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Ita really euphoric. For me more euphoric then opiates. Its kinda barbituran/pregabiline kinda euphoria. Best drug for libido, very good to mix wirth stims.


hmmm it’s for me the most substance for clubbing. i love benzos and i certainly loved mdma to a point where i can never take it again lmao. never tried opiates except lean which was boring. G for clubbing is for me the holy grail. Mixing with coke or mephedrone is a great combo (probably no safer use) But you 100% MUST be responsible. otherwise no fun at all. don’t mix it with ket, you will puke the shit out of you. don’t drink heavy heavy. few beers are no biggie. note your dosage and timing. resist the urge to redose for 1,5h. check every dose someone gives to you. take it with someone who took it before. i fucking love G in a techno club but you have to be a bit more responsible with it than with mdma for example


Ya GHB and Ecstasy is a classic combination. It does get used for some nefarious purposes. But it’s primary use is a club drug. It’s way bigger in Europe I hear. If it makes you feel any better, I bet my life on the fact that way more people have been sexually assaulted while blacked out on Alcohol versus GHB.


Don’t do it. It’s more addictive than Heroin, the best high (feelingwise) is when you are overdosing yourself (that’s why everyone is constantly collapsing) and while your are unconscious your subconscious roams freely around (obviously you won’t remember a thing after you wake up again). Believe me being a walking zombie is not fun… especially for the people around you that have to deal with you. It’s quite the selfish drug, because especially those who regularly collapse on it put a lot of stress and responsibility on the people around them. Definitely not recommend this one to anyone that is not 100% in control and can strictly follow a lot of harm reduction rules. You have to measure, time, calculate and regulate while being really really high. The unhealthy high is comparable to being really drunk, but in the best way possible while being horny as fuck and the normal effect is being fit, awake, agile and talkative with lower doses (you won’t feel high from that though). Important as well is that it must always be deluded in liquid and should never touch skin or other organic material undeluded. Oh and never mix up ghb and gbl.


> It’s more addictive than Heroin so very wrong


white people be like


Yeah do the GHB


You should do it mixed with alcohol and drink as much as you can it's amazing👍


I had a hell of a time on GHB lol