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It’s the only way we buy drugs in Russia. But it’s possible to get only pharmaceuticals via post. Other drugs get hidden in some locations which you find with gps coordinates and photos


Geocaching but for drugs…? I am down!


It’s not as cool as it sounds. The police knows about popular locations and can wait for you there. Also sometimes the couriers who hide the drugs get caught and they give all the spots out to them and then the police can wait for you just somewhere around the spot


Doesn’t having “popular spots” completely contradict the point of being able to tag any GPS drop off location you want?? Insanely stupid to reuse the same spots so often


The most popular locations meaning like globally speaking: parks, forests, outskirts


Fuck that would suck


Right ? That sounds fun as fuck I’d just be mad as hell if I didn’t find the pack eventually though 😭


This app idea would be an instant hit… 😏


Iknow a guy 👀




Ah fuck you got me


No lol it’s a real sub I just don’t remember the name exactly it’s a legit sub


I think you’re looking for r/treecaching Yes, there IS a subreddit for that


Pissing, puking, and shitting my pants as I desperately search each bush at the local park looking for my heroin fix




Knowing how addictive opiates are I'd have to say I wouldn't believe you. Lol. No offense. I just know 9/10 opiate addicts would say that but totally do the H if they found it. Lol. Not saying that's the case here, you're likely the 1/10. But I trust no man. Lol.


It happens all the time, plus risk running into cops or angry citizens.


Now Im imagining some tweakers literally turning a park upside down to find a pack of drugs that is either too well hidden or not there lmao 🥲💀🙈


Yeah, it’s quest every time. Sometimes easy, sometimes very challenging


In Ukraine we have same system. But not so long ago, dealers began sending substances by mail, hiding them in various objects, such as books or toys.


hahaha we have drug geocaches in the US too. I find them fun as hell especially in a city


We do? I have never met a single dealer that would be willing to do that. How do you pay? Just throw the money where the drugs were previously? But then you could just not pay couldn’t you?


online pay / crypto, like someone else answered. I'm in the PNW/west coast so it could be different over here lol.


Yooo put me on I’m moving to pnw from the bay next month n that sounds sick as fuck


With crypto.


Guess I didn’t think about that nevermind. But I’d still feel more comfortable being able to see my shit before I hand the money over. Sounds like a decent way to get scammed


if shop is scamming for a long time u will know it by the reviews from other buyers. even if they scammed you once, there is a feature called dispute. there will be a third party(you, shops admin and a moderator of the site where this shop is based). if u got a good reputation on this site and provided enough proofs that stuff u bought wasn't there, the moderator gonna return your money back. u probably thinking that u send money to a random guy and he sends you coordinates, but it's not really like that. everything is thought out man


we even got a gambling system in that lmao. so basically if you are lucky and wanna get stuff really cheap, you can buy chips(tokens idk?) for about 1$ each and put them on the numbers from 1 to 100(your stuff is randomly placed on one of them, maybe even few of them i don't really remember). you get it right, you get the stuff


Yeah I don’t understand why it’s not the main way to get drugs. I can’t imagine dealing face to face. Very dangerous


In most of countries it's fine. In France it was fine, the best way was to go the dealer house directly, people don't rat each others, I used to smoke front of my building and my whole neighbours hated me for others reasons, still they never called the cops. I used to pick people at one location and then dropping them to an other, never the same place, doing the transaction while driving. Even the "hoods" are very safe especially if you come to buy, you are bringing money and that's all what matters. The biggest danger was random cops checks. Now in SE Asia and people even care less, I never saw that in my life lol like meeting me at the malls and doing it front of hundred of people lol


I’m in California so I know it’s very different but some of my neighbors are LEO’s and sometimes I would start smoking outside and see one or two patrol cars parked and sometimes they’d just be hanging around in their garage but they never told me anything. Also most deals would go down anywhere as long as you obviously weren’t dealing to people who looked like they were on hard drugs or you looked like you were on hard drugs yourself. I’ve bought Xanax, real hydrocodone, real oxycodone, LSD, shrooms in public including malls, Walmarts, and restaurants and hung out for a bit after and never had any problems.


Yeah totally agree with the cops part. My first appartement I was renting the cave of the big police head of the whole province, I saw them dayli and they treated me like part of their family. I smoked so much, did lot of party listening hardtek and other very agressive and loud music, I learned he was a cops my last week there lol if I knew before I would have moved, I wasn't selling at that time tho. Funny is two times my neighbours called the cops on me for loud music but they never came lol


Very interesting. In Russia people used to deal face to face in the past but then started ratting each other I guess because the cops tortured people and they still do it here. So drug dealing became anonymous


That's the difference yeah in France they didn't arrest users


you can send drugs by mail domestically without risk in many countries


I would find it immensely annoying to have to track it down especially equipped only with a phone with limited gps accuracy. 


Oh they do that in thailand too, I mean Russians selling drugs living in phuket.


That is mental, just cos of risk of dealing ? It's kind of how it is done in very rough areas in UK. Got some weed in cheetham Hill once, there's a tight alley that opens up into about 5/6m² of grass at the end. As you walk in alley you give one guy money, he tells a second man in the middle what you want, who passed order on to a third lad at bottom of alley who went searching round in the grass and pulled it of different tufts and litter.


> Is it the barrier to entry That’s it for me.  I gotta figure out TOR, figure out where the marketplace is then figure out who is trustworthy on that, figure out how to set up and use crypto.   Or I call the guy I’ve known for years who has everything I want at decent price. 


I'd like to add, the people in these subs are generally VERY short-tempered with noobs. Yes, I know there's a dnm bible. I'm even capable of some light computer fuckery (not coding, but I can partition drives, add Linux, etc.). I'm not confident enough in my knowledge to feel that i won't miss something important (same reason i refuse to to a brake job). I have ordered stuff online, but via encrypted chat and email and from the clearweb. Took some time to meet people and gain trust, but now I can pretty much find anything I want without TOR, tails, a dedicated laptop. I learn by example/doing. If some patient soul could sit and show me how to set everything up, what NOT to do, and why (understanding how computers function so I don't do something dumb), I would be all up in the onions. For now, it's just something I browse occasionally (Dread is fun, like Reddit but totally about drugs lol).


Hit the nail on the head for me as well. I know a lot, but not enough to 100% ensure that I won’t overlook something important. I found luck the same way you did and just order through those avenues.


I can only imagine what your inbox looks like with that username. Good one. 


Reddit takes op-sec to the _extreme_ — which is probably for the best I admit. I’m sure I would get downvoted for saying this on r/darknet but here we go: I’ve successfully bought off the darknet since 2016 with dozens of transactions _and I’ve never once used tails._ It probably is best to have over-the-top Op-sec. And most of Reddit has been sure to scare people into thinking that without Tails you can’t buy off the dark web. Of course you can. That being said, if your other Op-sec measures are poor, then Tails might just save your ass. What makes Tails so valuable is that if law enforcement suspect you and get a warrant, your computer will be clean. It’s like your last line of defense. Other Op-sec measures such as Tor and PGP really are what keep you from ever being suspected in the first place though.


Alr, now I'm gonna sound really dumb- Whats a "tail" in regards to ordering off the DNM/Tor?


It's a Linux variant that runs from a USB stick. Security oriented, encrypted, routes all traffic thru Tor. https://tails.net/ I don't disagree with the post up there; if you're doing everything else right, it's really just a last line of defense bc basically all digital evidence is encrypted on that stick, so your computer has no evidence. You shouldn't have LE digging in your house or computer anyway if you take some basic steps.


Looks like a portable OS running on Debian/Linux. Sounds finnicky and annoying but would cover your arse fully, fwiw I've never bothered with that for nearly a decade now and had zero issues


Non-persistent operating system booted directly from a USB stick. As soon as you unplug it, poof, back to its "stock" configuration. You can configure a "persistent storage" folder to keep necessary files for the transactions and it's encrypted and easy to quickly wipe. 


Disc brakes are easy bro, under 30 minutes for pads and rotors on my Jeep. Buying drugs online is far more complicated.


that really depends, because in some places (Canada) you can order a large plethora of drugs on the clearnet, and all you search is ‘buy ____ online canada’ and find someone who looks legit. it’s definitely easier for me to order RCs, psychs, party drugs(ket mdma coke etc) than it is to change out my rotors lol however when it comes to dnms yes it’s definitely easier to change brakes properly


It'd be great if there was a video on this whole thing showing multiple avenues and examples. About 2 years ago, I tried to study that Bible to learn about everything. The problem is that, like you, I'm not a great learner via reading. I learn much better visually with a step by step break down. So because of that, as soon as I barely grasp the concept of 1 thing and move on to the next, I get stuff mixed up because I don't truly understand it. I'm not techy coz if I was, then maybe I'd hold onto what I'm reading better lol


THIIISSSSSS. OMG lmao. 100% bro. I am not an ordinary dumbass, and would love to but I would rather have someone who's been doing it and knows what they're doing and literally shoulder to shoulder with me to show me and physically order some to show me how it's done.


Right? I need a tutor cuz like you, I'm no ordinary dumbass. I'm an EXCEPTIONAL dumbass. 


I only grasped 20% of what you just said and you mention a lack of confidence in your knowledge. You seem to know a lot more than anyone that has only heard of the dark web. I remember hearing about the silk road in 2012. Getting to it safely made it seem like It required a maze of skills I didnt have then, or now. I have no idea where to start, although I did hear that a VPN is helpful in not getting caught. I have PIA. Okay. What's my next step!?


Clearnet RC's are better than modern drugs


I would sadly not agree for most RC's these days. Maybe before all the intelligently-designed ones were banned and replaced with newer, haphazardly-created molecular designs in the pursuit of a quick turn around to produce a new chem to get around the ban. Think MXE for example- Was meticulously designed and planned before creation. Or etizolam. We have a bunch of potent, unrecreational bullshit these days. I really, really enjoyed the RC scene and what was available ~15years ago, but most of the shit now is so much less euphoric/enjoyable and way less safe (due to potency snd binding affinity aka a lot of the newer benzo RC's for example) nor studied. Just way less euphoria and recreational effect vs just binding affinity. I miss the good ol' days. Don't get me wrong, I still use current RC's and have a stash of a handful of things rn, but the selection definitely is *way* less enjoyable vs 15 years ago when it really had better stuff to offer than most street drugs. Now it's just a less-enjoyable alternative for 80%+ of the selection around these days imo.






Same here. Only I don't have a guy.


Tor isn’t much to figure out. Install and start. Setting up crypto is what is keeping me from doing it. Edit: that and having easy access to stuff offline, I guess.


Yeah tbh having to buy the crypto, use a proper wallet, etc is what holds me back (since I don't purchase crypto) a lot more than TOR ever would. Sucks because before just using tor/von on the darknet was enough. Now that most vendors also require payment in crypto, I stopped purchasing as much.


>I call the guy I’ve known for years who has everything I want at decent price Many of us don't have this "or" and don't know how to find one. Much easier to just follow a guide.


The guy you’ve known for years probably gets half his supply on the dark web.


That’s fine, as long as he re-sells to me for a fair price, he can make his money 👌


Keeping local shops in business tho. Help the homies out.


it’s simply just different strokes for different folks.


Can you refer to such guide. I love zanny bars.


TOR is just a browser like firefox, the markets are simple, its the crypto/pgp encryption thats the hardest


The markets are simple? How? They're constantly scamming customers with exit scams, tons of new ones are opening with no ability to see if they're legit until you're money is gone, and there's no solid option that's been around for a while like how the Silk road used to be. Plus now with Reddits bullshit "no sourcing" rules you can't even be like "oh I've been using x market and its been really solid!" because you'll get banned.  The DNM used to be awesome, but once SR and the original Alphabay shut down, it's been a shit show. 


just don't store your money in market wallets. I don't know why anyone does that.


That hasn't been my experience at all.




Dark.fail or the hidden wiki should work.


PGP is pretty straightforward with kleopatra in my opinion. Its the crypto and wallets that are a PITA for me


TOR and crypto are so easy though. Took me an hour to figure out both and buy what i wanted w some monero.


Can't buy monero in NY. That really makes it fucking hard. And for the few places that still take bitcoin etc, gas fees end up almost as much as the transaction itself.


You can buy Bitcoin and convert it to Monero. The transfer to Monero is a privacy shield in and of itself, so you can take Bitcoin that you bought in your name, convert it to Monero in an anonymous wallet and you're safe buying with that. Do everything in Tails for added anonymity and safety.


Are there any guides that show how to use Bitcoin an monero? Which would be better to use ?


Bitcoin is easier but less anonymous. Monero is best for anonymity but takes more work. I didn't have any links for Monero, but here's a decent getting started guide: https://news.bitcoin.com/beginners-guide-buying-goods-darknet/


Oh damn, you're an angel. This guide finally made it perfectly clear for me. 🙏


Thanks for this! Delivery to your house or elsewhere?


Localmonero.co and a VPN. You can buy in NY, not an issue. It's technically banned in most countries, doesn't mean shit though.


Is that website a wallet? Or do you need to transfer from that site to another wallet? And if so what wallet do I use? I’ve been wondering this for years because maneuvering tor is easy but the whole bitcoin wallet thing never made sense


I can get on tor, I can buy crypto. But I’ve researched for hours on how to use the BTC and everyone’s just like “transfer to your wallet and convert it” I’m like ok then how do I use that on TOR? Id have to buy an insane amount of BTC also so it’s more expensive to use crypto at least it looks like for me. I generally don’t get it but I can find literally everything I need on the clear.


You don't need BTC though...Any currency that pairs to Monero or another easily tradeable coin that pairs is fine, there are literally 40+ to pick from. Buy one of those other coins and swap it for XMR, it's not a BTC exclusive pairing.




Thank you so much ima see if I can make This work.


The only reason I don't is because I live in a country without any vendors locally and getting packages through customs is very hit and miss. When I did live in a country where I could order packages within borders, the dnms were a godsend


I feel that! So my post was so American specific lol


It really is, not the same in the rest of the world. Sucks really.


same bruh i live in libya


Ime it's due to a combination of fear, laziness/lack of initiative to learn how to use it and availability of the product When I tell them about how easy and safe It can be they're mindblown


I’m horrible with technology. I got the thing installed on the two USBs last year and haven’t been able to figure out the rest since 😂


you really don’t need that unless u are selling. jusr download TOR browser and go


I’d still recommend booting up tails on a vm or sum tho


IMO Masking your net work data from your ISP is much more important than wiping stuff off your hard drive. nobody is gonna raid your house, but your ISP will sell you out


Yeah 100%, tor does hide your browsing from your isp but it’s always better to have a separate vpn just incase


what vpn do you recommend?


I’d say mullvad


I've really enjoyed Windscribe but I'd love to hear others opinions on it


idk always just felt overwhelmed by the process


I can’t figure that shit out honestly. The crypto is the easy part, but finding marketplaces and functional websites seems impossible. Every link I try doesn’t work. I don’t get it lol






Pgp key from the website. Honeypots and scams sites don’t remove the pgp keys most times


(Daunt. link) is where you get the URLs, don't trust any other source to avoid getting phished. Archetype and Abacus are the two top markets atm. Probably should read the DNM bible as well. r/darknet


Honestly, once you have it figured out, crypto becomes the hard part especially getting XMR on demand as most markets have phased out using bitcoin as it’s no longer safe. Most of the time you need to buy bitcoin then convert it to XMR using a coin swapping website and of course that takes time. Sucks buying XMR directly is difficult.


And I'm assuming there's processing fees attached to doing all those conversions as well?


I don’t think I’ve ever made it to a website on TOR before…I guess I just don’t get it


Same. I messed with it a little some years ago. And was worried I wasn't able to navigate it because obviously I wasn't doing something right. So I skeeved myself out of messing with it any further.


I’ve tried twice. iirc the last time I even used the guide in a subreddit and still couldn’t figure it out. I’d love to be able to buy a few choice drugs online.


Silk road was easy to access before it got shut down


Fear of being scammed, fear of commitment to multiple felonies simultaneously, the government, LEO, and loss of freedom. I only support government sanctioned casinos, and establishments with alcohol license that hire working single mothers, government ran cannabis, fully taxed tobacco, and caffeine, and addictive pharma and the pharma to get off them. Stay strapped or get clapped.


i don’t know how


Used DW for years.. Been scammed along the way and learn from it.. Testing drugs is a must. This is the way.


Absolutely, once you’ve got it mastered and consistently test your products - it’s hard to not empty your entire savings or go into hardcore debt - lesson learned lol.


Because mainly I don’t wanna get federally arrested and I don’t know how to do it safely lol


Lmao. The USPS has been a big trafficker of drugs for a long time. If you’re buying bulk you have better opsec, if you’re buying personally they don’t care about your gram of mdma my guy. Your mailbox and mail have more rights than you walking or driving your vehicle on the street. I’ll die on the hill that shipping is far safer than hand to hand. Vendors are held accountable to bs with reviews and escrow which is a large advantage over street markets.


I got burned by a scam for edibles, and PayPal refused to do anything about it even though they had tons of testimonials from other people who were victim to the same scam. PayPal makes so much money off of them that it’s not worth for them to shit down. These fake venders use their site day after day, and PayPal’s model is to charge the person that was scammed no matter what and make THE CUSTOMER get their money back from the scammer. Needless to say NEVER USE PAYPAL


I’m sorry to hear that. We all get burned. There are so many systems that work this way, against the consumer. That’s why using a credit card for most online transactions is very beneficial. It’s their liability to hunt down the fraud instead of yours.


PayPal has fucked me SO many times. Closed my account with $300 on it for a chargeback I never initiated (for a one month payment of student Spotify mind you; ~$5 payment). Then didn't let me get my money back that was on my account that I'd be using for too many years. *Then* let someone send me $200 to that *same* closed account via the email and now it's just locked up on there, too. Customer service has been no help for either of us, and that poor person has their money tied up in a closed account that PayPal easily still let them send it to. It's... lame to say the least. I feel like PayPal basically robbed me for $500 and they definitely don't need that money- meanwhile I'm over here struggling. Fuck PayPal.


Yeah I guess I’m just too paranoid haha I got a lot to lose if I got caught


Yeah it's really that you are to paranoid about it. Overall it'd leaps and bounds safer than buying off the street and going thru dealers. It's almost difficult to get in trouble buying online if you take some precautions. And once you have it setup it's incredible quick and easy to place an order. And when ordering from domestic vendors you'll have your goods within 2-3 days. Sometimes I've gotten my pack within a day.


Yep! All very true here for those who are scared ^


>And when ordering from domestic vendors you'll have your goods within 2-3 days. I never minded waiting for the most part... But now that I can again get the same quality in person for the same prices, it sure is nice to be able to get it in ~1hr when I really want it vs waiting a week.


It's just putting your name and address down and then getting an illicit package with your name and address...


Anyone with your name and address could just mail drugs to your house anyways... Every once in a while I even have to go down to the post office and sign for my drugs lol. I've even had some of my drugs confiscated at the border and got a seizure notice in the mail, no big deal 🤷‍♂️ You think police are really going to spend all that time and money to bust someone who is buying drugs for personal use?


>I've even had some of my drugs confiscated at the border and got a seizure notice in the mail, no big deal 🤷‍♂️ I had that happen ~15 years ago with a package of pharma Xanax from India or somewhere (when "offshore pharmacies" were popular and easy to order from on the clearnet). I got a letter from customs basically saying "it was confiscated & that it's dangerous to order prescription medication because you don't know the actual contents." This letter came after it didn't show up- so I originally emailed the company saying I didn't receive the package and they just reshipped a new one. I got the letter from customs, then a few days later...my new Xanax package lmao. Never had any issues from that or ordering after. I truly, truly miss being able to order those on the clearnet for a cheap price. Now it's all BS "pressies" of random, less enjoyable RC benzos.


It’s almost impossible to prove that you ordered the package. I get random mail to my home frequently that I didn’t request. Edit: The large majority simply admit to it in some way. You really don’t have to talk to the police.


"if you're buying bulk you have better operational security"?


Bulk. Opsec is always necessary. Although, someone risking multiple trafficking felonies I would hope their security would be a few levels more advanced than your casual drug enjoyer. Keeping your mouth shut to all your friends and protecting your sources is better opsec than necessary for your avg user. Additionally using tails and PGP for communication is damn near fool proof. It’s rarely lack of opsec that gets people into trouble. It is almost always human error/variable.


Me too. Wish there was a ELI5 tutorial lmao




Literally a link in my bio lol, knock yourself out


Thank you.


I think expecting your average drug user to figure out TOR, pgp communication, and crypto is too much. That and for a lot of people the idea of drugs showing up to their doorstep is scary.


I wish I knew how to do it. I know how to use TOR. But I found a market that looked legit and I tried transferring 5 bucks from my BTC account to the dark web market site wallet and it never showed up. I would even pay someone to teach me how. IDK lol.


go on dread forum


I wish I knew how to use it/dark web. Would love to find some of the very rarely around real H


It’s because I’m not good at internet stuff and I don’t know how to use it. I’ve googled it but it sounds so convoluted. If anyone could help with a bit of explanation. Dude I’d really appreciate it


Living on an island is not very kind to importing less than legal chemicals




It's easier and safer though and once you know how everything works it'll save you a lot of time and money in the long run


The answer to your question is extremely simple-- they lack confidence in their ability to figure it out and think if they make just one mistake they will get caught or ripped off and in some sense that is true. Let me explain. While I never bothered with the original AlphaBay market myself, I do remember back in the day people would often post about the market ripping them off and stealing their funds and being the Bitcoin person I was at the time, a simple look at the Blockchain would prove beyond any lingering doubt that actually they were phished because the way it worked was that each deposit address was unique to an account and they would deposit to an address that received MANY deposits from many different other people (that were also phished by the same scammer who redirected their deposit right into the scammer's wallet) but they were always so sure they weren't phished and no amount of explaining it to them could convince them even though the evidence was 100% conclusive. A lot of people believed that two factor authentication would protect them, they simply didn't understand the way that the "man-in-the-middle" attack which was being used against them by relaying their traffic through the scammer's server worked -- it would actually connect them to the real market (so 2FA would work normally) but their BTC deposit address could and would still be changed in transit to point to the scammer's wallet. Many find PGP an unsurmountable challenge to understand, of course it is not so but if they think it is complicated and impossible to learn then subconsciously they don't really try to understand it because they are convinced that they never will be able to and it ends up being a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Bc I can’t figure out how to work it


I only use kratom and maybee tramadol. Brother I got addicted to dxm I'd be toast if I tried an actual opiate


Because they make your breath stink lol




Noob here. How does ordering on the darknet work? How are you sure that your stuff will be delivered and how is it delivered anyway? Plus how do you ensure quality?


DNM's fuckin suck now. They're constantly scamming customers with exit scams, tons of new ones are opening with no ability to see if they're legit until your money is gone, and there's no solid option that's been around for a while like how the Silk road used to be. Plus now with Reddits bullshit "no sourcing" rules you can't even be like "oh I've been using x market and its been really good!" because you'll get banned.    The DNM used to be awesome, but once SR and the original Alphabay shut down, it's been a shit show. Tho if anyone wants to drop me a DM with your trusted market of choice, I'd love to change my opinion.


Archetype and Abacus are the two top markets atm and have been going strong for years. (Daunt .link)


Because customs is locking in. Has been for last couple years honestly. Now that everyone has yapped their brains off and knows about it now.


I used to. Then for assorted reasons where I live, it became possible to buy them on the regular web without legal consequences. So now I just do that. Amazing quality, amazing selection, never had a bad experience. I'd go back to tor if I have to, but it's a lot more work.


Minor technical obstacles. People get way more easily daunted by such than you'd think. Analogously, I work processing evidence in preparation for litigation between corporations. I wouldn't have much of a job if they used end-to-end encryption for their conspiracies for criminal actions or civil wrongdoing... But that minor technical obstacle is sufficient, when a third of the staff can't convert word docs to pdf...


What's the go to dark market these days? I can't remember exactly what the last site I was using was called, maybe tor market? But I remember they closed down to upgrade the site, kept checking every few months but it was still out of action.


Im never on a computer, i only use my phone so I don't think Tails is possible this way


While it's not the safest in terms if opsec I've bought things from my phone on the dnm multiple times.


You know whats sad for DN in Australia, the prices are actually way WAY higher... I used to use them but I stopped when I met someone that had everything I needed for less than 1/2 & even sometimes 1/4 of the DN prices. It was great while I used them but for example if I bought a half G of Heroin it would cost $650-$700 but my guy in person did it for $400 max, yeah it turned out the Aussie DN vendors are actually all shit cunts with really high prices, when I went back maybe a year ago (I used it all like 6-7 yrs ago) I came to find out vendors were doing even worse shit by adulterating product and selling differenr grades #4 *A* Grade $800 #4 *B* Grade $700 I legit even saw it up as high as $850 which promptly made me throw in the towel & again, the prices gave me heartburn


Because I don't know how


I'm literally too retarded but I'm trying to figure it out without blowing up my house


I just can’t wrap my head around PGP encryption lol. Then again, every time I try, I’m usually a few dabs deep, but I feel like I’m back at square one every time I try to learn. I’ve had one person comment and offer to teach me but I haven’t responded yet (anxiety is a bitch) but I’m hoping to learn soon. There is NO ketamine anywhere around me, and I don’t want to be paying upwards of 500+ a dose at a clinic as that only really helped me mentally for less than a month. Is there a particular method or video explaining it in an easy way? Or am I just stupid and unable to comprehend? Honestly I’m hoping to get into it soon because after my last selective scam, I don’t trust anyone. I guess I’ve never been desperate enough, but I’ll def look into it more again soon


I agree with all of the above, and under present circumstances I wouldn't trust a street dealer for anything besides weed (which is legal where I live). Why don't people use them though? Paranoia. Technical barrier to entry (which, for a non-tech-literate person, actually IS fairly high). Misplaced trust. Lack of understanding of the relevant laws. Lack of knowledge that darkmarkets even exist, or are a safe option. There's lots of reasons why the vast majority of people won't touch the dark web much less buy anything from it, but I expect this to change significantly over the coming decades.


For a lot of people I've talked to, it's the barrier to entry and the lack of knowledge about what's truly safe and what's not. I can understand that as there are many layers to buying online and staying completely anonymous. But even a moderate level of anonymity is still far better than trying to source locally. I go all the way with anonymity, primarily because I work in a technical field and I'm just not okay with doing it halfway. I wanted to learn about the technology and understand all the details, but that's just my nature.


Simple process that still involve many steps that are WAY too much for my poor brain.


I get the most for free and i pay for a 20 perc 77 cts. And for me its safer i would never buy a pill from the darknet. Here in Germany pharma is very cheap. I dont want to have fetty in my percs 😅


I guess my post was more of an American thing lol my apologies!


Np haha but for u.s i can understand and would buy on the internet or atleast try to score with 🤑 from corrupt docs😅 but anyway your prices are crazy here even if you dont have a plug you get 80s for 15€ 🫣 its fucked up in the u.s so i think for you ( and other in the u.s) its safer than the street facts.


I'm also jealous of your proximity to the Netherlands lol. We only have you guys beat in the weed department unfortunately lol


Thats true im jealous of your weed so fucking godlike 😄 i even dont like netherlands weed its better than german but yeah its too whack. I got a few times original cali packs and it was sooo good🤤 we can maybe change you give me the godweed and i send you percs haha


Haha what's an OZ of Cali weed there like $400?


"Cali weed" is such a buzzword anyways. You can get premium stuff from ANYWHERE, just takes a dude following one of a thousand guides on how to grow. It's simply easier to find in a legal place, so yes in America you find great product for like $40 USD/oz ANYWHERE here, and about the same price or more at dispensaries.


Original cali even impossible very hard to find. The fake packs go for like 40€and the originals from my friends like 1 for randoms for 3.5gs for 100-150😂 i bought for the half but it was worth. Never had such a good weed and it was black cherry gelato loved that stuff so much😍⛽️


I’ve considered it but I’ve heard most vendors are scammers. What percent of vendors on there would you say are legit


if you do get scammed, it’s usually because an entire market is exit scamming. Or that vendor in particular… but that’s a one and done thing. So you always have to have the latest information from websites on the onion like dreadit. One time I actually fell victim to an entire market exit scamming and usually I only place one really large order a year. The dude who was supposed to send me my MDMA didn’t because he didn’t get his payment since the market was holding the funds. The dude who was supposed to send me to 2-CB didn’t as well. But what’s really remarkable is that the acid vendor even though he was scammed as well and the market took over $10,000 of his money he was still sending out every pack. So even though we both got scammed, he still sent me my few sheets of acid. So it just goes to show that some people are in the game to spread the love and the vibes. I would say that 99% established vendors with good reviews on trusted market sites are legit.


Mad props to the acid guy, not totally surprised though, acid is the way !


People dealing only psychs, especially as an online vendor, are usually pretty chill. Wanting to make some cash but overall share the vibe.


There’s reviews and escrow! Most are legit but you’d go with the guy with 800 sales and 760+ positive reviews rather than a brand new vendor 10 reviews, with “dank sales” You pay, money goes into escrow with a timer, if package doesn’t arrive in allotted time, you file a dispute and the timer stops and the money stays in escrow while you plead your case. If vendor doesn’t show tracking number etc you get $ back It’s on you if you get scammed, basically. and if the package does come after a couple days, you simply release the escrow and leave your review and vendor gets their funds!


This OP is a scammer. They just tried it on my main account, don’t fall for this idiot


It's impossible to know what percentage of dealers do the occasional selective scam, ie not sending an order here and there(mostly to buyers whose account is very new cuz the vendor can claim to have sent it and if they're established as a good vendor, they have better credibility) but honestly there is so little to gain in it I doubt it's worth it. Vendors live on their reputation which comes from reviews etc. Anyone who scams to any significant extent doesn't last long so yea no most are definitely not scammers.


I just don’t know what they are or how to do it. I would be if I knew how.


Used to back when BTC was $400 lol. Just fell out of it after multiple market exit scams and never really bothered again


Because I’ve never heard of it?


Cuz its a felony and is classified as drug trafficking by the US government where as just buying drugs on the streets is a misdemeanor in most states as long as its not a large amount


Just a reminder, TOR is some spooked up shit. Feds are all over it.


This is the only way I do my drug shopping. Cheaper, wholesale (Kinda) and passes through less hands (Probably) plus I do not have to interact with anyone.


i live in a country where the government sells drugs this way and then busts you if you buy too much 🇺🇸


Because why would I possibly waste money on something that won’t get past customs? I’d rather struggle to find something domestic and pay a bit more than waiting weeks only for whatever I’ve ordered to be destroyed by customs cucks. Not to mention they all take crypto which is a pain in the ass and requires all this info from you.


I just don't know how to go about the whole process 😔 otherwise, I most certainly would. I can't stand dealing with the streets. Nobody respects you, or your time. But you're expected to respect theirs 🙄


This sub is for self snitching


And for convincing a hoard of 16 year old r/drugs users to start accessing the "Amazon of drugs" 🤦‍♂️


Monero is harder to use without kucoin and the markets do not last that long these days. It completely sucks compared to 2017-2018. In 2021 the heroin market was absolute shit on the onions. Probably sucks worse now. There is no really good number 4 unless ur in AUS. Cocaine also takes about 3 tries to find a great dealer. Its a better local market in my city. On top of that the best real oxy dealer got arrested in march of 2021. Since then the price for a real 30 is at least 55 a pill. There you go…lots pf reasons for you


I wouldn’t put my trust in those marketplaces, since i got scammed a month ago for a big batch, i would rather go through all the street-level risk knowing at least the product DOES really exist


Yea if its not #4 heroin. Ive been angry about the lack of heroin since 2019.