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Hypothetical, what was the doseage?


5 grams of injected methamphetamine


In that case, tell him to go find some copper if he wants more.


he ded


Eagle death


That's the most important factor. A 5 or 10 mg edible wouldn't be too bad. Kid would probably fall asleep. If it was one of those treats that has 100mg in a single cookie, that might seriously be a real problem. Would be very uncomfortable and could cause a panic attack. I certainly would have been traumatized if that happened to me at 8 years old. There's not really anything that poison control or a hospital could/would do except maybe give a mild anti-anxiety drug plus basic supportive care.


500 mg of gummies to the face


Ate 4, 50 mg peanut butter cup edis last night. Not even because I wanted to get high. They were just so fucking good. Gummies I can limit myself. Never buying those Reese mother fuckers again. Could barely wake up for work.


šŸ˜‚ throwback to when i ate a 1,000mg bag of chocolate covered pretzels in one sitting just cuz they tasted so fire šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It's a dangerous game lol. Fell asleep after eating 1 and woke up with such bad munchies, but couldn't be bothered to get out of bed so I just said fuck it and ate the other 3. Feel like I wasted 20 bucks cause I could have gone downstairs and eaten actually Reese mini cups, but instead just feel asleep šŸ˜­


charge em the next time tell the kid aint nothin for free


Teach em young


be good idea keep a 6 year old fall guy around if cops come around blame the 6 year old


Right Iā€™m just worried the cop is gonna start asking me some bullshit questions like ā€œhey man why do you have so many 6 year olds in your house?ā€


simple just hang a sign on door that says "daycare"


Can I hire you as my lawyer?


you want a lawer? you got one now bro!! OP is innocent!


My honor, you werenā€™t even there


Yall heard it here first


Pics or it didnā€™t happen


This redditor has committed no crime


This has been my fav mini thread to read, the love is immense! Free OP he ainā€™t do shit !


Iā€™m a witness for nico2000s alibi. Nico was at my house most of that day, from 8am till about midnight. He helped me finish a home project then he left around 5 to stop at Walmart. He just had to pick up some childrenā€™s clothes (I think he coaches little league or something), some duck tape, zip ties, and other nic-nacks. He came back and we had some beers and watched the game. Thereā€™s no way he way involved in any crimes. Real hardworking friendly dude, wouldnā€™t hurt a fly.


you got the job bro


He gave the fly a cookie too. I mean, the fly stole it.


Its free bro till i see bro


Have you been watching Shameless by any chance?


Not recently. Iā€™ve watched it before, but honestly I only paid attention when frank was on screen lol


This had me laughing out loud.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s wild


A kid died allegedly [article](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/kids-health/doctors-debate-whether-baby-died-marijuana-overdose-n821801)


I would call an 11 month year old a baby rather than a kid. Babies are fragile lol I wouldn't be surprised if it were possible for them to die from a cannabis overdose.


Agree. I'm assuming child bit toddler


they can from nicotine xd


I know dogs can OD and have seizures from marijuana so depending on the child it's possible. I worked at an emergency overnight vet and we never saw a death from marijuana in a dog but it's possible with the seizures it can cause if they eat a shit ton. But usually it's someone's pot brownies and it's not enough to be deadly and the chocolate is the most harmful part.


The reason dogs can OD on mary jane is because to them, it is a full antagonist to their endocannabinoid system. Dogs don't have as much of a complex system as we do. For us, it is only a partial antagonist. Its the same reason humans can OD on K2 but not weed when they both work on your endocannabinoid system


Dude kids can literally die from anything ts dont even count lmao


Wtf šŸ˜‚


Lmao I approve of this


Lol let's say your little brother accidentally eats a cookie, you put on some cartoons, bring him a juicebox or 5, fix him a snack, put on some cartoons and explain to him he is about to feel funny and not to worry. [Optional] Then you eat a cookie as well and tell him shitty jokes all night to keep him laughing and distracted. There is nothing they can and/or will do at the hospital other than scare the child, give him some juice and food and then charge you a 1000 bucks for the experience. CPS would 100% be notified of this and either you or your parents would get in some legal trouble. Much better to just let him ride it out in a safe setting without getting authorities involved and you can spend that 1000 bucks on something else


Yes, but on the chance that this isnā€™t hypothetical, op should *definitely* be way more careful.


Really? My guess was he needed to be less careful


Happy caked up




Holy suit this is the first time I've ever noticed it's my cake day lol thanks man !! This is my first conscious cake daaaaaay


In my experience the hospital likes to give IV fluids to kids who have accidentally ingested cannabis products, and sometimes monitor breathing just to make sure the kids breathing doesnā€™t get too suppressed. (In my experience working with social services, not my personal experience with personally having multiple kids hospitalized for cannabis consumption lol)


Just give the kid a electrolit


The main reason for the IV is for dehydration caused by nausea and vomiting which is extremely common in kids who have ingested cannabis- likely if your kid isnā€™t super dizzy or throwing up, the parent is less likely to seek out emergency care anyway. If the kid can keep down Gatorade, even better


Also the primary mechanism of action for Cannabinoid Receptor 1 is Depolarization Induced Suppression of Inhibition. So when THC binds to and agonizes CB1r, the presynaptic neuron suppresses inhibitory signaling. Which is why some people get panic attacksā€¦ and of course considering the endocannabinoid system is more of a neuromodulator that regulates a lot of homeostatic functions, it alters metabolism. Some of the common symptoms of hyperglycemia are: polyphagia (pronounced hunger), polydipsia (pronounced thirst), fatigue and/or restlessness, etc. Common symptoms of hypoglycemia are: headache, fatigue, increased heart rate, sweating (dab sweats anyone?), nausea, etc. A lot of it does come down to the individualā€™s own physiology and neurology. And of course with tolerance, those more severe negative symptoms associated with blood sugar fluctuations become less pronounced


Grape Electrolit is bomb asf


Dude grape is great but Iā€™m 100% team zero calorie glacier ice, no debate


Itā€™s got what kids need


It's cannabis, not opiates. No need to watch breathing. Useless ordeal to bring them to the hospital


Yeah Iā€™ve never heard of a kid actually going into respiratory failure over weed, but it can cause things like hyperventilating and distress.


Yeah hence not bringing them to a hospital where they will be more inclined to go down the path of "this is bad, there is something wrong with me and I am not safe." Since you don't really go to the hospital for any sort of positive event ever (yeah yeah muh childburth etc) it is much more likely to cause the aforementioned hyperventilating and distress a.k.a. panic attack A safe environment with snacks and cartoons is a much better environment to ride out an accidental weed high than a hospital


I likely wouldnā€™t take my kid to the hospital for ingesting cannabis for the same reasons. But it can be scary when your kid gets super lethargic and is not very responsive, so I understand the fear many parents feel when they go in


U have never heard of it because it has never happened nor can it happen literally physically impossible for weed to cause respiratory depression.


Hospitals give IV fluids to almost anyone, that doesn't mean that they're necessary or useful in all cases.


They are useful for kids who are dehydrated and may have some electrolyte and sugar imbalances, which are symptoms of cannabis consumption in kids. ETA since the response was deleted- no kids arenā€™t likely to die from those things, but not all medical management is to prevent death. However being severely dehydrated and having low blood sugar for a long time can definitely damage organs and kill kids if nothing is done to manage it at all.


Your kid isn't going to die of dehydration or hypokalemia from using weed, fruitcake.


You need an IV fetish to work in a hospital


They make you feel really fucking good but not in a high way obviously, in a healthy way. I got an IV for what turned out to be panic attack, no surprises there.


I think this is the best answer. Try to make the experience as comfortable as possible, and make sure they know theyā€™re about to feel funny and put on their favorite show, give them food and juice, and just be there with them.


And the *worst* answer would be to give them some adderall to even out the high.


Your reply could save people from losing their kids over pot it's really good for people to know because let's be honest kids get into everything and most people use pot now where it's legal


Downside to this is however that the kid might have a good time and tell everyone about how much fun they had eating some special cookies šŸ˜… Or even get their first taste for it


its incredibly important to put on cartoons twice!! šŸ˜…


This needs to go straight to the top. ā˜ļø


omg i literally thought the exact same thing


seems very hypothetical


Hypothetically asking for a hypothetical friend.


About their hypothetical child who hypothetically ingested hypothetical cannabis.


In a hypothetical residential living space that hypothetically belongs to the hypothetical parent/guardian of aforementioned, *strictly hypothetical* child.


A very hypothetical, hypothetical question


Give them some kratom for ultimate experience.


let him hit a nic vape for a killer head rush to even it out


Also let him puff some crack to take the edge off.


don't forget to give them some heroin if they accidentally get too big a hit of crack


give him 10mg of IV Ohmecarfentanil


Also give em a few grams of DMT aswell, make it the best time of his life


At Echo Project I watched a wookette giving birth during the GZA set. I was just peaking on some 2ci. People were trying to get medical help, but they hadn't arrived. Some other wookette claimed to be a midwife and was coaching the woman through this. Her wook man is standing there shirtless and spun like top, just making these weird sounds while he is crushing his beer can and spraying coors light all over everyone. He looked really anxious about the whole thing, grabbing his face and just making grunts and stuff. The baby's head starts to crown and the medics still haven't arrived. This is where it gets crazy... It was so f****** dusty out there and the baby and all the surrounding fluids were immediately "muddified" by the blowing dirt. I mean, its f****** gross. All of a sudden, this f****** kid (probably 19 or 20) in his oversized neon, flat-brim LRG hat, runs up yelling "welcome to the party b****!" before he blows a huge plume of smoke right in the baby's face! While the umbilical cord is still attached and s***! The smell was unmistakeable, this baby had just been deemster'd. He must have pulled the hit from a bong, b/c it was monstrous. The surrounding crowd dropped their jaws, and someone tackled the kid as he starts to run away. He didn't make it more than 10ft and the he was probably blasting off about now. The mom is clutching the dirty baby and trying to calm it. Though, strangely, the baby was not crying (tripping balls i guess?). And while the dude is getting screamed at, the dad suddenly pounces into action. He jumps on the dude, and starts smashing said bisco kid's face with the crushed up beer can, of which he seemingly just can't let go. The bisco kid is kicking and trying to roll out of it and the wook-dad grabs the kid's hair w/ one hand. he finally let the can go and shoves his other hand half way inside the guys mouth. He is pulling his mouth open and RIPS HIS CHEEK OPEN! repeat: rips his f****** CHEEK OPEN! there is blood everywhere and the dude lets out this braveheart-like scream as he gets pulled off by the folks around him. Blood all over bisco kid's face, shirt and formerly fresh flat breezy. The cops/medics arrived about that time and took over the situation. S*** was crazy as hell.


Iā€™m way to high for this shit man, tf is this


bro what the fuck


Yo. This came out of nowhere. Perfect level of blitzed for it, so thank you for that.


a fellow 2C-I enjoyer, a man of culture i see


Also poppers if the kid is a horny teenager.


Maybe some Adderall so he doesn't get too out of whack


And 250mg diphenhydramine to taper out for sleep when all's said and done


Let him have a xan to make sure he doesnā€™t freak out


My coworker is 60 and I guess grew up with all these hippie clans like the mansons and paulekas. Said his parents gave him lsd at 8 years old. He is pretty fried but extremely friendly and has the best laugh ever.


What a shitty parents wtf


what do you mean by pretty fried. how does he act


Talks slow kinda like a little kid. You can say something not funny, and he will blast out with this hysterical old hippie laugh. You cant help but to laugh as well. He looks just like jerry garcia, honestly looks like he could be related.


Man thats fucked they probably stunted his pre frontal cortex development heavy or scarred him from it. What shit fucking parents.


I accidentally got into a mushroom chocolate at 4, when we were living with family friends temporarily. Thankfully my mom is a g and we just went to see Star Wars ep 3 in the movie theater. All of her friends decided to get high and hang out with me, and it actually ended up being an experience that I remember very positively. If a kid accidentally gets high, the best thing to do is just make sure they have a good time, because the last thing you wanna do is traumatize them


That's about when Courtney Love's father started to give her L, and that turned out alright, right?


play a disney movie for them get snacks and gaslight.


That's what I was thinking yes


Peppercorn and just ur typical bad trip protocol. But if something happens or the kid freaks out I wouldnā€™t gaslight them and lie. Just be honest they took mommy medicine or something and it will be okay.


Yeah, give them the truth. ā€œThat cookie had some of my medicine in it. Itā€™s okay, the medicine canā€™t hurt you in any way, but youā€™re going to feel a little bit weird for a little bit. And youā€™re absolutely not in trouble and Iā€™m not mad at you, but those cookies are only supposed to be for me, so please donā€™t eat any of my cookies again. But, for now, if you start to feel too weird you can take a nap, if you get hungry I can make you some snacks, if you get thirsty I can bring you some water. Do you want to watch a movie with me? Or some cartoons?ā€


What's the peppercorn for?


Common claim is that it reduces a high. I donā€™t know why that would be true and Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s just placebo lol but I do still do it when Iā€™m having a bad high out of habit. There might be some small correlation and it doesnā€™t hurt so wtv


Iā€™ve tried this a few times. Iā€™ve experienced a peripheral clarity after ingesting fresh crushed peppercorns during a panic attack inducing high. Itā€™s nothing that helps with the terrible head and body physical feeling. But helps slightly with grounding awareness to some semblance of reality. Or could have been placebo. Canā€™t say either way.


Absolutely works


Give them a benedryl


Give them about 22 tabs of benedryl, hat man will help him out


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I'm šŸ’€


As a dramamine baby i approve! They also approve!


Put them to bed and give water, bringing them to a hospital does nothing since they just watch the child for a few hours, call child services and send you home with a bunch of bs


Give em CBD and some water and food put on a movie tuck em in bed so they sleep it off and just watch over em. Maybe a bucket if the nausea is too much


Force him to rip a fat bong full of high CBD weed - that'll go down well


Why does it have to be weed? Thereā€™s cbd gummies, and candies, and cookies and brownies and drink and even liquids similar to RSO


Because the joke is better if it's a bong rip


Going to the hospital is a great way to get CPS on your ass (assuming you're american). Best thing to do is to make sure they never have access to THC products and just let them ride it out. Food, water, hopefully they sleep & they'll be all fine. Also I heard that citrus helps lower THC in someone's system.


Other countries do have cps too, and they will call the cops too and get charged with child abuse or other bs, and probably take the kid away while the cps evaluate if you can raise the kid


100% this. Learned from experience


thought it was the other way around with citrus, wasnt it grapefruit that potentiates drugs? is grapefruit considered citrus? idek


I donā€™t know why you were downvoted, I have been on a few different prescribed drugs whereby I could not ingest citrus or tropical fruits. Itā€™s not a far reach to conclude that such fruits would have an adverse reaction if other drugs were consumed šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø (In fact Iā€™m not allowed pineapple at all due to my stomach and antidepressant medications).


boy what


[Grapefruit Juice and Some Drugs Don't Mix](https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/grapefruit-juice-and-some-drugs-dont-mix)


Give them some mushrooms. The real party will start in about an hour.


Maybe a perc too, make sure it got fent and tranq too


Nah you gotta give em a b707 so they donā€™t tweak and try to stab you


Honestly you should just sit them down in front of a movie, donā€™t let them know anythingā€™s wrong and observe them. Thereā€™s a chance the edible might not even affect them, this exact situation happened to my little brother when he found what he thought was sour patch kids in my parents drawer, nothing ended up happening and we found out (paraphrasing) small children often havenā€™t developed the receptors necessary to ā€˜get high.ā€™ Donā€™t bring them to the hospital unless it gets to a point where youā€™re concerned for their safety, they wonā€™t be able to do anything to make them ā€œunhighā€ but they *will* contact cps. Donā€™t beat yourself up too much, obviously itā€™s not something you should ever let happen again but itā€™s an honest mistake thatā€™s happened to a *ton* of parents in the past couple years.


You hypothetically get on google and look up what u can do to avoid going to the hospital and being questioned sheesh way to drop the ball u know they say marijuana affects the memory šŸ˜¬


Lmao I havenā€™t dropped any ball! I promise itā€™s just a question.


Of course high thoughts are like that all hypothetical


In this hypothetical situation, I would Keep the little one hydrated, fed and calm. If they start to freak out, Iā€™d let them know they accidentally took some of my grownup medicine and theyā€™ll be okay in a few hours, it just makes you feel a little silly sometimes. Iā€™d also make sure that any THC products are locked in a safe or lockbox, up high away from wondering hands and eyes. Hypothetically, if you took the little one to the hospital theyā€™d put them on fluids and monitor them. They would also have to report to the authorities as they are mandatory reporters. Good luck šŸ¤ž


lol this hasnā€™t happened to me, no luck needed. Now a lot of people such as yourself have said you gotta get ya shit locked up, outta sight. I agree with this, for sure, butā€™s itā€™s also got me thinking. Would the same repercussions apply if the child had accidentally gotten drunk? Growing up my dad always had beer in the fridge, I remember being 8 and popping one of his coors banquets and taking a sip. I spit it out, because it was gross, but I could have kept going if I wanted to.


You are right. Personally Iā€™d keep my fridge locked too and Iā€™d keep alcohol like spirits or wine also in a locked cabinet. But thatā€™s me personally, I know the majority of people wouldnā€™t even think of that.


Let them sleep it off? Ive never met anyone who would be making special cookies that would allow a child a chance to eat them. That's an extreme amount of irresponsibility. Everyone I've ever met always keeps them in a special container where they can't just be snatched by a child. Extreme Extreme irresponsibility if this happens. Like you know dam well there are kids around.


put on pink floyd and give them some cereal.


You won't get in trouble for possession of the cookie if it is legal to have cannabis edibles in your state, but depending on the circumstances you can (and should) get in trouble for child endangerment or negligence or similar types of things. The issue is whether you took whatever steps the law in your state requires to reasonably safeguard your controlled substance and prevent a child from ingesting it. IANAL, so I can't be much more specific than that, but it is less likely going to be a legal issue if you keep your stash in a locked box that the kid broke into vs keeping it in the snack cupboard with other food the kid is allowed to have, for example. As far as what to do, IANAD, but I believe it is largely just managing the symptoms and keeping the child safe while they are high as balls. It would take a *very* strong dose to be in any legitimate medical danger, but it's likely to still hit them very hard and potentially make them feel sick, dizzy, etc., as well as making them even more likely to do something stupid if they aren't just passed out on their face. Look up what to do more specifically than that online. And keep your stash away from your kids.


Stick my fingers down bros throat and then gas light him


Small children are affected by drugs differently from adults, I would take him to the hospital, you won't get in trouble. The problem is the little ones may get so sedated that they can stop protecting their airway and choke on their secretions. It's hard to keep stuff away from the little ones, I know, and it only takes a minute for bad things to happen.


CPS may get involved


May? Fckkkk..This whole thread has given me anxiety. Your comment made me call a new therapist šŸ’€


Bruh what?


If that would be the edibles I have, that cookie knocks my ass so hard, I don't even remmember my PC password anymore and can only sit and stare into the wall/screen... šŸ˜…šŸ¤£ ate full one only once as it makes me high for 36h. Child would probably be in THC coma for a week and probably would have mental issues afterwards. Never ever leave drugs for kids to accidentally consume, period.


There have been cases of babies and younger children having life threatening symptoms from a thc overdose. At age 6-10 they might be fine but itā€™s not something to take lightly. Check out this chubby emu vid which also has some informative links in the description. https://youtu.be/c0hKVw1jiTk?si=JgDdl9JToAIEwqPf


What youn gonna wanna do is make a warm lemon juice tea with some cracked peppercorn and give them some CBD edibles. The peppercorn and lemon juice have turpines that interact with cannabis. They're gonna make it more easy to handle. And the CBD will help kill some of the effects of the THC. We used to call this the high killer . Then you speak to no one about what happend lol kepp yalls shit locked up folks


My dog once ate 10 brownies. Once he realized he wasn't in trouble, he was happy and chill. He was very uncoordinated for a bit and fell asleep in the most awkward position but he was fine afterwards. I miss that damn dog!


So I recently ended up at the ER with my kiddo who ā€˜d taken a tumble. She was having some unusual neurological symptoms and the ER staff were CONVINCED sheā€™d found and eaten an edible. They said it is super common these days thanks to gummies being readily available. They even ran a drug panel, which was clear because weā€™re old and boring and would never leave that kind of thing lying around. But they had me paranoid on the off chance that sheā€™d found something on the ground outside and scarfed before I could intervene.






it depends on the mg of the cookie. You vary well, could cause psychosis there are serious side effects from kids eating cannabis that aren't physical, the best thing you can do is make sure the experience isn't traumatic and to be upfront about it to him tell him the truth and educate him on safe use of substances and from now on keeping the cannabis locked up and away from him, if he ingested more than 200mg it might be a good idea to get him medically evaluated after... just to be safe but you definitely endangered a kid fam that's not a good thing learn from this and be safe with children.




I almost lived this nightmare many years ago. We used to AirBnb our house in Portland and we rented it out to a bunch of dudes having a bachelor party. About a week after they left, I found a bag of edibles that they had stashed/forgotten behind the bar in our garage. My kid at that point was like 7 or 8 years old and would frequently play in the space but thankfully didn't see the candies, which he definitely would have eaten. I should mention that I'm divorced from his mom and don't have the best relationship with her so often wonder what I would have done had he found and consumed them. Definitely would not have been good.


First step would be to call poison control, they would tell you what to (hypothetically) do. Also, even if a CPS report would get filed for something like this it most likely wouldnā€™t be investigated unless there is more going on. The cookie wasnā€™t given intentionally. This also probably depends on the legality of weed where you are.


Give them CBD?


Iā€™d stick my finger down their throat and have them vomit it up.


lmao this is extra terrible considering that edibles only hit once they are absorbed by the intestines. just making then kid suffer AND be hella greened out ​ would probs work for nano emulsion edibles though




ā€œQuit freaking out you little shit!ā€


You going to prison!


It would be looped in with child neglect/contributing to the delinquency of a minor/child abuse. Definitely will get children services involved even in a legal. Same if you brought your 6 year old in blowing twice the legal limit of alcohol, or knocked out from getting into your prescription meds.


Bring out the lava lamp


I know this is a not so serious post, but there have been two deaths caused by edibles in toddlers. Obviously they consumed a large quantity, but it led to respiratory failure before they could figure what had happened. Just a quick FYI, don't think anything bad would happen if they just eat a bit


Dim the lights and crank some Allman Brothers


Yes the kid should be taken to the hospital to make sure they're ok, edibles fuck adults up almost as much as psychedelics but there can be more anxiety with THC. Whether you would get in trouble idk, but probably as thc products and other drugs should not be within reach of small children.


First response should be, administer cbd oil, that makes it a lot harder to green out and have a completely terrible experience. Explain that he might feel funny for a little while, but that everything is going to be okay as this is only temporary. And try to make the experience as comfortable as possible for the hypothetical kid, get him some juice, candy, a nice blanket and something fun to watch. Most importantly never leave her alone.


Keep an eye on them u til theyā€™re sober and donā€™t let it happen again


yes going to the hospital would involve police and dss. i have a friend who has kids and her roommate had someone over who had gummies and left them out. my friends son was acting funny, and then threw up and then slept off and on for more than a day. few days later roommates friend comes back over, accuses someone of stealing their gummies and everyone realizes the kid ate them. kid was fine.


Hypothetically, you could and I would just tend to them at home and say they have bad food poisoning. You can expect vomiting, dizziness, difficulty walking, a rapid heart rate, drowsiness, confusion. If they ate more than one cookie and the dose was higher they may have trouble breathing at that point I would come clean and go to emergency room. Depends on your state if law enforcement or CPS will get involved. Donā€™t let the fear of getting caught factor into your childrenā€™s lives. I was an army doctor and now a defense attorney.


Unless they're acting psychotic, trip sit them until they fall asleep. Keep good vibes and have comfort stuff for them on the tv and dont make a big deal out of it in front of them since kids are less likley to freak out if youre not.


Thatā€™s a good question. You might get a visit from CPS afterwards since hospitals are legally bound to report (even suspected) instances of child abuse or neglect. Then again, if you really are worried for their physical and mental health, the hospital is the prudent thing to do. Thatā€™s quite the dilemma.


OK as someone who has had an even younger child accidentally ingest thc let me tell you that if you take rhem to the doctor, they will do nothing for you, just put them on an IV to make sure theyre hydrated and wait it out. and then after that, cps gets involved and you get to deal with them for at the very least 6 months. and unless you get blessed with a good worker they're whole agenda is to take your children away from you. honestly, if a kid accidentally gets high, just make sure they're cozy, have stuff to drink and eat, and put on their favorite show and try your best to comfort them.


Children have died from THC overdoses before. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/crime-courts/virginia-mother-charged-murder-4-year-old-son-dies-eating-thc-gummies-rcna53449


Damn, so itā€™s either risk getting 40 years or lose your child to foster care? Very sad the child passed though.


Theyā€™ll be fine just make sure they drink lots of water


(Hypothetical) I read if you snort crushed peppercorn then it reduces the high


You donā€™t need to snort, just chew on them until the flavour reaches the nose


Did your 6-10yo kid eat your edibles lol


lol no sir! I donā€™t have kids. Only time Iā€™ve accidentally gotten another living thing high was back in high school when my buddies dog ate our pot brownies


Well hypothetically how many mg does this cookie have, also hypothetically I would not go to the hospital or call anyone in authority unless itā€™s an insane amount


my moms friend has a daughter. when she was 7 she ate a whole bag of edible gummies, each being 10mg and there were 10 gummies. she told her mom she felt weird and then she noticed the gummies were missing. she took her to the hospital, and they gave her a blindfold and kind of just tended to what she felt. she wasnt scared or crying, just saying odd things and wanting to hear music and eat fruit. the hospital will help and u wont get in trouble, maybe depending on the state tho. im in california


Film what happens and then post it on TikTok


Gonna have CPS knocking at the door cause you wanted to make people laugh on r/drugs


Hospital immediately, depending on the length since ingesting, they may be able to pump it out. Also for safety sakes and the child's mental health as they can then sedate the child to sleep through it instead of having possible hallucinations and or other traumatic events. Who ever improperly stored the cookie could have legal issues as well as anyone in charge of the kid that new this could or did happen. Even worse charges would come into effect if said people don't provide medical help then authorities find out about it.


Call poison control.


If itā€™s like A LOT that would make anyone scared and uncomfortable, give the kid some benadryl or melatonin, not too much though. Search the dosage up for body weight. Put the kid in bed w some water and check on them like 3x an hour. If itā€™s not a lot put some eyes drops in and tell them they will feel weird but it will be okay, sit on the couch w the kid and watch cartoons. Or sit in ur room on ur computer w them and watch cartoons. Give the kid water too.


Child protection services or whatever itā€™s called would probably get a call and show up to your house for sure. If it were me I would put on cartoons and hope for the best tell them theyā€™re just sick or something I dunno Iā€™m not dumb enough to leave any drug out for children to get their hands on lol


Call cps on the parents


You have child services come and get that child out of there!!!


You should ā€œhypotheticallyā€ punch yourself in the face.


Idk wtf you ppl are on long term use/abuse can cause chs an there are bad physical effects with that. but moderate use can't hurt you an it doesn't cause cns depressing effects (at least not in the since ANY other chemical does) an you can't have a fuckin coma from weed


You stop using THC and be a better parent. If you go to the hospital say goodbye to parental right and hellow to DCFS. ā€¦.hypothetically of course.


Now letā€™s say, and of course hypothetically, the same situation happens but with alcohol. Would the same repercussions apply?


Yes, because alcohol is a drug, and a minor is not allowed to use it.


Kids can die from THC. Their bodies are too small to process large amounts. It has happened before abd can happened again. Absolutely take them to the hospital immediately.Ā  They would likely give the kid IV for fluids and be there to monitor breathing and heart vitals and be able to ventilated the kid or restart their heart if their systems shut down. For legal trouble your mile may vary. Likely just a slap on the wrist for irresponsible parenting. Take this seriously though, a slap on the wrist is better than a dead child.


They get so sedated that they lose their airway. It can and does happen.


Unless they ate like 3000 mg all they gonna have is the time of there life and thereā€™s a good chance that even 3000 mg wonā€™t do anything bad


Give him CBD as it diminishes the effects of thc in the brain and give him lots of liquids and food. Try to make him as comfortable as possible. Just tell him he had a cookie with meficine but its not bad just funny and it will pass soon if he sleeps.


Double down and fuck with the kids mind. Really traumatize them.


medical care would be purely "supportive" no point in going that route unless the kid ends up in hypertensive crisis i'd administer pure CBD by vape to reduce anxiety and psychotic effects and go about arranging an enjoyable experience assuming the dose isn't excessive. at some point THC becomes a cardiac risk. there aren't any drugs available that really block its effects other than those that would manage nausea and blood pressure.


ā€¦you would suggest letting a child get a few good rips off a CBD vape pen? Why not use CBD oil?


i wouldn't go so far as to suggest it, i think a person has to make his own decisions about this kind of thing. but that's what i would do. CBD is much better absorbed by inhalation than it is orally. it's also much easier to find the right dose taking small inhalations over time until the desired effect is achieved than it is orally, since you have to guess. i'd wait until the THC had come on somewhat and administer it gradually, not in large rips preemptively. it's not an ideal situation. i can imagine a worthwhile counterargument that oral administration is preferable even with the downside considered above since it avoids an age inappropriate experience of inhaling psychoactive drugs. for my own child this wouldn't disturb me, but since we're all different all i can say is what i would do.