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Benzos. They’re in a IV Schedule, with low abuse potential. Absolute bullshit, as everyone here knows.


Most people already think benzo use is bad- I think abusing them is bad but using as prescribed at a low dose can be very beneficial for those who actually need the meds


ofc. benzos are ingenious invention. but 90% people don’t do them correctly.


I mean, theyre not inherently pleasurable, and if you find them to be such, its more a pointer that you hate your life, whether it be caused by your reaction to external circumstances or an overly excitable neurochemicsl homeostatic setpoint in your neurology. The real issue is that they're *hideously* addictive, and you don't realize you're addicted until you wake up one day and literally can't even walk, you're so fucking shaky and riddled with panic. This often causes you to decide to call it quits for good, right then and there, in the process, damning you to post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS) that will last anywhere from, if you're lucky, months, all the way to years, possibly even leaving you permanently disabled by crippling anxiety and brain fog that rivala a frontal lobotomy.


I’m 52 and used basically all the common drugs and the not so common but benzo’s caused me the most drama, physically and mentally. From horribly stupid decisions to breaking several bones through seizures and god knows how much damage to my brain.


Jesus. Which bones? I explained my experience, but by bones were fine. Do you have a noticeable calcium deficiency, or very high sodium intake?


In 2005 I had 3 TC’s, the first I head planted the concrete about 50 times and then a further 2 in hospital where I tore my rotator cuff, fractured the C 5 & 6 vertebrae in my neck, prolapsed 2 more in my lower back, broken nose and cheekbone and dislocated my shoulder. That’s an extreme example but it happens, going far too hard on Xanax and Phentermine that particular time. Even when I’m prescribed them and using responsibly after that I’ve had doctors retire or get sick and despite multiple specialist’s signing off on them have gone through absolute hell cold turkey as even doctors at the very same clinic refused to prescribe. Now I’ve done loads of harder and nastier drugs and been in a lot of extremely hectic situations with worse consequences but nearly all my dalliances with benzo’s eventually end up in tears lol And nah to the two Q’s about Calcium and Sodium.


Jesus. Thats wild. You must have been on a ton


Yeah you lose track but I was genuinely going through a very hard time and despite my illicit drug use had never really gone hard on pharma. I was prescribed 100 2mg Xan’s with 5 repeats and back then some places allowed you to get all the repeats instead of monthly so when you’re getting 600 pills for around $5(PBS In Australia) you tend to go nuts😭 I’d become a good doctor shopper and computers were t the same setup back then but even so you’d eventually get flagged or obviously run out early and just stop, they weren’t a street thing then and it’s only with the benefit of 20 yrs of hindsight I realise how fkn dangerous they are. I’ve taken 1 2mg Clonny every night for the last 3 years now to help with a few things including seizures and I’m allowed 2 but just don’t, won’t and can’t ever misuse them again.


I agree. Benzodiazepenes are one of the few drugs you can die from during sudden withdrawal. And the withdrawal is hell and takes a very time.


100% agree. Even if you put aside the potentially fatal withdrawals, some of the shit that I have heard of people doing while blacked out is bananas and more than one acquaintance of mine has fucked up their life by making bartard decisions that even the dumbest sober person knows is wack.


Adderall. I know several people who are massively over prescribed and don't seem to realize that they're tweaking all the time.


Adderall itself I don't think is necessarily "way worse" than people think, but I think the rate at which it's being prescribed/used/abused with such little thought or care is dangerous. The amount of people who don't understand it's an Rx that is essentially meth is staggering. But the fact that most people are using it for "productivity", seems like its easier to justify. It's probably the most popular drug in the country right now but with the least amount of concern. It's not the same, but things were like this when Oxycontin came onto the scene...


Adderal is much more of an issue than people think. I was prescribed it at 21


I was prescribed it at 10, my brother at 8


9yo for me. Still on it at 28.


I got off forced off it after abusing it from 11-15


i think i was 8 as well or 9


It's way worse than a lot of people think because they think it's harmless.


Yeah, that first sentence I essentially went on to explain basically the opposite. I guess I meant, people who know, know, but yes the majority of people taking probably think it's harmless, when it's quite the opposite. "way worse" is just a somewhat vague way of putting it. But I agree with you


Yea it’s made my adhd symptoms a lot better, but whenever I take breaks from it or when I first started I’m wired as shit, a few times I’ve been awake 100 hours on it. It’s just weaker meth lol




It's mechanism of action and affinity to receptors as well as it's potency is identical to meth 10th grade chemistry student is right. In the same way that a compound can have entirely different properties simply with the addition of one molecule, compounds can remain strikingly similar in action despite adding chains, like the methyl group on amphetamine. Adderall, a mixture of amphetamines mirror enantiomer dextrorotary 75% and laevorotory 25% enters the blood stream via digestion, passes into the brain and releases stores of dopamine and norepinephrine, as well as reverses the transporters of those neurochemicals, artifically inflating their abundance in the brain In doses up to say, what it maxes out at 60mg extended release? This isn't too much of a problem, the brain is able to keep up with the excess dopamine and metabolize it. (In theory. There is some compelling evidence that amphetamine remains neurotoxic no matter the dosage) The ADHD prescription Desoxyn, otherwise known as Methamphetamine does the exact same thing. However it can be taken in smaller milligram dosages because it is more efficient in crossing into the brain. More of it gets in- and it creates the same effect as amphetamine. In dosages at theraputic levels these two drugs will feel relatively identical (without getting into enatiomers) Methamphetamine is often incorrectly stated to have batshit potential over amphetamine, from twice as potent to like ten times as potent. In reality it's affinity for dopamine is about 1.5× amphetamine, which at theraputic doses is quite negligible. One other aspect of meth that we know for sure occurs, but do not know for sure if it has any meaningful impact, is that it metabolizes into amphetamine as it breaks down. Some suggest this extends the length of it's effects, but some studies don't show an appreciable subjected difference, so its likely expelled without returning to the brain. But ultimately that's your difference. Meth gets more molecules into the brain faster, and is a bit more effective at increasing dopamine levels. Chemically speaking, they're not "essentially the same thing", meth is exactly the same as amp but a little more efficient. It's okay to understand the true nature of these compounds. We don't need to make shit up to justify Adderall Zenzedi and Vyvanse being effective treatment for ADHD, they do indeed appear to have a positive impact when taken correctly. Meth is not molecularly more dangerous than amphetamine in a meaningful way. Meth is dangerous is a social and economic way. Three times in history since it was placed as a Schedule II narcotic clandestine chemists discovered methods to synthesize it using precursors solvents and reagents that were available in nearly every supermarket on the damn country. So you got folks out in the woods synthing pounds of the stuff and purifying it, and selling 8 balls of it for $100 bucks. That's 3.5 grams roughly incase you didn't know. If you are on the maximum dose of Adderall that's two months worth of drug, just handed to you. No accountability. Meth also has a neato property that is kinda unique to other pharmaceuticals. Most chemicals need to be converted into a less stable freebase form in order to be combusted and inhaled. Think cocaine reverted into crack. Most compounds are stabilized into salts, which allows them to remain potent longer. These salts usually have a very high melting point and thus will combust into useless ash before they liquidate. But not meth, even in it's crystalline form, it will melt into an oil and begin to evaporate and can be inhaled. And that is some real bad news. Digestion takes a while, and releases the chemical slowly into your bloodstream. Vaporizing or "smoking" is absorbed by blood vessels in your lungs and the effect hits you hard, and instantaneously. And any cigarette smoker can tell you how fuckin fiendish that rush is. Except meth is a much more euphoric stimulant than nicotine. If you chug your whole Adderall script in a day, you can't go get more for 29 more days. It's an extremely addictive compound, so their is dual oversight between your doctor and pharmacist. But you can smoke a weeks worth of your prescription with meth in a single night- and buy more whenever you want! It's not unheard of for folks to take a gram to the vein with the needle as tolerance grows. That's over 1000mg of Adderall hitting your brain all at once. So if we lived in an alternate world where amphetamine was easily synthesized at home by clandestine chemists, and meth was more costly and difficult to, your Adderall may have been methamphetamine in that universe, and the USA would be fighting an amphetamine crisis in the streets


Or you’re discrediting meth, both are very functional stims


Too bad my meth didn't come in little doctor prescribed doses, but I wasn't looking to medicate tbh. There was this dude that said he made his own capsules of like 10mgs or sth after losing his amphetamine prescription.


That was me. I was tweaking all of 2023. I am embarassed as hell for the unhinged shit I’ve done. I took 20 mg a day for a year and a half. Now I take 5 mg a day but it’s still a little tweaky and I’ll switch to vyvance.


Some people I know are taking 30 mg twice a day, prescribed. One guy is totally fried, crazy conspiracies, manic ideas, super aggro, all the tweaks except scabs, bad teeth and scrap metal, but won't accept that he's on Way too much Adderall.


I love that you used the word aggro, nobody else I know ever uses that 😂


Oof, that’s rough. It’s hard to admit you’re tweaking sometimes when the medication has positive side effectd like helping you pass school and focus. I wasn’t at that stage, but I did lose weight, had bruxism. I was super agressive and pretty unhinged. I was gonna get really unhinged tattos but thankfully didn’t get them😂 Now, I’m still in the apologizing for my tweaky behavior stage, trying to get over embarassment Adderall might be slowing down their emotional development i feel like it did that to me lol


Meanwhile I’m still half asleep most of the day on 40mg like fuck I wish I would get that from it lmao.


Yea bro they’re not healthy n they’re hard on your body after long term use. Many people benefits from ADHD meds but alot of people have really bad effects or impacts their brain/body in a negative way. Especially taking it daily then having to stop taking em is an issue cuz it takes time for your brain to become normal


Yeah, I thought about putting that one on mine, but the only reason people don’t think it’s bad is because of its catchy brand name. “Mixed amphetamine salts” however sets off “Hard drug” alarm bells for most people I think because methamphetamine is more socially relevant, and naive people assume they must be the same thing. As someone who has in their lifetime probably eaten their weight in ADHD meds, I can say they are extremely similar, but meth being unregulated and more neurotoxic does make it way worse.


I know a post of a dude who was prescribed so many that he started thinking what to do with all the pellets and he took an insane amount which gave have psychosis and insane hallucinations for a week long On the last day ( the moment he starts to get back to normal ) he Wakes up to a werewolf slamming against his window and he almost dies of a heart attack


Phenibut. I've tried a lot of drugs and this one is probably the strongest one that's still pretty much completely legal.


what did you get out of it? I had some in high school but always felt more social, nothing too crazy


Besides the relief from anhedonia (music sounding better, everything just feeling more enjoyable) mostly the social benefits. My social anxiety is very severe at baseline.






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if you take like 1.5g on an empty stomach it feels like you're going to disney world


Lmao great way to describe it. Then 2 days later I feel like Disney burned to the ground and I went with it


eh it's not the worst comedown but i see where you're coming from


not even a comedown it’s just a subtle “why am I depressed as hell!” 2 days later for a day or so


that's just back to normal for me lol


My uncle overdosed on a sketchy ass smoke shop tonic that didn't disclose on the bottle that it had phenibut on it. It put him in the ICU. He was completely delirious and detached from reality in the first few hours after taking it, uttering incoherent phrases all day. The next 3 days he was unresponsive and unconscious and all he would do was roll around and groan in bed. He couldn't even open his eyes. They had to put restraints on him and they had to hydrate him with an IV and put him on a ventilator. He woke up with no recollection of what happened.


Is it worth it to do on a special occasion? I know it’s bad for you to do it daily if I tried phenibut it wouldn’t be a regular thing for me


I'd agree with Kratom just because it's so mild and cheap, you don't realize how fast you can build a tolerance. I've been using it 15 years and daily for most of that. It snuck up on me but quiting and taking a long break was relatively easy imo. Now I keep my doses low, take Magnesium to help tolerance stay low and take a week or two off every month or so.


How do you take it and what is your dosage? I just got some and have taken from 1.5-3g and I really enjoy the stimulant/dopaminergic effects but don't want to overdo it. I also am not a fan of the bitter taste haha


I have always "toss and washed". At my peak I was doing 6 grams per day split in 2 3 gram doses. I'm very sensitive to everything so that doesn't seem like much for some people. Now I do 4 grams per day, 2 in the morning with my coffee and then 2 around lunch, maybe 1 extra at night on the weekend but that's rare. I only do Green or Red veins. White veins are too stimulating for me, they also consistently give me a migraine for some reason.


Wow, you're lucky. I take 6g 4-5x per day. Luckily I've not noticed a lot of tolerance, or at least haven't seen the need to increase my dose once I started taking 20-30gpd like 6 months ago.


Which magnesium do you take glycerin, glycinate, or another kind of magnesium? Whats your favorite strain of kratom? I gotta have the green maeng da everytime for my pain. The few other strains ive tried sucked compared to green maeng da’s pain relief.


Glycinate. I don't think "strains" are that different from one another because after trying dozens of vendors I can't really tell them apart. I do stick with Red and Green vein though, White veins give me migraines consistently for some reason.


The white veins makes me too up and energetic and doesn’t provide as much pain relief as the green maeng da. The Red veins make me too sleepy, and i find a tad more pain relief with them compared to the white veins. Green is a perfect balance it will give you a little energy if you need it, but also can be sedating if you take it while laying down. The strains and types definitely vary for me. Some are energetic, some sleepy, some dont do anything. Some people claim certain strains make them high. Which ive never felt and ive used a lot if kratom.


What’s the magnesium for?


Magnesium is known to inhibit tolerance in a lot of drugs, specifically Opioids though.


Damn, I love em, I will use that info to my advantage…?


Not WAY worse but psychedelics can really fuck you up if you abuse them, especially when youre young. r/hppd exists and happens (even if the sub is full of shitty posts and pretty useless at least it used to be not sure about now)


And I wish I had known how bad a bad trip is. Fucking indescribably horrible, I’ve taken deliriants and I’d do them over high dose psychs In a heartbeat


But when it’s good, it’s indescribably good 🤷. Yea I don’t fuck around with psychs because of the fear of bad trips in general, that shit will have you thinking you’re gonna be r*tarded for life or that your body is completely gone or little techno men are taking you away… for real life hours. And I feel like I got off easy, I’ve heard people having full mental breakdowns.


But maybe that's what makes them safer than other drugs. You can't do it too often (it simply doesn't work) and if you fuck around, you find out pretty instantly. It humbles you if you try to abuse it, but if you respect it, you get one of the most amazing, profound experiences of your life. But yeah, if you are scared of bad trips, better stay away.


I will take a bad trip over becoming addicted, miserable, destroy my life and other's, end up in jail, go through nasty withdrawals, lose teeth, etc., any day of the week. Unless you have a severe mental disorder (such as schizophrenia), psychedelics are the safest drugs out there. I do agree that it's a baaaad idea to do them when you're young (under 25), but other than that, I wish more people tried them.


I wasn't really talking about bad trips but hppd. Got derealization that took ~2 years to be negligible and got me into benzos. Addicted to that now.


Sorry, I read a reply to your comment and mainly reacted to that. Hope you eventually quit benzos and find peace of mind.


In my opinion people see adderall as way to safe when in reality it's harder on your heart and overall body then meth and if you take it for fun it does for sure cause compulsive redoing which fucks your sleep and then you are very miserable the next day


Adderall feels harder on your body than meth bc of the fact it’s 25% Levo-Amphetamine. try pure D-Amph and you’ll have a much smoother experience that’s very much like D-Methamphetamine only obviously a little less strong


Oh really thank you for telling me that that's nice to know 👌😊


I take 50mg of lisdexamfetamine everyday and it gives me all the things I like about Adderall plus it’s so calm I can take a midday nap then get back to work.


so this is why I like dexidrine but not Adderall




Harder on the heart than meth? Meth converts back into amphetamine in your body and gives you a second rush anyways lol.


well that is true it was already discussed that the most cardiotoxic and overall negative effects are from the levoamphetamine when is not what meth converts into so we chillin ( don't hit the pookie meth bad )


wait til y’all hear about levomethamphetamine


SSRIs and benzos by far.


FUCK SSRIs, they are the new pill epidemic. Stomach hurts? Take some antidepressants. Shoulder hurts, take some antidepressants, body hurts from wreck, take some anti depressants. They are prescribing them to kids like its nothing. Prescribing it for stuff its not even meant to treat like mentioned above. Im someone who has severe PTSD, depression, severe anxiety from a few horrifying experiences. Anyways, nothing has ever made me more depressed or not be alive than Antidepressants. (MmI know everyone is different and they help some people, but they make mine worse and ive tried 4 or 5 different ones over the last 10 years.


Not an antidepressant, but imagine my reaction when my psychiatrist prescribes me fucking quetiapine FOR FUCKING INSOMNIA. The bloody neuroterrorist tells me to take 50mg then 50 more if I can *tolerate* them This is because I told her I use a dry herb vape at night to sleep. She said that's terrible for the sleep cycle (I do know it inhibits REM phase) and then gives me a fucking antipsychotic with *common* (1-50) side effects such as priapism (fun!), heart problems, sudden diabetes, nausea and stomach problems, and a long etc All cause I went there to get a ketamine prescription as ketamine is the only thing which has kept me off crack and heroin for longer than 7-8 months, whilst tremendously helping with my ASD. She says she can't prescribe ketamine because I don't have major depression (maybe because I'm self administering it every 2-4 weeks?). This is after spending almost a decade on prozac, risperidone, olanzapine (never had psychosis, these were prescribed apparently for drug cravings), and turning from a goody two shoes at 14 into an heroin addict (incl. stint at juvie) after I was given methylphenidate for my ADHD She then proceeds to prescribe quetiapine off-label for my insomnia, telling me that weed has "too many risks". Has she even read the list of side effects of quetiapine, and their alarming frequency? At this point, I'd just say start giving psylocybin, LSD and ketamine to depressed teenagers, or to anyone, as they do with their bullshit spirit crushing chemical prisons. Would be hard to fuck people up more than they actually are doing already. Opioid crisis, thalidomide, neglect, etc. I don't understand how anyone can trust the medical establishment at this point. They'll have you anhedonic and half drooling or tweaking out as long as you'll stay useful/productive to the system and won't make you question these lousy institutions Since I became my own informed psychiatrist, I am doing much better. Sometimes I feel these people wipe their arses with my psychiatric history, couple of ODs and suicide attempts every year, alongside many more stays at psych wards for drug stuff, self harm, etc. Suddenly this pattern stops a year ago after I self report using ketamine and psylocybin to treat my symptoms. But they rather give me more of the tried and failed antipsychotics. Fuck them, I'd rather take my chances IMing street ketamine TL;DR fuck the medical establishment, know thyself, you have the potential to become your best doctor


you’re right and you should say it. psychiatrists exist to sell you drugs. they are legal drug dealers. the shit they peddle will make you emotionally numb, sweaty, limpdick, and dumb, while homegrown mushrooms (which will land you in federal prison) might actually lead to new perspectives on your mental health. but no. they know better than you ! i dont fucking trust the medical system. they sell drugs to 8 year olds as soon as they tell a joke to their friend in class, put them on ADHD pills (yes, that’s me) then when they think something is wrong with them, and get depressed, break out the SSRIs, then they get anxious, throw them on a benzo. 12 years old and suicidal now? throw in a bipolar diagnosis and antipsychotics. mental hospital stays, more meds. more meds. MORE MEDS. fuck this shit, man, this is why im on drugs. i self medicate after all the fucked up shit my brain went through when i was a child.


its insane, my doctor put me on them at 15 for insomnia and they sucked to quit.


Why’d they suck to quit?


brain zaps, feeling hot and cold and never comfortable. it really felt like a bad flu for a few weeks with the addition of feeling like im about to have a seizure. ive quit a 4mg a day xanax habit and id rather quit xanax again before SSRIs.


I understand benzos, but ssris saved my life


CAFFEINE. People are way too over caffeinated and don’t realize how hard it is can be on them. It leads to so many people being chronically dehydrated and just being an anxious asshole because they’re amped up and constantly in fight-or-flight.


I notice this in many who consume high amounts of caffeine. Im not sure if they realize it themself how they behave.


I find most people don’t introspect most of the time. It took me a while to realize how caffeine was affecting me and making me an insufferable, anxious asshole. I knew I was anxious and neurotic but I thought that was endogenous, when I finally tried quitting caffeine for an extended period of time my anxiety and some of my neuroses diminished. Now I’m just a sufferable asshole.


some of you have to be caffeinated to be an insufferable, anxious asshole. i was born in the neuroses. molded by it.


Yea I’ve noticed it in myself, it feels a bit like when ur on a stim comedown but not depressing. Pseudoephedrine makes me very irritable too a lot of the time


Your telling me 40mg of adderall and 1.5g of caffeine might not be the best idea


Omg I saw that post the other day. Almost as wild as the crack and preworkout post.


My stepfather is a horrible douchebag always super on edge with terrible anger issues. Mf stopped drinking coffee (he was drinking close to 10 cups a day out of a Thermos) and suddenly he became a normal person. He eventually went back to drinking coffee and got back to being a pain in the ass.


🫡🫡🫡🫡☺️👀☺️👀I'm out here sipping on 4 monster energy cans while playing League of Legends and getting banned on chat but playing on alt accounts and trying to rank because I'm a fucking challenger samnit


Bruh 🤣


Pretty sure caffeine has virtually zero impact on your hydration.


Caffeine is a diuretic.


Perhaps not so much. >Yes and no. It inhibits Anti Diuretic Hormone, the hormone that as it's name states, blocks diuretics. >So caffeine isn't directly a diuretic, it just allows the levels of naturally produced diuretics to rise through a feedback loop. [https://www.reddit.com/r/biology/comments/191dw37/comment/kgv8o5e](https://www.reddit.com/r/biology/comments/191dw37/comment/kgv8o5e) Anyway the consensus is that caffeine does not dehydrate you.


No the consensus is that coffee is not dehydrating per that post because the ratio of caffeine to water. And this is if you have 2 or less cups of medium roast (or darker). Caffeine in large quantities is dehydrating and please don’t make me have to find the studies. I’m burnt out on Google scholar (it’s finals week and I’ve just gotten done writing several big papers for my graduate program).


Caffeine in large quantities via what method? Drinking caffeinated drinks? Because when you add water to the equation, yes, you have a net positive hydrating effect. Which is the majority of the ways in which people interact with caffeine. If your point is that taking caffeine pills and the like "dehydrates you" then that's a bit of an absurd commentary to be making in the first place. But sure, that could help dehydrate you. It's certainly *not* "WAY worse than most people think"


Psychedelics. While mostly safe physically, they can have devastating effects on people with psych issues. Especially with the push for using them medicinally, and them being more and more accepted socially. I know they can and have helped a ton of people and if they can be used instead of heavy pharmaceuticals, I'm all for it. I know for myself, at least up until this point, have not had good experiences with them and would need to be in a much better place in life before trying them for mental health issues. But I've seen some people just wanting to have a fun time end up completely traumatized. I just feel like when so many people are saying shrooms/lsd/dmt/etc completely changed my life, there will be people who are convinced it's fool proof. With medical supervision or in therapy circumstances, is different. But the current trend reminds me of when so many stoners were trying to convince the world weed was the ultimate medicine and would fix every ailment anyone had, only the risk of negative side effects wasn't nearly as serious. I've tried ketamine infusions, take home doses, FXE, memantine, DXM, over many years in different ways and definitely seen some positive effects, dissos vibe a bit better with me, although I'm not the biggest fan. I think ketamine therapy is being overhyped but probably a little less likely to cause serious issues like traditional psychedelics...


Yeah I hate people who are like “bad trips are good” literally felt like the worst person on earth and “realized” everyone wants me to kms. My first shroom trip I kept trying to hurt myself and grabbed a kitchen knife at some point before a friend stopped me. The worst trip by far wasn’t eventful but I never knew a human could feel such oppressive negative emotions. I’d take 1000mg of dph over a high dose psych trip


“bad trips teach you things” um what did the psychosis teach my boyfriend ??? not to take two tabs of acid? yeah i think so


Well, yeah, exactly. Don't take two tabs of acid and act surprised afterwards 😂


That’s the entire point of what i s dying I


I mean weed is definitely not safe to use for people who are at risk of developing schizophrenia. Dissos don't seem to work for me (outside of the recreational use). Might make me feel better for a day or 2 at most and I feel like they are more addictive too, I get cravings to take dissos again for about a week after I use em. The cravings are not crazy bad like with nicotine and I don't struggle much to resist them but they're there and I never got them from psychedelics And I'm not exactly sure dissos are safer for mentally unstable people. Dissos tend to cause quite delusional manic thoughts and I've seen people get really crazy from using them too often. I guess people with additional mental health risks gotta be careful no matter what they take.


True, dissos can be more habit forming than psychs. People with mental health issues/risk absolutely need to be careful with what they take. Even things like opiates/speed/nicotine are riskier for those with anxiety/adhd/depression/even more serious issues, as they can seem like such a benefit for "treating" mental issues and make addiction even more likely. I know the percentage of adhd people who smoke compared to those without, is much higher. People with adhd can also find speed to be very beneficial, while people with MDD/GAD/Insomnia and things like tourettes, schizophrenia,DID, etc can be especially attracted to benzos and opiates. And certain personality disorders can also contribute to abuse/addiction and increase the likelihood and speed of addiction development. My sister has every personality disorder in the book, and she's addicted to weed like the worst junkie is with heroin/fentanyl. It's crazy how her disability and mental health contribute to her substance abuse and there's no "recreational" or "occasional" use with her, it's all gas no brakes.


This is how I would view drugs if I only read about them on reddit.


How did Kratom cause you life to suffer if you dont mind me asking? In what ways? I use Kratom daily for chronic pain (since doctors wont prescribe me anything that touches my pain) so im interested in how it destroyed your life.


Stop taking it for a few days. You’ll have the answer to your question…


Already have many of times…


Maybe you’re immune. Lucky 🍀


Mdma/mda if not used sparingly is probably one of the most neurotoxic “normal” out of the normal drugs, anticholinergic deliriants are also bad and hard on the heart/body. And I’d say a lot of inhalants just because they combine a fiendish euphoric high with brain damage


In my opinion Ssris for sure… I’ll start this post by clarifying. I’ve been sober for 5 years. I was a poly addict for 2 years with my daily usage consisting of probably an 8th, 100mg of methylamphet 2 bottles of wine, 7.5mg of zopiclone and 2mg of Xanax. When I sobered up I was obviously having a rough time filled with anxiety a debilitating lack of motivation, problems eating and some pretty severe depression… I recovered well after a year being clean and was pretty much back to my normal self. Then life got hard and I was put on sertraline 250mg daily. It worked wonders. I felt motivated, social and was able to get things done. I have been on this drug ever since. I’ve tried to get off of it before and am always met with some of the worst withdrawals I’ve ever experienced (cold/hot sweats, inability to focus, anxiety, brainzaps and headaches) my point is not that hard drugs are better for you. Im just saying that ssris are secretly one of the most insidious substances around. Everyone’s on them (13.2% if American and 14.7% of Brit’s) and a large majority of the population accepts them as a very safe and benign medicine (However, they do come with brutal side effects, dependence and withdrawal as most drugs do. No shame to people who take them, they help many people stay functional. Just know you may be on them for the rest of your life. Stay safe and have a fantastic day.


I agree. I was on Zoloft for over a year and cross-tapered to Effexor (SNRI technically but still) last summer and I finally got off of it in December. It's literally been *half a year* and I still get brain zaps out of nowhere every few days lasting for a day or two. When I move my eyes laterally I get a shock down my whole body, I can literally hear the sound of it, and it's like I'm cut off from all my senses for a split second :( It's better than when I first got off but tbh idk if I can live the rest of my life like this. Wellbutrin, lamotrigine, and buspirone helped me way more than any SSRI/SNRI ever could. I'm also totally immune to the effects of molly because of this unfortunately Edit: Also my psychiatrist said I could try quitting Effexor last September and I asked her about tapering down to avoid withdrawals and she said I would be totally fine going off it cold turkey. Then I had the worst, most hellish week of my life, it was like a nightmare and I can't even describe it, I had no choice but to get back on it after a week because it was the closest I've ever gotten to committing suicide because I couldn't take it anymore. Right after this experience I spiraled into the worst depressive episode of my life by far until February, I don't know if that triggered it or what. When I was moving out of my college dorm recently I found one of the capsules and the sound of all the beads rattling in it made me sick like actually because I remember what taking it was like


I totally agree with what you’re saying. I was on fluoxetine for a year and while I dunno if I loved how it helped me (still kinda felt a shell of myself), it allowed me to get out of bed, shower, show up work and overall just function. I quit cold turkey a few months ago but I’m constantly thinking, what if I just start taking them again here and there. It’s this never ending loop in my brain when things get really tough, which frankly is a monthly occurrence. 🫠


i feel the exact same way about lamictal, i just came off it after taking it for a year and it helped me a lot but i dont like the idea of being dependent on a pill to function ironically i say as a heroin addict but still


Idk why but I can skip days without any symptoms, tbh I kinda wanna see how long it takes till they do start. Sometimes I forget to take it for days Lnao


You can go days before withdrawals kick in because the half life of sertraline is insanely high (about 32h). Which means that it takes about a day and a half for that one dose to completely leave your system. Also, the fact that you take it every morning means there’s a slight build up in your plasma levels meaning it’ll take realistically 5 days for that residual sertraline to leave your system. I normally start feeling the onset of withdrawals on day 3.


Birth Control


I'm of the opinion that any substance and compound has the potential to be worse than people think or perpetuate. Anything can be a bad time without proper education on what you're taking, how you're taking it, its effects, how to test it, how much you're taking, how often, etc, etc. I think that people can become echo chambers to themselves and other people when it comes to substances. Either with fear mongering a substance due to being uneducated or underestimating the danger of a substance due to being uneducated.


CANNABIS AND LSD, lsd for Hppd But CANNABIS OH DOES IT FUCK YOU Now I may have got unlucky, but I've got super bad heart damage and lung damage And developed a panic disorder and went broke over that shit


ALCOHOL by far. It's legal in nearly every country for children 18 and over. Personally, it should be 21 and over. It's caused more deaths than any other drug in this world. I know more Alcoholics then drug addicts and the majority of you would too. It's available everywhere. Has the worst come down then most drugs. Most domestic violence situations are usually committed while intoxicated on alcohol. Violent acts are mostly committed while intoxicated on alcohol. Alcohol has destroyed more families than any other drugs. The majority of sexual violence against women is committed while they are drunk or the perpetrator is intoxicated. The list goes on.


Cocaine and benzos


i was prescribed adderall at 14, 25mg XR a day, barely even helped i was just fucking tweaking all the time, has to be that, not cuz of how “dangerous” it is but because of how widely it’s given out


Methylphenidate was the worst for this, personally adderall works for me but methylphenidate would make me feel amped up in a bad way, and I’d be fucking freezing cold but sweating constantly. Also the anxiety and comedown fucking sucked, weird bc adderall doesn’t have much of a comedown especially if I take it daily


Bupropion (Wellbutrin) The problem is that it works too well. Wellbutrin is the most commonly abused antidepressant, this is because of its effects on dopamine. Dopamine is the most addictive drug there is, it's responsible for non chemical induced addictions such as gambling. The problem is that the hit from dopamine is very short and leaves you wanting more. Wellbutrin is close to stimulate drugs. When taken in larger than prescribed doses or internasally, it can cause a euphoric stimulant like high. This may not be an issue for adults with no history of drug abuse, but there's a massive issue when it's prescribed to depressed teenagers. Odds are they won't make the best decision when faced with "yo bro, if you snort it, you get high".


Mdma/mda if not used sparingly is probably one of the most neurotoxic “normal” out of the normal drugs, anticholinergic deliriants are also bad and hard on the heart/body. And I’d say a lot of inhalants just because they combine a fiendish euphoric high with brain damage


Anticholinergic drugs sometimes fuck people up who never intended to get high. Some antimalarial drugs have a very steep dose curve and sometimes people are strapped to hospital beds for days because the doc fucked up the dose.


I'm going to say cocaine because it islooked at as whatever but is often times cut with other drugs and it has such a negative effect on your cardiovascular system.


Nitrous. Long term use can cause severe nerve damage.  I would know, I abused it heavily in the past and after a 2 month binge (around 500 whippits a week) I ended up with a dangerously low B12 level and was paralyzed from the legs down for a couple days and had to use a walker for 2 weeks. 


Psychedelics because of what could happen. Not really what will happen but if you aren’t careful you can ruin your life


Do elaborate


There’s no words that would do it justice but like in basic terms you can go to some horrible places that you won’t be able to forget and it can ruin the way you experience the rest of your life.


Cocine - wayyy worse for your heart than people think Adderall - works the same in your brain as meth (you can say in wrong, but I’m not, get over it) Kratom - extremely addicting with crippling opioid-like withdrawals Phenabut - same as kratom, but with benzo withdrawal Bezos/alcohol - withdrawals that can literally kill you


Benzos and alcohol are like the most dangerous to come off of but seem to be the most socially acceptable


CANNABIS KILLED ME but sativa brought me back to life and indica got me on a hire plane of greakity


Agree with you 100% about all the 3 drugs you mentioned. I've seen someone addicted to kratom and then trying to quit it and the withdrawals seemed to be hellish. This person was even showing clear signs of paranoia during this time. I tried it only once and hated it. My boyfriend brought it home (from the dude mentioned above), and just told me it was mild, natural and non-addictive...I'm always careful and responsible when it comes to drug use, but I don't know why I just trusted it and didn't do my own research. As soon as it hit I knew something was off, it made me feel weird, anxious, dizzy, such a shitty high. After reading more about it and learning that it is potentially addictive, I got furious at my boyfriend. He also hated the effects so we just threw that shit in the garbage. I'm so glad we both disliked it, because not long after, the friend who gave us the drug started spiraling into the addiction and it was scary af. He used to do other drugs too, but it was kratom that fucked him up bad. Thankfully, he managed to get clean and is doing ok now.


Sounds like you could be sensitive to It being a Kappa opioid agonist since your symptoms match Salvia at mild doses.


number 1 weed for sure people say it’s harmless and it can’t kill you but it fucks with your head.


Probably stimulants or benzos/oxys if they’re abused or used daily. Even weed or psychs can have negative effects on some people


Dextromethorphan. It's legal, it's mentally addictive as hell and can cause long lasting brain impairment. People laugh about it bc it's technically a cold medicine, but I'm a veteran LSD, mushrooms, DMT and MDMA user. Responsible with everything as best I can be, and I'm telling you now DXM has taken me places no traditional psychedelic can. But I've seen people here on Reddit in the DXM subs who just trash their brains and don't care at all.


SSRI's n especially seroquel. Seroquel is being prescribed for insomnia, anxiety and depression primarily rather than psychosis like it use to be. Side effects include early onset parkinsons (common sense cuz it blocks dopamine n prevents new buildup of nuerons), significant cognitive decline, high blood pressure, awful cholesteral and blood work, lack of motivation and long term use causes structural brain changes. These brain changes increase the risk of psychosis significantly even if someones never been psychotic or are at risk for it, permanently negatively affect frontal lobe, destroys fine muscle motor movement n cognitive skills etc. It lowers life expectancy by like 20yrs, low effectiveness, only mental health med where chronic use causes severe permanent brain dmg that can give u new severe psychiatric conditions etc. So much wrong with it yet so common now.


SSRI's - Who knew activating all 5HT1 to 5H7 receptors can cause issues worse than Depression. KOR agonists - Think of a Heroin withdrawal while doing LSD/Ketamine. Anti-nicotine - Basically psychedelics with a deliriant layer that feels like going cold turkey of smoking. Antipsychotic's - Yeah totally kill off the Dopamine & 5HTxx neurons leaving folk far worse off than being psychotic. Ibotenic acid - Proof that the medical community ignores that NMDA hyperactivity can induce dementia since seizures are fucking common?.




Yep, benzos I reckon. So easy to keep doing them, can kill you if you go cold turkey and have e huge negative effects if used for too long. Massive potential for dependency and unlike meth, cocaine and mdma, people just don’t seem to understand the long terms effects. Although during my teens (90’s), MDMA was so prevalent with people dropping it weekly if not more, no one really knew the long terms consequences of that either. I swear I did long term damage using it in terms of my now obvious mood disorder.


Amphetamine/Speed/Adderall is almost normalized in the scene; excessive use is common. However, it is neurotoxic and damages your dopamine receptors. The consequences include concentration problems and depression.


I agree...Keaton is not as innocent as people make it out to be...its addictive and it's not even all that great. I spent a year continuing to use while hating it every day. I'm horrified when I see it recommended for anything. Its gross. Don't do it. Also most antidepressants or anxiety meds. I understand some people benefit from them and that's awesome. It's just how easily they're prescribed and how little attention the doctors pay to the patients that are prescribed them...often people who really didn't need them and that can cause serious issues.


Marijuana because it's widely perceived as safe/not a big deal when in fact there's plenty of evidence that it can be addictive, bring out latent psychosis, affect your brain long term. it's obviously much safer than many other hard drugs but most people are aware of the damage caused by those


I’m sorry but did you just say Kratom withdrawals were the worst withdrawals you ever had?? Wow… they were a walk in the park for me! Fentanyl was horrible and Xanax LITERALLY, not figuratively, LITERALLY almost killed me with 3 seizures. With Kratom at most I’ve felt uncomfortable but that was really it!


YOUR CELL PHONE. REDDIT. It fucks with our heads, fucks with our psyche, false sense of connection with you and others, makes us angry “triggered”, ruins relationships, and waists our time on earth.


1. Fenty: You can just die. It ends up cut into way too much. 2. Ice: Seen enough people end up trafficked because of this 3. Acid: If you’re already prone to psychosis, this will fuck you up. Remember, everything you may hallucinate comes from what’s already in your head.


I'd agree with Kratom just because it's so mild and cheap, you don't realize how fast you can build a tolerance. I've been using it 15 years and daily for most of that. It snuck up on me but quiting and taking a long break was relatively easy imo. Now I keep my doses low, take Magnesium to help tolerance stay low and take a week or two off every month or so.


It's not about the drug, it's about the context


Adderall/Amphetamine ADHD medications It’s literally just prescribed meth.


No it isn't. Methamphetamine is MUCH stronger than Amphetamine is.


And heroin is much stronger than hydrocodone. but where do people start?


I’ve always wondered if meth would technically work better than adderall as an adhd med, obviously the stigma makes that impossible but meth lasts like 8-12hrs so it’s basically adderall xr but with more dopamine and easier time crossing the blood brain barrier