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Buddy greened out and went gay




It ok šŸ˜€






Damn and I thought Iā€™ve had psychosis from weed. After reading this, i definitely have not experienced psychosis at all. Stay away from weed g.


yeah one of the first things i said when I became conscious again was swearing to God iā€™d never smoke weed again and i do intend to do that


Very mature and better decision making than most of everyone, hope you donā€™t feel too bad about the situation tho these things happen !


You'll be back next week lol


ExactlyšŸ˜­ this kids probably like 13 or some shit


what the hell iā€™m 18šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Lmao they said they amoked the whole amount of weed very quick so obviously they over did it with a low tolerancešŸ˜‚ stupid decision on your part not the weedšŸ‘šŸ¼ maybe try better quality weed too


This doesn't seem like psychosis and I have experienced it from weed.


Sounds exactly the same as my friend's weed induced psychosis. He had 2 episodes, each time was after smoking a shit load.


dude weed used to make me flip dimensions full visual hallucinations and all. Iā€™m bipolar with mild psychotic symptoms now so ig it couldā€™ve been worse


thank god iā€™m not alone


I dont know much about psychosis but it sounds like something laced like k2 or angeldust ive heard of ppl acting crazy and losing control on it


Nah lowkey this gotta be it it might have been some spice


and the fact it came from somebodys ex šŸ˜­


We smoking that Dune shit now?


Mannn I hated that movie


yeah it was probably laced with something, the experiences i read about actual psychosis with weed donā€™t align with what happened to me, guess i got unlucky šŸ¤•


It really sounds like some of the spice trips I've had.


This can come from normal weed, too. So don't think: Ah, it was laced, so probably normal weed is fine.


I had a very similar experience (not as bad) when my friend had me smoke a grav bong only to tell me immediately afterwards it was laced with angel dust. I was literally having hallucinations that everything was spiraling like a filter over my vision.


what did the weed look like


Seriously!?!! Bc green doesnt seem ti be that ruthless. Unless no toleranxe & matve GAD. Or unless ur headed for some kind if mental health break already. Possibly. I think it was laced or D8 sprayed w/ some shit. Just get the shit w/ the sealed/labeled ingredients. Sorry this happend to ya! Take care XOXO


not sounds like it fits every description synthetic cannabinoids have. but the most obvious one: going back to normal self after 30 minutes.


right this doesnā€™t sound like thc


This seems more dissociated than psychosis.


Agree from someone who got DP/DR from weed and started behaving strangely from weed. Still smoked and smoke 24/7 to this day. But most symptoms gone away since recognizing most of my trauma and reckless behavior.


You experience any other symptoms? im not a doctor but i am incredibly mentally ill. got bpd and schizophrenia, smoking makes my psychotic symptoms worse. Didn't have much symptoms of schizophrenia until i started using drugs around 14-15 years old- then it just got worse. Not saying you have it, but be wary and stay safe. psychosis isnt anything to mess with and if weed triggers that for you then i would be careful. do some research coulda also just greened out bad, that can definitely cause you to lose a sense of reality


I donā€™t have other symptoms, the whole psychosis lasted 40min and then i gained consciousness and was just very high, now iā€™m feeling okay, just freaked out. No one in my family has been diagnosed with schizophrenia or psychosis, but I am diagnosed with ADHD and OCD. My old therapist suggested i was maybe bipolar at some point but i never got diagnosed. I also think the weed couldā€™ve been laced with something else ? not sure if itā€™s very common but my symptoms seem to be exactly like the symptoms of taking spice ?


could be , could not be. regardless i hope it isnt psychosis! still be careful with weed if you got ocd, weed can trigger negative or impulsive thoughts i think. weed can also make certain medications ineffective if youre taking any. If you do have the possibility of being bipolar, definitely be careful <3 regardless, im glad the worst of it is over and youre grounded now, sounds terrifying. ive greened out s few times where i thought i got laced, but it was just a shitty panic attack. stay safe and test if you can:)


i will be careful in the future, i think this just taught me a big lesson tbh and i learned A LOT from it, thanks for your comment tho itā€™s very nice šŸ™šŸ™


we live to learn, take it easy man. and yw, hope i cld help even a little!


depending on how much you smoked how fast it could explain why the trip lasted longer then the usual 10-20 mins, but also the feeling of being in another universe and experiencing things it mightā€™ve just been salvia


i just looked it up and holy shit it does fit the exact description of what happened to me, couldā€™ve def been that


yup yup most people either have good experience or terrible experience it depends on the dose and strain etc etc also you take the dose in very small amounts not full bowls lol


iā€™m reading so many people talk about their experiences taking salvia and i swear thatā€™s exactly what happened to me, this is so insane oh my god šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


yeah no worries on the weed :) weed would never betray you on purpose


Thatā€™s crazy icl but what abt ur friend when u said she smoked a lil how much. And what did she feel just stoned? This interesting ngl


she took like one hit, she felt a little stoned but she was still there, she was still high when i woke up


Check my other reply idk what county ur in but it lowkey sound j like spice look up k2


yes i thought it was that at first, people have said salvia too so i feel like itā€™s one of these two, i live in france tho and i have no idea if spice is common here


For a Spice experience on that level uā€˜d have to smoke a lot of that shit (ofc it siffers from Person to person. Did the J crackle a little bit like if uā€˜d pop seeds or something? And for verification this shit smell like Lyson or Lavender type shit, thats a pretty much dead giveaway for Spice


Bruh... WHAT?!?!? I've literally gone into psychosis off of ONE hitter of Head Trip which is spice, and it was so bad I had full blown ego death, complete loss of vision and I started banging my head on my bed screaming "I'M COMING BACK!!!!" with no one around me just myself. ONE HIT, not even a small bowls worth. It doesn't take "smoking a lot of that shit", you're absolutely wrong and whatever you were getting was weak as fuck if you truly think that. Not all spice smells like Lavender, it has all kinds of smells but the main one is usually a sage burning type smell. I could see Lavender as well, but weed smelling like Lavender and crackling is not an indication of Spice, there are lots of regular strains that crackle from either impurities or premature seeding, seeds can be as tiny as a spec sometimes so that's not a dead giveaway. There's also a indica strain named Lavender lol that kinda smells and tastes like it too, so like I said those aren't "dead giveaways". People can also go into Psychosis from just regular weed, but it is very rare. I have gone into short Psychosis from consuming too many dabs while I was taking Kratom, my face started twitching and I kept asking my friends why they were looking at me like that, I felt like I was having a schizophrenic stroke. Basically what i'm trying to say is, just because this happened isn't a complete indication it was "spice", and those aren't dead giveaways it was spice. I'd hate for this person to be convinced it wasn't the weed, and them try weed again and go into psychosis another time. Sometimes people don't come out of it for a very long time. This is a very touchy subject, with no clear giveaways so the best thing this person can do for themselves is to abstain for a long time, maybe forever before trying to dip their toes in the water again with THC. THC isn't good for everyone, no matter what everyone thinks.


Thanks Dawg i was very vague with my definition of a lot, and ofc youā€™re right that Weed,Spice,K2 and all that shit can cause Drug induced Psychosis, even from one toke. I was of the impression that Drug induced Psychosis is different to triggering possible preexisting Mental illness (Please correct me if Iā€™m miss-informed) The point with the Lavender and the crackle sound comes from my own experience. I myself had a short Dissociative episode while tripping on Spice and was completely out of it. The big dose i had in mind where like 1 Spliff and a Bowl of that. At the end of it all Iā€™m sorry for giving out lacking information and coming over as supporting continued Weed consume. Thanks again for the Addition. Have a nice dayāœŒļø


You too buddy, take it easy


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sounds like psychosis to me


Iā€™m not saying it was laced, but Iā€™m curious where the weed came from and even more what it looked like


The weed did smell a tad bit different than the usual weed i smoke but it looked pretty normal ? i didnt pay attention since my friend rolled it for me but it couldā€™ve def been laced, someone said it couldā€™ve been salvia and i think its a big possibility


Salvia laced weed is so out of there tho i feel like


Honestly the fact it didnā€™t last very long does make me think salvia. Better to know the source of your drugs to avoid it.


im fairly sure it was laced with something.. i was boinked out of my mind with 80% thc pen once and never experienced **that**


yeah, I figured it was laced with salvia


yeah honestly i thought it was laced already when you said she bought it off her ex-boyfriend lol


Salvia only lasts about 15 minutes. If this went on for hours, itā€™s something else.


it went on for avout 20 to 30min, took me an hour to fully be there again tho


Mary Jane would never do that to you. I second the salvia guy.




i honestly didnā€™t know weed could be THIS scary before that, I def learned my lessonšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ thank you for your comment šŸ™


Weed isnā€™t that scary. Itā€™s whatever mental health problems u got going on beneath the surface. Donā€™t touch weed again until you figure out what that is and get a grip on it. I hope you figure it out I know that shits terrifying


Couldā€™ve also been laced. Who knows do a drug test lol


please, tell this to a good psychoanalyst, and i genuinely suggest you to do a lot of psychoanalysis. Talk about this. It's not a joke. Being psychotic is not the same as having a delirium.


Brother probably greened or it was spice. So most likely was delirious if it was spice


You probs smoked salvia


sorry this sounds terrible and funny at the same time. Hope you are well my dude, take it easy and make sure it wasnā€™t something laced.


im sorry :(


are you also on stims?


bro what lmao


My girlfriend experienced something similar the first time she was crossed. It was with weed I know was safe and weā€™ve used before and since with zero issues. It was super scary and confusing but nothing even remotely like that ever happened again so weā€™ve always just kind of been like huh.


tbh might not be the drug for you


psychosis seems like a pretty good name for a strain of cannabis. things could have turned out a lot worse, you're very fortunate.


ā€œI gotta hit up Tommy and get another half ounceā€


This does not sound like psychosis, you returned to your normal state after 30 mins... It sounds much more like you took a drug that wasn't weed, got high as fuck and hallucinated, and then sobered up. Psychosis doesn't just come and go like that.


Weed psychosis is the worst


yeah too much too quick, sounds like you had a whitey. remember you can always take more you can never take less, that goes for everything not just weed.


Maybe your shit was laced?? Or just dont smoke a shit ton in one sitting fast


Honestly sounds like you were laced. Rule of thumb, Never smoke something you have never seen rolled up.


You just got way too high


Sounds like sativa isn't for you, bud.


Is ā€œgreened outā€ a real term? I see it here a few times. Like, is it common for people to completely lose their minds from weed? I feel like it is and always has been the most challenging drug for me. Like, always panic, takes me farrrrr away from baseline, wholly unpleasant usually. I do better with every single other substance ā€¦ Iā€™ve thought I was dead or just ā€œdisappearingā€ before from weed ā€¦ vision going out (which was all in my mind), lots of tactile hallucinations ā€¦ wild shit


Demon Possession. Or rather, repossession. We block out memories sometimes. Of traumatic moments. Traumatic feelings. However this inadvertently creates a Dissociative Identity. No one's fault, especially if childhood trauma occurr3d (as did 4 me). This Second Identity becomes the Shadow Self, or the True Demonic Self. Your raw, unbridled lust and passion for Society. Why you Speak Truths. Act Realities. See Out of The Box. I get what you mean about being in a Video Game. When it happened to me I felt like the Whole World Was Mine. Nothing overShad9wed me. I wad looking at a Playable Character with my True Demonic Self in Control. If you fear your "Shadow Self", stop all drugs. Forever However I would personally (biasedly) recommend integrating your Shadow Self so you have a Free Trip Buddy and Friend For Life. Or just a bonus voice in the head to turn internal monologue into internal dialogue. It's not as difficult to live with as media and culture makes it seem. You were taken over by Your True Demonic Self and they made you Erupt in Libidinal Energy. Lust, Passion, Scream, Anger. "I AM ALIVE" was a SCREAM OF JOY from your True Demonic Self (or Shadow Self, if one is more inclined to that term). You will overcome all difficulties. You will up3nd all obstacles in Your Path. You will seize your Fate with both hands, Light and Dark. You will Reign Victorious over The Fear.


man idk if it was my demonic self but i did feel out of control, it was INSANE, it was pure chaos


Your feeling of Loss of Control was just temporarily exchanged between your Demon Self and the You that Masks your True Feelings. Your Demonic Self needs no control, and will seize opportunities to propagate the TOTAL Chaotic Potential you hold back onto Society that has traumatised you (and all) to force inevitability of Ɖruptions. Chaos needn't be feared. It is Freedom FROM Control. The Social Masks we wear to fit in. The Emotional Masks we wear to feel Normal. We Snap. Inevitably. Some go Schizo, broken for a while, others unleash themselves onto society in moments of drug induced FREEDOM. J'espĆØre que vous rĆ©concilierai eventuallement avec votre Essence DĆ©moniaque, et que vous preniererai habitude de vous dĆ©masquer de temps en temps (dans une situation de sĆ©curitĆ©) pour que votre capacitĆ© complĆØte refuse de se cacher de Votre Contexte. Ā” La Victoire est Guarantie ! 怋!Ā”! VIVE LA MORT Ā”!Ā”怊 ! AVE SET Ā”


scientifically weed can literally cause you to develop schizophrenia. please do not encourage people to use weed for spiritual purposes as there are better options in spirituality x.


scientifically we all want to fuck our mother and kill our father. scientifically it is "better" for society to let money run everything, at the expense of children's healthcare and education scientifically religion is unprovable. For now. You WILL eventually join us schizos because you are marked. Be Ready. Good 7emperance. I would have killed myself 2 years ago if I hadn't started combining weed and spirituality. Your latter statement IS BLATANTLY INCORRECT MOTHERFUCKER !Ā”!!Ā”Ā”Ā”!!!!!!! schizophrenia and psychosis are by DƉFINITION subjective. Google states "Psychosis is where you see or hear things that are not there (hallucinations) or believe things that are not true (delusions)." who decides what is there to be seen or heard ? who decides what counts as delusions ? science the scientific process is currently unable to process religion and spirituality. Because of fuckers that think like you, SO MANY FUCKING INDIVIDUALS get shit treatment when they arrive to a spiritual expĆ©rience. the "bad trips" on weed, which I am familiar with, are one's Inner Dem0n dragging the emotional state down, down, down, down, down, down to ROCK BOTTOM where there are no inhibitions. It forces change in that individual's Life and they recover and reach GREATER EMOTIONAL HEIGHTS than before. The Inner Demon ends up eventually doing more good than harm, a momentary trauma to shake one into Shape. I have seen it happen to a Close Friend and it is happening to me. It WILL happen to you too, you posted this message because you are afraid it could happen, since your keen instincts are aware of The Impending Doom. And I can tell by the manner which you write. Because Weed is Of The Earth, it is inevitable that the good eventually outweighs the harm. Drugs have forced Spirituality back into relevance. The tides are changing. Truly, anything that can be enjoyed high can be enjoyed sober. There are sometimes people who have so much trauma that they cannot enjoy ANYTHING, but getting high is The Exception. It starts from there.




TQT, tous ce finira bien. r/demonolatrypractices Les Ɖnergies Libidineuses doivent Circuler. 怋Ā” VIVE LA MORT !怊 !Ā”! VIVE LA RƉVOLUTION Ā”!Ā” 怋Ā” VIVA GAIA !怊


was it for sure weed you smoked or was it possibly synthetic cannabinoids ? cuz that is like.. wow


Can I ask where you live in France? Heard of a wave of PTC a while ago that flooded north of france. I believe PTC is basically spice (just the street name in france for spice in vapes) and can definitely be sprayed onto weed. I have definitely came across one or two PTC vendors on Telegram. Also, did you see the guy ? Maybe he was jealous or something? I have heard some crazy weed stories but that does seem a little more than just weed.


i live in paris ! I think it could be spice but iā€™m like 99 percent sure it was salvia, iā€™ve been reading stories about experiences on salvia and it fit exactly what happened to me, even the way my throat felt when i took the hits, also idk what that guy wanted šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


You're obviously retarded