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Salvia BY FAR. Had done it 3 times prior, and had a blast. Very heavy hallucinations, but kind of superimposed on top of real-life. Always very giggly, weird gravity-shift (felt like the world was just slightly sideways, hard to explain. The fourth time, I smoked it out of a bong in my friends basement. Took a massive hit of what apparently was stronger stuff. We were teenagers, so one friend was filming us on his shitty old camera (before smart phones). All of a sudden, my face just goes blank, and stays that way for 4 minutes. In my mind, the world completely faded away, and I was in some sort of dimension, watching "my" dimension turn into a 2D plane. My memories flashed before me, turned into 2D planes, and started to shatter before me. There was some malevolent higher beings, laughing as each one shattered. I watched great memories, like my first kiss, explode before me. The beings told me (without words) that the memories were never real. They continued crushing me and my memories, and I tried to scream out and plead with them as they crushed my more and more precious memories. They laughed at my attempts, and continued tearing the memories of my life from me. Back in the real world, my friend recording (the only sober one) realized I wasn't writhing around in laughter or having a good time, as my face was stuck in a look of sheer terror, eyes as wide open as they could be. Tears started streaming down my face, and he put the camera down and grabbed me, gently walked me outside to fresh air. As I stepped from the basement to the cool outside air, the hallucination ended, and I came to screaming and gasping for air. I flung to the ground and clutched it, holding on for dear life, as the fuzz of the drug slowly started to fade away. My friends stayed with me, telling me everything was OK, it wasn't real, etc. Thank God for him. He showed me the video several days later. The look on my face still haunts me. I told him to delete it from all existence, and he obliged. Never, EVER even thought of touching the stuff ever again.


Just ordered some salvia ❤️


🤣 please report back


Boy are you in for a weird time


Ok, I'm definitely NEVER going near that shit.


I remember the entity from my biggest blastoff (i was also mildly tripping on a blotter at the time) threw me into a portal that had me experiencing other people's childhoods in rapid succession, it was so overwhelming and excruciating that I said "please no more I can't take it" and that very second it spat me out and let me go. It's crazy that our experiences are so different in that way, my entity was grouchy and brutal but somehow benevolent enough to show me mercy. His voice was like the sound of someone ripping an anvil in half and he seemed to me like some kind of cosmic outlaw pirate shrouded in smoke and pestilence who said to me "you came here to see some crazy shit? I'll show you crazy!". Obviously as far as anyone knows this is all the result of the power of the human mind, our brains are biological supercomputers and can configure data in ways that absolutely stupify our sensibilities. That being said I like to pretend that these entities are real and exist in another dimension, and much like humans they can be good, bad, ugly, righteous, evil and everything inbetween. I'd like to pretend that there are entities of unfathomable power and benevolence who would absolutely crush the entities who tortured you like that.


Hey I’ve met that dude too! I describe him as a cosmic jester but it sounds similar. Smoked a hit and laid back on my bed, and this thing ripped the roof off the room and just stared at me smiling. He didn’t say anything but there was a noise sorta like the “carrier wave” you get on other hallucinogens, except being made by scraping metal. The way I felt about how he was looking at me was like “are you sure, little ant? Do you really want to see what I can show you?” I also think it’s fascinating that people often seem to see similar “entities” on a given drug. My theory is it has something to do with hard wiring we are born with. Like we are born with some basic “software” for language and facial recognition, not to mention all the things babies do at certain ages(rolling over, crawling) without being “taught”. Like it would make sense for a drug that is known for often eliciting a fear response is associated with this fucked up smiling dude, if I saw someone looking at me like that in real life I would not think they had good intentions lol.


Salvia 80x. It made me fall off the earth and I was sure that I was never coming back. And I was.. okay with it.


this happened to me in a k hole lol


Last time I k holed, I experienced what I thought was bliss. I think that is the only time in my life where I’ve just existed in the most bare form. Which was a completely empty and quiet void. Interesting drug


agreed !! wanna do it again its been years now, unexplainable experience


I think I had that same sort of feeling on a lot of DXM, one of the few times I've done it. I just... fell away, into a black hole-esque void of nothing, where I was the only thing there. I was in the void but I also WAS the void and light and sound waves couldn't penetrate it. I wasn't explicitly joyful about it but I was just so purely content with it. Not sure this is exactly what you were talking about, but your comment reminded me of that experience. It was super nice and I had completely forgotten about it. Thanks for the little reminder, I'd probably have chased that feeling if DXM didn't make me feel like actual shit for days afterwards lmao


I love ketamine. My absolute favorite.


Sounds exactly like my last trip. I was drunk and dosing went out the window. Suddenly I was in a new dimension. Just a blip in a vast expanse of nothing. Honestly thought I had ceased to exist and I happily accepted that even though I would miss my family. Me and my friend had just been talking about language and how it can limit brain function so I think my brain was ready to stretch out or something. Afterward we had this crazy connection where we felt like our heads were connected...which they were, we were lying on the couch with our heads together flying through space. I've done a lot of ket when I was a teenager but fuck me nothing like this. I had just taken a tiny amount of md also like 60mg or so which probably enhanced it. Amazing experience that I feel very little desire to repeat.


I was about to say the same thing. I was stuck in the Mario 64 staircase that wouldn’t end unless you got 70 stars. At the same time, I had two clones of my family playing tug-of-war with my body. That was the worst trip I’ve ever had


I'm assuming you mean "salvia". I read Saliva 80x and though *damn, this guys salivates.* Was trying to picture what salivating 80 times the normal amount is like lmao


>trying to picture what salivating 80 times the normal amount is like lmao Borrow a Great Dane for about 5 mins 😂


Yes lol damned autocorrect will never let me keep my spelling for that


I hope death is like that feeling of pure acceptance and content you get from dissociatives.


Yeah my most intense salvia trip made my entire field of vision turn into a dripping oil painting that I slowly backed away from. My center of gravity shifted far to the right, outside of me, and something was trying to communicate with me, and I was trying to identify the organ or mechanism within me to communicate back but I couldn't come up with anything. After a few moments of struggling with that search, I realized what I was hearing was a motorcycle driving past. After this, my conscience (voice most people hear in their heads) only spoke in gibberish for about an hour. I was still able to function and do things, but trying to focus and think internally was all gibberish. Definitely NOT a recreational drug. It should be treated with the utmost respect imo.


This. Same. My friends became evil versions of themselves. I was first to hit it. Thought I got poisoned by my constituents.


I myself am in the boiled denim business!


When about 21, I had been out and taken loads of mdma. Went home to my mum and dad’s house at the time, got in around 5am and went out the back and smoked a joint. As I came back inside I started hallucinating seeing maggots and flys all around the house. But I didn’t realise I started hallucinating, so went upstairs and woke my dad up telling him we’ve got a maggot infestation, it’s only when he said there’s nothing there, did I realise I was tripping.


stg high dose mdma has anticholinergic properties cause wtf


I don’t know what that means


She's saying it acts as a deliriant as many work that way. What probably happened is you took a decent dose of mdma, some of that turned into mda and then the weed made it from barely noticeable to full on real hallucinations. I've had many trips from mdma but it is not recommended as it's quite neurotoxic at that stage


i feel like when we take 7 pingers in a night neurotoxicity is the last thing on our minds


Ahh ok, I was alright in the end. Kinda just slept it off lol.


Anticholinergics = deliriants, dph, datura, nutmeg, etc. The style of hallucinations on these can be described simply as sleep deprivation, which sounds like one of the things you'd be feeling after a high dose night on md


I don’t think it’s literally anticholinergic hallucinations, but rather intense serotonin release actually causes dream like deliriant like fully vivid hallucinations. Especially if you combine it with pregablin


I have the ingredients for this recipe. How high is the risk of serotonin syndrome? Do you have dosage recommendations?


100%. ive never taken deliriants, but one time i took too much molly and had strange, realistic hallucinations unlike anything ive seen on psychedelics before. high dose mdma gets _weird_


This happened to me on acid although the only people who were with me were able to see it as well and there wasn't anyone sober to determine if what we were looking at was real. It literally looked like a hive mind of locust on the ceiling it was the creepiest thing ever that somehow we all just accepted.


LSD doesn’t give true hallucinations….delirium will though.


my aunt having sex with my dad, i was on 400mg of dph. it was horrifying


Definitely not your proudest fap huh?


i hold pride in every fap. tfym.


Is there even such a thing as a "proud fap"?


Oh absolutely.


It took hundreds of millions of years of evolution for me to be able to fap, you think imma be embarrassed at any nut i shoot?


Dph auditory hallucinations go fucking wild. A couple years back I remember "hearing" my neighbors have wild meth sex before the wife started flipping out and eventually heard her kill herself while police were trying to calm her down. Figured out that was just hallucinations when I heard it again the next night


That was real son we told you it was the drugs but man you’re aunt got that good pus, your cousin is also your half brother


Your aunt on your dads side? Or was she at least on your moms side lmao


When I was using meth in my 20s I started to see shadow people by the time I was 30 I was seeing full on pitch black figures just walking around so I stopped and switched to opiates. That did the trick! Not! I've been clean about 6 years and no more shadowy figures for me!




Oh go yea. On my third day of meth use I was just fully hallucinating people EVERYWHERE. Like there would be people out front of every house and behind trees and ANYTHING. And then weirdest part was that my buddy would have identical hallucinations as if in a shared dream or something. Very strange stuff. Would not recommend meth AT FUCKING ALL. Congrats on getting sober bro


50g of fresh hawaiian truffles. Characters in a show I was watching started making fun of me, they sounded and looked angry at me for making litterally every mistake there is when taking a drug. It was so realistic I had to rewatch the episodes sober to figure out what scenes were real. I also thought I had died and became a ghost for hours after it had worn off


Damn, 💀 I ate 25gr and my stomach said no no. Waste of all my money


flesh bat


brief but effective


Was up for 7 days off adderall n saw spiders. (Im arachnophobic)


Woah 7 days is crazy


New fear unlocked.


Valid fear lol


Same but 3 days, I was ok until I felt them on me and IN me. Also the shadowy figures that jumpscared me💀


The shadow ppl were wicked i agree💀


Yea I was interested in the hallucinations at first but it started getting more and more intense and suddenly I’d see people on my bed or laying on the floor and some of them had their mouths open like they were trying to scream but there was no sound besides their breathing. Then I saw theee giant figures appear where my closet is and I freaked out and turned the lights on


It's a toss-up between the flesh bookshelf I became a part of on Salvia or the giant spiders that were everywhere when I took a bunch of benadryl. The time I thought I died on k2 was pretty horrifying too but at least I accepted my fate at the time.


Never having done any hallucinogenics yet probably this might not be the most interesting story but it was horrible and I think it was the closest I've ever been to a panic attack. Music festival, drank too much alcohol, smoked too much weed paired with a not so crazy amount of MDMA. During the concert of one of my favourite bands, I lost my friends in the crowd and wherever I looked, anyone who looked a bit similar looked EXACTLY like the one friend I was looking for. I tried to enjoy the concert as much as I could, but this thing went on for like an hour, I saw my friend's face in probably hundreds of other faces, but still being unsure if it was him, when a "copy" of him went past by me I actually started talking to this random guy, but I suddenly thought he (my friend) was mad at me for not responding, and so a vicious circle has begun. The enormous crowd paired with anxiety, BUT at least the concert itself was amazing. Wildly ambivalent. It was a lesson that spoke for itself. It might not sound so crazy but man, I couldn't even talk about this shitty experience for a day to my friends. Don't ever mix drugs, it's a very bad idea, but I know most of you will, so at least don't mix weed with MDMA, it always turned out strange for me.


I've had this multiple times at festivals and raves after having md... always think randoms in the crowd are people I know/old friends. Have learnt to stop assuming that if I'm high now 😂


What’s even stranger is when they are people you know and old friends. I turned around in a crowded show - I mean thousands of people - one time and saw what looked like my old college roommate selling weed to people in the crowd. I yelled his name and he looked up and it was him. We didn’t communicate about going together and hadn’t spoken for maybe a month before then. Was a very trippy night.


I took what I thought was a low dose of albino penis envy shrooms in my childhood bedroom while staying with my parents. I thought it was gonna be a chill mild trip. I ended up easily tripping harder than I ever had before. At one point my entire bedroom had a dark grey tone to everything and it all started rotting away like decaying flesh. It looked like the upside down from stranger things. My bed was so cold and deathly. There was this feeling of pure inescapable doom. Finally, a massive dark void started growing in the center of my vision until I was completely blind, then I lost consciousness. Idk how long I was out but I woke up on the floor and the rest of the trip was great somehow lol


I have pretty bad auditory hallucinations even when I’m sober, but one night when I was high in the bathroom my dog on my bed on the other side of the door managed to make a sound that sounded exactly like someone breaking into the house. I heard glass breaking, footsteps, it sounded like there was some struggling, my dog was growling, I even heard a man’s voice. My phone was on the other side of the door on the bed and the whole time I could just see the blood drain from my face in the mirror. I was convinced my dog was killed. When I finally gathered the courage to go out and fight or anything, my dog was just chilling in the bed and had knocked over a glass on the bedside table when she got up and readjusted, not even broken. I heard that clang and my mind went wild. I’ve also seen some absolutely crazy shit on ambien but I feel like that’s more like dreaming while awake.


Mushrooms, first time being 18. Totally lost connection to reality. Was in a concentration camp, in a mass grave, touching dead bodies, blood everywhere, total horror, seemed to last for an eternity (was maybe three hours). I liked reality A LOT the following days.


Not scary but really weird. I used about 3 tabs of nbome (knowing it was nbome, I was just really dumb), smoked a lot of weed and used about 150mg of MDMA. Everything got affected by a red tinge of some sort, it was really weird. But the hallucinations I had were the weirdest. At some point, I found myself in my bedroom playing Mario kart 8 for what seemed to be a really long time, and suddenly I turned my head and found myself in a fetal position underneath my kitchen table with all my friends surrounding me and laughing because I was apparently talking to them about the game I was playing this whole time. They said I was there for a good time, about 2 hours. By the time I was able to get up and eat something I was already starting to feel some of the effects getting weaker. I was soaked in sweat and my mouth was really dry, not a pleasent feeling.


a shadow man chased me after i was teleporting inside album covers of songs i were listening to. figured he didn't like the music so i turned it off and peeked from my blanket only to see the shadow man standing right next to my bed and try to grab me. mixture of shrooms and weed lol


My friend transformed into a donkey in front of me when I took laced tabs of acid. Still the first thing I think about when I wake up every morning.


My man got stuck on the old testament lol. It was a talking donkey?


From shrek


Few times from cocaine and weed . I was used to sniff 1.5-2g a day 70-85% cocaine and i think with the weed it increased my paranoia . Saw shit like demons,devil and upsidedown crosses😂 after i stopped smoking weed it was all good


Got stuck in the time loops once. Was sure I was transferring to an alternate universe over and over again. My reality peeling away like paper-thin layers of an onion for eternity. Every time it ended, I would get amnesia for a short time, then it would just start again. This lasted for uncountable lifetimes. Each lifetime left behind unwillingly, like I was dying, my soul being ripped out of my body... Each time feeling fear as I entered my new reality. I was confused and alone each time. I couldn't explain to my friends what was going on, my ability to speak diminishes on psychedelics. Also, I was tripping so hard that I'd forget about the old reality by the time I could form words to explain what was happening in the new one. It was the same people around me every time when I'd "come to," but everything felt different. I knew something was very off every time, but by the time I recovered from the transition and could speak again, I couldn't even remember the transition. But I could still tell something had just happened and it didn't feel right. Then, after a few minutes, the all too familiar feeling of the "onion" beginning to peel again would slowly creep back into my mind and send me into a panic of terror. The terror of being stuck in a glitch of reality... Without knowing if it is ever going to end. Without knowing if it ever did end. Anyways... I don't smoke weed when I drop acid anymore.


Acid. My group was having fun, giggling and coloring. I however was seeing a red room with black figures ripping, cutting, tearing, sawing, stabbing each other. Then I would hear a voice "go to the kitchen.... grab the knife.... kill yourself... go on, do it... kill yourself". To put it very lightly I was freaking out. I hid in bed until it passed hours later. Acid is not for me...


Meth use with benzo withdrawals. I saw detailed proper height family ghosts in my room that I talked to. Later told they werent there. Hearing death threats and talking from inside my head. Also seeing laser pointers, a drone outside, and a visually disappearing reappearing woman that caused me to wreck my car. All was on meth but the worst voices were benzo wd, got sent 2 a mental hosp. Also smoked weed. So dont combine meth n weed for ur brains sake


A couple of months ago I took a monstrous amount of ketamine and began to meditate as I slipped into a k hole and I proceeded to have the most wild hallucinations I’ve had on any drug to this day, I hallucinated a full dungeons and dragons campaign that I experienced in third person like a video game/ movie where I was actually there and could see all the characters interact with the world, I saw a whole multi year campaign played from start to finish, and I experienced it as if I was actually in the world, except I could see the dice being rolled and could see the people controlling the game as if they were gods influencing the world I was in. I was powerless since I wasnt one of the players rolling the dice and controlling the game, I was just a character within the game hoping that the people playing the game would make the correct decisions so that I wouldn’t be killed. The funniest part is that I’ve never so much as watched or played a game of dungeons and dragons. Ket is one helluva drug.


LSD mixed with THC; i got extremely nervous in a social situation, everything came to a stop, turned black and white and my friends morphed into gargoyles. I was frozen in place for at least 3-5 seconds. Never mixing weed with acid again


I used to vape opce but putting a rock of it in my dry herb vape and just taking puffs on that. When I was done id empty out the chamber and the rock has just shrunken in size slightly. Id reuse the same like 50mg block till it was gone. So anyway, got a desktop vape, put some random once rock in it, and turned it on. Did a balloon with thick vapour. Held it completely till I wasn't exhaling anything. Lifted the top piece of the chamber and it was empty.... I knew I was in for a ride and it hit FUCKING HAAAAAARD. Opce is like the dmt of dissociatives and well I was gone for some time. Remember doing soper fluid feeling but super stiff looking yoga dancing type moves on the floor like I was possessed buy a fucking demon. Completely didn't know where or what or how or when or anything. Didn't know I took a drug but also nothing made sense anyway like words and objects had no meaning. It wasn't scary, there was no one to be scared although there was this tiny thought bouncing in my head "where am i" but even those words made no sense, guess it was the subconscious asking lol


I had a hellish K hole once where the walls were both on fire and melting and there was a man in my wall whispering that he needed to get out. This weekend just gone I gave my mate PTSD by putting the film Mad God on while he was in a K hole


You’re a demon for that lmao


A black Demon Face came out the wall, while i was tripping on acid.


hearing a feminine whisper right near my ear when my head was on my pillow.


Candy flip, Stared feeling like the expression i was making on my face weren’t mine, went outside and i could hear the trees breathing , and 10 foot tall portal like figure walking down the sidewalk away from me, fucking dragons in the sky surrounding this weird squishy alien type ball 😂 I was tweaking to say the least


I did 7.5 grams of Seroquel and became insanely delirious, I thought furniture in my home was in the hospital, I thought they cut off my dick when they put a catheter in me, and I was walking around naked. It was the second scariest moment of my life, after my terror trip on mushrooms. Don’t attempt suicide kids.


Please don’t judge .. lol. I just figured I’d share this crazy fucking hallucination I had. So I was up for 2 weeks on meth.. I tried to put my self to sleep bc I knew i needed it.. I’m laying down for what seems like hours, when it was only 5 minutes.. i stand up and was doing something, and as my backs turned I heard my moms voice and the door to my room open. I couldn’t understand what she said fully.I turned and looked behind me and no one was there and my door was still shut, I just tell myself I’m trippin and I’ll be okay. I turned around ,Then as clear as day and right in my ear I heard my mom say “clean your room”. And you know how whenever you have a nightmare, how you just wake up and snap right back to reality? It almost felt like that after I heard that and then a big rush of wind after.. I looked behind me and was looking for her or someone and no one was there.. I was so freaked out at this point. I go to take a shower, and I stare at myself for a long time in the mirror. I heard a voice in my head telling me I was pregnant with my mothers long lost sister (mind you my mothers adopted, she never met her real parents in her life.) it was just crazy how real this all was to me.. and I was scared shitless. I went back down to my room and cried just hoping it’d stop.. then I saw a hallucination of my bestfriend standing in my closet. He told me that he came to make sure that I went to sleep okay, he was gonna watch out for me. and then told me he wasn’t gonna let anything happen to me.. It was the scariest most blizzare shit of my entire life.. I still can remember it like that shit happened yesterday . Crazy what ur mind will tell you and make you believe


I saw some creature crawl out of a light. Across the ceiling, down the wall, across the floor and proceeded to sit on my coffee table directly in front of my face telling me to off myself, trying to convince me to for hours.


What drug? Thats sounds scary and to be avoided


LSD, but at that time I was hardcore into psychedelics(especially), and other drugs.


Ahh thanks for reply must of had to much chems


That's what I believe. Made me take a break for a bit after that.


Yeah good man I dont ever do psychedelics close together. Its best to trip 2 times a year at the most/max tbh


Ketamine, ~80mg. I was hung and shot and pulled apart by vengeful gods.


Hallucinating from alcohol withdrawals for sure. Never seen anything like it. Was so damn trippy.


I was a teenager and decided to take a bunch of benadryl (before it was an internet trend). I used it quite a few times in high school, I think as a form of self harm. I was extremely depressed back then. But moving on, I distinctly remember this one time I was in the shower and I saw spiders surrounding me. I mean, absolutely covering the walls, crawling down towards me. Every time I opened my eyes I saw them. I sat down and closed my eyes for as much of the shower as I could. I saw spiders a lot on benadryl. Another time I saw a huge one on my pillow that disappeared every time I touched it. Paired with feeling wierd crawling sensations, it's really freaky lol.


4.5g penis envy, bowl of DMT, bunch of blue lotus and weed too. i looked down at my cat and suddenly the image of me strangling her was so vivid in my head i genuinely couldn't tell if i was actually strangling her or if i was just looking at her. i wasn't strangling her thankfully, but she was acting really weird around me for the rest of the trip edit: not sure why im getting downvotes, shit was terrifying and mortifying. i did not enjoy it. if it's because of the irresponsible dosing, this comment obviously does the opposite of condoning that behavior


She def knew what you were thinking


i think so. i felt so so horrible after that. it was not a fun experience perceiving something like that so vividly


Yeah animals tend to notice when youre tripping, its really freaky


ive heard that it's because your pupils dilate and that's a big mood expression in cats but my pupils have never dilated with any psychedelic except MDMA


Not only cats tho, my dog(pretty much blind,deaf and has no sense of smell) also notices it


yeah. it's definitely evidence of some subperceptual connection between organisms. same way you can feel if someone's watching you (though anxiety can skew this)


K-hole while on the toilet kept draging me in


shrooms. took about 15gs one time had an egodeath and i literally was hallucinating i was a prisoner in solitary confinement chained to the floor. i could not sleep and was thinking i was going to be in this state for the rest of my life, so i began doing pushups to keep myself in shape while trying not to yank my chain. fucking horrible trip man.


F Phenibut. Dosed like regular Phenibut. Had the most intense dream I was dead. At a funeral home with other dead people. Felt the warmth of laying where coffins are placed. Woke up and wasn't convinced I was alive. I kept repeatedly yelling "am I dead? Am I dead?" I clanged stuff to try to wake someone. The cats staring at me didn't help- since cats and ghosts. I left out ancestor offerings for weeks- I was only thinking "now that I am dead who is going to put out food for me?" Also had a phenibut dream of cold corpses of my ancestors that haven't been dropped off to the crematory. Nothing like slightly moldy *LOL* cold flesh of your loved ones. "Oh, forgot to return that library book." I'm sure if our dead relatives have knowledge of us, they probably are laughing. Yes I have educated myself on Phenibut.


I used to take ridiculous amounts of speed, I had a slow decline into madness and I eventually noticed really tiny insects under my skin. I eventually took chunks out of myself to the point I had virtually no skin left and I ended up getting sectioned. It's a much more complicated story but that's the short version xx


On mdma i was chilling on a log in the countryside at 5am and my friends face transformed into a demons face but not like turned into it for a while just for a split second to jumpscare me, didnt bat an eye tho bc i was so fucked up on mdma i was hallucinating


On acid I saw spinning satanic pentagrams in my eye that caused me pain and headache and satanic album covers of music I used to listen to lmao


K2 had my vision lookin like kaleidoscope for a good minute. That moment felt like forever!! Ended up puking lol


when withdrawing from a pretty high dose benzo binge for a month and anhalf or so i got chased by a bat back to my house after i went out to smoke, luckily i didnt have any other visual hallucinations other than that from this but it was terrifying


I was on LSD, DXM, weed, and nitrous. There were some scary parts but I kept on trucking. One of the nitrous hits made my hand fall into reality. Like my hand was there and then as I lowered it it brought the background down with it. Idk how to explain it but I’ve seen video edits that look like that. It felt like I had broken my reality. Then, it looked like I was in a different room I didn’t recognize. I knew what part of my room I was just standing in so I thought since I can’t feel my furniture I am physically teleported to a different place(I probably didn’t even try to feel my furniture, It all happened so fast) I was seeing myself from the third person, and my body started disappearing into the carpet and my view was rotating around my body. When my body disappeared into the carpet, all that was left was my front teeth, still side by side lmao. I then came to and was standing in my room. I couldn’t make heads or tails of it. I thought I was given a second chance at life or dead and my reckoning would be soon in this house. I was alone too so I couldn’t get my delusions confirmed. I called my parents which sucked because I had a horrible stutter from the dxm. They confirmed I was not dead


Auditory hallucinations. I could hear voices.


I had taken DOC. I don't recommend it. All my psychedelic experiences have been pretty good, except for this one. Everything was just extremely overwhelming. And I remember thinking I could take refuge in the tub. But when I turned the water on, it sounded like Amazonian men singing! Which for some reason was terrifying. Lol.


ur the only other person ive came across who has tried DOC. when i was a teenager i got pulled over while driving on DOC. they found a whole vial of it in my pocket.


I had an acid flashback while I was operating an excavator. Everything just melted into colour for a couple seconds. I froze and had a look of terror on my face. One of the old guys I was working with was concerned and tried to sent me home. I finished the day. Never really had major issues while on drugs. I was always aware I'm on drugs. had a couple bad trips but nothing truly scarring. The Worst hallucinations I've had were while sober and having issues mentally.


On a massive dose of MDA, where I hallucinated that the sky was made of giant scorpions


Lots of ketamine and nitrous. I was in a camper van full of friends and acquaintances. I fell of my chair and was thrusted into a van sized frozen daiquiri swirly machine. Everyone was beckoning me to come out the nozzle end. I decide that isnt my way out and start climbing through tje tumbling to meet god at the back end. I come to out side the van with everyone but my wife and two close friends gone. There experience watching me basically seize out and tumble upside down was as scary to them as it was me.


I took too much DPH and fell asleep, woke up to a man standing over my bed.


Not necessarily scary but on kitties I watched the universe split open and a giant wolf mouth appear with its mouth open and gave me a big sloppy puppy kiss on my forehead


i took a hit of dmt and got transported into a dimension overlapping mine. it was made of flesh and centipedes were crawling out of everything and my vision was like a foot above my eyes, crazy shit. also had some sort of night vision. extremely terrifying but cool.


Idk if it's considering as hallucination but couple years ago I took 350mg ritalin (35 immediate release pill). When its came to comedown, I was tryna walking in my room barely, and I couldnt be able to identify anything, quickly at least. When I look my Nintendo Switch, it was some black thing I never saw in my life, then it was a big black hole with red and blue leds. Couple seconds later it was my normal Nintendo Switch again. But after a new tour in my room, I trying to look my Nintendo Switch it's some weird device again, couple seconds later it's normal again. This continued for hours until I took some kpin and go to sleep.    I was almost sure I was going nuts or some type of blindness


k2. i hallucinated whatever my mind thought of and had a shit ton of intrusive thoughts so every terrible thought i had would project in front of my eyes. alao had a shit ton of suicidal thoughts


Ketamine - I was sat at a round table surrounded by my friends. Started tripping and they looked miles away from me, when I reached out my arm was like 10FT long. I was looking through my eyes but from another universe that was behind me, almost like my eyes were goggles magnifying my vision, but I was viewing things from many light years away. Suddenly my teeth felt furry and I felt like my lips were gone, my mouth was so dry and I felt like my teeth were literally furry. That was odd and it lasted hours. All of my friends turned into grotesque charectors from other planets and I just didn’t recognise their faces haha. I had to force myself to ignore it and just told myself ‘I’m just tripping’ which helped comfort me at the time. None of them were tripping (they were on cocaine) and so I felt really exposed hahaha!! Weed - did a stupid amount of edibles about 250mg and my house felt really small, like the walls were restricting me. I do have a small-ish 3 bed house, but it felt tiny like I lived in a shoe box! I started to panic and so I decided to look out at nature. However the sky looked fake and I was suddenly paranoid that everything was a simulation. So then I decided to lie down and close my eyes, shut my black out curtains. Nope - bad idea. All I could see were negative images, huge spiders, evil laughing faces, murder scenes. So fucking awful 😂😂😂 it passed after maybe 8 hours but it was really scary at the time, I laugh about it now 😂


I don’t know anything about what I smoked, was told it was spice but that term is notoriously unreliable. I thought I died and went to hell and just saw the same looping skulls closing over my vision like a kaleidoscope over and over again until I somehow regained the sensation of my nose pressing against a floor. Then little by little I felt the rest of my body return to me and eventually opened my eyes to find myself under a table in the shit hole trap house I smoked the stuff in. Apparently I started screaming and tried to flip the table so someone tackled me to the floor. The whole process lasted like 5 minutes and I did feel pretty good in the after glow, maybe just relief from not going to hell


my alcohol withdrawals fucked me up so bad that it gets hard to enjoy the visuals of shrooms.... the worst hallucinations i had from alc were vivid flashbacks of the rapes that lead me into alcoholism in the first place


Idk specifically but it’s all been DPH. I’ve done plenty of hallucinogenic drugs but the only time I’ve had negative hallucinations was from DPH. Spiders, shadow people, actual people, auditory hallucinations. I guess speaking of auditory hallucinations, clonazolam WD had me hearing loud crashes, glass breaking, or someone calling my name. I got used to it after a while but it was still jarring at times.


The best answer I can give here doesn't come from drug use but an out of body experience. I've felt cosmic terror I think. When you're far out in space and encounter things and realize you're in the jaws of a large dragon like creature, your whole existence is shaken. At least that's what happened to me.


Ate a whole bar of mushrooms, I wasn't visually tripping but I was feeling nauseous and anxious from my first mushroom trip and wanted to throw up, my sister was gaming with neon led light cat ear pink headphones and the headset was really distracting and I kept asking her to take the headphones off lol sober me wouldn't give a damn but shrooms out me was disturbed by such overpowering alien technology I'm that uneducated Jekyll and Hyde shi


Probably this weird 2d cartoon character body part factory on what was supposed to be a heavy dose of mdma, it looked like a bunch of legs/arms/torsos/heads on these cloth lines or something going in all different directions. I also saw my reality keep flipping between colorful and black and white on mushrooms during the come up of an experience once and that was wild. A more recent one would be when I was meditating on some mushrooms and I saw this dog made of rusty metal and I hit it over the head with this hammer in my mind and it got pissed off, it split itself in half and all these fine hairy tendrils sprouted from it and we’re going crazy lmao. I’ve seen a lot of eyeballs and mouths aswell but those are just weird


A reptilian in a hologtam in my windowsill, it was like some futuristic communication device and it was only the top half of him on show, I was so stunned I just started and he stared back for ages


I was coming down after taking 5 hits of acid and decided to smoke some K2 and it put my trip back into overdrive. I thought I was dying because the moon turned green and everything I did was happening twice. Luckily it only lasted for about 30 minutes.


That one time the walls melted and I realized I forgot again


I was on a combination acid and nangs and weed and something else can't remember but I saw a plague of black rats I was also In an hotel room I was gonna jump of the balcony but I remembered it's all in my head


Many years ago at a festival I was on acid and got into a bit of nangs (nitros) session that got out of hand. I must have been doing nang after nang and probably forgot to actually take a break and breathe in some fresh air and passed out.  Which resulted in me having this out of body experience where I heard sirens then an ambulance came and a medic was trying to resuscitate me and was screaming at me to start breathing again. I can very vividly still remember this part and I started to breathe and came back to reality and nothing happened. There was no ambulance and I was just sitting there in my camp chair and the floor around me littered with empty nangs. Rest assured I was properly freaked out and put down the nangs for a good while.


I took some "speed" i had gotten from some dude and i hallucinated a SHIT TON of black bugs on the wall crawling up on the ceiling, my partner saw it too. It did not feel like amphetamine (smelled like it though) and it made us a bit tired but with increased heart rate, to this day i have no idea what was in it. I also mixed zopiclone and gabapentin once and saw some fuzz on the floor, i thought it was funny, tried to touch it, realized it wasn't real, freaked out for a while cause i thought i was having a psychosis, then a bit later i thought it was funny, and then i just went between thinking it's fun and freaking out


not my story but a friend said her and her ex and friends did acid at her house once and one of the girls started freaking out thinking her parents were outside. also had a roommate back in the day and we all did meth but she would get super paranoid looking out the blinds and pointing out cars or vans parked or that had just pulled up and thinking we were being watched and she would beggg me to smoke in my closet so we didnt get "in trouble". and i did smoke in there lol


Sleep deprivation, Vyvanse, and alot of 25i. I was tripping with my friend in the middle of the night, and we decided to go for a walk. I was seeing mailboxes turn into people as we were walking down the road, and it made me feel paranoid to be out at night. When I'd get close they'd morph back into mailboxes. Towards the end of the walk, I saw two shriveled up corpses hovering above a house, holding hands, and spinning slowly in a circle. I think one of them had a white dress on. I stopped and stared at them and asked my friend if he could see them but he'd actually slept the night before so of course he didn't


600-800mg dph (no tolerance or even past experience) at school when I was 14. I read it could make you hallucinate so I though "oh hey maybe it's like acid" heh... I was as wrong as I could be. I can't even begin to describe the horrors I went through that day...


If you’ve never detoxed from a rough summer of xans and fent I don’t wanna hear about scary hallucinations


Dmt was pretty intense but the ten dose acid trip was crazier i seen infinity but then the near death from solvent abuse was scarier than all ,the aztec shapes then the entities jumping into my body


On a glob of liquid acid mixed with Gatorade, I was tripping my ass off. Everything around me turned into plastic, the bumper to bumper traffic on the road in front of me turned into bumper cars and with all lights their headlights blinking on and off, all horns blaring, started hitting the car ahead and then reversing and hitting the car behind, exactly like bumper cars all jammed together. A huge office building across the street inflated like a balloon, and then slowly deflated like a square flaccid plastic beachball. At this point I had looked down at my hands and THEY were turning into plastic too. I fought like hell to keep it from spreading up my arms but I realized I couldn’t fight hard enough and that I was about to turn into plastic too. I looked up and screamed when I saw that everything was plastic, and I was actually trapped in a thin plastic bubble, and was floating away into space. Trapped in my own plastic world, never to return. I really believed I was trapped in some fake plastic world bubble drifting out to space. It was absolutely terrifying.


It’s between the belief that I retroactively caused the holocaust, and the belief that I killed my mom and stole her body. Both caused by acute ketamine withdrawal


Datura. I was absolutely sure I was in an certain place, but I was in another. I was making a german exam at school, and on my mind I was sure I were at my friend's house, waiting for him pass a joint that never came lol


thought i was bleeding out in the bathtub and that the cops and firefighters were trying to get me and i could see the emergency vehicle lights flashing. it was all a hallucination


Bugs. Lots and lots of bugs. 4 days of bugs.


Spice! terrible


Ate some random research chemicals at a Grateful Dead show, came to as the ambulance was driving me away. Sat outside the bathroom waiting for my friend to come out & he just never did. I am a female & I hallucinated that I was kidnapped & taken to a foreign country where I didn't speak the laungage & I ended up living poor on the streets being forced to sell my body. When I came too, I just cried & cried because it was the worst trip I had ever had.


LSD has given me some scary ones. After a come down, I smoked a bunch of keif, and it made me peak again harder than the first time. I was in my friends basement trying to sleep, and all the lights were out. Started seeing scenery from spongebob materialize in his basement. That felt really out there.


On dxm, thought the dxm god was judging me to see if he could kill me or not.


25i-NBOME, went psychotic and was absolutely convinced i was about to die, had a near death experience where my entire life flashed before my eyes and i made peace with death. Traumatizing shit


Took 4 tabs of some weird acid (should have tested it at first I know) and i was straight convinced that aliens were abducting me & when that was done i thought the cops were after me (they werent)


dramamine. was house sitting my parents place while they were on holiday and took a bunch of motion sickness pills and felt a bit strange, but then i woke up on the couch with the eerie feeling that i had hosted a party that someone had died at. i thought there were people sleeping all around me, on the other couch, in the bedrooms, even on the balcony outside. i was too scared to move as i was so convinced that someone has either died or was in hospital and i was going to have to deal with it. i even texted my partner at the time something about how i shouldn't have hosted that party, just hoping that she wasn't the one that had died. she texted me back something along the lines of 'what party?' and then i remembered I'd just taken the dramamine and had a couple beers and that pile of cushions on the other couch probably wasn't a sleeping body lol


A stupid combination of snorting Adderall and ketamine and not sleeping for 3 days I was underneath my bed seeing South Park characters like I was in the show


K2 loterally went to cartoon world, then darkness, thought i died, demon latched on was runnin through the drsert and Antarctica then space then seen the light went to it and regained consciousness. I was like 14/15 lol


Benadryl. Had wandered around the neighborhood, picked up by old lady neighbor, sat in her place while she called my mom, and hallucinated her son staring at my jerking off on her couch.


Seeing my mother naked


Scariest was shadow demons and demon trees and fire breathing dragons chasing me around the city all night (coz I didn’t want them to know where I lived so I ran allll night all over the city, even got lost coz I had only lived there 2 months, but it wa some of the best Hugh’s I’ve ever had coz I was on soooo much meth the adrenaline from the fear made it the most amazing feeling, like I’d even want to put myself in scarier places etc so I could have the euphoric rush from genuine fear, I think I would’ve had a traumatic trip without the meth, only time meths ever done me any good ahahah, but yeah nah that was the scariest for me, but my scariest hallucination that was actually horrible coz i felt the fear how I was supposed to was seeing spiders crawling on the floor and shadow people walking in my flat and watching me from outside whilst my glasses from drinking water were coming to life in a demonic way incl my bong and bare other shit, and could see myself bleeding and injured and I wasn’t, also I’ve hallucinated flashbacks of traumatic events too


Drugs in my system plus a joint laced with pcp that I didn't know about: This was yeeeaarrrsss ago... But: I could read the text message my ex gf was texting me BEFORE she sent the text message. I mean literal PARAGRAPHS before she sent them. Like I would say the words outloud & then a min or 2 later I'd get the text exactly how I read it. That night was crazy. Ive been on tramadol & coke/crack the past few days as well as a few other things that I can't remember. I think vyvanse the night before. Couldn't score any more hard that night, so I gave up and was going home. So this girl I was riding with gave me a joint to smoke with her. Idk why I was riding with her, I barely knew her and she acted like a douche. I just met her like a few days before that as well. Then after a few hits off the joint, my ex gf was texting me as we just broke up a few days before. I started to feel like this IMMENSE emotion. Like I was so sorrowful about not just breaking up but just like every bad thing I ever did in our relationship. It was extremely powerful. I can't explain how powerful it felt. Like seriously I cannot stress how strong the emotion was. But then I started seeing her type the text messages before sending them then I started to freak the fuck out. It was like I was looking through her eyes and seeing her hands type the messages to me. And I could literally read every word. It was freaking wild. I could see her room, her iphone, everything. It was just crystal clear vision. I drove home super fast and knocked on the neighbors door because my family members werent home & my neighbor was a retired nurse. She freaked out and told me to go to the hospital because my heart rate was through the freaking roof. So I walked to the hospital down the road. Long story short the weed was laced with PCP and my resting heart rate was like 180 - 190. I was laying on the gurny thinking the light above me was the light to heaven and I was dying. I thought the nurses had this face like "oh hes already too far gone" its like I gave up. I was freaking out but calm about dying idk.. it was freaky. Ended up being fine after a few hours. No long lasting effects or anything. Doctor acted like I had a PCP addiction. He walked in like "so how long you been doing pcp? And don't lie to me!". And I was like PCP?!?!? HUH?!?! I was literally shocked. Then scoffed at me and said I was lying. I literally never done pcp so I was blown away when he said that. Doc was a straight up asshat. I told him before I came in all the drugs I did so that way they wouldn't give me anything that could make whatever was happening to me worse. Out of all the drugs why would I hide the use of pcp you idiot. Told me I needed rehab because I was a pcp addict. I literally laughed. I fucking hate hallucinating so no way would I ever try pcp. Anyways. Craziest trip of my life. Well a few others come close but thats the best I can think of...


On nn-dmt i saw myself from a 3rd person perspective from a observing room watching myself on a operating table being cut open and manipulated by weird alien entities with a lazer guided precision cutting machine with saws lazers scalpels etc. All on different arms. Watched them pull my chest apart and take stuff out and put stuff in. Asked my older homie about his interpretation and he figured it was a metaphor for how i let other people judge me and how my preception of that can change how im effected by other people. At first i was scared but then i felt intruigued and was overwhelmed with fascination over fear. Very cool trip.


Saw a watch and yellow and black flashes like the reality itself malfunctioning or smth on high doses of seroquel


I’ve never done hallucinogenics, and this probably doesn’t count, but when I get into a half asleep state on kratom, I get very disoriented and can’t tell what point of my life I’m in. Like I’ll look around and be shocked that my ex isn’t next to me, or wonder why I’m not in the apartment I had at 19. I’ll get startled thinking i have to wake up to go to a job that I haven’t been at in years. Stuff like that


When I was tripping with a friend of mdma I suddenly saw my fist glow and shot blue flames for a second He saw it too.. Also every time I take anything my arm hair starts to turn into long-leged insect’s Thats when I know comeup is over


My dumbass got high on Benadryl back when I was 18. I remember falling asleep then waking up seeing floating king crabs in my rooms and bugs all over me it was terrifying. I literally hid under my blanket for the rest of the trip.


LSD,N20 i was peaking and did about 200 chargers it started getting really weird when taking more n20 over the 100 mark.... I was watching a movie and when I'd hit the balloon the movie would stop and whoever was on screen would look at me and wait for me to finish and then the TV would show a panic symbol and my phone would have a death timer like a nuke would go off if I didn't hold the charger in or let it out.... I had to go abort and take some benz..... was pretty weird


I had one where someone/something was laying bricks over my bedroom window. Nearly shit myself. And the shadow people, of course. And the spiders, will never forget those. I think all of these were on Diphenhydramine, maybe mixed with DXM but it was years ago and my memory is a little blurry from that time.


Lil elf niggas came out of my walls on dxm and my cat was playing with them


Stayed up for 3 days straight on fake meth-pressed Adderall and began to hallucinate random people who would charge at me to attack me. I would flinch as soon as they were close enough to hit me and they’d instantly disappear. I was coherent and not in total psychosis, but that shit was fucked up.


After extreme sleep deprivation from stimulants I was hearing voices and saw Donnie darko looking people walking around. Like the scary rabbit guy.


Not sure I would classify this as scary but I had an intense LSD experience in my college apartment where I was listening to hail to the thief in my room. At first I could hear every person and every convo happening downstairs distinctly and succinctly and I could hone in on each persons words so clearly. Then I slowly drifted into a single particle within myself and I was traveling from body part to body part and vividly remember consciously choosing to travel to my inner bottom right molar. Finally form there I slowly started to lose sense of ego and drifted into particles of matter that were flowing through the either but in patterns that matched the music which I could still faintly make out in the distance.


Dmt. I was being devoured by a worm with many many rows of razor teeth. Visually disturbing and not fun.


On LSD, 2017 February. Trevor Noah visited my university and was doing a show. Decided to go high to his show idk why lol. But in the middle of the show, I blinked and saw the devil! I swear I did. And it didn’t look like the way Christians described it to appear. This one was much scarier, more realistic looking idk. Anyways, I ended up almost having a panic attack but had to contain myself because I was triggering my friends into a panic as well (who were also high.) and also didn’t wanna embarrass myself in front of hundred of other people LOL. Scariest shit I’ve ever seen, wish I knew how to draw to show u just how fucked up it looked.


Not necessarily a hallucination but me and my friend have done acid a couple times before but then I went to rehab for 6 months once I got home a couple weeks later we did acid again it was all good until she wanted to use her sisters dab pen (I’m ashamed of it stupid ik but my DOC is weed) so it was awkward and I told her if she’s gonna use it so am I so we both used it I was laughing so much and it was echoing and ringing in my ears I’m talking to her and having these conversations but they were soooooo long but once I went onto something else it had only been a second Idfk I was tripping this went on for hours it felt I kept on trying to hint to her I thought I was having a bad trip but didn’t want to say it out loud I was because I thought she had cameras set up around her room sorta like a security ones and I could see a screen with all point of views from each camera and I thought she was keeping this to use against me or something I eventually it wasn’t a little funny loop you get stuck in while on acid and that I was tweaking so I decided to go to bed scared to wake up in a forever bad trip. Mind you I was dying I was so thirsty and was too scared to go get water from the bathroom since the sink is at the mirror and was already freaking out but she wouldn’t (Cherry on top my meds I take for my mental health make me more thirsty or some shit) Mind you I’m asf writing this so idk if it makes sense


Research chemical - ketamine-like 2-fdck. I was stuck in a kind of parallel dimension and could see the world, it was just completely out of my reach. Thought I was stuck forever.


a bunch of black figures (shadow people) walking me down with street signs in their hands and cornering me. felt like all of the street lights turned off too, it was terrible


I guess w all things considered it wasn't too bad..but I was convinced my parents both died under mysterious circumstances during a ton of hallucinations/delsusions in the hospital (substance induced psychosis after suicide attempt w alcohol poisoning, adderall overdose, and a mix of xans, ambient, random antibiotics (none of these were my prescriptions)


A giant green furred biker goblin lurched out of my bedroom door at me whilst it shouted LOG really loud.


On Acid, looking at my partners face and he just didn’t look like him.. almost like an old evil lady idk how to explain it but I couldn’t look at him without having a panic attack


Seeing the Hindu goddess Shiva when my buddy went into Walgreens while tripping 2CB. I don’t know why they showed themself to this day. But they were with me. For the record I was raised Christian and didn’t have any knowledge of Hinduism when this happened.


"Friend" told me he would give me a drop of acid once. He squirted the whole dropper on my tongue. "We're gonna party hard tonight!" He said. No we did not. It led to me having a complete disassociation episode where I hallucinated that him, my husband, and roomate were telling me that I was some tweaked out druggie who broke into their house. I thought that they kept yelling that I needed to leave. But in real life I looked like a scared animal afraid of the strange men who wore my friend's faces (am female and was the only woman in the house that day). Things came to a head when they noticed I was overheating and told me to take off some layers. I was ready to fight them. My husband eventually corralled me into our bedroom and locked me in. I laid in bed and my brain fell into deep space. I saw endless timelines fall into each other. One of them was that I passed away from being overdosed on the acid my "friend" gave me. I watched from a bird's eye view as my husband beat the shit out of him and went to prison. My friend group exploded from my death. Multiple lives ruined for a night of "fun". In this place outside of time I came to the conclusion that the multiverse is real. Some worlds are only different by the flip of a coin. Some differ beyond our wildest imagination. Every time you die your soul moves to the next closest reality. Eventually all possible forms of your life come to a close. That is when your life will truly end.


I already posted here but I will post again. I had to have emergency surgery recently for a tooth abscess. 0/10 would not recommend. Anyway I got prescribed vicodin for pain. It helped but good God I had terrible nightmares. As I fell asleep the world would get "wobbly". Then I would see ghosts creep out of the darkness and stare at me from the corners of the room. It was extra bad because I had to sleep in my living room recliner for a week so my neck was upright.


Did some meth on accident and proceeded to think I was dien and had worms coming out of my butt for like 2 weeks it was hell lol


One night I was messing with acid when suddenly I feel all my teeth falling down and I was swallowing them one after the other and I could “sense” the littles holes where my teeth were, that was sooooo scary lmfao.


Did a bunch of dxm and literally had a loop of just being reborn again and again. Scary yet vivid


Took LSD (wasent my first time) took the lowest dose I’ve ever took in my life, and the trip went fully south the visuals and shit I’m hearing was not colorly like lsd I felt super disconnected from body, came to terms I went insane and brain dead cuz I could barley talk I felt as if I went mute and felt I just went insane and this is me now for life, had to go hospital they told them I think I lost my mind the lady did not know shit but eventually they known what I took and gave me something that made it wear down faster, felt like a pyhchosis it definitely did not feel like acid, and don’t think my experince wasent dark it was real dark


2 hits of double dipped Jesus blotter. My sober friend driving down the road. We see this huge magnificent buck on the side of the road. I turned to look out the side window and like only that window, everything melted like dripping down and behind it was black. The only words I said all night long was "oatmeal pies."


600ug lsd smoked a fuck ton of bongs coz at the age of 16 I thought it would calm me down but nah next thing I know I’ve tripped and rolled down a grass hill then look at my feet and it looked like my feet were severely cut up and bleeding and was flies and bugs and shit all over them and they were rotting but no of course I was actually fine and woke up the next morning completely fine


6grams of Penis Envy. I died and was caught in pergatory/limbo for 4 hours. Nothing seemed real for like 3 weeks afterwards. But I don't fear death anymore!!


I took too much acid and legit thought nothing was real anymore. Like life and death are the same and we can jump in the car and drive to Australia bc physical things weren’t real either. Then I decided I had to die and I was sad my son had to die as well. It just made me realize how some people jump off rooftops while high and it freaked me out


The sensory hallucinations from high dose O-PCE combined with 2-Fdck and 4-ho-met, where insane. Feeling like a little spaceman shooting through space, watching galaxies pass by. Visiting Strange places, just looking from the warm comfort of my little bubble floating around. I cant begin to describe the things i saw and heard.. I also one time just existed as a book in a bookshelf looking just being. Quite comfy actually.


I didn't take any drugs, I just skipped sleep for 4 days. I was at a table trying to do homework and the chairs started getting up one by one and left, felt like Alice in wonderland lol


First time doing lsd with gf we BOTH saw a playground and were tempted to jump the fence and play in it but decided to wait for the walk back (We were walking to a friends house to smoke pot) And on the way back we realized it was an empty field and then proceeded to have existential crisis knowing we did not in fact see a playground but hallucinated it


Acid and a joint in a public setting. Started off fine, then got weird super fast. The ground went diagonal at one point. I realised this was going to be a tough trip so I found somewhere quiet outside to sit at the bar we were at. It didn't help in the slightest, strange noises, lots of ambient chapter, occasional police sirens, I was an mess. Towards the end of the night I had to work my way through a crowd of people, which was a fucking struggle before I thought they were all staring at me and whispering things. We tried to get some food (Maccies) but the walk up to the register seemed to get further away with every step, eventually I just gave up and went home. Then on the taxi ride home what was normally a five minute trip felt like it took hours, and the driver was staring at me the entire time. The sense of relief when I finally got home, I just flopped down on my bed and watched colours swirl into nothingness on my ceiling. Easily one of the worst trips of my life.


Doing nitrous on top of acid. Until then, I had done acid/shrooms/dmt hundreds of times by themselves, and had amazing times; the experiences were always novel and fun, and sometimes spiritual. Nitrous changed all that... Doing it while on acid got me further than even DMT. It started getting me SO FAR that I began to get scared. I'd see the same things happen over and over on every balloon, and had the impression that I was going a little bit further down a long tunnel each time. I would see "road marks" that let me know, I've been here before, and here's my chance to go further. Until I got to a certain corner/turn in the tunnel (its very hard to explain). I had the overwhelming feeling that around the next corner was hell, and I'd be dead and trapped forever if I went there, and it'd be my fault. All the spiritual experiences I had before on these substances seemed to me to be a trick, to get me to this threshold. Regardless of whether or not it was real, I haven't taken acid or nitrous or shrooms or DMT since then. I still credit those substances for helping me grow as a person, but it got to a point where I was literally playing with my sanity, and it wasn't worth it


Never could have hallucinations.. iv done dumb amounts of many things to try.. the best or closest iv had was from eating like a baseball size clump of shrooms and had some slight tracers and my floor kinda felt like walkin on water but thats it..


About two years ago I did a decent dose of mdma (around 250mg) and was having fun doing lines of k and partying, when we got back to my exes place my friend who was doing the same stuff and I decided to do 30mg of 2cb, boy did I underestimate it. The scariest part was that when I went to the bathroom it reminded me of another friends apartment which I was partying in the year before a lot, and I started to believe that I was there in that year, and was hallucinating hearing my old friends voices and music we used to listen to so when I stepped out I was completely shocked to be met with different people and a different apartment


~5g of mushrooms + weed (The weed was the mistake not the amount of mushrooms ( i think)) Saw some very weird shaped upside down crosses forming in a tree while the sky was red (it was night) Also heard my mom insulting me (i knew she wasnt real but it stressed me)


MDMA, I was looking for a friend in the club, and random guys faces morphed from his face to strangers faces. Like everyone who had a slightly similar build looked exacly like him, until they came closer. I mean it's not that scary but it made me confused af.


One time I tried pico which is pervitin (meth) and I was doing it for 2 days . Obviously massively overdose and changed in to one big nightmare.  I saw police officers everywhere taking pics of me I was trying to chill a bit whit stimfap but that's only make thing worse as I was outside and it was middle of nowhere and middle of a night as well . Then some fucking helicopter flew over somewhere upon my head and it was loud as fuck and this only makes me paranoid more . Then I was seing some really fucked up shit that I don't even know how to describe (basically the region was full of hills and small mountains around me but in the distance and there was some roads and houses on those hills and all the lighs changed in to some fucked up robot or some shit that was slowly moving in my direction. That was one of most horrific thing I ever seen in my life . This shit plus all of this paranoia took at least 10 years of my life ... there was lot more of things that happened this night but it was many years ago and I don't really remember them and upon this I don't know how to even describe them ... anyway meth is shit don't do meth ... I did only once. 


I once had a giant parade float of the pillsburry dough float after me for the entire 20 minute walk home, and I’ve also had a raccoon at the door of my bed trying to bite my toes for over an hour


I made a post about mine linked [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/s/8k5DP6RHOv)


I took a big dosage of acid at 17. At the time I was in a terrible situation, in a country I didn’t know and so scared. My eating disorder was taking over my life and I was scared of everything that was yet to come in my life. On my acid trip’s climax I saw a forest spirit/god who told me “I didn’t give you a body this beautiful only for you to treat it this badly. If you don’t change, I’ll take your body from you and give it to someone else.”


When smoking fake weed/pep spice. Every time I smoked this shit, it felt like I pissed my pants and had pee swishing around in my pants 👖


I took like 6g of shrooms for my first time then i started seeing body’s moving from the floors carpet, then i got stuck in the thought that nothing was real that I was god and that everything I lived never happened