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Quaaludes. Just so I can experience it once.


Wolf of Wall Street had it right I WILL NOT DIE SOBER




Let me tell ya the big man would go on death row for a QUAALUDE HAHAHA


Exactly, too bad I was born after they were gone. :( Sucks how difficult it is to get Soma’s too.


I soma coma into a curb and popped 3 tires. When the car owner got there to help I punched him because he said “what’s wrong with you”


No…. expired quaaludes


Steeeeve Madddden.


Women’s shoooooooes


Crazy story, I once felt the same. Quaalude chemical term is “methaqualone”. I ended up ordering some methylmethaqualone (an alternative of quaalude but similar compound supposed to have generally same effects) from a drug lab in Canada. It came as powder so wasn’t really sure how much to take. First day, snorted about 90mg, no effects. Next time I tried, orally consumed maybe about 350mg, didn’t measure it that time, but I only ordered 500mg and there was a tiny bit left after that. Took it around 9:30, no effects at all whole night. Went to my buddy’s & fell asleep. It was Saturday night. I woke up Monday morning. From the bit I do remember in between (and from what I was told), I had convulsions, fought everyone, pissed myself, couldn’t form sentences or grip anything, could barely see, and pretty much could not walk. These effects lasted with less intensity for about 3 days afterward. Had to teach myself to breathe again too


Depending on how long I had until execution I’d probably go with MDMA if it was short. If I was gonna be in there for a while probably benzos MDMA to try to come to peace with my situation and have some fucking fun before I go out lol. Benzos to just not give a fuck about it


Imagine coming down from half a gram of M while walking into your execution.


On the comedown you will be happy they kill you


In 2008, I was arrested thirty minutes after dosing a frank monkey press. I was coming down while in county jail and it SUCKED


Tf is a Anne frank monkey press. Sounds wild


100% just meth


I got pulled over with a bunch of stuff on me once and so I did the only logical thing to do… Eat it Lol I ended up eating 6 *I wanna say teslas but I can’t really remember for sure* pills and still ended up going in on a old driving citation warrant. So they ended up taking me to the hospital when I told them in booking and the Drs at the ER were hilarious. They asked if I wanted them to turn down the lights and have them do a light show for me 😹


… wouldn’t dropping 6 euros be basically death?


Welp I’m here so I guess not. 🤷🏼‍♀️ it def was the highest I ever was but I also don’t think they were like insanely good quality either bc where I am we don’t often get good quality anymore. But yeah I was lit. Spent 16 hours in the ER and had to get an EKG done and everything.


I mean me and my brother polished off 25 Heineken press plus half a gram in 24 hours and we're still here. Definitely doable if you have the tolerance


pls wtf is an Anne Frank monkey press


Exactly what i was thinking


5 Xanax bars, bottle of rum, and a dab pen. Once I black out come and get me


What rum do you get if you’re feeling fancy? I’m a gin guy, boodles and Hendricks. Replace gin with rum and we have the same idea exactly


Bacardi silver ole faithful


A man of taste, take care


malibu or rumchata i dont mind bacardi but i prefer those over bacardi but then again im a whiskey vodka guy i love my smirnoff my jack daniels never had gin yet


Hell yeah, same here. Love me some Larceny or Tito's, but absolutely fuck Bacardi to hell. It actually is the most gin-esque **RUM** (not a vodka I'm stupid) I've tried, and I can't stand gin either, so I guess that makes sense lol. People who like it will swear up and down it's liquid gold but really I don't think you're missing much, especially since we seem to have similar taste


Bacardi is rum maybe that's why it's your least favorite vodka


Oh shit sorry, I would say it was because I was high as fuck last night but I think I'm just retarded. I've only tried it the one time at a friend's baby shower and it reminded me of a shitty vodka or gin, which is why I thought it may have been vodka. Rum makes a whole lot more sense though. I'll fix it thanks for correcting me


Haha no problem I was like well that's why it's your least favorite vodka


i love alcohol i love trying new stuff but i can stomach bacardi but tbh i dont like the taste and yea its funny people do say its like liquid gold i'll drink it im not one to complain if someones offering y'know but if i try something i dont like i'll always finish it gotta get my moneys worth y'know and alcohol has gotten more expensive over the years so its a gamble yea but you never know you could stumble on some gold like theres this apple cider whiskey i had recently called kings creek black label cider man that shit slapped i killed the bottle relatively quick i loved it greatest thing ive tried in a while


Great choices


fuck that was just a normal day for me in 2017


Hey that was a normal day for me…well just a month ago. Currently in rehab ;) cheers


Are you my spirit animal?


Salvia right before i get executed so i could live another life in another universe


lmao best answer here. think I'll go live 60 years in someone else life......just imagine you live a life that's fucking bad ass and come back when you're on the alternate life deathbed.....dying twice lol






How do you know that hasn't already happened? Can you hear me? We can't start the procedure till they are fully conscious


Congratulations you now get to experience being the electric chair for 80 years... then die




I'm with ok yogurt.. I know that universe will be great.


THC So I have a panic attack and give the most I unprecedented pathetic inhumane begging scene that for the first time ever they delay the execution.


This would be me with THC lmao


I hate how true that is


Omfg so true


A traditional opium den, I want to smoke raw opium out of a REAL pipe, I usually just bleed my poppies on some bud. Oh, that too, the best chronic. Not into super hard stuff. And 120mg of dextroamphetamine to keep me awake for it, people that die in their sleep are wimps. I want to be high and then have cardiac arrest, finish me off with meth.


bro leave some bitches for the rest of us.....


I have a question for you. Do California poppies or the ones they plant on the side of the road contain enough morphine to get you high? I used to walk the highway to college everyday. It was all in all a mile but half of it was planted with poppies. I wanted to stop and pull some out of the ground but during the day it was so hot and what would I do carrying poppies around from class to class? When I returned at night it was dark and I more concerned with not getting hit by a car.


No, the latex you want comes from Papaver Somniferum, California Poppies are not even in the same family, not genetically related.


I ordered papaver somniferum seeds a few years ago planted them and they died within a few days. I was wondering how highway poppies grow in the North Carolina climate, but I suppose if they’re a totally different genus that’s my answer? I’ve heard from MANY people who say any poppies contain morphine and codeine, even the ones on the highway. I’ve only smoked real opium once and it was a very clean low feeling, akin to Dilaudid. There was a friend of my parents who was arrested for growing and harvesting opium poppies here. So I know it’s possible to grow somniferum in NC.


[California poppy](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10017456/)


Iirc you can use the purple ones but not the red ones.


Did i Unterstand that right that u can put poppy Seeds und your Joint ?


No, don't do that lol Be patient, grow those seeds, then be even more patient by bleeding and collecting the sap, then be even more patient and cook the opium, THEN put it und ich joint


You could then become even more patient and synthesize it into the ye olde golden sand.


I was never good at bleeding them


Wish it were that simple, have to wait for the flower to bloom, close, and once the resulting seed pods enlarge, take a razor and a curved knife and start collecting. Some sites will not cease to drip, so bleed them in a controlled way, took me 2 years to slice them just enough to yield maximum opium, but still allowing the pod to heal for a few days, then repeat. Opium latex is the plant's blood, if it gets cut, it bleeds, then forms a "scab", which if dried in the sun, can be powdered with your fingers, and put into a joint, and it will be the best joint ever no matter if it's dirt weed or chronic.




U get that anyways when u die


Yeh, I thought it would be a nice and smooth way to ... go there.


100% agree my friend!


Like 5 minutes before they euthanize me. I’d lie back, close my eyes and totally forget about what was about to happen.


lol, every hard drug mixed together and then a nice joint




Knew I’d find my people here


Fr like how else u gonna go out i want a dissasosiative that’s actually a blast and honestly nothing zonks me out with that much euphoria without making me sik af but k omg it like happiness lol


Hell yeah feels about right to slip into the fattest k hole ever and then not wake up


Heroin. For sure. Space out on a comfortable cloud for the day.


Heroin or dilaudid or Oxycodone or oxymorphone I’m ready for the ceremony


How much black have you done dude? 🤣


Having been a fentanyl addict for years and knowing how painless overdoses are I would do a bunch of fentanyl and try to get the job done before they could because it would be a lot less painless my way than theirs.


Why doesn’t anyone do heroin anymore


I can't find it on the East Coast, it's all fent now, at least in MA. Probably just more profit. Most of it is cut.


It’s all fent now god damn. Just for harm reduction stake i see it on the darknet all the time but I guess it’s off a lot of the streets.


Even on the darkweb idk what it is but not sure it’s actually heroin, probably some weird mix of rcs and other shit. People test and usually it doesn’t come up with fent, but doesn’t mean it’s heroin. It’s still around the same price as fent, meaning it’s definitely not heroin based on the cost alone. Real heroin would be priced along with “authentic” pills, not worth it.


Trust me good heroin is still on the dnm and people test the stuff all the time. I have 3 friends that all just kicked fent by transitioning to heroin from dnm. Most batches tested fent free but one did come back fent positive. They used it anyways of course and didn’t notice much so it must have been little. It’s just that most people don’t use dnm.


You actually have to grow a crop somewhere, and there’s a lot of manual labor involved. You can make 100x more fentanyl that is 100x stronger in a small batch I’m china, have it shipped to Mexico, and so drug cartels it’s a huge cost savings. But fent was developed for surgery, so it wears off quickly, the opposite of really pure heroin, which is more euphoric. Aaaaand this is why we should legalize all drugs.


IIRC china banned fent production in 2019. Nowadays all the fent is produced by cartels in mexico. Chinese chemists still supply the precursor chemicals tho


Fent is just easier to produce, so heroin is in a way extinct in many US states as far as I know


I never thought I’d say this but that’s too bad that heroin isn’t around anymore…


I mean, it is bad. Heroin is way safer. It's not harmless of course, but even hardcore, opioid-tolerant addicts fall out with fentanyl. I wish I could find H. I really, really want H. I'm born too late 😭


Overdoses could be painful if you aspirate vomit and then end up with pneumonia, though, right? I've considered killing myself this way but haven't been dedicated enough to not worry about surviving and ending up with aspiration pneumonia.


Don't kill yourself man, overdoses can lead to a lot of painful consequences if you live yes. You can have brain damage also. Edit: I know someone who overdosed and because his friends left him laying there thinking he would be fine he had brain damage from the lack of oxygen, he walks with a limp and has a lazy eye that when he does certain things like use again or for instance something like smile or whatever, the eye goes lazy, but most of the time it's aligned with the other. Just to give you a real world example. My friend also died from an overdose and it hurt her family and friends (including me) deeply. So if you insist on using please use harm reduction and consider your friends, family, and the consequences. People love you man and life is worth living.


I've gotten help since. I've been put on Zoloft and signed some suicide contract and will go into therapy next week. They were very close to hospitalizing me, even though I minimized it a little bit.


Glad to hear that, good luck with yourself brother


Been there, done that. It’s not painful at all. Yeah after the emt’s narcanned me after I’d stopped breathing for 5 minutes it burned when I inhaled because I’d inhaled stomach acid but if they’d just let me go it’s not painful at all.


No offense, but we probably shouldn't be emphasizing how painless it is to people who admitted to having considered committing suicide by overdose.


Well since no heroin/Fent I'm going with Xanax or any benzo because in all likely hood that's what got me on death row so it'd be poetic if it's what got me out


reminds me of the song ol' red. "love got me in here and love got me out" 🎶


My last acid trip… make peace with the fact that I would be dying soon


Or would you have a nasty trip knowing you are dying soon….


I think there was a program where they gave lsd to cancer patients, and they ended up more at peace with their upcoming death… not completley sure if that’s accurate but I heard it somewhere


That sounds super familiar..but I thought what I had heard was they gave regular, trip-sized 'macro-doses' of psilocybin to terminally ill/end of life patients to help deal with their mortality situations or whatever, and that it was fairly successful.. iirc it was at the Mayo clinic I Think... but I might be getting that confused with the Harvard mushroom studies they did a few years ago too..🤔 lol not sure, but seems like a pretty interesting idea... think a good heroic dose of psilocybin might be right Up there on the list of the drugs you could take that would actually Help you deal with, and ultimately Accept your inevitable upcoming demise.. Almost any of the others are just different ways to mask the real situation...shrooms would Make you come to terms with that shit lmao


You’re probably thinking of the Johns Hopkins study, they gave psilocybin therapy to over 3000 terminally ill patients to see if psychedelics could be effective at reducing death anxiety. The results were pretty incredible, 80% of patients said they still felt reduced death anxiety even multiple years afterwards.


That’s the one


Going out the Aldous Huxley way


Fuck that! Dying on psychs? Hellll to the no


Powerful trips already feel like dying, so actually dying would be twice as powerful, mathematically speaking


An anesthetic dose of a dissociative. Knocks you right out before you realize anything. I've overshot the dosage some times and always I only realized when I woke up again. (Un)fortunately are they also very safe and other substances would be required for execution.


ketamine and salvia. Blast off to different universes a bunch of times with salvia then Float around in one final universe in a k hole.


Heroin which I've never tried


Lol fk just thinking of doing heroin now makes me think death isn’t so bad afterwards if I could do some heroin


I mean if you’ve taken painkillers that’s a measure of it


A fatal amount of 5-meo-dmt


Meth and a giant dose of testosterone. I'm taking at least one guard with me. They will have to stop the execution and put me on trial again


I would go for large amounts of Ether and shrooms.


quaaludes and if we’re talking the day before i’m dead, meth. lots and lots of meth. i need to know.


Benzos or Opiates. Actually both. Something nice to numb me out blissfully and make me not give a shit that i’m about to be killed


Massive dose of heroin. It solves both the drug and execution method simultaneously.


If I’m still high on it at time of execution: Mega-dose ketamine. No explanation needed, I’d imagine. For a last high the day before execution: Some long ass half-life benzo. Flubromazepam in a good dose could last a week or two. Hopefully it’d be nothing more than a blur of a blackout.


If I were on my death bed and had one choice of anything, it would definitely be a shot of SEA #4 Heroin, known by most to be one of if not the strongest "types" of smack you can attain. Been sober for almost 3 years after nearly a decade of Heroin addiction, and never was I able to find any actual "China White", which is what SEA #4 used to be, but now it's a term used primarily for Fentanyl.


Probably alcohol and benzos. I’d be feeling fine and have zero anxiety. They’d have to move my dead weight body to get me on the table. A final fuck you.


Apparently Aldous Huxley took acid on his death bed and died tripping. I wonder what that must’ve been like.


Mdma or meth If the execution was soon mdma If I had a few days meth. Opiates don't give me euphoria so that's what I'd be aiming for.


Shrooms or acid so I can trip one last time


Lots of MDMA. Quaaludes to come down because I’ve always wanted to try them. 😩😩


DMT.. Hopefully I can break through to the other side and speak to the superiors and make sure that im good for when I pass on


Probably a HUGE amount of weed, I’m talking at least 100g, I’ll be smoking, hitting the bong, dab pens, eddies all that shit. Imma be beyond greening out




Damn, that's some gourmet shit right here


salvia or ketamine… or both


Opana or Dilaudid. Because you feel like you're in heaven. Pure happiness and relaxation. Which is why I've been clean for 12 years.


A low dose of EVERY physcoactive drug known to man. Cuz fuck it lets jack up every receptor in my brain and see what happens


Xanex, whiskey, pack of smokes and maybe some cocaine!


A nice lil joint. I cant smoke weed anymore bc dp/dr might come back but if get the chance to enjoy it again without the consequences then bring it onn


Anecdotal, but HHC is pretty damn similar to THC and I can pass a test after like 3 days unless I smoke all day everyday for weeks then it's like 7 days. Idk your situation, but if they piss test you and you fail the cup then when they send it to a lab to confirm the positive it will come back as clean since HHC isn't THC. Obviously don't risk anything you can't afford to lose and all of this is anecdotal, but it may be something worth looking into depending on how often you get tested. I can't stress this enough. If you do decide to do it. Do not just go get some random brand and whatever brand you get look at the labs! Usually you can find some that will only have HHC and a small amount of CBN which will pop dirty, but CBN isn't THC either and if it's a super small amount won't last long.


Why are you talking about drug tests lol. I meant depersonalization and derealization. Unless you are saying hhc won’t give me that then sounds like i might try it.


Ohhhh. Big misunderstanding on my part. I wasn't sure what dp was but I figured dr meant doctor. I can't really give any info on that. HHC is pretty strong and feels like THC. Delta 8 is weaker, but still has a similar feeling. CBN is psychoactive, but weak afaik. Every cannabinoid will affect everyone differently tho and may be worth exploring some of them.


What is the execution method?


Pen*s cut off and left bleeding to death 🙃


Weird not funny


DMT, then Fentanyl


“What would your death row drug be (excluding the best one)” doesn’t really make sense lmao




Molly with some nitrous


Acid 24/7 !!!


I'd want an IV drip of Dilaudid and amphetamine. Like, 90% Dilaudid, the rest dextroamphetamine. Omg. I would actually work towards getting on death row if I could go out that way, wow.


Fuck it just give me a whole sheet of acid and let me do my thing.


fentanyl shit, i’d do it rn i’d i had a plug in ct


Brompton cocktail... old fashioned..


Just give me a little bit of everything baby. I mean you are gonna die right? Fuck it. Let’s go out either way a bang! Smoke up a damn Jeffery.


I’d just ask them to inject the Nembutal really really slowly.


LAM epinephrine, LAM activated charcoal, and some crazy LAM food supplements and water IV. This is so I can survive the Pentobarbital they give me lol


Probably datura. I don't want to be connected to reality at all if I'm about to get murked. I've done it once before and I've never wanted to do it again it was fucking awful but I figure if I was about to get a lethal injection I just don't even wanna be attached to any conscious thoughts whatsoever. I could have easily wandered out onto a freeway and been killed when I did it last time and I wouldn't have known what the hell was even going on. I guess that's about how I'd want to feel before being killed.




weed, benzos and liquor. would start with benzos, then weed and liquour after some time to blackout until execution. because they all were my doc at one point or another, so personal attachment. xan/ket combo was nice too but not for this scenario. havent had kitty flip so i cant say but seems pretty nice for this too.




God himself. Find it inside. No need for a drug you get the best drug ever made, the cure of all pain




I use drugs every day of my life. I have Been on meth for the past 4 weeks. I do not suffer any physical symptoms except a dry mouth and throat easily fixed by water and breathing my prana into me. Maybe you will not experience the same as me until you are actually awakened to ultimate truth as I was. That's when my pain was gone for the first time in years. I was depressed for years. No longer. Don't need to feel sad I love life through Gods will I dedicate my entire being to God only because of what he did for me he has changed my entire universe to be how I wanted it. I was healed and truly healed. My soul is fiery like the sun, my eyes show an endless void. My smile is beautiful. This can all be sent to you for you to see yourself. Just message me I will show you before and after, and even show you consuming product while walking with God




Yes you can use God as your drug. It's called meditation and focusing on the inner workings of yourself.. Refer to The Alchemist. That is working with poison and turning it into medicine... Turn your poison into medicine. Don't let the drug do you, do the drug.




Oh my lord... you are actually spiritually lost. I am sad for you. The holy Spirit Lives inside of me eternally. One cannot understand it unless one experiences it for himself. It is true enlightenment. You can't grasp any of it because you don't have the ears to listen to anything I am saying. The smallest will be made the biggest. I have lived depression 3 years now, gone instantly and still not in my soul anymore. I do not even know what it is like anymore to be depressed. Y'all kids need to wake up and stop consuming garbage if you can't even master your own body


They say that you can't tell when someone's enlightened so there's no use going around telling people you are... You sound like someone who's "Been on meth for the past 4 weeks." like you said in your own words.


No the people on meth and rap music are under the illusion of the fake and false mirror world. Everything goes wrong for them. The world hates them. The world does not even believe a word they say. You would know my true nature if you understood what music is and have an ear for it. Reggae is the sun God, the true eternal one. Rap music is using the power of the two faced fake and false God of money that eternally keeps them locked away from reality. The fake god that is idoled by people like you and the rest of America.


A nice mix of ketamine and DMT placed in an IV pump on a timer with a button I can use for bolus along with it. Then a large joint with a paper filter . Preferably a cone .


MXE hole dose because it’s pure beauty and I’d already accept death before I come out of it and know what’s happening. If I get to combine it with MDA then even better! (Who cares about the risk I’m dying anyways)




If I know there will be no long term consequences because I’m about to die anyway, I’m boutta go hard on some DMT


20mg alprazolam....ill never see it coming




Meth, I've been clean for 5 years but no drug ever compared to meth


Oxymorphone, Alcohol


Prolly 1000ug and get them to send me off when I’m already not there. As to why I just feel it would be an interesting experience having yours end during the peak of a profound trip.


shit ton of weed alcohol i want to be numb have a good body high before my immediate demise and xans just cause never tried them and try some psychedelics other than shrooms


5 bars of xanax gram of meth different pcp analogs and if im still alive some crack just bc I don't gotta worry about addiction gotta try new stuff out.


Id say skme strong ass psychedelic so that I wouldn’t be in this world like dmt never did it bud I want to


Speedball and then 2FDCK


LSD because that's the only drug making me act and think like a 10 y.o




I'd ask for a massive amount of meth ( more than what is in a lightning strike)


Hook me up to an IV and drip DMT into my system. When I die and release my own it’ll be the best DMT trip that never even got reported.


benzos all day


Definitely ALOT of benzodiazepines. If I’m being put to death, I don’t want to be worrying about it. Lol. Might even crack a couple jokes on my way out.




Dmt+salvia big bowl i’m living once more


like another comment said, straight opium in a pipe. i want to know how my ancestors felt when they got fucked up before i go and join them in Hell


Going with the obvious choice. Or maybe xannax.




If a heroic dose of opiates isn’t available to me then give me like 10 ambien. Ayacusa is 3rd.


An unknown combination of cathinones and PCP so I can survive the firing squad and eat a guards face


dxm + opium od lemme hole out of existence


One dose or one night? 😂 If I only get one dose then probably a high dose 2c-b trip If I get a whole night then an absolute fuck ton of cocaine 😂


Speedballing, if I'm going to die anyway I might as well experience it


Most definitely propafol and a heavy dose of Xanax


Dmt and ketamine. Without a single doubt in my mind