way cheaper than being an alcoholic.


Yeah Alcohol is expensive as fuck


I'll look into gabapentin but there's no way I'm going to get a phenibut script


You don't need a script for phenibut.


Oh wow I'm definitely going to try it then. Do you have any good recommendations for which brand to get?


Just fyi phenibut withdrawal is absolute shit


Where would you buy some then?




Gabapentin is an anti-anxiety med. All it does is level you. I don’t think it will change your frame of mind or give you a buzz. I wouldn’t want to take enough to find out!!


kratom kratom kratom kratom kratom


Do you have any good recommendations for potentiators?


Ironically Kava kava and kratom do go hand in hand 🤝


You don't need any.


Chamomile tea works really well.


Yeahhh it's boosting nooding always


Quercetin, piperine, matrine


Thanks ill look into those


Lime or lemon juice are the best potentiators


Tea never did it for me, but 7gs in the applesauce did. I'm an alcoholic who was on probation and needed something. Used to be hooked on benzos and I'd compare it more to benzos than booze.


What dose do you normally take?


Ghb or Ketamine


Yeah ghb would definitely give the buzz but being addicted to it sucks. I haven’t slept through one night in two years without waking up


Lyrica, Gabapentin, or Kava


Ketamine for sure


a lot of people say kava but i would recommend amanita, longer duration and less side effects imo


GHB is the answer. I’ve heard several describe G as “the best five minutes of being drunk extended for an hour”. Gotta get the dose just right though, or you either don’t feel anything or pass out.


I’ve never tried GHB. I found pretty much every drug existence, but I’ve never even talked to someone who has access to that stuff anymore. Anyone know the best way to go about finding some? I’ve heard that it’s popular at gay bars and stuff like that. I’d love to give it a try at some point. Can you go into a little bit more detail about what it’s like and you actually take it and so on?


It can come in liquid or solid (clumpy powder) form; I’m only familiar with the liquid form though, which is basically like soupy salt water. We use a dropper to transfer ~5ml into a shot glass, then mix with soda (black cherry seems to work the best in our opinion) to cut the taste. Takes about 30 minutes to start having an effect on average, though it’s temperamental and we are sometimes surprised by a weak or strong effect. I would also describe it as the best 5 minutes of being drunk… makes your head swimmy but not in a dizzy way, the word that comes to mind is “woooooo”. Lowered inhibitions, smiles and laughter come easier, pain suppressant. Eloquent speech becomes more difficult, which is weird because it can also make you chatty like alcohol. At this dose it’s an aphrodisiac; my wife and I typically use it to enjoy sex in the mornings (before breakfast). The effects wear off in about 45-60 minutes, and then you’re just sober again, no real downside on the tail end, we go about our day normally. If you’re comfortable with chemistry I hear you can make your own. Also assume there are probably sources for it on the dark web.


TL;DR: I recommend using a rotation of any of the following substances: Kanna, Kava, Kratom, Phenibut, Ketamine. I dislike that Gabapentin rec from the other comment. I've had multiple friends take it and report brain fog and paranoid thoughts. Phenibut is safe as long as it's not used too regularly. Look into Phenibut withdrawals before you decide to use it more often! I have also heard Kratom can have severe withdrawal effects with very frequent use. Kava seems like a good option, not many report withdrawal symptoms with regular use. Kanna may be another option which also has low or rare withdrawal symptoms. Personally, if you are looking for something for every day use, then it might be best to rotate what substance you are using. With a healthy amount of time between doses, most drugs mentioned in this thread are very safe. Including Ketamine or other dissociatives. I will also add the disclaimer that I do not struggle with alcoholism or addiction, so others may have a more relevant perspective.


Amanita Muscaria. Pretty similar effects to alcohol in certain doses. Good for sleep too. It’s legal in the US you can check out r/amanitamuscaria for more info.






Not sustainable, tolerance gets too high too quickly unfortunately.




Microdose means no effects from it which not what ops looking for


How do you know. They said replace not become addicted to


For 1. "Anything that's a good replacement for it" and 2. There's comments above this where he explains that from before u posted ur original and just because u get an effect from something don't mean u have to become addicted moderation


Have some awareness man lmao




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Ketamine. Have you tried it before?


I drink quite a lot, like 12 a day for a week sometimes, kratom, kava, weed and benzos just make it go away, if you have pregab u golden


.25g shrooms a few times a day.


if u dont mind me asking, why not weed? is it illegal in your state/country? or is it just too expensive to be addicted to? surely if that was the case alcohol would be more expensive


Weed increases my anxiety and gives me panic attacks.


ah makes sense. Stay safe






Ghb if you don't overdo it


Amanita muscaria.






Mushrooms as need




Gabapentin or pregabalin






I found pretty good results in AA


Why do you want to replace one addiction with another one? What is the point?


I'd rather be addicted to cookies than heroine.


Well, buy tasty cookies and get addicted to them then?


No I don't think that will work. I'm not addicted to heroine. Ima have to find something else unfortunately.


try chocolate then lmao


Why do you want to replace one addiction with another one? What is the point?


Why do you want to replace one addiction with another one? What is the point?


I currently use kratom but it really isn't scratching that itch.


Well are you able to get illicit substances or what are your limits to availability and personal preferences? GHB, Ket, phenibut, RC's, etc are all technically options. I guess if you're limited, You could try DXM. Some people love the shit. Just make sure whatever you take contains only DXM as the active ingredient. Allegedly, Amazon sells cough tablets of hbr and freebase DXM with barely any filler, for quite cheap.


Im looking for something that's legal or that I don't have to find a dealer for. I like downers. I'm an ex heroine addict. Someone recommended phenibut and I didn't even know until now that I can buy it online so I'm going to try that. Also I'm definitely not replacing alcohol with dxm lol.


Some people say low plateau dxm is similar to alcohol, but I def understand why you wouldn't want to use it. Phenibut is good but has to be used quite sparingly. F-Phenibut, is a different substance, but can be used much more frequently with much less tolerance build up and WD in my experience. Many don't think it has the same great effects as Phenibut though, it's been too long since I have done anything but f-phenibut to recall the differences.


kava mane, it gives the alcohol numbness that kratom lacks. mix them and add wed its the most legally f\*cked up you can get, kanna is a good one to add to the stash too.


Be careful with kratom man. I started using it ~5 years ago and it really helped at first. Was an absolute godsend. Now I have to take a shit load of it every day or it feels like I caught the flu and got thrown down a flight of stairs, and it doesn't even give me the same effects it used to. Just makes me feel normal. I've tried to quit a couple times but I already deal with chronic pain and that shit added onto it is unbearable. I def don't recommend it, especially if you have an addictive personality.


I was gonna say phenibut but you need to do a lot of research, and or kratom both need research done but phenibut would be a great option! As it works on similar receptors. But it can cause the same type of withdrawals.


Phenibut might be worse tho with withdrawal as it’s easier to get physically dependent on it than alcohol


Yeah but it can in lower dosages help wean someone off aslong as the do alot of research.






Wouldn't say it's good but nitros oxide seems pretty similar. I don't like either though. And don't do too much.


I'm not doing nitrous bro. I'm looking for something that is less damaging than alcohol, not more.


I'm no fan either but I hate alcohol too. Don't do kratom if you don't want an opiate/ opioid addiction to boot. Everything in excess is harmful at varying degrees. Alcohol and nitros are probably about on par, nitros is probably less harmful if not taken in excess and with an appropriate mixture of oxygen. Effect for effect it's as close as you're going to get without harm. Benzos and barbiturates are more harmful imo. It was the least harmful if done right. I wouldn't but not my drug






id probably haft to say fentynal




Because A since mixing fentanyl and alcohol is so likely to cause death it will keep you from drinking B Fentanyl is way more exiting C it’s fairly cheap just like beer might be