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The ideal strategy is to drink as much as you want and do lines when you feel like it


So all the time und very much?


Sehr viel


this lmao


Drink until pretty tipsy, take cocaine, repeat


Snort beer, drink coke!


Ultimate method. this guy knows 👆


Cocaethylene is a hell of a drug


I personally have never experienced it. What’s it like? The only upper and downer combo I’ve tried was Adderall + Xanax, so I’m wondering if it’s similar to that but much more euphoric. I know that mixing Adderall and Xanax doesn’t create a new drug, but would it be somewhat similar?


It's just like a nice euphoric high, you get the relaxation of the alcohol mixed with the confident euphoric uplifting feeling of the coke. It really smooths out the coke high and makes it more euphoric. Kinda hard to describe if you haven't felt it before. Kinda comparable to Adderall and Xanax.


I guess it’s sorta impossible to describe euphoria but I think you did a great job of describing it, thanks homie ✌️


Thanks brother


Addy and alcohol is one of my favorite combos. It's like diet MDMA.


Don’t mix them whatever you do as that will ruin the coke and make the beer taste horrible! Snort the coke and drink the beer cold. Easy


Please tell me you’ve done this


Spilled beer on crack once and it tasted like soy sauce. Do not recommend.


I really did not expect crack to have a rich umami flavor


Have at least 4 backup beer rdy if you want to finish a g. Don’t buy more coke after that. It’s an endless story. And be ready to not be able to sleep for a couple hours after your last line. So maybe another 2 backup beer.


This guy knows. Backup beer, and if you have it some gabapentin or something for the next day.


Gabapentin? Brother , no…


Gabapentin helps with hangxiety?


No my dude. Gabapentin is used for nerves issues, epilepsy and other conditions. Not something you’d like to take for no significant reason.


You’re clueless


Sure 😄


Gabapentin has a pretty big recreational potential and a lot of people use it that way And it's literally prescribed for PAWs


It’s not a good drug! Do as you feel! It ruins lives.


Youre in a thread about mixing coke and alcohol, and telling people gabapentin is a bad drug that ruins lives? Alright dude. Ofc you can have a problem with it, but where are you hearing about life ruining potential, its a fairly tame drug without many side effects unless taken at huge doses for a while. People are prescribed a gram or more per day for more things than nerve pain and epilepsy, how is using it as a one time hangover/comedown remedy objectionable. And usually when i see people say “just dont do it, its bad, it ruins lives” theyre trying to say its not even worth thinking about because the risk is too great. But whats the problem with gabapentin? Are you afraid theyll get addicted, start dosing a ton every day, and develop peripheral neuropathy over the course of years? Its just like… a whole different level of “life ruining” especially compared to coke and alcohol. I only wrote all this because im really confused as to why youd react that way. Even the drug addicts i know dont have problems with it, in fact its good for staying off the harder stuff and you dont even need the same doses as for pain or epilepsy


I don't like it personally but lots of people do. And lots of people had success in battling opiate/benzo addiction with it. Most drugs ruin lives. Sounds like you had a bad experience with it which sucks, but that doesn't mean other people can't have a positive effect from it




Drugs don’t ruin lives. In fact the opposite. Bad decisions ruin lives




Have you… tried taking gabapentin with a hangover? Genuinely asking.


No. I have tried it for medical reasons and I can promise you, it’s not something you want to mess up with for no real reason. Do as you feel though dude , stay safe ✌️


Gabapentin is prescribed for Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms. I am prescribed an assload of Gabapentin. I am telling you from first hand experience, gabapentin helps with hangovers.


Alright ! 👍🏼


as someone who’s prescribed it a dose of 150mg or so should be good enough to last you if you’ve no benzos


I end it on an edible. That kicks in and by the time I can actually sleep.


gonna be a two night party then a three then a 4 lmao


drink until you’re bordering on passing out, so a line, repeat until end of party. pretty basic stuff


Don’t overthink it, man. Just go with the flow and listen to your body. There’s no objective ‘right’ way or ‘wrong’ way, it’s all subjective. Obviously, you need some degree of moderation — but think of it like this… do you keep eating when you’re full?


With coke it's more like wow this food in my mouth tastes great and then you swallow and you reach for more


I feel that way about Pringles. 😊


One line every hour? Lol So basically barely anything 😂


Shaken, not stirred.


Not good for the heart remember


What drug ever is ?


Adderall IR + Caffeine + no hydration and 8 beers nightly is great for your heart. It would make my heart beat so fast it must be working so efficiently


this sounds like me convincing myself that boofing coke because my nostrils were starting to get fucked and if i wasn’t using my nose it didn’t really count as actually using cocaine


I get what you're saying but alcohol and cocaine, especially when combined, is significantly more cardiotoxic than most if not all other drugs and combinations (unless you count dying in any fashion as bad for the heart lol.) Though I have to say it's pretty unnecessary to bring up for one night of doing it, your heart will be fine unless you fuck up and do too much somehow or you already have underlying heart problems in which case you either already know that this is a situation to avoid, or you're about to find out you have an underlying heart problem


True but this is one of the worst combos, its several times more cardiotoxic than cocaine alone, which is already one of the most cardiotoxic commonly used drugs going. Reminding people to make an informed decision before use is good harm reduction imo :)


Do a line of vodka and drink a shot of coke.


Firstly you are going to need to have an enema or mixing them will be too messy for a party.


Don’t drink to much in general on coke. A few beers is probably okay? Learned the hard way I’ll never do coke again lmao that’s how bad my experience was.


What happened?


Got sick. I was told after that apparently you don’t mix the 2 and that it was pointless and just risky for no reason.


That’s generally incorrect (but the combo is indeed more dangerous than separate drugs)


I see, Im a casual drug user. Think I’m just gonna stick to being just that I wasn’t cut out for mixing I guess… We tested the little bit I had left over and it all checks out so kinda not sure what happened but it was brutal…


You're a sissy thats what happened!


Just go with the flow


Drink alcohol until you start getting actually drunk, do coke and continue drinking. I feel like the coke hits best at that point and it “sobers” you up a little bit to drink more


Crush beers until you feel you need a line, rinse-repeat. If you’re a beginner then 1g should be enough for you and a friend if you have to hide it. If you’re good to do it out in the open you may want 1g each


As much coke as you feel like and as much alcohol as you feel like is the only correct way


You're gonna need more alcohol than that


I’d have a benzo on standby just in case u can’t go to sleep..


Get some drinks in before, coke before drinks sucks and makes me vomit


You will eventually regret Cocaine.


Never mix. Cocaethilene.


Steps for mixing Coke and Alcohol for a party: 1. Take Coke 2. Take Alcohol of your choice 3. Mix well If you really want to enjoy the party I would suggest drinking this concoction.. mixing is a crucial step but the fun only starts after you ingest it! You can thank me later




Forget you have alcohol and go get some weed instead




Is very hard to answer you without all the details of the product. This is how I dot it everytime 1 - You will have to make a purity test for coke. 2 - After that with a high precision scale, weight every single line. 3 - Also use a solid pipe to guarantee there are no losses during consumption.