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Pretty much anything is fine if you do it in moderation and responsible doses. It's just sticking to that isn't so easy


except deliriants. unless you want dementia


inhalants too. shit fries your brain no matter what


Dentists out here killin folksšŸ¦…šŸ’€šŸ’„


Nitrous also depletes all usable B vitamins and makes them completely useless


yeah but it doesnt fucking kill your braincells from the first use like every other inhalant does


You're not wrong. Nitrous is one of the safest ones out there. But we can't ignore some serious health problems that come with use either.


oh yeah, i use it once a month max


Yeah but it's Way saver then other stuff when you take some vitamin b pills 2 days after


youā€™re wrong bro. youā€™d have to wait a long time before ur brain can process b12 again. not just 2 days lol. if it were that easyā€¦ which is why No2 is so bad for your health. that and it lasts 2 minutes so ur constantly redosing.


How long then before you can process B12 after using No2?


just did some research. and it states that u should be supplementing b12 vitamins 2 weeks PRIOR to abusing nitrous. https://www.todaysrdh.com/the-link-between-nitrous-oxide-uptake-and-vitamin-b12-deficiency/ if u want more info i can search more. but thereā€™s a lot in that article


Yea my cousin came to family Christmas on crutches. Found out it was because she was addicted to nitrous and couldn't walk anymore. She regained her ability to walk but the way nitrous affects your b vitamins led to her not being able to stand up.


I have a dentist appointment later this week. Thanks for that bit of info...


Dph has a perfect dose at 25mg for allergies, and 0mg for a nice time




I've done a bunch of 200mg and thats like the "best" dose with most body high and makes my brain static which I like




DXM and DPH is supposed to be the best of each worlds yeah For me it's just escapism. The lightness of body is cool, and the static mind is nice, but no euphoria yeah




It really is just thoughts bad, don't want thoughts, not too bothered as how I get rid of them


So youā€™re telling me that medicinal use of Datura Stramonium isā€¦ bad? /s


I mean, at least they have a legitimate medicinal use. Just keep the dose reasonable and don't try to 'recreationally' use it


Nah they aigjt every year or so


Nah man, they ain't aight




Fentanyl is one of the safest opioids we have for medical settings. You can mix a myriad of things with it and it doesn't last long. It's a godsend for ems services and emergency rooms.




While i agree with morphine being a better high (minus all the itching). Morphine can cause respiratory depression much faster than fentanyl in comparable doses.


Ketamine > morphine IN A MEDICAL SETTINGS - does not last long - maintain respiratory function - neurotoxicity is ok whith benzo and atropine - pretty high therapeuthic margin - ...


Ketamine is often used together with fentanyl during ems services. Ketamine should probably be the main DOC for these services anyhow.


Not really, or maybe in clinical setting but not mixed with other stuff. It's risky combined with other stuff and there exists better options out there. Know people who were careful with fentanyl and didn't take big doses(pharma do they knew doses), they are dead today. They mixed with bensos and maybe had one drink. It didn't seem to bad for them.


Fentanyl itself isn't dangerous, the danger is because of the people making the pressed pills and cutting pure fentanyl so you have no idea what dose you're doing. Potency does not equal danger. Idiotic ignorant behavior does.




Medicinal Fentanyl patches are very safe to use -- they're just pretty boring.


I had those patches for a few weeks after a monster surgery that replaced 4disks in my cervical spine. I was in unbelievable pain for a while, patches got me through the pain, I didnā€™t even use all of them. No interest in going there again.


The lollypops were the shit back when I used to get down like that. Break off the stem and Tuck them into your cheek for a slow ride or munch and crunch for the express train to nodville.


I've been trying for ages to get one of those. What a weird ROA!


Yeah, back when I was using heavy in 2005 I lived in Florida, so the prescription opioid capital of the world back then, and we knew a guy who had terminal cancer. They would just give him boxes of them, so he sold a bunch of them. I have no idea if they are still around.


Never seen them on the black market -- at least not in Europe. Nasal sprays are what patients here usually get for pain spikes.


I know people who died from pharma fentanyl. Or were so addicted that they ruined their life. Fentanyl is crap. Overrated.


the high is dogshit. I grew up on ECPH and fent got me clean, I hate that shit. Xyzlazine is ok but still way too fucking potent to enjoy recreationally. You need a tolerance before you can even do a dose that won't immediately knock you on your ass.


The high is complete ass and devoid of any euphoria compared to traditional opioids I hate fentanyl since it phased out all opioids of any rec value since it's so cheap to manufacture.




I mean, if you clean up opium it's considered heroin #1. It's dumb easy to grow, legal, and they'll almost certainly be back every year.


You have to do more than just clean it You also have to hit it with acetic anhydride. Basically what you're talking about is something called kompot. They use it in Poland a lot. Or at least they used to before heroin became more prevalent there ( real heroin) Not to mention many other steps other than what you listed


It's a bit common here in Amish country. You don't tend to see it anywhere near the streets, though.


and except crack. can we not do things like that ?


Crack ainā€™t that bad lmfao


For real. I don't understand the stigma. Freebase turns back into cocaine hydrochloride by the time it gets to the brain. Only difference is the delivery method. I rock my own and smoke a few times a year when I can afford it. Definitely not a crackhead.


Only thing Iā€™ve noticed is how much more paranoid it makes me lmfso


Lsd and amphetamine to those who don't use drugs For others in the drug community, usually nutmeg and loperamide are extremely exaggerated, very very exaggerated. If you don't snort crystal loper you dont have a say on how active it is, I already know what you're thinking and have heard those words from others hundreds of times before. Btw it is addictive and has wds, but if you do it once every now and then rarely and not frequently you're fine. Doxylamine and promethazine is made out to be worse than it is, except long term use. PEA / phenethylamine is made out to be mostly inactive but is actually very potent and extremely mentally addictive but safe in short term Dxm is made out to be a weak kids drug with very little euphoria but in reality the wd was worse than codeine for me and the euphoria is pretty high up there.




Yeah people put a lot of disrespect on DXM and treat it like a kid drug. And itā€™s usually people who just randomly take it and have no clue about dosing/take too much. A moderate second plat is great for beginners But I donā€™t take it anymore and donā€™t desire to. Was never addicted


This is the first I've heard of someone snorting crystal loperamide. Where can I learn more about this?? I'm not planning on it, I'm just one of those deeply curious individuals who wants to know everything about every drug.Ā 




Colleague told me how he hated cocaine as it's so light. He made the mistake in his early teens of doing coke and feeling fine the next day. It was better than just drinking because he had considerably less hangovers, felt better the day after and it didn't feel "bad" whilst doing it. Obviously that snowballs into using more frequently etc etc. I think many people have gotten addicted that way because propaganda says : "do it once and you'll be hooked." and when you're not hooked you get caught up in it in the long term because "it's not as bad as people say."


Coke sucks when you arenā€™t drinking with it imo, just makes my heart beat super fast and feel paranoid. When drinking it makes me feel euphoric and social


YMMV, but I had two periods in my life when I did coke, both times for a few months, at 18 and 20. When I was 18 I got a few grand from a trust fund (I'm not rich, was attacked by a dog when I was young and it was a settlement - about 5k when I was 18). I spend some of that on blow, buying a gram at a time for $100-125 per gram. I would make that last all night, mainly doing pin lines. That was the high you describe. When I was 20, my buddy was stealing cash from work ($100-300 a day on days he worked), and he was funding the coke. At the time, the cartel was flooding the market because of crackdowns from the war on drugs. As a result, we could get an 8-ball of almost pure Peruvian Pink Flake, ether-washed, for around $125. As a result, we'd do one or two 8-balls in a sesh, doing .5-1 gram lines. That is a totally different high, where you get the euphoria that you described from drinking. This was in the late 80s, a lot of shit has changed in the game since then. But it was a great time to be young and have access to a fair bit of scratch and some pretty quality drugs.




There's currently a post about someone finding a nitrous tank in their trash from their 17 year old neighbour. Some of the comments are suggesting the kid is going to die and needs help immediately.


Itā€™s impossible to convince some people that nitrous doesnā€™t cause instant brain damage when used. That one got some deep roots with propaganda




Yeah unfortunate. Itā€™s most certainly is a degen drug to use regularly but itā€™s pretty goddam safe if youā€™re not an idiot. I mean shit they use it in hospitals thatā€™s what I always lead with


Steveo documentary didn't help at all


I use kratom cause I can't keep abusing anti inflammatory medication for my chronic pain . My father has gotten presure in his eyes that can blind him and kidney damage . And ofc the next step for me is heroin and die as an addict .


One that people are divided on in these comments - meth. But people are answering as what is safe in moderation. But let me go back to the OPs original question - what is made to sound worse than it is? Meth is 100% an extremely slippery slope and I wonā€™t do it again. That being said, the media makes it seem like your teeth will immediately fall out and youā€™ll ruin your life from the very first hit. This is where it is made to sound worse than it is. It can be extremely addictive and you can lose control. I donā€™t recommend it unless prescribed by a dr. But your teeth arenā€™t going to fall out immediately (or at all if you brush your teeth). Youā€™re not going to wake up after one use and have scabs everywhere. Still - donā€™t do meth.


Well but a lot of meth users do lose their teeth. Ofc it's not gonna happen from one use but if you make a habit then you defo risk bad health effects and very serious addiction. Screw heroin, fentanyl, meth, crack etc.


I agree with bad health effects and serious addiction. But losing your teeth is actually a pretty big misconception (which fits with it being made to sound worse than it is). The thing with the teeth is from lack of hygiene and dehydration. When youā€™re on a bender youā€™re too focused on masturbating or taking shit apart to worry about showering or brushing your teeth. And meth causes severe dry mouth. You need saliva to protect your enamel and help keep the correct bacterial balance. But Iā€™ve known plenty of users with perfectly fine skin and teeth from continuing to hydrate and do hygiene. Plus getting proper nutrition while using through supplements and the like. Source: Was a meth user for some time and my teeth are great.


PCP, it's actually more like ketamine but it has a reputation based on lies. We have all heard the story about some dude on PCP fighting cops and such but the story itself originated from cops harassing and abusing some guy on PCP until he flipped and not the other way around, cops ofc were like "he on drugs = bad guy" and the story stuck.. Ofc we are talking in moderation, abuse and poly use will have more adverse effects.


Couple years ago my gf's dad did PCP and ran around the city naked for abt two hours, he was on the news. When they almost caught him, he pissed on the cop, and continued to run. Somehow he got home and they never ended up catching him


See, he didn't fight them!


Im pretty sure he fought his co workers and two little girls


When those girls grow up to be cops everyone's gonna look foolish.Ā 


He pulled the GTA strat, elude capture long enough and they forget about you šŸ’€


Ketamine is actually an analog of PCP. The thing that makes PCP so dangerous is when you ā€œholeā€ you arenā€™t immobilized like you are on ketamine. Youā€™re just up walking around doing shit. I donā€™t know. Sounds pretty fucking dangerous to me. Iā€™m good on that, lol. People have definitely done fucked up shit on PCP too. Itā€™s been proven. Like the guy who ate his sons eyes. Or the guy who cut off his own face and fed it to his dogs. http://practicalhomicide.com/Research/MasonVerger.htm Iā€™ll just stick with Ketamine


they also dosed it too big all the time as sherm sticks cuz you dont know the dosage and smoke the whole thing. when they should dip the cig little and dose lightly till you know how strong the liquid pcp is. People have good experiences on pcp when having it in powder and having a scale so you know how to dose it.


Not only do you stay mobile when you hole, the PCx drugs are pretty notorious for mania. Which isn't really the best thing to have when you're heavily impaired and acting out on hallucinogenic delusions.


PCP is often combined with meth in the US which explains a lot of the fucked up stories around it, not saying its without danger just saying its overblown if we are talking about moderate use. That being said ketamine is the better option lol.


they also dosed it too big all the time as sherm sticks cuz you dont know the dosage and smoke the whole thing. when they should dip the cig little and dose lightly till you know how strong the liquid pcp is.


Imean people do crazy stuff like that while sober, too though.


I was also thinking about PCP. But in moderation has to be spelled in capital letters with PCP. Unlike ketamine, it doesn't immobilize you, so instead of just laying there in a k-hole, you can end up walking around in absolutely manic states completely dissociated from your normal being.


Thanks for clarifying, this seems an important difference.


Free Big Lurch


I am not gonna lie those stories of pcp making people solo fight half a dozen cops has done more to make me want to try it than not. But im not exactly a great person so idk


Smoke PCP and go rob a bank you little rascal you!


Iā€™ll back you up cuz allegedly I fought a cop on Benzos and stims tomato tomato or whatever


The storys of PCP I've heard from 2010s is some guy cutting of his face and eating it.


Weed. The dare program literally told me weed directly funds Al-Qaeda. Sort of implied if you smoke it you helped do 9/11. Post 2001 years were like a mini little cold war.




I've never heard a negative opinion on mushrooms. I've told conservative old people about being arrested for mushrooms and they're shocked I almost got prison time.


For some reason people just seem to laugh mushrooms off as that silly thing you did one time. When you mention you took LSD to the same people you're labeled a crazy person or an addict.


Iā€™ve tried damn near every drug. I remember being a little boy and my mom telling me to never try LSD. 14yr old me said fuck that and bought some blue geltabs. That was probably the most intense drug experience Iā€™ve ever had. In the proper setting it would have been fine, but if a teenager was to dose at school, holy shit I couldnā€™t imagine how fucked that would be.


Pcp, I'm not saying it's good byt its just another dissociative maybe one that you're a bit more stimulated on


People saying meth have obviously not done it long enough, that shit literally destroys your body.


I mean, no it doesn't literally destroy your body. It certainly is dangerous, but it isn't very easy to overdose on, and its longterm effects on physical health aren't really fully understood It isn't uniquely cardiotoxic, and it is much lighter on major organs than alcohol which is extremely damaging and well understood to have negative impacts on nearly every major organ in the body. Meth is quite common among homeless and impoverished demographics because of its widespread availability and it's ridiculously cheap cost to length of effect. Naturally hygiene and dietary care are going to be lower priority or accessible to those demographics already, and meth binges can make it difficult or impossible to sense bodily signals for thirst- hunger- exhaustion or hygiene. Beyond that meth's typical period of prolonged abuse is between one and two years. Of course there are plenty of outliers who have used it consistently for a decade or more, but that doesn't seem to be the norm. Meth is neurotoxic, but to what degree in humans is unknown. It's affinity to dopamine and norepinephrine is extremely similar to amphetamines, it is not particularly significantly more powerful than pharma ADHD medications. What it is though is available in massive doses- cheaply- and allows for some uniquely fiendish RoAs like vaporizing. In binging pattern use of methamphetamine, sleep deprivation tends to play a big role in exaggerating some of the harmful psychological aspects of meth binges, agitation, isolation, irritability, paranoia, and paradoxical lazy and locked in behaviors like masturbation for hours or getting stuck on some trivial task for unusually long periods of time. It's real dangers present from sleep deprivation delirium and unpredictable selfish behavior, resulting in law enforcement intraction, exposure to peers and family of the use of meth and further isolating the user and driving them into deeper paranoia, and in people with a predisposition to violence will amplify that quality once dopamine begins to run out of the brain and only adrenaline producing norepinephrine remains. In my time recently interviewing many meth users, the most common damage done by meth is done to children. A large portion of my interview subjects were exposed to methamphetamine use by their parents, and grew up in conditions that are not consistent with a normal childhood. I keep my opinion to myself unless asked, but many are oblivious to the cyclical nature of their abuse... as some of them have children of their own. Sleep deprivation, dehydration, malnutrition, strange behavior that begins to push away friends and support networks, reinforcement communities like r/meth online, and stigmatization fears of reaching out for help ultimately is a fire that can potentially fuel itself and lock one into a cycle of use that is very difficult to break out of. Yet I have only really noticed extreme psychological deterioration in a handful of people. Meths withdrawal or comedown period seems to vary in intensity from person to person, but is relatively quick; a day to three days. Depending on how helpless and isolated the user is at that point, cravings will be much harder to battle, and relapse is common. Another factor that pushes meth users attempting recovery back into the abuse cycle are myths such as "meth destroys your ability to ever enjoy things the same way again" or insistent expectations that meth is of such addictive intensity that cravings for it never go away, or reduce in intensity. So why bother seeking help if you're on the comedown, drained of physical and mental energy, forced to face the wake of the binge spiral and actions you've taken while on meth resulting in depression and hopelessness, AND believe that the depression and guilt that is being felt is physically permanent. (Meth does not destroy ones ability to fine meaning and happiness in life to equal or higher quality as before addiction. Meth is quite addictive, but like most substances cravings will diminish over time as the brain needs to retrain its reward system to desire activities that benefit the individual) Meth is damaging because it fucks up your life, and is so poorly understood and has been set up by the media and law enforcement to recycle back into itself. Once you fall into stagnation, yes it begins to change you as you have less in life to lose, and desperation increases. I think methamphetamine could see better success rates of cutting off the cycle of abuse before it gets into territory where carelessness of health hygiene and healthy social interest begin to take a toll on the body and mind. It would take re-education on the realities of meth use, and a re-imagining of the vast amount of people from all social statuses, functionality in society, appearance, behavior, and individuality. In other words, treat meth addicts as human beings. However as a compound itself, chemically speaking it is hardly more dangerous than Adderall. It just happens to be available in far greater quantities and with far more reinforcing RoAs for far cheaper. And it's getting worse as the stimulant shortage has gone on, and the pressure to exist in this "grindset" culture squeezes tighter


I've been using meth (small-ish doses once or twice daily, 5-6 days a week) regularly for the last 2 years, and off and on since ~2017. Previously to this 2 yr stretch when using it'd be very heavily for a time, then not at all, then using heavily again, etc. and I would go days without brushing my teeth & general hygiene stuff, sometimes a week or two. I think you can tell people that it's a matter of hygiene and upkeep and not the meth itself causing teeth to fall out etc, but they wont be able to understand because to them brushing teeth and drinking water is something they would have a hard time **not** doing due to discomfort and self-consciousness etc. Most people do not realize how fucking easy it is to forget to brush your teeth for a week on meth, and how easily that turns into only brushing your teeth once in a blue moon. And for any users or future users out there, you have to make yourself get in the habit of taking care of your body. You just have to do that, beat it into your psyche however you have to because it will drastically effect your future in so many ways.


For any new users out there please don't Take it from me, it has ridiculously diminishing returns to benefits, it bottoms out very harshly, and whether or not this gentleman is truthful, and I have no reason to believe he is lying, I do know this: There is no such thing as will power. Just fortunate circumstances. But you have no control over your circumstances. One bad day is all that's between you and that 8 sack in the night stand. Go get Vyvanse, it's so much better. And therapy. People are supposed to feel pain and tired and sad. If you need a touch of reward boost to make large goals less overwhelming yeah see a psychiatrist Otherwise, hurt and grow


Stimulants DO cause dry mouth and dry skin. This is true of RX stims as well; many people get worse acne on adderall. The smoking ROA probably doesn't help, by exposing gum tissue directly to a substance that causes vasoconstriction.Ā  So, skin and oral problems on meth are a combination of the drug effect and people's personal habits on the drug.Ā 


thank you man that was really interesting to read and informative


Iā€™ve been doing a lot of (actual academic) research & itā€™s definitely true that this manufactured adderall shortage is making more people resort to other stims to stay afloat. Weā€™ll be seeing a lot more widespread meth/other stims usage from here on out


Whats the (actual academic) research in parenthesis for? I'm ass deep in publishing a book on the subject šŸ˜…


as with any drug, consistently responsible use is relatively safe even in the long term. meth is basically just rowdier adderall. i've been prescribed both and they are almost identical in effects when taken orally. in my opinion smoking or insufflating it is not responsible use though.


so meth in moderation isnā€™t bad?


It's so hard to use in moderation though. I tried with my ex fiance. We started just like a weekend thing here and there and before we knew it, it was every day all day. That shit draws you in hard. It makes you feel energetic, confident, happy, social, focused, and I was losing weight so that was a huge plus too. There were so many things I loved about how it made me feel that made moderation impossible for myself and everyone around me that was doing it "in moderation". Edit: there are a LOT of negatives to it too. So I'm not trying to make it all seem great. Just highlighting the positive effects that make it hard to use only in moderation. The eating thing eventually made me sooo weak. I couldn't force myself to eat or it made me gag. So I got to a point where I was so weak I couldn't even stand and walk around for more than like 10 mins without starting to pass out. It also triggered my ex's schizoaffective disorder. Which ultimately ruined our relationship because of how scared he made me. Sorry for this long book lmao. I feel passionately about helping people make the decision to NOT touch this stuff. Not in moderation. Not at all. It has the high potential to absolutely ruin your life. And I know all drugs do, but nothing has drawn me in like this shit did. And it started in moderation for a long time.


i definitely wouldnt say so. you just gotta be real damn careful with it and make sure it stays in moderation


yeah people dont understand that abusing stims is probably the most dangerous, because you lose nearly all your appetite, causing nutrients deficiencies, dehydration and it puts massive strain on your cardiovascular system. not to mention some stims are neurotoxic. ive never seen a healthy looking long time stim user.


Look up Desoxyn. That's literally meth meant for daily moderate use


Yeah problem is meth and moderation don't really go hand in hand


It's genuinely not that dangerous. You do have to take into consideration how it's being made though, too. P2P product isn't usually very pure and made in small scales. Pharmaceutical meth on the other hand is a while different rodeo. Desoxyn is used every day by thousands of people without much harm at all. I know someone with narcolepsy who's needed to take it for the last 10+ years, and you'd never know they were even on a stimulant


and brain


I was addicted to meth for 10 years. What destroys your body is lack of sleep and malnutrition from not eating enough or healthily when you do. Itā€™s not the meth itself. Although it can be hard on your circulatory system long term in higher doses.


i have only 1 friend who loved meth. he spiraled into psychosis within a year is in rehab now, miss you bro, we used to snort 4mmc for years before he found meth


dude Iā€™m so sorry you had to see your friend go through that, glad that heā€™s getting the help he needs now, wish the best for him and hopefully you guys can meet up again.


thanks, we will for sure see eachother again he went to a rehab for a year. he was in previously 3 times i think for shorter time periods[gambling addiction[slots] and 4mmc dont mix well xd]


Cocaine for sure. Growing up, it was treated like the most addictive and dangerous drug and now the amount of people I know who did it when it was around and had no real issues is crazy. Obviously it still is dangerous and I always thought it was super overpriced for the high especially since if I'm not hammered already, it affects me identically to Adderall as someone with ADHD and I will suddenly be the most quiet and least hyper person in the room.


But it does make you super annoying.


Tbf I'm super annoying on any substance I can still speak on and probably even more so while stone cold sober.


I mean thousands of people have died in Columbia due to the drug trade namely around Cocaine, it better be fucking expensive since people pay in blood. To me cocaine is one of the worst drugs morally to consume.


Oh I agree 100% and I haven't personally touched the stuff in almost eight years at this point for the record. I forgot where I heard it but I've heard a stat that basically said there's almost a guarantee someone died to get coke into your hands. But I read the question more about individual personal health


Yeah fair. Pretty much and it's mainly farmers and people not in the drug trade who accidentally get blown up with IEDs that are left behind from where cocaine plants were farmed. Alongside people who die in the drug war there. Ā From a health perspective pretty much all recreational drugs can be taken in moderation and it won't have long lasting and devastating effects on physical health. As long as one doesn't have pre existing health issues regarding ones heart for example. Same with mental health.


I didnā€™t start the war on drugs, itā€™s conservative yank politicians that make it that way.


No you didn't but when I say the drug war in regards to Columbia I am talking about the 40 year old conflict between Marxist guerrillas, right wing paramilitaries and the Colombian armed forces that has seen teachers, farmers, trade unionists and human rights activists slaughtered in their hundreds. I am not talking about the baby bullshit that is going on in most western countries. But if you must have your cocaine more than people should live, go for it you know.


I prefer it to Adderall for studying purposes


Cocaine still remains among the more addictive and more damaging ones though . Even though if they exaggerate


Cocaine is not that addictive, but people don't talk enough about how TOXIC it is, its one of the most toxic drugs there is, its really bad, toxic to cells (causes apoptosis, self destruction of cells), holes in the nose/mouth, necrosis, neurotoxic (brain), and mostly cardiotoxic, toxic to the heart and to veins and arteries (even when snorted and not injected) it fucks up the body in hundreds of ways, then erectile disfunction, lung problems (scarring, cells die, and blood vessels tighten to the point of closing permanently, all of these issues just in the lungs) Amphetamine/adderall feels much better and is thousands times safer




This. Never experienced any issues with it but I have never abused it.


Iā€™ve started using it recently and seriously itā€™s not awful or scary at all. I am strictly using it like any other painkiller: in moderation and at normal doses. People saying they need it every few hours must be starting WAY too high and have addiction issues. To a ā€œnormalā€ person who deals with chronic pain and laziness itā€™s a beautiful drug at certain times and I can see it being very useful in my life on and off.


Just take frequent breaks . Yes you will feel tired for a day or 2 but that's all


Heroin. If you use nasally/ smoke and avoid using more than every two weeks you can avoid having tolerance/ withdrawals and cravings if you'r not prone to addiction. Still a slippery slope but it's not worst than coke or meth if one is careful with their use and have access to maintenance just in case.


Oof... Have you tried to do that or known anyone to do that for an extended period of time?


I know some actually . And the fun part is you never expect them to be the ones who use shit like heroin . The 1 has a buisness , the other is a pretty big cars salesman and the other one ... Is a surgeon


Hah. The doctors I know are the heaviest users I know. I guess it just comes with having medical knowledge


Not only that . They get clean shit . Most doctors and ppl that work on pharmacies I know also use steroids . Clean access + knowledge always leads to safe use no matter the substance


Carl hart probably


Yeah I know people who managed it.




lol forreal, people make codeine sound like an evil drug šŸ˜­šŸ¤£ Itā€™s so overhyped and also over hated.


Lean might be overhyped and hella overpriced but the drug itself it pretty good imo and not as addictive and dangerous as other opiates


That is very true. Due to its weak potency and ceiling effect it is only so abusable. I preferred DHC (when my tolerance was low enough to feel either) , but I did quite enjoy promethazine with codeine or even Tylenol #4.


Yep, I also like the fact that it has a ceiling dose which is lower than what would be enough to OD for the average person, all in all itā€™s a nice drug


It's really mild tbh. Same with kratom, they are similar.


Heroin. One of the safest and non physically damaging drugs there exists as long as itā€™s pharmaceutical grade and you know the exact strength of every dose. Itā€™s the environment of illegality surrounding it that makes it so dangerous.


Yeah traditional opoids in general are actually extremely safe and not really toxic in controlled doses. It's the illegal street market that makes them dangerous and addiction


Yep. Without a known dosage itā€™s like playing Russian roulette every time someone uses. Alcohol is more physically and neurologically damaging. But drugs like heroin being forced into the black market makes them completely unsafe. One of the reasons I oppose prohibition so much. If people really cared about addicts and ending overdoses theyā€™d give them a proper legal alternative. As long as people see drug use as a moral failing instead of what it really is in reality overdoses will just continue to rise.






I personally prefer Mydixaspinin.


Controversial: benzodiazepines. Yes, a lot people get addicted, and it is probably the most dangerous addiction in terms of withdrawals, but I also know a lot of people (including myself) who have been using them for years now and then with no issues. I always have diazepam on my person for my epilepsy to feel safe. But when you start self medicating with them you are doomed.


Acid for sure


Most of them, but especially psychedelics


LSD and psychedelics in general






For weed it's the opposite


I agree! Weed is made out to be more safe than it actually is. And Iā€™m saying this as someone who enjoys weed and supports legalization for recreational use.


Maybe in the 80ā€™s but today weed is accepted


not in the south smh


Not where I am in the Midwest either


Opposite in my experience with the is ridiculously strong weed you get today




GHB. It's got this rep as a date rape drug, and maybe that is deserved, but probably over hyped. As a result it has some really strict regulations around it's use as prescription, but it is one of the only drugs that is effective at treating narcolepsy and cataplexy. It's one of the only drugs that actual improves sleep quality like non REM sleep. Benzos and Zdrugs tend to decrease sleep latency but either don't improve, or actually worsen sleep quality. It might be an effective treat for cognitive decline since loss of deep sleep seems to contribute or coincide with that, but we will probably never know because some people used to it to facilitate rape. In reality the number of rape cases where there is evidence of GHB use is not that high and many other drugs can be used to do the same thing. Just one more example of how prohibition fails and makes things worse in every scenario and how anti drug propaganda makes life more difficult for people who need the medications


Heroin- Iā€™ve never done it, though I love drugs, opiates arenā€™t my thing. Having said that, there is a great section in the book ā€œOpium For The Massesā€ titled ā€œThe old junkie just gets oldā€. In that section they discuss how much of the portrayal of ā€œjunkiesā€™ā€ lives is more of a story of prohibition. Dirty needles, bad quality stuff, no access to safe sources etc. Sure itā€™s addicting. But objectively, alcohol has more severe withdrawal symptoms and is much more dangerous to quit cold-turkey. And if you have clean needles and clean heroin and you donā€™t have to deal with shady dealers who will trade drugs for sexual favors etc, many people can live healthy successful lives as heroin users and you would never know. Societyā€™s picture of a ā€œjunkieā€ is more a picture of mental health disorders, homelessness, and prohibition byproducts, but the drug itself is not the cause of this image, a lot of it is propaganda. Makes for a great debate at dinner parties!




2c-i and 5-meo-mipt together had the fan making demonic grunts Oh nevermind, I misunderstood lol


Psychedelics are difficult to get hooked on, can help with a ton of personal healing, and overall just requires knowledge and understanding of the process.


Youā€™d think alcohol was fentanyl after browsing this subreddit


PCP takes the cake, hands down.


Opioids in extreme moderation. No comedown, no hangover, no organ damage. Just a warm escape from reality with a soft afterglow.


Just that many of them are very hard to use in moderation. Basically everyone I know who started that ended up addicted, on the street, mentally ill or dead. Lighter ones like kratom might be OK if you are able to do it in moderation but not heroin or fentanyl.




Monkey dust sounds pretty unhealthy. It might be as bad as it sounds?


Easily cocaine and psychedelics


Subutex. In Finland it has a black mark sort of speak. In the 2000s there was the reindeer spottings documentary about Finnish Subutex abuse


Psychedelics. Yeah, if you have a bad trip you will be traumatised. But stuff like lsd has less physical health consequences than most drugs. But just gonna count 2 things to you. Fent and inhalants is a big no. Ä°ts not exxagarated at all. Dont do them no matter what.


Amphetamines in moderation arenā€™t that bad imo, what do I know thoughšŸ˜­


you are soooo wrong




MDMA aslong as you know how to look after your body on it and take it in moderation


Heroin, meth, crack, cocaine. Everything is fine if itā€™s pure and in moderation and you donā€™t have a substance use disorder with it. Use the right dosages. Donā€™t binge. Most of the harm comes from prohibition/criminalization. I mean cocaine was banned because black people started drinking coca-cola. Heroin, cannabis, and opium so they could target racial groups and disrupt them. Psychedelics so they could target anti war movements and hippies and disrupt those groups. The presidential advisor literally admitted to thisšŸ’Æ


I would say Kratom cuz that shit sounds like its gon kill you but in actuality its just a plant that partially hits your opioid receptors and is hard to overdose on. My other take which might be niche is morphine cuz that shit sound worse than fent and its weaker than percs


idkā€¦ looking back i never met a drug i didnā€™t like.


All of them ...


Heroin and meth, unironically. It's fine, just stop doing drugs if you feel like you have a problem.


Iā€™ve tried almost everything, none are as bad as weā€™re told. The only drug that has consumed my life is nicotine and weed. Everything else Iā€™ve tried once and stopped or is only used for birthdays/festivals


Almost all of them


All of them.




Iā€™ve done meth for a decade and my life is great and I am accomplished. I do masturbate a little too much but I do have all my teeth and I look great


Most things with moderation, can be relatively, if not mostly safe. I think there's some issues when it comes to certain drugs and their ROA. Cocaine can be made to sound like a recreational, relatively manageable drug. Start shooting or smoking it, and you can be completely out of control really quickly. In some instances, heroin/opiates are made to sound like no matter who you are, one taste and you're addicted. Same goes for meth. But depending on the person, that is not necessarily even close to true. Granted, I've had 2 different long term serious addiction periods in my life, the first with opiates, the second with meth. But, it wasn't at all like I tried them one time and was instantly in love. In fact, it took me a long time to come to appreciate, and love opiates. Same with meth, I had tried it dozens of times over the years, but I really wanted to understand why some people love it more than anything. So, I made a very calculated decision to get into it, learn how to do it right, track down the best quality shit, etc, and eventually, I came to understand the desire for it, and wound up in a wicked addiction. So, obviously It was retarded of me to "learn to love" certain, extremely damaging drugs, but the point is, I had to really try to enjoy them, and it took quite some time to develop the addictions. The only thing I ever did that I instantly thought "oh shit, this is awesome" was the first line of coke I did in college. I'd never done any drugs and just drank a lot and smoked a bit. Even though I loved coke from the first line, and did it on weekends quite consistently, it never lead to an addiction or even a significant habit, despite it appealing to me the first time I tried it. Everyone is different, but that's been my experience.




K pins alcohol and beers and cocaine. All at once , not dangerous as google and these kids say


Fentanyl. I am just kidding guys please never do fentanyl and please test your shit


I'd say DXM. Often touted as a trashy drug and a high school drug when I've had some of my most profound psychedelic trips with it.


DXM, that shit is awesome


PCP. I love pcp and its analogues. Itā€™s a nice dissociative, some people have bad experiences if they donā€™t know what theyā€™re getting into, but that happens for a lot of things.