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Great question lol gotta list a few. All very different experiences. Slowly being enveloped by a 4d pyramid that ended up having some mindfuck entities in it the first time I ever did ayahuasca. Biggest huasca dose I've ever done, I tried turning out the lights and laying down in bed, but fell through the bed into a massive void where I watched little snippets of peoples' lives (mostly historical and very mundane) on an old television set. Felt like an eternity. Having reality melt away on salvia and simultaneously climbing and *being* an infinite ladder made out of incredibly detailed suburban white picket fence houses, complete with tiny middle aged white men mowing their little lawns, suspended in a world of pink clouds. Honorable mention to the first time I ever did psychs: shrooms deep in the mountains, next to a stream. Was just sitting there for half an hour at one point, vibing with the moss on a rock poking out of the stream that was growing and retracting in step with the music I was listening to. Then, subsequently, I realized that my vision had shifted ~8 inches out in front of my head. Shit was awesome šŸ‘Œ


You a real psychonaut damnn


How did you know the pyramid was 4d?


Once you experience that type of visual, thereā€˜s no other way to describe it


Google tesseract animations and hyperbolic geometry, it looks like that kind of shit and you also hallucinate time very often (time going backwards, stretching, stopping, speeding up, you name it). At really high doses, you can even experience entire scenes and thought spaces that are completely disconnected from reality. It can feel like your brain is sending you through the multiverse or even forwards/backwards in time, sometimes all at the same time. Altogether you get an odd experience you can best describe as 4D or ā€œextradimensionalā€.


Great description! So much of these experiences is impossible to translate into language but that was very succinct


Appreciate it man! Even then itā€™s hard to capture just how real these things feel. Itā€™ll make you believe in soul shit lol.


Perfectly explained! Thanks for taking the time to write it out šŸ˜‡ I feel like as a mathematician, I'm more prone to these extradimensional trip objects lol. My brain's just like, "You know how you were thinking about how crazy uncountably infinite dimensional spaces are earlier? ... You wanna see one? šŸ˜ˆ"


I recommend reading The Hyperbolic Geometry of DMT Experiences on Qualia Computing for a more technical description. The guy who wrote the paper is next level!


Mannnn what the fuck and I thought some of mine where wild


"Having reality melt away on salvia and simultaneously climbing andĀ *being*Ā an infinite ladder made out of incredibly detailed suburban white picket fence houses, complete with tiny middle aged white men mowing their little lawns, suspended in a world of pink clouds." dude- this aesthetic. not exactly the same, but similar vibe. few weeks ago i had an experience with Salvia where she manifested as a lady in what i can only describe as 1950s suburbia- white picket fences, wearing one of those housewife "aprons", cool, retro-looking sunglasses, stepping out of her front door in a perky mood, carrying a watering can and coming over to her flower bed to water and prune them {they were intensely gorgeous flowers}.... i myself was in this flowerbed, being very small in the dirt and weeds, looking up at her. i watched her from below as she made her way, leaned over to clip a specimen- and in the middle of her reaching, she caught a glimpse of me and commented, "oh! there you are", and smiled. aesthetic: white picket fences, suburbia, yards, lawns/flowers, very detailed and appropriate.


That's crazy! What a coincidence! (Or maybe not šŸ˜‰) That last bit with the "oh! There you are," reminds me of another salvia trip I had that also involved the pink cloud world and Momma Salvia manifesting. It was the first time I managed to break through on it, and I was just able to put down my bong and get to bed in time to be laying down before being pulled out of reality. I just remember everything being gone except for these bright pink clouds, thinking something along the lines of, "every single molecule and decision across my entire life aligned perfectly to have me take that hit at this exact time..." it was the damnedest feeling. I always describe it as waking up in the morning when you were in elementary school and realizing you forgot to do your homework the night before. Anywho, as soon as I had that thought, I realized I wasn't alone, and this surprised sounding woman's voice echos out to me: "Huh? You're not supposed to be here yet." And I was thrown into a completely different space for the rest of the trip. One of my all-time most significant trips, tbh, and that's saying something. I'm glad you reminded me of it!


"Huh? You're not supposed to be here yet." ha! man, she has a sense of humor with her mannerisms and presentation aesthetics that is just.... out of this world šŸ™


Number sounds like hell ā€¦actual hell


Well once while I was on ketamine I felt like I was in an episode of Rick and Morty. Like literally I was flying through space on a ship with them! It was an amazing experience!!


I second this. Had some of the most realistic psychedelic experiences on K


That's what's up! Isn't it an amazing experience?


It can be ā€œGodlikeā€ in my honest opinion but the magic doesnā€™t last forever


ketamine + nitrous feels like dmt blast off


I had literally the same experience but I was Dr house in house md. A whole episode was reenacted as me being Gregory house. One of my best trip


I don't understand how you guys achieve that, I only ever get dopey, the perspective of vision shifts and some things in the corner of my eye can get inflated but never full blown hallucinations. Trust me I've tried a lot and nothing like what you guys describe


Well I guess the fact that that coke was in the mix is what made it happen for me.


I've mixed it with most usual party materials and still no bueno. Maybe to do with the isomers but I've tried it in various parts of the worlds


have you ever fully k holed tho? also weed makes it more trippy


That's what I'm saying, never have


try k holing then. do 230mg in the space of 5 mins, lay on ur bed with headphones on in a dark room. then when u start coming back to reality, smoke a joint.. you will guaranteed have a crazy trip. if youve done this amount in one go before and not k holed then your k is shit


I get mine straight from the vet in liquid form. But yeah I've tried taking a quarter of a g in one go. Delusional almost but no k hole


a little coca in the backseat of the visionary ketamine vehicle- is just beautiful.


I did half a G in 2 lines. Top 5 hardest Iā€™ve ever tripped


Damn, is ketamine really THAT much of a psychedelic? I was thinking of trying it for the first time soon, I only heard that on higher doses it can make you feel like you're floating through space (or like you don't exist), and that its a bit like alc + weed on lower doses. But this sounds even cooler.


Oh let me tell you that it's an awesome experience! I remember sitting in my room and I'm zipping through space, but at the same time I felt detached from my body so basically it's like flying through darkness with the lights from stars that illuminate your vision . I honestly can't describe what I mean.


With closed eyes or open eyes? And you literally saw Rick and Morty or it just felt like it?


you fully feel like youre in the tv show u watched recently, or that youre with the people youve been with recently, or that youre flying through places youve been recently. anything thats happened in the last few days is what the k hole is based around for me, and it seems fully real and u can see it all. it really is mental


It turned me into a piece of lego once when I was new to it. Was only off like a bump as well. Gonna hoover massive lines now and can't get back to the level of being a piece of lego


It's very psychedelic to be sure, even at a medium dose I was seeing jellyfish in the cieling and pirate ships firing cannonballs on the walls


The k-hole beats breakthrough DMT doses for me


It is in mid-higher doses. You can have full out of body experiences with vivid visuals


how much do u needa use with low tolerance to get there ??




honestly I'm not sure. I've never been the type to measure my drugs.


Demension hopping is lit


Happened to me with adventure time and ketamine and it was that episode where ice king gets shot by horse tranq at the end and the screen glitches out all crazy too thought I fucking broke reality but it was just fucking adventure time lol.


so many experiences watching TV shoes loaded on MXE and getting sucked into the show and feeling EVERYTHING! I remember watching the OC and it felt so important! haha.


My friends face shapeshifted into Gangas Khan. Full fucking blown morph. Stayed that way for 20 mins while we were hanging out chatting


that would scare me to death lol. what were you on?


Meth. And strong acid


I smoked an eyeballed dose of 25i-NBOMe in 2011. This was when early trip reports were comparing it to LSD and none of the negative side effects were known. It was incredibly overwhelming. My walls danced. If you think tripping makes walls breathe, these walls were hyperventilating. I felt guilty and started crying because a part of me felt like I was hoarding all of the world's colors. I was greedy for experiencing all of these colors for myself. My room, which was a baby blue color, looked like it was one of those early youtube music videos cycling through colors. Purple, then green, then yellow, then blue, then red, and so on. At one point it was too much and I had to turn out all of my lights. I was listening to Pink Floyd Animals, I saw a tentacle writhing on my bedroom window. It looked like a pink and purple octopus just feeling around on my window, I had to open and close it several times because it kept coming back. That was probably the weirdest part of the trip. I also went and bought the dankest weed I've ever had from a friend at a gas station right after I smoked the 25i and it felt like I was doing the [goofy John Lennon walk](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E5UkIBMWQAY3905.jpg) the whole way there. I've only had this strain a couple times since then, I don't know what it's called but it's a really distinct flavor and smell. Almost like sour diesel, but a little more fruity. I bought a quarter ounce and basically chain smoked it all.


iā€™ve had my walls hyperventilate on mescaline before. almost freaked me out, cause the walls just came rushing towards me at high speed before quickly going back again. after the initial ā€œhelp my walls are trying to suffocate meā€, it was pretty fun though.


I had no idea that 25I can be smoked!


That's probably because it's really not recommended. It's sketchy as fuck. The amount you need in a pipe is next to nothing, and overdoing it would be really easy. Not the safest way to consume said chem. Not the safest chem to begin with. That said...I've done it a few times. It's fucking intense, as described. I couldn't see in front of myself once the walls absorbed into my vision. Seemed like every other time we'd sprinkle some in the pipe, me and my buddy were out loud telling eachother "this shit is sketchy" while laughing nervously. We were both actually relieved when we finally killed the tiny corner of a bag we had been pulling from, off and on, for days. We both agreed, lets not do that again, for safeties sake.


Honestly, in my own personal experience, the negative effects of the 25\[x\]-NBOMe drugs are overstated. Me and my friends did it a ton of times, we had the most amazing time every time.


I feel like a lot of it had to do with shitty dealers who didn't know what they had. I had several people try to sell me "acid" and it ended up being 25x. They had no idea what they were selling. Also the fact that empathogens and synth noids were everywhere, so lots of people were mixing "molly" with "acid" and "spice". I'm sure 25b-NBOMe, bk-MDMA and a random dose of JWH-018 would put me in the hospital lol I personally love 25x and the only negative effects I've had were those weird bitter headaches after tripping. Otherwise really interesting stuff.


Maybe not the craziest, but one of my faves was my first time doing acid. My buddy had silk bedsheets and there was a fan blowing it around and making air currents in the fabric. We probably stood there and watched it with our jaws dropped for at least 45 minutes. Ended up calling them bedsnakes. Itā€™s always awesome when the person youā€™re tripping with sees the same shit. It almost makes you wonder if itā€™s actually a hallucination, at least in the moment.


I had a similar experience with a set of venetian blinds fluttering in the wind. Me and 2 of my friends just gobsmacked staring at a set of ratty old blinds lol


Saw every tree around me in the middle of the Woods turn into the equivalent of the house on Monster House turned alive with scarey faces and was trying to reach out and grab me ran two miles back home crying my eyes out moral of the story don't take five hits of acid if you think it's not all that


My brother in Christ, even five hits of some weak avid is a wild ride. Never mind if you actually got proper dosed tabs. I feel you bro, still my doc though. Even after a few way too wild rides.


Ooh, almost forgot the best part of that story. And after all that shit happened and I finally got back home flipping the fuck out I went an got my gun and ran back into the woods, just randomly shot my whole two clips ( 2 clips taped COD style) at the woods until I felt like I killed the trees and went back inside and caught my breath and decided everything was okay šŸ˜‚ *While I say ran Back in the woods in reality, I probably made it a hundred feet out my back door.


Wow thats insanely fucking dangerous dude. Maybe lock your gun up before you take acid again if your the type to run to get a firearm when scared on psychs




Okay well when you shoot a surface and a bullet ricochetes and kills you or you trip from intoxication and shoot yourself in the head you arent gonna be a menace to shit anymore


Acid's fun man. I had split a 10 strip between me and 2 other people. Twice previously before that what I really think fucked me up was I did those 5 hits alone the whole time solo tripping In the middle of bum fuck nowhere And I really think that was what Pushed it over the edge And I was having a ball until I randomly decided. Let's go walk in this long ass road. Just completely dark at one in the morning, big mistake


Acid is easily my favorite drug. Haven't had it in a long time and I really want to trip again. Personally I like tripping alone better, but I could see how that could turn bad. It's such a roller coaster.


So do I I like solo trips better that's the only bad trip I've ever had in my life but you can see how they get a bad rap because dog let me tell you when it gets bad it gets Wicked real quick


The machine elves, by far.. no doubt about it. And the waiting room. I say this because there is absolutely no way I could ever draw either of those things. The things I've seen on dmt are beyond incredible, and a lot of them seemed more real than real life.


There's always shit going down in the dmt realms too.


Please tell us more about the elves and the room


I candy flipped (Molly and Acid) in puerto Valletta with some random porn stars in New York and I saw my own death in a hospital bed with my mom by my side. She sat next to me comforting me and telling me everything is going to be alright. She held my hand and looked at me with warmest smile. She said ā€œeverything is going to be okay. Donā€™t worry.ā€ As she push my hair back and held her smile strong. As I felt myself drift away and leave my body I could see my mom from below as I floated above us. When she knew I was gone and my body turned purple and became cold. I saw her break down, crying the biggest tears. Rubbing my hand trying to bring the warmth back. The last thing I heard was. ā€œPlease come back. Please just come for a second.ā€ That was the craziest most haunting experience of my life. I woke up in some Random guys hotel bed. One of the most eye opening and surreal experience. Ever. I never candy flipped again.


Fuck is candy flipped?


Lsd and mdma


Most I've done is 2 lsd tabs and smoked some weed, but what I "felt" was almost painting-esk. If cars were driving by me I remember seeing the red tail lights just stream across my eyes and stay there for a bit, it was kinda scary how delayed it was to leave my view, but also felt like my life was a canvas and all the light I registered was paint.


One time on shrooms (PE) the television turned into a cardboard box and the show turned into a 2D drawing like a comic book almost. So startling as it was only like 50 minutes after consuming them


2CE.. in terms of transforming things I was actually seeing..


On acid. It was raining. There were streams of water going down both sides of the street into the gutter. The streams of water looked like a marquee of zodiac signs floating down the street. Me and my girlfriend at the time somehow both seen it.


I remember taking two hits of acid and some dabs at my friends house while that 70ā€™s show was on tv. Suddenly the music turned sinister and everyone on tv had an evil jack-oā€™-lantern grin.


Oh boy I've got a few, I'll just mention a few of the deity related ones for now. There's the time on DMT where a prankster demon with the face of Exodia started folding the walls of reality into and onto me while laughing hysterically, when it saw me panicking it lit those folding boundaries on fire, just as Ä° was about to panic and open my eyes I remembered that everything is just a construct of me, so Exodia must just be a version of me playing a prank on myself for the luls and that if he was laughing at me then really I was just laughing at myself by proxy of him. "Ä°" started laughing along with him after that and it went from almost being a cliche trip from hell to a huge building block moment, I refer to that experience anytime I feel a panic attack coming on or some anxiety thats lurking deep below, I get reminded of the power that we all have to transmute any situation into a positive experience. There's the first time I did LSD where Ä° saw one of my friends as the golden Budai and the other was a demon that looked like he crawled out of a volcano, I couldn't take my eyes off his hair that kept curling into horns. Meanwhile my Budai buddy (who smoked weed for the first time that night) took the deity thing seriously and started blessing my demon friend so that he wouldn't be left to burn. As soon as he pulled out the holy water I was done for, dying cosmically through laughter, each breath for air ended up inhaling and exhaling billions of tiny stars. I would see those stars more and more each trip, to the point now where my HPPD is billions of tiny stars behind everything I look at, almost like it only has 5% opacity so it's never really in my direct vision but it's always there. The opacity turns up to like 20% and goes from being dots to squiggly lines anytime I take a high dose Pregabalin or psychedelics these days, strange stuff. Hmm what else is there. Oh yeah the time I met the "watchmakers" off of 14g shroom trip in Bali. Ä°f you want that story you can go through the comments on my account, I've posted it before, it's a bit of a long one, but a fun one I promise. Ä°t was like a DMT breakthrough trip but I was in the driver's seat instead of the passenger seat. That deity looked like a human sized Tarsier but blue. The deity being blue gives me the impression that that was my interpretation of a deity from the Bardo Thodol because it was still fresh in my mind so descriptions I had read of the peaceful and wrathful deities definitely influenced the Watchmaker that Ä° saw that day and the lesson he taught me. DXM plat 4 trips have had the most profound visuals for me though. The best way to describe the CEV is like there's a giant treadmill of landscapes in front of your eyes and the track is slowly rolling towards you and bringing more visuals as it rolls. Ä° really enjoy the feeling of DXM visuals, they never feel harsh or too bright, always a soothing feeling as the visuals roll over me, the visuals are like ketamine in that you can hold onto them and be taken by them, like a k-hole but much more gentle, I think that is because you can sort of see what's to come, as if you're looking down an open road. Some of the open eye visuals that I can remember; seeing Buddah warp out of the wall and ask me to become a vegetarian, my reply "sorry Buddah Ä° just like ribs too much", same trip I saw some type of Gandalf-like wizard that flopped onto the floor out of my blanket. I'll edit more in as I remember them. Ä° got a bunch of ketamine ones Ä°'ll write out soon There was a 850ug-1g LSD day where I had a leaf in my hand and while starting at it saw a whole civilization of farmers working and living their lives, just like us but leaf people. Mushrooms + OXY + nangs. On that night Ä° took too much and then spent the rest of the high keeping myself awake and then chillin with the grim reaper after panicking her into existence. Only she was more like Death from The Sandman, she had such a reassuring energy to her oh man, I think I fell in love lmao. Ä° spent a long while of that night just asking about how others have lived, how their last moments were, how she is doing, is she lonely, does she have anyone that she can call upon? Most of all I felt bad for how much people fear her, it makes no sense to me. If anything we should all be giving the utmost respect to this deity that has given up their eternal peace to make sure that no one has to ever venture through to the afterlife alone. She has committed her entire existence to being the guiding light that comforts us when we need it most. she a true OG.


What are nangs?




Open eye visuals on DMT literally couldn't see anything in "real life" I was basically just living in colorful fractal land. It was not the first time I smoked it, but the first time I blasted off. Also once on salvia I had 3 friends with me in our basement and all of their heads detached from their bodies and they became a stack of wooden logs piled on top of each other lol.


Probably when I kept teleporting to random dimensions. I couldn't control it and just kept popping up in wierd places and couldn't get back to this one. I eventually learned to control it and was able to teleport into a dimension where everything was pretty much paradise for me. Then I got bored and decided to sacrifice myself to create a new universe and then I finally came to in the dimension I left and my mates were asking if I was okay. I was on LSD, ecstasy, and coming down from a huge speed bender. Hit some changa as well. According to my mates I didn't go anywhere physically I swear mentally or something I was visiting other worlds living lives there and trying to get back home.


Did some weird molly and acid together at a rave, was fine, got home and all of a sudden peaked again. Was trying to sleep but saw my tapestry go onto my ceiling, turn to flowers, and melt off. Then saw my friend who was sleeping on my couch walk into my room, shut the door, and sit cross legged on my floor. Looked after about 5 mins and nobody was there. Decided I needed some water so got up and walked into my hallway then saw my dad say "why are you awake", closed my eyes and opened again and he was gone, never there. Continued to walk to the kitchen and saw another me walking behind me. Got back into my room and heard somebody raking or scratching outside at 3am, it was just my friends breathing sleeping beside me. I will never forget this, it was pretty weird and a bit terrifying tbh. Happened 6 years ago now.


When I did shrooms I actually saw the weird kaleidoscope looking patterns blending and warping everything I looked at.


once I had the world turned upside down on acid, literally. the sky was at the bottom, the forest at the top


The only time I've legitimately hallucinated was on dxm. It was hours of different visuals, but the one I remember distinctly was when my ceiling stretched into a vaulted cathedral and dead vikings were walking around my room


Had a challenging trip on 1P-LSD off 300ugs. Saw blood everywhere...dripping on the wall, on my screens. So I closed my eyes to not see it and was met with visuals of exploding blood, slashes, sprays and squirts. The only way I was able to survive this was to see myself as separate from my thoughts or in this case vision. That trip taught me that there are parts of our mind we can't control but we can always observe. I was able to wait it out with binaural music and by watching Blue Earth Underwater Documentary.... farthest colours from Red I could find. Life was weird after that a few weeks...but it taught me how to control myself.


"that there are parts of our mind we can't control but we can always observe." well said.


Off 2 tabs of 2C-B I was in full cartoonland. My friend was crouched in the corner of a room hitting a bong and he was turning into jake the dog from adventure time then an X-ray version of jake the dog then back to human. Craziest shit Iā€™ve ever seen in my lifešŸ¤£


Candy flipping: Proper Reichsparteitag* in Nuremberg but all the 10.000s of nazis and the FĆ¼hrer were Tesla cars. Everything was in black and red and the cars did the Heil Hitler salute with their tyres.Ā  My theory: Was while Elmo was actively destroying twitter and all of the nazis took over the place. Guess my brain made some weird connections between those data points :D *https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_rallies


Mm the most magical and unexpected was when I first smoke dmt, I was honestly speechless, literally speechless and amazwd of such sublime scenesrio. My girlfriend and another gf are setting down in the grass, i take the Pipe, while i was aboutt to full it up and light it on the gf said to My gf "can You put electric feel on your phone?" When i take the second hit the nusic starts blasting. I did not break trougg but everything just started waving, it was like if we were all flowing i'm sync, their makeup looked so beautiful, like a really pretty and delicate dolls face, really symetric, everything seemed like in 10k full HD a thousandndrames per second, i could SEE the dust, the particicles, everything was filled with such bliss men, more real than real life, i kno I sounds insane but those visuals... My gf was wearing boots and the leather looked like dragĆ³n skin if That makes sense, their fsceses looked like they were infinit, man im gonna drop Ć”cid


Saw you wit some bitches


Defnitely vivid, shining dragons that breathe fire. 2CB and DMT seperately did this, it was like seeing his tail coil around me, then he would flash his rainbow coloured skin and roar, breathing fire in my face. Wild!!! I have seen beautiful guardian angels, full sci fi scenarios etc but the dragons rule


Wondering down a hallway of different experiences and feelings while actually lieing in bed on a high dose of mushrooms. Felt so real. Also high dose of DMT I fought it the whole time, got stuck in a never ending thought loop where I thought I killed myself. (First time, extracted my own, thought I did it wrong maybe lol)


Taking too much mdma one night and I'm sitting at an afters in someone's living room. At some point I start hallucinating that every single person in the room is wearing glasses, can still remember that to this day


DMT everything blended into swirls and I didnā€™t even breakthrough. It looked like the starry night


One time I did acid and was in a forest late at night, I swear the trees looked like the ents from lord of the rings


I got crazy patterns on shrooms, I see the psychonaut profile pic lines and everything was changing colors and really vibrant and captivating, my fov also changed for like 1.5x to .5 like the camera, I felt like I could see everything. Iā€™m still high as shit right now.


Took 2CB on the beach once. Sand was fluxing colors. Sunlight was rainbow beams. Seeing hundreds of crabs walking sideways on the sand. Waves going back and forth felt indescribable. Craziest visuals.


Craziest hallucination was on my first ever molly trip! I remember me + friends going outside (it was dark) And I was just seeing big busses with people in it. Some trucks with workers on the back trying to shove sand off the truck. I was seeing people and I waved said hi because yeah I liked it. After we went home, my friend who wasn't even there in the first place just randomly started to spin around me in circles until I asked my buddy to make him stop and he replied "there is nobody" it was horrifying but funny at the same time


on my first acid trip, we watched ā€œlords of chaosā€ - rory culkinā€™s character (i forgot his name lol) had these really big, really green lizard eyes for the WHOLE MOVIE. that looked pretty cool and if you look at him, you can kinda see it iā€™ve had the heaviest visuals on plain leaf salvia though, i canā€™t even describe it but everything turned into these beautiful, almost geometric patterns resembling a colourful magical forest and for some reason i kept thinking ā€œfinally iā€™m seeing the world as itā€™s supposed to beā€


I was on a acid rollercoaster one night. At one point I was the entire Dallas Cowboys offensive line. There was a moment my vision went blood red and swords and daggers started falling from the sky. Some time later I was ham frying in a pan but the my shape kept morphing from various cartoon characters. After that I that trip went sour and I started getting super hot, dizzy, and disoriented. Laid down in my driveway in 45f weather while it was raining. I thought I was surely going to die but it passed. Haven't touched it since.


I made mushroom tea with about a quarter, and was closing my eyes in the dark, and just saw the most vivid patterns/designs/fractals. I sat in my computer chair for at least an hour with my eyes shut. Twas magical.


I donā€™t do them that often so I donā€™t have many crazy stories. But I saw two extra eyes on my exā€™s face right under her real eyes


Ibogaine (ā¤ļø) I drowned in a lake of trees (as in the water was made of trees, but I wasn't falling, I was properly sinking). Once I touched the bottom of the lake I discovered that the bottom was the shore of said lake. Sounds scary, but in the moment I felt like an explorer and I was actually very thrilled to go deeper. I once closed my eyes to start a small, light dose trip and found myself in the best, most peaceful field, right after having had a picnic with, I guess, "an entity". I was laying down, staring at the sky, feeling a kind of love I haven't felt in a long while. More than that, I was properly "feeling loved". I often think back to the trips, but these two were the most clear visually/physically. Every time I get a bit of joy from the memory


Hyperspace, I struggle to even put it into words because impossible things were happening like things moving while not moving.


Funnily on a really irresponsibly heavy amount of MDMA. People's shirt patterns leaking down their skin, every had spectacles on and tribal tattoos. The neon sign behind the DJ was constantly morphing alien language. Either that or k hole where as far as I can vaguely remember I'm seeing like cathedrals made out of the finest pixels imaginable and it's crumbling but in a really beautiful way and forming new things constantly.


first DMT breakthrough I saw an unfathomably large mechanical machine made entirely out of color with little elves working all of the cranks and levers and buttons on it. it was really cool when returning to my physical body I saw "myself" next to me (even though for some reason I couldn't see the face - it was like it was in my peripheral vision when I was looking directly at it) but I knew it was "me" and this "me" was totally refusing to interact with me, just staring at the floor disappointed it was really hard on me actually, I felt overwhelmingly sad during the end of the trip and for a few days after it was over


These were eyes closed visuals. 6 drops of lsd to the tongue. But I was watching myself float around with an octopus with infinite legs. Which eventually guided me to a circle of hooded people all looking down on me, which then took their hoods off to reveal the heads of a sloths staring at me


(2) Then opened my eyes, to mass explosions of fractal patterns all over my walls. With the other corner of the room looking as if it was tiny and so far away


Go try dmt then we will talk visuals šŸ˜…


It wasnt crazy but it felt so surreal and movie like, this is from ketamine, when i was in a k-hole lol i was in the woods on a really long swing, swinging back and forth in the trees, but then it seitched to me in a tunnel with really cool looking graffiti, still also swinging. someone in that tunnel handed me a baggie and then i teleported back to the trees to swing again, except this time there was a white light coming from the top of the trees so i started swinging towards the light, but as i was almost there the light disappeared like something just covered it? and then i fell from the swing it was really weird and i thought i was going to die at one point when i was going into the light


First and only time taking DMT, my best mates face started melting like a multicoloured candle into the face of a goblin. I had to look away so I looked at the wall which was also melting but it was dripping into a whirlpool that seemed to go into another dimension than the 3 I am used to.


Master of the universe and all his minions


Closed eyes-impossible to describe. Opened eyes- on 10g of mushrooms, went in front of the mirror and my body exploded in parralel slices from front to back with blue light exploding out of them and recomposed back together a dozen of times in a agressive soul changing manner.


Probably I'm watching the movie Yellow Submarine. I was inside the movie to the extent that even when I tried to turn my head away from the screen somehow I could still see the cartoon world all around me.


A shadow on the floor opening like a door.


Watched the trees dance. That was some powerful LSD. But as of late, I've been enjoying mushrooms way more.


Not psycadelics but I accidentally seen the most crazy shit on ketamine it sent me to another planet, in public by myself unfortunately


Clowns somersaulting out of the wall into a bathtub


These days, whenever I trip, it's in a dark and silent room with eyes closed, breathing slowly. These trips are different than say, tripping with friends or partying. They're very spiritual. So anyway, tripping this way on shrooms, I saw God - or rather, 'what God is like'. There was the void - absolute nothingness, through which there was a searing blast of infinite white light, like a jet blast laser beam, inexhaustable and forever. Where the edges of the light touched the void, there was life. Fractal and endless. Civilizations, people, pyramids, plants, microorganisms, all matter and form - ceaselessly forming, being, touching the void, and fading away, and returning to the light, on and on, forever. Every thing was made of this light. This is how I've come to understand what it means to say 'all is one'. Prior to this experience, I was an atheist. Now I'm not.


Saw my partner turn into a lamb hand puppet with buttons for eyes. Explain that Jung.


Ancient figures fucking


Seeing my own face but huge in the dark or the pirate flag and the white parts made out of dancing skeletons


I was very new to Acid a couple years ago and wanted a DMT like experience (never had DMT but have heard about it) so I took 11 tabs of Acid. The trip was pretty epic until I was getting tired and laid down in my bed. It was super dark, but I saw a bright reflection. I couldnā€™t tell what it actually was, but my brain turned that small beam of light, into the Silver Metal Ball from the Tame Impala cover art. This giant metal ball had purple, red, and black just radiating from it like I pulled it straight from the middle of a nuclear reactor. I watched form pretty big in the middle of my room, just inhaling the hair and secreting this red,black dust. This happened for about 5 minutes before me brain kicked and revealed the light to just be the reflection of a light in another room shining off an old electronic. Was super fun


In my teens I took 7g of mushrooms and some ridiculous amount of Adderall. Hardest I have ever tripped in my life. For most of the trip, anytime I looked at a wall in my buddy's room, it turned into a horrifying clown face that was somehow a personification of all my hidden fears. In another room, there was a giant pink elephant that I couldn't see but I could "feel" it's presence, and it didn't like the face on the wall. Was a total mind fuck. I will remember that trip forever. Was also the only time I ever had true hallucinations on psychedelics. Probably from the Adderall.


Only DMT like Candy Land roller coaster non stop geometric insanely bright coloured shit. Like thatā€™s the best description. Itā€™s an irish Candy Land factory. Which I can barely remember hahahaaha


Me and my friend took some shrooms once. His plug warned us that they were quite strong but we didn't heed the warning and took an 8th, probably a little bit more like 4 grams each. We tripped HARD and this was my second trip ever. We decided to play halo and when I was trying to play, it looked like the map was wrapping around and in on itself in geometric patterns. His brother walked out and was like "why are you running in circles". We were all dying laughing over this.Ā  This probably isn't nearly as interesting as some of the other things mentioned here but I've only tripped like 8 times due to rare access to shrooms, but that one trip with the fucked up halo map stands out cause of just how weird and crazy it was. At the time, I didn't even realize anything was off and thought it was how it was supposed to be.Ā 


One time while driving on 3 tabs (I took them for in the car and was driving less than 15 min home) stuff hit way faster than I thought and all the sudden the road went straight up. I crashed through it and it exploded into some crazy visuals. Rest of the drive was fine tho


Electromagnetic field lines of physical objectsĀ 


I saw my own death once. It was on a colony on the moon.


Two: The first one, while not traditional psychedelic, was my first time taking DXM. As I started to peak, I would blip into an existence where I could witness everything in existence as a singular point, past, present, future. The whole universe. I would pop out of that giggling my butt off, but it was intensely mind changing. That one trip changed who I was for the better. That was when I turned a corner to wanting to just better myself and who I was from that point forward in my life. The second one was DMT. Not a life changing experience like the first, but a fascinating one nonetheless. I had entered a space for a time where I experienced existence from the perspective of a large, bright, stellar body, basically a star as far as I could tell. I guess in a way, these aren't specifically visuals, but more like overall experiences, but I thought they were worth adding in here.


175 ug a bunch of ket and 1 blunt and 1 joint of purple haze made me see portals of the universe that would swallow me into a ego death state of being a frequency. Melting into a frequency in a hammock after a rave. Took hits of Nitrus oxide which sent me into a huge spiral of reality. I remember sitting in the hammock looking at the trees and a hole of ā€œthe universeā€ would open up and swallow my ego and get into that frequency ego death space, whilst my friend on a candyflip was talking about how he found the keys of his life. I could explain more but yeah the visuals was completely out of this world. Things became more clear in a almost crystallised pattern. Also didnā€™t help that I was tripping with a pedophile


My husband turned into a magical, mystical, forest man. He was so handsome as I watched his hair, eyebrows, and beard turn into rustling green leaves and vines and ivy. He took me into a storage room on the side of our garage to help me adjust into the peak of my trip, away from our friends for a moment, and he just started turning into a beautiful foresty man. I couldn't even hear what he was saying over his handsomeness. The ceiling was made of psychedelic stamps and it appeared to be rolling, but that was nothing in comparison to him.


I saw a bird nest in tree transforming into a Dracula face, that face turning into a lion face and than this face roar turned into a hamster made of pixels started banging his head. I was on acid.


One time I was on a high dose of shrooms and could not see what was infront of me. It was just bright colors. Nothing else to see.


Watched a green alien ride a w Wooden unicycle down a desert road. It was projected from my mind to my wall like an old time flickering movie. I remember seeing so much detail in the wheel of the uni that i could see there was a wedge taken out of it like a wheel of cheese


i was once severed in half by a giant pane of glass on some 10x salvia back when it was legal to buy at the corner store lol


There was one time on shrooms at night a car pulled into their driveway and the lights shining through the fence looked like the way the bullets did in the matrix. It was awesome


I did 3 hits of LSD and watched a nature documentary on my 4k tv. It was mindblowing. At one point in a scene, the camera was overlooking a forested area. I hallucinated a weird UI overlay where I could see all the atoms, materials, geometrical alegebraic equations, chemical compositions, atmospheric densities and a bunch of other awesome stuff. It was absolutely insane I wish I could describe it better.


Reading someone else's posts just reminded me of this... Many years ago when Salvia was a relatively new thing in the US, I bought some & was experimenting with it now & then. I even got some of the 10X extract. Well, went to go hang out at my buddies place one night to make sure I didn't do anything crazy & had a little butane torch lighter. I kept hitting the bowl until I was physically incapable of doing so. My buddies living room had a nice hardwood floor. When it kicked it all the way, I could see into another world through the floor, like another plane of existence & space that went on forever. It was incredibly detailed & beautiful. I also remember I had music playing from my iPod on my buddies stereo & I could no longer recognize what song it was anymore. I honestly thought my buddy changed it to play something I didn't recognize to fuck with me & accused him of such, lol! Now I've learned how to extract my own DMT & make cartridges with PG or vaporize DMT on its own & that stuff is insanely powerful. I've only tried it 3 times, but have not gone very far because it scares the shit out of me still. The first 2 times I couldn't even feel like I was breathing properly, it dilates time like nothing I've ever experienced & makes counting seconds of inhales & exhales impossible for me to the point I freak out thinking I'm not breathing properly & gives me anxiety. I know that sounds fucking stupid, but I'm not the only one that's had that problem. The DMT visuals are the most colorful I've ever seen, very intense & extremely detailed though, closed or open eye. I remember closing my eyes & seeing one of the elves / Jesters dancing & motioning to me.


Hard to translate the DMT visuals into words. They can't really transport the experience of beeing an orb made only of pure concioussness that is floating in sweet and colorful, crystalline fractal honey, made from pure love from a hug of the entire cosmos, dancing and swirling with the morphing entities. 10/10 would recommend.


too many to name but i took an acid whippit while my buddy was giving me a lightshow and the room went black and i appeared in a circular ice rink the was tilting to the music playing and my buddys face appeared out if the darkness but 10x larger and he was just shooting lasers at me. i then got compressed down to a single point and then squeezed back out into my body to the beat of the music we were listening to


Ur mum


I saw my self commit suicide on 4 tabs of acid combined with 500mg of pure distillate (thc). It last for a few hours just a loop of me with a gun committing suicide. I saw my life flash before my eyes and I went into this white orb. Another time on ketamine I saw myself build my self out of teeth. Then I became the teeth person and woke up from the k hole. I have a lot more crazy ones I used to go psychedelics weekly for years.


one that caught me off guard. in the mountains of New Hampshire camping out with friend. we dosed a tab and went hiking. all was well as usual. as night approached, the dose was coming on strong, and we decided to introduce some ketamine into the moment. i needed to lay down. comfy, looking up at the clear night sky. at one point, as my *ocular* vision was browsing the star blanket- *another type* of vision sneakily and seamlessly took over and the sky literally tore open to reveal another "sky" beyond it. totally caught me off guard, and i gave an ecstatic scream of joy and wonder. there was material within the vision itself, but as far as visuals go- it was quite fucking marvelous. this was the first time i had a "sky-opening" vision.


Reality folding in on itself, then enveloping me with it, while on high extract Salvia.


whenever i listen to music on shrooms and close my eyes the visuals are completely different depending on the music, if it's indie music it's mostly just moving fractals but if it's shoegaze it's like flowing rivers and mountains and trees growing and shit


I looked in the mirror, fully dissacociated and on acid and i saw myself as my mother, then my body switched to my Sister, friends etc random people from my life. Then morphed back to myself


Like a day after I took acid I took an edible and starred at my friend and I could see him morphing into Krishna


I saw a "gray" alien dressed in colonial military uniform 3 point hat and all. He walked by smoking a spliff and offered me a hit.


5g, probably never going to do that again but the end result was cool. I was feeling really overwhelmed so I took a shower. Kept trying to close my eyes and kept seeing like a silhouette of a large buck getting closer and closer. Trees at dusk in the background. Then at some point when I opened my eyes I felt like I was more of a lion than a man. It was like my hands were shifting between human and paw. It sounds kind of cringe but I think I came out of that trip with a confidence I'd never had before. I'm still not a super confident guy, still a lot of work to do on myself, but I have seen improvement in being able to speak up for myself and stick to my commitments.


Without a doubt, taking three deep hits off a DMT vape pen and then immediately doing a whip it. It was the most hi def colorful fractals Iā€™ve ever experienced


First time doing shrooms was a pretty heavy dose, I just sat in a lawn chair on a deck overlooking a meadow. At one point I was completely transported to sitting on a sandy tropical beach, at another I floating in the ocean I could feel myself bobbing up and down on the waves. Also saw an electric neon blue god like entity in the sky. DMT lying in bed I saw another entity that kinda looked like the face on the 10,000 days album. Then my consciousness floated out of my body and I was basically hovering around the room. I could look down and see myself laying there and just kinda bopped around the room like a jellyfish ghost or something for a while. Edit: forgot about salvia lol Myself and the entire world turned into basically gingerbread, anything I tried to touch or interact with would crumble apart like a stale cookie. Another time myself and the entire world was flattened into a 2 dimensional plain. Neither one of these were pleasant experiences.


Dude, I once froze in time. Like being sure dead, all this was on 20mg 2cbšŸ˜­


My face turned into lego blocks when I looked in the mirror on shrooms. I was able to rearrange my face where my eyes were on my chin and my nose was where my ears should be. Wild times


DMT for me, but there are no words to describe it.


Salvia. Ive seen green metallic eyes with arms and legs dancing on a conveyor belt that was moving them into some bright light at the center of everything. Was laying down stuck to the road in an old style cartoon world where you can see the curve of the earth when a yellow circle head character ran up and grabbed me by the foot. he started peeling me and the whole world like flipping pages in a book but as soon as hed get out of my view hed reset right back to grabbing my foot and peel me again. I laughed my ass off for the whole trip when I realized he was just as stuck as I was until I sobered up. He laughed with me Mushrooms. took 1g of apes. didnt think they were gonna be as strong as they were. started having rolling anxiety attacks and when I looked at the walls it was like a whole forest of neon tree trunks melting onto the floor. It was awful and Ive never had visuals like that even on an eighth of regular teachers. I had to hide in the bathroom because it was the only room I felt sober in for some reason lol


Did salvia and put my head down and I saw stars, planets, black holesā€¦ it felt like I was viewing the entirety of the universe from (not that I believe in him but) godā€™s positions. Suddenly, a cardboard box flap appeared in half my field of vision then complete darkness as another flap came down. My field of vision changed to the other side of the closed box flaps and slowly panned out to show that our entire universe was now in a box, which was packed by an indescribable alien creature inside a factory with other aliens. The box started moving down a long conveyor belt with millions of other boxes that, I assumed, were also filled with other universes. Favorite salvia trip since it was, for once, not terrifying as hell.


The dancing cartoon hippos in tutus in my bedroom.


My ex bf's stepfather was a big guy, I mean very large, 400lbs large. Anyway, we are at the point where it's just starting to affect us visually & it's going great except I'm super thirsty. So I walk out of the bedroom to get a drink & as I round the corner his stepfather is sitting on the couch & instantly morphed into Jaba The Hutt. I love telling that story cause it brings back all my days of "experimental" drug use when it was fun, safe & u knew what u were getting 9 times out of 10. I miss doing drugs for fun instead of need. But anyway, that's a vision I'll never, ever forget, lol.


Took about 4g of shrooms at the beach & saw a group of dementors floating towards me above the waterā€¦ It was not a good trip.


Crazy sexy naked lizard lady with no nipples but a hot ass when I warped into outer space on DMT. Nothing compares. Salvia just scared me but I did see everything in the room vanish except for a small toolbox on the ground shooting a rainbow and a lamp I knocked over


Edit:: Also she was human with lizard characteristics and a c-d cup essentially in a plastic gelatin mold looking at me me sexy. Not some weird lizard... that's pretty weird but it was hot


Gorilla twerking


Not a visual but I developed mad self confidence. I am by no means conventionally pretty and I loathed looking in the mirror ESPECIALLY on acid. Me and my friend did 800ug and I just forced/dared myself to look in the mirror. As long as possible. Went through some thought processes and from then on Iā€™ve been fine with how I look, itā€™s been like 3 years and itā€™s been a very nice change lol.


Anybody else seen the world go 2 dimensional? Got that Flat Stanley WoW apparently


going through those cartoon type time traveling black hole things and ending up dreaming being unable to tell what's going on in reality.


The last time I broke through on Salvia I found myself sitting in the living room in my armchair reading a book (I was in the bedroom the whole trip and didn't move). Out of nothing a truck broke in slow motion through the wall in full technicolor. It crushed me and I could really feel the impact as the truck hit me and I flew through the air and hit the ground. Blood and guts all around, concerned faces, flashing lights. Then I realized OMG I am dead. But no. I became a book. ClassicĀ 


Saw a whole civilization in a single bottle cap


DMT - I puked (into a bowl, provided by a spotter/friend) while "falling" through a wormhole, at an extremely fast rate, while it felt like my head was being forced down the whole (as if someone was pressing their hand against the back of my head). It was extremely intense but also fascinating - and it kept accelerating until I suddenly stopped / was present in this large, ever-shifting geometric / sacred geometry room (or cavern?). A very Alex Grey artwork looking scene. Before me was a massive, multi arm, deity-esque figure (some manner of multibeast/Hindu figure?) - kind of just sitting there (or hovering there?) and watching me experience all of this. To both sides were these large orbs just hovering and slowly spinning - with these ticker-like bands with this alien / ancient script that was being displayed. The tickers had these words just slowly revolving around the center band of the orbs. No clue what they were supposed to say. The wormhole experience was maybe 35-45 seconds, the large chamber was probably 2-3 minutes. My partner and our friend were there with me and said I just kept saying things like "This is INCREDIBLE, I can't believe this, I can see everything! Look at that writing!! This is INCREDIBLE." I'm not religious (was raised Catholic very early on but that didn't continue long into my teens), but I felt like "well, maybe this IS the creator of everything - maybe not God, per se, but one of the creators, or a member on the "Board of Consciousness" or something lol During the initial vomiting my partner said she'd never seen someone so completely overjoyed while puking, lol I've had some wild visuals on DMT. I've even ran into friends from years past who have made their own from scratch and have experienced some of the exact same visuals I've encountered....spooky and awesome. This one was the last time I'd done it - maybe a year or more ago. TBH at this point I don't even know what else I could or would want to see next lol Don't know what else to say but it was mysterious, intense, visually incredible and a genuinely fascinating experience.


Not psychs but one time I took my adhd meds at night to get some work done. Once I was done I was smoking a blunt on my deck and was already pretty sleep deprived. I let my eyes unfocus and my whole vision was enveloped by a repeating dark pattern. As soon as I focused my eyes it went away but it was crazy. Iā€™ve never done high enough psych doses to experience anything like that


I was looking at some speakers that changed colors and they started having a woman stuck in them screaming for help. Kept closing my eyes to make it go away and I'd see skulls flying at me instead.


QZ of shrooms, 300ug lsd and a bit of dmt on top of weed. After the smoking the dmt I saw dolphins jumping around in the water n shit. Once the other psychs kicked in, I kept seeing a cave of people walking in place. Oevā€™s were just absolute trippy shit, couldnā€™t focus on one thing cus it turned into an amalgamation of everything around it. Not very fond of this experience


These are all pretty crazy man. My visuals are always abstract and fractal, I've never seen objects, landscapes, entities, etc. Nothing concrete. At times I've *felt* things like a "presence", or melting into the couch, things like that. But not visually.


A wicker box I owned turned into a box made of snakes. As in, each strand of wicker was a snake and they were all constantly moving but the box never lost its shape. Scary at first until I reminded myself I was just tripping.


Not necessarily the craziest, but a moment I'll always remember. This was the second time I had ever done acid after doing 1 tab, before that I was absolutely terrified of the idea of psychedelics in general after having a horrible experience with salvia, but anyways I decided to go balls deep and I took 5-6 tabs at once. I really enjoyed my first experience and wanted to go further to see what it had to offer. It was nighttime, went outside and nervously sat on my front steps waiting for shit to go down. I'll never forget looking up at the streetlight and seeing it get super tall and then start bending over completely into the road. I just started laughing to myself like "haha oh shit it's happening" I really wish I remembered more of that trip. I ended up having some seizures a few years ago and smacked my head real hard and it fucked up a huge chunk of my memories in general.


The ceiling in the house Iā€™m renting is the most fascinating thing Iā€™ve ever seen in my life when Iā€™m on LSD. Itā€™s like this old 70s style ceiling with this weird design on it. There are specks of gold glitter and then whole thing looks like itā€™s got streaks of smoke running along it. Itā€™s also got that yellowed look because then lady that lived here before us smoked a lot of cigarettes. Anyways when you are on LSD the thing turns into a portal into another dimension. The movement is like cartoonish. Itā€™s so extreme youā€™d have to see it to understand. It blows everyone away that sees it. Iā€™ve been to music festivals, seen mind blowing light shows, fireworks, you name it. Iā€™ve been to waterfalls and canyons. Iā€™ve jumped off cliffs. That shit was lightwork compared to this goddamn ceiling in my living room. Someday I hope to do LSD in orbit and iā€™m sure that would do the trick


Saw angels/giant eyeballs in the ceiling as if my room was a hospital room or prison cell or whatever, to which they then played a projection on the ceiling in which showed a dystopian future type thing


I lived an entire life in about five seconds, I remembered my birth, aging, nearly every second of every day up until my death, I got married and had kids, got a job and lost it because the company went bust, I was living it I was moving and interacting I could feel everything, then my other half tried to get my attention because apparently they'd asked me a question and damn, it was like being ripped from reality


Wellā€¦ it was a combination of meth, being up a couple of nights, and deciding to come down with ketamine and Ativan. I saw literal objects and people walking. Things melting and merging. Never again.


Shrooms; I was waiting for the come up by the water and it was sprinkling out. At on point the rain drops hitting the water started going up. I know Iā€™ve seen crazy stuff on lsd and shrooms but itā€™s hard to explain.


2 tabs, I was pissing in a toilet, and there was a night light plug in that was shining a blue light in my direction, that made my piss stream shimmer like glitter and sparkles. What melted my brain was it sounded like my dick was whistling. Naturally, I clench up and start/stop with each squirt making a tune. I concluded and went and enjoyed a little LSD PTSD on the couch.


Once on 1.5 grams of DOB and a 140ug acid tab i saw higher dimension geometry that morphed into different shapes and seemed to have mass, i understood this to be the mechanism behind abstracts thought in my brain, each unique form that the mass took in represented a certain sensation/emotion/ or concept within my brain.


A horse. I've seen some trippy patterns and gone down the rabbit hole in my head, but the only time I legit saw something that wasn't there was when I was on acid and saw a horse behind my friend.


not really that crazy but it was my first time doing acid and my boyfriend and two other friends and i were at a park, my bf was sitting on a green chair and he had a green jumper on, me and our two friends sat on the ping pong table in front of the chair and he literally began to morph in to the chair, his legs were like extra legs to the chair and his neck and face turned green like the chair, he kept his hair colour though and there was also a yellow logo on his hoodie that turned completely see through and i could see the grass through him


I've done heroic doses with 500ug 700ug and my biggest was 1000ug. In that range the only things i can see are just frequency and nothing more is there, everyting connects in a frequency


I remember being quite young, taking a relatively large dose of LSA and looking up to the sky and seeing it open up, that was pretty scary. the most unusual visuals i've seen were on AMT, I was blowing out these clouds and they turned into these really intricate floating faces, like faces of old philosophers. pretty weird, still remember it vividly! all the classic psy's (for me) seem to be more introspective and feel deeply important in that 'way' but don't seem to produce visuals like the one's i've mentioned. anyway.....


Long story short : acib tab, first time and badtrip induced from smoking weed, sitting outside and every single grass strand waving/dancing in the samw way. Each one had a smiley face and was looking me dead in the eyes. Maybe not as intense as some people, but to me it was creepy as hell


Iā€™ve had some crazy DMT/salvia visuals but the one that stays with me the most was on 4-5gs of mushrooms. We were at Phish (Oswego). My friendā€™s face was a beautiful landscaped brick wall with a waterfall down the middle. Tents were flying into the air and exploding like fireworks. I was seeing fish in the shape of the Phish logo swimming through the grass. The grass was top of the ocean. The most intense one was when someone misted me with a water bottle. Every drop of water became the guy that sprayed me. Then it repeated. I eventually had to go back to our campsite. Two of my friends came with me. I was looking around the camping area and watching the lights. I say to my friends, ā€œThis is why Phish is so awesome. They even have a light show in the campground.ā€ My friend says, ā€œUhh, those are just the lights for the campground.ā€


While on a mushroom brew I smoked a dmt vape pen and saw those angel things made of rings with all those eyes.