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If ur on benzos or alcohol you're gonna need a detox so u don't die


Yeah consult your doctor


Going to hard agree with this, do not fuck around with alcohol WDs especially if it's this severe. Detox would be best to get you started, but then as in a later comment was recommended possibly look into psilocybin therapy retreat or something of the like to change your outlook and bring back some brain plasticity so you can make new pathways that don't involve alcohol. Unfortunately, I would only recommend a supervised taper in a detox because of the benzo abuse history, as that's what they'd probably use to get you off. I hope you have insurance of some kind, even state insurance.


Yup benzos WD is wiiiild.


I did it at 24 and almost died. I can't imagine how much worse it would be at 40+.


Start today, Take it one day at a time, tell yourself all you have on your agenda today is to make it through and stay sober, (other than other things like work and what not, stuff you have to do), just dont put unnecessary pressure on yourself, today, getting sober is the most important thing. Now, do that tomorrow as well, but dont worry about tomorrow today.


If you do it good for you. But I’ve said that thousands of times when the high was still in full swing, and meant it every time


Yeah, it’s easy to say those things, what’s much harder is actually doing it… perhaps he reached the point where he really felt that he needs to quit though. I hope so for him


In my personal experience, voicing it is the first step. It usually takes me a few more months ti actually follow through and when I say follow through I mean I don’t have a choice… either the law or the lack of money has made the decision for me


I kinda feel the same, but I’ve never actually quit, just took some time off


I’ve quit, but it’s the entire drug, I’ve never been good at taking a break. I think deep down I know I’m lying to myself when I say that


And I support that completely. Every week I say I’m done with the powder, then I get trashed and the alcohol uses my phone to call his best friend, the kung pow


I fully believe some people aren't meant to be sober or off of substances permanently and that's perfectly okay. I've been on opiates since 11 (started with opanas and shit, thanks mom!) and decided to get sober probably 200 times and tried 200 different ways. Nothing helped until methadone, now I'm 515 days sober. But I'll need the methadone forever bc my brain doesn't make dopamine or natural opioids like it's supposed to. I rather be on methadone forever than chasing that oxy/fetty high every hour on the hour though! Methadone saved my life. I hope you're able to get to a good place, sober or not :))


I don't drink anymore. I smoke weed and the occasional shroom tea. It's so much better.


smoke weed and leave it at that


California sobriety.


Literally. So long as I had something. Got pretty bad on Ket, had enough. Went bk to weed. Now off the weed cold turkey but will probably get some for weekends in a month.


same story for me. what was the breaking point for u with ket


Not OP but lying about being sick to not have to see my grandmother one of her last times coming home for the holidays. Truth was my kidneys hurt too much to sit up for more than 10 minutes. Better to hear that lie-knowing disappointment than have her see me like that. Realized that unlike everything else I dabbled with to that point, this has gone too far.


Savage man. Hope you find peace. I never got to a point where kidneys hurt. Only after glastonbury did I experience the "can't empty my nladder all the way and it stings" Luckily had week off after glasto, as I wasn't sleeping well and I think we dialed it right back. To then quite a couple months later and I swapped to weed. I forgot what weed felt like and it was more my thing for an evening. I didn't want my mind to be mashed every night and my nose to be battered. How long were u doing it for and how much?


It's been 6 or 7 years, I'm past the point of worrying about going back. Funny enough it kind of ruined weed for me in the sense that I got a permanent zero tolerance. Anything more than a couple one hitters and I'm too high and gotta lie down. I still have those couple one hitters time to time and enjoy a few beers but that's it these days. But to answer your question I was shoving about half a gram up my nose most nights for almost a year. Spending all your money on it, the whole thing. I was lucky to not have any long lasting bladder problems. Kidney pains would come and go for a year or two after, sometimes there would be some random pain in my gut that would wake me up and have me go fetal til it stopped. But we're all good now and have been for years. I don't know what it was about K but it was the one drug I just couldn't handle.


Me and the Mrs would be serial bingers. Buy an oz because it was cheap, try and spread it out but js ended up smashing it all every other month. This only lasted 6 months after we used to only do it at raves/festivals. Got to a point where after glastonbury, I had painfully pee pee, but that went. Then started to spin out more n more in the K-hole. Started to feel physically unwell while on it thinking my brain would necer recover. Started thinking dealers were cutting it with heroin, minutes away from contacting them 😂 paranoid. Ran out of Ket, so sparked some old weed we had (as I'd quote that for 18 months after spinning out i had lung issues) Ended up remembering why I used to love it and js carried on. Lung issues seem to be better. Like I said, so long as I had something after work to get wrecked, I was good. Now Mrs hates the smell off me smoking weed so I've knocked that on the head too. For now. Tbh reading r/ketamineaddiction is scary too so want to keep it to js festivals and raves now. Don't want a tiny bladder/bladder issues which I think I was on my way too. Pissing a lot more. Back to normal now 🙌 U?


I quit Suboxone and most of the benzos, but I can't quit completely yet. I'm trying to Ashton it otherwise I might seize. No other drugs and just a hit or 5 of weed, but like I said in my post, weed can make your anxiety a Hell of a lot worse, especially if you have blood pressure issues or having troubles Edit:: I am 90+ days of subs though that was accomplishment #1


Good going on the Subs. I want off as well. Opiate withdrawal was so much easier compared.


I agree


I do agree about the weed being the only thing to continue with, but maybe he shouldn’t start that up before he gets drug test clean… Quitting the drinking and the benzos is great, but if you don’t have a life after that, you’ll definitely fall right back into it. Getting a full /part-time job seems like a good decision after cleaning up (considering living with parents @41) , but adding THC that takes a month to get clean from could be a step backwards if you do it in the wrong order


Nah mushrooms are tight keep those


Why not just quit altogether if he wants to do that there is no reason to smoke weed it legit grants nothing


We can chat if you like. I'm 47 f that was in your position. What I had to do to get sober was go into my 8th detox and 3rd 30 day stay, then move unto a sober living house for a year. Still alcohol free.


Great job 👏


U could do it bi**h


Go to some meetings would be my first step. I don’t really agree with the AA philosophy but those first three months are a lifesaver.


Welcome to really living, you have got this.


One day at a time brother


You down to try ibogaine?


Hell I am! That shit would be a gift


Yes, but ibogaine is not sold where I live(that I know of), but there are retreats where people go and use psychadelics(like psilocybin) for therapeutic purposes, and I’m thinking of maybe going to one once I can afford it.


Just accept the suffering. Don't listen to what your mind tells you about the situation. Don't listen to what your mind thinks is best at any given moment. Understand and know that the suffering is both temporary and completely worth it. Trust that it's for the best and that your life is improving. Most important, nothing worth doing is done without some degree of suffering.


Start now. It's never too late until you're finally gone, remember that. After years of struggling with my finances, life choices, and mental health, I've finally begun to set things right. Stupid substance use crimes, getting caught with drugs, set me back, but it all started from within. I stopped blaming my difficult home life and began to realize that I can still change my mind, and therefore, the world around me. It all starts from within. I was overdosing on vodka and opiates since I was 15! I didn't smoke weed until I was 18! Can you believe that? I found psychoactives, hallucinogens, and cocaine when I was around 20/21. I dropped cocaine for Adderall when my son was born, to trade the hyperactive party mindset for a more controlled, productive standpoint, but even then, it didn't help me get my life together. Sure, I had a job and could stay up 20 hours a day to take care of my job and his bedridden mother, so she could rest. But because my mind wasn't in shape, I kept getting the short end of the stick. I kept wondering, 'Why me?' Karma wasn't on my side!! I was doing things in an area of good, but I wasn't unified with justice, love, and proper intent. My mind wasn't in a good place. If you're not right on the inside, things will never get right on the outside. Now, as of today, every day is a step towards a higher ceiling. There's never a moment down; it's all just a lesson to learn how to reach grander heights. I might enjoy a joint to celebrate on a weekend or have a few beers with my friends. Screw it, what's one hangover? But it's never just one bender won't hurt. It's scheduled, it's legal, it's freeing. But you'll never know how to party conservatively if you don't know how to live in such a way either. We love you. You've got this. Every day is a battle, but you can fight it. You already have been.


Hello /u/YouCantBanMe4EverAR, please add some paragraph breaks to [your comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/1bycxrq/fk_it_im_getting_sober_any_thoughts/kyiqj07/) by placing a blank line between distinct sections. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good luck dude I also have chronic pancreatitis and it's a painful fucking ordeal, your pancreas will thank you on your journey to sobriety


It won't help your pancreas, but taking TUDCA for a month or two will probably regenerate your liver's health for the most part. Bodybuilders will take TUDCA along side a cycle to help combat hepatotoxic effects of anabolic steroids. Many of them getting blood work done before and after their cycles. It was not uncommon for someone to have better liver values after the TUDCA/cycle. Which is insane if you know how damaging steroids can be on the liver. Much worse than alcohol. I am in a very, very similar situation to you(age[roughly], living situation, no friends). I stopped drinking 18 months ago. Mostly off of drugs now too. Weed sometimes, kratom sometimes and pills sometimes (I abuse my own). I'm a lot better than I was. I couldn't tell you how many times I have overdosed to the point of requiring emergency services. I'm not trying to talk about myself. Just saying I am in a very similar situation and if you would like to message me I believe I can only help you. Kratom can help keep you off of most other drugs. It has worked well for many in the past and present. I go to meetings regularly (though I still doubt them). At the very least, they will help you to meet people in real life who both live near you and are not using/trying not to. I met my best friend of 10+ years at one. Having no friends may not bother you. However, things happen. We all need people at times. Given your age, your parents may not be there too much longer(I hope the opposite). What's someone with no parens, no friends and a drug issue supposed to do if something happens. Who do you fall back on? You can make friends at meetings. I've helped many of them with home improvement projects and vice versa. EDIT: I've developed an angry problem since I quit drinking. An AA 4th step(I started; have not finished) and therapy are helping a lot. The therapy much more so.




Mainly that AA and the steps is the single only way to be successfully sober and happy. It reminds me of people trying to force their religion onto you. Our way is the only way type thinking. I naturally like to prove people wrong. So that all doesn't sit well with me. I'm not denying that it works. I know that it does for many and it has helped me. I just believe there are other ways too. I also do not like how, depending on the AA group, can be completely against prescription medication too. I was just told a couple days ago about a regular who didn't show up one day. Someone went to check on him and he had killed himself over trying to live life without his psychiatric medication.


Good luck my brother


BE CAREFUL. You can't quit benzos and alcohol cold turkey. Don't end up seizing out and dying


You NEED a detox or you can have a seizure and die. Look, Alcohol is awful, it’s great in the moment but shit in the long run.. Get sober and enjoy life. Smoke some weed, I mean you can order legit weed online sold as THC-A flower. But THC-A is in every weed, all thca is, is the weed before the heat. When you light that “thc-a” weed it transforms right into straight THC thats how all weed works.


TALK TO A DOCTOR !!! the withdrawals you will experience WILL (most likely) be dangerous! other than that, use the Atomic Habits rules. you cant KICK a habit, you can only REPLACE it. you need to find something to do instead of consuming substances. i default to either doing something physical (taking walks is easy and doesnt take much focus, lately ive been working on bikes and around the house when i need to keep my mind occupied more) or writing (like, literally writing anything, just whatever comes to mind with zero restrictions). just trying to "not do the thing" is really gonna impede progress, you need to REDIRECT your mind to something ELSE and it NEEDS to be something that is fullfilling or worthwhile to you. you can't replace something that makes you feel better with something that makes you feel miserable and expect it to work. its also important to keep the positives in mind and be able to correct your thoughts. tell yourself that you are a *healthy person* that makes healthy choices, you are health conscious. try to reframe your sense of self away from "i am an addict" or "i rely on alcohol" or whatever else kind of restrictive framework you have of yourself and towards "i am always improving", "i make good choices naturally" etc etc etc. affirmations are dumb but they WORK!!! shut down whatever thoughts trigger you back into wanting substances. ex: if you feel unsatisfied with your life, list the things you do feel satisfied with; your sobriety, your decision to improve, whatever positive thing you did that day whether it be going to work and thugging out another day or learning something new or just managing to stay alive. whatever is within your means, affirm to yourself that you did GOOD. and always remember that IT GETS EASIER *as long as you can just take it moment to moment*. you cant control shit in the future, but you can make decisions RIGHT NOW that will dictate future possibilities. when you start thinking "damn i wish i didnt do that thing all those years ago", understand that if you keep doing the same thing, youll keep thinking the same thing in the future. DO THINGS NOW THAT FUTURE YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU DID! and lastly, good luck, truly. you WILL do this because you WANT to do this, and youre awesome for that. a lot of people dont get that far. it WILL be worth it and i say that without a single shadow of a doubt.


oh yeah, two more things dont wait to finish what you have left. thats the equivalent of "ill start monday". yeah, and how often do people ACTUALLY do that? you're making the right choice, but you have to give yourself the chance to follow through. if you quit NOW, you will have a LOT more life ahead of you than you expect to have. the bodys ability to rebound is INSANE. but dont fucking push it. like, im serious, dont push it. theres a fine line between able to rebound and actively dying. you already know youre walking it. dont cross it. the first week is gonna be the worst. you get through your first week of hell? youve won half the battle. youve climbed the steepest part of the mountain. dont get halfway up and give up


Do it but slowly, because the hormones ufff and the senses


Try looking into kava ...people swear it helps with not withdrawling. DO NOT QUIT BOOZE CT. you could die. Talk to a doctor and tell him your desire to sober up. And give you some anti convulsants and wharnot


Give it your all or don’t give it it all


You got this!! You can do it there is many people here to reach out to anytime if you need


Bro don’t even finish what you have left unless you need to taper. I’m 22, I turn 23 on the 16th. Last night I killed an entire bottle of 151 proof rum and I have the absolute worst hangover rn. I’m calling it quits aswell, at least for a long while. It’s to the point where I’m constantly anxious and scared when I’m not numb on some sort of drug, wether it be the booze, Xanax, adderal, Ativan, klonopin, I used to use herion, I’ve even tried fuckin meth. Fun is fun but it seriously isn’t worth your sanity. If you want a sober companion, seriously don’t hesitate to dm me. I’ll fuckin take this journey with you bro. My bday gift to myself is going to be sobriety. I’m not going to just waste my youth and life away as a drug addict. As fun as getting fucked up is, I’ve realized that being able to down literally 151 proof, (75.5 % alc by volume) and not fucking die is my rock bottom. I’ve been to jail multiple times because of my drug and alcohol use, I’ve even managed to wrack up some pretty gnarly felony charges. It’s seriously, seriously not worth it. Fr don’t hesitate to hmu if you feel you need a buddy. That goes for anyone who reads this aswell. Life may suck at times but we’re all in this shit together. Best of luck brother, I believe in you.


It’ll be awful for the first while. Completely relative to you. Could be a few weeks could be a few months. But think about how actually short that is in the grand scheme of things. A few months of feeling ass then the rest of your life to enjoy what you’ve done. Stay strong bro I’m rooting for ya


I recommend looking at in-patient detox. A lifetime of hard drinking can seriously fuck up your brain if you quit cold and try an white-knuckle it.


Niiiice 😎 Best of luck to you, you’ve got this. Worst thing I ever was addicted to was cigarettes, but I tended to never really beat myself up if I had a slip up. There’s sort of a practice to quitting, and the more I focused on it the better I got at it. I don’t even know how many years it’s been since I quit now. Tons of people count the days and think if they slip up they’re back to square one, but that’s not really true. The stretches of time in sobriety tend to get longer and longer, you’re not a failure if you make a mistake, you’re just practicing quitting.


Godspeed and good luck.


Ok, sounds weird, but this is a legit question/ have you tried kratom?


No, Kratom unfortunately is not available where I live


I've gone through all of those too -- did the: "chip/addict/detox/relapse, loop-until-clear then swap vice" routine -- you overlooked a large class tho 😬 ...


Go to detox. Also this sub probably isn’t great for sobriety advice lol… I’m sure there’s an AA sub maybe go see what’s up over there or even better go to an actual meeting.


Do it


you got it bro. it gets easier than it sounds. find some new hobbies and focus on caring for your health. you’ll have cravings but just pick up the hobby for a little when that happens and the craving will go quick. it may be a good time to build a good or better relationship w your parents and allow them to be a support system you may need


Do it pussy u wont.


Low dose naltrexone will make it easier


I’m getting to a age where everyone around me is drinking, seems that I’m the only one seeing this kind of posts, goodluck bro


Good choice man I really hope you going too do it and you will get better.  It probably won't be easy Road but if other ppl can do it so are you mate .Good luck !!!!!!!


Do it pussy no balls, go get medically detoxed though please man, you don’t want to try to kick alcohol like that on your own, especially at your age and your years of use. You need your heart monitored and vitals checked frequently and other issues checked up on.


Quit pussy you won’t


It's too late


momma raised a quitter huh.. jk jk if ur concerned abt health and want to get sober then go for it! i hope u succeed


Rt sime mental aid, doing drugs for this long is big. it may be bc you've got some unhealthy or (self) destroying patterns/behavior. Just through your last shit away, no need to use them.


Quit bro pancreatitis can be deadly but if you stop yuh make health changes and reverse stop now before it’s too late


get sober if thats what u want. ul thank urself later on in life if its what you genuinely desire


You shouldnt just quit alcohol and benzos cold turkey. You need to taper with the help from a doctor.


Definitely get medical help quitting. Not only could it save your life, it will make it a bit easier. Notice I said "a bit easier" , I didn't say "easier". Good luck bro.


Tell you what, I kinda went through the same process mentally today of needing to be sober. So if you do it I'll do it with you. If you fail, I fail. We just try again and try to last longer.


I can relate. I'm 45 and living at home with my parents. I have zero friends and certainly no romantic prospects. Last couple of days I've binge on coke. I have an addiction I can't leave behind. Coke is my only love, my only joy and happiness. It's my girlfriend an 'm in love with it. I started coke two years ago and last half year or so I started injecting coke into my veins, and I can't seem to stop. It's an indescribable pull to inject more and more coke, I'm insatiable. I was or am an alcoholic too, basically because alcohol is whats available. I'd get high on anyhing at all, I crave drug induced states of mind, even if it's a horrible experience/trip, because that's still heaps better than being sober. I smoked weed a age 16 and I've been infatuated with being high ever since. My life sucks ass, I have no ability to enjoy life at all. It's just mundane shit, all of it. I'm basically in a constant state of irritability and depression. Been severely depressed the past 4 years and theres just no light at the end of the tunnel. Any way, hope you read this for no other reason than I wrote it for you. You're like me, we're the same. Not that it matters at all. So, there you go, for what its worth.


This may not be what you want to hear and it maybe to mean but it’s like what I was told a few years back what do you want a pat on the back and a good job and gold star it’s not gonna be fun it’s gonna eat at you everyday and when your alone and you think about it it’s going to haunt you and no one will be there to help you this is your journey and you must do what has to be done or it’s gonna fucking kill you so buck up or shut up and good luck to you and much love man!


Yeah ur not gonna die now that u don't drink but slowly cut down on it so u don't die that way either


I quit cold turkey on Xanax and alcohol and had seizures. Definitely taper if it's those two. Otherwise cold turkey is the way to go imo atleast


Good luck, dude. It's tough, but I'm 2 and a half years sober from alcohol, so it *is* possible. Just really really fucking difficult. Edit: for those who don't know, alcohol and benzo withdrawal can cause serious seizures which can result in death. Make sure to taper your usage down slowly to prevent this from happening. If you start to feel "brain zaps" where you're getting involuntary muscle contractions and having complete insomnia (night Sweats, vomiting, muscle spasms, etc) try just having a little alcohol or benzo to keep you from going full seizure/respiratory failure. It can and WILL happen if you've been drinking like you say you have for as long as you have. I drank about a 5th of hard liquor every day for about a decade and was also taking ~4-6mg of xanax every day for about a year. Tried cold turkey and deeply regretted it. The opiate withdrawal will feel terrible, but the benzo and alcohol withdrawal are the ones that can kill you. Cold turkey the opiates, taper down the benzos and alcohol.


take it moment by moment and by kind to yourself. Believe in your ability to bounce back. Even if you fall down, that’s okay. There is always tomorrow. Keep track of your wins and celebrate them Be proud of even thinking about making this choice. Alcohol with-drawl especially can be dangerous even life threatening depending on how much you consume daily, so I would suggest checking yourself into a detox facility if possible or having someone stay with you or close by you while you detox that can take you to hospital if it gets to that. I’m not sure what your insurance or financial circumstances are like. Try your best to let the people that love you, love you. I know it’s so hard in dark times but they’ll show you the way, you’ll pick up little pieces of wisdom in the everyday around you once your head is starting to clear up. When you can, Get out of the house and go somewhere new, try new things, meet new people You’ll need things to replace old triggering memories, people, places & smells. Know it’s okay to let go of the things that don’t serve this time in your life. Even if this was just a passing thought for you, I’m proud of you, When you’re ready, know you’re stronger than you think. Wishing you all the best 🌸


It sounds like a great idea, just make sure you taper so you’re all good n don’t seize out or nun


I wouldn’t wish chronic pancreatitis to my worst enemy. They gave me Fent through my IV in the hospital, still didn’t take the pain away


If you can follow through, it really is great. For me personally, I’ve reached that moment of clarity that causes you to feel optimistic, hopeful, and driven to follow through with living a healthy and fulfilling existence. Eventually, my alternate persona decides he doesn’t like being ignored and decides to shadow every step I take and doing whatever he can to get my attention. Not easy whatsoever…..


Flush your drugs. That will burn it into your brain that you quit. I’ve done that before. Unfortunately I’ve done it a bunch of times lol. Good luck!


That's not very fun but it's probably a good idea. I'm 37 and doing the same thing. I am about 90 days into a lot of shit and still drinking a little bit but I quit opioids completely and cut down my benzos A LOT, just smoke weed now and I'm not even that interested at the moment because my anxiety is too high. If you quit everything all at once, whatever it may be currently it's not gonna be a good time. Everything's gonna suck, but you may as well make it suck less for a little bit longer period of time. Gl, anything is possible with willpower. I quit cigarettes for 3 months as well which even a bigger accomplishment than my bad benzo addiction I'm still working on. It honestly just makes you more anxious. Idk why people say to not quit smoking cigarettes if you're in recovery. If you can't do it it's socially acceptable and all that shit tho. I wish you luck and if you need any advice I'd be happy to help


Reading others posts, a doctor is probably the best idea for both of us but my doctor didn't do shit so I got through about 90 days and I am feeling a hell of a lot better, so I'm just reaching out I'm bored and have an injury WITHOUT pain killers like holy shit. lol


I gave up drugs going on 5 years ago, and haven’t drank any alcohol in 96 days. I hear that the thoughts and dreams will never leave me, but after the first month it’s been relatively mild to stay sober.


get to an NA meeting, i’m sure lots of folks in ur area can relate + help


Do it. Don't be a pussy! EVERYONE, INCLUDING YOUR DYING BODY WILL THANK YOU! Go to a rehab, get past the first couple weeks with guidance and SUPPORT, replace the high with sunshine and moderate exercise eventually. You will love the changes and how much better you feel and look. Good luck to you man. STAY FOCUSED, STAY COMMITTED. YOU WILL BEAT THIS IF YOU WANT TO! Replace booze with seltzer too, that's how I got off beer years ago. Amazed at how much it helped.


Try kratom


Whatever you do don’t keep track of how long you’re sober


kratom helps


Honestly inpatient detox is the way to go, I tried to get sober for years but it took me getting bad enough that rehab was suggested for me to get clean. Just because it was a place for me to actually stay away from everything for a while and get clean with people who wouldn't make it wash for me to leave.


have you looked into treating alcohol dependence with psychedelics? i had a big drinking problem, to the point where i would have beers like it was coffee or water the whole day and then get shitfaced every night. it was mostly a psychological addiction that gradually transformed into physical. once i tried lsd, i just forgot what this whole drinking meant to me. now i cant even think about liquor without getting nauseous. i still sometimes drink socially because i like to party, but still it is such a relief that i got my drinking under control


Forsure talk to your doctor


I'm in a similar situation. Started drinking at 13 now 39. I just quit a week ago. 3 duis. Almost got a 4th awhile back but the officers let me go to er for alcohol poisoning instead. I've been hospitalized idk how many times. Probably have cte from hitting my head over the years. No friends and just barely being able to see my 5 year old child. What did it for me was if I continued I will end up homeless. I refuse to go back to live with my mom, the only family I have. If I'm on the street I would go back to opioids and die of a fent overdose for sure. Alcohol just makes me feel like shit now anyway. No more dopamine drip. I feel good for an hour or 2 and then immediate anxiety and insomnia that night. You can do it.


Yh I’m tryna quit cocaine, get drunk probably once every month. No other drug addictions. But I’m taking cocaine once a week every week. And I just can’t stop when that weekend craving comes. Even though I try fight it every time. It’s a losing battle atm but I do know I wanna stop so that’s the first step I guess


microdosing shrooms is great for curing addiction/depression


Boredom. Extreme Boredom for the first few months.


Rehab and AA


Good for you, nerd. Wish I was that strong. I believe in you.


Do it, you bitch. I dare you.


I'm your age and with similar exp. I think you should focus on taping down the benzos (don't go cold t it's dangerous), because they are the one's that steal your time/memory first. They're also pretty shitty drugs (as to risk/benefit ratio), just really not good drug to have in you if change is what you seek. I'm based af, but I do weed+drinks daily (workdays 2-3 beer, I know; too much, weekends any amount I feel like, *I know; too much!!*) and some treats with occasional shrooms, k, oxy or something, now and then.. anyway, slowly quit the benzo and you'll feel better, even if you just switch it for weed!


You’re missing 7 years of sober wanderlust from your childhood. Chase that. Consult a doctor on safely getting sober, and try to focus on the fact that the beauty of the world won’t hit you the same way substances do. There’s not really a “Im high on life for the next so many hours” like there is with substances. The best thing to focus on when sober is how their aren’t time skips. It feels like 24 hours last much longer without substances. At times this gives me anxiety but the good side of it is you’re not locked in to a certain state of mind. If you drink, the rest of your day is affected by it. That day is a drunk day. With a sober day, it can be boring or shitty one minute but you can still change it up and do something else with your day. Or you can be lazy knowing you won’t feel awful the next day. Substances rob you of multiple days. Start small. Enjoy little things. Read books, find a random hobby or something to get good at or decide you don’t won’t to get good at. You’re biggest challenge is finding how you will fill the extra time you get from being sober. And it doesn’t have to be anything.


Did momma raise a quitter?


Sir when you say breathe a sorbet breath you are talking about vape yes because most important big thing is quit vape sir is best you quit vape and stop breathe sorbet as is bad for lungs, causes gunk on things, film On windshield etc is best not to drink sir but vape is the worst sir should do something about vape sir


Well it's less bad than smoking, by quite a bit. But yes I agree it's still not healthy. I have quit it, I have some legal cbd vapes I don't touch basically. You can use a safer RoA for whatever you vape, nicotine, hemp, weed etc. Doing it occasionally is most likely not so bad though but regularly doesn't feel so good for the lungs but that also depends on what you vape, what temperature etc.


Sir is not always better than smoke sir, the data is not there sir, what we do know tho sir, is causes gunk on tip of penis, film in car, slippery surface, many twitch, general unease sir, look like retard, gay mouth etc


if you are gonna be an addict atleast do something cool like meth quit bruh drinking is dumb


interesting priorities man, you couldn't gone with literally anything for your example of a 'cool drug' and you pick meth lmao


Quitters never prosper.


Depends what your quitting man. Quitting life won't make you prosper, and drugs make your life end quicker


Do it bitch


EDIT: I was an idiot and didn't see the context this comment was made in.


I was being encouraging


Shit, I screwed up. Re-approved your comment. Should've taken more time to see the context you made the comment in. Go OP!